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Batty LC  Younger PL 《Chemosphere》2007,66(1):158-164
The long term effectiveness of compost-based wetland systems treating net-acidic mine waters is reliant upon a continuing supply of decomposed organic matter which provides the basic foodstock for sulphate reducing bacteria. The annual turnover of wetland vegetation within these systems has been suggested to be the primary source for this material once the original substrate has been consumed. This study aimed to determine whether plant litter (of Common Reed, Phragmites australis) decomposition rates and release of metals and nutrients were affected by pH using controlled experiments under laboratory conditions. Loss of plant biomass was found to be unaffected by pH (3.0-6.5) suggesting that plant litter could be an important source of organic molecules for bacterial populations even under acidic conditions. The decomposing plant litter also acted as a focus for the precipitation of Fe oxides and sorption of Zn thereby acting as a short-term sink for these contaminants. This has important implications for geochemical cycling within the wetland system and potential transport out of the system. The essential nutrients (K and Mg) released from plant litter were affected by pH which could be important in nutrient availability for re-use by vegetation and other organisms within the system.  相似文献   

Options for wetland creation or restoration might be limited because of the presence of contaminants in the soil. The influence of hydrological management on the pore water concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni and Zn in the upper soil layer of a contaminated overbank sedimentation zone was investigated in a greenhouse experiment. Flooding conditions led to increased Fe, Mn, Ni and Cr concentrations and decreased Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations in the pore water of the upper soil layer. Keeping the soil at field capacity resulted in a low pore water concentration of Fe, Mn and Ni while the Cd, Cu, Cr and Zn concentrations increased. Alternating hydrological conditions caused metal concentrations in the pore water to fluctuate. Formation and re-oxidation of small amounts of sulphides appeared dominant in determining the mobility of Cd, Cu, and to a lesser extent Zn, while Ni behaviour was consistent with Fe/Mn oxidation and reduction. These effects were strongly dependent on the duration of the flooded periods. The shorter the flooded periods, the better the metal concentrations could be linked to the mobility of Ca in the pore water, which is attributed to a fluctuating CO(2) pressure.  相似文献   

The concentrations of nickel, copper, iron, chromium, lead, cadmium, manganese and zinc have been studied in a small river in South Wales. The river drains the contaminated industrial wasteland of the Lower Swansea Valley which is currently undergoing redevelopment and landscaping activity. The high trace metal levels found in the river waters result from weathering and erosion of this waste material, as well as from two industrial point sources of nickel, and iron and chromium. Hydrological factors found to be of importance in determining current spatial and temporal patterns of contamination included: (1) the river's available dilution at any one time, (2) antecedent river flow conditions, (3) river water pH and (4) the prevailing runoff processes in operation at any one time. The metals are present mostly in their dissolved state (i.e. > 70%), with the exception of iron and chromium which are present mostly as particulates (i.e > 80%).  相似文献   

Site-specific hydrological conditions affect the availability of trace metals for vegetation. In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of submersion on the metal uptake by the wetland plant species Salix cinerea and Populus nigra grown on a contaminated dredged sediment-derived soil and on an uncontaminated soil was evaluated. An upland hydrological regime for the polluted sediment caused elevated Cd concentrations in leaves and cuttings for both species. Emergence and soil oxidation after initial submersion of a polluted sediment resulted in comparable foliar Cd and Zn concentrations for S. cinerea as for the constant upland treatment. The foliar Cd and Zn concentrations were clearly higher than for submerged soils after initial upland conditions. These results point at the importance of submergence-emergence sequence for plant metal availability. The addition of foliar-based organic matter or aluminosilicates to the polluted sediment-derived soil in upland conditions did not decrease Cd and Zn uptake by S. cinerea.  相似文献   

植物种类与水力负荷对人工湿地去除污染物的交互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工湿地去污效能不仅受水力负荷(HL)影响,还与植物种类有关。为研究这2种因素对污染物去除的交互作用,根据植物根系长度,分别构建短根型、中根型及长根型植物潜流人工湿地中试系统,在运行稳定后,考察不同植物种类在不同水力负荷(152、230、305和460 mm/d)下的去污效果。结果表明:植物种类对COD去除率的影响差别不显著,对氮磷去除率有显著影响,且去除率符合长根型 > 中根型 > 短根型;水力负荷对COD、TN、NH4+-N和TP的去除均有显著影响,随着水力负荷减小去除率均逐渐升高;植物种类与水力负荷的交互作用对各污染物去除率均有显著影响,且受水力负荷影响较大,TN、NH4+-N的去除在水力负荷较小时交互作用较明显,COD去除的最优HL为230 mm/d。因此,在人工湿地设计时应考虑植物种类与水力负荷的交互作用。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of plants on the biogeochemistry of sulfur species and the mobility of heavy metals in wetland sediments. Results showed that, in the presence of plants, sediments had elevated sulfate concentrations in the rhizosphere during the growing season, ranging from 0.2 to 6.20 mmol L(-1), whereas only a small difference in the sulfate profiles between vegetated and non-vegetated sediments was observed during senescence. Based on the sulfate concentration increase, the oxygen release rate from the roots to achieve the corresponding oxidation of sulfide was estimated as 0.85 g m(-2) day(-1). Evapotranspiration-induced advection is a major contributor to the transport of sulfate from the water column into the sediments, and also allows dissolved trace metals (i.e. Cd, Pb, and Zn) to be transported into the sediments and react with the acid volatile sulfide pool, resulting in the immobilization of trace metals in these sediments.  相似文献   


A good number of researchers investigated the impact of flow modification on hydrological, ecological, and geomorphological conditions in a river. A few works also focused on hydrological modification on wetland with some parameters but as far the knowledge is concerned, linking river flow modification to wetland hydrological and morphological transformation following an integrated modeling approach is often lacking. The current study aimed to explore the degree of hydrological alteration in the river and its effect on downstream riparian wetlands by adopting advanced modeling approaches. After damming, maximally 67 to 95% hydrological alteration was recorded for maximum, minimum, and average discharges. Wavelet transformation analysis figured out a strong power spectrum after 2012 (damming year). Due to attenuation of flow, the active inundation area was reduced by 66.2%. After damming, 524.03 km2 (48.9% of total pre-dam wetland) was completely obliterated. Hydrological strength (HS) modeling also reported areas under high HS declined by 14% after post-dam condition. Wetland hydrological security state (WSS) and HS matrix, a new approach, are used to explore wetland characteristics of inundation connectivity and hydrological security state. WSS was defined based on lateral hydrological connectivity. HS under critical and stress WWS zones deteriorated in the post-dam period. The morphological transformation was also well recognized showing an increase in area under the patch, edge, and a decrease in the area under the large core area. All these findings established a clear linkage between river flow modification and wetland transformation, and they provided a good clue for managing wetlands.


A series of investigations was conducted to evaluate the feasibility of using constructed treatment wetlands to remove pollutants from saline wastewater. Eight emergent plants; cattail, sedge, water grass, Asia crabgrass, salt meadow cordgrass, kallar grass, vetiver grass and Amazon, were planted in experimental plots and fed with municipal wastewater that was spiked with sodium chloride (NaCl) to simulate a saline concentration of approximately 14-16 mScm-1. All macrophytes were found tolerant under the tested conditions except Amazon and vetiver grass. Nutrient assimilation of salt tolerant species was in the range of 0.006-0.061 and 0.0002-0.0024 gm-2d-1 for nitrogen and phosphorus, respectively. Treatment performances of planted units were found to be 72.4-78.9% for BOD5, 43.2-56.0% for SS, 67.4-76.5% for NH3-N and 28.9-44.9% for TP. The most satisfactory plant growth and nitrogen assimilation were found for cattail (Typha angustifolia) though the plant growth was limited, whereas Asia crabgrass (Digitaria bicornis) was superior for BOD5 removal. Both were evaluated again in a continuous flow constructed wetland system receiving saline feed processing wastewater. A high removal rate regularly occurred in long-term operating conditions. The reduction in BOD5, SS, NH3-N and TP was in the range of 44.4-67.9%, 41.4-70.4%, 18.0-65.3% and 12.2-40.5%, respectively. Asia crabgrass often provided higher removal especially for BOD5 and SS removal. Nutrient enriched wastewater promoted flourishing growth of algae and plankton in the surface flow system, which tended to reduce treatment performance.  相似文献   

Some higher plant species have developed heavy metal tolerance strategies which enable them to survive and reproduce in highly metal-contaminated soils. We have investigated such heavy metal uptake and accumulation strategies of two absolute metallophyte species (Armeria maritima ssp. halleri and Cardaminopsis halleri) and one pseudometallophyte (Agrostis tenuis) growing near a former metal smelter. Samples of plant parts and soil were analysed for Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu. In soil, there were two dominant types of metal concentration gradients with depth. Under the absolute metallophytes, extremely high metal contents were measured in the surficial Ah horizon, followed by a strong decrease in the underlying soil horizons (L(11) and L(12)). Under the pseudometallophyte, metal concentrations in the Ah horizon were much lower and fewer differences were observed in metal concentrations among the Ah, L(11), and L(12) horizons. The concentrations of Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu in Agrostis tenuis roots were greater than concentrations in leaves, indicating significant metal immobilisation by the roots. For C. halleri, Zn and Cd concentrations in leaves were >20,000 and >100 mg kg(-1), respectively, indicating hyperaccumulation of these elements. Armeria maritima ssp. halleri exhibited root concentrations of Pb and Cu that were 20 and 88 times greater, respectively, than those in green leaves, suggesting an exclusion strategy by metal immobilisation in roots. However, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Cu concentrations in brown leaves of Armeria maritima ssp. halleri were 3-8 times greater than in green leaves, suggesting a second strategy, i.e. detoxification mechanism by leaf fall.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide multiple ecosystem services, the sustainable use of which requires knowledge of the underlying ecological mechanisms. Functional traits, particularly the community-weighted mean trait (CWMT), provide a strong link between species communities and ecosystem functioning. We here combine species distribution modeling and plant functional traits to estimate the direction of change of ecosystem processes under climate change. We model changes in CWMT values for traits relevant to three key services, focusing on the regional species pool in the Norrström area (central Sweden) and three main wetland types. Our method predicts proportional shifts toward faster growing, more productive and taller species, which tend to increase CWMT values of specific leaf area and canopy height, whereas changes in root depth vary. The predicted changes in CWMT values suggest a potential increase in flood attenuation services, a potential increase in short (but not long)-term nutrient retention, and ambiguous outcomes for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

To evaluate the efficiency and the influence of thermal desorption on the soil organic compartment, contaminated soils from coking plant sites (NM and H) were compared to their counterparts treated with thermodesorption. The extractable organic matter, and the metal content and distribution with soil compartments were studied.In both thermodesorbed soils, PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) degradation exceeded 90%. However, the thermal desorption led not only to a volatilization of the organic compounds but also to the condensation of extractable organic matter.The treatments only affected the Fe and Zn distribution within the more stable fractions, whereas the organic compound degradation did not affect their mobility and availability.  相似文献   

In the context of the European Water Framework Directive, controlled flooding of lowlands is considered as a potential water management strategy to minimise the risk of flooding of inhabited areas. However, due to historical pollution and overbank sedimentation, metal levels are elevated in most wetlands, which can cause adverse effects on the ecosystem's dynamics. Additionally, salinity affects the bioavailability of metals present or imported into these systems. The effect of different flooding regimes and salinity exposure scenarios (fresh- and brackish water conditions) on Cu and Zn accumulation in the oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) was examined. Metal mobility was closely linked to redox potential, which is directly related to the prevalent hydrological regime. Flooded, and thus more reduced, conditions minimized the availability of metals, while oxidation of the substrates during a drier period was associated with a rapid increase of metal availability and accumulation in the oligochaetes.  相似文献   

Two heavy metal contaminated calcareous soils from the Mediterranean region of Spain were studied. One soil, from the province of Murcia, was characterised by very high total levels of Pb (1572 mg kg(-1)) and Zn (2602 mg kg(-1)), whilst the second, from Valencia, had elevated concentrations of Cu (72 mg kg(-1)) and Pb (190 mg kg(-1)). The effects of two contrasting organic amendments (fresh manure and mature compost) and the chelate ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) on soil fractionation of Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn, their uptake by plants and plant growth were determined. For Murcia soil, Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. was grown first, followed by radish (Raphanus sativus L.). For Valencia soil, Beta maritima L. was followed by radish. Bioavailability of metals was expressed in terms of concentrations extractable with 0.1 M CaCl2 or diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA). In the Murcia soil, heavy metal bioavailability was decreased more greatly by manure than by the highly-humified compost. EDTA (2 mmol kg(-1) soil) had only a limited effect on metal uptake by plants. The metal-solubilising effect of EDTA was shorter-lived in the less contaminated, more highly calcareous Valencia soil. When correlation coefficients were calculated for plant tissue and bioavailable metals, the clearest relationships were for Beta maritima and radish.  相似文献   

Temporary streams are characterised by specific hydrological regimes, which influence ecosystem processes, groundwater and surface water interactions, sediment regime, nutrient delivery, water quality and ecological status. This paper presents a methodology to characterise and classify the regime of a temporary river in Southern Italy based on hydrological indicators (HIs) computed with long-term daily flow records. By using a principal component analysis (PCA), a set of non-redundant indices were identified describing the main characteristics of the hydrological regime in the study area. The indicators identified were the annual maximum 30- and 90-day mean (DH4 and DH5), the number of zero flow days (DL6), flow permanence (MF) and the 6-month seasonal predictability of dry periods (SD6). A methodology was also tested to estimate selected HIs in ungauged river reaches. Watershed characteristics such as catchment area, gauging station elevation, mean watershed slope, mean annual rainfall, land use, soil hydraulic conductivity and available water content were derived for each site. Selected indicators were then linked to the catchment characteristics using a regression analysis. Finally, MF and SD6 were used to classify the river reaches on the basis of their degree of intermittency. The methodology presented in this paper constitutes a useful tool for ecologists and water resource managers in the Water Framework Directive implementation process, which requires a characterisation of the hydrological regime and a ‘river type’ classification for all water bodies.  相似文献   



Balya and its associated villages which is a town of the Balikesir region of Turkey have very rich zinc, lead, and manganese mines. These mines have been operating since the thirteenth century and now there is heavy metal contamination in both the soil and natural waters in these areas.  相似文献   

为解决植物配置对水质净化影响问题,研究了不同植物群落对生活污水的净化效果及其响应机理,并探索了人工湿地植物的最佳组合。结合景观生态学,运用7种湿地植物构建4种植物群落的人工湿地CW-G1、CW-G2、CW-G3、CW-G4,HRT为4 d,水力负荷为0.125 m3·(m2·d)−1,分析了各人工湿地对污染物的去除率,通过对植物酶活性变化、渗透调节能力和根际微生物演替情况探究了其净化机理。结果表明:CW-G1装置内群落对污染物去除效果最佳;CW-G1装置内植物的SOD、POD、CAT酶活性较单种显著提高,MDA含量显著降低;CW-G1装置内植物群落根际微生物Alpha多样性最高,门水平上各类菌丰度较为均匀。CW-G1装置内植物相互协作,提高抗氧化酶含量,增强了植物群落抗干扰能力,增加了根际微生物群落多样性、丰度和均匀度,植物-微生物协同高效净化污水。以上结果可为湿地植物的配置与运用提供参考。  相似文献   

To assess the potential of the native plant species for phytoremediation, plant and soil samples were collected from two areas in Thailand that have histories of arsenic pollution from mine tailings. The areas were the Ron Phibun District (Nakorn Si Thammarat province) and Bannang Sata District (Yala province), and samples were taken in 1998 and 1999 and analysed for total arsenic by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Arsenic concentrations in soil ranged from 21 to 14,000 microg g(-1) in Ron Phibun, and from 540 to 16,000 microg g(-1) in Bannang Sata. The criteria used for selecting plants for phytoremediation were: high As tolerance, high bioaccumulation factor, short life cycle, high propagation rate, wide distribution and large shoot biomass. Of 36 plant species, only two species of ferns (Pityrogramma calomelanos and Pteris vittata), a herb (Mimosa pudica), and a shrub (Melastoma malabrathricum), seemed suitable for phytoremediation. The ferns were by far the most proficient plants at accumulating arsenic from soil, attaining concentrations of up to 8350 microg g(-1) (dry mass) in the frond.  相似文献   

针对人工湿地中有机碳源不足造成的脱氮效率不高的问题,向人工湿地中投加植物碳源用以改善人工湿地内部碳氮比低的状况。通过比较芦苇秸秆、梧桐树皮、梧桐树叶、玉米芯4种植物碳源分解时有机物、氮元素的释放规律,从而确定玉米芯为最佳植物碳源,并采用水平潜流人工湿地系统模型研究了投加玉米芯对人工湿地系统脱氮效果的影响。试验发现,空白湿地系统COD的平均去除率为38.71%,总氮的平均去除率为34.24%,玉米芯湿地系统则在保证COD平均去除率38.52%的同时,提高总氮平均去除率到70.55%,证明了植物碳源调控提高人工湿地脱氮效果的可行性与高效性。  相似文献   

Cadmium is a non-essential toxic metal that is able to bioaccumulate in both flora fauna and has the potential to biomagnify in some food chains. However, the form in which cadmium is presented to consumers can alter the bioavailability and possibly the internal distribution of assimilated Cd. Previous studies in our laboratory highlighted differences in Cd assimilation among isopods when they were provided with a plant-based food with either Cd biologically incorporated into plant tissue or superficially amended with ionic Cd(2+). Cd is known for its high affinity for sulphur ligands in cysteine residues which form the basis for metal-binding proteins such as metallothionein. This study compares Cd assimilation efficiency (AE) in Porcellio dilatatus fed with food amended with either cadmium cysteinate or cadmium nitrate in an examination of the influence of Cd speciation on metal bioavailability followed by an examination of the sub-cellular distribution using a centrifugal fractionation protocol. As hypothesized the AE of Cd among isopods fed with Cd(NO(3))(2) (64%, SE=5%) was higher than AE for isopods fed with Cd(Cys)(2) (20%, SE=3%). The sub-cellular distribution also depended on the Cd species provided. Those isopods fed Cd(Cys)(2) allocated significantly more Cd to the cell debris and organelles fractions at the expense of allocation to metal-rich granules (MRG). The significance of the difference in sub-cellular distribution with regard to toxicity is discussed. This paper demonstrates that the assimilation and internal detoxification of Cd is dependent on the chemical form of Cd presented to the isopod.  相似文献   

Loss of nitrogen from the soil-plant system has raised environmental concern. This study assessed the fluxes of nitrous oxide (N2O) in the subsurface flow constructed wetlands (CWs). To better understand the mechanism of N2O emission, spatial distribution of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in four kinds of wetlands soil were compared. N2O emission data showed large temporal and spatial variation ranging from -5.5 to 32.7 mg N2O m(-2) d(-1). The highest N2O emission occurred in the cell planted with Phragmites australis and Zizania latifolia. Whereas, the lower emission rate were obtained in the cell planted with P. australis and Typha latifolia. These revealed that Z. latifolia stimulated the N2O emission. Transportation of more organic matter and oxygen for AOB growth may be the reason. The study of AOB also supported this result, indicating that the root structure of Z. latifolia was favored by AOB for N2O formation.  相似文献   

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