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调查和处理污染事故,一直是环保部门感到比较棘手的事情.这是因为事故本身是环境污染矛盾的激化状态,同时事故的发生具有突然性,事故现场很难保持,给调查取证工作带来很大困难.由于环境污染事故往往直接牵涉到当事人双方的经济利益和生活居住环境等基本生活条件,一件事故处理得是否妥当,往往涉及一个地方、一群人对环保部门乃至整个政府部门的形象和威信,有些地方甚至把环境污染事故列入社会不安定因素之一来对待.但反过来,正确地处理和对待污染事故,不仅能促进一些老污染源的污染治理,而且也是一次较好的环保法律和环境意识的宣传机会.联系几年来萧山市环保局处理污染事故的体会,我们认为在处理污染事故中必须把握住以下几个方面.一、及时、认真地对待首次调查  相似文献   

水中氰化物突发性污染事故应急监测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究现场快速测定水中的氰化物。运用比色分析的朗伯 比尔定律和真空工艺设计 ,将复杂繁琐的实验室测试方法和操作程序有机地融合在测试管中。该测试管具有快速、简便和价格低廉等特点 ,测定范围为 0 0 0 5— 0 2 0mg/L。  相似文献   

危险废物事故排放的河流水环境健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了基于水体中污染物迁移转化方程的水质预测模型,并借鉴美国环保局推荐使用的健康风险评价模型,建立了一种危险废物事故排放时水环境对人体健康风险的评价方法。以电镀污泥为例验证了该方法的有效性。结果显示:该方法需要参数少且计算简单;电镀污泥中目标污染物(Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn)所引起的河流水环境非致癌风险(1.67)超过了美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00,不可接受;致癌风险(0.88E-11)则小于美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00E-06,风险不明显。  相似文献   

突发性环境污染事故预警系统的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
突发性环境污染事故时有发生,因此有必要提出事故预防和管理水平,应建立突发性环境污染事故的预警系统。  相似文献   

水中氰化物突发性污染事故应急监测方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在研究现场快速测定水中的氰化物。运用比色分析的朗伯-比尔定律和真空工艺设计,将复杂繁琐的实验室测试方法和操作程序有机地融合在测试管中。该测试管具有快速、简便和价格低廉等特点,测定范围为0.005-0.20mg/L。  相似文献   

水源事故的频发会对城市供水系统产生威胁,有必要针对供水系统风险进行评估和防控。针对水源事故频发及高发因素定量甄别研究,筛选统计了国内近20年来1 900多起水质突发事故案例,梳理了触发水源水质污染的多种因素,通过构建水源水质安全事故树和贝叶斯网络进行了相互验证分析。结果表明:我国水源污染事故主要因素贡献为依次突然排放(0.466)、污染长期累积(0.242)、交通事故(0.109)等;采用贝叶斯网络计算进行验证,其结果与事故树方法一致性较好。该方法有助于水源污染防控工作中风险点甄别和排序,可为我国饮用水安全保障水平的提升提供支撑。  相似文献   

张泓 《污染防治技术》2007,20(2):71-72,79
“7.28”事故是1998年以来国内最严重的化工爆炸事故,笔者以事故的目击者和应急监测者的身份,总结了事故应急监测的经验体会,阐述了应急监测必须确立环境安全理念、建立专家决策机制、整合监测资源、构建技术平台。  相似文献   

非点源污染负荷估算方法研究进展及对北京市的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
非点源污染是目前影响北京市水环境质量的主要污染源之一,对国内外水环境非点源污染负荷估算方法的研究进展及应用情况进行了总结和分析,介绍了污染负荷当量法、径流分割法、经验相关关系法等经验统计方法,并重点对SWMM模型、输出系数模型等模型估算方法的原理、特点及对北京市的应用情况进行了概括分析。  相似文献   

针对污染物泄露导致的河流污染问题,以邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)为研究对象,以粉煤灰作为吸附剂、有机玻璃反应槽作为反应装置,向其持续注入初始浓度相同的DMP溶液,将其所得实验数据拟合Logistic穿透模型,研究模拟河流条件下,粉煤灰对DMP的动态吸附规律;同时,分析了水流速度、DMP初始浓度及吸附剂投加方式3种因素对粉煤灰去除DMP性能的影响。结果表明:Logistic穿透模型能较好地拟合河流中粉煤灰动态吸附DMP的过程;提高溶液的进水流速,污染物更容易穿透吸附剂表面,单位时间内的最大吸附量由17.81 μg·g-1增加至27.78 μg·g-1,最大去除率由35.63%升高至55.57%,穿透时间提前;随着DMP溶液初始浓度的增加,粉煤灰与DMP分子之间的浓度差增大,相同时间内与粉煤灰接触的DMP污染物增多,达到饱和的时间由131 min缩短至119 min,穿透曲线上的穿透点左移,粉煤灰的吸附性能提高;将粉煤灰全部平铺在槽体底部时,吸附质能够充分地与其接触,传质阻力减小,吸附速率常数由0.003 9提高至0.004 7,粉煤灰的吸附率升高。该研究可为河流突发性污染的应急处理提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

农业非点源污染模型研究进展及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对农业非点源污染模型AGNPS作了简要的综述,重点介绍了农业非点源污染模型的结构、原理和输入输出参数,以及该模型在国内外研究现状,同时介绍了运用RS和GIS帮助获得模型参数的方法和途径,最后对模型在中国的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

广州市机动车排放污染三维仿真模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于三维的对流一扩散方程,采用50 m× 50 m× 20 m的高分辨率网格对广州市机动车排放污染扩散的宏观分布状况进行了数值模拟研究,应用有限体积法数值求解上述方程.模拟过程综合考虑了广州市的路网结构、交通流和路网线源排放强度等因素,进行了均匀风速的简单气象条件试算.结果表明,机动车排放污染物浓度随交通流量而变化,随高度增加而下降,上风向污染物浓度大于下风向,模拟结果与实际污染情况具有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

传统水质模拟预测模型对突发水污染事故事发地的水文、水下地形等资料要求较高,在缺乏相应资料时会影响对水污染事故的可靠预测和预警。为解决问题,亟需建立在应急条件下能快速预测预警的简化水质模型。以传统一维水质模型为基础,通过人工测量河流沿程流速,自动插值获得流场以替代模型中对流场的求解,再求解一维对流扩散方程,以此获得简化的一维水质模拟预测模型。模拟计算结果表明,相对于传统水质模型,简化后一维水质预警模型可快速准确地预测突发水污染事故后污染态势。  相似文献   

集约化畜禽养殖业的发展在提高人民生活水平的同时也给环境带来了巨大的压力。清洁生产是基于污染预防的一种环境保护的战略措施,它体现了废弃物的减量化、资源化、无害化原则。实施畜禽养殖业清洁生产是保证畜禽养殖业健康可持续发展的根本途径。分析了畜禽养殖业实施清洁生产的必要性.并根据当前畜禽养殖业清洁生产进展中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

中国台湾地区土壤及地下水污染整治基金管理会自2001年成立以来,不断完善管理架构和管理体系,发布相关领域的法律法规、行政规则和公告,有效运行污染整治基金的财务筹措和使用等经济管理机制。开展了一系列行之有效的预防、监测、调查、评估等管理工作,为污染场地的识别和筛选奠定了坚实的基础。对于污染场地的整治工作,采用标准和风险评估相结合的验收方式,推行场地可持续利用的绿色修复技术。重点研究台湾地区土壤及地下水污染整治工作的管理政策、模式和措施,总结相关经验,为中国土壤及地下水污染防治工作提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

An attempt was made to establish a new indicator for faecal pollution in aquatic environments using a sensitive determination method for urobilins, which are only present in mammalian faeces and urine. Assessment of urobilin stability was followed by determination of the amount of urobilins in river water. When river water containing urobilins was shaken at room temperature, the number of total and faecal coliforms increased, while urobilins decreased only in small amounts, indicating that urobilin is relatively stable in river water and hence can serve as a useful indicator for the estimation of faecal pollution of river water. The amount of urobilins in the river waters increased steeply from the mid-point of a stream near a sewage treatment plant, while amounts in the upper stream were very low. The amount of urobilins in river water increased after rainfall. Findings suggested that urobilin, i.e. sewage, originated from the output of the sewage treatment plant and raw sewage.  相似文献   

Grześ IM 《Chemosphere》2012,88(8):1015-1018
Ants are efficient trace metal accumulators, but metal kinetics in ants has not been described. Workers of Myrmica rubra collected in seven meadows along a metal pollution gradient were exposed to dietary Zn (1000 mg kg−1) for a 80 day uptake period followed by 30 days of clean food. Zn concentrations in the ants from all study sites were found to have been maintained on a stable level, indicating very efficient Zn regulation. No proof of adaptation in terms of enhanced elimination or restricted accumulation of Zn was found. Nevertheless, the results illustrate the general kinetics of Zn in M. rubra, irrespective of the differences between sites.  相似文献   

As largely documented in the literature, the stark restrictions enforced worldwide in 2020 to curb the COVID-19 pandemic also curtailed the production of air pollutants to some extent. This study investigates the perception of the air pollution as assessed by individuals located in ten countries: Australia, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Iran, Italy, Norway, South Africa and the USA. The perceptions towards air quality were evaluated by employing an online survey administered in May 2020. Participants (N = 9394) in the ten countries expressed their opinions according to a Likert-scale response. A reduction in pollutant concentration was clearly perceived, albeit to a different extent, by all populations. The survey participants located in India and Italy perceived the largest drop in the air pollution concentration; conversely, the smallest variation was perceived among Chinese and Norwegian respondents. Among all the demographic indicators considered, only gender proved to be statistically significant.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01574-2.  相似文献   

The population in the Black Sea region is expected to decline in the future. However, a better understanding of how river pollution is affected by declining trends in population and increasing trends in economic developments and urbanization is needed. This study aims to quantify future trends in point-source emissions of nutrients, microplastics, Cryptosporidium, and triclosan to 107 rivers draining into the Black Sea. We apply a multi-pollutant model for 2010, 2050, and 2100. In the future, over half of the rivers will be more polluted than in 2010. The population in 74 sub-basins may drop by over 25% in our economic scenario with poor wastewater treatment. Over two-thirds of the people will live in cities and the economy may grow 9-fold in the region. Advanced wastewater treatment could minimize trade-offs between economy and pollution: our Sustainability scenario projects a 68–98% decline in point-source pollution by 2100. Making this future reality will require coordinated international efforts.Supplementary InformationThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-022-01780-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The Alamo and New Rivers located in the Imperial Valley, California receive large volumes of irrigation runoff and discharge into the ecologically sensitive Salton Sea. Between 1993 and 2002 we conducted a series of studies to assess water quality using three aquatic species: a cladoceran (Ceriodaphnia dubia), a mysid (Neomysis mercedis), and a larval fish (Pimephales promelas). Although no mortality was observed with the P. promelas, high-level toxicity to the invertebrate species was documented in samples from both rivers during many months of each year. Toxicity identifications and chemical analyses identified the organophosphorus insecticides (OP), chlorpyrifos and diazinon, as the cause of C. dubia toxicity. The extent of the C. dubia mortality was highly correlated with quantities of these OPs applied in the river watersheds. C. dubia mortality occurred during more months of our 2001/2002 study than in the 1990s investigations. During 2001/2002, the extensive C. dubia mortality observed in New River samples was caused by OP insecticide pollution that originated from Mexico. Mortality to N. mercedis in New River samples was likely caused by contaminants other than OP insecticides. Our studies document OP insecticide-caused pollution of the Alamo River over a 10-year period and provide the necessary information for remediation efforts.  相似文献   

Metal pollution is viewed as a modern problem that began in the 19th century and accelerated through the 20th century; however, in many parts of the globe this view is wrong. Here, we studied past waterborne metal pollution in lake sediments from the Bergslagen region in central Sweden, one of many historically important mining regions in Europe. With a focus on lead (including isotopes), we trace mining impacts from a local scale, through a 120-km-long river system draining into Mälaren - Sweden's third largest lake, and finally also the Baltic Sea. Comparison of sediment and peat records shows that pollution from Swedish mining was largely waterborne and that atmospheric deposition was dominated by long-range transport from other regions. Swedish ore lead is detectable from the 10th century, but the greatest impact occurred during the 16th-18th centuries with improvements occurring over recent centuries, i.e., historical pollution > modern industrial pollution.  相似文献   

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