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美国有二分之一的饮用水取自于地下水。因此,由有害废弃物引起的地下水污染,就成了重大的社会问题。在卡特总统执政时期,美国环境保护局就把有害废弃物问题列为本国80年代最大的环境政策课题。面对严重的有害废弃物污染,美国建立了两个法律体系,即“资源保护再生法”和“综合环境对策、赔偿责任法”,作为美国的有害废弃物政策。它们分别对每年新产生的和历年积存的  相似文献   

<正> 一九八二年秋至一九八三年春,美国对一九八一年全国有害废物排放源和处置状况进行了调查,一九八四年公布了这次调查结果。调查方法采用邮政和电话咨询:调查对象是一九八一年实际排放有害废物和贮存、处理,处置这些有害废物的工厂。因为只限于RCRA(美国资源保护再生法)一c付标题中所定义的产生者和处理者为调查对象,月排一吨以下有害废物的工厂不包括  相似文献   

我国电子废弃物资源化研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
文章分析了我国电子废弃物在回收、管理和利用方面的特性,预测了未来电子废弃物的产生量。研究表明,电子废弃物是具有双重性质的宝贵资源,且未来几年我国将进入电子电器产品淘汰的高峰期,2006年,我国将产生远远超过5.8亿台(部)的电子废弃物,到2010年,电子废弃物产生量将翻一番,达到12.98亿台(部)。鉴于此,建议我国未来的研究中,应重点关注以下几个领域:首先是建立合理的法律监管体系;其次,是建立有效的回收处理体系;最后,应积极鼓励新技术新工艺,特别是清洁生产工艺的研究与开发。  相似文献   

利用水泥窑处置城市工业废弃物技术研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1项目的研究开发背景、主要意义、项目水平、应用范围 1.1开发背景 目前全国工业废弃物的年产生量已经超过10亿t,2005年全国的工业废物产生总量达到13.4亿t,历年累计的堆场面积已经超过0.1万km^2.工业废弃物的处理率约为50%.每年生活垃圾产生量已经超过1.5亿t,2005年全国城市生活垃圾、粪便的年总产生量达到1.85亿t,无害化处理率约为50%,  相似文献   

据统计,美国1980年产生的有害废物有四千一百多万吨(湿重)。图1示出了产生有害废物的主要工业部门。最大的一个产生源是化学品及有关产品工业,它产生的有害废物占总量的62%。如何处置这些废物呢?其中约83%在现场利用各种设施处理或处置,其余的则运往场外商业设施。图2示出了正在用的几种废物管理方案。土地填筑和处理是两种主要方案,采用这两种方法处置的废物  相似文献   

7、废弃物世界各地除漏油和液体废弃物污染外,固体废物堆积如山,欧共体国家每年扔掉20亿吨的废物(包括垃圾、污泥、矿山废物和电厂的粉尘)。这些废物中有的是有害废物。80年代中期,经济合作与发展组织国家每年产生约3亿吨有害废物,3.7亿吨城市废物;工业化国家产生的有害废物3.25亿到3.75亿吨,占世界有害废物年总产量的90%以上。全世界的水井经常受到化学品泄漏的污染,美国有7.6万个活性填埋场,其中有1万  相似文献   

中国固体废物管理与减量化/聂永丰(清华大学环境工程系卜·//环境保护/国家环保局一1998,口亿(2)一6~9环信X-1995年全国工业固体废物产生盆为6.45X32 X7059802590吨,产生系数平均为2,36吨/万元。1995年城市垃圾产生量为10748万吨。我国对固体废物污染控制已取得了一些进展,但总的来说法规体系尚不健全、管理水平较低、资金投入不足、缺乏处理处置设施、基础非常薄弱、处理处置技术远不能满足器要。鉴于我国无害化处理处置设施不足,而经费投入有限和固体废物产生量增加较快,十分重视固体废物的减量化。减量化包括源头削减、废旧物资回收及…  相似文献   

日本建设省最近制定了一项建设废弃物对策行动计划。该计划旨在减少混凝土块、建设污泥等建设废弃物的产生,同时提高建设废弃物的再生利用率。其目标是,到2000年减少建设废弃物预计产生量的10%,建设废弃物的再生利用率由1990年的42%提高到80%。日本各类建设废弃物的产生量1990年为7600万吨,预计到2000年将达到1.27亿吨。实施该项计划后,到2000年将比预计减少10%,即减少1100  相似文献   

美国总统里根提议环保局1988年财政总预算为27亿美元。1987财政年度国会拨款28亿美元。但是,由于1987年超级基金款额的大部分将转给下一年使用,所以1988年实际可得基金接近30亿美元。约16亿美元用于清除有害废弃物和渗漏的地下储罐(UST)计划。环保局工作基金的55~60%用于有害废物计划,这表明根据国会指令前几年环境科学研究重点已经作了重新安排。  相似文献   

一、前言随着现代科学技术和化学工业的发展,人类合成了数以万计的化学物质。同时,通过生产和生活过程的转输也产生了大量的有害化学废物。1985年,美国制造工业产生的非放射性化学废物就高达6700万吨。这些有害化学废物遍布在全国各地。据估计,美国的有害化学废物污染点有1万处以上。其中有1200处被认为对环境有潜在威胁,并列入国家优先清理计划。1980年,美国国会制定了综合环境反响、补偿和责任法(CERCLA),并拨款16亿美元作为专项资金,从此开始了庞大的有害化学废物就地清理计划。1986年,美国国会决定将这项计划再延长5年,并增加拨款85亿美元。这项计划正在积  相似文献   

美国超级基金制度及其污染场地环境管理   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
美国超级基金制度是世界上最具代表性的污染场地管理制度,是多数国家建立土壤污染管理制度的范本.超级基金制度对于解决美国的污染场地问题具有不可替代的作用,同时使工业界认识到,他们必须对曾经污染的场地承担责任.从美国超级基金制度建立的起因、基金经费来源与使用,污染场地的污染源、污染介质类型及场地管理程序与策略等方面,对该制度及其场地管理办法进行介绍.分析了超级基金目前所面临的问题:经费缺乏日趋严重、场地的修复耗时过长、缺乏评价超级基金实施效果的全面指标.通过分析超级基金制度的成功与不足,探讨其对我国污染场地管理的重要借鉴意义.   相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, the U.S. Congress has passed four acts relating to clean air. The 1970 act set out a comprehensive plan for federal-state partnership to require all areas in the country to meet National Ambient Air Quality Standards. In 1977, the act was amended and expanded, both to address many of the problems encountered in the 1970 act and to reorient the law to limit significantly emissions of any sort, even if there were no currently identified health-related reasons. In 1986, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-know Act was passed, as an amendment to a solid waste law, in response to the desire to prevent chemical release tragedies. After 10 years of effort, Congress finally passed the 1990 Clean Air Act amendments which require a number of new programs aimed at curbing urban ozone, rural acid rain, stratospheric ozone, toxic air pollutant emissions and vehicle emissions, and establishing a new, uniform national permit system.This paper discusses some of the consequences of the various acts and suggests ways that others might learn from our 20 years of experience. Certain programs have worked quite well, while some alternatives could have improved other programs.  相似文献   

目前,在世界范围内,美国《濒危物种法》可以说是物种保护方面最强有力的国内立法,它规定了两项国家政策,其一就是要求所有的联邦部门和机关都必须努力保护濒危物种并运用其权力促进《濒危物种法》立法宗旨的实现。本文简要介绍美国《濒危物种法》的历史发展和其第七章的主要内容,分析美国《濒危物种法》对联邦机构在物种保护中的要求。  相似文献   

The ultimate purpose of phytoextraction is not only to remove heavy metals from soil but also to improve soil quality. Here, we evaluated how the joint effect of Streptomyces pactum (strain Act12) and inorganic (Hoagland's solution) and organic (humic acid and peat) nutrients affected the phytoextraction practice of cadmium (Cd) and zinc (Zn) by potherb mustard, and the microbial community composition within rhizosphere was also investigated. The results indicated that the nutrients exerted synergistically with Act12, all increasing the plant biomass and Cd/Zn uptakes. The inoculation of Act12 alone significantly increased dehydrogenase activity of rhizosphere soil (P < 0.05), while urease and alkaline phosphatase activities varied in different dosage of Act12. Combined application of microbial strain with nutrients increased enzymatic activities with the elevated dosage of Act12. 16S ribosomal RNA high-throughput sequencing analysis revealed that Act12 inoculation reduced the diversity of rhizosphere bacteria. The Act12 and nutrients did not change dominant phyla i.e., Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Gemmatimonadetes, Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria, but their relative abundance differed among the treatments with: Peat > Act12 > Humic acid > Hoagland's solution. Comparatively, Sphingomonas replaced Thiobacillus as dominant genus after Act12 application. The increase in the Sphingomonas and Flavisolibacter abundances under Act12 and nutrients treatments gave rise to growth-promoting effect on plant. Our results revealed the important role for rhizosphere microbiota in mediating soil biochemical traits and plant growth, and our approach charted a path toward the development of Act12 combined with soil nutrients to enhance soil quality and phytoextraction efficiency in Cd/Zn-contaminated soils.  相似文献   

硫磺和放线菌强化植物修复土壤镉污染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了强化耐受重金属镉(Cd)的植物包心芥菜对土壤中Cd污染的富集及转运效率,以包心芥菜为研究对象,向土壤中添加0.3%的硫磺和接种不同数量的放线菌Act12(0.5,1.0,1.5,2.0g/kg),通过盆栽实验,研究不同处理间根际土pH值的变化规律、包心芥菜地上和地下部分Cd的积累量、植物抗氧化酶系的变化以及根系活力.结果表明:添加0.3%硫磺和2.0g/kg放线菌Act12后,根际土pH值下降最大,相比对照下降了14.5%.而添加0.3%硫磺和1.5g/kg的放线菌Act12,包心芥菜地上部分Cd的含量最高,转运系数最大,相比对照,Cd含量提高了79%,并且植物地上部分的干重最大.添加放线菌Act12对植物的抗氧化系统有积极作用,CAT、POD、SOD含量均在0.3%硫磺和1.0g/kg放线菌Act12的添加组合下达到峰值,放线菌Act12还可提高植物的根系活力,降低丙二醛的含量.综上表明,添加硫磺和放线菌Act12均可强化包心芥菜吸收土壤中Cd的能力,其中0.3%硫磺和1.5g/kg放线菌Act12的添加组合强化效果最佳.  相似文献   

美国环境健康损害赔偿立法及其对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国尚未制定专门的环境健康损害赔偿立法。由环境保护法律中的相关规定、涉及环境侵权赔偿或者补偿的相关立法以及环境健康损害赔偿典型判例构成的法规体系,为环境健康保护提供了重要的法律依据。从《超级基金法》、《詹姆斯.扎德加9.11健康与赔偿法案》、《联邦侵权赔偿法》和《联邦雇员补偿法》等立法以及Sterling诉Velsicol化学公司案、普莱斯诉美国海军案等判例中总结的美国经验主要包括:适时制定专门立法;建立损害赔偿社会化机制;适用惩罚性赔偿机制;科学确定赔偿范围和数额;明确公职人员的法律责任。我国应当基于自身国情,充分借鉴美国的成熟经验,加快环境健康损害赔偿立法进程。  相似文献   

The goal of achieving “sustainable development” has been embraced by a wide range of stakeholders interested in protecting both the environment and the economy in the United States and globally. The Clean Water Act (“CWA” or the “Act”) includes important regulatory provisions that contemplate the application of sustainable development principles. Yet implementing those programs often raises substantial debate about what sustainable development means, what course of action it requires, and the availability and adequacy of tools to measure or predict whether a given level of use or development is sustainable. Failure to confront those questions can lead to imprudent or wasteful decisions. This paper first will briefly describe the ongoing evolution of sustainable development concepts in the United States, with particular focus on the recommendations of the President’s Council on Sustainable Development. Then, it will examine the applicability of those concepts to two important Clean Water Act regulatory programs — the 4316(b) regulatory program for cooling water intake structures and the state water quality standards program — both of which are now under evaluation.  相似文献   

The 1989 Massachusetts Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) instituted a preventive approach to chemical pollution and wastes: reducing toxic chemicals at the source through prevention planning, public reporting of chemical input, and fees for chemical use. The act also created the Massachusetts Office of Technical Assistance for Toxics Use Reduction (OTA), a voluntary program, to make onsite visits to companies that request assistance. OTA staff review the use of toxic chemicals at the facility, and make recommendations for either using substitutes, or using the chemicals more efficiently. Because TURA requires covered companies (large quantity toxics users) to report chemical input (what they use), output (resulting chemical waste), and a production index, it is possible to measure trends in toxics use relative to production, and waste byproduct per pound of chemical use input. These are uniquely precise measurements of a company's ability to accomplish the form of pollution prevention known as toxics use reduction.From 1993 to 2002, companies used approximately 500 million pounds (227 million kg) less toxic chemicals than they were expected to use, based on past performance. Those companies that received onsite technical assistance visits from OTA made substantially greater improvements in TUR performance than those not visited, and as compared to their own performance after being visited. They reduced an average of 9.4% more toxics use after being visited than before, and the difference was statistically significant. More companies in the visited group made progress than companies not visited, and had greater reductions than those not visited by nearly all measures.The results of two additional studies supported these findings of program effectiveness. One study examined companies that dropped out of the system, and found that those that were visited employed toxics use reduction to achieve below-threshold use amounts more frequently than those that were not visited. The other study, an independent research project using econometric methods to determine the causative relevance of provided assistance, found OTA's service to be an explanatory factor associated with significant toxics use and byproduct reductions.  相似文献   

结合目前国内一些餐厨废弃物管理比较成功的城市的管理模式和经验,在分析扬州市餐厨废弃物管理现状的基础上,从细化有关餐厨废弃物管理制度、确定餐厨废弃物管理模式、规划建设餐厨废弃物处理企业、取缔非法经营餐厨废弃物企业以及营造餐厨废弃物规范化处理的氛围等方面,阐述了扬州市餐厨废弃物规范化管理过程中应采取的方法和措施。  相似文献   

采用资料调查、问卷调查及现场调查相结合的方法,研究了冷轧钢铁加工行业危险废物产污特征.研究表明冷轧钢铁加工行业危险废物的产生主要来源于酸洗、轧制、污水处理等环节,危险废物种类主要是废酸(HW34)、乳化液(HW09)、废矿物油(HW08)、表面处理废物(HW17)等.废酸、表面处理废物是控制企业危废产生量的关键因素,提高酸洗工艺效率、废酸循环利用能从源头上减少危险废物的产生和排放,有效降低危险废物的产生量.  相似文献   

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