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Most studies of phosphorus (P) movement in soil have based their conclusions on patterns of extractable soil P as a function of depth, which has led to the assumption that no substantial leaching loss occurs because of high P-fixation capacity in mineral soils. Few studies have involved high-quality leachate samples collected below the root zone; rather, most have involved tile drainage systems. Equilibrium-tension lysimeters installed at a depth of 1.4 m were used to evaluate and compare P leaching from a restored tallgrass prairie and corn (Zea mays L.) agroecosystems on Plano silt loam soil (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Argiudoll) in southcentral Wisconsin during a 5-yr period. The corn agroecosystem treatments included nitrogen (N)-fertilized (f) or N-unfertilized (nf) and no-tillage (NT) or chisel-plowed (CP). Mean volume-weighted molybdate-reactive phosphorus (MRP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) concentrations were similar within replicate samples, but always higher in NTf corn than in the prairie or CPf corn systems, though drainage from the CPf corn was always higher than from the NTf corn system. Water-extractable soil P concentrations at any given depth were not positively correlated with leachate concentrations, suggesting that macropore flow causes infiltrating runoff to preferentially bypass the bulk of the soil matrix. Leachate-P concentrations from the natural and managed agroecosystems exceeded 0.01 mg P L(-1) and leaching losses were significantly higher from N-fertilized corn, regardless of tillage, than from the prairie or N-unfertilized corn systems, from which leachate-P concentrations and loads were similar. Increased root growth from N fertilization could cause more macropore formation, preferential flow, and P mineralization from decaying roots compared with N-unfertilized systems, which could contribute to a N-fertilization effect on P leaching.  相似文献   

With the objectives of analyzing N recovery and potential N losses in the warm-season hybrid bermudagrass 'Tifgreen' [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. x C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy], two greenhouse studies were conducted. Plugs were planted in PVC cylinders filled with a modified sandy growing medium. Urea (URE), sulfur-coated urea (SCU), and Hydroform (HYD) (Hydro Agri San Francisco, Redwood City, CA) were broadcast at rates of 100 and 200 kg N ha-1 every 20 and 40 d. The grass was clipped three times every 10 d and analyzed for N concentration and N yield. In addition, leachates were analyzed for NO3-N. Use of the least soluble source, HYD, resulted in the lowest average clipping N concentration and N yield, as compared with SCU and URE. Clipping N concentration and N yield showed a cyclic pattern through time, particularly under long-day (> 12 h) conditions. When the photoperiod decreased below 12 h, leachate NO3-N concentration exceeded the standard limit for drinking water (10 mg L-1) by 10 to 19 times with the high SCU and URE application rate and frequency. However, leaching N losses represented a minimal fraction (< 1%) of the total applied N. More applied N was recovered in plant tissues using SCU and URE (89.5%) than using HYD (64.1%), with more than 52% of applied N accumulating in clipping. Highly insoluble N sources such as HYD decrease N leaching losses but may limit bermudagrass growth and quality. Risks of NO3-N losses in bermudagrass can be avoided by proper fertilization and irrigation programs, even when a highly soluble N source is used.  相似文献   

Various N fertilizer sources are available for lawn turf. Few field studies, however, have determined the losses of nitrate (NO(3)-N) from lawns receiving different formulations of N fertilizers. The objectives of this study were to determine the differences in NO(3)-N leaching losses among various N fertilizer sources and to ascertain when losses were most likely to occur. The field experiment was set out in a completely random design on a turf typical of the lawns in southern New England. Treatments consisted of four fertilizer sources with fast- and slow-release N formulations: (i) ammonium nitrate (AN), (ii) polymer-coated sulfur-coated urea (PCSCU), (iii) organic product, and (iv) a nonfertilized control. The experiment was conducted across three years and fertilized to supply a total of 147 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Percolate was collected with zero-tension lysimeters. Flow-weighted NO(3)-N concentrations were 4.6, 0.57, 0.31, and 0.18 mg L(-1) for AN, PCSCU, organic, and the control, respectively. After correcting for control losses, average annual NO(3)-N leaching losses as a percentage of N applied were 16.8% for AN, 1.7% for PCSCU, and 0.6% for organic. Results indicate that NO(3)-N leaching losses from lawn turf in southern New England occur primarily during the late fall through the early spring. To reduce the threat of NO(3)-N leaching losses, lawn turf fertilizers should be formulated with a larger percentage of slow-release N than soluble N.  相似文献   

Florida dairies need year-round forage systems that prevent loss of N to ground water from waste effluent sprayfields. Our purpose was to quantify forage N removal and monitor nitrate N (NO3(-)-N) concentrations in soil water below the rooting zone for two forage systems during four 12-mo cycles (1996-2000). Soil in the sprayfield is an excessively drained Kershaw sand (thermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamment). Over four cycles, average loading rates of effluent N were 500, 690, and 910 kg ha(-1) per cycle. Nitrogen removed by the bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.)-rye (Secale cereale L.) system (BR) during the first three cycles was 465 kg ha(-1) per cycle for the low loading rate, 528 kg ha(-1) for the medium rate, and 585 kg ha(-1) for the high. For the corn (Zea mays L.)-forage sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench]-rye system (CSR), N removals were 320 kg ha(-1) per cycle for the low rate, 327 kg ha(-1) for the medium, and 378 kg ha(-1) for the high. The higher N removals for BR were attributed to higher N concentration in bermudagrass (18.1-24.2 g kg(-1)) than in corn and forage sorghum (10.3-14.7 g kg(-1)). Dry matter yield declined in the fourth cycle for bermudagrass but N removal continued to be higher for BR than CSR. The BR system was much more effective at preventing NO3(-)-N leaching. For CSR, NO3(-)-N levels in soil water (1.5 m below surface) increased steeply during the period between the harvest of one forage and canopy dosure of the next. Overall, the BR system was better than CSR at removing N from the soil and maintaining low NO3(-)-N concentrations below the rooting zone.  相似文献   

We reviewed published results to estimate no-till effects on SOC and denitrification in the Argentine Pampas and the potential of no-till to mitigate the global warming effect. On an equivalent mass basis, 42 paired data sets were used for SOC comparisons of no-till vs. plow till (moldboard plow or disk plow), 18 paired data for comparison of no-till vs. reduced till (chisel plow or harrow disk), and 20 paired data for comparison of plow till vs. reduced till. Twenty-six denitrification data sets were used for evaluation of tillage system and fertilization effects on N2O emission. Changes in SOC under no-till were not correlated to time since initiation of experiments. Averaged over years a 2.76 Mg ha(-1) SOC increase (P = 0.01) was observed in no-till systems compared with tilled systems, but no differences were detected between plow and reduced till. The SOC under tillage explained most of the SOC variation under no-till (R2= 0.94, P = 0.01). The model had a positive intercept and predicted a relatively higher increase of SOC in areas of low organic matter level. The conversion of the whole pampean cropping area to no-till would increase SOC by 74 Tg C, about twice the annual C emissions from fossil fuel consumption of Argentina. Emissions of N2O were greater under no-till with a mean increase of 1 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) in denitrification rate for humid pampean scenarios. The increased emissions of N2O might overcome the mitigation potential of no-till due to C sequestration in about 35 yr, and therefore no-till might produce global warming.  相似文献   

B2O3 was recovered from waste samples such as borogypsum, reactor waste, boronic sludges, waste mud and concentrator waste by leaching processes using distilled water, sulfur dioxide- and carbon dioxide-saturated water. In the leaching processes, temperature, stirring time and solid-to-liquid ratio were taken as parameters. The amount of B2O3 leached increased with increasing temperature and stirring time and it also increased with decreasing solid-to-liquid ratio, but the increase was less than that recorded for the leaching temperature and the stirring time. SO2 saturated water is a more effective leaching solvent than CO2 saturated water for boronic wastes. By the end of the experiments, more than 90% of B2O3 recovery was found as boric acid. In the leaching of boric acid from boronic wastes in water saturated with sulfur dioxide, it was observed that the leaching rate increases with increasing temperature and leaching time. The overall average values of the kinetic parameters were: apparent activation energy (E) 33.2 kJ mol−1, pre-exponential factor (A) 8.2×109 min−1, reaction order (n) 0.97 and rate constant (k) 3.37×103 min−1 for the leaching processes of the boronic wastes.  相似文献   

In northern Florida, year-round forage systems are used in dairy effluent sprayfields to reduce nitrate leaching. Our purpose was to quantify forage N removal and monitor nitrate N (NO3(-)-N) concentration below the rooting zone for two perennial, sod-based, triple-cropping systems over four 12-mo cycles (1996-2000). The soil is an excessively drained Kershaw sand (thermic, uncoated Typic Quartzip-samment). Effluent N rates were 500, 690, and 910 kg ha(-1) per cycle. Differences in N removal between a corn (Zea mays L.)-bermudagrass (Cynodon spp.)-rye (Secale cereale L.) system (CBR) and corn-perennial peanut (Arachis glabrata Benth.)-rye system (CPR) were primarily related to the performance of the perennial forages. Nitrogen removal of corn (125-170 kg ha(-1)) and rye (62-90 kg ha(-1)) was relatively stable between systems and among cycles. The greatest N removal was measured for CBR in the first cycle (408 kg ha(-1)), with the bermudagrass removing an average of 191 kg N ha(-1). In later cycles, N removal for bermudagrass declined because dry matter (DM) yield declined. Yield and N removal of perennial peanut increased over the four cycles. Nitrate N concentrations below the rooting zone were lower for CBR than CPR in the first two cycles, but differences were inconsistent in the latter two. The CBR system maintained low NO3(-)-N leaching in the first cycle when the bermudagrass was the most productive; however, it was not a sustainable system for long-term prevention of NO3(-)-N leaching due to declining bermudagrass yield in subsequent cycles. For CPR, effluent N rates > or = 500 kg ha(-1) yr(-1) have the potential to negatively affect ground water quality.  相似文献   

Land application of wastewater has become an important disposal option for food-processing plants operating year-round. However, there are concerns about nutrient leaching from winter wastewater application on frozen soils. In this study, P and N leaching were compared between nongrowing season application of tertiary-treated wastewater plus growing season application of partially treated wastewater (NGS) vs. growing season application of partially treated wastewater (GS) containing high levels of soil P. As required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the wastewater applied to the NGS fields during October through March was treated such that it contained < or =6 mg L(-1) total phosphorus (TP), < or =10 mg L(-1) NO3-N, and < or =20 mg L(-1) total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). The only regulation for wastewater application during the growing season (April through September) was that cumulatively it did not exceed the agronomic N requirements of the crop in any sprayfield. Application of tertiary-treated wastewater during the nongrowing season plus partially treated wastewater during the growing season did not significantly increase NO3-N leaching compared with growing season application of nonregulated wastewater. However, median TP concentration in leachate was significantly higher from the NGS (3.56 mg L(-1)) than from the GS sprayfields (0.52 mg L(-1)) or nonirrigated sites (0.52 mg L(-1)). Median TP leaching loss was also significantly higher from the NGS sprayfields (57 kg ha(-1)) than from the GS (7.4 kg ha(-1)) or control sites (6.9 kg ha(-1)). This was mainly due to higher hydraulic loading from winter wastewater application and limited or no crop P uptake during winter. Results from this study indicate that winter application of even low P potato-processing wastewater to high P soils can accelerate P leaching. We conclude that the regulation of winter wastewater application on frozen soils should be based on wastewater P concentration and permissible loading. We also recommend that winter irrigation should take soil P saturation into consideration.  相似文献   

Sampling data are provided and concepts discussed regarding soil and foliage arthropod communities in conventional and no-tillage soybean agroecosystems Soil arthropod communities from the two cropping systems were also compared with that from an adjacent old field. Biweekly arthropod samples were collected from conventional, no-tillage, and old-field systems Soil arthropods were sampled by quadrat and pitfall trap methods, foliage arthropods were collected by sweep net Quadrat sampling revealed that ground beetle number, species diversity, and biomass were significantly higher (P<0.05) in no-tillage than in conventional tillage systems. Pitfall trap data indicated higher densities and species diversity for most major soil macro-arthropod guilds Foliage arthropod guilds from no-tillage treatments showed higher species diversity throughout the growing season than those of conventional tillage, possibly because of greater structural diversity provided by weeds and litter in notillage systems No-tillage systems supported a larger and more diverse arthropod community than conventionally grown soybeans, suggesting a need for pest management strategies that simultaneously consider many variables. Both foliar grazing and leaf nitrogen content were higher in conventional than in no-tillage systems, indicating a possible causal connection between soil tillage and insect herbivory rates  相似文献   

New sustainable agriculture techniques are arising in response to the environmental problems caused by intensive agriculture, such as nitrate leaching and surface water eutrophication. Organic fertilization (e.g., with sewage sludge) and agroforestry could be used to reduce nutrient leaching. We assessed the efficiency of establishing trees and pasture species in environmentally sensitive, irrigated Mediterranean grassland soils in controlling nitrate leaching. Four vegetation systems-bare soil, pasture species, cherry trees [ (L.) L.], and pasture-tree mixed plantings-and five fertilization treatments-control, two doses of mineral fertilizer, and two doses of organic fertilizer (sewage sludge)-were tested in a greenhouse experiment over 2 yr. In the experiment, the wet and warm climate characteristics of Mediterranean irrigated croplands and the plant-to-plant and soil-to-plant interactions that occur in open-field agroforestry plantations were simulated. Following a factorial design with six replicates, 120 pots (30-cm radius and 120 cm deep) were filled with a sandy, alluvial soil common in the cultivated fluvial plains of the region. The greatest pasture production and tree growth were obtained with sewage sludge application. Both pasture production and tree growth decreased significantly in the pasture-tree mixed planting. Nitrate leaching was negligible in this latter treatment, except under the highest dose of sewage sludge application. The rapid mineralization of sludge suggested that this organic fertilizer should be used very cautiously in warm, irrigated Mediterranean soils. Mixed planting of pasture species and trees, such as , could be a useful tool for mitigating nitrate leaching from irrigated Mediterranean pastures on sandy soils.  相似文献   

Earthworms affect soil structure and the movement of agrochemicals. Yet, there have been few field-scale studies that quantify the effect of earthworms on dissolved nitrogen fluxes in agroecosystems. We investigated the influence of semi-annual earthworm additions on leachate production and quality in different row crop agroecosystems. Chisel-till corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotation (CT) and ridge-till corn-soybean-wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation (RT) plots were arranged in a complete randomized block design (n = 3) with earthworm treatments (addition and ambient) as subplots where zero-tension lysimeters were placed 45 cm below ground. We assessed earthworm populations semi-annually and collected leachate biweekly over a three-year period and determined leachate volume and concentrations of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON). Abundance of deep-burrowing earthworms was increased in addition treatments over ambient and for both agroecosystems. Leachate loss was similar among agroecosystems, but earthworm additions increased leachate production in the range of 4.5 to 45.2% above ambient in CT cropping. Although leachate TIN and DON concentrations were generally similar between agroecosystems or earthworm treatments, transport of TIN was significantly increased in addition treatments over ambient in CT cropping due to increased leachate volume. Losses of total nitrogen in leachate loadings were up to approximately 10% of agroecosystem N inputs. The coincidence of (i) soluble N production and availability and (ii) preferential leaching pathways formed by deep-burrowing earthworms thereby increased N losses from the CT agroecosystem at the 45-cm depth. Processing of N compounds and transport in soil water from RT cropping were more affected by management phase and largely independent of earthworm activity.  相似文献   

The relationship between two soil arthropod communities (Coleoptera and Isopoda) in organic and conventional fields was investigated. Soil arthropods were sampled by pitfall traps, and fuzzy set theory and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) were used for their classification. The study was conducted in: (1) two organic and two conventional vineyards, (2) two organic and two conventional olive groves, and (3) one organic rotation system that involved maize and one conventional maize field. The species composition (three main fuzzy groups) was affected by the crop species and not by the farming system. The CCA placed the rare and unique taxa of soil arthropods at the edges of the diagram and grouped most of them together in relation to soil organic matter and Ca. The same analysis grouped all olive groves and related them to soil organic matter, all vineyards and related them to soil P and, finally, all maize fields and related them to soil N.  相似文献   

Biomass production and carbon storage in short-rotation poplar plantations over 10 years were evaluated at the Hanyuan Forestry Farm, Baoying County, China. Experimental treatments applied in a split-plot design included four planting densities (1111, 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1)) and three poplar clones (NL-80351, I-69 and I-72). Based on the model of total biomass production developed, total plantation biomass production was significantly different in the plantations. The ranking of the plantation biomass production by planting density was 1111>833 more more than 625>500 stems ha(-1), and by components was stem>root>or=branch>leaf for all plantations. At 10 years, the highest total biomass in the plantation of 1111 stems ha(-1) reached about 146 t ha(-1), which was 5.3%, 11.6% and 24.2% higher than the plantations of 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1), respectively. The annual increment of biomass production over 10 years differed significantly among initial planting densities and stand ages (p<0.01), but no significant difference was observed from age 7 to 10. Mean carbon concentration among all biomass components ranged from 42-50%, with the highest carbon concentrations in stems and the lowest in leaves. Over the study period, the dynamic pattern of total plantation carbon storage by planting density was similar to that of total biomass production. At age 10, the highest total plantation carbon storage in the plantation of 1111 stems ha(-1) reached about 72.0 t ha(-1), which was 5.4%, 11.9% and 24.8% higher than in the plantations of 833, 625 and 500 stems ha(-1), respectively. The annual carbon storage increment over 10 years differed significantly among initial planting densities and stand ages (p<0.01), and it showed a pattern similar to the annual biomass production increment of the plantations. The results suggest that biomass production and carbon storage potential were highest for planting densities of 1111 and 833 stems ha(-1) grown over 5- and 6-year cutting cycles, respectively. If 3- or 4-year cutting cycles are used, the planting density should be higher than 1111 stems ha(-1) (e.g., 1667 or 2500 stems ha(-1)). Based on the mean annual carbon storage for the plantation of 625 stems ha(-1), as an estimation, the mean carbon storage in the biomass of poplar plantations (excluding leaves) amounts to 3.75x10(7) t ha(-1)yr(-1) in China.  相似文献   

The leaching of surface-applied herbicides, such as dicamba (2methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid), to ground water is an environmental concern. Seasonal changes in soil temperature and water content, affecting infiltration and biodegradation, may control leaching. The objectives of this study were to (i) investigate the leaching of dicamba applied to turfgrass, (ii) measure the degradation rate of dicamba in soil and thatch in the laboratory under simulated field conditions, and (iii) test the ability of the model EXPRES (containing LEACHM) to simulate the field transport and degradation processes. Four field lysimeters, packed with sandy loam soil and topped with Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) sod, were monitored after receiving three applications (May, September, November) of dicamba. Concentrations of dicamba greater than 1 mg L(-1) were detected in soil water. Although drying of the soil during the summer prevented deep transport, greater leaching occurred in late autumn due to increased infiltration. From the batch experiment, the degradation rate for dicamba in thatch was 5.9 to 8.4 times greater than for soil, with a calculated half-life as low as 5.5 d. Computer modeling indicated that the soil and climatic conditions would influence the effectiveness of greater degradation in thatch for reducing dicamba leaching. In general, EXPRES predictions were similar to observed concentration profiles, though peak dicamba concentrations at the 10-cm depth tended to be higher than predicted in May and November. Differences between predictions and observations are probably a result of minor inaccuracies in the water-flow simulation and the model's inability to modify degradation rates with changing climatic conditions.  相似文献   

Although anaerobic lagoons are used globally for livestock waste treatment, their detailed microbial cycling ofN is only beginning to become understood. Within this cycling, nitrification can be performed by organisms that produce the enzyme ammonia monooxygenase. For denitrification, the reduction of nitrite to nitric oxide can be catalyzed by two forms of nitrite reductases, and N,O can be reduced by nitrous oxide reductase encoded by the gene nosZ The objectives of this investigation were to (i) quantify the abundance of the amoA, nirK, nirS, and nosZ genes; (ii) evaluate the influence of environmental conditions on their abundances; and (iii) evaluate their abundance relative to denitrification enzyme activity (DEA). Samples were analyzed via real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and collected from eight typical, commercial anaerobic, swine wastewater lagoons located in the Carolinas. The four genes assayed in this study were present in all eight lagoons. Their abundances relative to total bacterial populations were 0.04% (amoA), 1.33% (nirS), 5.29% (nirK), and 0.27% (nosZ). When compared with lagoon chemical characteristics, amoA and nirK correlated with several measured variables. Neither nirS nor nosZ correlated with any measured environmental variables. Although no gene measured in this study correlated with actual or potential DEA, nosZ copy numbers did correlate with the disparity between actual and potential DEA. Phylogenetic analysis ofnosZdid not reveal any correlations to DEA rates. As with other investigations, analyses of these genes provide useful insight while revealing the underlying greater complexity of N cycling within swine waste lagoons.  相似文献   

Riparian buffer zones are known to reduce diffuse N pollution of streams by removing and modifying N from agricultural runoff. Denitrification, often identified as the key N removal process, is also considered as a major source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). The risks of high N2O emissions during nitrate mitigation and the environmental controls of emissions have been examined in relatively few riparian zones and the interactions between controls and emissions are still poorly understood. Our objectives were to assess the rates of N2O emission from riparian buffer zones that receive large loads of nitrate, and to evaluate various factors that are purported to control N emissions. Denitrification, nitrification, and N2O emissions were measured seasonally in grassland and forested buffer zones along first-order streams in The Netherlands. Lateral nitrate loading rates were high, up to 470 g N m(-2) yr(-1). Nitrogen process rates were determined using flux chamber measurements and incubation experiments. Nitrous oxide emissions were found to be significantly higher in the forested (20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) compared with the grassland buffer zone (2-4 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), whereas denitrification rates were not significantly different. Higher rates of N2O emissions in the forested buffer zone were associated with higher nitrate concentrations in the ground water. We conclude that N transformation by nitrate-loaded buffer zones results in a significant increase of greenhouse gas emission. Considerable N2O fluxes measured in this study indicate that Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change methodologies for quantifying indirect N2O emissions have to distinguish between agricultural uplands and riparian buffer zones in landscapes receiving large N inputs.  相似文献   

Although the native forests of China are exceptionally diverse, only a small number of tree species have been widely utilized in forest plantations and reforestation efforts. We used dendrochronological sampling methods to assess the potential growth and carbon sequestration of native tree species in Jilin Province, Northeast China. Trees were sampled in and near the Changbaishan Biosphere Reserve, with samples encompassing old-growth, disturbed forest, and plantations. To approximate conditions for planted trees, sampling focused on trees with exposed crowns (dominant and co-dominant individuals). A log-linear relationship was found between diameter increment and tree diameter, with a linear decrease in increment with increasing local basal area; no significant differences in these patterns between plantations and natural stands were detected for two commonly planted species (Pinus koraiensis and Larix olgensis). A growth model that incorporates observed feedbacks with individual tree size and local basal area (in conjunction with allometric models for tree biomass), was used to project stand-level biomass increment. Predicted growth trajectories were then linked to the carbon process model InTEC to provide estimates of carbon sequestration potential. Results indicate substantial differences among species, and suggest that certain native hardwoods (in particular Fraxinus mandshurica and Phellodendron amurense), have high potential for use in carbon forestry applications. Increased use of native hardwoods in carbon forestry in China is likely to have additional benefits in terms of economic diversification and enhanced provision of "ecosystem services", including biodiversity protection.  相似文献   

The overall objective of the present study was to determine the loading limits of composts that should be applied annually to irrigated wheat. We conducted a container experiment in a greenhouse during four years. It included eight treatments: sewage sludge compost (SSC) and cattle manure compost (CMC), each applied annually to a sandy soil, at rates equivalent to 3, 6, and 12 kg m(-2), and two controls, one fertilized and one unfertilized. Total dry matter (DM), grain production, and the amount of N, P, and K taken up by plants increased with increasing compost rate. Nitrogen uptake by the plants of the fertilized control was much higher than by the plants of the highest compost rate. Phosphorus and K uptake by the plants amended with the highest compost rate was much higher than by the fertilized control plants. Inorganic N quantity in the soil increased with increasing compost rate and with successive applications. The net N mineralization during the first year of wheat growth was very low, less than 3.5% of the applied organic N under all compost application rates. The contribution of the organic N mineralization increased during the second and third years. Most of the N increase in the compost treatment was found in the upper layer of 0 to 15 cm, whereas in the fertilized treatment N accumulated from the surface to the bottom of the container, 0 to 55 cm. The successive application of high rates of composts resulted in P and K accumulation in the soil profile.  相似文献   

Over the next two decades, our nation will need to add a substantial amount of new power generation capacity. The possibility of more stringent environmental regulations for greenhouse gas emissions in the utility sector has provided a window of opportunity for integrated gasification combined cycles (IGCCs) equipped with carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) to participate significantly in this expansion. This paper analyzes several advanced technologies under development in the Department of Energy (DOE) research and development (R&D) portfolio that have the potential to improve process efficiency, reduce capital and operating expense, and increase plant availability resulting in a significant reduction in the cost of electricity for plants that capture carbon.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the importance of different surfaces in supporting attached nitrifying and denitrifying bacteria is essential if we are to optimize the N removal capacity of treatment wetlands. The aim of this study was therefore to examine the nitrifying and denitrifying capacity of different surfaces in a constructed treatment wetland and to assess the relative importance of these surfaces for overall N removal in the wetland. Intact sediment cores, old pine and spruce twigs, shoots of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum L.), and filamentous macro-algae were collected in July and November 1999 in two basins of the wetland system. One of the basins had been constructed on land that contained lots of wood debris, particularly twigs of coniferous trees. Potential nitrification was measured using the isotope-dilution technique, and potential denitrification was determined using the acetylene-inhibition technique in laboratory microcosm incubations. Nitrification rates were highest on the twigs. These rates were three and 100 times higher than in the sediment and on Eurasian watermilfoil, respectively. Potential denitrification rates were highest in the sediment. These rates were three times higher than on the twigs and 40 times higher than on Eurasian watermilfoil. The distribution of denitrifying bacteria was most likely due to the availability of organic material, with higher denitrification rates in the sediment than on surfaces in the water column. Our results indicate that denitrification, and particularly nitrification, in treatment wetlands could be significantly increased by addition of surfaces such as twigs.  相似文献   

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