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实施排污总量控制是我国一项重要的环境管理制度,总量分配是实施该项制度的关键环节,实现排污总量控制指标分配的法律有效性、可操作性和权威性需要遵循排污总量控制目标和分配范围的特定性原则、总量指标的无偿分配和限制性有偿使用原则和体现公开、公平、公正原则。  相似文献   

实施污染物排放总量控制的过程中,总量分配的合理性是体现污染源与污染源之间、管理者与被管理之间能否实现“公平性” 的重要依据和基础,也是关系到总量控制能否顺利实施的重要问题。本文运用不确定性分析对此进行了一些有益的探索,目的是为进行污染物排放总量控制的规划与管理决策者提供分析和解决问题的新思路。  相似文献   

基本农田指标分解的熵权系数法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对基本农田指标分解的问题,应用熵权系数法的基本原理,综合考虑评价对象的多种指标,提出对基本农田指标分解的多指标综合评价的熵权系数方法,克服了以往基本农田指标分解的只注重几个简单指标而造成结果的偏差。以济南市基本农田指标分解为例,进行了具体的评价计算。  相似文献   

区域大气污染总量控制的渐进方法   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
姚建  徐留兴  田静 《四川环境》2002,21(3):81-83
对污染物实施总量控制是我国当前和今后污染控制和管理的方向。本文对区域大气污染总量控制的一般方法进行了讨论。考虑到污染控制成本和公平性要求 ,采用浓度控制与总量相结合的循序渐进方法 ,并提出了促进环境与经济协调发展的总量控制负荷优化分配模型 ,以期对各地总量控制的实施提供参考和借鉴  相似文献   

大气环境容量估算及总量控制方法的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李海晶 《四川环境》2007,26(1):67-71
大气环境容量的计算是实施污染物总量控制的基础,对于局地性区域来说大气环境容量又是大气传输、扩散和排放方式的具体体现。本文主要介绍了目前国内外对于大气环境容量估算模式以及进行总量控制方法的研究进展。  相似文献   

在排污权的建立和运作中,排放总量的测算和排污权初始分配是整个交易的基础。阐述了国内外排污权初始分配概况,分析了浙江省排污权初始分配环节中存在的问题,对浙江省排污权初始分配的发展提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

为提升四川省食盐加工业清洁生产技术水平,提高资源利用率,从源头削减污染。结合四川省食盐加工业的工艺特点、污染特征,并按照清洁生产的要求,在四川省食盐加工业清洁生产评价指标设定的基础上,确定各评价指标的基准值和权重系数,构建评价指标体系,为四川省食盐加工业清洁生产的评估提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

介绍了我国大气污染物总量控制研究进展情况。对A—P值法、多源模式法作了详细阐述,并对总量控制近期的研究热点及发展趋势作了评述。  相似文献   

本文介绍了四川现有涉及重金属污染物排放的行业类别以及涉及重金属类别情况,分析了典型电子行业产污特征及污染治理措施,侧重探讨了四川承接涉重电子行业转移有关重金属总量指标的解决途径。  相似文献   

A new method for numerically predicting the total sediment load in a river is proposed. The method can be used to predict the total sediment load with information on channel geometry and slope, flow, and bed materials. The conventional method uses a 1D approach that assumes the channel has a wide rectangular shape. However, the proposed method computes depth‐averaged velocity over the width and predicts the total sediment load based on the flow computations. The new method, therefore, is expected to predict better if the flow changes significantly in the lateral direction. The proposed method was applied to three large sand‐bed rivers in Korea, where information is available regarding suspended sediment. Five formulas were tested of use in making total sediment load computations, namely Engelund‐Hansen's, Ackers‐White's, Yang's, Brownlie's, and Karim's formulas. The predicted total sediment loads are compared not only with measured data but also with results calculated using the 1D approach. Discrepancy ratios between the predicted and measured total sediment loads are given and the results are discussed.  相似文献   

张念华  樊宏  刘亚迪  陈国惠 《四川环境》2006,25(2):116-119,123
工业在发展的同时必须坚持环境效益与经济效益的统一。本文以多定权因子排序法对都江堰市的工业行业进行了环境污染负荷影响量化评价,以行业产生单位产值所需的环境负荷为评价结果。结果表明该方法用于确定各行业的环境的负荷影响以及对选取适合当地发展的工业行业具有一定的指导意义,还可以进一步明确行业的发展方向。  相似文献   

Abstract: The determination of sediment and nutrient loads is typically based on the collection and analysis of grab samples. The frequency and regularity of traditional sampling may not provide representation of constituent loading, particularly in systems with flashy hydrology. At two sites in the Little Bear River, Utah, continuous, high‐frequency turbidity was used with surrogate relationships to generate estimates of total phosphorus and total suspended solids concentrations, which were paired with discharge to estimate annual loads. The high frequency records were randomly subsampled to represent hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly sampling frequencies and to examine the effects of timing, and resulting annual load estimates were compared to the reference loads. Higher frequency sampling resulted in load estimates that better approximated the reference loads. The degree of bias was greater at the more hydrologically responsive site in the upper watershed, which required a higher sampling frequency than the lower watershed site to achieve the same level of accuracy in estimating the reference load. The hour of day and day of week of sampling impacted load estimation, depending on site and hydrologic conditions. The effects of sampling frequency on the determination of compliance with a water quality criterion were also examined. These techniques can be helpful in determining necessary sampling frequency to meet the objectives of a water quality monitoring program.  相似文献   

通过对城市生态指标的分析评价,发现承德市的主要生态问题,并提出建议,寻求城市发展的高质、高效、和谐的"生态之路".  相似文献   

采用水浴法提取总黄酮,以蜈蚣草为原料、总黄酮得率为考察指标,通过正交试验研究乙醇浓度、提取时间、提取温度及料液比对提取蜈蚣草总黄酮得率的影响。结果表明,各因素对总黄酮提取率的影响程度为∶乙醇浓度提取时间提取温度料液比;最佳的提取工艺条件为:乙醇浓度60%,料液比1∶15,提取温度60℃,每次3h,提取3次,在此条件下提取的总黄酮得率为6.15%。  相似文献   

结合紫外法测定水质中总氮空白校正吸光度值易偏高、测定结果准确度低的问题,分别从检测试剂含氮量、选择实验用水、清洗玻璃器皿、改进实验操作、改进消解环境等多个方面分析了各影响因素对总氮测定的影响,相应提出了采用测定含氮量的方法筛选试剂、新制备的去离子水作为总氮实验用水、每次总氮实验使用新刷好的器皿、增加颠倒混匀步骤提高测定结果的准确度和精密度、高压蒸汽灭菌器应定时清洗换水等对策与建议。  相似文献   

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