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Summary. Predation is a pervasive selective agent highly variable in space and time. Due to the costs associated with antipredator responses, prey would be at a selective advantage if they respond to predation threats with an intensitfy matching the threat posed by the predator. Many aquatic organisms have been shown to use chemical alarm cues present in the water to assess the level of risk in their environment. This includes mosquito larvae which show antipredator responses to conspecific alarm cues. In this study, we investigated the nature of the responses of larval mosquitoes Culex restuans to those cues. In our initial observations, we showed pond/population differences in the response intensity of C. restuans to alarm cues. In experiment 1, we showed that the response intensity to alarm cues could be increased by increasing the background level of risk in the mosquitoes’ environment (by adding salamander predators) and once turned on, the response intensity to alarm cues was likely maintained for the remainder of the mosquitoes’ aquatic life. In experiments 2 and 3, we investigated if the increase in response intensity to alarm cues was directly correlated with the level of background risk in the mosquitoes’ environment. When given increasing levels of background risk, mosquito larvae subsequently showed a graded response to conspecific alarm cues. This series of experiments demonstrates that the response intensity of larval mosquitoes to a standard concentration of alarm cues is not fixed, but rather dependent on the background level of risk in the environment. An understanding of the background level of risk is particularly important for comparing antipredator responses of prey between habitats.  相似文献   

Summary. All animals are vulnerable to predation at some point in their lives and consequently prey organisms often develop effective risk assessment systems. For many aquatic species predation risk assessment occurs through the use of olfactory cues, including predator odours and alarm cues from damaged or disturbed conspecifics. When aquatic species encounter conspecific alarm cues they may respond, or not, based on specific information including cue concentration, health and size of the conspecific donor and potentially the gender and breeding condition of the donor. Previous laboratory studies have demonstrated that fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) fail to respond to the skin extracts of breeding male minnows. The purpose of the current study was to verify these early laboratory findings in the field as well as to further investigate the effect of female reproductive state and donor gender on the response of minnows to damage-release alarm cues. Our results indicate that male breeding condition has a significant effect on how minnows will respond to conspecific cues. Minnows showed avoidance of cues of female minnows and male minnows not in breeding condition, in comparison to cues of breeding male minnows and cues of male and female swordtails. Neither the gender of non-breeding minnows nor the reproductive state of female minnows influenced the avoidance of minnows to alarm cues.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that when predation risk is uniform across habitats, foragers concentrate their exploitation in fewer patches. Although uniform predation risk may seem rare in nature, some scenarios might cause it. Testing all scenarios in a single experiment is unfeasible; therefore, we developed a model that points whether concentration of exploitation in specific habitats due to uniform risk requires parameter values similar to what is found in literature. This model was based on Brown’s (Behav Ecol Sociobiol 22:37–47, 1988) fitness function but rescaled to multiple habitats and predators, including uniform risk predators. Deriving function’s maximum allowed comparisons with giving-up density studies. Results showed that uniform predation risk had a u-shaped effect in habitat exploitation, causing a concentration of habitat exploitation at probabilities of survival from 0.2 to 0.8. However, the length of this interval and degree of concentration depended on the value of safety to forager fitness. Heterogeneous, nonuniform, predation risk decreases habitat exploitation where it was higher, therefore suppressing the effect of uniform risk on prey behavior. Time spent in the focal habitat and metabolic costs reduced the detectability of habitat concentration, while total time did not. We also found that uniform risk reduced accuracy of heterogeneous risk measurements. Future studies should aim to control all possible predators, as even the mild ones can induce complex behavior.  相似文献   

Conspicuous color patterns in birds may lead to increased risk of predation. Alternatively, bright birds may be aposematic or unprofitable prey, which leads to decreased predation. During four autumns, I examined whether the black-and-white plumage of (stuffed) magpies Pica pica increases or reduces the risk of attack by migrating goshawks Accipiter gentilis. Attack risk was higher for normal magpies than for cryptic, brown magpies whether the mounts were placed near one another or far apart. However, the brown magpie may have been avoided because of its novelty. For magpies and cryptic jays Garrulus glandarius exposed together, the attack risk was similar. In 2 years, magpie and jay mounts were also exposed far apart. In 1994, with an invasion of migrating jays, attack risk was much higher for jays than for magpies. In 1995, with a normal density of jays, hawks attacked the magpies more often. The results demonstrate frequency-dependent prey selection by goshawks, which would influence any predation cost of bright plumage. The attacks on normally colored magpie mounts suggest that magpies are not aposematic. Trials with photographs and human observers indicated that normal magpies were somewhat easier to detect than jays. The plumage of the magpie possibly increases the risk of predation, but may be favoured by sexual or social selection. Received: 18 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 6 October 1996  相似文献   

A new mathematical dose-response model for the expected probability of toxic response and also for the expected measure of the overdispersion parameter for the reproductive and developmental risk assessment is proposed. The model for the expected probability of toxic response is an improvised Weibull dose-response model incorporating the litter-size effect while the model for the overdispersion parameter is a polynomial function of the dose level. A beta-binomial distribution for the number of offspring showing toxic responses in a litter satisfactorily accounts for the extra-binomial variation and the intralitter correlation of responses of these pups. Confidence limits for low-dose extrapolation are based on the asymptotic distribution of the likelihood ratio. The safe dose for human exposure is then calculated by simple linear extrapolation. The model for overdispersion allows us to obtain the estimates of the overdispersion parameter at these dosages. This was not possible in the earlier models. The proposed model is illustrated by an application to a study on the effect of exposure to diethylhexylphthalate in mice. The results are compared with those obtained by Chen and Kodell (1989) who have applied the simple Weibull dose-response model to the same data set.This paper was prepared with partial support from the United States Environmental Protection Agency under a Cooperative Agreement Number CR-815273. The contents have not been subject to Agency review and therefore do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Agency and no official endorsement should be inferred.  相似文献   

R. N. Zajac 《Marine Biology》1995,123(3):531-541
Patterns of tissue loss due to sublethal predation and potential effects on population dynamics were investigated in the polychaete Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802. Field observations in southeastern Connecticut showed that the percentage of adult worms regenerating segments and/or feeding palps varied temporally from May to November 1982, but the general pattern suggests a constant level of sublethal encounters. Over all sampling dates, a mean of 14.9 and 7.0% of the population was found regenerating posterior segments and palps, respectively. Worms lost a mean of 19.1% of their segments. There was a weak, but statistically non-significant, size-specific difference in the number of regenerating segments per individual. Worms with 20 to 39 segments and 60 to 80 + segments lost an average of 13.8 and 17.2% of their segments, respectively, but worms with 40 to 59 segments lost an average of 23.4% of their segments. The incidence of regeneration (palps and segments) increased linearly with increasing adult density in the population. There was also a strong positive linear relationship between the number of segments available and the number of segments lost at the population level. This suggests that the constant level of sublethal predation can be explained by predators taking prey in proportion to their density and/or the number of segments available. This pattern is supported by results from a laboratory functional response experiment which indicated that at high prey density, partial consumption of P. cornuta by the predatory polychaete Eteone heteropoda was greater than lethal consumption. Lethal predation of P. cornuta by E. heteropoda did not vary across experimental density treatments. Demographic modelling suggested that sublethal predation can reduce the population growth rate of P. cornuta, but the reduction is less than if the added predation pressure was solely lethal. It was estimated that up to 25% of the population could be preyed upon in a sublethal manner before the potential for population growth fell below population maintenance levels.  相似文献   

In field surveys, laboratory observations and field-based assays of behavior, I examined the effects of size-dependent predation risk on the interaction between size at reproductive maturity and maternal care behavior in the stream-dwelling isopod, Lirceus fontinalis. L. fontinalis exhibit population-specific sizes at reproductive maturity which result in population differences in predation risk during the adult phase. Females from streams containing salamander larvae (that prefer small prey) mature at large sizes and then become relatively safe from predation. Females from streams containing fish (that consume all size classes of prey equally) mature at small sizes and remain at risk. I tested whether these differences in expected survival were reflected in the behavior of females during the maternal phase (i.e., the period during which females exhibit maternal care). Female L. fontinalis carry developing juveniles inside a brood pouch. I simulated predatory attacks on gravid female L. fontinalis from the different population types and found that female behavior correlated with population differences in risk. When “attacked”, females from streams with predatory fish (that experience high risk to adult females) released juveniles from the brood pouch, whereas females from populations with predatory salamander larvae (that pose relatively little risk to adult females) did not release juveniles. I discuss the results with reference to the joint evolution of behavioral and life history traits. Received: 6 March 1996 /Accepted after revision: 12 August 1996  相似文献   

Antarctic krill,Euphausia superba, often exhibit abnormal behavior in laboratory aquaria, usually hovering in a stationary position, unresponsive to most external stimuli. In the austral summer of 1985–1986 at Palmer Station on Anvers Island, Antarctica, we provided laboratory conditions which inducedE. superba to school in large aquaria. Captive krill swam horizontally and exhibited the full spectrum of behaviors normally displayed while schooling at sea. Schooling krill avoided visually contrasting stimuli, with avoidance distances correlated with stimulus size. Schools responded in qualitatively different ways to presentations of food, chemical compounds, and abrupt increases in light intensity. We describe the conditions necessary for aquarium schooling and discuss the importance of an appropriate social environment for displays of escape, avoidance, and feeding behaviors and of positional preference within the school.  相似文献   

The general objective of this paper is to trigger off the development of a more comprehensive approach to Hellenic coastal areas (in the perspective of territorial cohesion), at local level and especially along the non-urban areas close to the sea. Methodological issues linked to the building of an appropriate coastal database constitute the key goal of this paper (the space and time scale, the relationship to the already proposed set of indicators, the impact of driving forces and policies, the possible sources of data and their feasibility etc.). Furthermore, specific emphasis should be given to the choice of new indicators, particularly for the coastal abiotic environment and the land cover/uses along coastal areas, especially near the seafront. Those indicators should be able to aid the formation (in the near future) of an algorithm linked to the total man-made activities in coastal areas. In conclusion, this paper will be considered successful if the just above illustrated objectives could enrich the argument about the typology of coastal areas and the development of a spatial (coastal) observatory. Actually, this paper is part of a broader research of the author regarding the monitoring of coastal spatial changes in different scales (AMICA, “Appraisal of man-made interventions along the Hellenic coastal areas”). This research aims to broaden the coastal knowledge (not only by means of coastal data) on behalf of all stakeholders been implicated into sustainable spatial planning, integrated coastal management and the strategic environmental assessment along coastal areas.
John KiousopoulosEmail:

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - In China, chemical enterprises are required to cluster into a large number of chemical industrial parks (CIPs), which increase risks and threats to the...  相似文献   

Summary In aquarium experiments, the two marine gobiid fish species Pomatoschistus minutus and Gobius niger were allowed to build nests and to spawn in the presence and absence of a predator (cod, Gadus morhua); behind a glass wall the predator was kept where it could be clearly seen by the gobies and vice versa. P. minutus showed no difference in number of nests or number of spawnings in the different treatments; approximately half of the males built nests, and the females spawned in half of those nests. G. niger, on the other hand, responded differently to the simulated predation risk. No nests were built in sight of the predator, whereas in the absence of predators, half of the males built nests and received eggs. The G. niger individuals in this experiment were 2–3 years old. However, when comparing the reproduction of G. niger of different age in the presence of a predator, older individuals (4–5 years) spawned, whereas younger (2–3 years) did not. No difference in vulnerability towards predators was found between equal-sized P. minutus and G. niger. The optimal behavior during the breeding season must depend on prospects of survival, based both on maximal lifespan and vulnerability to predation.  相似文献   

Chemical-mediated effects of predatory fish on chironomid larvae behaviour have been ignored so far. Sediment-dwelling chironomid larvae inhabit protective burrows from which they extend their bodies only to feed on deposited detritus and microalgae from the surrounding sediment. Here, we performed factorial laboratory experiments to study whether fish-borne chemical cues (kairomones) are responsible for behavioural trait changes of chironomid larvae, and whether chironomid larvae are able to assess the densities of fish predators and food resources and the trade-off between them. We exposed naïve Chironomus riparius larvae to the chemical presence of zero, one, and ten predator fish (Rutilus rutilus) and offered two resource levels (low food, high food) for each treatment. Kairomones induced significant inherent behavioural trait changes in chironomid larvae. During the first 120 min after exposing chironomids to fish-conditioned water, we found a significant increase in digging activity with increasing predator density. After 3 days of exposure, the deepest chironomid burrows were found in treatments with the highest predator density. Chironomid larvae were significantly able to adjust their foraging behaviour to different predator densities and food concentrations and trade off between them; that is, when fish predators were more abundant or when more food resources were available, the foraging activities of larvae were significantly reduced. Our data suggest that chemically mediated trait changes (burrowing and foraging behaviour) may cascade through the littoral food web.  相似文献   

Solution culture was conducted in order to understand accumulation characteristics and chemical forms of Pb in Arenaria orbiculata (A. orbiculata) and the response of root exudates to Pb addition. The results showed that: 1) Pb contents in the shoot and root of A. orbiculata increased with increasing in Pb concentrations in solution. 2) The contents of Pb chemical forms under Pb addition followed as: HAc extractable fraction (FHAC)>HCl extractable fraction (FHCl)>NaCl extractable fraction (FNaCl)>ethanol-extractable fraction (FE)>water extractable fraction (FW). 3) Increased Pb level in the medium caused increases in Pb contents in the four subcellular fractions of shoots and roots, with most accumulation in FIV (Fraction IV, soluble fraction) in shoots and FI (Fraction I, cell wall fraction) in roots. 4) Contents of soluble sugar and free amino acid of root exudates increased with increasing Pb concentration in solution. Significantly positive correlations between Pb and contents of soluble sugar and free amino acid were observed. 5) With Pb concentrations in solution, low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) contents followed the tendency: tartaric acid>acetic acid>malic acid>citric acid. Significantly positive correlation was observed between Pb and citric acid contents. The results indicate that soluble sugars, free amino acid and citric acid in root exudates of A.orbiculata facilitate the absorption and accumulation of Pb, which exist in NaCl-, HCl- and HAc- extractable Pb forms, FI and FIV fractions, resulting in tolerance of A.orbiculata to Pb.  相似文献   

Turbidity currents traversing canyon-fan systems flow over bed slopes that decrease in the downstream direction. This slope decrease eventually causes turbidity currents to decelerate and enter a net-depositional mode. When the slope decrease is relatively rapid in the downstream direction, the turbidity current undergoes a concomitantly rapid and substantial transition. Similar conditions are found when turbidity currents debouch to fan systems with loss of lateral confinement. In this work a simplified approach to perform direct numerical simulation of continuous turbidity currents undergoing slope breaks and loss of lateral confinement is presented and applied to study turbulence modulation in the flow. The presence of settling sediment particles breaks the top–bottom symmetry of the flow, with a tendency to self-stratify. This self-stratification damps turbulence, particularly near the bottom wall, affecting substantially the flow’s ability to transport sediment in suspension. This work reports results on two different situations: turbidity currents driven by fine and coarser sediment flowing through a decreasing slope. In the case of fine sediment, after the reduction in the slope of the channel, the flow remains turbulent with only a modest influence on turbulence statistics. In the case of coarse sediments, after the change in slope, turbulence is totally suppressed.  相似文献   

In order to gain preliminary knowledge about the threat to marine ecosystems due to leakage of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and other pollutants from rusting bombshells on the seabed, a case study was conducted in a dumping area in the southern Adriatic Sea (depth 200–300 m). Following electroacoustic and magnetometric surveys of the CWA dumping area, an integrated ecotoxicological approach was used. This approach was based on analysis of CWA residues and their metabolites, including arsenic, in sediment and organisms, as well as multimarker methodology including the Health Assessment Index, histological lesion analysis and enzyme assays. Two sentinel species were selected, the blackbelly rosefish [Helicolenus dactylopterus (Delaroche, 1809)] and the European conger (Conger conger L., 1758). Sediment analysis revealed the presence of CWA degradation products, including 1-4-thioxane and 1-4-dithiane. Tissues of fish from the CWA dumping site showed higher levels of arsenic than those from the reference site. Neither CWAs nor their metabolites were detected in fish tissues. Arsenic levels recorded in blackbelly rosefish were well above those reported for other fish species from the southern Adriatic, much higher than the FDA limit for food (2.6 mg kg−1) and close to the LD50 calculated for mammals (20 mg kg−1 body weight). The presence of pollutants in the CWA dumping site was also confirmed by pathological lesions in both species and EROD activity, two to three times higher than in fish from the reference site (16.45±8.08 and 8.05±5.87 pmol min−1 mg protein−1 in blackbelly rosefish and 269±24.92 and 78.71 pmol min−1 mg protein−1 in European conger, respectively). Cholinesterase activity seemed unaffected in muscle of both species, whereas in brain they were one-third of those recorded in fish from the reference site (14.22±10.05 and 72.87 nmol min−1 mg protein−1, respectively). This suggests that acetylcholinesterase is sensitive to CWAs. In conclusion, the agreement of all the chemical and biological parameters investigated suggests that the integrated ecotoxicological approach used is appropriate to reveal the presence and biological effects of CWAs in the marine ecosystem. Physical and Chemical Impacts on Marine Organisms, a Bilateral Seminar in Italy–Japan held in November 2004.  相似文献   

A growing awareness of increasing trends in coastal erosion and flooding due to climate change is triggering a demand for the rapid assessment of the potential responses of the coastlines around the world, principally in locations where human occupation is especially endangered. Investigations of present and future physical vulnerability and associated social risk have, therefore, become crucial for coastal management. In order to provide a quick and simple methodology for the identification of vulnerable coastal segments, Sharples (2006) has proposed a mapping methodology, called the smartline approach, which consists of representing, by means of simple lines, a geomorphic classification of the hinterland, backshore and beaches. The aim of this paper is to apply the smartline approach to coastal vulnerability assessment with inclusion of social data. The results show that this methodology is appropriate for the indication of coastal segments with varying degrees of vulnerability to erosion and flooding and for the appraisal of the resulting social risk.  相似文献   

Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology - An individual’s metabolic competence is important when escalating to costly behaviours in agonistic encounters. The use of broken shells in the wild...  相似文献   

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