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颗粒物污染是城市大气污染中的一个突出问题。颗粒物按粒径可分为降尘和飘尘:降尘是指粒径大于10微米的固体颗粒物,在空气中停留时间较短,在呼吸作用中又可被有效地阻留在上呼吸道上,因而对人体危害较小;飘尘是指粒径10微米以下的固体颗粒物,能在空气中长时间悬浮,易经呼吸侵入人体的肺部组织,因而对人体健康危害较大。飘尘对人体健康的危害主要有以下几个方面:(一)能长驱直入侵蚀肺泡,称为“可吸入微粒”。在吸入的飘尘中,一部分随呼吸排出体外,一部分沉积在肺泡上。沉积率随微粒的直径减小而增加,其中1微米左右的微粒…  相似文献   

氟对人体健康的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姬海莲  相震 《青海环境》1996,6(1):40-42
本文概述了氟对人体健康的作用和影响。根据世界卫生组织推荐成人量最适宜饮水含氟浓度为0.5-1.0mg/l。青少年每日摄氟最高限量为2.5mg。摄氟适量有益于健康,但摄氟过量可导致氟中毒,缺氟又会引起移种生理和病理扔变化。为此,提出了改进摄氟的措施。  相似文献   

张建  王望 《矿山环保》2002,(4):34-38
随着公众环境意识的提高,特别是知情权、健康权等人权观念的树立,全面了解粉尘对人体健康的危害,不仅是矿山环保防尘专业人士之需,也是矿山工人、管理干部之需。  相似文献   

宋诚  宋晓东 《环境技术》1995,13(6):17-20
说明电磁波不仅对电子设备有影响,而且对人体健康也有影响,从对高频电磁波的认识开始,讨论电磁波对人体的影响及人们为了身体健康而对电磁波采取的防护措施,同时对电磁波的安全性测定和正确使用安全性指标也做了说明。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了室内空气污染的定义、室内空气中常见的污染物及其主要来源,分析 了室内空气中主要污染物对人体健康的影响,从而提出了保护室内环境的对策。  相似文献   

<正>氮氧化物主要是对呼吸器官有刺激作用。由于氮氧化物较难溶于水,因而能侵入呼吸道深部细支气管及肺泡,并缓慢地溶于肺泡表面的水分中,形成亚硝酸、硝酸,对肺组织产生强烈的刺激及腐蚀作用,引起肺水肿。亚硝酸盐进入血液后,与血红蛋白结合生成高铁血红蛋白,引起组织缺氧。在一般情况,当污染物以二氧化氮为主时,对肺的损害比较明显,二氧化氮与支气管哮喘的发病也有一定的关系;当污染物以一氧化氮为主时,高铁  相似文献   

室内环境污染与人体健康   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
主要介绍了室内环境污染的来源及对人类健康的影响、污染物的监测方法,并针对我国的实际情况提出控制室内污染的措施。  相似文献   

A method is presented here by which the actual numbers of individuals in the U.S. population who would be expected to suffer respiratory illness as a result of exposure to ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations in excess of the Federally-designated ambient air quality standard can be estimated. At the same time we have attempted to quantify how these adverse health effects would be alleviated by various degrees of reductions in current ambient concentrations. In addition, the health benefit expected to be derived by various NOx emission control strategies will be examined utilizing the health benefit estimation method presented.It is estimated that there were approximately 33.2×106 excess cases of respiratory illnesses in the U.S. in 1973 associated with ambient NO2 concentrations in excess of the national ambient standard. A reduction of approximately 50 to 60 percent below 1973 NO2 levels is needed to essentially eliminate excess respiratory illness associated with ambient NO2 concentration.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国的环境管理发展历程分析后认为,我国的环境管理模式已由过去单一的管理模式转变为强化执法监督、加大投入、注重技术相互结合的综合型管理模式,在继续强化执法监督的同时,不断提高环保投入的比例和不断增加科技含量,是环境管理发展的趋势。  相似文献   

本文首先阐述了环境管理改革与创新的必要性,进而深入分析提出了环境管理手段与环境管理制度创新的对策。  相似文献   

Light pollution is one of the most rapidly increasing types of environmental degradation. Its levels have been growing exponentially over the natural nocturnal lighting levels provided by starlight and moonlight. To limit this pollution several effective practices have been defined: the use of shielding on lighting fixture to prevent direct upward light, particularly at low angles above the horizon; no over lighting, i.e. avoid using higher lighting levels than strictly needed for the task, constraining illumination to the area where it is needed and the time it will be used. Nevertheless, even after the best control of the light distribution is reached and when the proper quantity of light is used, some upward light emission remains, due to reflections from the lit surfaces and atmospheric scatter. The environmental impact of this "residual light pollution", cannot be neglected and should be limited too. Here we propose a new way to limit the effects of this residual light pollution on wildlife, human health and stellar visibility. We performed analysis of the spectra of common types of lamps for external use, including the new LEDs. We evaluated their emissions relative to the spectral response functions of human eye photoreceptors, in the photopic, scotopic and the 'meltopic' melatonin suppressing bands. We found that the amount of pollution is strongly dependent on the spectral characteristics of the lamps, with the more environmentally friendly lamps being low pressure sodium, followed by high pressure sodium. Most polluting are the lamps with a strong blue emission, like Metal Halide and white LEDs. Migration from the now widely used sodium lamps to white lamps (MH and LEDs) would produce an increase of pollution in the scotopic and melatonin suppression bands of more than five times the present levels, supposing the same photopic installed flux. This increase will exacerbate known and possible unknown effects of light pollution on human health, environment and on visual perception of the Universe by humans. We present quantitative criteria to evaluate the lamps based on their spectral emissions and we suggest regulatory limits for future lighting.  相似文献   

This study uses knowledge discovery concepts to analyze large amounts of data step by step for the purpose of assisting in the formulation of environmental policy. We performed data cleansing and extracting from existing nation-wide databases, and used regression and classification techniques to analyze the data. The current water hardness in Kaohsiung, Taiwan contributes to the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) but exacerbates the development of renal stones (RS). However, to focus on water hardness alone to control RS would not be cost effective at all, because the existing database parameters do not adequately allow for a clear understanding of RS. Analysis of huge amounts of data can most often turn up the most reliable and convincing results and the use of existing databases can be cost-effective.  相似文献   

环境影响评价是环境管理的重要组成部分,为我国的环境管理决策提供重要依据。但在实际工作中,我国的环境管理工作仍然存在一定的问题。本文结合采掘行业的特点,分别从法律层面、设计层面和环境影响评价层面等三个方向进行分析,结合发现的问题提出建议,力求从不同的角度完善相关制度和技术要求。从而使采掘行业的环境管理能全面涵盖采掘行业开发过程,最大程度地减少采掘行业开发过程中的环境影响,完善采掘行业环境影响评价制度,对我国采掘行业生态环境的改善及环境影响评价法制建设起到一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

最近颁布的《建设项目环境保护管理条例》,使我国环境影响评价制度在法制化的轨道上又向前迈进了一步,对我国环境影响评价工作的开展将产生重大影响。本文就原《建设项目环境保护管理办法》与新条例作出分析比较。  相似文献   

The present research examines the effects of intergroup comparison on willingness to perform sustainable behavior. In Experiment 1, university students compared current students with past or future students, and then completed measures of willingness to perform sustainable behavior. Participants who compared to past students reported more willingness to perform sustainable behavior than those who compared to future students. In Experiment 2, university students again compared current students with past or future students and completed measures of sustainable beliefs and willingness to perform sustainable behavior. Participants who compared to past students reported more willingness to perform sustainable behavior than those who compared to future students. This effect was mediated by strengthened sustainable beliefs. The results show that intergroup comparison can be strategically employed to promote motivation to perform sustainable behavior.  相似文献   

This paper investigated the effect of goal and mindset specificity on goal-related behavior in the environmental domain. Two studies demonstrated that goal-related behavior was maximized when participants focused on an abstract goal in combination with a specific mindset, or when they focused on a specific goal in combination with an abstract mindset. When goals and mindsets instead matched in terms of abstractness, goal-related behavior was reduced. Study 2 demonstrated that the effect of goal specificity on behavior was mediated by different processes in each of the mindset conditions. When mindsets were abstract, self-efficacy mediated the positive effect of specific goals on behavior; when mindsets were specific, the value of collective environmental action mediated the positive effect of abstract goals on behavior. The results are discussed in the framework of a complementarity approach. It is argued that complementarity of levels of specificity of goals and mindsets may affect behavior particularly strongly in domains where the discrepancy between the abstract and the specific is large (e.g. the environmental domain).  相似文献   

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