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Goal, Scope, and Background

Soil organisms play a crucial role in the terrestrial ecosystem. Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are known to affect soil organisms and might have negative impacts on soil functions influenced by these organisms. Little research has been done to day on the impact of PPs on tropical ecosystems. Therefore, in this study it was investigated whether fate and effects of pesticides differ between tropical and temperate regions and whether data generated under temperate conditions can be used for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in tropical regions.


In the first part of this study, the effects of two fungicides (Benomyl and Carbendazim) and one insecticide (lambda-Cyhalothrin) on soil invertebrates (i.e. earthworms and arthropods) were evaluated in laboratory tests modified for tropical conditions (temperature, soil, test species). Besides using some native species, the tests were done mainly with two (temperate and tropical) strains of earthworms (Eisenia fetida) and the peregrine isopod speciesPorcellionides pruinosus as standard test species. The chemicals were spiked in two natural and two artificial soils. A tropical artificial soil (TAS), containing a tropical fern product (Xaxim) or coconut coir dust as organic matter, was developed in this study.

Results and Conclusions

The results from the laboratory tests showed that all three test chemicals differed from those gained under temperate conditions. In the case of the fungicides the toxicity was lower but in the case of the insecticide higher under tropical than under temperate conditions. The native tropical earthwormPontoscolex corethrurus reacted more sensitively against Carbendazim in comparison to the standard test speciesEisenia fetida.

Recommendation and Perspective

Details of the environmental risk assessment of the three model chemicals based on the results of the laboratory described here (and including the results of higher tier tests (semi-field and field tests)) will be described in Part 2 of this series  相似文献   

With special filter materials it is possible to eliminate the heavy metals lead, copper and nickel and arsenic from water by sorption resp. chemical bounding. After a reaction time of 24 hours the reduction rates were between 97% and >99,9%.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope, and Background

Soil organisms play a crucial role in terrestrial ecosystems. Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are known to affect these organisms and might have negative impacts on soil functions influenced by these organisms. Little research has been done to day on the impact of PPPs on tropical ecosystems. Therefore, in this study it was investigated whether the effects of pesticides differ between tropical and temperate regions and whether data generated under temperate conditions can be used for the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in tropical regions.


The effects of one fungicide (Carbendazim) and one insecticide (lambda-Cyhalothrin) on soil invertebrates (earthworms and arthropods) and functional parameters (organic matter (OM) breakdown, feeding rate) were evaluated in semi-field tests using Terrestrial Model Ecosystems (TMEs) and in field tests using litter-bags. The soil for the TMEs was extracted from the same site near Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil) where the field test was conducted (see Part 1, Römbke et al. 2005 〈DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/uswf2004.12.088.1〉). The soil was acid clay, typical for tropical regions. In the TMEs the standard test species as well as native tropical species were introduced. Several application scenarios, selected according to their relevance for practical conditions, were realized in TME-tests and field (duration: 150 and 365 days, respectively). Finally, an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for the two chemicals was performed.

Results and Conclusions

The results from the TME-tests show that both test chemicals (depending on their concentration) had toxic effects on the tested organisms and organic matter breakdown, but not on the feeding rates. In the field organic matter breakdown was affected for some time too, but effects on single species were, with one exception (the native earthworm Andiorrhinus amazonicus) not observed; a result probably influenced by the small size of the test plots. Observed differences in OM breakdown between control and treated TMEs were often significant, while due to the higher variability even with differences >10% between means this was not the case in the field.

Recommendation and Perspective

According to the preliminary results of the Environmental Risk, Assessment presented here, the use of the three model chemicals in the tropics (e.g. in Brazil) can cause a damage to the environmental compartment soil. Therefore, a more detailed investigation of these PPPs is recommended, in particular a better evaluation of the exposure (residue analysis). In general, the work performed in Amazonia can be summarised as follows: (1) Depending on the properties of the PPP, the effects of pesticides in tropical resp, temperate regions can differ. (2) If a PPP is going to be used in the tropics, data from tests modified for these conditions should be performed and their results should be incorporated in an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) for tropical regions.  相似文献   


Background and Scope

The marine shipping lanes have become the most important path for the invasion of foreign aquatic organisms. The increasing global trade results in an increase in the number of marine vessels. Without any protective measures, with every ship carrying foreign organisms the risk of biological invasions will rise.


The International Martime Organization (IMO) of the United Nations developed a convention to reduce the transfer of organisms with ballast water. After the entry-into-force of this convention the fleet of the world has to be equipped with effective ballast water management technology before 2016. This article discusses potential options for action. To comply with the limit values of the ballast water convention, the current state of the art demands the use of active substances. Any decision on the approval of active substances used for ballast water treatment and the environmental impact assessment lies with the IMO. Proposed to day are UV-radiation, active chlorine, active oxygen, the creation of biocides through electrolysis and a change in gases contained in the ballast water. The technologies and the potential risks are presented.


Despite the introduction of an approval procedure by IMO any reliable assessment of the real risks involved in the use of biocides is impossible, as the risk assessment approaches have still to be developed. On the regulatory level, the main focus in data requirements for the risk assessment is on a comprehensive testing of the toxic potential of the biocides proposed. Strategies for the identification and evaluation of the chemical resulting from the treatment of limnic, marine and brackish water are not fully developed. An integrating assessment of risks involved in the introduction of foreign organisms versus the toxic effects of the substances used or created during treatment is still missing.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Economists assess politics (also concerning energy supply) due to the efficiency criterion. Thus, economic instruments for environmental protection shall contribute to achieve ecological goals in an (cost-)efficient way. We show that the overemphasis of efficiency is an alien in the way (ecological) systems are working. Mostly, ecological systems are not high-grade efficient. Hence, economic instruments of environmental protection introduce an inappropriate logic to ecological systems that may have severe impacts on their resilience. We illustrate this with the example of emission trading. Time efficiency is considered to be a powerful criterion due to the interest yield requirements of investors, also for ecological investments. We show how the concentration on time efficiency destroys diversity and has negative impacts on the resilience of (eco-)systems. Main features The economic system is embedded in society and natural environment (as self-organizing, living systems). The economy as an ‘instrumental system’ should serve these systems. The guiding value approach (a system theory approach) gives indication that overemphasizing certain guiding values (such as efficiency, as the economic science does) may weaken the functional capability of systems and finally may lead to a collapse of the systems. Results and discussion The article tries to change the focus of the discussion. An altered focus probably has to be implemented by scientists of other subject areas. Contemporary environmental economics (with its focus on efficiency) is unable to give satisfying answers on the pestering problems. Conclusions Criticising the primacy of efficiency is not the same as generally to disclaim considering efficiency needs. Instead, based on the guiding value theory, we want to be contrary to the one-sided and dominating stressing of the of the efficiency criterion. Perspectives Not following the efficiency guide any more means to think over some ‘sacred cows’ such as emission trading or shareholder value. Instead we have to think over alternative designs to reach the ecological targets.  相似文献   


Aims and Scope

Compared to mineral oil products, cooling lubricants based on fatty acid esters have technological advantages. Moreover, they are more environmentally compatible and make a contribution to a sustainable economy. Nevertheless, they are rarely applied in practice, because of their comparably high price, that is based on raw-material and synthesis costs. Alternatives concerning raw-materials and synthesis pathways are considered and properties of resulting ester products are compared.


The investigations aimed at three fatty acid-2-ethyl-hexylesters that were synthesized in an enzymatic-catalytic routine based on peanut oil, suet, and waste edible fat and at esters that were conventionally produced from animal and plant fats and 2-ethyl-1-hexanol. Physical properties, fatty acid patterns, contents of free fatty acids, as well as oxidative and hydrolytic stabilities were determined. Thermolysis experiments were performed.


The physical properties of the seven esters, density, viscosity, pourpoint, and flash point, were comparable and gave reason for the assumption, that the products could be used as basis oils in lubricant formulations. Hydrolysis stabilities of the esters were high and thermal stress did not point at high potential of hazardous compounds formation. Especially the enzymatic-catalytically produced esters showed deficits concerning oxidation stabilities and free fatty acid contents.


For practice it will be necessary to define minimum qualities for raw-materials and resulting ester oils to be used as lubricant basis oils. Moreover, processes have to be developed, that yield high quality ester products from waste edible and animal fats without loosing the advantage of low-cost raw-materials by high production and refinement costs. Surely, one contribution is the further development of the energy-saving enzymtic alcoholysis for ester production.  相似文献   

Hintergrund und ZielEs wird vorgeschlagen, Biomonitoring-Verfahren zu verwenden, um Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die belebte Umwelt zu erkennen, zu bewerten und zu dokumentieren, weil ? es mit dieser Methode gelingt, klimainduzierte Veränderungen in besonders empfindlichen Gebieten in Deutschland mit ihren Lebensräumen, Lebensgemeinschaften und Arten darzustellen, ? es bezüglich Zuwanderung und Ausbreitung neuer Schädlinge und Krankheitserreger für Mensch, Tier und Pflanze nach bzw. in Deutschland relevante Informationen liefern kann, ? damit der Politik zur Bewertung der Auswirkungen des Klimawandels wichtige Informationen, Handreichungen und Entscheidungsgrundlagen zur Verfügung gestellt werden können und ? auf dieser Grundlage geeignete Anpassungsmaßnahmen eingeleitet und auf ihre Wirksamkeit geprüft werden können, wie beispielsweise in der Deutschen Anpassungsstrategie (BMU 2009) beschrieben. Für Biomonitoring-Verfahren, die geeignet sind, Auswirkungen des Klimawandels anzuzeigen, wird der Begriff Klima-Biomonitoring vorgeschlagen Diese Verfahren sollten aus verschiedenen Gründen (u.?a. abgestimmte Methodik und gleiche Datenbasis, Kostenersparnis) unter Beteiligung aller Bundesländer umgesetzt werden. Bioindikation ist bereits heute ein unverzichtbares Verfahren, frühzeitig Veränderungen in der belebten Umwelt zu erkennen und somit Hinweise auf besondere Gefahren zu liefern (Frühwarnsystem). Für das Klima-Biomonitoring werden vorzugsweise bestehende Monitoringsysteme mit ihren bereits erhobenen Daten ausgewertet und mitgenutzt. Material und Methoden Das Klima-Biomonitoring greift auf bereits eingeführte und bewährte Methoden der Bioindikation von Umweltveränderungen zurück. Bestehende Methoden werden im Hinblick auf die besonderen, durch den Klimawandel bedingten Anforderungen ergänzt, angepasst und weiterentwickelt. Auf der Grundlage einer Auswertung relevanter laufender Bundes- und Länderprogramme werden wesentliche Wirkungen des Klimawandels identifiziert, die datenliefernden Programme zugeordnet und Auswertungen vorgeschlagen. Zusätzlich werden Datenquellen beschrieben, deren Nutzung weitergehende Betrachtungen ermöglichen. ErgebnisseIn einer Übersichtstabelle werden Monitoring-Programme auf Bundes- und Länderebene systematisiert und hinsichtlich ihrer Bedeutung für die Bewertung von Klimafolgen auf die belebte Umwelt dargestellt. Eine Übersicht über Datenquellen sowie eine Darstellung erster Erkenntnisse aus der Auswertung vorliegender Daten belegen die Relevanz des vorgeschlagenen Verfahrens. Der erkennbare Forschungs- und Entwicklungsbedarf wird umrissen und Vorschläge für eine Optimierung des Daten- und Methodenaustausches benannt. Beispiele zur Anwendung und Vertiefung der Thematik sowie Anregungen zur Weiterentwicklung der Methodik und zum Schließen von Kenntnislücken werden in Folgepublikationen aufgezeigt. DiskussionAuf der Basis des Klima-Biomonitorings kann das Ausmaß der durch den Klimawandel bereits eingetretenen Veränderungen beschrieben sowie Szenarien und Prognosen zu den Auswirkungen von Klimaveränderungen erstellt werden. Weiterhin ist es möglich, die sekundären Wirkungen des Klimawandels, insbesondere die Auswirkungen der Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Wandel, mithilfe der Bioindikation auf ihre Wirksamkeit zu prüfen. Für einige Klima-Bioindikatoren ist der kausale Zusammenhang zwischen Klimawandel und Reaktion bereits belegt (zum Beispiel die Frühjahrsphasen in der Pflanzenphänologie), in anderen Fällen müssen noch Methoden zur Unterscheidung zwischen Klimawirkungen und anderen Wirkfaktoren entwickelt werden. Die Erkenntnisse aus dem Klima-Biomonitoring sollen Grundlage für entsprechende Handlungen sein, sodass geeignete Anpassungsstrategien und gleichzeitig Maßnahmen zur Vermeidung oder zur Verminderung der Effekte eingeleitet werden können. Zugleich sollen eine angemessene Politikberatung, eine Information der Öffentlichkeit und die Erfüllung entsprechender Berichtspflichten erfolgen. Schlussfolgerungen:Klima-Biomonitoring ist eine geeignete Methode, um klimainduzierte Veränderungen in besonders empfindlichen Gebieten in Deutschland mit ihren Lebensräumen, Lebensgemeinschaften und Arten darzustellen. Erste Auswertungen zeigen, dass bereits Wirkungen des Klimawandels auf die belebte Umwelt nachweisbar sind. Hierbei liefert die Pflanzenphänologie seit vielen Jahren wertvolle Hintergrunddaten. Eine Verschneidung dieser Hintergrunddaten mit Daten aus anderen geeigneten Monitoring-Programmen und weiteren Informationen (zum Beispiel Geobasisdaten) ermöglicht es, diese Erkenntnisse zu ergänzen. Damit ist die Ermittlung und Bewertung von klimainduzierten Wirkungen auch im Bereich der Ausbreitung von Krankheitsüberträgern und -erregern und anderer Phänomene sowie der Bewertung von Maßnahmen möglich. Empfehlungen und PerspektivenEine abgestimmte Anwendung der Methodik in allen Bundesländern und beim Bund, eine Verbesserung des Daten- und Methodenaustausches, die Identifikation, Erschließung und Nutzung weiterer Datenquellen, die Weiterentwicklung der Methodik und eine Publikation weiterer Erkenntnisse werden empfohlen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass sich das Klima-Biomonitoring wegen seiner Vorteile als Methode zur Erhebung von Klimafolgen für die belebte Umwelt auch international etablieren wird.  相似文献   

Background, aim and scope The application of nanosilver is increasing. Knowledge on the fate and behavior of nanosilver in wastewater and wastewater treatment plants is scarce. Studies under real world conditions are completely lacking. We studied (1) the impact of nanosilver on the nitrification of sewage sludge, (2) quantified the mass flow of nanosilver in a pilot-plant, and (3) verified the mass balance in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant where nanosilver is introduced to the municipal plant by an indirect discharger. Materials and Methods The addition of four different nanosilver additives on ammonia oxidation in activated sludge has been studied in batch-reactors at two concentrations (1, 100?mg/L Ag) with two exposure times (2?h, 6?days). The pilot-plant treating 70 population equivalents of domestic wastewater is operated with a 12?day sludge age. Nanosilver was applied to the activated sludge tank within two sludge ages. The silver concentrations were measured in sludge and effluent samples during dosing and the following two sludge ages. The adsorption and speciation of silver particles has been analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Influent, effluent and sludge were sampled on a full-scale plant (60?000 equivalent inhabitants) and analyzed for silver. Results Silver nitrate, metallic nanosilver, nano-scaled silver chloride and microcomposite silver did not show any effect on ammonia oxidation after the addition of 1?mg/L Ag to the activated sludge (corresponding to 250?mg Ag per kg solids). In contrast, 100?mg/L Ag inhibited the nitrification process by 100?% after the addition of silver nitrate and 20–30?% after addition of colloidal polymer-coated nanosilver. A complete mass balance of the pilot-plant, a steady-state system with known fluxes, demonstrates significant enrichment of silver in the sewage sludge (96?%) after the addition of silver chloride to the plant and small losses of silver into the secondary effluent (4?%). The mass fluxes are similar to metallic colloidal nanosilver investigated under the same conditions. The mass balance has been consistently confirmed by the full-scale study in a municipal wastewater treatment plant. The silver fluxes correspond to the fluxes of the suspended solids in sludge and effluent. Overall, it is estimated that from public wastewater treatment plants about 4–40?mg/a Ag per inhabitant equivalent are discharged annually to the receiving water. The analysis by SEM-EDX demonstrates adsorption and incorporation of nanosilver on biological flocs. This method yields first insight into complex building and transformation of silver associated with sulfide after adding metallic nanosilver and silver chloride to wastewater. Discussion Silver ions released from nanosilver react immediately with large amounts of chloride present in wastewater to form silver chloride. Silver ions may react with organic ligands or sulfide groups additionally. Consequently, even silver nitrate added with 1?mg/L Ag (250?mg Ag/kg TS) to activated sludge did not inhibit nitrification activity. Very high amounts of nanosilver, i.?e. 100?mg/L Ag, overburdened the system and equilibrium condition between silver ion release and ligands was not reached. The mass balance reflects the excellent attachment of nanosilver to activated sludge and biological flocs. Therefore, the main elimination process of nanosilver is attachment to the activated sludge. The elimination of nanosilver is high compared to organic and inorganic micro pollutants omnipresent in wastewater. Any further reduction of suspended solids in the effluent water will reduce the silver load. Conclusions Generally, in wastewater nanosilver occurs bonded to activated sludge flocs and therefore the elimination of nanosilver is efficient under operation conditions typical for wastewater treatment plants. The major fraction of nanosilver is removed from the system by the excess sludge withdrawal. Nonetheless, the efficiency may be further improved by a tertiary filtration step. All analyses of influent, effluent and sludge confirmed that silver exists as silver sulfide. Due to a negligible water solubility of this silver species, silver ions are not subsequently released. Recommendations and perspectives Nanosilver research should be driven to the identification of transformation processes in real environmental matrices and the influence of coatings on the adsorption behavior. There is no need for action to take special measures for nanosilver removal in the area of municipal wastewater treatment plants compared to ubiquitous hazardous organic pollutants may present in wastewater. Nevertheless, source control measures following the precautionary principle should be performed.  相似文献   

Ecoregionalizations are important for the evaluation of monitoring networks. In this article a method is decribed concerning how to define Germany’s ecoregions by using ecological data on soil, vegetation, climate and elevation through the aid of classification and regression trees. The resulting ecoregions can be linked to metadata (parameters, methods, quality control and assurance measures) from thousands of Germany’s environmental monitoring sites. Together with GIS procedures, multivariate statistics and geostatistics, ecoregions are useful for integrating data of environmental measurements according to ecological and spatial criteria.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Organotin compounds are used as biocides, plastic additives and catalysts. With respect to environmental effects, tributyltin (TBT) and triphenyltin (TPT) compounds are the most relevant, because of their high aquatic toxicity and endocrine effects on mussels and snails. TBT was mainly used as antifouling agents in coatings of ships and boats. In 1989, Germany banned the application to ships <?25?m length. Finally, in 2003, the use of organotin-based antifoulants within the European Union was completely banned. To verify the effectiveness of the restrictions a retrospective monitoring study was initiated. Material and methods A set of appropriate archived samples was retrieved from the German environmental specimen bank (ESB) comprising standardized pooled samples of eelpout (Zoarces viviparus) muscle tissue and of soft bodies of common mussels (Mytilus edulis) sampled at two locations in the North Sea and one in the Baltic Sea. Analysis of organotin compounds included n-hexane extraction, derivatisation with sodium tetraethyl borate, capillary gas-chromatographic separation and atomic emission detection. Results and Discussion Altogether, time series cover the period 1985 to 2006, including data of an earlier study (Rüdel et al. 2003). Until the late 1990s, TBT remained more or less constant in all samples (e.?g. 17?±?3?ng/g wet weight, ww, in mussels from Jadebay/North Sea). The German ban of TBT-based antifoulings for small ships had no effects on environmental concentrations because large ships dominate in the investigated North Sea regions. After the EU-wide ban of TBT in 2003, however, significant decreases in mussel and fish contamination could be observed. In mussels from Jadebay, TBT concentrations were 14 and 6?ng/g ww in 2004 and 2005, respectively. TBT contamination in eelpout of the same region decreased to about 30 percent of the initial concentrations in 2006. Corresponding decreases were detected for TPT. Declining trends were also found in fish and mussels sampled from a Baltic Sea offshore site. Conclusions The results demonstrate the effectiveness of the legal measures undertaken to control organotin inputs into the aquatic environment. Nevertheless, organotin compounds are still relevant pollutants. Water concentrations calculated from the measured tissue concentrations by using the respective bioconcentration factors are still above the Environmental Quality Standards derived in the context of the Water Framework Directive (0.2?ng/l) and the OSPAR mussel EAC (Environmental Assessment Criteria; 2.4?ng/g ww). Thus adverse effects to marine organisms cannot be excluded. Recommendations and perspectives Further studies should be performed to verify the declining trends. More sensitive analytical methods, e.?g. species-specific isotope dilution analysis, are recommended in order to detect lower environmental concentrations.  相似文献   

Mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases know no borders, and their spread is a consequence of globalization related to high mobility of humans and international trade as well as on climate change. Higher temperatures and precipitation favour the development of mosquitoes as well as the pathogens and parasites which are transmitted by mosquitoes. An increase of about 2?°C would shorten the time for the development of larvae and pupae of Anopheles messeae (vector of malaria) by almost three days resulting in an increase of gonotrophic cycles and number of generations. The higher numbers of breeding sites for Anopheles species such as An. plumbeus in cess pools due to the change of agricultural practises increase the contact with potential vectors of malaria as well. However, at least in Germany, malaria will not play an important role anymore. The invasion of new species such as Stegomyia albopicta (formerly Aedes albopictus) is enhanced by human migration and international trade. St. albopicta was first discovered in Germany in 2007. Nowadays, this species, originally from Southeast Asia, occurs in 13 European states. Thus, the risk for outbreaks of arboviroses is increased.  相似文献   

While the large amount of data available makes it possible to provide a statement concerning the effects of PCDD/PCDF on the WHO TEF-reappraisal regarding the observance of dioxin emission values from waste incineration, similar values for PCBs could not be determined accurately or could only be estimated roughly for the WHO, because only limited measurement values are available for these substances. Thanks to the present availability of such measurement values from the MVA in Bielefeld-Herford, Germany and the MVR in Hamburg, Germany, it is now possible to determine a direct relationship between the low PCDD/PCDF values and the 12 different PCBs which are taken into consideration by the WHO. As the results of these investigations have shown, the statement in Section 2 claiming that there are generally only very low levels of PCDD/PCDF emissions stemming from waste incineration plants, and that the 12 additional PCBs considered by the WHO as well as the WHO TEFs lead to no relevant increase in the evaluation/calculation of the actual emission values nor to a value above the dioxin (I-TEQ) threshold value as established in the 17th BImSchV (Germany Federal regulations responsible for protecting the population from emissions), can be confirmed. A dominant role of the WHO PCB-TEQs is seen to be played by the PCB-126. The exhaust gas measurements in waste incineration plants might therefore already be sufficient if merely the dioxin-like PCB-126 values were to be used in the calculation of the dioxin I-TEQ.  相似文献   

In 1995, common tern (Sterna hirundo) eggs from the big German rivers, the Rhine, Weser and Elbe were collected to study the contamination with organochlorines and mercury. We found distinct differences between the rivers: common tern eggs from the Rhine had higher concentrations of PCBs and HCHs, while eggs from the Elbe had higher residues of DDT, HCB and mercury. Also toxic PCB congeners had higher residue levels in the Rhine. Considering all organochlorines, samples from the Rhine also had the highest concentrations, while those from the Elbe were the lowest. With 5.7 μg×g?1 fresh weight, the ΖCBs had a level endangering breeding success. Fish eating birds should be used as indicators of the contamination of the rivers with environmental chemicals and should be included in monitoring programmes.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope Increasing background concentrations of ground-level tropospheric ozone and more frequent and prolonged summer drought incidences due to climate change are supposed to increase the stress on Bavarian forests. For such scenarios growth reduction and yield losses are predicted. Sustainable forest management in Bavaria aims to significantly increase the proportion of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) because of its broad ecological amplitude. In our regional study different approaches for calculating ozone impact were used to estimate the risks for Bavarian forests in the average climatic, rather moist year 2002 and the extremely dry year 2003.Materials and methods Measurements were conducted for eleven forest ecosystem sites and two forest research sites representing typical Bavarian forest stands under different climatic conditions and situated in different altitudes. For risk assessment currently used approaches were applied either based on the calculation of the cumulative ozone exposure (external dose; MPOC maximal permitted ozone concentration; critical level AOT40phen? accumulated ozone exposure over a threshold of 40 nl [O3] l–1, for the effective phenolgy of beech) or based on the calculation of the phytomedically relevant ozone flux into the stomata (internal dose, critical level AFst>1,6, accumulated stomatal flux above a flux threshold of 1.6 nmol O3?m–2 PLA; PLA = projected leaf area). For calculations continuously recorded ozone concentrations and meteorological and phenological data from nearby rural open field background measuring stations from the national air pollution control and from forested sites were used. Additionally ozone induced leaf symptoms were assessed.Results The exposure-based indices AOT40phen and MPOC as well as the flux-based index AFst>1.6suggest that Bavarian forests are at risk from O3 during a rather moist average year concerning climate conditions (2002) as well as in an extreme dry year (2003). Thus, growth reductions of 5?% are predicted when thresholds are exceeded. Threshold exceedance occurred in both years at all plots, mostly already at the beginning of the growing season and often even many times over. Ozone induced leaf symptoms could be detected only on a few plots in a very slight occurrence.Discussion The results for the applied critical level indices differed depending on climatic conditions during the growing seasons: Regarding exposure-based indices, the highest degree of threshold exceedance occurred in the dry year of 2003 at all plots; the flux-based approach indicated the highest stomatal ozone uptake and thus an increased risk at moist sites or during humid years, whereas the risk was decreasing at dry sites with prolonged water limitation. Hence, soil and accordingly plant water availability was the decisive factor for the flux-modelled internal ozone uptake via stomata. Drought and increased ozone impact can generate synergistic, but also antagonistic effects for forest trees. At water limited rather dry forest sites restricted transpiration and thus production, but concurrently lower ozone uptake and reduced risk for damage can be expected.Conclusions, recommendations, and perspectives For realistic site-specific risk assessment in forest stands the determination of the internal ozone dose via modeling flux based internal stomatal ozone uptake is more appropriate than the calculation of the external ozone dose. The predicted 5?% growth reductions are in discrepancy with the frequently observed increment increase during the last decades in forest stands. Comprehensive and significant statistical verification for ozone induced forest growth reduction as well as the systematic validation of thresholds for ozone in the field is still lacking. However, a multiplicity of different specific new and retrospective growth analysis data should allow closing the gap. Moreover, the determination of canopy transpiration with sap flow measurements is a novel approach to provide cause-effect related, site specific results for the effective internal ozone dose as well as for canopy water supply and consecutively for regional risk estimation. A further future objective is the refinement of O3 flux modelling by further consideration of soil/water budget characteristics and the above mentioned improved estimations of crown and canopy transpiration. Further, the introduction of threshold ranges for forest trees in view of their specific regional climatic conditions and their validation in real forest stands is necessary for developing meaningful ozone risk predictions for forests.  相似文献   

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