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对勐海县景真糖厂原料基地和各生产工段的生产状况进行了综合评价分析,探明了该糖厂生产中产生的"三废"排放特征,存在问题以及环境经济状况,提出了建立循环发展体系,进一步提高环境经济效益的措施建议。  相似文献   

为解决在排污权交易的前提下,企业如何积极主动地实施清洁生产,处理好排污权交易与清洁生产的关系。在排污权交易对清洁生产激励效果分析的基础上,运用数据对比和类比的方法,论证出排污权交易对清洁生产实施提供了经济支持,清洁生产对排污权交易的实施提供了技术上的保证。这种互为动力、支撑的关系,构成一种良性循环模式,为企业正确处理经济发展和环境保护之间的关系,达到经济效益和环境效益的双赢提供了依据。  相似文献   

以福州市洋里污水厂出水回用为例,运用费用效益分析方法计算得出静态投资回收期为2.64 a,远远小于基准投资回收期15~20 a。效益-费用比为1.44,大于1。结果表明,洋里污水厂达标出水作为中水回用的经济效益良好,并且具有明显的社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

As the production of local vehicles increases, the impact of end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) wastes to the environment will also increase. ELVs recovery including reuse, remanufacture, and recycle apparently become a strategy in solving this environmental problem. This study identifies the existing conditions of automotive reuse in Malaysia by conducting some interviews in selected local automotive and automotive component manufacturers. Results from the interviews indicated that reuse of automotive components in newly manufactured vehicles has never been practiced by the selected companies. However, there is interest among respondents in developing automotive components for after-market reuse. Some strategies were proposed in this study to initiate automotive components reuse in the local automotive manufacturers including the establishment of the end-of-life directive, enhance research and development on design for reuse and increase reusability and economic benefits of reuse.  相似文献   

以辽宁大学等新校园建设污水回用工程为例,阐述了水资源综合利用等问题,对中水回用技术进行了详细介绍,并分析了中水回用的环境效益及经济效益。  相似文献   

The Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) model is widely cited as an effective blend of mandatory and voluntary components, and is considered a model nation-wide and internationally. There is ample documentation of the reductions in toxic chemical use achieved by Massachusetts facilities under TURA. The present study was designed to gather other information about the experience of these facilities. Through an online survey and telephone interviews, the study investigated how these facilities are achieving toxics use reduction, how TURA affects internal company dynamics, what benefits and difficulties facilities experience, and how their experiences in the program have changed over time. Survey results indicate that the benefits experienced most frequently by facilities subject to TURA requirements are increased management attention to environmental practices; improved worker health and safety; and financial savings. Most frequently cited obstacles to TUR implementation are technical feasibility problems; financial costs; concerns about product quality; and customer requirements. Survey results also indicate that the TUR planning process is most useful in the first and second planning cycles, although most respondents indicated that they sometimes identify useful TUR options in subsequent planning cycles as well. Over all, the results indicate that facilities are continuing to experience significant benefits from the TURA program, while they also continue to face some challenges. These results provide a snapshot of the experience of Massachusetts facilities 20 years since the inception of the TURA program. They also provide baseline information that will be useful for later evaluations of the effects of statutory changes to TURA adopted in 2006 and implemented in subsequent years. The study also included a preliminary assessment of the experience of Massachusetts municipal agencies, community organizations, small business associations and others that receive assistance from the TURA program.  相似文献   

根据《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》的有关条款,探讨了建设项目环境影响后评价的定义、适用对象、工作内容、工作程序。同时,结合多年的环境管理经验,分析了典型行业环境影响后评价的重点,并指出了目前中国建设项目环境影响后评价存在的问题,提出了改进和完善的建议。实践表明,开展环境影响后评价有助于提高环境管理决策水平。  相似文献   

The implementation of Best Available Techniques (BATs) in industry can contribute significantly to the reduction of environmental burdens caused by industrial activities, yet it requires additional expenses, for investment, operation and maintenance, while providing environmental, and in many cases, even economic benefits. When examining BATs for potential application both economic and environmental costs and benefits affect the decision-making process. In view of the large number of BATs available for adoption and the difficulties in computing and comparing costs and benefits, especially environmental with economic ones, a decision-support tool for public and private administrators and managers has been developed, which offers rapid assessment of different BATs and their combinations both in terms of economic costs and environmental benefits that may result. This paper presents its methodological framework, main features and structure, together with some results of its application to the industrial sectors of the metropolitan area of Athens, Greece.  相似文献   

土壤、地下水和地表水等污染治理成本通常较高,但修复后会带来众多直接和间接效益,因此,在进行修复决策和环境损害评估时应当予以综合考虑。文章对环境修复成本效益分析的定义、目的和方法进行了阐述,并结合具体案例解释了环境修复成本效益分析的具体过程。修复成本通常依据价格指南、费用估算模型/软件、类似工程经验、承包商报价等进行估算,修复效益可采用享乐价格法,根据个人意愿为环境支付的费用,进行计算。案例研究结果表明,环境修复效益及其受益方并不是单一的,在进行较大规模的环境修复决策时,应由政府进行干预,并积极寻求各利益相关方的配合,综合评估其经济可行性。在环境损害评估中,也应形成多方协调机制,科学合理地评价修复方案的费用和效益,合理确定赔偿数额。  相似文献   

循环经济是一种新兴的经济发展模式,发展循环经济是实施可持续发展战略的重要途径和实现方式.本文提出在南充市顺庆区发展循环经济,可以全面提高资源利用效率、增加经济效益、改善环境质量,带动南充经济实现飞速发展.  相似文献   

This paper presents environmental impact of a fluorescent lamp (a long straight tube 36 watts, 200 g and 13,600 h for mean time before failure) when considering different disposal methods (recycle and non-recycle) of its spent fluorescent lamp (SFL). The study was applied for the case in Thailand using life cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool. All materials, energy use, and pollutant emissions to the environment from each related process were identified and analyzed. Impact assessment was conducted for 10 environmental impact potentials: carcinogens, respiratory organics, respiratory inorganics, climate change, radiation, ozone layer, ecotoxicity, acidification/eutrophication, land use and minerals. The analysis followed Eco-Indicator 99 method, individualist version 2.1. The main focus of the study was to compare the impact of SFL recycling with non-recycling before landfilling. The impact intermittent activities, production of raw material and energy used in all the concerned processes were taken into account. However, transportation activities were excluded. The results showed that for all recycling rates, cement production is the main contributor to the environmental impacts, while sodium sulfide production is second and electrical production, the third. Mercury vapor emission showed a small contribution in carcinogens and ecotoxicity. The impacts are reduced when recycling rate is increased. The reduction of cement consumption in disposal processes or the process improvement of cement production may also help to reduce environmental impacts.  相似文献   

文章研究了模糊综合评价法在水利建设项目综合环境影响评价中的应用,以某水利工程为例建立了项目环境影响评价的指标体系,并对项目环境影响进行了综合评价,同时将建设项目环保措施的落实程度进行环境影响程度对比分析。结果表明,模糊综合评价方法是一种科学合理、简单可行的环境影响评价方法,可以在水利建设项目的环境影响评价中应用推广;同...  相似文献   

生态标志和产品的生命周期评价   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
获得生态标志,是对产品环境性能的肯定,表明其整个生命周期的环境性能达到了特定的要求,消费者也可直接根据生态标志图案购得自己喜好的环境友好产品,生命周期评价是一中评价产品,工艺或活动从原料采掘到生产、运输、分销、使用,回用,维护,循环和最终处置的整个生命周期阶段相关环境负荷的过程,大多数生态标志标准的确定都采用了生命周期的评价的方法,文章对生态标志的概念、发展状况、标准的确定性和生命周期评价等作了简  相似文献   

沈阳理工大学学生城中水设施的建设,不仅提高了水资源的重复利用率,创造良好的环境效益和经济效益,同时也为中水回用工作的推广实施积累了经验。尤其是采用比较简单的污水处理工艺达到中水回用的标准,其中最主要的部分是沉淀和生物接触氧化以及最后的过滤和消毒,这样的工艺比较适合中等规模的投资,从回用水的经济效益上看这样的中水回用系统还是比较适合推广。  相似文献   

1990年 4月自《人民日报》提出废弃塑料农膜污染环境的问题后 ,发泡塑料餐具和塑料薄膜包装袋等引发的环境问题接踵而来 ,且愈演愈烈。如何防治 ?各持己见 ,争论不休。一些地方政府、行政主管部门采取“封堵”的办法 ,颁布法规或命令 ,禁止生产、销售和使用这类产品 ;另一些地方认为出现环境污染的根源是管理不善 ,是人的素质问题 ,他们选用疏导方式 ,遵循“循环经济”理论 ,宣传“三R”原则 (即减少使用、重复使用和再生利用 ) ,建立并运作回收利用机制 ,将废弃的塑料制品回收再利用。结果是 :前者因推上市场的替代品卫生状况、使用性能难以达到既定标准 ,价格偏高 ,消费者难以接受 ,迄今为止仍然禁而不止 ;后者将进入环境的废旧塑料制品回收再利用 ,目前某些类型废塑料产品的回收率已达 60 %以上 ,市容景观明显改善 ,生态环境问题有所缓解。有的城市还拟将这种治理方式推广 ,用于治理其它废弃物污染环境问题  相似文献   

介绍了河南神马尼龙化工公司的生产工艺及存在的主要环境问题,指出进行清洁生产的必要性和可行性,并从生产工艺改进、水再生及回用、设备改造、废物回收利用及清洁生产管理等多个方面介绍了河南神马尼龙化工公司实施清洁生产的具体措施,分析了该企业实施清洁生产后产生的效果,实施后达到了充分优化工艺、回收资源、降低系统能耗、减少污染排放、保护环境并取得了良好经济效益和社会效益的三赢目的,对相关企业起到相应的参考作用,从而可以加快清洁生产在化工企业的应用.  相似文献   

生命周期评价   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
生命周期评价是一种评价产品、工艺过程或活动从原材料的采集和加工到生产、运输、销售、使用、回收、养护、循环利用和最终处理整个生命周期系统有关的环境负荷的过程.生命周期评价既可以作为评价产品生产全过程的有效手段,又可以作为一种环境管理工具,现已在国际上广泛应用.文章从生命周期评价的概念入手,介绍了生命周期评价产生背景、技术框架、评价方法、应用及其展望.  相似文献   

建设项目环境影响报告编制过程中常因未注意到某些关键问题的论述,而使环境影响报告缺乏科学性和可靠性,导致环境影响评价结论依据不足.为使建设项目从环境保护角度分析更具有可行性,以某橡胶制品项目为例,总结了橡胶制品工业项目环境影响评价文件中需注意的几个要点问题,为环境保护主管部门审批环境影响评价文件提供必要的依据,为此类项目更好地开展环境保护工作提供指导.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes methods, data and results associated with the first major attempt to evaluate the environmental benefits of U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency natural hazards mitigation grants. The study relied heavily on the refinement of benefit transfer methods. Categories of benefits include water quality for recreational and commercial fishing, drinking water, outdoor recreation, hazardous waste, wetlands and aesthetic, health and safety benefits. Environmental and historic benefits proved to be a very minor proportion of the total benefits in dollar terms. Only a very small percentage of earthquake and wind-related hazards yielded environmental benefits, while a sizeable percentage of flood hazard grants did so. We also discuss the prospects that environmental benefits might have been much greater had data been available to analyze more environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), defined as manufacturers employing 500 or fewer people, represent an estimated 70–98% of the manufacturing population globally and together have the potential to significantly impact the environment. Many of these small manufacturers throughout the world are not in compliance with environmental regulations, and even fewer see the need to focus on pollution prevention, implement environmental management systems, or to use life-cycle management or other proactive environmental management practices. A validated environmental performance model for SMEs holds the promise of providing a roadmap to more productive environmental results. This paper discusses structural equation modeling as a useful methodology to validate environmental performance models.The paper shares some insights from the use of structural equation modeling, which was used to evaluate the development of an environmental performance model for SMEs. The model was based on the Malcolm Baldrige Criteria. We review SEM methodology and share results from a population of SMEs in the plastics manufacturing sector. Fit statistics confirmed the overall model fit, but not all of the paths in the model were statistically significant. An assessment of the non-significant paths (from leadership and from the system components of the model to environmental results) led the authors to conclude that an improved definition of environmental results is critical. Education of SMEs on the benefits of improved environmental performance is also warranted.  相似文献   

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