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The Trivers–Willard hypothesis predicts sex biases in parental investment according to parental condition. In addition, parents may need to sex bias their investment if there is an asymmetry between the sexes in offspring fitness under different conditions. For studying maternal differential investment, egg resources are ideal subjects because they are self contained and allocated unequivocally by the female. Recent studies show that yolk androgens can be beneficial to offspring, so here we test for sex-biased investment with maternal investment of yolk testosterone (T) in zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) eggs. From the Trivers–Willard hypothesis, we predicted females to invest more in male eggs in optimum circumstances (e.g. good-condition mother, early-laid egg), and more in female eggs under suboptimal conditions (e.g. poor-condition mother, late-laid egg). This latter prediction is also because in this species there is a female nestling disadvantage in poor conditions and we expected mothers to help compensate for this in female eggs. Indeed, we found more yolk T in female than male eggs. Moreover, in accordance with our predictions, yolk T in male eggs increased with maternal quality relative to female eggs, and decreased with laying order relative to female eggs. This supports our predictions for the different needs and value of male and female offspring in zebra finches. Our results support the idea that females may use yolk androgens as a tool to adaptively manipulate the inequalities between different nestlings.  相似文献   

Long-term effects of unfavourable conditions during development can be expected to depend on the quality of the environment experienced by the same individuals during adulthood. Yet, in the majority of studies, long-term effects of early developmental conditions have been assessed under favourable adult conditions only. The immune system might be particularly vulnerable to early environmental conditions as its development, maintenance and use are thought to be energetically costly. Here, we studied the interactive effects of favourable and unfavourable conditions during nestling and adult stages on innate immunity (lysis and agglutination scores) of captive male and female zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Nestling environmental conditions were manipulated by a brood size experiment, while a foraging cost treatment was imposed on the same individuals during adulthood. This combined treatment showed that innate immunity of adult zebra finches is affected by their early developmental conditions and varies between both sexes. Lysis scores, but not agglutination scores, were higher in individuals raised in small broods and in males. However, these effects were only present in birds that experienced low foraging costs. This study shows that the quality of the adult environment may shape the long-term consequences of early developmental conditions on innate immunity, as long-term effects of nestling environment were only evident under favourable adult conditions.  相似文献   

湖滨带氧化还原环境的时空变化及其环境效应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在太湖梅梁湾,沿开阔水体至湖滨带方向,对植被型湖滨带(A区)、裸露型湖滨带(B区)和开阔水体(D区)水体中DO和水/沉积物Eh进行为期1a的现场观测.结果发现,梅梁湾水体DO时空变化明显.B区和D区水体中DO常年饱和,而A区DO浓度较低(年均(5.5±1.7)mg·L-1).在植物生长季,从开阔水体至湖滨植被区溶解氧浓度从12.7 mg·L-1降到4.5 mg·L-1;在非植物生长季则从9.7 mg·L-1降到6.2mg·L-1.湖滨带水体Eh在150 mV左右波动,空间变化趋势与溶解氧变化同步.沉积物Eh也表现出明显的时空变化,在植物生长季,各区沉积物均处于较强的还原状态(-158~-101 mV);而在非植物生长季,由开阔水体向植被型湖滨带Eh逐渐升高.在沉积物的垂直剖面上,开阔水体Eh自表层沉积物向下逐渐降低,而在A区的植被覆盖区则是先降低,大概在5 cm深处开始逐渐升高,于20 cm深左右达到峰值.根据上述植被型湖滨带氧化还原环境的特点,可以推知进行湖滨带生态修复,有利于去除湖泊氮污染.  相似文献   

增蓝剂溶水后降低水下光照度,减弱入射光中370~440nm和530~680nm波段透射光.分析增蓝剂在0.1,1,5mg/L浓度及0.4,0.7,1m水深条件下,对自然水体原生藻类生长抑制效果,并测定其生物毒性.结果表明:在增蓝剂作用下水下光照度衰减明显,衰减系数(k)从0.25m-1增至0.7m-1.水深为0.4,0.7m时,增蓝剂抑藻效果显著(P<0.05),0.1,1,5mg/L浓度对藻类抑制率在第6d后迅速上升,在15d后稳定在65%以上,增蓝剂在0.4m水深抑藻效果较好.当水深至1m时,21d抑藻效果较差.急性毒性试验表明,增蓝剂对斑马鱼96hLC50为442.8 mg/L.  相似文献   

Progress in carbon dioxide separation and capture: A review   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
This article reviews the progress made in CO2 separation and capture research and engineering. Various technologies, such as absorption, adsorption, and membrane separation, are thoroughly discussed. New concepts such as chemical-looping combustion and hydrate-based separation are also introduced briefly. Future directions are suggested. Sequestration methods, such as forestation, ocean fertilization and mineral carbonation techniques are also covered. Underground injection and direct ocean dump are not covered.  相似文献   

Social interactions facilitate pathogen transmission and increase virulence. Therefore, species that live in social groups are predicted to suffer a higher pathogen burden, to invest more heavily in immune defence against pathogens, or both. However, there are few empirical tests of whether social species indeed invest more heavily in immune defence than non-social species. In the current study, we conducted a phylogenetically controlled comparison of innate immune response in Lamprologine cichlid fishes. We focused on three species of highly social cichlids that live in permanent groups and exhibit cooperative breeding (Julidochromis ornatus, Neolamprologus pulcher and Neolamprologus savoryi) and three species of non-social cichlids that exhibit neither grouping nor cooperative behaviour (Telmatochromis temporalis, Neolamprologus tetracanthus and Neolamprologus modestus). We quantified the innate immune response by injecting wild fishes with phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), a lectin that causes a cell-mediated immune response. We predicted that the three highly social species would show a greater immune reaction to the PHA treatment, indicating higher investment in immune defence against parasites relative to the three non-social species. We found significant species-level variation in immune response, but contrary to our prediction, this variation did not correspond to social system. However, we found that immune response was correlated with territory size across the six species. Our results indicate that the common assumption of a positive relationship between social system and investment in immune function may be overly simplistic. We suggest that factors such as rates of both in-group and out-group social interactions are likely to be important mediators of the relationship between sociality and immune function.  相似文献   

Thallium contamination in water can cause great danger to the environment. In this study, we synthesized manganese oxide-coated sand (MOCS) and investigated the transport and retention behaviors of Tl(I) in MOCS under different conditions. Characterization methods combined with a two-site nonequilibrium transport model were applied to explore the retention mechanisms. The results showed that Tl(I) mobility was strongly inhibited in MOCS media, and the retention capacity calculated from the fitted model was 510.41 mg/g under neutral conditions. The retention process included adsorption and oxidative precipitation by the manganese oxides coated on the sand surface. Cotransport with the same concentration of Mn(II) led to halving Tl(I) retention due to competition for reactive sites. Enhanced Tl(I) retention was observed under alkaline conditions, as increasing pH promoted electronegativity on the media surface. Moreover, the competitive cation Ca2+ significantly weakened Tl(I) retention by occupying adsorption sites. These findings provide new insights into understanding Tl(I) transport behavior in water-saturated porous media and suggest that manganese oxide-coated sand can be a cost-effective filter media for treating Tl-contaminated water.  相似文献   

在土改文学中,翻身意味着无数个体农民的身体获得了前所未有的解放,同时这也象征着中国这个沉睡的巨人即将醒来。从生理政治身体上看,身体必须受到外在权力的控制,衣服是翻身的重要标志,然而过分追求衣服的美观舒适将会受到革命话语的指责。从生产政治身体来看,身体还需不断接受生产劳动的考验,身体成为了生产的机器和劳动的工具。身体因为阶级的划分而具有了不同的价值,地主的身体在示众的场面中遭受暴力,而农民的身体因为伤疤而具有了神圣的价值。  相似文献   

The toxicity of chlortetracycline (CTC) on maize (Zea mays L.) growth and reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation was studied. The root and shoot lengths and fresh weights of maize seedlings were inhibited by CTC treatment (p < 0.05). Root length was more sensitive than other parameters with the EC10 value of 0.064 mg/L. The spin trapping technique followed by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) analysis was used to quantify the ROS production. The ROS generated in maize roots after exposure to CTC was identified as hydroxyl radical (.OH). The EPR signal intensity correlated positively with the logarithm of CTC concentrations exposed (p < 0.05). The dynamic changes of malondialdehyde (MDA) contents and the antioxidative enzyme activities in maize roots were also determined. As compared to the control group, CTC was found to significantly increase MDA content. Treatment of maize roots with the.OH scavenger sodium benzoate (SB) reduced the MDA content and enhanced the antioxidative enzyme activities. The results demonstrated the harmfulness of CTC at high dose to maize in the early developmental stage, and clarified that the inducement of.OH is one of the mechanisms of CTC toxicity.  相似文献   

Ecological factors modulate animal immunocompetence and potentially shape the evolution of their immune systems. Not only environmental parameters impact on immunocompetence: Aging is one major cause of variability of immunocompetence between individuals, and sex-specific levels of immunocompetence have also been frequently described. Moreover, a growing core of data put in light that vertically transmitted symbionts can dramatically modulate the immunocompetence of their hosts. In this study, we addressed the influence of gender, age and the feminising endosymbiont Wolbachia (wVulC) on variations in haemocyte density, total PO activity and bacterial load in the haemolymph of the terrestrial isopod Armadillidium vulgare. This host–symbiont system is of particular interest to address this question since: (1) wVulC was previously shown as immunosuppressive in middle-aged females and (2) wVulC influences sex determination. We show that age, gender and Wolbachia modulate together immune parameters in A. vulgare. However, wVulC, which interacts with aging, appears to be the prominent factor interfering with both PO activity and haemocyte density. This interference with immune parameters is not the only aspect of wVulC virulence on its host, as reproduction and survival are also altered.  相似文献   

中国酸沉降:来源、影响与控制   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
总结我国酸沉降观测与模拟、来源与影响以及控制与成效,不仅能为未来我国大气污染治理提供科学依据,也能为国际酸沉降控制提供参考.本文回顾了40年来我国酸沉降研究的发展历程,对有关酸雨时空分布特征、致酸气体排放、土壤和地表水酸化、酸化缓冲机制、临界负荷区划以及酸雨控制对策等研究进展进行综述.我国酸雨污染经历了快速发展、污染缓...  相似文献   

浅论云南野生蕈菌资源及其利用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
云南野生蕈菌物种资源十分丰富,据初步统计仅野生食用菌就有约600种,其中目前具有重要经济、开发价值的有近60种,滇南、滇中和滇北都有可重点开发的种类,这些野生食用菌是云南各族人民物质生活中依赖的重要自然资源之一,在改善膳食结构和发展经济中,起着不可忽视的作用。为有效保护和持续利用云南野生蕈菌资源,在开发该省野生食用菌资源时,应重视发展野生食用菌深加工工业,提高产品的附加值;此外,人工促繁、优良菌种的引入和利用乡土菌种选育新品种,是持续发展的重要方面。云南的毒蘑菇,特别是剧毒菌,如灰花纹鹅膏和欧氏鹅膏的资源利用潜力较大,应重视此类毒菌毒素的研究和利用。  相似文献   

采用随机设立样方法,于2016年至2017年的四个月份对大连、青岛和温州鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii)的生长情况进行了生态学调查。结果表明鼠尾藻的形态和生化组成存在明显的地区和时间差异:大连地区的长度级个数分布最多;三个地区中,10月青岛的生物量最高(429 g/m2),2月、5月和7月大连的生物量最高,分别为931.3 g/m2,1453.1 g/m2和2047.7 g/m2;10月、2月和5月时三个地区中青岛地区的主枝数均为最高,分别为4572株/m2,5707株/m2,3659株/m2,7月最低,为2199株/m2;大连地区的鼠尾藻优先监测到侧枝,且三个地区具侧枝的主枝比例均在7月最高,其中大连地区的侧枝数最多(123±63个/株)且长度最长(13.1 cm);大连地区的色素含量与另外两个地区的含量相比相对较高,而青岛和温州地区的褐藻多酚含量则高于大连地区。通过对不同海区的鼠尾藻种群进行采样调查研究,结果表明鼠尾藻的种群结构和形态特征在显示出明显的时间变化的同时,也表现出了显著的地区差异,这些结果可能是受到三个海区的环境因子和人为干扰因素的结果。  相似文献   

采集渭河沉积物及西安某自备井的地下水,沉积物采用逐级分离法处理后,进行厌氧微宇宙实验,研究反硝化条件下河流沉积层中苯胺降解及有机碳与水合金属氧化物的影响.结果表明,硝酸盐为50、300或400mg·L-1,沉积物中的原有或外加的有机碳都对苯胺降解具有抑制作用;去碳沉积物、去碳去金属沉积物实验中,硝酸盐为50mg·L-1时,外加有机碳具有抑制作用,当硝酸盐为300或400 mg·L-1时则有促进作用.去碳沉积物与去碳去金属沉积物的实验发现,无论是否有外加有机碳,水合金属氧化物都对河床沉积层中反硝化条件下苯胺降解具有促进作用.机理分析表明,反硝化条件下,河流沉积层中的微生物以生长代谢的方式利用苯胺,使其降解.苯胺降解经过脱氨基过程.  相似文献   

Floods have been the most deadlynatural disasters in Portugal during the lastcentury, followed by earthquakes. The typeof flood known as a `progressive flood'mainly affects the larger basins, such asthat of the Tagus River, and results in alarge inundated area. These floods arecaused by heavy rains associated with awesterly zonal circulation that may persistfor weeks. The system of dams within thebasin reduces the frequency of flooding,but cannot `tame' the river. The dam systemhas even contributed to an increase in thepeak flow, as in the 1979 flood.Nevertheless, these floods are not a dangerfor the human population. In contrast, flashfloods are more dangerous and deadlier thanprogressive floods, as demonstrated in 1967and 1997. They affect the small drainagebasins and are caused by heavy andconcentrated rainfall, created byconvective depressions (active cold poolsor depressions caused by the interactionbetween polar and tropical air masses),active in the south of the country, in theLisbon region, Alentejo and the Algarve.Deforestation, soil impermeability, chaoticurbanization, building on floodplains, theblockage of small creeks or theircanalisation, and the building of walls andtransverse embankments along the smallcreeks all contribute to the aggravation ofthis kind of flood.  相似文献   

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