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Using the example of the transboundary Biosphere Reserve Rhone, experiments were performed and expounded upon with regard to the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’. The paper describes the components of a step-by-step harmonisation of data sampling and analysis procedures. Special emphasis is given to topics dealing with suitable methods for a sound selection of areas and plots to be monitored, as well as on rules for the spatial integration and generalisation of sampling results. As tools for this purpose the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’ uses the federal ‘Classification System of Ecoregions’ (Standortökologische Raumgliederung) and geostatistical methods for the spatial integration of existing monitoring programmes and sampling grids. Further, the paper outlines how to judge the development of water catchment areas using existing data from hydrological analyses and by means of an ecosystem-oriented water balance model.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive’s (WFD) choice of good ecological status as a metric of the immission situation in water bodies implicitly considers the exposure of biota to pollutants. However, the exposure concept lacks consequent links to food webs and substance cycles where sediments and suspended matter play an important role. This is traceable in monitoring as well as in evaluation schemes. This article identifies the major challenges towards a process-oriented approach.  相似文献   

Separate collection and exploitation of used batteries facilates the recycling and eventual waste management of such heavy metals as mercury and cadmium. It is thereby possible to regain raw materials like zinc, manganese and iron for the raw material cycle. Although the collection and recycling of used batteries in Switzerland is financed by a prepaid disposal fee, their returning rate of almost 60% is too low for several reasons. A questionnaire survey carried out on 2000 households revealed the following frequenthy: People collecting paper, glass, aluminium, compost and tinplate, are more separate used batteries from ordinary garbage. The number of collecting points is supposed to be sufficient, but not all of them are sufficiently marked. The prepaid disposal fee (VEG) should become obligatory so that it would be possible to compensate the collecting points. It is not obvious from the results of the survey if the introduction of a deposit of batteries would raise the retourning rate. As far as advertising is concerned, only the “battery bag” sent to every household by the BESO seemed to influence the collecting behaviour in a positive way, poster advertising had only little effect. Appeals in newspapers, radio and television did not show any changement of the collecting behaviour. However, information and knowledge about batteries and their recycling do have a positive influence in the collecting behaviour of the consumers in this specific case.  相似文献   

The scale of problems caused by pesticides in Europe and the awareness about this is growing. The new European pesticide legislation implies a chance to strengthen the protection of the environment and consumers health. The revised pesticide authorization regulation implements the concept of comparative assessment in order to induce dynamic risk reduction. Mandatory national action plans for member states have to provide clear targets and timetables for the reduction of pesticide risk and use intensity. If and when serious improvements for consumer and the environment become perceptible depends on relevant details on how to implement the legislation into practice and on the engagement of governments and stakeholder to work on an efficient implementation.  相似文献   

For the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons in water and soil, IR-as well as GC/FID-methods (DEV H-18, ISO/TR 11046, NEN 5733) are used. Independent of the measurement method, different clean-up procedures are prescribed in these standard methods. Aluminium oxide, silica gel and magnesium silicate (Florisil®) are used as adsorbents. This article describes the problems of clean-up occurring in mineral oil analysis using selected substances. Tests concerning the type of adsorbent, extract medium, clean-up-technique and extract/adsorbent-ratio are presented. It will be shown that the clean-up procedure has to be counted as a significant factor of influence in the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons. The sources of errors resulting from clean-up as well as the possibilities to avoid them are presented. An extraction solvent for soils which is simple to handle and optimally adjustable to the requirements of the clean-up procedure is presented.  相似文献   

Aim and Background The use of palm oil for bioenergy has become increasingly important for Europe in the last years because of its favourable proportion of yield to area under cultivation. Thus, palm oil presents a low-priced alternative to other energy sources, e.?g. rapeseed oil. Currently, however, palm oil gets a bad press due to new studies about the negative environmental consequences of cultivation practices. Due to the high demand for palm oil, land is becoming scarce. This results in the clearing of primary forests and consequently in the loss of biodiversity and in an increase of greenhouse gas emissions. To reduce the latter, not only the process of oil palm cultivation has to be optimised but also the practice of establishing new plantations by clearing natural forests has to be questioned. The aim of this article is to disclose potentials for greenhouse gas reductions in existing as well as in newly-planned oil palm plantations. Results and Discussion For existing oil palm plantations, two main fields for possible optimisation can be identified: one is improving the plantation management, the other is increasing the efficiency of the utilisation of waste products such as fibres and husks or oil mill effluents. For newly-planned oil palm plantations alternative land use scenarios have to be considered. The results show a big potential for optimisation. Thus, the greenhouse gas balance improves slightly if plantations are run more efficiently. If the waste products are used to generate energy, there are significantly positive effects on the greenhouse gas balance, especially through the reduction of methane emissions. By running a plantation in a professional best-practice way, 4.8 t of greenhouse gases can be saved annually per hectare cultivation area, expressed as CO2 equivalents. If newly-planned oil palm plantations are established on fallow land, greenhouse gas emissions can be further reduced by an additional 4.8 t of CO2 equivalents per hectare and year. From an economic perspective, this may be more costly than clearing primary forest but it is advantageous for both the greenhouse gas balance and the biodiversity of the concerned areas. All in all, exploiting the whole potential for optimisation could result in the saving of 10.2 t CO2 equivalents per hectare and year more than it is the case in the existing mode of cultivation. Conclusions and Perspectives Due to the high demand of palm oil by the world market, cultivation areas for oil palms are becoming increasingly scarce. Thus, it is vital to exploit the full potential of oil palm cultivation in an environmentally and economically sustainable way. The management of plantations has to be optimised and a generally valid waste management system must be implemented in existing and future plantations. New plantations should preferably be established on fallow land, not by the clearing of primary forests. It is essential for a sustainable palm oil production to tap the full potential for optimisation. This, however, is currently not happening due to the high start-up investments. It is thus recommended to introduce an internationally valid certification system which may provide an incentive for more sustainable and effective production methods.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological investigations focus on biological systems and their response to chemically induced stress. Experimental techniques are much more developed than deterministic dynamic modelling. In this methodological contribution a technique is presented, based on lattice theory. This technique, also calledHasse diagram technique, allows data analysis with respect to comparative evaluation. Hasse diagrams are used
  • ? to suggest a possible measure of microbial diversity,
  • ? to analyze dependencies between phospholipid fatty acids and simple geochemical parameters on an ordinal scale and
  • ? to visualise complex results of interactions of humic substances with xenobiotics.
  •   相似文献   

    The drinking water treatment plant (WTP) in Irsch-Treves is one of the WTPs operated by the Public Utility Company of Treves (SWT) responsible for supplying the city of Treves with drinking water. This treatment plant has been responsible for the treatment of raw, soft water from the oligotrophic reservoir Riveris since 1958. The main functions of the WTP are the removal of particulate matter, manganese, iron, aluminium and organic material, especially humic substances. The removal of particulate matter such as bacteria, other microorganisms and plankton is very important to ensure a microbiologically and hygienically stable drinking water. Insufficient removal of particulate manganese may lead to manganese scaling in the supply system and, in extreme conditions, may lead to a brown-coloured drinking water. The so called Multi-Barrier-System is being used in the entire water treatment process. Under this system, great importance is given to the monitoring of the catchment area, the inflows, and the reservoirs. After a preliminary and subsequent sedimentation and biological treatment in the preliminary and in the main reservoirs respectively, the raw water is finally treated through flocculation filtration over the rapid multi-layer sand filters in the WTP Irsch. With this approach, only a rigid application of the above mentioned steps and the application of the latest recognized technology to maintain the supply system can best guarantee a constant supply of clean drinking water. Online particle count in raw water and in drinking water is one of the main quality control measures applied in the WTP Irsch. The conventional flocculation filtration is not always able to fulfil the increasing quality demands for drinking water, especially during adverse raw water quality conditions. This is the reason why more and more membrane filtration units are currently being installed in completely new plants, as substitutes in conventional plants, or for upgrade purposes. The SWT is currently planning an enlargement and upgrade of the WTP Irsch, integrating ultrafiltration, which was successfully tested in a pilot study. The upgrade of the elimination of particulate matter is one of the most important targets, after the enlargement and upgrade of the plant.  相似文献   

    A thin-layer chromatographic method for the determination of mineral oil hydrocarbons (aliphatic compounds and naphtenes) of medium and low volatility in soil samples is presented which is based on their separation and quantitative determination. The extraction of the soil samples is effected by means of an n-hexane-acetone mixture (10∶1) supported by ultrasonics. The evaluation can be made visually or densitometrically by means of a thin-layer scanner. The applicability and restrictions of the method are shown. The advantage of the method lies in its low requirements pertaining to apparatus and chemicals, as well as in its rapidness which makes it suitable for quick in-situ analyses as, for example, for the assessment of the mineral oil content of a contaminated site.  相似文献   

    Systematic environmental screenings are still the exception in South-Eastern Europe. Especially, there is a decisive lack of information concerning the occurrence and behaviour of xenobiotic and toxic compounds like volatile-and non volatile halogenated organics, suppressed by the surrogate AOX, synthetic chelating agents, pesticides, like DDT as well as chlorate in the biosphere. The analysis of soils, waters and firns of a representative area in Bulgaria, the Pirin mountains, indicate a relatively low back ground pollution. The accumulation of the xenobiotics in this high mountain region is recognised to be low. Nevertheless, traces of pesticides and chelating agents like EDTA and NTA in ice (firns) and soils were found. The surrogate AOX should be a parameter, suitable for routine environmental screenings of such areas.  相似文献   

    Easy-liberatable cyanide has to be analysed if soils and waters are contaminated by cyanide. The aim of this study was to determine easy-liberatable cyanide in these environmental samples using a micro-distillation apparatus by means of a modified digestion vessel. Pure aqueous solutions of different cyanide species, five contaminated and uncontaminated soil samples and two water samples were analysed by micro-distillation according to the German standards. Recovery was determined by analysis of spiked samples. When using the modified digestion vessels, the pH of 4 which is demanded by the standard method can be adjusted. The recovery of potassium cyanide and weakly-complexed zinc-cyanide ranged from 93–101% for standards, and from 87–98% for spiked samples. In contrast, the recovery of strong iron-cyanide complexes was below 4% both for pure solutions and spiked samples. The precision of the method expressed as a relative standard deviation was 25% in cases of very low easy-liberatable cyanide contents (< 1 mg CN kg?1) and below 12% in case of high easy-liberatable cyanide contents (> 1 mg CN kg?1) for contaminated soils. The determination of easily-liberatable cyanide in soils and waters using micro-distillation combined with the modified digestion sample is an alternative to other distillation methods.  相似文献   

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