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A variety of factors can influence an individual’s choice of within-group spatial position. For terrestrial social animals, predation, feeding success, and social competition are thought to be three of the most important variables. The relative importance of these three factors was investigated in groups of ring-tailed coatis (Nasua nasua) in Iguazú, Argentina. Different age/sex classes responded differently to these three variables. Coatis were found in close proximity to their own age/sex class more often than random, and three out of four age/sex classes were found to exhibit within-group spatial position preferences which differed from random. Juveniles were located more often at the front edge and were rarely found at the back of the group. Juveniles appeared to choose spatial locations based on feeding success and not predation avoidance. Since juveniles are the most susceptible to predation and presumably have less prior knowledge of food source location, these results have important implications in relation to predator-sensitive foraging and models of democratic group leadership. Subadults were subordinate to adult females, and their relationships were characterized by high levels of aggression. This aggression was especially common during the first half of the coati year (Nov–April), and subadults were more peripheralized during this time period. Subadults likely chose spatial positions to avoid aggression and were actively excluded from the center of the group by adult females. In the Iguazú coati groups, it appeared that food acquisition and social agonism were the major determinants driving spatial choice, while predation played little or no role. This paper demonstrates that within-group spatial structure can be a complex process shaped by differences in body size and nutritional requirements, food patch size and depletion rate, and social dominance status. How and why these factors interact is important to understanding the costs and benefits of sociality and emergent properties of animal group formation.  相似文献   

Sex differences in feeding ecology may develop in response to fluctuations in physiological costs to females over their reproductive cycles, or to sexual size dimorphism, or function to minimize feeding competition within a group via resource partitioning. For most mammal species, it is unknown how these factors contribute to sex differences in feeding, or how the development of males and females reflects these intraspecific feeding differences. We show changes in dietary composition, diversity, overlap, and foraging behavior throughout development in ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) and test how the development of sex differences in feeding is related to female costs of reproduction and year-round resource partitioning. Sex differences in dietary composition were only present when females were lactating, but sex differences in other aspects of feeding, including dietary diversity, and relative time spent feeding and foraging, developed at or near the time of weaning. Sex difference in juveniles and subadults, when present, were similar to the differences found in adults. The low year-round dietary overlap and early differences in dietary diversity indicate that some resource partitioning may begin with young individuals and fluctuate throughout development. The major differences between males and females in dietary composition suggest that these larger changes in diet are closely tied to female reproductive state when females must shift their diet to meet energetic and nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

Individuals living in social groups are predicted to live under unequal predation risk due to their spatial location within the group. Previous work has indicated that individuals located at the edge of groups have higher “domains of danger”, thus are more likely to engage in vigilance or antipredator behavior. We studied the determinants of vigilance behavior in two groups of ring-tailed coatis in Iguazu National Park, Argentina. In addition to the expected pattern that coatis were more vigilant at the edge of the group, we found that individuals were particularly vigilant at the front edge of the group. This pattern conforms to predictions of differing predation risk caused by sit-and-wait predators with respect to mobile animal groups. In addition, coatis exhibited less vigilance when the number of neighbors within 5 m and group size increased. Of the three spatial variables tested, within-group spatial position was the most important predictor variable determining vigilance levels. These results confirm that spatial position has major effects on vigilance behavior, and that group directionality is an important factor which should be taken into account when measuring vigilance behavior. Coatis were more vigilant when juveniles less than 6 months old were in the groups. The presence of these young juveniles also affected the relationship between alarm response and vigilance levels. Coatis were more vigilant after strong alarm reactions, but only when young juveniles were not present in the groups. This may indicate that coatis give differential responses to alarm calls depending on the age of the caller. A comparison of antipredator vigilance between coatis and sympatric capuchin monkeys is consistent with the hypothesis that terrestriality leads to higher perceive predation risk for coatis.  相似文献   

Summary Colonial web-building spiders respond to trade-offs between selective forces relative to spatial position within colonies and thus provide support for the selfish herd theory. The size distribution of spiders within colonies of Metepeira incrassata, a colonial orb-weaver (Araneae: Araneidae) from tropical Mexico is nonrandom; larger (mature) spiders and females guarding eggsacs are more prevalent in the center, whereas more small (immature) spiders are found on the periphery. Experimental field studies with spiders of selected size classes show that larger spiders actively and aggressively seek protected positions in the center of the colony webbing, even though prey availability and capture rates are significantly higher on the periphery. Attacks by predatory wasps, other spiders, and hummingbirds are more frequent on the periphery than in the core of the colony. Reproductive females on the periphery are at greater risk because they are captured more often than smaller spiders, and if their egg sacs consequently remain unguarded, chances of cocoon parasitism are increased. As a result, spiders in the core of the colony have greater reproductive success, producing more egg sacs with greater hatching frequency. Colonial spiders thus appear to be making a trade-off between foraging and protection from predation and show a spatial organization predicted by the selfish herd theory. The influence of such trade-offs on individual fitness and the structure of colonies is discussed. Offprint requests to: G.W. Uetz  相似文献   

Fiddler crabs consume the surficial microphytobenthos around their burrows during low tide. We studied the spatial and temporal feeding patterns in the species Uca uruguayensis by using sequences of digital pictures of feeding pellets accumulation. Data from 61 crabs, feeding without the interference of neighbors, were fitted to different models using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian approaches. Initial feeding location was independent from the emergence location, and then, crabs continued holding a main feeding direction (clockwise or counterclockwise), suggesting a systematic mechanism that may avoid feeding over already processed sediment. Crabs used at least half of their potential feeding area, but these areas were heterogeneous. Both sexes developed similar feeding areas; however, females were faster and needed less time to feed than males, suggesting that males are time restricted. Our work also highlights the importance of incorporating other underlying mechanisms of the behavior of species into the study of feeding strategies.  相似文献   

Predation is often considered an important factor in the evolution of sociality among animals. We studied mortality patterns and grouping behavior of white-nosed coatis (Nasua narica) at sites in southern Arizona, USA, and western Jalisco, México. Coatis were monitored by radio-tracking and recaptures for more than 3 years at each site. In both populations, predation by large felids, including jaguars (Panthera onca) and pumas (Puma concolor), accounted for more than 50% of mortality of adult coatis. Predation rates were significantly higher on solo coatis than on coatis in groups at both study sites. Predation rates were negatively related to group size in Arizona. However, mortality of juveniles, as measured by the ratios of juveniles to adult females, was not related to the number of adult females per group in Arizona or Jalisco. Coatis exhibit a suite of behaviors, including foraging with the juveniles in the center of the group, sharing vigilance, alarm calling, mobbing and attacking predators, and a highly synchronous birth season, that are all consistent with the hypothesis that predation has played an important role in shaping coati social behavior.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal feeding patterns (determined from an index of gut fullness) are described for 10 typical species of calanoid copepods collected from the North Pacific central gyre (September 1968 to June 1977), an area where the zooplankton is food limited and there were a-priori reasons to suspect that feeding and competition for food were important in regulating zooplankton community structure. Over 100 samples from 11 cruises to the eastern part of the gyre were examined, and patterns of gut fullness were related to environmental variables and the copepod species structure. The copepods studied all tended to be omnivores and food generalists. Males had lower indices of gut fullness than females but both males and females of a species had similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. Guts were usually fuller at night than during the day, even in nonmigrating species; however, within nighttime depth distributions, no depths were preferred for feeding. There were also differences between species in mean gut fullness, but different species tended to have similar spatial and temporal feeding patterns. There was considerable spatial variability, and locales could be identified in which most species had higher indices of gut fullness. The copepods were not necessarily more abundant in these locales, nor did these tend to be areas of above average chlorophyll concentration. These patterns were consistent with relatively nonselective feeding, and there was no evidence that these species separate their niches by feeding at differing places or times.  相似文献   

The foraging sites selected by an ambush forager can strongly affect its feeding opportunities. Foraging cane toads (Rhinella marina) typically select open areas, often under artificial lights that attract insects. We conducted experimental trials in the field, using rubber mats placed under lights, to explore the influence of substrate color and rugosity on prey availability (numbers, sizes, and types of insects) and toad foraging success. A mat's color (black vs. white) and rugosity (smooth vs. rough) did not influence the numbers, sizes, or kinds of insects that were attracted to it, but toads actively preferred to feed on rugose white mats (50% of prey-capture events, vs. a null of 25%). White backgrounds provided better visual contrast of the (mostly dark) insects, and manipulations of prey color in the laboratory showed that contrast was critical in toad foraging success. Insects landing on rugose backgrounds were slower to leave, again increasing capture opportunities for toads. Thus, cane toads actively select backgrounds that maximize prey-capture opportunities, a bias driven by the ways that substrate attributes influence ease of prey detection and capture rather than by absolute prey densities.  相似文献   

Summary Clutch size, nestling production and breeding success were studied in colonial Fieldfares (Turdus pilaris) in a subalpine birch forest during ten breeding seasons. Reproductive success was highest for central pairs in large colonies; such pairs benefited most from communal defence against nest predators. Fieldfares and Merlins (Falco columbarius) usually bred in association. Fieldfares breeding away from Merlins had lower breeding success than pairs associated with Merlins, which also benefited by reduced nest predation. Fieldfares apparently chose to nest near Merlins, which had already laid eggs when the thrushes started nest-building.  相似文献   

Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus quoyi) habitat use and its relationship to environmental conditions are generally unknown in the Southern Ocean, presenting challenges for predicting their seasonal occurrence and potential effects of fishing pressure and climate change on this endangered species. Using biological data collected during 14 shipboard surveys off the northern Antarctic Peninsula and oceanographic data from satellite remote sensing, we mapped the distribution of fin whale hotspots, Antarctic krill abundance (biomass from acoustics, concentrations from nets) and ocean conditions during mid- and late-summer to investigate the environmental determinants of whale hotspots. Generalized additive models (GAM) were used to test the hypothesis that intra-seasonal changes in fin whale hotspot distribution relate to sea surface temperature (SST), krill abundance and eddy kinetic energy (EKE). More whale hotspots (sightings and individuals) are observed during late- than mid-summer surveys. During mid-summer, hotspots occurred near Elephant Island while in late-summer they were distributed throughout the slope region in proximity to the mean location of the southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front. The spatial mean of EKE did not differ between mid- and late-summer surveys, but the spatial mean of SST was significantly warmer during late-summer. The GAM for mid-summer indicates that fin whale hotspots were positively related to SST, EKE and acoustically determined krill biomass. The GAM for late-summer indicates the hotspots were negatively related to net-based krill abundance and positively related to acoustic krill biomass and EKE. This study is important because environmental determinants of fin whale hotspots may be used as reference points for implementing future conservation plans for their recovering populations.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated factors affecting annual mating success (MS) and reproductive success (RS) of spotted sandpipers (Actitis macularia) from 13 years of a 17-year study at Little Pelican Island, Leech Lake, Minnesota. Analyses were restricted to ages 1–3. Mean annual female MS varied from 1.3 to 2.7 mates, and the MS pattern was indistinguishable from random. However, female MS increased with age and was affected by arrival date, territory size, and beach size. Female RS also increased with age, and number of mates and year effects were the most significant explanatory variables in each age. Older female RS was increased by priority on a territory and presence of a previous mate. Territory size and beach size varied with population density and did not predictably affect RS. The strong year affect on RS was associated with annual variation in sex ratio and predation. Males produce only one successful clutch per year, so MS greater than one is a result of nest loss and does not increase RS. Neither male MS nor RS changed with age. Male reproductive failure rate varied by year. Given that a male produced young, the degree of RS was affected by year, arrival date, priority on a territory, territory size, and beach size. In years with early-season predation, late arrivals had higher RS; territory and beach size effects varied by year. Neither the presence, nor degree, of female care was associated with male RS. Male RS was more subject to annual environmental variability than was female RS, probably because of relatively low annual potential RS among males.Offprint requests to: L.W. Oring at the current address  相似文献   

Immigration pattern and success in red squirrels   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary We studied the characteristics of immigrants and the effects of immigration on reproductive activity and spacing behaviour in red squirrels living in high-quality woodlands. Male immigration peaked in spring, female immigration in autumn. There was no sex bias in dispersal distance of local recruits or in the proportion of male/female immigrants, but more subadults than adults immigrated on the study plots. Hence, hypotheses explaining sex-biased dispersal were irrelevant in explaining immigration patterns in our study populations. Immigrant females were not in breeding condition, nor had they produced a litter prior to immigration. Hence breeding dispersal did not occur. Red squirrels are promiscuous, and females defend intrasexual territories while males have overlapping home ranges with a dominance hierarchy (Wauters et al. 1990; Wauters and Dhondt 1992). Site fidelity is very important to reproductive success and most parents still have a high residual reproductive value after having produced a litter. Under such circumstances, the resident fitness hypothesis (RFH; Anderson 1989) predicts that parents can benefit by forcing emigration of offspring if the latter are likely to find nearby vacancies. The settlement pattern of successful immigrants, which had a higher probability of becoming established when they had high body mass and when they were settling in plots with reduced intrasexual competition, agreed with the RFH and with the proximate dispersal mechanism suggested by Gliwicz (1992), that dispersal tendency in both sexes depends on the degree of intrasexual competition under local conditions. The fact that close inbreeding was never observed could indicate that random immigration of both sexes, within the social environment of a partly territorial, relatively long-lived species, has evolved not only to reduce competition for resources between parents and offspring but also as an inbreeding avoidance mechanism. Correspondence to: L. Wauters  相似文献   

Efforts to devolve rights and engage Indigenous Peoples and local communities in conservation have increased the demand for evidence of the efficacy of community-based conservation (CBC) and insights into what enables its success. We examined the human well-being and environmental outcomes of a diverse set of 128 CBC projects. Over 80% of CBC projects had some positive human well-being or environmental outcomes, although just 32% achieved positive outcomes for both (i.e., combined success). We coded 57 total national-, community-, and project-level variables and controls from this set, performed random forest classification to identify the variables most important to combined success, and calculated accumulated local effects to describe their individual influence on the probability of achieving it. The best predictors of combined success were 17 variables suggestive of various recommendations and opportunities for conservation practitioners related to national contexts, community characteristics, and the implementation of various strategies and interventions informed by existing CBC frameworks. Specifically, CBC projects had higher probabilities of combined success when they occurred in national contexts supportive of local governance, confronted challenges to collective action, promoted economic diversification, and invested in various capacity-building efforts. Our results provide important insights into how to encourage greater success in CBC.  相似文献   

In avian families, some offspring are rendered unequal by parental fiat. By imposing phenotypic handicaps (e.g., via asynchronous hatching) upon certain of their offspring and not others, parents structure the sibship into castes of advantaged “core” offspring and disadvantaged “marginal” offspring that results in an asymmetric sibling rivalry. Here, I show how this family structure scales up to population level reproductive consequences. In a 17-year study of red-winged blackbirds (Agelaius phoeniceus), I show that year-to-year variation in the number of surviving offspring is driven primarily by variation in the number of marginal offspring at hatching and their posthatching survival. Clutch size, core brood at hatching, and fledging varied little from year to year and had little direct effect on year-to-year variation in total brood size at fledging; conversely, variation in the size of the marginal brood at hatching and at fledging was much greater. Marginal but not core brood size at hatching rose with mean clutch size; in years where parents laid larger average clutches they did so by adding marginal progeny. The mean posthatching survival of marginal offspring was always lower than that of core offspring in a given year, and there was no overlap in the distributions. The highest mean survival of marginal offspring across years fell below the lowest mean survival of core offspring; broods were deeply structured. There was an overall female bias among fledglings, and the sex ratio varied across years, with a higher proportion of the smaller female nestlings in years of below average reproductive success. Such variation was especially pronounced in the marginal brood where a higher incidence of brood reduction allowed greater potential for sex-biased nestling mortality. In years of the highest average reproductive success, the sex ratio in the marginal brood approached equality, whereas in years of the lowest average reproductive success, more than two thirds of 8-day-old nestlings were female. Structuring the brood into core and marginal elements allowed parents to modulate both offspring number and sex under ecological uncertainty with direct consequences for population-level reproductive success. They produced fewer and less expensive fledglings in below average years and more and more expensive fledglings in above average years.  相似文献   

Territoriality should lead to strict dominance, as territory holders typically control access to resources and exclude others from their use. In feeding territories, dominance should be reflected in foraging success and ultimately in reproduction differences; however, these successive links have rarely been made explicit. Therefore, we investigated a population of brown skuas Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi, in which only part of the breeding population occupied feeding territories within penguin colonies. We identified the dominance hierarchy and determined the foraging success of the participants in fights for access to penguin carcasses within the territories. Furthermore, we monitored offspring growth from parents with and without feeding territories. Our results indicated a clear dominance hierarchy with territorial birds in their own territory dominating over territorial breeders from other territories, non-territorial breeders and non-breeding birds. However, territory owners could not completely exclude others from access to food. Foraging success was positively related to dominance scores: The dominant territory owners received 63% of a carcass, whereas non-territorial pairs could get less than 10%. The link between foraging success and offspring development was less clear: Although male chicks of non-territorial parents suffered from lower growth rates and, thus, delayed fledging, there were no such differences in female chicks. Territoriality in skuas did not imply a complete occupation of food, but guaranteed optimal growth conditions for offspring. Non-territorial individuals were forced to search for alternative resources, and the restricted access to the preferred food resulted in inferior conditions for offspring development, making this foraging strategy less rewarding.  相似文献   

Summary Different techniques have been utilized to ascertain male savanna baboon reproductive success based upon behavioral data. A 19 month field study of the reproductive behavior of savanna baboons in Kenya revealed a high degree of concordance among five different measures of male baboon reproductive success. The number of ejaculations showed the highest correlation with time spent in consort. Male reproductive success was not correlated with the number of females mated with because most males mated with most females. Female baboons regularly undergo multiple cycles prior to conception and the penultimate cycle showed no behavioral or physiological differences from the conception cycle. In nearly one-third of conception cycles a single consort partner was responsible for almost two-thirds of ejaculations during the four day optimal conception period. One may be able to reasonably infer paternity in these cases, but the available data are insufficient to support the idea that the variance in male baboon reproductive success is greater than the variance in female baboon reproductive success. The variance in male savanna baboon reproductive success will remain uncertain until genetic paternity studies are undertaken. It is suggested that mate selectivity, longevity, and stochastic factors are important components influencing male baboon reproductive success.  相似文献   

The risk of disease transmission can affect female mating rate, and thus sexual conflict. Furthermore, the interests of a sexually transmitted organism may align or diverge with those of either sex, potentially making the disease agent a third participant in the sexual arms race. In Drosophila melanogaster, where sexual conflict over female mating rate is well established, we investigated how a common, non-lethal virus (sigma virus) might affect this conflict. We gave uninfected females the opportunity to copulate twice in no-choice trials: either with two uninfected males, or with one male infected with sigma virus followed by an uninfected male. We assessed whether females respond behaviorally to male infection, determined whether male infection affects either female or male reproductive success, and measured offspring infection rates. Male infection status did not influence time to copulation, or time to re-mating. However, male infection did affect male reproductive success: first males sired a significantly greater proportion of offspring, as well as more total offspring, when they were infected with sigma virus. Thus viral infection may provide males an advantage in sperm competition, or, possibly, females may preferentially use infected sperm. We found no clear costs of infection in terms of offspring survival. Viral reproductive success (the number of infected offspring) was strongly correlated with male reproductive success. Further studies are needed to demonstrate whether virus-induced changes in reproductive success affect male and female lifetime fitness, and whether virus-induced changes are under male, female, or viral control.  相似文献   

Competitive success within coral reef communities is controlled by various factors. In addition to competitive abilities in direct interactions with a contestant, external influences such as disturbance caused by nutrient input may determine the outcome of antagonistic interactions. We examined the competitive success of corallimorpharians on coral reefs by investigating their distribution patterns within reefs and how well they perform in interference competition with staghorn corals in different environments. Substrate composition and corallimorpharian growth were examined on three reefs in Tanzania under different disturbance regimes using the line-intercept transect and point techniques. A transplant experiment was conducted in which staghorn corals (Acropora formosa) were exposed to the polyps of Rhodactis rhodostoma to establish how competition between corals and corallimorpharians affects their respective distributions. Within reefs corallimorpharians seemed to be more competitive in shallow waters. This could be due to both environmental factors as well as varied competitive abilities depending on surrounding benthos that changed with depth. Reef environment also seemed to influence corallimorpharian growth among reefs as they had the highest densities in the areas with the highest nutrient loads. The transplant experiment revealed that the corallimorpharians had a competitive advantage over the corals, and in comparisons of reefs influenced by different degrees of disturbance, corallimorpharians were most competitive in the area with the highest nutrient content. Hence, stress on coral reefs in the form of raised nutrient loads may favour the competitive success of corallimorpharians.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Biased parental investment and reproductive success in Gabbra pastoralists   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Demographic data from 848 Gabbra households are used to examine the relationships between herd size and reproductive success in relation to sex, in a traditional, pastoralist population. The number of camels in the household herd has a significant positive effect on the reproductive success of both men and women, although the effect of wealth is greater for men, as predicted from evolutionary theory. The greater the number of elder brothers a man has, the lower his reproductive success, as a result of a smaller initial herd and a later age at marriage. This is not true for women –number of elder sisters does not have a measurable effect on a woman’s fertility, although it does have a small, negative effect on the size of her dowry. These results are interpreted as competition between same-sex siblings for parental investment, in the form of their father’s herd, which is more intense between sons than daughters as parental investments are greatest in males. Received: 30 June 1995/Accepted after revision: 23 October 1995  相似文献   

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