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We study the effects of working memory capacity and network rewiring probability on the evolution of cooperation in the standard and modified versions of an agent-based model of tag-mediated altruism. In our evolutionary model, computational agents populate a large complex network, engage into multiplayer Prisoner’s Dilemma-like interactions, and reproduce sexually. Agents carry discernible phenotypic traits subject to mutation, memorize their own experiences, and employ different strategies when interacting with different types of co-players. Choices made are selected from a pool of two conditional and two unconditional strategies, depending on the available memory contents and phenotypic similarity among interactors. For the dominating strategy in our standard model version, we found a strong dependence of cooperation on network structure and a weak one on memory, whereas in the modified version, the structural effect was weaker than that of memory. Most importantly, we found that the previously reported decline of cooperation in memory-based models, typically observed at a high memory capacity, is now prevented with the help of tags. This suggests that the evolutionary advantages of memory capacity limits may be far more complex than previously assumed. For much smaller systems, we observed a quasi-symmetric alternation of the two winning groups of strategists. This result provides an example of ingroup biased interactions that are characterized by bursts of intra-tag cooperation interspersed with periods of unconditional transient altruism. Such switches of strategies may represent a boosting mechanism necessary for the emergence and stability of global altruism in its early evolutionary stages.  相似文献   

Theoretical investigations and quasi-experimental evidence from modern conflict areas suggest that intergroup conflict and ostracism play a pivotal role in the evolution of cooperation. However, there is little direct evidence about the influence of intergroup conflict on human social behavior in the presence of endogenous group formation and unrestricted migration. This study introduces an experiment to examine the impact of intergroup conflict and ostracism on group formation, and human cooperation in a dynamic environment where group size, the occurrence of intergroup hostility and the threat of ostracism are endogenously determined. Here, we show that intergroup conflict may inhibit merging into single large human coalitions. The threat of ostracism is shown to increase the average group size and cooperation within the society. In addition, we find that competitive pressure between groups decreases the likelihood of social exclusion. Our results suggest that free migration between groups suppresses the impact of between-group competition on within-group cooperation. Moreover, our results stress the role of ostracism as a means to repress competition within groups and enhance group success in competition against other groups.  相似文献   

The possibility that disruptive sexual selection alone can cause sympatric speciation is currently a subject of much debate. The initial difficulty for new and rare ornament phenotypes to invade a population, and the stabilisation of the resulting polymorphism in trait and preference make this hypothesis problematic. Recent theoretical work indicates that the invasion is facilitated if males with the new phenotype have an initial advantage in male-male competition. We studied a pair of sympatric incipient species of cichlids from Lake Victoria, in which the red (Pundamilia nyererei) and blue males (P. pundamilia) vigorously defend territories. Other studies suggested that red phenotypes may have repeatedly invaded blue populations in independent episodes of speciation. We hypothesised that red coloration confers an advantage in male-male competition, assisting red phenotypes to invade. To test this hypothesis, we staged contests between red and blue males from a population where the phenotypes are interbreeding morphs or incipient species. We staged contests under both white and green light condition. Green light effectively masks the difference between red and blue coloration. Red males dominated blue males under white light, but their competitive advantage was significantly diminished under green light. Contests were shorter when colour differences were visible. Experience of blue males with red males did not affect the outcome of a contest. The advantage of red over blue in combats may assist the red phenotype to invade blue populations. The apparently stable co-existence of red and blue incipient species in many populations of Lake Victoria cichlids is discussed.Communicated by C. St. Mary  相似文献   

Among the effects of global warming, sea level rise (SLR) and severe typhoons pose the greatest threat to the stability of human settlements along coastlines. Therefore, countermeasures must be developed to mitigate the influences of strong typhoons and persistent SLR for coastal protection. This study assesses climate change impacts on coastal erosion, especially in two projected SLR scenarios of RCP2.6 and RCP8.5. The results show that SLR and severe typhoons lead to the increase of coastal erosion, beach lowering and scour. Moreover, as in projected SLR scenarios, average waves in high tide can cause severe soil erosion at inner slopes and lead to dyke failure by 2060. The paper highlights the need for additional countermeasures to protect the coast of Hai Hau district against SLR and severe typhoons. Among the alternatives available for countering these threats, applying soil stabilization and soil improvement combined with geosynthetics are promising strategies for coastal structures. Hybrid structures can be used with earth reinforcement and soil improvement. Additionally, the paper emphasizes the importance of multiple protective adaptations, including geosynthetics and ecological engineering measures against climate change-induced severe erosion on the coast of Hai Hau district.  相似文献   

Transition-metal phosphides have been of concern as efficient electrocatalysts for oxygen evolution reaction(OER) due to its high conductivity and earth-abundance reserves. However, oxide overlayers formed on their surface by spontaneously atmospheric oxidation are usually neglected, thus confusing the establishment of structure–performance relationship. Herein, we successfully etched the oxide overlayers of NiFe phosphide(NiFeP) by a dielectric barrier discharge(DBD) plasma technique, aiming to...  相似文献   

Play in standard laboratory Public Good games suggests that on average, humans are quite prone to cooperate. Yet cooperation is often absent in real world social dilemmas, including many environmental problems. We propose that this discrepancy arises because in the Public Good game, the worst freeriders can do is to not contribute to the public account, while in many real world environmental situations freeriders can even appropriate contributions made by others before the public good is produced. We introduce the Claim Game that modifies the Public Good game by allowing for appropriating the contributions of others before the public good is produced. The impact of such possible takings on public good production is dramatic. No public good is produced, not even in the initial stages of interaction. We link our findings to the relevance of common pool games for modeling environmental problems, and stress the need to experimentally test environmental institutions within harsher social dilemmas than the standard Public Good game.  相似文献   

The idea that natural selection can be meaningfully applied at the group level may be more important than previously thought. This perspective, a modern version of group selection, is called multilevel selection. Multilevel selection theory could incorporate previous explanations for the evolution of cooperation including kin selection. There is general agreement that natural selection favors noncooperators over cooperators in the case of an unstructured population. Therefore, the evolution of cooperation by multilevel selection often requires positive assortment between cooperators and noncooperators. The question is how this positive assortment can arise in the ecological meaning. We constructed an individual-based model of multilevel selection and introduced migration and evolution. The results showed that positive assortment was generated especially when a migration strategy was adopted in which individuals respond specifically to bad environmental conditions. It was also shown that the founder effect in the evolutionary process could further facilitate positive assortment by working with migration. We analyzed assortment by using relatedness defined in group-structured populations. The fact that cooperation was achieved by such migration and by the founder effect highlights the importance of sensitiveness to the ecological environment and of fluctuations in group size, respectively.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa are among the most variable animal cell types, and much research is currently directed towards explaining inter- and intraspecific variation in sperm form and function. Recent comparative studies in passerine birds have found associations between the level of sperm competition and both sperm length and sperm velocity. In species with sperm competition, postcopulatory sexual selection may shape the morphology of sperm as adaptations to the female environment. The speed of evolutionary change in sperm morphology at the species level is largely unknown. In this study, we analysed variation in sperm morphology among morphologically distinct and geographically isolated bluethroat subspecies in Europe. Consistent with previous studies, our analyses of mtDNA and nuclear introns suggest recent divergence and lack of lineage sorting among the subspecies. We found significant divergence in total sperm length and in the length of some sperm components (i.e. head and midpiece). There was a significantly positive relationship between pairwise divergences in sperm morphology and mitochondrial DNA, suggesting a role for genetic drift in sperm divergence. The magnitude of sperm length divergence was considerably higher than that in other geographically structured passerines, and even higher than that observed between several pairs of sister species. We hypothesize that the rapid sperm evolution in bluethroats is driven by sperm competition, and that strong postcopulatory sexual selection on sperm traits can lead to rapid speciation through reproductive incompatibilities.  相似文献   

Dingemans BJ  Bakker ES  Bodelier PL 《Ecology》2011,92(5):1166-1173
Wetlands are significant sources of atmospheric methane. Methane produced by microbes enters roots and escapes to the atmosphere through the shoots of emergent wetland plants. Herbivorous birds graze on helophytes, but their effect on methane emission remains unknown. We hypothesized that grazing on shoots of wetland plants can modulate methane emission from wetlands. Diffusive methane emission was monitored inside and outside bird exclosures, using static flux chambers placed over whole vegetation and over single shoots. Both methods showed significantly higher methane release from grazed vegetation. Surface-based diffusive methane emission from grazed plots was up to five times higher compared to exclosures. The absence of an effect on methane-cycling microbial processes indicated that this modulating effect acts on the gas transport by the plants. Modulation of methane emission by animal-plant-microbe interactions deserves further attention considering the increasing bird populations and changes in wetland vegetation as a consequence of changing land use and climate change.  相似文献   

A new quantity, gyration vector, measuring the gyration effect in turbulent flow field is suggested. While the formerly introduced spin characterizes the trajectories of fluid particles within the Lagrangian stochastic turbulence models, then the suggested gyration vector is defined as an average Eulerian characteristic of the turbulent flow field. The relation between the gyration vector and the average spin is analyzed. The meridional distributions of the gyration vector and of the average spin estimated from the global ocean surface drifter data in the Pacific Ocean are presented. Although the estimates of values of both quantities differ substantially for certain latitude intervals, their meridional distributions exhibit extensive qualitative similarities. The gyration vector as well as the average spin estimated for the unaltered original data on the velocity of drifters display the anticyclonic orientation of rotation at all latitudes, while for the low-pass filtered velocity data with the cut-off frequency value corresponding to 1.5 inertial periods the both quantities show a cyclonic orientation of rotation in narrow zonal bands around 10–20°N and S. The estimates of meridional distribution of two other quantities related to the gyration vector are presented and some aspects of theoretical context of the gyration vector are discussed.  相似文献   

The elongated eye span of male Diopsid flies is a sexually selected character that scales positively with body size. Previously, the duration of agonistic contests was found to increase as rival body size and eye span disparities decreased. Hence, along with its role in mate choice, eye span seems to facilitate mutual assessment of rival size. However, such results are also expected in the absence of rival assessment, when each individual persists according to its own size-dependent internal threshold. Here, we reanalyze these contests to distinguish between these two hypotheses using two measures of size: body length and eye span. Mutual assessment predicts that contest duration should increase with loser size and decrease with winner size. In contrast, our results were more consistent with self-assessment: We found a positive relationship between loser size and contest duration, whereas winner size did not affect contest duration. Thus, flies did not appear to assess the size of their rivals, indicating that the mutual assessment function of eye span elongation may be less important than previously suspected. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This paper analyses an overlapping generations model of environmental externalities and capital accumulation where private contributions to environmental quality are motivated by a desire to socialize others into environmental attitudes. In this framework, the formation of environmental preferences is the result of a cultural transmission process depending on the extent of private contributions. In the short run, we show that three equilibria may arise: a first one where all green agents contribute to the environment, a second one where nobody contributes to the environment and a third interior one. We show that the capital-accumulation process and the change in preferences that occur in this economy lead the interior equilibrium to be selected, in which some, but not all, green agents contribute to the environment. The model thus provides an economic rationale for the gap between the number of people who care about the environment and the number who adopt pro-environmental behaviours. We also show that the fraction of contributors rises with capital, so that we explain the negative relationship between this gap and country income. Last, we show that this gap is particularly detrimental for welfare, and analyse the impact of a number of public policies.  相似文献   

在未来的几十年里,我国的能源需求将达到高峰,由此引发的能源供需矛盾也越来越突出.随着人们对因能源使用而导致的环境问题认识程度的加深,我国面临的环境压力也越来越大.为此,全面优化能源结构、不断提高能源效率,系统改造和更新落后的高耗能产品、设备,推广高效节能技术产品,制定产品的能源效率标准和实施节能产品认证制度是经济可持续发展、保护环境、保障能源供应安全的需要.本文对我国节能产品认证制度的实施情况做了简单介绍.  相似文献   

The rate of light-saturated photosynthesis in 3 marine algae [Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin, Nitzschia closterium (Ehrenberg) Smith and Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher] varies during growth in batch culture. The photosynthetic rare declines most rapidly during growth at the higher temperatures. Because of these changes in photosynthesis rate, the previously reported enhanced photosynthetic abilities caused by growth at lower temperatures (generally interpreted as evidence for higher enzyme levels) can only be observed when measurements are made late in the exponential phase or after the onset of the stationary phase of growth. When allowance is made for the earlier peak of photosynthetic ability in cultures growing at higher temperatures, there is no evidence for adaptation to lower temperatures being caused by increased levels of the enzymes required for carbon-dioxide fixation. When the changes due to growth in batch culture are taken into account, certain effects of temperature can be recognized. the dry weight: chlorophyll ratio of all 3 algae increases with decreasing growth temperatures. For P. tricornutum and N. closterium, growth at lower temperatures reduces the cellular content of chlorophyll a, but has little effect on the chlorophyll content of D. tertiolecta. The dry weight: cell-number ratio of D. tertiolecta and P. tricornutum increases with lower growth temperatures, but growth temperature has little effect on the cell mass of N. closterium. Growth of the 3 algae at lower temperatures does not increase their ability to photosynthesize at these lower temperatures. Rather, it reduces their ability to assimilate carbon dioxide at the higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Facilitation across stress gradients: the importance of local adaptation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Espeland EK  Rice KJ 《Ecology》2007,88(9):2404-2409
While there is some information on genetic variation in response to competition in plants, we know nothing about intraspecific variation in facilitation. Previous studies suggest that facilitation should increase fitness in stressful environments. However, whether a plant experiences an environment as stressful may depend on prior adaptive responses to stressors at a site. Local adaptation to stress at a site may reduce the likelihood of facilitation. Seeds of Plantago erecta from stressful (serpentine soil) and non-stressful (non-serpentine soil) edaphic environments were reciprocally planted into these two soil types. Although competition did not differ significantly among seed sources, there was evidence for a local adaptation effect on facilitation. Non-serpentine seeds planted into serpentine soil exhibited greater individual plant biomass at higher densities. The interaction between population source and growth environment indicates a role for evolutionary processes such as local adaptation in the expression of facilitation in plants.  相似文献   

Montastraea annularis, M. faveolata, and M.␣franksi are three recently separated species that together dominate reefs of the tropical western Atlantic. Despite morphological, life-history, ecological and genetic differences, the legitimacy of their status as separate species has been questioned. This controversy stems from both the scarcity of unambiguous, diagnostic differences among them, and from the possibility of extensive hybridization associated with their approximately synchronous reproduction in sympatry. Here we report on fertilization trials and the timing of spawning, both of which suggest that the potential for hybridization may be limited. Crosses between M. faveolata (the most genetically distinctive taxon) and the other two species were largely unsuccessful, as were selfed matings for all three species. M. annularis and M. franksi showed no evidence of fertilization barriers, but the timing of spawning typically differed between them by 1 to 2 h. We also found that spawning times in the field of M. annularis and M. faveolata were non-overlapping in 1995, and that the timing of spawning in M. annularis could be experimentally shifted forward by simulating earlier than natural sunsets. These findings from Panamá and Honduras, particularly given their consistency with comparable observations and experiments elsewhere, provide evidence of reproductive isolation and support the separate species status of these three taxa. Some hybridization may occur under natural conditions at these sites, particularly between M. annularis and M.␣franksi. Rampant genetic interchange among these taxa in Central America seems unlikely, however, in the light of the concordant associations between morphology, reproductive biology and other characters which are observed. Received: 22 July 1996 / Accepted: 2 October 1996  相似文献   

Restoration scientists and practitioners have recently begun to include economic and social aspects in the design and investment decisions for restoration projects. With few exceptions, ecological restoration studies that include economics focus solely on evaluating costs of restoration projects. However, economic principles, tools, and instruments can be applied to a range of other factors that affect project success. We considered the relevance of applying economics to address 4 key challenges of ecological restoration: assessing social and economic benefits, estimating overall costs, project prioritization and selection, and long‐term financing of restoration programs. We found it is uncommon to consider all types of benefits (such as nonmarket values) and costs (such as transaction costs) in restoration programs. Total benefit of a restoration project can be estimated using market prices and various nonmarket valuation techniques. Total cost of a project can be estimated using methods based on property or land‐sale prices, such as hedonic pricing method and organizational surveys. Securing continuous (or long‐term) funding is also vital to accomplishing restoration goals and can be achieved by establishing synergy with existing programs, public–private partnerships, and financing through taxation.  相似文献   

We investigated habitat utilization in Blainvilles beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris, in the northern Bahamas and, as such, this is the first analysis of fine-scale habitat utilization of any member of the genus Mesoplodon. We divided the area into 500×500 m grid squares and each square was assigned a classification for presence or absence of Blainvilles beaked whales, along with details of water depth, seabed gradient and seabed aspect. All squares where Blainvilles beaked whales occurred had gradients from 68 to 296 m/km and depths from 136 to 1,319 m and most faced northeast compared with 0–526 m/km, 10–3,000 m and all aspects for the whole study area. Generalized additive models and classification trees indicated that, in order of importance, aspect, gradient and depth were related to occurrence of Blainvilles beaked whales within the study area. We hypothesize that the relationships between habitat utilization and these topographic variables relates to the effects of interactions between a deepwater current and the seabed topography on preferred prey. Locally, prey animals may be concentrated in areas with a northeast aspect, intermediate gradients and depths between 200 and 1,000 m where the Deep Western Boundary Current is forced towards the surface by the local topography. These are the areas where Blainvilles beaked whales preferentially occurred.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

Kiers ET  van der Heijden MG 《Ecology》2006,87(7):1627-1636
The 450-million-year-old symbiosis between the majority of land plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is one of the most ancient, abundant, and ecologically important mutualisms on Earth. Yet, the evolutionary stability of mycorrhizal associations is still poorly understood, as it follows none of the constraints thought to stabilize cooperation in other well-known mutualisms. The capacity of both host and symbiont to simultaneously interact with several partners introduces a unique dilemma; detecting and punishing those exploiting the mutualism becomes increasingly difficult if these individuals can continue to access resources from alternative sources. Here, we explore four hypotheses to explain evolutionary cooperation in the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis: (1) pseudo-vertical transmission and spatial structuring of plant and fungal populations leading to local adaptation of partners; (2) luxury resource exchange in which plants trade surplus carbon for excess fungal nutrients; (3) partner choice allowing partners to associate with better cooperators; and (4) host and symbiont sanctions which actively reward good partners and punish less cooperative ones. We propose that mycorrhizal cooperation is promoted by an exchange of surplus resources between partners and enforced through sanctions by one or both partners. These mechanisms may allow plant and fungal genotypes to discriminate against individuals employing exploitative strategies, promoting patterns of partner choice. Together these selection pressures provide a framework for understanding the stabilization of mycorrhizal cooperation over evolutionary time.  相似文献   

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