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Sperm competition (the competition among the sperm of different males for fertilization of the eggs of a female) has been suggested to be an important component of sexual selection, but no general assessment has been made of this proposition. We used a meta-analytic approach to assess the extensive literature on paternity (the proportion of offspring in a focal nest sired by an attending male) in birds based on allozyme and molecular techniques. The relative variance in male mating success was on average increased by a factor of 4.6 over the variance in apparent male success. Males with more extravagant secondary sexual characters had higher paternity in their own nests than less adorned males. There was a weak effect of male age being positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male body size measured as the length of wing and tarsus was weakly positively associated with paternity in own nests. Male survival prospect was positively associated with paternity in own nests. Polygynous males generally had decreased paternity of their broods compared to monogamous males. Paternity of the resident male decreased with increasing population density and breeding asynchrony. The intensity of paternity guards such as within-pair copulation rate and mate guarding were not significantly related to extra-pair paternity. Sperm competition was thus an important component of sexual selection by increasing the variance in male mating success, and by being associated with the expression of secondary sexual characters, in particular in dense and asynchronously breeding populations of birds. Received: 12 February 1998 / Accepted after revision: 31 May 1998  相似文献   

Despite the functional significance of melanin-based plumage coloration in social and sexual signaling, the mechanisms controlling its information content are poorly understood. The T-regulation hypothesis proposes that melanin ornaments signal competitive abilities via the effects of testosterone (T) mediating both melanization and sexual/aggressive behaviors. Using the phylogenetic comparative approach, we tested whether frontal black melanization is associated with elevated T around the time of breeding plumage development across all bird species with available T-data. We found a context-dependent relationship between melanization and T, varying with the type of ornamentation (patchy or full-black) and with the presumed taxonomic distribution of the hormonal control of plumage dichromatism. Within two taxa in which male plumage development is assumed androgen-dependent (Charadriiformes, Corvida), evolutionary increases in male melanization, and melanin dichromatism correlated with increases in T in most analyses but not within the basal lineage (ratites, Galloanseriformes) with androgen-independent male plumage. Among Passeroidea with presumably genetically or luteinizing-hormone-based male plumage, melanization and its dichromatism correlated with T only in species with <100% frontal melanization. These results were robust as we controlled for several confounding variables such as mating and parental behaviors. This study is the first to test and support the T-regulation hypothesis interspecifically, suggesting that among-species differences in melanization may have evolved in response to differences in circulating T in certain avian taxa. Our results imply that the extent of black ornamentation may serve as an honest indicator of male competitiveness in those species that evolved an appropriate hormonal basis (T dependence) for color production. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sexual selection models suggest that female choice is based on male traits that indicate their genetic or environmental condition, consequently enhancing her reproductive success by direct or indirect benefits. We investigated the relationship between male foot colour and offspring condition in the blue-footed booby, a socially monogamous seabird, with conspicuous and variably condition-dependent coloured feet that are selected by females. In a cross-fostering experiment, we found that chick condition was related to the foot colour of the foster father and, to some extent, to the foot colour of the genetic father; thus overall, the fathers sexual ornamentation (genetic and foster) explained 32% of variance of chick condition. These data suggest that foot colour, a dynamic sexually selected trait, is mostly a signal of parental contribution. In species in which males provide parental care, females may choose mates with higher parental ability. Overall, our data suggest that colourful integuments are honest signals of parental ability.Communicated by J. Graves  相似文献   

Quantification of animal colors is important to a variety of fields of research, especially those dealing with visual communication and sexual selection. Most animal colors are easily measured using well-established spectrophotometric techniques. However, the unique characteristics of iridescent colors present particular challenges and opportunities to quantify novel color metrics. Due to the fine-scale angle dependence of iridescent coloration, color metrics, such as hue and brightness, must be measured using methods that allow for repeatable comparison across individuals (e.g., by carefully controlling and measuring viewing geometry). Here, we explain how the optical characteristics of iridescent colors should be considered when developing measurement techniques, describe the pitfalls of some commonly used techniques, and recommend improved methods and metrics (angular degree of color change and breadth of reflectance) for quantifying iridescent color. In particular, most studies of iridescent birds to date have used less than ideal procedures and have not provided repeatability estimates for their methods. For example, we demonstrate here that measuring coloration from overlapping patches of iridescent feathers may be problematic, and we argue against methods that do not carefully control viewing geometry. We recommend measuring iridescence at maximal reflectance angles using an apparatus that allows for sample rotation, and we compare this technique to some other commonly used methods using iridescent gorget and crown feathers from Anna’s hummingbirds (Calypte anna). Our apparatus allows for the quantification of angular color change, and we found that maximal reflectance measurements using single feathers are highly repeatable both within feather samples and among samples within an individual.  相似文献   

Investigations into several potential fitness parameters in collections of the estuarine bivalve Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn), (from Newport Bay and Alamitos Bay in southern California, conducted from 1981 to 1984) under both field and laboratory conditions, revealed differences in growth rate, tissue weight, and mortality which were correlated with leucine aminopeptidase-1 (LAP-1) genotype. The results of these fitness studies are consistent among themselves and with the results of previous population genetic studies on G. demissa. As a whole, these studies suggest that differential fitness among LAP-1 genotypes in conjunction with a variable environment act to maintain the LAP-1 polymorphism in natural populations of this species.  相似文献   

Density and extra-pair fertilizations in birds: a comparative analysis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Møller and Birkhead (1992, 1993) reported that extra-pair copulations (EPCs) occur more frequently in colonial than dispersed nesting birds. We comprehensively reviewed published data to investigate how breeding density affects extra-pair fertilizations (EPFs). Within species EPFs appeared to increase with density: two of three studies on colonial breeders and six of eight on dispersed nesters showed increases in EPFs with increasing density. However, comparisons among species (n?=?72) revealed no evidence that EPF frequencies correlated with (1) nesting dispersion, (2) local breeding density, or (3) breeding synchrony, even when each of these variables in turn was held constant and phylogenetic relationships were taken into account via contrast analyses. Methodological and biological reasons for the disparity between observational studies of EPCs and molecular genetic analyses of EPFs are discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria and risk of predation: a comparative study of birds   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Møller AP  Nielsen JT 《Ecology》2007,88(4):871-881
Predators have been hypothesized to prey on individuals in a poor state of health, although this hypothesis has only rarely been examined. We used extensive data on prey abundance and availability from two long-term studies of the European Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) and the Eurasian Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) to quantify the relationship between predation risk of different prey species and infection with malaria and other protozoan blood parasites. Using a total of 31 745 prey individuals of 65 species of birds from 1709 nests during 1977-1997 for the Sparrowhawk and a total of 21 818 prey individuals of 76 species of birds from 1480 nests for the Goshawk during 1977-2004, we show that prey species with a high prevalence of blood parasites had higher risks of predation than species with a low prevalence. That was also the case when a number of confounding variables of prey species, such as body mass, breeding sociality, sexual dichromatism, and similarity among species in risk of predation due to common descent, were controlled in comparative analyses of standardized linear contrasts. Prevalence of the genera Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, Plasmodium, and Trypanosoma were correlated with each other, and we partitioned out the independent effects of different protozoan genera on predation risk in comparative analyses. Prevalence of Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon, and Plasmodium accounted for interspecific variation in predation risk for the two raptors. These findings suggest that predation is an important factor affecting parasite-host dynamics because predators tend to prey on hosts that are more likely to be infected, thereby reducing the transmission success of parasites. Furthermore, this study demonstrates that protozoan infections are a common cause of death for hosts mediated by increased risk of predation.  相似文献   

Arlt D  Pärt T 《Ecology》2007,88(3):792-801
The selection of breeding sites in heterogeneous habitats should ideally be based on cues closely reflecting habitat quality and thus predicting realized individual fitness. Using long-term population data and data on territory establishment of male Northern Wheatears (Oenanthe oenanthe), we examined whether territory characteristics linked to individual fitness (reproductive performance and survival) also were linked to territory preference. Breeding territories varied in their physical characteristics and their potential effects on reproductive performance, and this variation among territories was correlated from one year to the next. Of all measured territory characteristics (from the focal and the previous year) only territory field layer height predicted individual fitness, i.e., reproductive performance was higher in territories with permanently short rather than growing field layers. Territory preference, instead, was only linked to the size of territory aggregations, i.e., males settled earlier at territory sites sharing borders with several adjacent sites than at those with few or no adjacent sites. This mismatch between territory characteristics linked to fitness and those linked to territory preference was not explained by site fidelity or compensated for by the different fitness components measured. Because the results were not in agreement with an ecological trap scenario, where poor habitats are preferred over high-quality habitats, our results suggest a more general case of nonideal habitat selection. Whereas nonideal selection with respect to territory field layer height may be explained by its poor temporal predictability within the breeding season, the preference for territory aggregations is still open to alternative adaptive explanations. Our study suggests that nonideal habitat selection should be investigated by direct estimates of preferences (e.g., order of territory establishment) and their links to habitat characteristics and fitness components. Furthermore, we suggest that the probability of establishing a territory needs to be included as a factor influencing patterns of habitat selection.  相似文献   

Cooperatively breeding birds might be expected to suffer from higher costs of parasitism than pair-breeding species because of two aspects of their ecology which should facilitate horizontal transmission and possibly select for higher parasite virulence: first, they interact regularly with more individuals than pair-breeding species, and second, these individuals are commonly close relatives that could share similar resistance alleles. This hypothesis predicts that cooperative breeders should invest relatively more in immune defence than closely related species which breed in pairs. I tested this prediction comparatively in African birds by examining the response of the immune system to the mitogenic lectin, phytoahemagglutinin (PHA response) in relation to cooperative breeding. Among 66 species, of which 18 breed cooperatively, PHA response was significantly higher in cooperatively breeding species. This association appeared not to be confounded by body size, clutch size, nest position, coloniality or similarity owing to common phylogenetic descent. These results suggest that cooperatively breeding birds may have been selected to invest more than pair-breeders in defences against parasites. If so, then additional costs of philopatry and helping behaviour might be imposed on breeders, helpers and offspring.  相似文献   

Many different seabirds including terns have black color at the tip of their beak, but a yellow, orange, or red color of the rest of the beak. The tip of the beak of Arctic terns Sterna paradisaea is black, while the rest of the beak is deep red during the breeding season. We hypothesized that the black coloration of the tip of the beak is a reliable signal of phenotypic quality maintained by the costs of deposition of melanin. In this paper, we tested a number of predictions arising from this hypothesis. Consistent with the hypothesis, we found that (1) Arctic terns mated assortatively with respect to beak color score; (2) early breeding adults had larger beak color scores than late breeders; (3) clutch size was larger in adults with large beak color scores; (4) adults with a small beak color scores were more likely to die in the immediate future than individuals with large scores; and (5) beak color score was related to environmental conditions at the breeding grounds, as reflected by the North Atlantic Oscillation and the amount of fertilizer used in agriculture, and hence, leaking to coastal waters and environmental conditions at the Antarctic wintering areas as reflected by the Southern Oscillation. These findings suggest that beak color score provide reliable information about individual phenotypic quality.  相似文献   

Although the extensive variation in divorce rates among monogamous bird species has stimulated several theoretical accounts, the mechanisms underlying divorce strategies remain poorly understood. Here, we use an individual-based simulation model to investigate the adaptiveness of mechanisms of mate choice in the context of remating. Our model compares the fitness of females that choose a mate during each breeding season using one of two different decision rules; best-of-n females sample n potential partners and then select the male with the highest quality, whereas better option females choose a mate whose quality is maximal among the non-mated individuals they sampled the season before. It is assumed in the model that best-of-n females have no a priori information about the quality of potential partners and systematically decide to divorce at the beginning of each breeding season before searching for a new mate. Conversely, better option females use the information they gained the season before, and may retain their previous partner if they have no opportunity to mate with an individual of better quality. Results from simulations indicate that the best-of-n decision rule should be favoured when there is a large variation in male quality and low costs of mate sampling. On the other hand, the probability that the better option rule may invade the population is predicted to increase with male survival rate. However, changes in male mortality had no marked influence on the expected proportion of divorcing pairs, contrary to previous theoretical expectations.Communicated by H. Kokko  相似文献   

Summary Young chicks were offered a choice of warningly coloured black and yellow and non-warningly coloured green (or olive) prey. Unfed chicks were given palatable painted mealworms on their first day. They directed their first peck at both colour types at the same probability; however, they ate the warningly coloured ones at a much lower rate. This is due to an inhibition of attack which becomes effective after pecking. Chicks which were a few days old showed the same behaviour. Since the control prey was in this case painted with an olive mixture containing the same colours as the warningly coloured mealworms, it can be concluded that the inhibition is caused by the black and yellow coloration. With accumulating positive experience of the chicks, the inhibition decreased. For permanent avoidance it must therefore be supplemented by unpleasant experience. Accordingly, chicks handled the unpalatable black and yellow ringed caterpillars of Tyria jacobaeae only a few times and always for a short period when offered repeatedly. The inhibition caused by the black and yellow pattern is attributed to a genetically fixed predisposition to avoid warningly coloured black and yellow prey which is the result of evolutionary adaptation.  相似文献   

Summary During the nonbreeding season, adult Anna and black-chinned hummingbirds (Calypte anna and Archilochus alexandri) have lower defense costs and more exclusive territories than juveniles. Adult C. anna are victorious over juveniles in aggressive encounters, and tend to monopolize the most temporally predictable resources.Juveniles are more successful than adults at stealing food from territories (the primary alternative to territoriality), presumably because juveniles are less brightly colored. Juveniles have lighter wing disc loading than adults, and consequently should have lower rates of energy expenditure during flight. Reduced flight expenditures may be more important for juveniles because their foraging strategy requires large amounts of flight time. These results support the contention of the asymmetry hypothesis that dominance can result from a contested resource being more valuable to one contestant than to the other.Among juveniles, defence costs are also negatively correlated with age and coloration; amount of conspicucus coloration is negatively correlated with the number of bill striations, an inverse measure of age.  相似文献   

Karst J  Marczak L  Jones MD  Turkington R 《Ecology》2008,89(4):1032-1042
Context dependency is deemed to position the outcomes of species interactions along a continuum of mutualism to parasitism. Thus, it is imperative to understand which factors determine where a particular interspecific interaction falls along the continuum. Over the past 20 years research on the ectomycorrhizal symbiosis has resulted in sufficient independent studies to now generalize about the factors and mechanisms that affect host response to ectomycorrhizas. Using meta-analysis we quantitatively evaluated the role of biotic (partner identity and colonization levels of ectomycorrhizal fungi) and abiotic (phosphorus levels) factors in determining host biomass, height, and shoot:root responses to ectomycorrhizal associations. On average, seedlings across multiple host genera increased in total biomass when inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi regardless of the identity of the fungal associate; host genera differed in the magnitude of response for both total biomass and shoot:root ratio. Association with different fungal genera modified only host allocation of biomass to shoots and roots. Neither level of colonization on inoculated seedlings nor the level of contamination on control seedlings relative to colonization levels by target fungi on inoculated seedlings was important in explaining variation in effect sizes for any growth response. None of our proposed factors (identity of partners, colonization level, magnitude of contamination, or duration of association) explained variation in effect sizes for shoot height, although in general seedlings were taller when inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi. Phosphorus additions did not influence effect sizes. Although the general trend across studies was for a positive response of hosts to ectomycorrhizal inoculation, publication bias and methodological issues effectively reduce and distort the spectrum on which we evaluate host responses to ectomycorrhizal inoculation. Our results indicate that the variation in ectomycorrhizal fungi perceived by the host may be of a discrete (presence/absence of ectomycorrhizal fungi) rather than continuous nature (variation in identity or abundance of ectomycorrhizal fungi).  相似文献   

Ranches are being converted to exurban housing developments in the southwestern United States, with potentially significant but little-studied impacts on biological diversity. We counted birds in grasslands and savannas in southeastern Arizona that were grazed by livestock, embedded in low-density exurban housing developments, or both, or neither. Species richness and bird abundance were higher in exurban neighborhoods than in undeveloped landscapes, independent of livestock grazing. The positive response to development was particularly evident among doves, quail, hummingbirds, aerial insectivores, and some but not all ground-foraging sparrows. Effects of livestock grazing were comparatively minor and mostly involved birds with requirements for tall ground cover or the lack of it. The average rank correlation between counts of individual species and housing density was positive across all transects. However, this relationship disappeared among the exurban transects alone, and bird species richness on the exurban transects was negatively correlated with the number of homes nearby. These results suggest that the positive influence of exurban development on avian abundance and variety was greatest at the lowest housing densities. We attribute the attraction of many birds to exurban development to an oasis effect, in which resources otherwise scarce in arid southwestern environments (shade, nectar, nest sites, and especially water) are relatively abundant around exurban home sites. This finding is consistent with the hypothesis that exurban home sites represented resource supply points inside birds' home ranges otherwise consisting mostly of natural vegetation.  相似文献   

Vigilance behaviour in gregarious species has been studied extensively, especially the relationship between individual vigilance and group size, which is often negative. Relatively little is known about the effect of conspecifics on vigilance in non-obligate social species or the influence of sociality itself on antipredator tactics. We investigated predator avoidance behaviour in the yellow mongoose, Cynictis penicillata, a group-living solitary forager, and compared it with a sympatric group-living, group-foraging herpestid, the meerkat, Suricata suricatta. In yellow mongooses, the presence of conspecifics during foraging—an infrequent occurrence—reduced their foraging time and success and increased individual vigilance, contrary to the classical group-size effect. Comparing the two herpestids, sociality did not appear to affect overt vigilance or survival rates but influenced general patterns of predator avoidance. Whereas meerkats relied on communal vigilance, costly vigilance postures, and auditory warnings against danger, yellow mongooses avoided predator detection by remaining close to safe refuges and increasing “low-cost” vigilance, which did not interfere with foraging. We suggest that foraging group size in herpestids is constrained by species-distinct vigilance patterns, in addition to habitat and prey preference.  相似文献   

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