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Imitative song learning in birds often results in the formation of vocal dialects or local song neighborhoods in which males in close proximity share very similar songs. If song sharing confers a selective advantage due to intra-sexual competition or inter-sexual mate choice, song sharing should enhance the singer’s territory tenure or lifetime pairing success. We tested this in a migratory population of the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, in which some territory neighbors share whole songs. Song sharing with territory neighbors in the first year on territory did not correlate with territory tenure but correlated positively with social pairing success throughout a male’s lifetime when length of territory tenure was controlled. Thus, song sharing in this migratory population does not appear to confer a benefit in male–male interactions, at least as measured by the length of territory tenure. However, males that share songs do benefit from higher lifetime pairing success. Combined with the data available for other species, it appears that intra- and inter-sexual selection may have stronger effects on song sharing in sedentary and migratory populations, respectively.  相似文献   

Songbirds learn to sing by modeling their songs on the songs of other males through a process of social learning. Models of social learning predict that animals should be selective in what and when they learn. In this study, we asked whether young males in a wild population of the Puget Sound white-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys pugetensis, were selective in their choice of tutor models and what factors influenced how accurately they imitated tutors’ songs. We first examined two strategies for tutor choice: whether pupils have a conformity bias and/or a preference for high-quality tutors. In keeping with a conformity bias, tutors that sang song types that were relatively common within a radius of about 500 m of their territory were more likely to be imitated than were tutors that sang rarer song types. Most potential tutors were not imitated by pupils. Aspects of tutor quality, such as age, pairing status, and survival to the next year had no effect on whether a tutor’s song was imitated. Secondly, we tested whether pupil repertoire size, pupil quality, and local abundance of tutor models affected the accuracy of song imitations. We found a trade-off between repertoire size and tutor imitation accuracy with males that sang two or more song types developing significantly poorer imitations than males that sang one type. We discuss possible functions of a conformity learning strategy and factors that could produce a trade-off between imitation accuracy and repertoire size.  相似文献   

Summary Male field sparrows settling on particular territories for the first time often sing two or more song types. Vocal experience with neighboring males then leads in most cases to the deletion from the male's repertoires of all but one song type. In 2 years, settling males retained the song type that most closely resembled that of a neighbor. Focal observations in 1 year revealed that the most actively singing neighbor was the one the new birds resembled. Songs were not selected on the basis of their absolute acoustic characteristics, but rather by their resemblance to neighbors' songs. After the attrition process is complete, males retain their song for the rest of their lives. Evidence supports the hypothesis that the actual acquisition of a song need not take place at the time and place as males occupy territories. Rather, males may acquire an abundance of song models earlier in life and then select songs from this repertoire that most closely resemble those of their neighbors. The development of mature repertoires and of local dialects is the outcome of one process in this species.  相似文献   

Badge size in the house sparrow Passer domesticus   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary I studied female mate choice in house sparrows Passer domesticus in relation to the size of the black throat patch of males (badge size), which is a signal of dominance status, and to territory quality. Males with large badges obtained a mate earlier in spring than males with small badges. Males which remained unmated during the entire breeding season had smaller badges than mated males, even when controlling for the effect of other morphological traits and age. Largebadged males had territories with more breeding sites than small-badged males. Territories defended by males with large badges primarily had hole nest sites, which were safe from predators, and nestlings rarely fell from hole nests. Females were implanted with estradiol to induce copulation solicitation displays. Females responded more strongly to a male taxidermic mount and song than to song alone, and they responded more strongly and frequently to male mounts with large badges. Female house sparrows chose mates on the basis of male badges and perhaps on the basis of the quality of the nesting territories offered.  相似文献   

多时间尺度上研究中国近代气温变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
应用MODIS数据反演了过去10年中国气温及气温的空间分布特征,并基于气象数据重建了过去60年中国城市、郊区、农村及气象台周边地区冬季气温距平的时间序列,从多时间尺度上,详细分析了20世纪中国气温变化规律。结果发现:气象台气温记录可能受城市热岛效应影响;60年来我国气温呈震荡波动,波动小周期约为7a;从10年尺度上看,近60年来,年代际气温增加幅度最大的是20世纪90年代,21世纪初气温虽然仍处于暖期,但已经出现下降趋势。  相似文献   

Summary Badge size, which functions as a signal of dominance status in male house sparrows Passer domesticus, was significantly related to their sexual behavior. Males with large badges participated in communal displays (multi-male chases directed towards single females) more often than males with small badges, irrespective of whether the female involved was the male's mate or not. Experimentally released females were more often chased if they were fertile than if they were nonfertile. Estradiol-implanted females were chased more often than control females without a hormone implant, and males with large badges chased estradiol-implanted females more often than did males with small badges. Both forced extra-pair copulations during communal displays and unforced extra-pair copulations were more often achieved by males with large than small badges. Male house sparrows with large badges also copulated with their mates at a higher rate than did males with small badges. A higher certainty of paternity therefore is hypothetized to accrue to male house sparrows with large badges.  相似文献   

Sperm competition exerts strong selection on males to produce spermatozoa with an optimal morphology that maximizes their fertilization success. Long sperm were first suggested to be favored because they should swim faster. However, studies that investigated the relationship between sperm length and sperm competitive ability or sperm swimming velocity yielded contradictory results. More recently, ratios of the different sections of a spermatozoon (the head, midpiece, and flagellum) were suggested to be more crucial in determining swimming velocity. Additionally, sperm ability to remain and survive in the female storage organs may also influence fertilization success, so that optimal sperm morphology may rather maximize sperm longevity than velocity. In this study, we investigated how sperm morphology is related to sperm velocity and sperm longevity in the house sparrow Passer domesticus. Sperm velocity was found to be correlated with head/flagellum ratio. Sperm with small heads relative to their flagellum showed higher swimming velocity. Additionally, shorter sperm were found to live longer. Finally, we found sperm morphological traits to vary substantially within males and the head/flagellum ratio to be unrelated to total sperm length. We discuss the hypothesis that the substantial within-male variation in sperm morphology reflects a male strategy to produce a diversity of sperm from long, fast-swimming to short, long-living sperm to maximize their fertilization success in a context of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Female mate preferences for extreme male ornaments may arise and be maintained because males signal their ability to raise an immune defence against parasites by the size of their ornaments. The bursa of Fabricius is an organ involved in antibody synthesis in young birds, but regresses before sexual maturity. The relationship between badge size, condition, and immune defence was investigated in male house sparrows, Passer domesticus, which have a bib of black feathers under their beak, a secondary sexual character currently subject to a directional female mate preference. The size of the bursa of Fabricius decreased during the first year of life in house sparrows. Males with large secondary sexual characters had a smaller bursa than males with small badges. Individuals with a large directional asymmetry in relative testis size had a larger bursa. The abundance of one parasite (a mallophagan) was positively related to bursa size. There was a positive relationship between relative volume of bursa of Fabricius and the number of fault bars on feathers, which is a measure of body condition. These results suggest that males with large badges have lower current levels of immune response than males with small badges, and that males in good body condition, as evidenced from the absence of fault bars, had a relatively small bursa of Fabricius. Received: 6 October 1995/Accepted after revision: 2 June 1996  相似文献   

In many bird species the cryptic winter plumage is due to the presence of light feather tips that conceal conspicuous colorations. The gradual abrasion of these tips that makes sexual traits visible has been interpreted as a strategy to improve mating success (here referred as the permanent exhibition hypothesis). However, under some circumstances, the maintenance of a full plumage that facultatively enables the bird to exhibit or cover aggression-inducing traits has proved to be advantageous (the coverable badge hypothesis). In a population of house sparrows where black throat patches (here called badges) are used in intrasexual competition, the degree of abrasion of dull feather tips that conceal bright colour early in the breeding season correlated neither with badge size nor with traits indicating morphology and body condition. These results are only in accordance with predictions of the coverable badge hypothesis. In 1992 experimental clipping of badge feather tips, which forced permanent exposure of badges, negatively affected birds with the largest badges in terms of nest acquisition, but an opposite trend was indicated for birds with the smallest badges. In 1993, when more novel birds in the study area were competing for nesting sites than in 1992, only badge size, but not the experimental manipulation, affected nesting success. These results suggest that the loss of the ability to conceal badges was disadvantageous, and more so if most competing individuals had already been resident in the colony in previous years and the larger their badges were. There is a striking contrast between the results reported for this study population, where badges mainly signal fighting ability, and those reported for another house sparrow population, where badges are mainly used in mate choice. In this last population, tip abrasion is advantageous for dominant individuals showing the largest badges. This suggests that the trade-off between conserving versus wearing off the feathers that conceal ornaments could have different optimal resolutions depending on the relative importance of inter and intrasexual selection on indicator traits. Received: 29 September 1995/Accepted after revision: 14 July 1996  相似文献   

Summary Previous theory and research have suggested that bird species with song repertoires in general, and song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) in particular, cannot readily discriminate between the songs of neighbors and strangers. In a recent study (Stoddard et al. 1991) we showed that song sparrows can in fact discriminate neighbors from strangers on the basis of song. In this study we sought to demonstrate that song sparrows can make the finer discrimination between individual neighbors and that they can do so on the basis of a single song type. We compared the response of territorial males to song playback of neighbors and strangers at three locations: the neighbor's regular boundary, the opposite boundary, and the center of the territory. The birds showed strong neighbor-stranger discrimination at the regular boundary but not at the opposite boundary, nor in the center of the territory. The differences in song discrimination between different boundary locations indicate that song sparrows associate particular songs with particular territories, effectively discriminating between individual neighbors on the basis of song. Song repertoires themselves do not interfere with neighbor recognition to the extent originally postulated. As speakers are moved inside the territory from the border, however, the degree of discrimination diminishes. We believe that differences in speaker placement may have contributed to the variability in neighbor-stranger discrimination observed in previous studies of the song sparrow and perhaps other repertoire species as well. This interpretation is consistent with data from another song sparrow population showing that half the territory takeovers are by immediate neighbors.  相似文献   

Summary The reproductive success of female house sparrows mated with polygynous males depended to some extent on the aid received from their mates. Polygynous males fed nestlings at the same rate as monogamous males although polygynous males gave aid almost exclusively to one of their mates (the preferred). As a consequence, the number and quality of young raised by preferred females were similar to those of monogamous females, whereas nonaided females experienced a reduction of clutch size, hatching success, and fledgling quality. Males aided the harem female that hatched her clutch earliest (in 11 out of 12 cases). However, harem females that laid eggs earliest (i.e., the potential preferred) lost eggs and/or nestlings more frequently than harem females that delayed laying. This resulted from competing females' infanticide suited for redirecting males' aid. All polygynously mated females delayed the start of a new clutch and reproduced fewer times per season than monogamous females. Consequently, monogamy seems to be the optimum mating situation for females; whereas polygynous males raised more young per year than monogamous males, interference between harem females reduced their maximum expected success.  相似文献   

Females often base their mating preferences on male sexual secondary traits that are used to settle contests among males. Such traits are likely to be honest indicators of male quality if they are constantly used during costly male–male agonistic interactions. Carotenoid signals have been shown to work as a handicap because they are costly to produce. However, the role of carotenoids as “honest” signals during male contests is less clear, and it is not known whether a carotenoid-based trait can serve in both male–male competition and female choice. In this study, we studied the dual function of a carotenoid feather ornament in the rock sparrow (Petronia petronia), a bird species in which both sexes have a yellow throat patch whose size positively correlates with phenotypic measures. First, we investigated, in a field study, whether the size of a male’s yellow patch correlates with his ability to acquire a territory. Second, we tested the signal function of the yellow patch in two male–male interaction in captivity experiments. Finally, we measured female preference for males differing in throat patch size in a mate choice experiment. Our experiments revealed that the size of a male’s throat patch positively correlated with the number of nest boxes he was able to defend. Moreover, in controlled conditions, males with relatively large yellow patches had earlier access to food than those with small patches. Also, in an experiment in which a dummy rock sparrow with an experimentally manipulated yellow patch was positioned near a feeder, latency to feed by focal birds positively correlated with dummy patch size. Lastly, in a dichotomous mate choice experiment, females showed a proximity preference for males whose patch was experimentally enlarged. Taken together, these results suggest that the same carotenoid feather signal may be used in both male–male competition and female choice in this passerine bird.  相似文献   

Esterase variation detected in homogenates of muscle tissue taken from the sand launce Ammodytes dubius in April, 1970 and 1971 is described. Eight alleles were found segregating at a single locus, and the frequencies of these alleles were homogenous in population samples taken on the Emerald Bank, off Nova Scotia, Canada, in successive years. When ordered by their electrophoretic mobility, the profile of the frequencies of these alleles was unimodal and symmetric. In both of the population samples, there were significant excesses of homozygotes and deficencies of heterozygotes. There was an association between genotype and size of individuals among homozygous genotypes; individual homozygous for the most common, intermediately-migrating allele were larger than homozygotes bearing alleles with relatively fast or slow mobilities.  相似文献   

Brood parasitism could be a selective pressure on each female to have a type of egg that permits recognition. House sparrows (Passer domesticus) undergo conspecific brood parasitism and can recognise parasitic eggs. In this study, we analyse the effect of relative size in experimental parasitic eggs compared to the host eggs. We modified egg colour and the spot pattern to determine the influence of these characteristics on egg rejection. Furthermore, we examine whether egg rejection increases with “stimulus summation”. Our results show that egg rejection is not affected by relative egg size. However, changes in the spot pattern proved to exert the highest influence on egg rejection (32.4% of trials), significantly higher than when only egg colour is changed (3.8%). Therefore, our results suggest that parasitism may be a pressure favouring the maintenance of spotted eggs in house sparrow.  相似文献   

Song output and stimulation of the female in white-throated sparrows   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary We investigated the importance of song length and singing rate in stimulating female white-throated sparrows, Zonotrichia albicollis. In November 1988 ten female and one male white-throated sparrow were captured during the fall migration. To enhance the expression of sexual receptivity, the females were implanted with 17-beta-estradiol silastic pellets. Using the visual stimulus of a non-singing male to further enhance the expression of sexual receptivity in the females, we found that females gave a greater response, in the form of copulation displays, to a five-note versus a two-note version of a typical male white-throated sparrow song. Each version was played back at four songs per minute. In May 1990 birds were captured and treated as before, except that the two-note song was played at ten songs per minute and the five-note song at four songs per minute. Therefore, each female heard twenty notes per minute. In the second experiment, the females did not show a statistical difference in response to the two- and five-note song playbacks. We interpret the results of the second experiment as indicating the song rate as well as song length is important in stimulating female white-throated sparrows because increasing the rate of the two-note song brought the response up to the level of response we obtained to the five-note song played at the slower rate. We conclude that in white-throated sparrows, song output is important for female stimulation.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between song repertoire size and reproductive success was investigated in a population of great reed warblers breeding in southern Germany. No correlations were found between repertoire size and various measures of male quality such as weight, wing length and age. Repertoire size was not correlated with territory size, but showed strong correlations with some measures of territory quality such as the amount of high quality reeds and reed-water interface. Repertoire size and territory quality were both correlated with various measures of reproductive success. Partial correlation analysis revealed that territory quality had a more significant effect upon the number of females obtained, but that repertoire size had a more significant effect upon the number of young produced.  相似文献   

Intra-clonal variation in the red seaweed Gracilaria chilensis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The phenotypic plasticity often found in seaweed populations has been explained only from the perspective of inter-population or inter-individual differences. However, many seaweeds grow and propagate by fragmentation of genetically identical units, each with the capacity to function on its own. If significant differences in performance exist among these supposedly identical units, such differences should be expressed upon the release and growth of these units. In this study we document two such types of variation in the red seaweed Gracilaria chilensis. Populations of sporelings, each grown under similar culture conditions and derived from carpospores shed by the same cystocarp exhibit significant differences in growth. In this species, each cystocarp develops from a simple gametic fusion, and cystocarp fusions occur too infrequently to account for the growth differences observed among recruits. In adult thalli, branches (ramets) derived from the same thallus (genet) and grown under similar conditions exhibit significant variation in growth rates and morphology. These findings have several implications. They suggest that carpospore production is not only an example of zygote amplification but that it also could increase variability among mitotically replicated units. Intra-clonal variability followed by fragmentation and re-attachment may increase intra-population variation which, in species of Gracilaria, is often larger than inter-population variation. In addition, the existence of intra-clonal variability suggests that strain selection in commercially important species may require a more continuous screening of highquality strains because of frequent genotypic or phenotypic changes in the various cultivars.  相似文献   

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