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When asking the question, “How can institutions design science policies for the benefit of decision makers?” Sarewitz and Pielke [Sarewitz, D., Pielke Jr., R.A., this issue. The neglected heart of science policy: reconciling supply of and demand for science. Environ. Sci. Policy 10] posit the idea of “reconciling supply and demand of science” as a conceptual tool for assessment of science programs. We apply the concept to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) carbon cycle science program. By evaluating the information needs of decision makers, or the “demand”, along with the supply of information by the USDA, we can ascertain where matches between supply and demand exist, and where science policies might miss opportunities. We report the results of contextual mapping and of interviews with scientists at the USDA to evaluate the production and use of current agricultural global change research, which has the stated goal of providing “optimal benefit” to decision makers on all levels. We conclude that the USDA possesses formal and informal mechanisms by which scientists evaluate the needs of users, ranging from individual producers to Congress and the President. National-level demands for carbon cycle science evolve as national and international policies are explored. Current carbon cycle science is largely derived from those discussions and thus anticipates the information needs of producers. However, without firm agricultural carbon policies, such information is currently unimportant to producers.  相似文献   

碳足迹分析方法研究综述   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:33  
随着全球气候变暖日益引起各国政府和公众的普遍关注,碳足迹分析方法成为近年来学术界的新兴研究热点之一。碳足迹分析是一种评价碳排放影响的全新测度方法,其从生命周期的角度揭示不同对象的碳排放过程,具体衡量某种产品全生命周期或某种活动过程中直接和间接相关的碳排放量,为探索合理有效的温室气体减排途径提供科学依据。文章对国内外现有的碳足迹研究进行了系统的回顾,重点介绍了碳足迹的定义、计算方法和应用案例。其中碳足迹计算方法主要包括过程分析法和投入产出法。应用案例主要从不同尺度的碳足迹研究与特定产业/部门的碳足迹分析来阐述。最后,针对当前碳足迹的研究现状和研究趋势,从碳足迹的概念内涵、计算方法、研究尺度及研究内容等四个方面对碳足迹研究进行了展望,以期推动我国碳足迹模型的理论与实践的发展。  相似文献   

近年来,碳循环问题日益成为全球变化与地球科学研究领域的前沿与热点问题,其中陆地生态系统碳循环又是全球碳循环中最复杂、受人类活动影响最大的部分,湖泊生态系统是陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,在维护区域生态平衡和生物多样性保护等方面具有重要作用。由于全球湖泊面积迅速减少,湖泊生态系统正常的水循环和碳循环过程产生一定的变化,湖泊生态系统的演变也可能是全球大气CO2含量升高的一个不可忽视的因素,因此了解湖泊碳循环国内外研究进展及研究方法,对于研究湖泊碳循环对全球碳循环的作用有重要的意义。  相似文献   

As lifecycle emissions accounting becomes more widely used in policy, it is important to understand how it has been applied. This paper analyses policy-making for two U.S. fuel regulations—the federal Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)—that were pioneering not only in using life cycle assessment (LCA) in performance-based environmental regulations, but especially for including emissions from indirect land use change (ILUC). The case studies in this paper focus, in particular, on the decision to include ILUC in lifecycle emissions accounting. Tracing the development of these policies shows the key role of environmental policy entrepreneurs in advocating for ILUC emissions accounting during policy formulation. Moreover, it highlights a paradox in the use of science: although ILUC policy proponents were motivated by best available research, they were also politically enabled by scientific uncertainty and lack of understanding. Understanding this political dimension of decision-making is valuable for scholars as well as practitioners facing similar decisions.  相似文献   

中国在第七十五届联合国大会上承诺,争取在2060年实现碳中和。蓝碳潜力巨大,能助力实现碳中和。滨海湿地碳汇占全球海洋碳汇的50%,是蓝碳的重要组成部分,因此,碳中和目标下的滨海湿地碳收支研究尤其值得关注。本文基于文献计量方法,在Web of Science核心合集数据库获取1979-2020年滨海湿地碳收支领域的相关文献,结合VOSviewer可视化软件定量分析了该领域研究进展。结果表明:(1) 1979-2020年滨海湿地碳收支领域发文数量与被引频次均呈上升趋势,尤以2011年后增加最多;(2) 涉及的学科主要有环境科学、海洋淡水生物学、生态学等,主要发文期刊有《Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science》《Marine Ecology Progress Series》《Science of the Total Environment》等;(3) 开展研究的国家以亚洲、南北美洲和欧洲国家居多,其中美国发文量居世界首位;(4) 研究热点包括温室气体排放、气候变化与碳库、碳循环过程等。随着我国生态文明建设加快,海洋碳汇已被纳入国家战略,其中气候变化和碳中和背景下滨海湿地蓝碳的增汇机制将是未来研究的热点。本文基于1979-2020年的文献分析,建议加强滨海湿地蓝碳的通量及影响因素、蓝碳估算以及应对气候变化的固碳增汇技术方面的研究与探索。  相似文献   

城市系统碳循环与碳管理研究进展   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
赵荣钦  黄贤金  徐慧  高珊 《自然资源学报》2009,24(10):1847-1859
城市化带来的土地利用变化和化石燃料燃烧是引起全球气候变化和温室效应的主要原因之一。了解不同区域城市系统碳循环的过程、途径、方向和机制,有助于更好地进行未来大气温室气体的情景预测,并提出相应的碳管理措施。论文在国内外城市系统碳循环研究的基础上,对城市系统的特征、空间范围和碳过程特征进行了总结和分析;从城市能源使用碳排放、城市植被和土壤碳研究、城市扩展对碳排放的影响、城市代谢与碳过程、城市系统碳循环模拟等方面对目前城市系统碳循环的主要研究内容进行了综述;结合URCM研究计划,对城市碳管理的理论框架、科学问题和主要措施及目标进行了探讨;最后提出了该领域未来研究的主要方向和建议。  相似文献   

As concern about climate change grows, so does interest in deliberately managing the carbon cycle to reduce atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Given the scientific and technical nature of knowledge of the carbon cycle, one would expect that carbon science would be directly of use to society in considering this objective. However, carbon science is not currently organized or conducted in such a way that it can be usable to the wide diversity of decision makers who might potentially be involved in managing the carbon cycle. This paper reviews the science policies and actors governing the production or “supply” of carbon cycle science, and suggests alternatives for enabling the supply to better meet demand.  相似文献   

通过对厦门大学职工砖混结构和剪力墙结构住宅住户的调查,将住宅建筑生命周期分为建材生产、建材运输、建筑建造、建筑使用、建筑拆除和废旧建材处理6个阶段,计算了2种建筑结构不同生命周期阶段的碳排放,结果显示:2种建筑碳足迹都为2.3 t/m2左右,砖混结构的人均碳足迹高于剪力墙结构,分别为67.98 t/m2和64.47 t/m2;2种住宅绝大部分的碳排放来自建材生产和建筑使用两阶段,剪力墙结构住宅在建材生产阶段碳排放量为0.673 4 t/m2,是砖混结构的2倍多;剪力墙结构住宅使用期间的碳排放量为1.59 t/m2,为砖混结构的81.2%。剪力墙结构住宅建材生产和建筑使用碳排放占建筑全生命周期碳排放的比例分别为29.28%和69.13%,砖混结构住宅则为14.01%和84.81%。研究结果可为发展低碳建筑提供科学依据。  相似文献   

基于非线性规划的冬小麦生产碳足迹优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐小明 《环境科学学报》2015,35(8):2648-2654
农田是重要的温室气体人为排放源,在全球气候变化研究中占有重要的地位.碳足迹是评估农作物生产生命周期温室气体排放的有力工具.因此,本研究以我国典型冬小麦生长区山西省晋中市为例,采用生命周期评价的方法估算该区单位质量小麦生产的碳足迹,并在此基础上用非线性规划的方法对冬小麦生产碳足迹进行优化,旨在寻求小麦增产减排的途径.结果表明,研究区在传统的耕作方式下,生产1 t小麦的碳足迹为1357.28 kg(以CO2当量计),其中,生长阶段的温室气体排放的碳足迹和尿素生产环节所占比例较大.通过优化尿素与有机肥的施用量,可将研究区生产1 t小麦的碳足迹降低到469.99 kg,同时使单位面积产量增加9.13%.本文结果与相关研究差异较大,可能与氮肥施用量及N2O排放系数的取值有关.本研究对于了解冬小麦生产的综合碳排放情况,探索农业增产减排途径等方面具有重要意义.  相似文献   

基于多区域投入产出模型的戈什模型,以中国为主要研究对象,核算并分析了1995~2011年全球41个国家和地区的下游碳贸易平衡.结果表明,研究期间内中国收益侧碳排放远小于直接碳排放,下游碳贸易平衡年均增长率达11.92%,中国是收益侧碳排放最大的净进口国.日本、美国、德国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚及巴西等国对中国收益侧碳排放净出口规模不断扩大,中国已经成为这些国家和地区收益侧碳排放转移的重要目的地之一.建立以收益原则为基础的碳排放责任核算体系有利于建立更加公正和有效的碳减排方案,有利于中国主张合理的碳排放责任原则和实行有效的碳减排政策.  相似文献   

Carbon farming policies aim to contribute to climate change mitigation, but their success strongly depends on whether landholders actually adopt desired practices or participate in offered programs. The Australian Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative and Emissions Reduction Fund policies were designed to incentivise the adoption of carbon farming practices. Although these policies have been active since December 2011, farmer engagement has been limited, and net emissions reductions low as a result. We surveyed broad-acre farmers in the Western Australian wheatbelt to explore their drivers and barriers to adopting carbon farming practices and participating in carbon farming policy programs. Drivers of adoption included knowledge and perception of co-benefits (for yield, productivity, and the environment), knowing another adopter, and believing that changes to farm management are an appropriate method to reduce Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. Barriers to adoption included lack of information, uncertainty and costs. The key barrier to participation was policy and political uncertainty. The determinants of adoption and participation that we identify in our study offer important insights into how to best ensure the success of Australia’s land sector-based climate change policies. We conclude that, to increase landholder engagement, the co-benefits and climate change benefits of carbon farming practices must be actively promoted, and additional information is needed about the costs associated with adoption. Information diffusion is best achieved if it actively leverages landholder social networks. Finally, our results indicate that landholder buy-in to carbon farming could be greatly enhanced by achieving more continuity in Australian climate change policies and politics.  相似文献   

全球变暖已成为人类亟待解决的问题,而解决该问题的关键在于减少全球CO2、CH4和N2O等温室气体的排放。基于生命周期评价方法,将河道护岸工程生命周期全过程划分为材料生产、材料运输、施工建设、维护管理、拆毁处置(或回收)5个单元,进行了河道护岸工程生命周期碳排放来源分析,提出了适合于河道护岸工程的生命周期碳排放评价方法框架。利用此框架,文章对崇明岛典型河道护岸类型——钢筋砼桩板护岸进行了生命周期碳排放计算,得到1功能单位钢筋砼桩板护岸工程的生命周期碳排放为447.05 t。其中,原材料生产单元、材料运输单元和施工单元的碳排放分别为330.33,13.62,103.1 t。目前,崇明岛已有此种护岸工程长度约为2 983 km,得到其总碳排放为133.4万t,占上海2005年碳排放总量的2.30%。  相似文献   

海洋碳循环与海洋生态系统动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在讨论了目前海洋碳循环研究的现状和存在的问题基础上,分析了海洋生态系统动力学在海洋碳循环中的作用.早期的碳循环研究着重在无机碳循环,随着研究的深入,考虑简单生物地球化学过程甚至带显式生态系统的碳循环模式正在逐步发展.指出了碳循环研究的未来方向,除了要更加准确理解物理过程外,发展带显式生态系统的碳循环模式是一个重要的研究方向.为此,要研究生态系统动力学中的某些关键过程的参数化方法,确定一些重要的参数值.期望今后的模式可更加准确地用于研究海洋生态系统和碳循环对全球变化的响应.  相似文献   

In theory, the interaction between the worlds of environmental science and policy may seem straightforward. From a realm outside politics and power, scientists provide relevant knowledge about nature upon which informed policy decisions could be based. However, in reality this linear model tends to be replaced by a much more complex relationship where the distinction between facts and values, knowledge and interests is less clear cut. In this paper, I explore links between science, policy and power through an interview study conducted with Swedish carbon cycle scientists and government negotiators to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Drawing on a co-production model of science–policy interplay this paper addresses the implications of a mutually constitutive relationship between carbon cycle science and climate policy.  相似文献   

基于投入产出分析的碳足迹研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着全球变暖日益加剧,气候变化已成为人类社会面临的重大挑战。碳足迹旨在测度人类活动导致的温室气体排放水平,为世界各国制定环境与能源政策提供了强有力的技术支撑,受到学界、企业和公众的广泛关注。碳足迹核算方法主要包括清单因子法、生命周期评价和投入产出分析。论文首先阐述了这3种核算方法的基本原理,在此基础上回顾了单区域和多区域投入产出模型的发展历程,重点就投入产出分析在国际贸易、产业、消费者、区域和组织等尺度碳足迹研究中的应用进行了综述,并采用SWOT分析框架探讨了该方法面临的机遇与挑战,最后展望了其在混合核算方法、多尺度多区域投入产出模型和情景分析等方面的发展前景。  相似文献   

地表水中的有机碳是陆地水生生态系统的核心组分之一,可以反映流域生态环境概况,也是全球生物地球化学循环研究的重要组成部分.本研究通过系统采集天津地区地表水体的水样和水体颗粒物样品,完成了稳定碳同位素及相关组分测定,对天津地表水中的颗粒有机碳和溶解有机碳的来源进行了探讨.研究结果显示,天津地表水体颗粒有机碳的δ13值主要分...  相似文献   

杨蓉  李垒 《环境科学研究》2022,35(1):191-201
稳定同位素技术是研究环境和生态系统中元素循环途径的重要方法. 稳定同位素的丰度变化反映了自然界和生物体内混合、分馏双重作用的结果,因此可作为指标计算混合物的来源贡献,或研究造成分馏的化学反应和生物代谢路径. 从20世纪中期确立稳定同位素的基础原理,70年间该技术在地球化学、环境科学、生态学、微生物学、食品科学等领域获得了大量有价值的成果. 其中,水体作为自然环境的重要组成和人类社会的重要资源,已有诸多研究涉及稳定同位素在水环境中污染物溯源、水生态系统元素迁移转化、水生生物营养来源和营养关系等方面的应用. 通过梳理常见的碳、氮、氧稳定同位素在水环境和水生态领域的研究进展,发现污染物和食物来源分析已不局限于定性识别,基于数学模型的混合物组分定量评估方法正得到越来越多的应用;同时,为开展水体脱氮强度和通量估算、水生生物营养级计算及食物网分析,精确测量18O、15N和13C的富集程度以及通过试验和调研获取运算所需的基础参数都是关键步骤. 虽然在实际应用中存在待完善之处,但稳定同位素技术的前沿研究仍昭示了其整体化、精细化的发展方向. 未来与计算科学的方法学进步相结合,将为水科学研究提供更有力的技术支撑.   相似文献   

'Greenhouse gases', especially carbon dioxide, are intimately connected to climate change. To understand the future evolution of the climate system and find ways to manage the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide, the processes and feedbacks that drive the carbon cycle must first be understood. However, our current knowledge of spatial and temporal patterns is uncertain, particularly over land and in regions of potentially high sensitivity to change like the boreal zone. The European Space Agency (ESA) GLOBCARBON project aims to generate fully calibrated estimates of at-land products quasi-independent of the original Earth Observation source for use primarily in Dynamic Global Vegetation Models, but also as a contribution to the Global Carbon Project, a cooperation between the International Geosphere Biosphere Programme, International Human Dimensions Programme and the World Climate Research Programme to aid understanding of global carbon cycling. The service will feature estimation of global burned area, the fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (fAPAR), leaf area index (LAI) and Vegetation Growth Cycle. The demonstrator will focus on ten complete years, from 1998 to 2007 when overlap exists between ESA Earth Observation sensors and others that are synergistic. However, the system will be flexible so that it is not dependent on any single satellite sensor and therefore can be retrospectively applied to existing archives and used with future satellite sensors.  相似文献   

中国南方喀斯特地区碳循环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国南方喀斯特地区碳循环路径与过程基本清晰,与其他陆地生态系统明显不同,呈现出鲜明的区域特色:雨热同季、地质构造背景与碳酸盐岩可溶性的耦合,导致碳酸盐岩中大量封存的碳重新进入生态系统碳的循环;二元三维结构中地下空间CO_2具体动态变化性,可视为次级碳库,影响生态系统碳的循环过程;陆生植物、水生植物均有利用HCO_3~-碳源进行光合作用的新途径;发现了碳酸盐岩快速的风化作用与水生植物生物碳泵的耦合机制,喀斯特作用碳汇效应得以确证。但是,中国南方喀斯特地区碳循环的研究还存在明显不足:喀斯特作用碳汇量的估算受到气候变化、土地利用变化的正负机制、外源酸等多因素的挑战,还具有很大的不确定性;植被、土壤与岩石、地下空间次级碳库、大气、大气降水存在复杂的多界面作用过程,碳的通量及迁移转化机制仍不明确。未来研究应重视:针对喀斯特地区特点的新研究方法、技术的研发;喀斯特关键带理念的统领;联网长期观测;模型的集成与创新。  相似文献   

龙川江流域碳侵蚀特征的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取龙川江楚雄站断面,于2007年9月至2009年9月对水体内悬浮颗粒物及各形态碳的含量进行连续采样分析.结果表明,汛期水体内总有机碳(TOC)含量主要取决于颗粒有机碳(POC)含量,非汛期水体内总有机碳主要源于溶解性有机碳(DOC),而溶解性无机碳(DIC)的季节变化不明显.洪水过境过程中,POC随即表现出"峰值现象";DOC峰值出现的时间较晚,反映出DOC化学侵蚀的溶出相对于POC的机械侵蚀作用所需时间较长;DIC在洪水发生过程中呈现出与流量变化相反的趋势,说明其主要受稀释作用的影响.在对碳含量随悬浮颗粒物(TSS)变化的分析中发现,POC与TSS之间呈现出显著的正相关关系,但悬浮泥沙中有机碳的质量分数与TSS之间却存在显著的负相关关系,DOC与TSS间的相关性较弱,表现出吸附作用和释放作用的共同影响.  相似文献   

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