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为顺利推进省以下环保机构监测监察执法垂直管理制度改革工作进程,本文围绕垂直管理制度改革的方向与主线,对涉及垂直管理改革的环保责任清单、环境监察、环境监测、环境执法、市(地)级派出县级环保分局和省级对市(地)级环保局的双重管理等六个方面的主要改革任务,从改革方案的基本考虑、基本方向和具体实施路径进行系统解读,为下一步试点省份实施垂直管理制度改革提供可操作性的政策指引。  相似文献   

Life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) is performed to quantitatively evaluate all environmental impacts from products, systems, processes and services. However, LCIA does not always provide valuable information for choosing among alternatives with different specifications, functionalities and lifetimes. The objectives of this study are (1) to propose environmental indicators to evaluate environmental efficiency and value qualitatively and quantitatively on the basis of analogies to financial and economic indicators, and (2) to present the application of the indicators. Incremental evaluation using a reference is employed to obtain the environmental indicators. The environmental efficiency indicators are conceptually based on the ratios of reduced environmental burdens returned to environmental burdens required: environmental return on investment, environmental payback period and environmental internal rate of return. The environmental value indicator is the sum of all reduced and required environmental burdens: i.e., environmental net present value. All the environmental indicators can be used to compare and rank the environmental efficiencies or values of alternatives. The environmental efficiency indicators can be applied to a new environmental labeling. The concept of eco-efficiency labeling is developed by combining the environmental efficiency indicators with financial indicators. A case study is performed to illustrate the necessity and importance of the environmental indicators. These environmental indicators can help easily communicate LCIA results in the field of environmental management.  相似文献   

环境空间管控和环境空间规划是我国城市空间规划体系中的短板,我国亟需建立起一套城市环境空间管控体系,来参与城市空间规划体系的建立,进而彻底扭转城市环境污染被动治理的尴尬局面。构建覆盖城市各领域的环境空间管控体系是城市环境总体规划的主要任务。本文梳理了我国环境空间管控发展现状和问题,从城市环境总体规划的角度,在城市层面构建了由环境功能区划、以生态保护红线为核心的严格管控区以及环境承载调控等手段组成的环境空间管控体系,并以贵阳城市环境总体规划为案例,进行了环境空间管控体系的构建。最后提出了实施城市环境总体规划空间管控的政策建议,保障空间管控体系能够落地和发挥作用。  相似文献   

环境风险评估是环境污染责任保险制度实施和应用的重要环节,是一种为投保人和承保人量化环境风险的方法,量化结果是保险公司厘定保费的重要参考依据。随着环境污染责任保险的发展和推广,构建适用于环境污染责任保险的环境风险评估体系逐渐成为当前的研究热点之一,但目前针对环境污染责任保险环境风险评估缺乏深入系统的研究与总结。在已有研究基础上,本文进一步明确环境污染责任保险环境风险评估内涵及特征,并对其评估体系进行科学界定,简要评述当前环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的相关研究主题,并在已有模型和方法基础上构建环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的理论框架,最后在总结当前研究不足的前提下,探讨未来环境污染责任保险环境风险评估的研究趋势,为环境污染责任保险的实施和应用提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

探析我国环境税收制度的构建   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
环境税收制度是未来中国环境政策改革的突破口,相对于其它的环境政策如排污收费与排污权交易等,环境税收其经济效益与环境效益明显,开征环境税收有重要的意义,但在短期内,我国实施环境税收制度的条件尚不成熟,环境政策体系应该采取税费并存并逐步过渡到以环境税为主的方式。  相似文献   

Despite supportive policy frameworks and increased environmental awareness, a growing body of evidence indicates that environmental sustainability is not central to planning and decision-making processes in land reform in South Africa. Increasing pressures on government to meet land reform targets, cumbersome and often inappropriate environmental assessment procedures, and a confusing multitude of laws all contribute to neglect of long-term environmental sustainability considerations in land reform. This is exacerbated by poor recognition of resource rights, a lack of proactive and pre-emptive environmental management plans, and insufficient implementation capacity. This paper argues that the early incorporation of environmental sustainability issues in pre-settlement and post-settlement land reform planning processes could significantly improve the environmental, social and economic outcomes of these projects. A simple, participant-driven environmental sustainability assessment tool is proposed to achieve these environmental and developmental goals.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of a survey of environmental management and technical measures amongst almost 2000 European firms. Logit analysis is undertaken to determine the effects of firm characteristics, commercial conditions, perceived environmental impacts, expected benefits and stakeholder pressures on the probability of having an environmental management system in place. Subsequently, determinants of the likelihood of undertaking environmental actions in five environmental areas are estimated. There is a positive effect of environmental management on the likelihood of undertaking technical measures to reduce environmental impacts in some (but not all) areas, as well as a positive role for integrated environmental management strategies.  相似文献   

环境标准是环境科学中经常出现的一个概念,它对环境法的制定和实施都发挥着十分重要的作用。选取了良好环境权这一视角,对环境标准制度展开论述。在分别介绍了环境标准和良好环境权的基本内容之后,对两者的互动关系进行了分析;在此基础上,文章对有关环境标准的两个难题作了深入的探讨,希望对这方面的研究有所助益。  相似文献   

美国曾经在环境保护和治理污染上做出了卓越的成绩,但是如今环境议题成为撕裂美国的重要议题。美国的共和党和民主党在环境议题上互相牵制,难以达成共识。最近,美国特朗普总统宣布退出应对气候变化的《巴黎协定》就是这种分歧的表现。但当美国1970年代开始环境立法治理污染的时候,美国社会上下和两大党之间高度一致。在此后,因为环境思想上的差异和代际转变,政党斗争、选举体制、利益集团等多方面原因,美国不同政治势力在环境议题上越发分裂。美国在环境议题上的分歧对中国如今解决环境问题有重要的启示意义:首先,现在我国社会上下一致应对环境问题的广泛共识很宝贵,应该抓住难得的机遇期,为未来环境治理积极立法,留下宝贵法治遗产。另一方面,随着人们在环境议题上的利益变得多元,中国应该在环境治理上整合各方面利益,防止中国未来的环保事业被利益集团绑架。最后,中国应该明确环境议题的概念远远大于治理污染,为未来环境事业扩展空间。  相似文献   

Environmental protection is a topical and controversial issue of contemporary Third World development. As a result of the growing crisis of environment and development as well as issues of global environmental balance, divergent views and proposals have been put forward by external governments, international agencies, and environmental groups in resolving the environmental degradation problems of the developing world. However, very little appraisal has been made of the efforts by indigenous Third World governments in facing up to their environmental conservation issues. This article examines the role of past and recent government environmental control policies and programs in Nigeria. The article analyzes three aspects of environmental protection: (1) the theoretical economic bases of environmental protection and the Nigerian approach to environmental protection, including traditional values and modern institutional control measures, the latter embracing nature conservation efforts; (2) environmental considerations in national development plans; and (3) the evolution of a federal environmental protection agency and a national policy on environment. Finally, the article discusses the future challenges and directions for environmental policy.  相似文献   

番禺市民环境意识调查与评价研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了了解番禺市民环境意识的现状,把握市民环境意识的总体水平,探讨今后环境保护宣传教育的重点和方向,对番禺市21个镇区的市民的环境意识进行了抽样设想。从环境态度,环境行为,环境知识3个方面对市民的环境意识水平进行了评价,并对影响环境影响水平的个人因素进行了分析和综合评价。结果表明:现阶段番禺市民环境意识勉强进入中 等水平,而市民的环境态度已进入较高水平,环境知识为中等水平,环境行为为中等水平,市民的环境态度,环境行为,环境知识水平相互脱节,表现为意识先行,行为滞后。  相似文献   

迅速的工业化进程为我国带来了巨大的经济增长,但其引发的资源和环境问题也日益突出,为应对这一严峻挑战,我国开始转变发展思路,推行绿色发展的发展理念。鉴于绿色发展过程中经济、资源、环境多系统之间存在复杂的相互作用,本研究采用系统动力学方法构建了中国经济—资源—环境的动态模型,并在模型有效性的基础上通过五种典型发展模式对政策进行仿真,进而对不同模式未来的发展趋势进行分析。结果表明:加大环保、能源设备更新投资,促进环境友好型、资源节约型社会建设,是我国实现绿色发展的必由之路;绿色发展过程中还要注重各系统间的协调发展,从整体层面制定绿色发展政策;同时,政府还要关注绿色发展的文化建设,促进公众生活和消费方式的绿色转型。  相似文献   

Environmental advocates, as well as the environmental professionals in industry, are exploring a new opportunity to motivate improvements to environmental management systems. This new opportunity arises from the possible link between environmental excellence and competitive advantage. When this link exists in a given industry or market, the business person's enthusiasm for environmental initiatives is much greater. However, this link is not present unless a company's key customers consider environmental performance and product environmental characteristics when making purchasing decisions. There are a number of reasons to pursue environmental excellence, but it is not correct to assume that competitive advantage will automatically occur. This article discusses the conditions that are necessary to achieve the link between environmental excellence and competitive advantage. Whirlpool's success in winning the $30 million Super Efficient Refrigeration Program (SERP) competition will also be discussed as a test case for determining whether environmental excellence can lead to competitive advantage in the appliance industry.  相似文献   

试论环境意识及其对环保工作的影响和促进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈振发 《四川环境》2006,25(3):123-126
从环境意识角度探讨环境问题及可持续发展。简略总结了西方进入工业社会后的人与自然观,及20世纪兴起的环境哲学概况。介绍中国在经济发展过程中对环境保护存在的认识误区。论述环境意识对环保工作的影响和促进及提高环境意识的途径。  相似文献   

Issues of environmental marketing track back to issues of environmental management—i.e., to issues of overall corporate environmental commitment and responsibility. It is absolutely essential that a commitment to corporate environmental improvement be in place before an environmental marketing program is launched. Additionally, marketers can and should play a central role in the greening of the corporation. The marketer brings at least two important skills or strengths to the environmental improvement process—strengths of perspective and strengths of skill set.  相似文献   

在环境风险管理中,需要针对不同的管理目标进行评估与排序,实现有限资源供给下的风险管理效率最大化提升。作为环境风险优先管理中的一个重要内容,比较风险评价是针对不同类型环境问题进行评估与排序的方法,它可以从宏观尺度上有效识别出各类环境问题的风险大小顺序,并有针对性进行管理优先级的设置。本文在对国内外比较风险评价研究进行系统梳理的基础上,分析其对我国环境风险管理的意义,提出我国在开展环境问题的比较风险评价、建立与完善环境风险管理工作优先级等方面的建议。  相似文献   

Improving public access to environmental information in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Providing public access to environmental information is a relatively new approach to environmental management that can improve the quality of environmental decision-making and pollution control. China is currently exploring ways to disclose this environmental information, and has found that many aspects of providing environmental information need to be improved. In particular, work still needs to be done to strengthen the laws and regulations that govern public access to environmental information, to expand environmental disclosure among enterprises, to increase disclosure of environmental information in rural areas and enforce the collection of this information, and to investigate and manage environmental information. In this paper, we review the current situation in China, discuss the problems related to this situation, and present recommendations for improvement.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the present character of environmental monitoring in Swedish municipalities. We have found that local environmental monitoring in Sweden is insufficient. There is very little connection between monitoring activities and local environmental goals, and environmental goals have been established without considering information from the environmental monitoring. In practice, this means that local environmental monitoring has only a limited influence on political decisions and priorities in the municipalities. Our study also showed that local environmental monitoring was almost entirely focused on monitoring the state of the environment and showed a lack of flow-oriented information. There is a strong need to develop a unified strategy for local environmental monitoring to avoid sub-optimisations in local environmental management. A new strategy would, to a much higher degree, have to focus on monitoring diffuse sources of pollution and personal lifestyles. In this case, monitoring only the state of the environment would not be sufficient. It would have to include also the flows of materials through society, i.e. the whole metabolism of society, including biogeochemical as well as anthropogenic material flows.  相似文献   

环保标准是实施国家环境保护法律、法规的技术依据, 是开展环境管理、环境执法工作的有力抓手。环 保产业是促进清洁生产和污染减排,实现达标排放的有效措施。环保标准对环保产业的发展具有重要影 响,是环保产业发展的动力,为环保产业挖掘潜能、拓宽空间、提供指导,同时又与环保产业相互依 存。强化环保标准对环保产业的促进作用,应以改革创新的精神综合考虑当前面临的主要问题,有序推 进环保标准的制定和实施工作。  相似文献   

This article develops a decision-making framework for environmental management that integrates technical, economic, political and legal, and ethical decision levels. It attempts to show how these decision levels can be ordained, integrated and interconnected and postulates a hierarchic concentric sphere system that proposes an environmental management model for long-term solutions. This model can be used as a check list for environmental management decision-making and also as a guide for environmental conflict resolution where environmental problems necessitate several levels of decision making. It integrates various environmental ethical positions and evaluates political decisions into a comprehensive, broadly applicable multidisciplinary approach. The objective of this decision-making model is to interconnect into a simplified sequence different levels of environmental management processes in order to account for sustainability, efficacy, efficiency and the acceptability of environmental management processes in the long term. This is done by observing when an environmental problem needs to be solved within a certain sphere of solutions and when it requires wider frameworks, how these can be established and how this process proves that solidarity is the widest and most reasonable sphere.  相似文献   

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