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This research combines laboratory and field studies with computer simulation to characterize the amount of plant-available nitrogen (PAN) released when municipal biosolids are land-applied to agronomic crops. In the laboratory studies, biosolids were incubated in or on soil from the land application sites. Mean biosolids total C, organic N, and C to N ratio were 292 g kg(-1), 41.7 g kg(-1), and 7.5, respectively. Based on CO2 evolution at 25 degrees C and optimum soil moisture, 27 of the 37 biosolids-soil combinations had two decomposition phases. The mean rapid and slow fraction rate constants were 0.021 and 0.0015 d(-1), respectively, and the rapid fraction contained 23% of the total C assuming sequential decomposition. Where only one decomposition phase existed, the mean first order rate constant was 0.0046 d(-1). The mean rate constant for biosolids stored in lagoons for an extended time was 0.00097 d(-1). The only treatment process that was related to biosolids treatment was stabilization by storage in a lagoon. Biosolids addition rates (dry basis) ranged from 1.3 to 33.8 Mg ha(-1) with a mean value of 10.6 Mg ha(-1). A relationship between fertilizer N rate and crop response was used to estimate observed PAN at each site. Mean observed PAN during the growing season was 18.9 kg N Mg(-1) or 37% of the biosolids total N. Observed PAN was linearly related to biosolids total N. Predicted PAN using the computer model Decomposition, actual growing-season weather, actual analytical data, and laboratory decomposition kinetics compared well with observed PAN. The mean computer model prediction of growing-season PAN was 19.2 kg N Mg(-1) and the slope of the regression between predicted and observed PAN was not significantly different from unity. Predicted PAN obtained using mean decomposition kinetics was related to predicted PAN using actual decomposition kinetics suggesting that mean rate constants, actual weather, and actual analytical data could be used in estimation of PAN. There was a linear relationship between predicted N mineralization for the growing season and for the first year. For this study, the mean values for the growing season and year were 27 and 37% of the organic N, respectively.  相似文献   

The contamination of soil and runoff water by two herbicides, diuron [N'-(3,4-dichlorphenyl)-N,N-dimethylurea] and simazine (6-chloro-N,N'-diethyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), were monitored on two fields, one no-till and one tilled. Experiments were carried out in a 91.4-ha watershed in southern France during the 1997 growing season in order to understand the patterns of pesticide transport from field to watershed. The persistence of the herbicides in soil was prolonged due to the climatic conditions. At the field scale, annual herbicide loads were due to overland flow and amounted to 65.6 and 6.3 g ha(-1) of diuron for the no-till and tilled field, respectively, and to 29.6 and 1.83 g ha(-1) of simazine. Maximum herbicide concentrations exceeded 580 microg L(-1) during the first storm event after application and decreased thereafter but remained for 8 mo above 0.1 microg L(-1). At the watershed outlet, estimated annual loads amounted to 4.12 g ha(-1) of diuron and 0.56 g ha(-1) of simazine. Among them, 96% of the losses in diuron and 83% of those in simazine were caused by the fast transmission through the network of ditches of the overland flow exiting the fields. For diuron, which was sprayed over most of the vineyards, its in-stream concentrations during storm flow were close to those at the outlet of the fields. The herbicide loads in baseflow were smaller than 0.2 g ha(-1). The patterns of the loads at the field and watershed scales suggested that a major part of the herbicides leaving the fields reinfiltrated to the ground water by seepage through the ditches, and was there degraded or adsorbed.  相似文献   

Laboratory stream microcosms have been used to study transport, fate, and effects of toxic substances in stream ecosystems. Several general concerns exist in utilizing laboratory streams in this way. We summarize some of the most important and difficult of these problems and endeavor to provide theoretical understanding, evaluation, and empirical approaches necessary for making laboratory stream ecosystem studies more useful in solving problems of toxic substance behavior in natural stream ecosystems. Well-designed laboratory streams and other microcosms are complex dynamic systems that can contribute to our understanding of the behavior of toxic substances. But such systems are far too complex and dynamic to be employed as bioassay, monitoring, or predictive tools, as individual organisms have been.  相似文献   

This paper investigates index models as a tool to estimate the risk of N and P source strengths and loss at the catchment scale. The index models assist managers in improving the focus of remediation actions that reduce nutrient delivery to waterbodies. N and P source risk factors (e.g. soil nutrient concentrations) and transport risk factors (e.g. distance-to-streams) are used to determine the overall risk of nutrient loss for a case study in the Tuross River catchment of coastal southeast Australia. In the development of the N index model for Tuross, particulate N was considered important based on the observed event water quality data. In contrast to previous N index models, erosion and contributing distance were therefore included in the Tuross River catchment N index. Event-based water quality monitoring, and soil information, or in data-poor catchments conceptual understanding, are essential to represent catchment-scale processes. The techniques have high applicability in other catchments, and are complementary to other modelling techniques such as process-based semi-distributed modelling. Index models generally provide much more detailed spatial resolution than fully- or semi-distributed conceptual modelling approaches. Semi-distributed models can be used to quantify nutrient loads and provide overall direction to set the broad focus of management. Index models can then be used to refine on-the-ground investigations and investment priorities. In this way semi-distributed models can be combined with index models to provide a set of powerful tools to influence management decisions and outcomes.  相似文献   

Using specially designed temperature profiling equipment, two surveys were conducted during thermal backwashing operations at Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station to determine the spatial and temporal extent of temperature rises above ambient. Thermal backwashing is a process where biofouling is combated by a heat treatment procedure. Backwashing formed a thermal plume about 5- to 6-ft thick (1.5- to 1.8-m) in front of the intake screenwall. Maximum observed surface temperatures were 101.0°F (38.3°C), representing a rise (T) of about 43.4°F (24.1°C) above ambient. The frontal zone of the plume spread gradually seaward at about 0.2 kn. Its outer edge became thinner and rapidly cooled, presumably by advection and turbulent diffusion associated with currents from the reverse pumping and local changes from dissipation to the atmosphere. Along the intake shoreline, the plume was often less than 1 ft (0.3 m) thick. Most of the hot water was dissipated within several hundred feet of the intake with Ts of about 10.0 to 15.0°F (5.6 to 8.3°C) above ambient. Under the influence of 15 mph southwesterly winds during the second survey, some warmed water was apparently carried beyond the outer breakwaters into Cape Cod Bay. These surveys provided real-time data indicating that the backwashing operation caused a relatively thin thermal plume, which spread rapidly from the intake out across the study area and along the seaward breakwater. Within a few hours these backwash thermal plumes were completely dissipated.Formerly affiliated with Normandeau Associates, Inc., Bedford, New Hampshire.  相似文献   

Water managers face the daunting task of balancing limited water resources with over-subscribed water users among competing demands. They face the additional challenge of taking water planning decisions in an uncertain environment with limited and sometimes inaccurate observed and simulated hydrological data. Within South African watersheds, spatial parameterization data for hydrological models are now available at two different basin management resolutions (termed quaternary and quinary). Currently, water management decisions in the Crocodile River watershed are often made at a more coarse resolution, which may exclude crucial insights into the data. This research has the following aims (1) to explore whether model performance is improved by parameterization using a more detailed quinary-scale watershed data and (2) to explore whether quinary-scale models reduce uncertainty in allocation or restriction decisions to provide better informed water resources management and decision outcomes. This study used the Agricultural Catchments Research Unit (ACRU) agro-hydrological watershed model, to evaluate the effects of spatial discretization at the quaternary and quinary scales on watershed hydrological response and runoff within the Crocodile River basin. Model performance was evaluated using statistical comparisons of results using traditional goodness-of-fit measures such as the coefficient of efficiency (C eff), root mean square of the error and the coefficient of determination (R 2) to compare simulated monthly flows and observed flows in six subcatchments. Traditional interpretation of these goodness-of-fit measures may be inadequate as they can be subjectively interpreted and easily influenced by the number of data points, outliers and model bias. This research utilizes a recently released model evaluation program (FITEVAL) which presents probability distributions of R 2and C eff derived by bootstrapping, graphical representation of observed and simulated stream flows, incorporates statistical significance to detect the sufficiency of the R 2and C eff and determines the presence of outliers and bias. While analyses indicate that the ACRU model performs marginally better when parameterized and calibrated at the quinary scale, the measurements at both scales show significant variability in predictions for both high and low flows that are endemic to southern African hydrology. The improved evaluation methods also allow for the analysis of data collection errors at monitoring sites and help determine the effect of data quality on adaptive water planning management decisions. Given that many water resource challenges are complex adaptive systems, these expanded performance analysis tools help provide deeper insights into matching watershed decision metrics and model-derived predictions.  相似文献   

Nodes,networks, and MUMs: Preserving diversity at all scales   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The present focus of practical conservation efforts is limited in scope. This narrowness results in an inability to evaluate and manage phenomena that operate at large spatiotemporal scales. Whereas real ecological phenomena function in a space-time mosaic across a full hierarchy of biological entities and processes, current conservation strategies address a limited spectrum of this complexity. Conservation typically is static (time-limited), concentrates on the habitat content rather than the landscape context of protected areas, evaluates relatively homogeneous communities instead of heterogeneous landscapes, and directs attention to particular species populations and/or the aggregate statistic of species diversity. Insufficient attention has been given to broad ecological patterns and processes and to the conservation of species in natural relative abundance patterns (native diversity).The authors present a conceptual scheme that evaluates not only habitat content within protected areas, but also the landscape context in which each preserve exists. Nodes of concentrated ecological value exist in each landscape at all levels in the biological hierarchy. Integration of these high-quality nodes into a functional network is possible through the establishment of a system of interconnected multiple-use modules (MUMs). The MUM network protects and buffers important ecological entities and phenomena, while encouraging movement of individuals, species, nutrients, energy, and even habitat patches across space and time. An example is presented for the southeastern USA (south Georgia-north Florida), that uses riparian and coastal corridors to interconnect existing protected areas. This scheme will facilitate reintroduction and preservation of wide-ranging species such as the Florida panther, and help reconcile species-level and ecosystem-level conservation approaches.  相似文献   

Two kinds of agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) were examined with respect to cost-effectiveness (CE) in reducing sediment, nitrates-nitrogen (NO3–N) and total phosphorus (TP) losses to surface waters of the Arachtos catchment in Western Greece. The establishment of filter strips at the edge of fields and a non-structural measure, namely fertilization reduction in alfalfa, combined with contour farming and zero-tillage in corn and reduction of animal numbers in pastureland, were evaluated. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used as the non-point-source (NPS) estimator, while a simple economic component was developed estimating BMP implementation cost as the mean annual expenses needed to undertake and operate the practice for a 5-year period. After each BMP implementation, the ratio of their CE in reducing pollution was calculated for each Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU) separately, for each agricultural land use type entirely and for the whole catchment. The results at the HRU scale are presented comprehensively on a map, demonstrating the spatial differentiation of CE ratios across the catchment that enhances the identification of locations where each BMP is most advisable for implementation. Based on the analysis, a catchment management solution of affordable total cost would include the expensive measure of filter strips in corn and only in a small number of pastureland fields, in combination with the profitable measure of reducing fertilization to alfalfa fields. When examined for its impact on river loads at the outlet, the latter measure led to a 20 tn or 8% annual decrease of TP from the baseline with savings of 15€/kg of pollutant reduction. Filter strips in corn fields reduced annual sediments by 66 Ktn or 5%, NO3–N by 71 tn or 9.5% and TP by 27 tn or 10%, with an additional cost of 3.1 €/tn, 3.3 €/kg and 8.1 €/kg of each pollutant respectively. The study concludes that considerable reductions of several pollutant types at the same time can be achieved, even at low total cost, by combining targeted BMP implementation strategies only in small parts of the catchment, also enabling policy makers to take local socio-economic constraints into consideration. The methodology and the results presented aim to facilitate decision making for a cost-effective management of diffuse pollution by enabling modelers and researchers to make rapid and reliable BMP cost estimations and thus being able to calculate their CE at the local level in order to identify the most suitable areas for their implementation.  相似文献   

Phosphorus losses in runoff from application of manures and biosolids to agricultural land are implicated in the degradation of water quality in the Chesapeake and Delaware Inland Bays. We conducted an incubation study to determine the relative P solubility and bioavailability, referred to as P source coefficients (PSCs), for organic P sources, which are typically land-applied in the Mid-Atlantic USA. Nine organic and one inorganic (KH2PO4) P amendments were applied to an Evesboro loamy sand (mesic, coated Typic Quartzipsamments) at a rate of 60 mg P kg(-1) and incubated for 8 wk with subsamples analyzed at 2 and 8 wk. There was an increase in Mehlich-3 P (M3-P), water-soluble P (WS-P), iron-oxide strip extractable P (FeO-P), and Mehlich-3 P saturation ratio (M3-PSR) with P additions, which varied by P source. The trend of relative extractable WS-P, FeO-P, and M3-P generally followed the pattern: inorganic P > liquid and deep pit manures > manures and biosolids treated with metal salts or composted. We found significant differences in the availability of P from varying organic P sources. The use of PSCs may be beneficial when determining the risk of P losses from land application of manures and other organic P sources and could be used in risk assessments such as a P site index. These PSCs may also be useful for determining P application rates when organic P sources are applied to P deficient soils for use as a fertilizer source.  相似文献   

Service quality in a construction technology laboratory can result in an improvement in construction companies’ competitiveness. This research aims to evaluate the service quality provided by a construction technology laboratory, specifically in the segment of performing testing through the rupturing of concrete samples. For this research, a survey was conducted using a structured questionnaire that was created based on a literature review regarding the surveying of laboratory customers at a university in the south of Brazil. Our research was both exploratory and quantitative, and the data were analyzed by applying multivariate data analysis. The conclusions of this study show that the dimensions of quality services are: communication, reliability, responsiveness, credibility, and tangibility. These five dimensions together provide a high explained variance standard of 79.75%. Having a suitable number of attendants available to serve customers and presenting agility in the construction laboratory is one of the managerial research contributions. Moreover, through information availability, this research generates greater traceability that can be used both by customers and by institutional management. Constantly and thoroughly monitoring the customer service cycle is another relevant factor that can improve the quality of the services provided.  相似文献   

Currently, limited research on the fate of antimicrobials in the environment exists, once they are discharged in human and animal wastes. Sorption of two antimicrobials, sulfadimethoxine (SDM) and ormetoprim (OMP), was investigated in two soils and sand using a series of batch experiments. Because OMP and SDM are often administered in combination, their sorption was also investigated in combination as co-solutes. The rate of SDM and OMP sorption was rapid over the first few hours of the experiments, which then slowed considerably after 16 to 68 h. OMP sorption was enhanced at high concentrations when in combination with SDM, with linear sorption coefficients ranging from 1.3 to 58.3 L.kg(-1) in the single solute experiments and 4.96 to 89.7 L.kg(-1) in the co-solute experiments. Sorption of OMP as a single solute seems to provide a better fit with the Freundlich equation, which became more linear (n approached 1) when SDM was present. Overall, SDM sorbed less than OMP in the two soils and sand. SDM linear sorption coefficients ranged from 0.4 to 25.8 L.kg(-1) as a single solute and 2.5 to 22.1 L.kg(-1) as a co-solute. Sorption of SDM becomes more nonlinear (n < 1) when SDM is present in combination with OMP. Overall, sorption of both antimicrobials increased in the selected soils and sand as the organic matter, clay content, and cation exchange capacity increased. These experiments indicate relatively low sorption of SDM and OMP in natural soils, making them a potential threat to surface and ground water.  相似文献   

Pollution of water, air, and soil by industrial effluents is a major problem nowadays. A variety of contaminants are too responsible for changing the physicochemical properties of the receiving body. There are practical treatment solutions available to clean up contaminants from various resources. The term “adsorption” refers to one of them. The purpose of the research work is to remove heavy metals from industrial effluent. Mixed adsorbents prepared from activated charcoal and bone charcoals were used to remove the copper and cadmium ions. The experiment carried out in a batch operation and modeling of these data for intraparticle diffusion and thermodynamic calculations were reported in this research work. At optimum operating condition pH 6; metal ion concentration 50 mg/L; dose 5 g/L; agitation 180 rpm and temperature 40°C maximum 99.41% copper ions and 88.12% cadmium ion removal was achieved. Cadmium ions were well fitted in the thermodynamic model compared to copper ions, as demonstrated by the higher correlation coefficient R2 (0.9824) value. Intra particle diffusion demonstrated that film diffusion was a rate-limiting step at the start of the reaction, while microporous intraparticle diffusion was the rate-determining phase later on. A Fourier transformation infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, and scanning electron micrography analysis confirmed the suitability of mixed adsorbents for the removal of cadmium and copper metal ions.  相似文献   

Sorption of the antibiotic tetracycline to humic-mineral complexes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Humic substances, by altering the surface properties and/or competing for available reaction sites, can either suppress or promote sorption of organic compounds to mineral surfaces. Limited literature evidence points to the reduction in sorption of the antibiotic tetracycline to clay minerals in the presence of humic substances. We investigated the surface interaction of Elliott soil humic acid (ESHA) with hydrous Al oxide (HAO) and the effect of this association on tetracycline sorption. Strong interaction between ESHA and HAO led to ESHA-promoted dissolution of HAO and surface charge reversal. The ESHA-HAO sorption-desorption isotherms were successfully described using a modified Langmuir model that accounted for the heterogeneity of HAO surface and ESHA. Ligand exchange was proposed as the major interaction mechanism, and the edge Al atoms on HAO surface were considered as the sorption sites for ESHA macromolecules. ESHA was coated onto HAO to achieve two different organic content (foc) levels of 0.81 and 1.52%. Sorption results were compared for the binary ESHA-tetracycline and HAO-tetracycline systems, and the ternary ESHA-HAO-tetracycline system. The coating of ESHA on HAO significantly suppressed tetracycline sorption levels, attributable to altered HAO surface charge characteristics and/or direct competition between ESHA and tetracycline for potential sorption sites. Higher foc level, besides increasing the extent of sorption suppression, also resulted in greater ionic strength dependence and increased nonlinearity of sorption behavior. It, therefore, appears that the presence of humic substances, in both dissolved and mineral-bound forms, is likely to increase the environmental mobility of tetracycline compounds.  相似文献   

Every year, more than 50,000 wildland fires affect about 500,000 ha of vegetation in southern European countries, particularly in wildland-urban interfaces (WUI). This paper presents a method to characterize and map WUIs at large scales and over large areas for wildland fire prevention in the South of France. Based on the combination of four types of building configuration and three classes of vegetation structure, 12 interface types were classified. Through spatial analysis, fire ignition density and burned area ratio were linked with the different types of WUI. Among WUI types, isolated WUIs with the lowest housing density represent the highest level of fire risk.  相似文献   

The present work reports the use of living cells of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica for the biosorption of cadmium ions. For a better understanding of the biosorption characteristics, three fractions of removed cadmium (total, bioadsorbed and intracellular) were measured in the cells after 24 and 72 h of exposure to different initial cadmium concentrations (0.6–45 mg L?1). Both the Langmuir and Freundlich models were suitable for describing the sorption of cadmium ions by this microalga. The maximum sorption capacity was estimated to be 40.22 mg Cd g?1 after 72 h using the Langmuir sorption model. In the lower cadmium concentrations, metal removed intracellularly was higher than that removed on the microalgal cell surface. Therefore, the intracellular fraction contributed more to the total removed cadmium than the fraction bioadsorbed to the cellular surface. The results showed that the cadmium removal capacity using living biomass could be much more effective than with non-living biomass due to the intracellular bioaccumulation. According to the microorganism selected and its tolerance to the toxic effect of the metal, the cadmium content in the intracellular fraction can become very significant, just like it happened with Tetraselmis.  相似文献   

The use of photographs as surrogates for field observations is common in studies of perception and judgment of the visual environment despite theoretically important differences between photographs and three-dimensional scenes. The few available empirical studies of the validity of photographs as representations of the visual environment have methodological weaknesses. We describe a method for investigating the representativeness of photographs that differs from previous approaches in three important respects. First, individual subjects rather than group averages are analyzed. Second, multiple judgments are obtained so that the relations among judgments of photographs can be compared with the environment. Third, a ‘lens model equation’ analysis is used to examine relations among systematic components of variation in judgments. An illustrative study of visual air quality judgments is presented. It was found that, in the case of judgments of visual air quality, photographs provide a good representation of the visual environment.  相似文献   

Avermectins are widely used to treat livestock for parasite infections. Ivermectin, which belongs to the group of avermectins, is particularly hazardous to the environment, especially to crustaceans and to soil-dwelling organisms. Sorption is one of the key factors controlling transport and bioavailability. Therefore, batch studies have been conducted to characterize the sorption and desorption behavior of ivermectin in three European soils (Madrid, York, and artificial soil). The solid-water distribution coefficient (K(d)) for ivermectin sorption to the tested soils were between 57 and 396 L kg(-1) (determined at 0.1 microg g(-1)), while the organic carbon-normalized sorption coefficients (K(oc)) ranged from 4.00 x 10(3) to 2.58 x 10(4) L kg(-1). The Freundlich sorption coefficient (K(F)) was 396 (after 48 h) for the artificial soil over a concentration range of 0.1 to 50 microg g(-1), with regression constants indicating a concentration-dependent sorption. The obtained data and data in the literature are inconclusive with regard to whether hydrophobic partitioning or more specific interactions are involved in sorption of avermectins. For abamectin, hydrophobic partitioning seems to be one of the dominant types of binding, while hydrophobicity is less important for ivermectin, which is probably due to the lower lipophilicity of the molecule. Furthermore, the presence of cations such as Ca(2+) leads to decreasing sorption. Thus, it is presumed that ivermectin binds to soil by formation of complexes with immobile, inorganic soil matter. In contrast to abamectin, hysteresis could be excluded for ivermectin in the studied soils for the evaluation of sorption and desorption. The sorption mechanism is highly dependent on physicochemical properties of the avermectin.  相似文献   

To prevent residues of veterinary medicinal products (VMPs) from contaminating surface waters and ground water, an environmental impact assessment is required before a new product is allowed on the market. Physically based simulation models are advocated for the calculation of predicted environmental concentrations at higher tiers of the assessment process. However, the validation status of potentially useful models is poor for VMP transport. The objective of this study was to evaluate the dual-permeability model MACRO for simulation of transport of sulfonamide antibiotics in surface runoff and soil. Special focus was on effects of solute application in liquid manure, which may alter the hydraulic properties at the soil surface. To this end we used data from a microplot runoff experiment and a field experiment, both conducted on the same clay loam soil prone to preferential flow. Results showed that the model could accurately simulate concentrations of sulfadimidine and the nonreactive tracer bromide in runoff and in soil from the microplot experiments. The use of posterior parameter distributions from calibrations using the microplot data resulted in poor simulations for the field data of total sulfadimidine losses. The poor results may be due to surface runoff being instantly transferred off the field in the model, whereas in reality re-infiltration may occur. The effects of the manure application were reflected in smaller total and micropore hydraulic conductivities compared with the application in aqueous solution. These effects could easily be accounted for in regulatory modeling.  相似文献   

Use of anionic polyacrylamide (PAM) to control phosphorus (P) losses from a Chinese purple soil was studied in both a laboratory soil column experiment and a field plot experiment on a steep slope (27%). Treatments in the column study were a control, and PAM mixed uniformly into the soil at rates of 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10, and 0.20%. We found that PAM had an important inhibitory effect on vertical P transport in the soil columns, with the 0.20% PAM treatment having the greatest significant reduction in leachate soluble P concentrations and losses resulting from nine leaching periods. Field experiments were conducted on 5 m wide by 21 m long natural rainfall plots, that allowed collection of both surface runoff and subsurface drainage water. Wheat was planted and grown on all plots with typical fertilizer applied. Treatments included a control, dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1, dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1 applied together with lime (CaCO3 at 4.9 t ha?1), and dry PAM at 3.9 kg ha?1 applied together with gypsum (CaSO4·2H2O at 4 t ha?1). Results from the field plot experiment in which 5 rainfall events resulted in measurable runoff and leachate showed that all PAM treatments significantly reduced runoff volume and total P losses in surface runoff compared to the control. The PAM treatments also all significantly reduced water volume leached to the tile drain. However, total P losses in the leachate water were not significantly different due to the treatments, perhaps due to the low PAM soil surface application rate and/or high experimental variability. The PAM alone treatment resulted in the greatest wheat growth as indicated by the plant growth indexes of wheat plant height, leaf length, leaf width, grain number per head, and dried grain mass. Growth indexes of the PAM with Calcium treatments were significantly lesser. These results indicate that the selection and use of soil amendments need to be carefully determined based upon the most important management goal at a particular site (runoff/nutrient loss control, enhanced plant growth, or a combination).  相似文献   

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