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最终需求的完全碳排放强度变动及其影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区别于传统视角的碳排放强度研究,本文从供给和需求,产出和增加值的内在联系出发,提出了最终需求视角下的完全碳排放强度及其消费的完全碳排放强度、投资的完全碳排放强度和出口的完全碳排放强度相关概念和计算方法,并根据合并WIOD形成的1996-2009年的中国非竞争型投入产出表完成了对各类完全碳排放强度的测算,以及对完全碳排放强度的变动的直接贡献率分解,同时对各类完全碳排放强度的变动进行了直接碳排放系数效应、中间投入技术结构效应、增加值系数效应和最终需求规模效应4种驱动因素的SDA分解。结果显示:第一,期间消费的完全碳排放强度均小于投资和出口的完全碳排放强度,且消费的完全碳排放强度对完全碳排放强度变动的直接贡献率要大于投资和出口,表明消费中隐含的碳排放与增加值的比例沿着"集约型"路径不断优化,而出口和投资的增长路径则相对"粗放"。第二,各类完全碳排放强度的减排路径大体一致,直接碳排放系数效应为正,而中间投入技术结构效应、增加值系数效应和最终需求规模效应均为负,暗含投入产出结构、各类需求的隐含增加值系数以及规模变动对碳排放强度下降并没有起到积极作用,而主要源泉还是直接碳排放系数下降。其中直接碳排放系数、中间产品技术结构效应和增加值系数效应的变化在投资的完全碳排放强度中作用较大,而最终需求规模的变化在消费的完全碳排放强度中作用较大。第三,各类完全碳排放强度变化以及其背后的驱动力具有明显的分阶段特征。2002-2004年投资和出口的完全碳排放强度变化促使了完全碳排放强度上升,而2004-2009年则对完全碳排放强度的下降有一定的正贡献。入世以前增加值系数对各类需求的完全碳排放强度下降的贡献为正,而其后贡献为负。其中,在2003-2007年投资和出口的完全碳排放强度变化中表现更为明显。因此,降低碳排放强度是一项系统工程,减排技术仍是最直接和有效的措施,而需求模式调整也是降低碳排放强度的重要手段之一,特别是降低出口和投资的中隐含碳和提高出口和投资中的增加值率,同时也要警惕消费结构变动中如汽车等高能耗产品普及带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

中国出口隐含碳增长的影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为"世界加工厂",我国排放的CO2很大一部分是隐含在出口产品中由国外消费的,了解我国出口隐含碳排放增长的影响因素对于制定合理的气候政策具有重要意义。本文采用投入产出法和结构分解分析,计算了我国出口贸易隐含碳排放增长的影响因素。结果表明:中国出口隐含碳排放从1997到2005年增加了14.64亿t(202%),其中出口量的上升是推动其增长的主要因素,它的贡献高达237%;生产结构和出口结构的变化分别使之增长了65%和5%;排放强度的降低只抵消了105%。其中对出口隐含碳排放增长影响最大的五个部门是:电子及通信设备制造业、化学工业、纺织业、仪器仪表及文化办公用机械制造业和电气机械及器材制造业,最后针对测算结果提出政策建议。  相似文献   

该文根据中国2002年和2007年非竞争型投入产出表、OECD的国外投入产出表和GTAP Version 7.0的CO2排放强度等数据,利用多国投入产出模型方法测算了中国对外贸易中隐含污染物,分析了贸易隐含污染物的行业结构分布以及在主要贸易伙伴国中的贸易流向,并通过结构分解方法分析了出口规模总量、出口结构变化、投入产出表中间结构变化及单位产值CO2排放量四大因素对出口贸易隐含CO2的贡献。研究结果表明:2002-2007年间,我国对外贸易创造了巨大贸易顺差,同时也带来了大量隐含CO2、SO2顺差,2002年和2007年贸易隐含CO2顺差达6.21×108t和1.38×109t。2002年和2007年贸易隐含SO2顺差分别为323.99万t和674.54万t;出口贸易规模的扩大使我国出口贸易隐含CO2大幅增加,带来了巨大的环境压力,且出口贸易结构、投入产出中间结构变化也增加了出口贸易隐含CO2的排放。但是单位产值的CO2排放量的降低对抑制隐含CO2增长值发挥了十分重要作用,故需要进一步优化贸易结构,调整产业结构,提高能源利用效率,也就是贸易结构绿色转型势在必行。  相似文献   

出口贸易作为国内污染排放的"三大引擎"之一,加剧了中国能源耗费和碳排放。根据1990-2011年中国一次能源消耗量,采用IPCC方法估算了1990-2011年中国碳排放量;基于1990-2011年中国碳排放量和出口贸易额之间的时间序列数据,通过构建碳排放量与出口贸易之间的Tapio脱钩模型,判别了中国碳排放量与出口贸易之间的脱钩状态;借鉴Kaya恒等式,运用LMDI方法进一步构建了扩展的Tapio脱钩模型,对碳排放的驱动因素进行了分解。分析结果表明:1990-2011年间,中国碳排放总量与出口贸易额均保持高速增长;该期间中国碳排放与出口贸易总体呈弱脱钩关系,而16个分行业的脱钩状态存在显著差异;出口贸易增长与碳排放增加存在正相关,出口贸易增长是碳排放增加的主要原因之一,1990-2011年中国碳排放与出口贸易脱钩弹性指数及分解指标显示,降低能源碳排放强度是实现碳排放与出口贸易脱钩的关键,能源结构应当引起关注。我们认为,攀升出口产品附加值、优化出口产品结构、"碳生产国"与"碳消费国"责任共担是实现碳排放与出口贸易脱钩的本原。  相似文献   

本文采用投入产出分析法,结合行业能源消耗及温室气体排放相关数据,研究和测算了2007年我国各行业的隐含碳排放。研究结果显示,我国隐含碳排放总量高达96.20Gt,各行业间的隐含碳排放量差异较大;林产品行业的隐含碳排放量占我国隐含碳排放总量的3.22%,林产品净出口隐含碳排放量占行业隐含碳排放的28.25%;林产品行业直接碳排放强度占其隐含碳排放强度的1.92%。为了实现碳减排,我国应该调整外贸出口结构和产业结构,提升生产管理和生产技术水平,并提高清洁能源的使用比例。  相似文献   

基于LMDI方法的中国国际贸易隐含碳分解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国际贸易产生环境影响的定量研究正日益受到关注,特别是对隐含碳的研究.以中国2005年为例,对中国国际贸易隐含碳进行估算,应用对数平均D氏指数法(LMDI)对影响隐含碳净转移的因素进行分解分析.结果显示中国因生产排放碳量远大于其消费需要排放的碳量,从国外净转移到中国的隐含碳为395.66MtC;净转移隐含碳影响因素中强度效应(进出口商品完全碳排放系数差异)贡献率为60%,规模效应(进出额差异)贡献率为55%,结构效应(进出口结构差异)贡献率为-14%,此结果表明中国相比国外的高碳排放强度是造成目前碳转移额外增加的主要因素,分析结构效应发现中国主要净出口行业大部分不是高碳排放强度行业,而净进口行业却主要由高碳排放强度行业构成,特别是与碳排放密切相关的能源行业居净进口行业首位.  相似文献   

江苏省碳排放现状及因素分解实证分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着我国社会经济的迅速发展,能源消耗和环境问题日益严重,特别是由碳排放的增加带来的温室效应成为国际社会关注的焦点。全球变暖已经触及农业和食品安全、水资源安全和公共卫生安全,对人类的可持续发展带来严峻的挑战。江苏省作为中国的经济大省,面临着越来越严峻的减排压力。为此,本文分析了1997-2007年江苏省碳排放总量、碳排放强度、人均碳排放及其三大产业碳排放变化情况,并对江苏省1996和2007两年六部门终端能源利用碳排放总量进行对比。采用LMDI分解法,建立了江苏省碳排放增量的因素分解模型,定量分析了1996-2007年间经济规模、产业结构、技术进步与能耗结构四个因素对江苏省碳排放增量的影响。研究发现,经济规模效应是正向决定性因素,技术进步效应与能耗结构效应是负向决定性因素,产业结构调整的影响较弱。最后提出了相应的减排政策建议。  相似文献   

基于投入产出法的中国出口产品隐含碳测算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
使用投入产出法,利用1999 -2008年中国海关货物出口商品分类数据,研究和测算了中国出口商品中的隐含碳.研究结果显示,中国是隐含碳的出口大国,出口贸易是中国CO2排放量逐年增长的重要原因.1999 - 2008年,我国出口产品中的隐含碳由1999年的3.8亿t上升至2008年的11.9亿t,在此期间,中国CO2年排放量的12% -24%是因生产满足国际市场消费的产品而产生的.中国出口产品中的隐含碳主要集中在5大类行业,分别为:纺织业及服装鞋帽制造业、化学医药制造业、黑色及有色金属冶炼和压延加工业、通用及专用机械设备、电气机械及器材制造业.这5大类行业的出口产品中的隐含碳在中国出口产品的隐含碳总量中占到80%左右.中国出口产品隐含碳的主要流向是美国、欧盟和日本.在实证研究结果的基础上,本文认为国际社会应从生产者负责制和消费者负责制相结合的角度界定各国的碳排放责任和减排目标;同时建议我国应提高生产技术,降低产品的能源消耗强度,并限制能源密集型产业产品的出口.  相似文献   

中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳估算   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
采用投入产出法。估算了1997-2006年中国进出口贸易中的隐含碳。对进出口商品都采用中国的碳耗水平所作的保守估计发现:1997-2006年,通过产品的形式,我国为国外排放了大量的碳,1997-2004年。隐含碳净出口占当年碳排放总量的比倒在0.5%-2.7%之间,2004年之后迅速增加。2006年该数字达10%左右。按照日本的碳耗效率对进口产品进行调整后的乐观估计发现。中国为j国该外转移排放的碳数量更为惊人。1997-2002年隐含碳净出口量占当年碳排放总量的12%~14%。2002年之后迅速增加,到2006年,该数字已达29.28%。作为生产者和消费者,中国和其出口国都是这些碳排放的受益者,都应该对气候变化负责。一味对中国增长的碳排放进行指责是不全面的。  相似文献   

转变增长方式,实现绿色低碳发展已经成为全球共识,也是新时代中国特色社会主义的重要治国理念。能否实现经济增长与碳排放、能源消费的脱钩,是衡量绿色低碳发展的关键指标,也是实现2060年前碳中和目标的必然要求。文章基于2002、2007、2012、2018年投入产出表测算了中国对外贸易所载出口隐含能源,对中国入世以来外贸出口增长与隐含能源出口总量的弹性关系及趋势进行了研究,主要结果表明:①中国出口隐含能源与出口总额在2012年到2018年第一次出现绝对脱钩。这表明中国的经济结构、产业结构、能源结构调整进入了一个新的阶段,也是中国实现低碳发展路径下经济增长与能源消费脱钩进程中实现的第一个绝对脱钩。出口部门由于国际竞争的压力,效率水平相对领先,因此早于制造业整体和消费领域实现脱钩,符合经济规律和中国的发展阶段特征。②2007—2018年出口隐含能源占中国总能源消费的比例出现大幅下降。从最高时期2007年的31.48%下降到26.57%,下降了4.91个百分点,说明更大比例的能源消费主要在国内实现,主要依靠出口扩张拉动经济增长的模式开始出现调整;这个研究结论也可以从对外出口与能源消费的角度,支持“加快构建以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局”的论断。③对出口隐含能源与出口规模脱钩发展的原因分析表明:2002—2007年与2007—2012年出口隐含能源与出口总额保持同向不同增长速率趋势,出口规模增长是影响隐含能源出口量的主要原因,此间随着出口规模的快速增长,出口隐含能源也呈快速增长态势;2012—2018年出口隐含能源总量出现了下降,分析结果表明“完全能耗系数”即技术效应是出口隐含能源下降并实现绝对脱钩的主要原因。随着中国高质量发展、绿色转型发展等战略推进,脱钩趋势有望继续保持,并拓展实现更大经济领域的脱钩发展。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted in the humid environment of Taipei City during April and May of 1991, to investigate the indoor formaldehyde exposure and its health effects on 117 conventional households. The levels of formaldehyde were measured by the pararosaniline method. The details regarding construction, ventilation, combustion of fuel, burning of Chinese incense, and the complaints concerning the respiratory system were obtained by a questionnaire. The results show that the age of the pressed wood used in furniture and indoor decoration, the ventilation rate, the combustion of fuel, and the burning of Chinese incense significantly affect the levels of formaldehyde. The respiratory complaints found in this study were concluded here to be only partially accounted for by exposure to formaldehyde.  相似文献   

Natural radionuclides in bottled water in Austria   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Concentration levels of 226Ra, 222Rn and 210Pb were analyzed in domestic bottled waters commercially available in Austria. Concentrations up to 0.23 Bq/l, with a geometric mean of 0.041 Bq/l were found for 226Ra. Concentrations for 222Rn ranged from <0.12-18 Bq/l, the geometric mean being 0.54 Bq/l. Lead-210 was analyzed in selected samples, the concentrations ranging from <2 to 34 mBq/l, with a geometric mean of 4.7 mBq/l. Ingestion doses resulting from consumption of these waters were calculated for the geometric mean and the maximum concentrations of the three radionuclides. The effective dose equivalents for different age groups of the population due to the intake of 226Ra range from 0.001 to 0.22 mSv/y and of 210Pb from 0.0003 to 0.05 mSv/y. Ingestion doses from 222Rn are low compared to those from 226Ra and 210Pb, ranging from 0.0001 to 0.011 mSv/y for adults and children, respectively. The doses are compared to the total ingestion dose from dietary intake of natural radionuclides on an annual basis.  相似文献   

Trends of summer precipitation and summer temperature and their influence on trends in summer drought and area burned in British Columbia (BC) were investigated for the period 1920–2000. The complexity imposed by topography was taken into account by incorporating high spatial resolution climate and fire data. Considerable regional variation in trends and in climate–fire relationships was observed. A weak but significant increase in summer temperature was detected in northeastern and coastal BC, whereas summer precipitation increased significantly in all regions—by up to 45.9 %. A significant decrease in province-wide area burned and at the level of sub-units was strongly related to increasing precipitation, more so than to changing temperature or drought severity. A stronger dependence of area burned on precipitation, a variable difficult to predict, implies that projected changes in future area burned in this region may yield higher uncertainties than in regions where temperature is predominantly the limiting factor for fire activity. We argue that analyses of fire–climate relationships must be undertaken at a sufficiently high resolution such that spatial variability in limiting factors on area burned like precipitation, temperature, and drought is captured within units.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of indoor radon concentration survey in 201 homes and offices in Niska Banja (the Spa of Nis), a well-known health resort and a spa in the South-East of Serbia. Radon indoor concentrations were determined by active charcoal method, according to standard EPA procedure. The indoor radon concentrations were in the range of up to 200 Bq/m(3) (47%), from 200-600 Bq/m(3) (26%) and over 600 Bq/m(3) (27%). Three areas of extremely high average radon concentrations were found (1,340-4,340 Bq/m(3)), with a maximum above 13,000 Bq/m(3). The content of natural radionuclides ((226)Ra, (214)Pb, (214)Bi, (235)U, (228)Ac, (212)Pb, (212)Bi, (208)Tl, (40)K) and (137)Cs, as well as the content of total uranium, thorium and potassium in mud used in peloidotherapy in the Health Institute "Niska Banja" was determined, too. The activities of the radionuclides were determined on an HPGe detector, by standard gamma spectroscopy. The results indicated considerably high amounts of total uranium and thorium (0.021 g/kg mud and 0.003 g/kg mud, respectively), due to the karsts origin of the soil.  相似文献   

Mortality from lung cancer among males in England and Wales is now beginning to decline, and the urban excess that has persisted for many years is also becoming smaller. There is nothing in these national trends to suggest that pollution from diesel vehicles, which has been increasing in recent decades, would be involved. Some preliminary results are presented from a long-term study of the incidence of lung cancer among London Transport staff, including men who work in bus garages where there are high concentrations of smoke from diesel buses. Over the 25 year period from 1950–1974 the numbers of cases reported in each of the several job categories have been below those expected on the basis of Greater London rates. The absence of data on smoking habits makes it difficult to determine whether the small differences in rates between job categories are of any importance, but the standardised mortality ratios are all well within the range of those found in national studies of lung cancer mortality and smoking in relation to occupation.  相似文献   

In this study, seasonal observations of radon concentration changes inside buildings carried out in the northeastern region of Poland is presented. One-year measurements of radon concentrations were performed in chosen buildings. The integral method of Cr-39 trace detectors in diffusive chambers was used. Mean values of radon concentrations were determined in monthly, 2-, 3-, 6-month, and annual observations. The fraction of a mean annual concentration of the value obtained in a shorter observation was calculated. Monthly concentration values were from about 0.2 to 14.9 of the annual mean. All buildings revealed seasonal fluctuation of radon concentration. Negative correlation of indoor radon concentration in the buildings and the mean temperature outside was observed in most examined buildings. The lowest coefficient range, determining which part of the annual mean value would be obtained in the 6-month observation, was gained for exposure begun in April or October.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the emerging practices in Japanese local municipalities, in which participatory methods are applied to envision sustainable future and relevant target settings. We selected three local cases: Higashiomi city, Kizugawa city and Nagakute city as emerging initiatives. A comparative analysis was carried out to identify commonalities and differences, and to derive lessons for appropriate governance and systems for participatory deliberation in future visioning. We argue that the deliberation processes served as a platform for effective communication, and that installing a mechanism that allows reflexive deliberation processes is the key to make participatory methods fully functional.  相似文献   

The paint industry in India is broadly classified into two categories: organized sector and unorganized sector. Multinational and big Indian companies form the organized sector, whereas the small- and medium-scale industries which produce paints for the local market form the unorganized sector. The present study was undertaken to determine the level of lead in decorative paints in India. A total of 148 paint samples sourced from four organized sector companies and six unorganized sector companies were analyzed for the total lead content. Results of this study reveal that 39 % of the total paints tested (n = 148) contain lead more than 300 ppm, the voluntary limit prescribed by Bureau of Indian Standards, BIS (IS 15489:2011), and 45 % of the tested paints contain lead more than 90 ppm, the US limit. Further analysis of the data indicates that only 5 % of the tested paints manufactured by organized sector companies contain lead more than 300 ppm (n = 91), whereas 93 % of the tested paints manufactured by unorganized sector companies contain lead more than 300 ppm (n = 57). Comparison with earlier reported data suggests that while organized sector companies are gradually abandoning the use of lead-based compounds in their paints, the unorganized sector companies are still adding lead-based compounds intentionally in their paints despite the potential health hazards associated with it. The maximum concentration of lead obtained was 80,350 ppm in one of the paints manufactured by an unorganized sector company. The presence of high concentration of lead in yellow and green color paints indicates that color can be a predictor of lead content in decorative paints.  相似文献   

Hot mineral springs in Jordan are very attractive to people who seek physical healing but they are unaware of natural radioactive elements that may be contained in the hot mineral water. The activities of the natural radioactive isotopes were measured and the concentrations of the parents of their natural radioactive series were calculated. The measured radionuclides were 234Th, 226Ra, 214Pb, 214Bi, 228Ac, 228Th, 212Pb, 212Bi and 208Tl. In addition the activities of 235U and 40K were measured. The activities ranged from 0.14 to 34.8 Bq/l, while the concentrations of parent uranium and thorium isotopes ranged from 3.0 x 10(-3) to 0.59 mg/l. The results were compared with those for drinking water.  相似文献   

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