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人体牙釉质是记录环境铅(Pb)暴露信息的较好载体。本研究采用微波消解-电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)联用的方法测定来自高Pb暴露区(铅锌冶炼厂地区)和Pb暴露对照区(农业种植区)附近长期居住 /不同年龄段人体离体牙的Pb含量,结果显示:高Pb暴露区离体牙表现出Pb含量高且随居民年龄增长而增高的趋势,离体牙Pb含量从6—12岁儿童的(60.8±15.3) μg·g-1增加到65岁以上老年人的(200.1±30.5) μg·g-1;而铅暴露对照区人体离体牙Pb含量低且基本随年龄增长变化不大。Pb主要通过呼吸道和消化道进入人体并在牙齿中富集,因此,牙齿中的Pb含量与生活环境密切相关。研究结果表明:生活在高Pb暴露区的人群,环境中的Pb可能通过各种介质(空气、水、实物等)不断进入人体,其牙齿不断蓄积环境来源的Pb。因此人体离体牙Pb有可能作为人体长期Pb暴露生物标志物。  相似文献   

采用石墨炉原子吸收法通过随机抽样对文山市老三七农贸市场销售的6种蔬菜中铅、镉含量进行测定。结果表明:不同蔬菜中铅、镉含量不同;同种蔬菜不同部分对铅、镉的富集也不同;文山市老三七农贸市场销售的蔬菜中有重金属铅、镉的污染情况存在,但不严重。分析了蔬菜中重金属铅、镉污染的主要原因及防治措施。  相似文献   

北京市公园土壤铜、铅含量及化学形态分布特征   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对北京市的12个公园进行表层、深层土壤样品的重金属Cu、Pb含量分析,并对其中10个公园的表层、深层土壤样品进行Cu、Pb的化学形态分析。研究结果表明:北京市部分公园的深层土壤已在某种程度上受到人为扰动,大多数公园表层土壤中存在着一定的Cu、Pb含量积累现象,总体上市区公园比郊区公园明显。公园表层、深层土壤中Cu形态分布的总体规律均为残渣晶格态>有机结合态>铁锰氧化物结合态>碳酸盐结合态>可交换态,表层、深层土壤中Pb形态分布的总体规律均为残渣晶格态>铁锰氧化物结合态>有机结合态>碳酸盐结合态>可交换态,但表层土壤中活性态Cu、Pb的平均比例较深层土壤均有所上升,部分市区公园表层土壤中Cu、Pb的含量较高且活性态比例较大,具有一定的释放潜力和生物有效性。  相似文献   

燃煤型Pb已成为我国大气Pb最主要的人为来源,高精度Pb同位素是示踪燃煤Pb排放的强有力工具,但我国煤中Pb同位素的数据报道还较少。本文研究了贵州晚二叠纪不同矿区煤中的Pb浓度和Pb同位素比值。结果表明,样品Pb浓度为2.03~35.6mg/kg,几何均值5.4±3.3mg/kg,低于我国煤中Pb的平均值。煤中~(206)Pb/~(207)Pb为1.1959~1.2774,~(208)Pb/~(206)Pb为1.9500~2.0895,与U/Pb比、全硫、黄铁矿含量有显著相关性,说明煤中U含量和硫化物结合态Pb对Pb同位素组成的影响较大,偏放射性成因。比较分析了贵州省不同Pb来源的同位素组成,初步明确了大方、盘县、水城煤中的Pb主要来源于低温热液流体、玄武岩;毕节、安顺、桐梓煤中的Pb主要来源于陆源玄武岩、低温热液流体,少部分来自海相白云岩;六枝、瓮安煤中的Pb最主要来源于白云岩;晚二叠火山灰可能是兴仁煤的主要来源之一。本研究数据补充了贵州煤中Pb同位素数据的匮乏,并为利用Pb同位素示踪贵州地表环境Pb的来源奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Contamination of aquatic ecosystems with heavy metals has been receiving increased worldwide attention due to their harmful e ects on human health and other organisms in the environment. Most of the studies dealing with toxic e ects of metals deal with single metal species, while the aquatic organisms are typically exposed to mixtures of metals. Hence, in order to provide data supporting the usefulness of freshwater fish as indicators of heavy metal pollution, it has been proposed in the present study to investigate the bioaccumulation and depuration of chromium in the selected organs of freshwater fingerlings Cirrhinus mrigala, individually and in binary solutions with nickel. The results show that the kidney is a target organ for chromium accumulation, which implies that it is also the “critical” organ for toxic symptoms. The results further show that accumulation of nickel in all the tissues of C. mrigala is higher than that of chromium. In addition, the metal accumulations of the binary mixtures of chromium and nickel are substantially higher than those of the individual metals, indicating synergistic interactions between the two metals. Theoretically the simplest explanation for an additive joint action of toxicants in a mixture is that they act in a qualitatively similar way. The observed data suggest that C. mrigala could be suitable monitoring organisms to study the bioavailability of water-bound metals in freshwater habitats.  相似文献   

任贝  黄锦楼  苗明升 《环境科学》2013,34(9):3697-3703
以我国西南某铅蓄电池厂区内不同污染负荷的铅污染土壤为研究对象,对其中铅含量和形态进行分析,并利用不同清洗剂清洗进行筛选.对不同pH条件下铅的清洗效率和铅形态进行分析,并对不同粒径土壤进行不同时间清洗以确定最佳清洗时间.结果表明,厂区内A和B点土壤污染严重,分别达到15 703.22 mg.kg-1和1 747.78 mg.kg-1,活动态铅比例较大,残渣态仅占17.32%、11.64%、14.6%和10.2%.EDTA、盐酸、柠檬酸、鼠李糖脂和SDS这5种清洗剂中EDTA和盐酸的提取效果最好.酸性条件下的清洗不仅能有效地提取铅总量并能有效地减小铅活动态的环境风险,建议pH 4~7最为合适.粗沙粒和细沙粒的清洗效果较好,清洗粉黏粒建议改进工艺,清洗时间定为240 min效果最好.  相似文献   

以含金银铅废料制成贵铅为原料,利用电化学热力学和动力学理论,对贵铅电解法实现金银与铅的分离和得到纯铅的电极过程极化行为与工艺条件的关系进行了研究。从而确定了贵铅电解时的电解液组成为[pb2+]70g/L,温度为40℃,β-萘酚/胶联合添加剂等工艺条件.同时根据动力学的研究证明了贵铅电解的电极反应速度受扩散控制,其扩散速度常数K扩=1.917×10-3cm/s。扩散层厚度为0.0051cm,在ηk=75mV时的阴极过程活化能为16.10kJ/mol,为贵铅电解工业分离回收金银铅提供了可靠的理论依据和设计参数。  相似文献   

根据2019年10月对北运河上游南沙河段与下游城市副中心段鱼类调查数据,采用SPSS统计学方法相关性分析和CCA典范对应分析,研究人为活动因素干扰剧烈的非自然状态条件下,北运河鱼类群落结构及分布特征与环境因子的响应关系.结果表明:在北运河调查到鱼类分属3目5科11属14种,表现为种属偏低、髙抗污染、广布型的特征,其中,...  相似文献   

Fish is an important constituent of the Lebanese diet. However, very little attention in our area is given to bring awareness regarding the effect of the toxicity of mercury (Hg) mainly through fish consumption. This study aimed to report analytical data on total mercury levels in several fish species for the first time in thirty years and to also made individuals aware of the presence and danger from exposure to mercury through fish consumption. Fish samples were selected from local Lebanese markets and fisheries and included 94 samples of which were fresh, frozen, processed, and canned fish. All values were reported as microgram of mercury per gram of fish based on wet weight. The level of mercury ranged from 0.0190 to 0.5700 μg/g in fresh samples, 0.0059 to 0.0665 μg/g in frozen samples, and 0.0305 to 0.1190 μg/g in canned samples. The data clearly showed that higher levels of mercury were detected in local fresh fish as opposed to other types thus placing consumers at higher risk from mercury exposure. Moreover, the data revealed that Mallifa (yellowstripe barracuda/Sphyraena chrysotaenia), Sargous (white seabream/Diplodus sargus), Ghobbos (bogue/Boops hoops), and shrimp (Penaeus sp.) were among the types containing the highest amounts of mercury. On the other hand, processed fish such as fish fillet, fish burger, small shrimp and crab are found to contain lower levels of mercury and are associated with lower exposure risks to mercury. Lebanese population should therefore, be aware to consume limited amounts of fresh local fish to minimize exposure to mercury.  相似文献   

The effects of different outer diameters and surface oxygen contents on the adsorption of heavy metals onto six types of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were investigated in an aqueous solution and lead was chosen as a model metal ion. The results indicated that the percentage removal and adsorption capacity of lead remarkably increased with decreasing outer diameter due to larger specific surface area (SSA). The SSA-normalized maximum adsorption capacity (qm /SSA) and SSA-normalized adsorption coefficient (Kd /SSA) were strongly positively correlated with surface oxygen content, implying that lead adsorption onto MWCNTs significantly increases with the rise of oxygen content and decreases with decreasing SSA. The calculated thermodynamic parameters indicated that adsorption of lead on MWCNTs was endothermic and spontaneous. When the oxygen content of MWCNTs increased from 2.0% to 5.9%, the standard free energy (△ G0 ) became more negative, which implied that the oxygenated functional groups increased the adsorption affinity of MWCNTs for lead. Through calculation of enthalpy (△ H0 ), G0 and free energy of adsorption (Ea ), lead adsorption onto MWCNTs was recognized as a chemisorption process. The chemical interaction between lead and the phenolic groups of MWCNTs could be one of the main adsorption mechanisms due to highly positive correlations between the phenolic groups and K d /SSA or q m /SSA.  相似文献   

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