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沈鸿  孙雪萍  苏筠 《灾害学》2012,(1):87-93
信任和风险在一定程度上互为因果,两者通过认知行为决策及行为后果这一环节构建互馈关系。探索公众对社会减灾能力的信任及其对灾害风险认知的影响机制,有助于揭示灾害风险的潜在因素,调适风险认知与避灾行为,从而降低灾害风险。选取水灾发生频繁、强度大、防洪措施多样的长江中下游地区为研究区,运用随机抽样调查和入户访谈相结合的方式获取资料,研究公众的水灾科技信任和管理信任的水平、影响机制、动机-效应差异。主要结论有:①公众科技信任水平普遍高于管理信任。信任水平受到公众性别、年龄、灾害经历、城乡差异等因素不同程度的影响,信任具有区域共构的特点;②科技信任改变了公众水灾风险认知,加强了其灾害应对信心,降低了其对受灾风险的估测,对其避灾行为倾向影响显著,而管理信任对公众水灾风险认知及防灾备灾行为倾向的影响均不大;③信任的产生动机以认可减灾措施有用性为前提,科技减灾和管理减灾由于具有不同的减灾原理及作用时段,导致了公众的不同信任动机及其效应。  相似文献   

在交通事故中因疲劳开车的占很大的比例.尤其是大型运输车辆因驾驶人员疲劳开车而出事故的比例则更大。例如近日。在河南、广东路段连续发生两起大型气罐车和大型松香水车侧翻而出险的重大事故.就是因驾驶员长途疲劳驾驶所至的一个典型事例。疲劳驾驶是驾驶员们为了赶时间抓效益而不顾路途长远和自身的劳累“一脚到天涯”:其次是侥幸影响了安全。驾驶员们都认为自己的精力和能力没问题,长途或劳累一点驾驶不碍事;第三是散漫养成了习惯。由于我国一直没有关于禁止疲劳开车的有关规定.虽然《交通安全法》中规定了“或者过度疲  相似文献   

分析了灾害性天气对道路交通安全的影响及驾驶员动态视觉行为与期望车速选择模式。以2003年全国道路交通事故统计数据为样本,提出了灾害性天气环境下驾驶员动态视野实际可靠度的计算方法,建立了灾害性天气环境下高等级公路安全行车速度模型,模型通过引入交通环境复杂度系数,考虑了灾害性天气不良能见度、道路等级及交通量对驾驶员期望安全车速的影响。最后,提出了灾害性天气环境下高等级公路安全运营车速的推荐标准。  相似文献   

通过对2003年7月21日和10月16日分别发生6.2和6.1级地震的云南省大姚县居民的问卷调查,分析了地震灾害对中困农村居民的影响,了解了我国农村居民尤其是地震多发区农村居民对地震灾害的风险意识以及在地震灾害中的反应.调查结果表明:中国农村居民是地震灾害的最大受害者和风险承担者.虽然他们会在地震灾害中汲取经验教训,增强风险防范意识,但是由于经济水平、自然环境等客观条件的影响,他们只能被动地承受地震灾害,而不能从根本上改变承灾体的脆弱性.中国农村地震减灾、防灾能力的加强需要政府管理部门的积极参与.  相似文献   

利用2013-2015年全国主要公路交通气象灾害风险普查数据,通过整理和统计分析,得出我国公路交通气象灾害风险隐患点的分布情况、风险隐患点周围的地质和交通状况以及主要气象灾害及其引发的交通事故的分布特征。研究结果表明,①我国公路交通气象灾害风险隐患点总体分布广泛,西南地区、中东地区的风险隐患点数量较多。②强降雨、大雾、路面结冰、公路积雪和团雾是影响我国公路交通的主要气象灾害,占普查总数的86.6%,其中,由强降雨引发的交通事故数量最多;不同区域的主要气象灾害存在明显差异。③从季节特征来看,夏、冬两季,因气象灾害和次生、衍生灾害引发交通事故数较多;1d之中,02:00-05:00为事故易发时段。研究成果可为摸清我国公路交通气象灾害状况、改进交通气象保障服务、降低交通气象灾害风险等提供参考依据。  相似文献   

我国交通部的统计数据表明,近年来我国因驾驶员酒后驾车所导致的交通事故平均每年有25万余起,造成约5万人死亡,直接经济损失近13亿元。为了防范酒后驾车对人们生命财产带来严重威胁,从8月15日起,中国公安部在全国范围内开展  相似文献   

由于在长公路隧道中行驶时车道相对封闭、光线时强时弱、行车自由度偏小、空气不易流通等,在隧道内易发生交通事故,而且交通事故发生后易引起火灾,产生的浓烟较难疏散,事故后果及事故救援方法都与其他的交通事故不同。随着隧道交通事故数量不断增加,隧道已经成为交通事故的主要空间分布点和事故黑点。采用事故致因理论,详细分析了造成交通事故的各种原因,找出了引发事故的根源,然后提出了一系列隧道交通安全措施。最后构建了公路隧道交通事故应急系统,可最大程度减少交通事故损失。  相似文献   

2005年3月29日晚,京沪高速公路江苏淮安段上行线发生一起交通事故,一辆载有约35吨液氯的槽罐车与一货车相撞,导致槽罐车液氯大面积泄漏,引发高速公路周边村镇28人中毒死亡。肇事的槽罐车驾驶员逃逸,货车驾驶员死亡。周围农田里的庄稼也被泄漏的氯气熏得一片焦黄,家畜被熏中毒死亡。  相似文献   

自然灾害风险区划图的一个潜在发展方向   总被引:18,自引:7,他引:18  
由于自然灾害系统的复杂性及数据资料的不完备性,人们不可能精确估计任何自然灾害发生的概率,"概率值估不准"是现有超越概率风险区划图的致命弱点.简要回顾了针对这一问题已进行的提高估计精度和进行模糊风险计算的有关研究,并将模糊风险研究引入风险区划图的编制,给出了自然灾害软风险区划图的定义和一个初步的样式.讨论了这种风险图在体现风险值估不准方面,以及在为用户提供更多风险信息,为决策者提供调整余地等方面的优点.研究结果表明,软风险区划图是自然灾害风险区划图的一个潜在发展方向.为推进这一研究领域的发展,对今后的工作提出了一些建议.  相似文献   

众所周知,驾驶员岗位是特殊岗位,养成的不良习惯会直接危害安全行车,危及人们的生命和财产安全。一是驾车时吸烟。驾驶员十有八九吸烟,而且不少驾驶员是一边驾车一边吸烟。由于驾驶员在驾车时摸烟,拿打火机点烟、找烟盒以及嘴衔香烟、磕烟灰、烟雾在眼前缭绕或熏眼,极易分散注意力,危害行车安全。驾驶员若长期吸烟,香烟中的麻醉  相似文献   

蒋漳河  陈国华 《灾害学》2007,22(2):62-66
科学技术的日新月异、技术系统的复杂化和规模化、城市化步伐的日益加快以及人们应对技术灾害能力的有限,均增加了城市技术灾害的风险。针对频发的城市火灾、爆炸、毒物泄漏、交通事故等技术灾害,综合分析了我国各类城市技术灾害的特征、危害、应急管理现状以及相应的防灾、减灾理论研究方法和应急管理对策。在此基础上分别从法规、理论、技术等方面对政府、企业和个人提出了改革方案和应对措施。  相似文献   

It is frequently argued that, at the parcel level, 1 stakeholders are capable of and well supported in managing their land‐related risks. Yet, evidence from the contemporary Australian context suggests otherwise: numerous large‐scale disaster events have revealed that citizens are ill‐prepared to respond and recover adequately. This paper begins with the premise that information, specifically land information, could better support parcel‐level risk preparation, mitigation, response, and recovery. State land administration organisations in Australia primarily maintain this information and make it accessible. Land information is used regularly across all levels of government to support risk management activities; however, such application has not always occurred at the parcel and citizen level. Via a case study approach, this paper initially explores the land information available in Australia to stakeholders interested in parcel‐level detail, and then goes on to propose how the utilisation of parcel‐level land information could serve to enhance risk management practices.  相似文献   

The promulgation of the South African Disaster Management Act No. 57 of 2002 and the National Disaster Management Policy Framework of 2005 placed South Africa at the international forefront by integrating disaster risk reduction into all spheres of government through a decentralised approach. Yet, good policy and legislation do not necessarily translate into good practice. This paper provides a critical analysis of the Act and Policy Framework. Using qualitative research methods, it analyses the attitudes and perceptions of senior public officials on all levels of government, the private sector and academia. The study finds that one of the weakest aspects of the Act and Framework is the absence of clear guidance to local municipalities. The placement of the disaster risk management function on all tiers of government remains problematic, funding is inadequate and overall knowledge and capacities for disaster risk reduction are insufficient.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(1):16-37
This paper reviews climate change impacts and the existing disaster risk management system in Japan and offers the results of a structured questionnaire survey of the community leaders and disaster risk management personnel of Saijo city of Japan that assesses their perceptions about dealing with the extreme disasters by the existing disaster risk management systems. This study was inspired by the record number of typhoon landfall that has surprised the local government and communities in 2004. While unearthing the hidden vulnerabilities in cities like Saijo, this event has loosened the confidence of local communities on the disaster risk management systems. From the study, we conclude that the existing disaster risk management systems need further fillip and that the proactive community involvement in disaster risk management is still in nascent stages. Associating with the scientific community, involving the local communities (including the elderly), enhancing the redundancy in disaster risk management systems, inculcating strategic thinking and micro-level planning, conducting vulnerability assessments by considering the special circumstances including resource constraints of small cities and better policy coordination across the administrative hierarchy are some important considerations for dealing with the uncertainty brought by the extreme events.  相似文献   

Gemma Sou 《Disasters》2019,43(2):289-310
The most important theoretical argument concerning decentralised participatory governance is that it can make a government more accountable for the needs of the governed. Key to this process are participatory spaces that act as mechanisms for dialogue between citizens and local government. However, within Cochabamba, a city in the centre of Bolivia, South America, ‘at‐risk’ citizens engage minimally with disaster risk issues in participatory spaces, despite high levels of civic participation. This is because ‘at‐risk’ populations view disasters as a private/household problem that is symptomatic of household error, rather than seeing them as a broader public problem due to wider structural inequalities. Consequently, they redistribute responsibility for disaster risk reduction towards households, which (re)produces the absolution of government authorities as guarantors of disaster risk reduction. This paper challenges the normative assumption that participatory spaces facilitate democratic deliberation of disaster risk reduction and the downward accountability of local government for disaster risk reduction.  相似文献   

Increased attention has recently been given to the possible role of financial services in the management of natural disaster risk. Local communities have been at the forefront of developing innovative disaster risk finance strategies and implementing risk-oriented incentive programs. In view of increasing risks, including the impacts of climate change, such programs will become more important. This paper examines four models and some recent experiences in using financial services at the community level. The paper offers an overview of advantages and limitations of each model to manage disaster risk in communities. Examples include a federal government initiated scheme of social protection funds, a local government risk reduction scheme, an insurance product provided by a non-governmental organization , and a micro-insurance scheme. Finally, the paper offers some directions about specific ways that the public and private sectors, in collaboration with other partners can improve finance alternatives for disaster management at the community level. It appears that a range of follow-up studies and further dialogue is needed, in order to expand the knowledge on what types of risk finance models can help manage and reduce the financial impacts of natural disasters.  相似文献   

Increased attention has recently been given to the possible role of financial services in the management of natural disaster risk. Local communities have been at the forefront of developing innovative disaster risk finance strategies and implementing risk-oriented incentive programs. In view of increasing risks, including the impacts of climate change, such programs will become more important. This paper examines four models and some recent experiences in using financial services at the community level. The paper offers an overview of advantages and limitations of each model to manage disaster risk in communities. Examples include a federal government initiated scheme of social protection funds, a local government risk reduction scheme, an insurance product provided by a non-governmental organization, and a micro-insurance scheme. Finally, the paper offers some directions about specific ways that the public and private sectors, in collaboration with other partners can improve finance alternatives for disaster management at the community level. It appears that a range of follow-up studies and further dialogue is needed, in order to expand the knowledge on what types of risk finance models can help manage and reduce the financial impacts of natural disasters.  相似文献   

How do disasters shape local government legitimacy in relation to managing climate‐ and disaster‐related risks? This paper looks at how local authorities in Central Vietnam perceive their social contract for risk reduction, including the partial merging of responsibilities for disaster risk management with new plans for and investments in climate change adaptation and broader socioeconomic development. The findings indicate that extreme floods and storms constitute critical junctures that stimulate genuine institutional change. Local officials are proud of their strengthened role in disaster response and they are eager to boost investment in infrastructure. They have struggled to reinforce their legitimacy among their constituents, but given the shifting roles of the state, private sector, and civil society, and the undiminished emphasis on high‐risk development models, their responsibilities for responding to emerging climate change scenarios are increasingly nebulous. The past basis for legitimacy is no longer valid, but tomorrow's social contract is not yet defined.  相似文献   

通过对盱眙县鲍集等乡(镇)农村住房基本情况调查,反映了目前农村住房质量差,存在严重震灾隐患的问题。一旦遭遇5~6级中强地震,倒塌或严重破坏的房屋将占40%左右。分析原因,主要是广大农民抗震减灾意识淡薄,对农村建房疏于管理及农村建筑队伍技术力量薄弱。对此提出治理意见并建议地方政府在制定农村房屋建筑管理办法,使农村房屋基本达到抗震要求,最大限度减轻地震灾害损失。  相似文献   

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