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An appropriate system of laws and regulations and a suitable institutional structure for administration are important requirements for the effective management of small-scale mines. Over the last twenty years, township and village coal mines in China have made a large contribution to the country’s supply of energy. Yet at the same time they have had substantial negative impacts, such as wastage of coal resources, a high casualty rate amongst miners, and a wide range of environmental damage. Two reasons for the magnitude of these externalities are the highly complex nature of the institutional structure for regulating small-scale coal mines, and the excessive and incoherent burden of applicable laws and regulations.  相似文献   

Small-scale mining in Ghana is defined to include both the exploitation of mineral deposits (1) using fairly rudimentary implements and/or (2) at low levels of production with minimal capital investment. While the large-scale mining—of particularly gold—has become predominant, small-scale mining, which predates such operations, has continued to be an important economic activity, particularly within the remote and poorer areas of the country. The environmental impacts of such small operations have, however, varied, depending on methods and the scale of operation. The factors that have contributed to aggravating these environmental impacts are economic, technical, legal, and operational in nature. Although mitigation efforts have had a limited impact, it is expected that the measures now being considered for adoption will improve the efficacy of the Government of Ghana’s drive towards improving environmental management in resident small-scale precious metal mining operations.This paper examines the environmental impacts of small-scale mining in Ghana—with particular emphasis on precious minerals and metals extraction—and outlines a series of initiatives for improving environmental performance in the industry.  相似文献   

Although small-scale mining provides a wealth of socioeconomic benefits to the rural inhabitants of developing countries, there is often total disregard for the environment industry-wide. This paper focuses upon some of the key environmental issues in the Indian small-scale mining industry. The geo-environmental factors constraining the mining of the Himalayan limestone, magnetite, phosphate, and polymetallic sulphur ore deposits are discussed, and the environmental impacts of small-scale operations working prospective deposits are detailed. The paper further examines the schematics of the Environmental Management Plan (EMP) adopted for small-scale mines in India. It is concluded, however, that widespread environmental improvement can only be achieved industry-wide if additional mining cooperatives are formed, and the Indian Government, through their Department of Environment, oversees the implementation of effective mitigation practices for small scale-mines, particularly at the university level.  相似文献   

曹霞 《自然资源学报》2010,25(8):1255-1266
"小矿"是"小型矿山"的简称,因规模小、投资少、见效快等特点在发展中国家普遍存在,是各国矿业和农村经济的重要组成部分。但同时,它又因浪费资源、破坏环境、安全事故频发等问题而受到国际社会的高度关注。然而,到目前为止,国内外对小矿尚无一个公认的概念。论文基于对现有"小矿"定义以及与小矿相关概念的细致比较,试图给小矿下一个定义,籍此为我国修订中的《矿产资源法》献计献策。笔者以为,小矿是"以谋生或营利为目的,采用简单或基础的采掘设备与技术,在有限的矿藏范围内从事某种矿产品采选活动的小规模、劳动密集型矿山企业。其中包括开采规模达到国家规定的小型矿山标准的小型矿山企业和开采规模在小型矿山上限1/10以下的小矿山企业(含零星个体采矿)。小矿是采矿业最基本的构成部门。"  相似文献   

Non-metallic mineral resources, albeit very important to meet the needs of the Brazilian population and for exportation, are ill-favored by governments and ignored by the public. Most of this mining is performed by small-scale companies and informal operations that cause extensive and widespread environmental damages. In addition to examining the current state of the industry and its environmental impacts, this paper outlines a series of initiatives for improving (environmental) performance. The suggestions made include improved coordination among public entities responsible for the control of the mining sector; the undertaking of environmental management and reclamation initiatives; research and diffusion of mining and environmental technology; the development and implementation of appropriate licensing procedures for small-scale mines; and the reviewing of environmental impact evaluation and enforcement procedures, and improved regional planning. It is concluded, however, that the proposals will only become a reality if the necessary political actions are taken, and are supported by adequate financing and technical assistance.  相似文献   

Small-scale mining (SSM) has had unprecedented growth in Zambia during the past decade. The sector now produces a variety of commodities, especially gemstones, building and industrial minerals. From a structural and technical perspective, SSM is conducted on a very rudimentary level using basic tools such as picks and shovel, and occasionally, mechanized equipment. The environmental degradation caused by SSM is also growing with the intensification of activities in the country. Meanwhile, institutions responsible for managing the environment are unable to effectively carry out regulatory and monitoring mandates due to inadequate resources. Although current legislation appears to be adequate in many respects, time has now come to amend the Mines and Minerals Act (1995) so that it becomes mandatory for all mining activities, including small-scale mines, to submit environmental impact assessment reports before a license to mine or explore can be granted. Strategies to eliminate illegal mining, enhancement of miners’ technical skills, and mine responsibly must also be placed high on the agenda. This paper focuses on the major issues affecting cleaner production in the Zambian SSM sector including, environmental complications, pertinent mining environmental legislation, and the institutions involved. It concludes by suggesting possible interventions to minimize environmental impacts in the sector.  相似文献   

美国矿床(山)环境地球化学研究动态及我国对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
矿床的开采所引发的环境问题越来越引起人们的重视,矿床环境地球化学研究成为一个重要研究领域。自20世纪90年代以来,美国在此领域取得了一些重要研究成果,文章对美国在矿床环境地球化学作用、矿床的地球化学背景和基准值、矿山(床)酸性排水和特殊矿床的环境效应等方面的最新研究成果进行总结,旨在为我国开展这方面的工作提供参考资料。作者建议我国应适时启动矿床(山)环境地球化学研究,特别是研究全国地球化学扫面资料在矿床环境方面的应用、流域性矿集区环境地球化学作用及其与生态关系、矿山环境治理(矿山复垦或矿山酸性排水降解)中地球化学作用机理等。  相似文献   

The concept of ‘peaks’ in the production of natural resources has attracted attention in the area of energy production, with concerns about ‘peak oil’ driving recent research and investment in alternative sources of energy. There are fundamental and important differences between a peak in the production of oil and peaks in the production of metalliferous minerals, but in both cases production changes from ‘easier and less expensive’ early in a resource’s life to ‘difficult and expensive’ as time progresses. The impacts of this change in production circumstances require critical consideration in the governance of national and sub-national mineral endowments.This paper develops a framework for evaluating the impacts of changing patterns of mineral production. The framework considers three criteria: availability of a resource (considering its geological characteristics and geographical distribution); society’s addiction to the resource (its centrality and criticality to economic, social and environmental systems); and the possibility of finding alternatives (whether the resource can be substituted or recovered). An initial assessment against these criteria provides an overview of how a production peak might affect the production of minerals in Australia and the impacts that this might have on the Australian economy.Assessing important resources against these three criteria will be imperative in future considerations regarding the roles minerals and metals play as service providers in our economic, social and environmental systems. Additionally, this analysis should prompt a reassessment of the value of minerals beyond economic measures. Indicators derived from these criteria will inform strategies that can address future changes in production characteristics – meeting challenges with strong governance, and realising opportunities with proactive policy.  相似文献   

Economies of scale have led to the production of animals at large facilities concentrated in selected regions. Such production is accompanied by environmental problems. In the US, federal and state governments have enacted new legislation and regulatory provisions to respond to problems created by concentrated animal production, with an emphasis on eliminating water pollution. While such efforts may advance environmental quality, a more fundamental issue is whether adequate consideration has been given to the broader issue of what concentrations of animals means for the rural environment. Concentrations of animals use large quantities of antibiotics, reduce landscape diversity, and are accompanied by the loss of native species. To respond to these issues, governments need to devise additional regulatory controls that place production costs on producers and preclude practices denigrating the environment. Regulatory efforts that champion small-scale operations and activities rather than supporting industrial-sized farms through commodity price supports also warrant consideration.  相似文献   

煤炭资源型城市面临最大环境问题是矿山企业环境破坏,现从鹤岗市矿山企业开采的实际问题出发,立足我国煤炭资源型城市生态环境治理发展方向,对矿山企业给人们的生产和生活带来的严重影响,进行深入的探讨和研究,并在此基础上提出了解决煤炭资源型城市生态保护与可持续发展的必要性和对策探讨.  相似文献   

Although small-scale mining has developed rapidly in Papua New Guinea (PNG), it is only recently that formal recording has been carried to gain insight on employment and production totals, and environmental difficulties. This paper examines the state of small-scale mining in PNG, with special emphasis on its environmental impacts. In recent years, the PNG Department of Mining has become a proactive source of educational activities and information gathering for small-scale mining, its effort directed at devising a comprehensive development plan for the sector. The result has been a tripartite program with active participation from a number of donor agencies and the private sector that promotes integrated rural development and takes into account the important economic and environmental aspects vital for effective poverty alleviation.  相似文献   

基于环保投入的区域环保产业发展空间均衡性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环保产业是我国战略性新兴产业的重要内容,近年来环保产业发展呈现高速增长的态势,年均增长率达30%以上,各地也将环保产业作为新的经济增长点.通过对基尼系数内涵的扩展,提出了环保产业发展基尼系数的概念.本文计算了中国2004年和2011年环保产业发展基尼系数,提出了以产业贡献系数作为判断均衡的因子.结果表明,中国环保产业基尼系数近年来呈上升态势,分别为0.35和0.42,说明环保产业空间分布变化较大,产业分布更加趋于集中.基于产业贡献系数分析,结合各地区环保投入力度及需求,提出了发展环保产业的重点地区与策略.  相似文献   

Although small-scale mining is often associated with ruinous effects on the natural environment, Zimbabwe’s experience in gold panning demonstrates that though that may be true, the sector, can, through appropriate measures, be encouraged or enticed to develop environmentally friendly methods for gold mining and recovery. A combination of legislation, education, and the promotion of appropriate technology has enhanced the environmental management within the ever-growing gold panning community in Zimbabwe. This paper evaluates the success of attempts to minimise the environmental impacts of gold panning in Zimbabwe through legislation, education and the promotion of appropriate technology.  相似文献   

矿山环境问题与对策   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
武军 《云南环境科学》2001,20(Z1):36-38
阐述了矿产资源开发利用中存在的环境污染、环境资源破坏、地质灾害等环境问题,并针对矿山环境问题多、危害大,矿区环境严重恶化、多灾并发的情况,提出对策措施.  相似文献   

混凝土是建筑工程和海岸工程中使用量最大、应用范围最广的建筑材料。将矿物掺合料作为辅助胶凝材料加入混凝土中,既能废物利用提高环境效益,还可以提升混凝土的部分性能。为准确评估矿物掺合料混凝土安全性、耐久性和环境友好性,提出了一种矿物掺合料混凝土综合评价方法。基于环境影响生命周期评估(LCA)理论,通过实景数据与资料调研建立了粉煤灰、粒化高炉矿渣粉、煤矸石粉、赤泥、玻璃粉5种矿物掺合料的环境影响清单和矿物掺合料混凝土对于7种环境影响指标的计算方法。采用社会支付意愿法(WTP),以环境保护税、资源税为框架,将不同环境影响指标统一货币化,并结合混凝土的强度和耐久性指标提出矿物掺合料混凝土的性能与环境效益综合评价方法,以期为发展环境友好高性能混凝土提供定量评价依据。  相似文献   

试析云南矿山环境地质的主要问题   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
矿产资源的开发在促进经济发展的同时,也造成了环境污染,环境资源破坏,地质灾害三十类,十五亚类的环境地质问题。本文对各类环境地质问题的特征,危害和产生原因进行了论述,并提出了改善矿山环境质量的对策建议。  相似文献   

甘孜州东部是我国矿产资源富集区和生态地质环境脆弱区之一,生态地质环境承载力呈现出南优北差、西优东差的格局。据矿业历史及现状影响,建立承载力—矿业活动关系模式,将承载力分为正荷载、等荷载和超荷载三种状态。采用生态地质环境危险性与潜在损失承载体求积运算的方式获取风险值,并进行四级风险区划。风险空间分布大体呈现出东高西低、北高南低的形态,矿业活动区及其缓冲区、小流域、大流域都处于风险联动的系统内,风险区划与承载力区划成正相关关系。针对生态地质环境风险提出加强小矿有序开发、加强勘查和开发过程管理、提高矿产资源利用效率、构建监测系统和加强矿山环境问题治理等应对措施。  相似文献   

Small-scale or artisanal mining is a poverty-driven activity found mainly in remote areas of developing nations. It routinely generates land use conflicts with other stakeholders, primarily large mining companies. The scale of these disputes (occasionally involving armed conflict) is usually sufficient to have significant adverse impacts on the natural environment and the local population. After describing the small-scale mining sector, this paper outlines the characteristics, causes and costs of the land use conflicts with which this activity is often associated. It then discusses some of the more common initiatives that have been taken, primarily by mining companies, to attempt to manage these disputes. Since these approaches are incapable of fully reconciling the range of stakeholder’s interests involved in these conflicts, mediation is proposed as an effective mechanism to achieve their resolution. After an overview of mediation and its potential advantages, the need to apply this process to these disputes is established. Despite its advantages and considerable potential in this application, mediation is not a panacea for resolving all land use conflicts. Based on an extensive literature review, a set of 19 characteristics of disputes that may increase their amenability to mediation is compiled. By then demonstrating that small-scale mining disputes satisfy most of these criteria, the paper concludes that mediation has sufficient promise in this setting to warrant its experimental use.  相似文献   

通过对磷矿山清洁生产评价指标选取原则和筛选方法的确定。并结合磷矿山的实际情况,经过多次专家咨询,从而筛选出适合磷矿山清洁生产的具体评价指标。并按层次分析法(AHP)的特点确定目标层、准则层、指标层、指标因子层四个层次,其中,目标层有1项;准则层有6项;指标层有28项;指标因子层有9项,最后建立磷矿山清洁生产评价指标体系,这将为磷矿采选业清洁生产评价提供技术支持和导向,从而有助于磷矿企业推行清洁生产技术,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

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