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ABSTRACT: A one-dimensional model for heat and oxygen transport is frequently used for the estimation of primary productivity. Such a model employs free oxygen and temperature measurements at discrete time and depth intervals. In this method the eddy diffusion coefficients of heat and oxygen are assumed to be interchangeable. This method was applied to hourly data for 24-hour periods in a small temperature stratified lake. Primary productivity was simultaneously measured with the light and dark bottle method. The application of the free oxygen method resulted in unrealistic estimates of productivity. Some consideration is given to the origin of the failure in the application of this method.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In this study a set of equations was developed which can be used to separate the time varying effects from observed dissolved oxygen (DO) data. A steady state DO profile thus derived allows a reasonable stream stimulation such that both the model and the data used in its formulation do not contain DO due to biological activities. Biological DO production and consumption are complex phenomena. By excluding these highly variable processes, this method simplifies stream DO modeling considerably. The net oxygen input due to these processes exist only part of the day, but, in the stream waste assimilative capacity analysiis and waste load allocation, one would focus his attention on critical condition. Hence, unless the change of stream ecology is the main concern, it is desirable to formulate a stream water quality model without this time varying term.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) was planted in six lysimeters containing Pahokee muck (Lithic Mediaprist) where water tables were maintained at 30, 60, and 90 cm depths. The main objective was to study the impact of a 40 percent water cutback (108 mm) on sugarcane production during the period near the end of the dry season (i.e., May). The water cutback treatment was simulated through manipulation of water table depth. Due to the high available water capacity of the muck soil and selection of a sugarcane cultivar ‘CP63-588’ (which has a high tolerance of water table fluctuations), the sugarcane growth, and the yields of sugarcane biomass and sugar were not significantly different as a result of the treatments with and without 40 percent water cutback during a period of two months. This result is in good agreement with the 1981 cane yield in the Everglades Agricultural Area where a 35 percent water cutback was imposed during the 1981 drought.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper summarizes a study employing a systems approach for analyzing one class of modifications within a poultry processing plant. The modifications considered were changes in water-flow arrangements and process characteristics to reduce water intake of the plant and waste-treatment costs. The object of the study was to develop a technique or techniques by which a combination of proposed modifications could be chosen to minimize water flow through the plant. Existing and proposed flows were represented as a network, and linear programming was used to solve the minimum-flow problem for the network. Application of the technique was made to an existing, typical plant in Durham, N.C. Results of the application showed fresh water intake could be reduced by 45% to 51%, and furthermore that annual returns of 62% to 494% could be obtained on investment in the optimum modification sets, as fresh water costs varying from 10 cents to $1.00 per 1000 gal. Types of modifications of a poultry processing plant are classified by types, and the relative importance and effectiveness of each type are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Irrigation costs are rising rapidly on the 32 million acres irrigated with ground water. Ground water levels are declining under about 15 million of those acres adding to increased costs. However, from 1975 to 1982, 75 to 80 percent of increased ground water irrigation costs were due to higher nominal energy prices and interest rates. In real dollars, adjusted for inflation, these costs have risen faster than other irrigation costs and the real rise in commodity prices has been very small. A continuation of rapidly rising costs and slowly rising prices will shorten the economic life of those aquifers experiencing declining water levels. That same condition of prices and costs place all ground water irrigators in a disadvantaged position compared to nonirrigators and could cause a decline in ground water irrigation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, and atrazine were measured in streams and ground water beneath the streams at 23 sites in the South Platte River basin of Colorado, Nebraska, and Wyoming to assess: (1) the role of ground water as a source of nutrients and atrazine to streams in the basin, and (2) the effect of land-use setting on this process. Concentrations of nitrite plus nitrate, ammonia, orthophosphate, and atrazine were higher in ground water than in the overlying streams at 2, 12, 12, and 3 of 19 sites, respectively, where there was not a measurable hydraulic gradient directed from the stream to the ground water. Orthophosphate was the only constituent that had a significantly higher (p ≤ 0.05) concentration in ground water than in surface water for a given land-use setting (range land). Redox conditions in ground water were more important than land-use setting in influencing whether ground water was a source of elevated nitrite plus nitrate concentrations to streams in the basin. The ratios of nitrite plus nitrate in ground water/surface were were significantly lower (p ≤ 0.05) at sites having concentrations of dissolved oxygen in ground water ≤ 0.5 mg/L than at sites having dissolved oxygen concentrations ≥ 0.5 mg/L. Elevated concentrations of ammonia or atrazine in ground water occurred at sites in close proximity to likely sources of ammonia or atrazine, regardless of land-use setting. These results indicate that land-use setting is not the only factor that influences whether ground water is a source of elevated nutrient and atrazine concentrations to streams in the South Platte River Basin.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Turbidity, total residues, settleable solids, vertical light extinction, and primary production were measured in mined and unmined streams located in the interior highlands of Alaska. Undisturbed streams had low turbidities (< 1 NTU), total residue concentrations averaging 120 mg 1?1, and undetectable settleable solids. During active mining, turbidity, total residues, and settleable solids levels in a moderately mined stream averaged 170 NTU, 201 mg 1?1, and < 0.1 ml 1?1, respectively. In a heavily mined stream, turbidity and total residues were two orders of magnitude higher than in unmined streams and settleable solids nearly always exceeded 0.2 ml 1?1. Vertical extinction coefficients and turbidity were positively correlated. In undisturbed streams gross primary productivity (g-O2m?2d?1) ranged from 0.20 shortly after spring breakup to a maximum of 1.20 in early fall. Productivity in the moderately mined stream was reduced by 50 percent while photosynthetic efficiency doubled. Primary production was undetectable in a heavily mined stream. Maximum standing crops of periphyton measured as chlorophyll a occurred in fall in an undisturbed stream after 13 weeks of exposure and ranged from 4.5 to 11.8 mg-chl a m?2. The highest chlorophyll a densities recorded in the moderately mined stream was 3.8 mg m?2, and no chlorophyl a was detected in the heavily mined stream.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Results of a field survey designed to assess the extent of crop production losses due to inadequate drainage in a large watershed of Iowa is presented. Information on the current status of drainage of the watershed, located in the Des Moines River basin, was collected through personal interviews with 256 farmers from 60 legal drainage districts. The results of the survey indicate that 95 percent of the area in upper Des Moines River basin has inadequate district mains or main outlet drains currently having a design capacity of ≤ 0.64 cm/day drainage coefficient. Outlet capacity of 1.27 cm/day d.c. would be required for full production. Inadequate drainage in the watershed is currently responsible for crop yield reduction equal to about one-third of the maximum yield potential for average weather conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Injections of NO3 and PO4 were made during September 1975 into Little Lost Man Creek, a small pristine stream in Redwood National Park, California. Chloride, a conservative constituent, was added in a known ratio to the nutrients. Nutrient loss at a downstream point was calculated using concentration of added Cl as a reference. Nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), added for 4 h, reached 920 μg/1 (above 5 μg/1 background) just below the injection point, but increased only to 405 μg/1 at 310 m downstream. The concentration decrease was attributed to dispersion and to uptake by stream biota. Percent of NO3-N lost decreased with increasing concentration of NO3-N. Phosphate phosphorus (PO4-P) was added a week after the NO3-N for 3 h, causing a concentration increase of 296 μg/1 (above 13 μg/1 background) just below the injection point, of 161 μg/1 at 90 m downstream, and of 98 μg/1 at 310 m. Percent loss of PO4-P at downstream sites increased with increasing PO4-P concentration and also for a short period after peak concentration occurred, but then decreased as PO4-P concentration continued decreasing. Differences in stream response to added NO3-N and PO4-P are attributed to differing rates of reaction with biota and differing degrees of interaction with abiotic stream solids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Effects of aquatic macrophytes are not considered in most standard water quality models. This study used field measurements and water quality models to help determine the effects of aquatic macrophytes on dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in a shallow tailwater reservoir. Installation of a hydropower plant and macrophytes (primarily Potamogeton and Chara) in a large shallow portion of the lake are possible causes of reduced DO levels in the tailwater reservoir. A water quality model (WASP5) was used to quantify the various DO sources and sinks and to evaluate the effects of the hydropower operations on DO levels in the lake. It was found that the macrophytes in Lake Ogallala had a significant effect on the DO levels in the lake. At an average macrophyte density of about 6,360 g/m2 (wet weight) in 2000, the DO fluctuated daily from about 3 mg/l to about 12 mg/l. At an average macrophyte density of about 2,120 g/m2 (wet weight) in 2002, the DO fluctuated from about 5 mg/l to about 9 mg/l daily. The model predicted that the DO would remain near 5 mg/l without macrophytes. The photo‐synthetic and respiration rates developed in the model (4.4 mg/g‐hr and 1.4 mg/g‐hr, respectively) agree well with literature values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A modified version of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's QUAL-II water quality simulation model is calibrated and applied to the Lower Winooski River, Vermont. The river flows through the metropolitan Burlington area and is impacted by several industrial and municipal point sources and by operation of hydropower facilities. Several structural modifications are made in the model to improve water quality simulations in rivers impacted by algal growth; these include the addition of organic nitrogen and organic phosphorus compartments and provision for algal uptake of ammonia and/or nitrate nitrogen. The model is interfaced with statistical programs which facilitate tabulation, display, and analysis of observed and predicted concentrations. The model is calibrated and tested against data from two intensive water quality surveys. Applications demonstrate the factors controlling water quality and sensitivities to point source waste management strategies and flow, as influenced by hydropower operations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of maintaining a 19 ha Colorado montane reservoir in a thermally destratified condition for one year were evaluated. Water temperatures were kept nearly vertically agd horizontally isothermal throughout the year. The weighted mean temperature of the lake was 1-4°C colder in winter and 1-2°C warmer in summer than normal. Deep water in summer was up to 6°C warmer than typical hypolimnion temperatures, but summer surface temperature was unaltered. Without destratification dissolved oxygen depletion develops in summer and winter, but by eliminating stratification, oxygen was kept near saturation throughout the year. Alkalinity, pH, conductivity, and total residue were not significantly affected. Seston decreased which was probably due to declines in planktonic diatom populations. Increases in iron and manganese did not occur in deep water during destratification. Calcium concentrations increased slightly. Magnesium and most anions (chloride, nitrate-N, and silica) were not greatly altered, but sulfate concentration was reduced. Artificial destratification, as a reservoir management tool, will be very useful in altering chemical problems; particularly increasing oxygen and decreasing iron and manganese concentrations.  相似文献   

A technique is presented for developing an isohyet map for the Hualapai Valley, a closed hydrologic basin of about 315 square miles in the northwestern Great Basin in Nevada. In this basin there is practically no climatic data, and in the northwest Great Basin there are too few stations for determination of rainfall on a detailed basis. Using a vegetational typing to represent a range in elevation and precipitation, an initial mean annual rainfall is determined for selected points on a grid pattern. This rainfall is then modified by using topographic parameters of slope, orientation, exposure, and rainfall shadow effect. The resulting point determinations of mean annual rainfall are then smoothed using a trend surface analysis, and an isohyetal map is drawn from the smoothed points. The technique provides an estimated accuracy of one inch of mean annual precipitation and one mile of resolution on isohyets.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Adequate water supplies are critical to the maintenance of a community's health and economic well-being. Across the nation communities are struggling to meet an expanding demand for water from municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreation, water quality, and power generation users. As the demand grows and communities actively compete with one another for a limited water supply, states are being called upon to help solve the problem. One possible solution that is being used in many areas is the development and implementation of a water conservation program to stretch the limited supply as far as possible. using a mailed survey, state water conservation programs and some of the characteristics of the different programs were documented. Responses to the nationwide survey were obtained from all 50 states. The specific water conservation program elements on which information was received from the survey included laws and restricted use, community assistance, education, research, and other services. Recommendations for states developing or considering the development of a water conservation program are outlined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of a study of Redwood National Park in north-western California, an investigation was conducted from June to November 1974 on intragravel dissolved oxygen and sediment in three tributaries to Redwood Creek, a major coastal stream that flows through Redwood National Park. Of concern was whether the intragravel environment of streams in logged and unlogged redwood-forested drainage basins was different. The tributary in the unlogged drainage basin had lower percentages of fine streambed sediment than either of the tributaries in logged drainage basins. Concentration and percentage saturation of dissolved oxygen of intragravel water were highest in the stream in the unlogged drainage basin, intermediate in the stream in the patch-cut drainage basin, and lowest in the stream in the clear-cut drainage basin. The differences in intragravel dissolved-oxygen conditions among the three tributaries are attributed chiefly to differences in their interchange of surface and intragravel water. The larger quantities of fine streambed sediment in the two streams in logged basins may have reduced the permeability of the streambeds and hence their capacity to interchange surface and intragravel water. However, differences in the lithology of the three tributary drainage basins examined may contribute to the differences in the percentage of fine sediments observed among the streams, even in the absence of logging.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Heat pulse velocity techniques were developed for effective monitoring of water movement in aspen (Populus tremuloides), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), and Englemann spruce (Picea engelmannif). Water loss was monitored in replicated trees of each species for one year. These data were used to modify the plant activity index (a reflection of the ability of plants to transpire water at various times during a year) and the crop coefficient (a reflection of differences in consumptive use rates of water by different vegetation types when all other factors are held constant) for each species within the model ASPCON, a deterministic, lumped-parameter model describing the hydrology of aspen to conifer succession. Results of the modeling in dicate 18.6 cm net loss of moisture available for streamflow when spruce replaced aspen, and a loss of 7.2 cm when fir forests replaced aspen. The aspen to conifer successional trend appears, therefore, to be significantly reducing water yields in the western United States.  相似文献   

Trace quantities of copper (II) ion can be found in natural water as waste products from industrial, mining, and agricultural operations. Because low concentrations of copper can be toxic to plant life, many workers have devised methods of analysis for this metal in water. These methods require expensive equipment and skilled technicians. The described study illustrates a simple method in which copper (II) ion is concentrated by a batch ion exchange technique and estimated colorimetrically after formation of the blue triethylenetetramine complex. Using the visible absorption peak of the complex at 600 nm it was possible to obtain accurate estimations of original copper concentrations in the range 0.5-3 ppm. Using the complex absorption peak at 260 nm in the ultra-violet region of the spectrum increased the sensitivity by a factor of twenty. Because of the dependence of the complex formation reaction on solution acidity it is possible to optimize conditions for the detection of copper (II) in the presence of other metal ions. This type of method, which could be extended to the analysis of other metal ions, could be performed by a relatively unskilled technician under field conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Twenty-six aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.), 20 subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarps (Hook.) Nutt.), and 20 Engelmann spruce (Pices engelmanil (Parry) Engelm.) of various sizes were cut under water and suspended in permanent reserviors at a northern Utah site. The reservoirs were asealed so that all water loss was due to consumption by the trees. Sap velocities, as computed from heat pulse velocities, were related to conducting areas of the tree trunks. Computed transpiration volumes were then correlated with actual water losses from the reservoirs. Coefficients of determination (R2) of 0.87, 0.86, and 0.82 were obtained for the fir, aspen, and sprucs, respectively. Reservoir water loss for each species for each season was then used to adjust a plant activity index for computing transpiration within ASPCON, a model describing the hydrology of aspen to conifer succession. The plant activity index reflects the variation in the capability of a plant community to transpire water over the year. Assumptions and limitations of the heat pulse velocity technique are also outlined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A geographic information system (GIS) was used to determine the relation between the stream-water quality and underlying geology in Roberts Creek watershed, Clayton County, Iowa, for base-flow conditions during the spring and summer of 1988–90. Geologic, stream, basin and subbasin boundaries, and water-quality sampling-site coverages were created by digitizing available maps. A contour coverage was created from digital line-graph data. The areal extent of geologic units subcropping in each subbasin was quantified with GIS, and the results then were output and joined with the discharge and water-quality data for statistical analyses. Illustrations showing the geology of the study area and the results of the study were prepared using GIS. By using GIS and a statistical software package, a weak but statistically significant relation was found between the water temperature, pH, and nitrogen concentrations in Roberts Creek and the underlying geology during base-flow conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Geographic Information System (GIS) was used to develop an automated procedure for identifying the primary aquifers supplying ground water to individual wells in eastern Arkansas. As mandated by state law, water-use data are reported by ground-water withdrawers annually to the Arkansas Soil and Water Conservation Commission, and stored in the Arkansas Site-Specific Water-Use Data System provided and supported by the U.S. Geological Survey. Although most withdrawers are able to provide the amount of water withdrawn and the depth of their wells, very few are able to provide the name of the aquifer from which they withdraw water. GIS software was used to develop an automated procedure for identifying the primary aquifers supplying ground water to individual wells in eastern Arkansas. The software was used to generate a spatial representation of the bottom boundary for the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer (the shallowest aquifer) in eastern Arkansas from well log-data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey. The software was then used to determine the depth of the aquifer bottom at reported well locations to ascertain whether the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer or a deeper aquifer was the primary aquifer providing water to each well. The alluvial aquifer was identified as the primary aquifer for about 23,500 wells.  相似文献   

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