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The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of soil in removing natural organic matter from humic ground waters using artificial recharge. The study site, in western Denmark, was a 10,000 ml football field of which 2,000 m2 served as an infiltration field. The impact of the artificial recharge was studied by monitoring the water level and the quality of the underlying shallow aquifer. The humic ground water contained mainly humic adds with an organic carbon (OC) concentration of 100 to 200 mg C L(-1). A total of 5,000 mS of humic ground water were sprinkled onto the infiltration field at an average rate of 4.25 mm h(-1). This resulted in a rise in the water table of the shallow aquifer. The organic matter concentration of the water in the shallow aquifer, however, remained below 2.7 mg C L(-1). The organic matter concentration of the pore water in the unsaturated zone was measured at the end of the experiment. The organic matter concentration of the pore water decreased from 105 mg C L(-1) at 0.5 m to 20 mg C L(-1) at 2.5 m under the infiltration field indicating that the soil removed the organic matter from the humic ground water. From these results we conclude that artificial recharge is a possible method for humic ground water treatment.  相似文献   

In this study we developed and tested a spray method to visualize bromide water tracer in soil profiles. The method is based on the transformation reaction of a white precipitate into a colored one (Prussian blue) in the presence of Br-. After application of water containing bromide (0.2-0.4% wt.), a soil profile is dug out from the irrigated area and sprayed with a Br- indication suspension containing ferric ion and silver ferrocyanide precipitate. About two hours later, the pattern of irrigation water movement in the soil profile appears due to the formation of Prussian blue complex. We describe the method and demonstrate its use in a field experiment to visualize water flow paths. Since this method might be subject to possible interference from Cl-, a newly designed method with iodide ion as a water tracer and its indication solution containing soluble starch and ferric ion is also presented and recommended for use in soils with high chloride background.  相似文献   

Usage of glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)-glycine] and glufosinate [2-amino-4-(hydroxy-methylphosphinyl)butanoic acid] may reduce the environmental impact of agriculture because they are more strongly sorbed to soil and may be less toxic than many of the residual herbicides they replace. Preferential flow complicates the picture, because due to this process, even strongly sorbed chemicals can move quickly to ground water. Therefore, four monolith lysimeters (8.1 m(2) by 2.4 m deep) were used to investigate leaching of contact and residual herbicides under a worst-case scenario. Glufosinate, atrazine (6-chloro-N(2)-ethyl-N(4)-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), alachlor [2-chloro-N-(2,6-diethylphenyl)-N-(methoxymethyl) acetamide], and linuron (3-3,4-dichlorophenyl-1-methoxy-1-methylurea) were applied in 1999 before corn (Zea mays L.) planting and glyphosate, alachlor, and metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazin-5(4H)-one] were applied in 2000 before soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] planting. A high-intensity rainfall was applied shortly after herbicide application both years. Most alachlor, metribuzin, atrazine, and linuron losses occurred within 1.1 d of rainfall initiation and the peak concentration of the herbicides coincided (within 0.1 d of rainfall initiation in 2000). More of the applied metribuzin leached compared with alachlor during the first 1.1 d after rainfall initiation (2.2% vs. 0.035%, P < 0.05). In 1999, 10 of 24 discrete samples contained atrazine above the maximum contaminant level (atrazine maximum contaminant level [MCL] = 3 mug L(-1)) while only one discrete sample contained glufosinate (19 mug L(-1), estimated MCL = 150 mug L(-1)). The results indicate that because of preferential flow, the breakthrough time of herbicides was independent of their sorptive properties but the transport amount was dependent on the herbicide properties. Even with preferential flow, glyphosate and glufosinate were not transported to 2.4 m at concentrations approaching environmental concern.  相似文献   

Macropore flow results in the rapid movement of pesticides to subsurface drains, which may be caused in part by a small portion of macropores directly connected to drains. However, current models fail to account for this direct connection. This research investigated the interrelationship between macropore flow and subsurface drainage on conservative solute and pesticide transport using the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM). Potassium bromide tracer and isoxaflutole, the active ingredient in BALANCE herbicide [(5-cyclopropyl-4-isoxazolyl) [2(methylsulfonyl)-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] methanone], with average half-life of 1.7 d were applied to a 30.4-ha Indiana corn (Zea mays L.) field. Water flow and chemical concentrations emanating from the drains were measured from two samplers. Model predictions of drain flow after minimal calibration reasonably matched observations (slope = 1.03, intercept = 0.01, and R(2) = 0.75). Without direct hydraulic connection of macropores to drains, RZWQM under predicted bromide and isoxaflutole concentration during the first measured peak after application (e.g., observed isoxaflutole concentration was between 1.2 and 1.4 mug L(-1), RZWQM concentration was 0.1 mug L(-1)). This research modified RZWQM to include an express fraction relating the percentage of macropores in direct hydraulic connection to drains. The modified model captured the first measured peak in bromide and isoxaflutole concentrations using an express fraction of 2% (e.g., simulated isoxaflutole concentration increased to 1.7 mug L(-1)). The RZWQM modified to include a macropore express fraction more accurately simulates chemical movement through macropores to subsurface drains. An express fraction is required to match peak concentrations in subsurface drains shortly after chemical applications.  相似文献   

Increased attention to ground water contamination has encouraged an interest in mechanisms of solute transport through soils. Few studies have investigated the effect of the initial soil water content on the transport and degradation of herbicides for claypan soils. We investigated the effect of claypan soils at initial field capacity vs. permanent wilting level on atrazine and alachlor transport. The soil studied was Mexico silt loam (fine, smectitic, mesic Aeric Vertic Epiaqualf) with a subsoil clay content, primarily montmorillonite, of >40%. Strontium bromide, atrazine, and alachlor were applied to plots; half were at field capacity (Wet treatment), and half were near the permanent wilting point (Dry treatment). Soil cores were removed at selected depths and times, and cores were analyzed for bromide and herbicide concentrations. Bromide, atrazine, and alachlor were detected at the 0.90-m depth in dry plots within 15 d after experiment initiation. Bromide was detected 0.15 m deeper (P < 0.05) in the Dry compared with the Wet treatment at 1, 7, and 60 d after application and >0.30 m deeper (P < 0.01) in the Dry treatment at 15 and 30 d after application; similar treatment results were found for atrazine and alachlor, although on fewer dates with significant differences. The mobility order of the applied chemicals was bromide > atrazine > alachlor. The atrazine apparent half-life was significantly longer in the Dry plots compared with the Wet plots. The retardation factor determined from the relative velocity of each herbicide to that of bromide was higher for alachlor than for atrazine. This study identifies the impact that shrinkage cracks have for different moisture conditions on preferential transport of herbicides in claypan soils.  相似文献   

Oily food waste (FOG; fat + oil + greases) containing high concentrations of fat, oil and grease is produced by the food service, production, and processing industries. It has a high C to N ratio (90:1) and can recycle soil available N through immobilization and remineralization during its decomposition. Experiments were conducted at a farm (Hillsburg fine sandy loam; Typic Hapludalf) having rolling topography (5 and 9% slope) during 1995 and 1996. Objectives of this study were to (i) examine the variability of available N and corn (Zea mays L.) grain yield at different landscape positions of FOG-amended fields and (ii) determine whether N fertilizer management could be improved by considering the spatial variability of soil NO(3)-N at different landscape positions in FOG-amended fields. A spatial and temporal variability in soil NO(3)-N was observed during both years. Corn grain yields at all N fertilizer application rates were affected by slope position and followed the pattern: lower > upper > or = middle. Nitrogen fertilizer requirements for corn production in conjunction with FOG management were also affected by slope position. Essentially no additional fertilizer N was required for corn production at the lower landscape position. It was estimated that site-specific fertilizer N management on FOG-amended fields could result in an average savings of 51 and 63 kg N ha(-1) (with a potential economical savings of US 42 dollars and US 52 dollars ha(-1)) during 1995 and 1996, respectively.  相似文献   

Drainable lysimeters offer the possibility to integrate heterogeneous solute leaching conditions caused by row crops and transient water regime, and to conveniently measure water and solute fluxes at the drainage outlet. To compare solute leaching behavior in and around drainable lysimeters operating under a transient water regime in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) fields, parameters of the convective lognormal transfer (CLT) function model were fitted using bromide (Br-) flux concentrations (Cf) measured in lysimeters and from Br- resident concentrations (Cr) measured in adjacent soil cores. Expected mean values Ez(I) obtained from Cr and Cf CLT parameters were equivalent and well correlated (R2 = 0.78). However, estimated median values mu of the CLT function were smaller when derived from Cr (1.05 to 1.28) compared with Cf (1.23 to 2.14). Most mu values were also smaller than previously reported values for a 30-cm reference depth, indicating that 50% of solute mass would leach more readily in these coarse sandy soils. Higher variance and dispersion of Cr compared with those of Cf could be related to a smaller sampling support (sample size/sampling area) in the case of Cr measured by soil coring, or to disruption of solute transport mechanisms in the repacked lysimeter. Retained Br- in the top soil layer after 12 to 17 cm of cumulative drainage was indicated by measured Cr. Neither CLT function simulated well residual topsoil Cr values, indicating that Br- plant cycling or preferential flow probably interfered even though tuber Br- uptake was relatively small.  相似文献   

Solute concentration and soluble dye studies inferring that preferential flow accelerates field-scale contaminant transport are common but flux measurements quantifying its impact are essentially nonexistent. A tile-drain facility was used to determine the influence of matrix and preferential flow processes on the flux of mobile tracers subjected to different irrigation regimes (4.4 and 0.89 mm h(-1)) in a silt loam soil. After tile outflow reached steady state either bromide (Br; 280 kg ha(-1)) or pentafluorobenzoic acid (PFBA; 121 kg ha(-1)) was applied through the irrigation system inside a shed (3.5 x 24 m). Bromide fluxes were monitored at an irrigation rate of 4.4 mm h(-1) while PFBA fluxes were monitored at an irrigation rate of 0.89 mm h(-1). At 4.4 mm h(-1) nearly one-third of the surface-applied Br was recovered in the tile line after only 124 mm of irrigation and was poorly fit by the one-dimensional convective-dispersive equation (CDE). On the other hand, the one-dimensional CDE fit the main PFBA breakthrough pattern almost perfectly, suggesting the PFBA transport was dominated by matrix flow. Furthermore, after 225 mm of water had been applied, less than 2% of the applied PFBA had been leached through the soil compared with more than 59% of the applied Br. This study demonstrates that the methodology of applying a narrow strip of chemical to a tile drain facility is appropriate for quantifying chemical fluxes at the small-field scale and also suggests that there may be a critical input flux whereby preferential flow is initiated.  相似文献   

Water resources protection from nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) contamination is an important public concern and a major national environmental issue. The abilities of the SOIL-SOILN model to simulate water drainage and nitrate N fluxes from orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) were evaluated using data from a 3-yr field experiment. The soil is classified as a Hagerstown silt loam soil (fine, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludalf). Nitrate losses below the 1-m depth from N-fertilized grazed orchardgrass were measured with intact soil core lysimeters. Five N-fertilizer treatments consisted of a control, urine application in the spring, urine application in the summer, urine application in the fall, and feces application in the summer. The SOIL-SOILN models were evaluated using water drainage and nitrate flux data for 1993-1994, 1994-1995, and 1995-1996. The N rate constants from a similar experiment with inorganic fertilizer and manure treatments under corn (Zea mays L.) were used to evaluate the SOILN model under orchardgrass sod. Results indicated that the SOIL model accurately simulated water drainage for all three years. The SOILN model adequately predicted nitrate losses for three urine treatments in each year and a control treatment in 1994-1995. However, it failed to produce accurate simulations for two control treatments in 1993-1994 and 1995-1996, and feces treatments in all three years. The inaccuracy in the simulation results for the control and feces treatments seems to be related to an inadequate modeling of N transformation processes. In general, the results demonstrate the potential of the SOILN model to predict NO3-N fluxes under pasture conditions using N transformation rate constants determined through the calibration process from corn fields on similar soils.  相似文献   

Prediction of the movement of water and solutes in the vadose zone requires information on the distribution of spatial trends and heterogeneities in porous media. The present study describes different lithofacies origination mainly from glaciofluvial deposits. Among different lithofacies, hydrological relationships were investigated. By means of a two-dimensional hydrological model it was evaluated how the flow of water and leaching of metribuzin (4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4,5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5-one) was affected. Two selected large outcrop sections consisting of glacial outwash deposits were used in the modeling study. Eleven different lithofacies were distinguished and described in terms of texture distribution, sorting, bedding style, and external boundaries based on excavated soil profiles from 27 locations representing seven predominantly sandy landforms in Denmark. Undisturbed soil columns were sampled from each of the lithofacies and brought to the laboratory to be analyzed. With respect to their soil hydraulic properties, the different lithofacies formed four different hydrofacies having relatively homogeneous, hydrogeological properties. Two large outcrop sections from one of the locations (a gravel pit) located near the terminal moraine of the former Weichsel glacier were used for the HYDRUS-2D modeling. Modeling results revealed that the spatial distribution of sedimentary bodies affected water flow and the leaching of metribuzin.  相似文献   

Pesticides applied to agricultural soils are subject to environmental concerns because leaching to groundwater reservoirs and aquatic habitats may occur. Knowledge of field variation of pesticide-related parameters is required to evaluate the vulnerability of pesticide leaching. The mineralization and sorption of the pesticides glyphosate and metribuzin and the pesticide degradation product triazinamin in a field were measured and compared with the field-scale variation of geochemical and microbiological parameters. We focused on the soil parameters clay and organic carbon (C) content and on soil respiratory and enzymatic processes and microbial biomass. These parameters were measured in soil samples taken at two depths (Ap and Bs horizon) in 51 sampling points from a 4-ha agricultural fine sandy soil field. The results indicated that the spatial variation of the soil parameters, and in particular the content of organic C, had a major influence on the variability of the microbial parameters and on sorption and pesticide mineralization in the soil. For glyphosate, with a co-metabolic pathway for degradation, the mineralization was increased in soils with high microbial activity. The spatial variability, expressed as the CV, was about five times higher in the Bs horizon than in the Ap horizon, and the local-scale variation within 100 m(2) areas were two to three times lower than the field-scale variation within the entire field of about 4 ha.  相似文献   

Comparative mobility of sulfonamides and bromide tracer in three soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In animal agriculture, sulfonamides are one of the routinely used groups of antimicrobials for therapeutic and sub-therapeutic purposes. It is observed that, the animals when administered the antimicrobials, often do not completely metabolize them; and excrete the partially metabolized forms into the environment. Due to the continued use of antimicrobials and disposal of untreated waste, widespread occurrence of partially metabolized antimicrobials in aquatic and terrestrial environments has been reported in various scientific journals. In this research, the mobility of two sulfonamides - sulfamethazine (SMN), sulfathiazole (STZ) and a conservative bromide tracer was investigated in three soils collected from regions in the United States with large number of concentrated animal-feed operations. Results of a series of column studies indicate that the mobility of these two sulfonamides was dependent on pH, soil charge density, and contact time. At low pH and high charge density, substantial retention of sulfonamides was observed in all three soils investigated, due to the increased fraction of cationic and neutral forms of the sulfonamides. Conversely, enhanced mobility was observed at high pH, where the sulfonamides are predominantly in the anionic form. The results indicate that when both SMN and STZ are predominantly in anionic forms, their mobility approximates the mobility of a conservative bromide tracer. This observation is consistent for the mobility of both SMN and STZ individually, and also in the presence of several other antimicrobials in all three soils investigated. Higher contact time indicates lower mobility due to increased interaction with soil material.  相似文献   

Remodelling works are frequent in harbour areas, given that they must adapt to rapidly changing market requirements. Depending on their nature (construction, demolition, etc.), these works may be carried out during long periods of time and thus exert a significant impact on the air quality at the harbours and their surroundings. The air quality at the Valencia harbour was studied during an enlargement project. Four sampling stations aimed to cover the major dust-emitting activities in the harbour. In addition, a sampling campaign was carried out to collect dust materials at their emission sources (e.g., loading and unloading of clinker and petroleum coke, as well as the enlargement works). Differences obtained between PM levels at the monitoring sites were correlated with the distance between sampling stations and enlargement works and/or harbour operations, as well as with the preferential wind direction. In all cases, the days with the highest PM_10 levels were linked to wind directions coinciding with the location of the enlargement works or the clinker and petroleum coke stocks. Classic source apportionment methodologies (PCA and CMB) were applied to the data, but their interpretation was complex due to the similar chemical signatures of PM originating from direct and fugitive emissions from stocked materials (e.g., clinker), and the enlargement works. To overcome this difficulty, a novel non-statistical approach was used to obtain quantitative estimations of the contributions from sources (petroleum coke and clinker), based on the correlation between specific PM components (e.g., carbonaceous species) and source tracers (e.g., V). Finally, a qualitative test using phenolphthalein was devised to identify the presence of clinker on the filters, which provided positive results. This novel tracer approach is thus recommended for harbour authorities.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale reactor system is built and operated to measure the kinetic of formation for single and mixed carbon dioxide–tetrahydrofuran hydrates. The T-cycle method, which is used to collect the kinetic data, is briefly discussed. For single carbon dioxide hydrate, the induction time decreases with the increase of the initial carbon dioxide pressure up to 2.96 MPa. Beyond this pressure, the induction time is becoming relatively constant with the increase of initial carbon dioxide pressure indicating that the liquid phase is completely supersaturated with carbon dioxide. Experimental results show that the inclusion of tetrahydrofuran reduces the induction time required for hydrate formation. These observations indicate hydrate nucleation process and onset growth are more readily to occur in the presence of tetrahydrofuran. In contrast, the presence of sodium chloride prolongs the induction time due to clustering of water molecules with the ions and the salting-out effects. It is also shown that the degree of subcooling required for hydrate formation is affected by the presence of tetrahydrofuran and sodium chloride in the hydrate forming system. The presence of tetrahydrofuran in the hydrate system significantly reduces the amount of carbon dioxide uptake. The apparent rate constant, k, for those systems are reported.  相似文献   

The occurrence and rates of terminal electron acceptor processes, and recharge processes in the unsaturated zone of a boreal site contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons in the range C(10) to C(40) were examined. Soil microcosms were used to determine the rates of denitrification, iron (Fe) reduction, sulfate (SO(4)) reduction, and methanogenesis in two vertical soil profiles contaminated with oil, and in a noncontaminated reference sample. Furthermore, the abundances of the 16S rRNA genes belonging to Geobacteracaea in the samples were determined by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Analyses of ground water chemistry and soil gas composition were also performed together with continuous in situ monitoring of soil water and ground water chemistry. Several lines of evidence were obtained to demonstrate that both Fe reduction and methanogenesis played significant roles in the vertical profiles: Fe reduction rates up to 3.7 nmol h(-1) g(-1) were recorded and they correlated with the abundances of the Geobacteracaea 16S rRNA genes (range: 2.3 x 10(5) to 4.9 x 10(7) copies g(-1)). In the ground water, ferrous iron (Fe(2+)) concentration up to 55 mg L(-1) was measured. Methane production rates up to 2.5 nmol h(-1) g(-1) were obtained together with methane content up to 15% (vol/vol) in the soil gas. The continuous monitoring of soil water and ground water chemistry, microcosm experiments, and soil gas monitoring together demonstrated that the high microbial activity in the unsaturated zone resulted in rapid removal of oxygen from the infiltrating recharge thus leaving the anaerobic microbial processes dominant below 1.5 m depth both in the unsaturated and the saturated zones of the subsurface.  相似文献   

Effect of chloride ions on the oxidation of aniline by Fenton's reagent   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The objective of this study was to experimentally probe the mechanism of chloride ions specifically affecting aniline oxidation by Fenton's reagent. Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the effects of pH, Fe2+, H2O2 and chloride concentration on the oxidation reaction. Results show that the inhibition caused by chloride ions can be overcome by extending the reaction time if the concentration of chloride ions is low. At a high concentration of chloride ions, however, the oxidation of aniline was inhibited, and actually ceased due to the complexation of Fe-Cl. In this study, the chloride ion concentration was kept at 0.2 M in the experiments when studying the effect of ferrous ion concentration on the Fenton reaction. If the ratio of [Cl-]/[Fe2+] was < or = 200, the inhibition effect was very significant. In other words, adding more ferrous ions rather than hydrogen peroxide can break the inhibition originating from the chloride ions at an initial stage of pH 3. The inhibition effect of chloride ions on the aniline reaction depended on the reaction pH; the extent of inhibition decreased with increasing the initial pH as long as the pH was less than 5. Consequently, the inhibition effect by chloride ions was primarily due to the complexation of iron species and chloride ions. The influence of chloride ions on aniline oxidation due to the competition of hydroxyl radicals was not significant.  相似文献   

To demonstrate the benefits of water conservation at the household level in regional Victoria in Australia, a family house “Sharland Oasis” was designed and built according to an ecologically sustainable design for improved water and energy efficiency. This study has demonstrated that the combined use of alternative water supplies together with water efficient appliances can save up to 77% of total potable water use compared to the average 1990s household water use in the same region considering the location and differing in water use approach. The use of rainwater inside the home alone saved up to 40% of potable water use. In addition to the water savings, there is a significant wastewater discharge saving achieved through the use of water conservation strategies and greywater reuse. A community survey undertaken in regional Victoria revealed that community receptivity for reusing greywater is highest for uses, such as watering gardens and flushing toilets; but it progressively decreased with increasing personal contact with greywater. Positive perception of greywater reuse needs to be encouraged through programs targeted at developing resources, skills and motivation for new water reuse practices and technologies, across a diverse range of social groups.  相似文献   

Organic materials are widespread in natural soil and aquatic environments. Their effect on virus transport is very important in assessing the risk for contamination of ground water by viruses. This study aimed to determine how different forms (mineral-associated and dissolved) of natural organic matter influence the retention and transport of two bacteriophages (MS-2 and phiX174) in two porous media (a sand and a soil). We found that mineral-associated organic matter significantly promoted the transport of one virus (MS-2) but not the other (phiX174) in a phosphate-buffered saline solution. Similarly, MS-2 was retained less in sand columns with increasing concentrations of dissolved humic acid, while little effect was observed for phiX174 under the same conditions. The two viruses have different surface properties and thus exhibited different reactivity to the metal oxides present on sand particles and were affected differently by organic matter. Because the organic matter used in the study was negatively charged and hydrophilic, blocking of virus sorption sites and increasing of virus-medium electrostatic repulsion arising from modification of the sand and virus surface by organic matter are probably responsible for the facilitated transport. For dissolved humic acid, its competition for sorption sites with viruses was an additional mechanism involved. This study suggests that the effect of organic matter varied depending on the organic material properties and the type of viruses involved. As a general trend, the effect of organic matter was dominated by electrostatic rather than hydrophobic interactions.  相似文献   

In this study, sulfuric acid and potassium hydroxide are used as the electrolytes, separated by proton exchange membrane, to produce hydrogen. The effects of electrolyte concentrations, applied voltage, single or dual cells, and temperature on the hydrogen production rate and energy efficiency are investigated. Experimental results show that the amount of hydrogen production increases with voltage, and the dual electrolytes and cells can yield the best hydrogen production rate and energy efficiency. With 1-M KOH plus 1-M H2SO4 as electrolytes in separated cells, the highest hydrogen production rate is about 0.95 L/hr. Results also show that the rise of electrolyte temperature can significantly increase the hydrogen production rate up to 50%, and the energy efficiency up to 20%. Keeping a low PH value in cathodeand high anode PH value in anode indeed enhances the efficiency of hydrogen production rate.  相似文献   

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