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The Environmental Auditing Roundtable (EAR) is the single largest professional organization in the world, representing over 900 members. Built on a tradition of promoting environmental auditing through openly sharing experiences in the field of safety, health, and environmental auditing, the organization in recent years has significantly expanded its influence on auditing practices both nationally and internationally by monitoring audit activities and participating in the development of audit policy, regulation, standardization, and the certification of environmental auditors. This article describes the origin and evolution of the organization from meeting the needs of the membership to addressing the needs of external national and international stakeholders.  相似文献   

The Environmental Auditing Roundtable (EAR) is the original professional organization dedicated to furthering the development and professional practice of environmental, health, and safety auditing. It began in 1982 as literally a roundtable of managers who met to discuss what environmental auditing was and to share practices. The group has held quarterly meetings since that time and has undergone several major changes. In 1984 the organization significantly expanded its membership and established a formal program committee. Major steps were taken in 1987 through the adoption of the Code of Ethics and the first formal bylaws to allow the EAR to be an organization with individual members and election of a board of directors by the membership at large. A significant milestone toward becoming a professional society occurred in 1991 with the incorporation of the EAR as a not-for-profit organization with a two-fold purpose: to provide a forum for the exchange of technical, regulatory, and professional auditing information; and to further the development and professional practice of environmental, health, and safety (EH&S) auditing. Today, there are about three hundred members of the EAR—individuals from industry, academia, service organizations, law firms, and government—who have agreed to abide by the Code of Ethics and to advance the practice of EH&S auditing.  相似文献   

Summary This largely philosophical article argues that we need to examine the roots of our cultural worldview if we are to understand the causes of our global crises and current obstacles to desirable change. Calls for a new ethic are likely to be ineffectual in the absence of a challenge to the damaging dichotomy between fact and value that characterises our culture. However, the dominant worldview is under increasingly strong challege from organic systems thinking which has far-reaching implications, and which suggests that Western culture's dominant assumptions are not in accord with reality. If our culture, and individuals in it, are able to become more balanced, decisive desirable change could take place in society. This balance will involve the proper reintegration of ethical dimensions into thinking, based upon the recognition of the importance of the integrity of human communities and natural systems. This constitutes an emergent worldview and coherent philsophical framework to which many groups are already giving expression. It is imperative that this cultural change is understood and supported as it represents genuine hope for the future.After a teaching career in England and Canada, Stephen Sterling joined, as Assistant Director, the United Kingdom Council for Environmental Education (CEE). He was involved in writing the Education Report forThe Conservation and Development Programme for the UK, and has acted in an advisory capacity on a number of national and international documents on environmental education and environmental ethics. He has edited the CEE's journalReview of Environmental Education Developments for six years. The views expressed in this article are his own.  相似文献   

This article is excerpted from Chapter 1 of Environmental Management Information Systems, which will be published by McGraw-Hill in 1994. A central theme of the book is that all successful implementations of environmental management information systems (EMIS) are based on the appropriate alignment of goals and procedures from three enterprise domains: business processes, environmental management, and information systems. Environmental managers (EM) and information systems (IS) professionals have each been guilty of seeing their functions as primary, domains of specialized scientific expertise inaccessible to outsiders. In fact, however, the enterprise is the customer for both domains; without successful business strategies and systems the enterprise does not require either EM or IS wizards. This article shows why and how essential it is that each of the three domains understands enough of the other two domains to structure good decisions.  相似文献   

/ Despite the suspension and closing down of many pollutingindustrial facilities and corresponding expectations of positive change inthat field, it is argued that the environmental situation in Russia in thefirst half of the 1990s has not improved. To corroborate this point, thelatest available data are presented and the deep roots and complexities ofthe current socioeconomic and political situation in the country areanalyzed. Using analogies and "component accounting" approaches,the original economic assessments of environmental damage in the recent pastand current period in Russia are offered for comparison with similar datafrom a selection of developed countries. A model of a new environmentalstrategy and policy is developed and its economic, legal, and organizationaldimensions are examined.KEY WORDS: Damage; Environmental costs; Policy; Pollution; Publicparticipation; Risk; Strategy  相似文献   

Environmental psychology—psychogeography as many geographers called it-was a politically motivated attempt on the part of academicians of the late 1960s to transform their study into a form of praxis, with consequences for the choice of subjects (more naturally occurring) and methods (more ethological). In geography, theoretical foundations were perceived in the work, among others, of Carl Sauer and J. K. Wright, while William Bunge exemplified the possibilities of geography as praxis. The joint venture was exciting, not because it was new, but because it was perceived as having consequences in the world of action. This shaped the work more than anything. Contemporary work lacks these qualities. In a phrase, it doesn't matter. It needs to.  相似文献   

Some of the literature pertinent to the interactions of birds of flight and man made obstacles, such as transmission lines is reviewed here. Some birds use these towers, poles, and buildings for nesting and perches. They also collide with them. Original observations presented here suggest that the environmental impacts of these types of obstacles on birds, and vice-versa, seem not due to the inability of the birds to perceive the obstacles, but rather that the birds are apparently distracted from a safe flight pattern by their own species, or by others. Editor's Note: Although this paper is quite specialized in comparison with many other articles published in Environmental Management, I feel it is a very useful overview of the problems and the literature related to bird collisions with manmade obstacles. It is hoped that the information presented by the Willards will be helpful to other workers who are perhaps engaged in preparing environmental impact statements concerning structures that could invite bird collisions.  相似文献   

Summary The author argues that sound, profitable and sustainable development should be pursued by all sections of the community: that there exist economic benefits to Governments in promoting sound ecological principles in development policies. He suggests that the environmental movement should be talking about development and environmental concerns as complementary issues, and believes that business enterprises should regard the limitation of environmental damage as simply one more facet of good business practice for good business reasons.Sir Arthur G. Norman, KBE, DFC, is the Chairman of The UK Centre for Economic and Environmental Development (CEED) and an interview with him was recently presented inThe Environmentalist 5 (3) 163–6. This paper was given as a closing address to a Conference entitledThe EEC Environmental Assessment Directive: Towards Implementation held at the Royal Society of Arts, London on 30th–31st January 1986. The Conference was organized by the Centre for Environmental Management and Planning, University of Aberdeen, assisted by the Department of the Environment (UK), the Confederation of British Industry, the Royal Town Planning Institute, the Landscape Institute and with the participation of the Commission of the European Communities.  相似文献   

Environmental programs have been commonly driven by a preoccupation with the collection of data in the mistaken belief thatdata is synonymous withinformation. The distinction between data (that is, the quantified and qualitative attributes of a particular environment) and information (specifically, data processed so as to focus upon a particular environmental problem) will become far more important to environmental managers. They will increasingly manage their information through use of what has become known as information resource management (IRM) and the attendant use of critical success factors methodology. Environmental managers will thereby move away from concerns about data and specific EDP hardware and applications toward managing information as a valuable agency resource. In applying IRM, they will find it helpful to include a number of planning elements and to resolve early a number of issues critical to its successful use.  相似文献   

《"十三五"生态环境保护规划》是第九个五年环境保护规划,规划的编制面临新形势新要求,承载了大量新内容和新任务,在规划的理念、战略、领域、任务、支撑等方面都有显著的拓展与深化。本文通过对规划进行系统梳理,提炼出10个方面的关键词和新提法并逐一解读,以便于读者对规划深入理解和精准把握。  相似文献   

中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅在2019年出台了《中央生态环境保护督察工作规定》,将省级生态环境保护督察制度法治化,并提出常态化实施的要求。作为一项新的改革举措,省级生态环境保护督察在实践中面临许多问题,照搬中央生态环境保护督察的形式难以取得明显实效,存在定位不准、措施不当、保障不力等问题。为此,要在明确督察的内涵和作用方式的基础上,从做好中央生态环境保护督察的补充和延伸的角度出发,提出省级生态环境保护督察的定位、工作程序要点和配套制度建设的需求,为下一步地方完善生态环境保护督察制度提供指导。  相似文献   

Summary Actions during most of this decade concerning where and how to locate a repository for high-level commercial and defence nuclear wastes have been guided by the National Environmental Policy Act and the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982. Issues of repository siting have been controversial, and in December 1987 Congress passed the Nuclear Waste Policy Amendments Act, which identified Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as the nation's first and only site to be characterized for a potential repository. This decision has generated understudied questions regarding the role of science and ethics derived from the mandates of the legislation and use of environmental impact methodology which is predicated upon a positivistic model of science. Because of the importance of choosing an acceptable repository site to protect humans and natural resources for thousands of years into the future, the broadest spectrum of views and in-depth critiques of the role of science in the repository program is required in order that understudied questions can be resolved.John Lemons is the Chairperson of the Department of Life Sciences at the University of New England and, the Editor-in-Chief of the journalThe Environmental Professional. He has authored numerous articles on nuclear waste management, pollution, and wilderness management.Donald Brown is the Director of the Bureau of Hazardous Sites and Superfund Enforcement for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, 221 North Second Street, 3rd Floor, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101. He has published numerous papers on the interface between philosophy and science as it relates to public policy making on environmental issues.  相似文献   

Environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) developed rapidly during the 1990s and has reached a certain level of harmonisation and standardisation. LCA has mainly been developed for analysing material products, but can also be applied to services, e.g. treatment of a particular amount of solid waste. This paper discusses some methodological issues which come into focus when LCAs are applied to solid waste management systems. The following five issues are discussed. (1) Upstream and downstream system boundaries: where is the ‘cradle’ and where is the ‘grave’ in the analysed system? (2) Open-loop recycling allocation: besides taking care of a certain amount of solid waste, many treatment processes also provide additional functions, e.g. energy or materials which are recycled into other products. Two important questions which arise are if an allocation between the different functions should be made (and if so how), or if system boundaries should be expanded to include several functions. (3) Multi-input allocation: in waste treatment processes, different materials and products are usually mixed. In many applications there is a need to allocate environmental interventions from the treatment processes to the different input materials. The question is how this should be done. (4) Time: emissions from landfills will continue for a long time. An important issue to resolve is the length of time emissions from the landfill should be considered. (5) Life cycle impact assessment: are there any aspects of solid waste systems (e.g. the time horizon) that may require specific attention for the impact assessment element of an LCA? Although the discussion centres around LCA it is expected that many of these issues are also relevant for other types of systems analyses.  相似文献   

在全球治理和国际秩序加速变革等大变局背景下,全球气候治理体系和秩序正在经历深刻变化。全球气候问题需要全球气候治理的主体去认知与改造,主体在全球气候治理进程中有着关键性影响。当前全球气候治理主体的内涵和外延在持续变化,最值得关注的变化就是全球气候治理主体走向共同体化,并且正在形成一种规范。全球气候治理主体间在利益、责任与命运关系的演化,对更大范围的、更深程度的主体关系提出了新要求。本文基于近年来全球气候治理实践,分析了全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系的发展情况与趋势,同时分析人类命运共同体如何引导全球气候治理主体共同体及其关系,以更好聚焦国际社会应对气候变化的首要因素,开启全球应对气候变化新征程。  相似文献   

Summary The paper examines the problems associated with transboundary environmental pollution. While briefly recording the efforts of international organizations in this area, the main content of the paper is concerned with an analysis of problems arising between the United States and Mexico, and between the United States and Canada. The paper also discusses new organizational forms that have been developed to bring transboundary issues to a higher policy-making level.Professor Wilcher entered the academic profession after a career in government service. He holds Masters Degrees from West Virginia University and the University of Pittsburgh and a Doctoral Degree from West Virginia University. He is currently Assistant Professor of Political Science at The Pennsylvania State University, New Kensington Campus. He is the author ofEnvironmental Cooperation in the North Atlantic Area published by the University Press of America.  相似文献   

Environmental justice sheds light on the distributive and procedural aspects of planning and decision-making. We examined the challenges arising from the perspective of environmental justice on multi-level and participatory environmental governance by exploring the governance of aquatic environments in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. We found three main challenges and potential responses to them. First, even though most of Helsinki’s shoreline is free and/or accessible by road and accordingly used actively by people for recreational purposes, many parts of the shoreline are perceived as inaccessible, reflecting a need to combine factual and perceived accessibility of aquatic environments in detail during the planning processes and to discuss reasons for possible discrepancies between these two. Second, there was a remarkable seasonal variation in the use of aquatic environments, so more attention should be paid to social-demographic factors explaining the distribution of the use of urban nature. Third, it seems to be difficult to capture the variety of perceptions of people and to integrate them into planning and decision-making processes even on a local scale, and this challenge is likely even more pronounced on higher levels of planning and governance. Thus, better integration of regional and local-scale planning procedures should be encouraged. Building on these observations, we conclude that integration of procedural and distributive environmental justice into the practices of the governance of aquatic environments could remarkably decrease unwanted trade-offs and potential conflicts in their use and management.  相似文献   

In reaction to a paper inEnvironmental Management in which the sense and sensibility of environmental assessments of packaging were questioned, it is argued that these types of assessments may be very useful, provided the relevant types of questions are posed. These boundary conditions are discussed, along with an overview of more recent methodological developments with respect to environmental assessment of products.  相似文献   

This study investigates relations between environmental concern, attitude toward frugality, perceived ease of behavior, and stated intentions to engage in four different types of pro-environmental behavior, i.e., reductions in electricity and gas use, garbage, and automobile use, using data from 341 Japanese respondents. Environmental concern, attitude toward frugality and perceived ease of implementation were considered possible determinants. A structural equation analysis indicated that perceived ease of implementation had effects for all of the pro-environmental behaviors. It also indicated that environmental concern had a positive effect solely for garbage reduction, while attitude toward frugality had positive effects for gas and electricity reduction. For automobile use reduction, neither environmental concern nor attitude toward frugality had significant effects. The relationship between attitude toward frugality and mottainai, that is a Japanese concept indicating respect for resources, is then discussed, and it is suggested that educating people to have not only a high level of environmental concern but also a positive attitude toward frugality would be an effective means of promoting pro-environmental behavior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The relationship between chlorophyll u, total phosphorus, secchi disk depth, and trophic state were examined using data on U.S. lakes collected by U.S. EPA's National Eutrophication Survey. By comparing predicted secchi disk depths with observed summer secchi disk depths in 757 lakes, it was determined that in many lakes non-chlorophyll related light attenuation is important in controlling the amount of chlorophyll u produced per unit of total phosphorus. Ranking of 44 lakes by 18 different trophic state measurements and single and multivariable indices were compared with rankings provided by mean summer ambient total phosphorus and chlorophyll u. The trophic state measurements and indices were much more successful in ranking the lakes against total phosphorus than chlorophyll u, indicating that there are differences in the relative trophic rankings of many of the lakes depending upon whether primary nutrients or biological manifestations are used as the ranking mechanism. If the manifestations of nutrients rather than their absolute levels are the primary criteria for beneficial use of lakes, the use of many of the commonly employed trophic state measurements, which assume or imply that there is a constant relationship between total phosphorus or secchi disk and chlorophyll, can lead to erroneous conclusions and unnecessary costly management controls. Secchi disk measurements may be more useful as a predictor of ambient lake total phosphorus concentrations than of chlorophyll.  相似文献   

Structure and function of environmental programmes   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Summary In this article, the need for integrated curricula in environmental science/studies programmes is reviewed. The required competencies/outcomes for understanding and solution of environmental problems, the requirement for interdisciplinarity and incorporation of innovative skills/methods into environmental curricula, examples of ways to integrate curricula, teaching methodologies and their rationales, impacts of environmental programmes, and academic support for programmes, are also examined in this context.Dr John Lemons is Professor of Biology and Environmental Science, and Chairperson of the Department of Life Sciences at the University of New England. He is also Editor-in-Chief ofThe Environmental Professional, the official journal of the National Association for Environmental Professionals.  相似文献   

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