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ABSTRACT: A model consisting of closed water reuse and productive use of various types of wastes for energy generation is presented. The sewage after treatment would be used as the cooling water for power plants, and the condenser discharge therefrom be used as heating water for sludge digesters. The water is then purified for municipal water supply for continuous use. The advantages of this system are that water resources and energy are conserved while various types of wastes including waste heat are controlled. With a preliminary system analysis, it appears that the design for power plant based on the total heating value of wastes and digester capacity based on sewage sludge generation is feasible in terms of acquisition and full utilization of various types of wastes as generated in a single metropolitan area. The system as shown in this design is in balance among various factors such as the generation rate of municipal refuse, municipal sewage, waste heat in the condenser discharge, and raw sewage sludge.  相似文献   

A modified transient version of the Streeter-Phelps model along with the energy balance equation is employed to analyze the effects of waste heat discharge from power plants on stream water quality. Analysis is also made to examine the effects of the upstream water quality and stream velocity on the downstream DO concentration level. The resulting coupled nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations representing the energy, BOD and DO concentrations are solved by the method of characteristics and simulated on a digital computer. Final numerical results indicate that the allowable quantity of thermal discharge does heavily depend on the upstream quality.  相似文献   

In most industrialized countries, environmental standards exist which prescribe the maximum allowable man-made increase in water temperature of a river. Together with flowrate and weather conditions, these standards determine the rate at which waste heat may be discharged into a river at any moment. Power generating stations with variable cooling systems can adjust their heat discharge into the river in compliance with environmental standards and by doing so exert an influence on power generation capacity. In this paper, a scheme is developed that allows a chain of power stations discharging into the same river to operate their cooling systems such that the output of total electricity is maximized and water temperature standards are accomodated. The optimum balance between stations is determined through dynamic programming. From the results of a simulation model using historical data, simple decision rules for day-to-day operation are abstracted. These rules are based solely on the river flow rates at each power station.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Confined production of poultry results in significant volumes of waste material which are typically disposed of by land application. Concerns over the potential environmental impacts of poultry waste disposal have resulted in ongoing efforts to develop management practices which maintain high quality of water downstream of disposal areas. The timing of application to minimize waste constituent losses is a management practice with the potential to ensure high quality of streams, rivers, and lakes downstream of receiving areas. This paper describes the development and application of a method to identify which time of year is best, from the standpoint of surface water quality, for land application of poultry waste. The procedure consists of using a mathematical simulation model to estimate average nitrogen and phosphorus losses resulting from different application timings, and then identifying the timings which minimize losses of these nutrients. The procedure was applied to three locations in Arkansas, and three different criteria for optimality of application timing were investigated. One criterion was oriented strictly to water quality, one was oriented only to crop production, and the last was a combination. The criteria resulted in different windows of time being identified as optimal. Optimal windows also varied with location of the receiving area. The results indicate that it is possible to land-apply poultry waste at times which both minimize nutrient losses and maximize crop yield.  相似文献   

根据氧化铝行业生产用水及排污特点,结合某氧化铝生产企业生产废水的处理实践,推荐采用逆向洗涤赤泥和氢氧化铝,节约用水量;综合利用赤泥洗液和含碱废水;对生产用水设置循环水系统和二次利用水系统;设置生产废水处理站,氧化铝系统和热电厂的生产系统排水、循环水系统的排污水,以及化验等废水全部排入生产废水处理站处理,废水经处理后作为二次利用供水返回生产系统使用,通过综合利用生产废水,可以实现厂区废水的零排放,节约资源的同时,提高清洁生产水平,避免对环境造成污染。  相似文献   

Discharge of heated waste water may affect the entire aquatic ecosystem–the interrelated biological, chemical, physical system–and, if the temperature change is large, may destroy the capacity of the ecosystem to serve a variety of beneficial purposes. However, it is possible to discharge heated waste water in carefully controlled amounts without seriously degrading the aquatic ecosystem. There are four basic alternatives which are open to us with regard to the heated waste water problem which we may choose singly or in various combinations: (1) Placing all heated, waste water in streams, lakes, and oceans without regard to the effects. Thus considering the environmental damage as a necessary consequence of our increased power demand. (2) Using, but not abusing, existing ecosystems. This means regulating the heated waste water discharge to fit the receiving capacity of the ecosystem. (3) Finding alternative ways to dissipate or beneficially use waste heat. (4) Modifying ecosystems to fit the new temperature conditions. We are all dependent upon a life-support system which is partly industrial and partly ecological. Unfortunately, we have reached a stage of development where the non-expandable, ecological portion of our life-support system is endangered by the expanding industrial portion. Optimal function and full beneficial use of both portions of our life-support system will only be possible if a variety of disciplines and diverse points of view can cooperate and work together effectively. Since wastes in amounts that are acceptable taken one at a time may be lethal collectively, environmental management should be on a regional basis.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Numerical simulation of ground water solute transport is combined with linear programming to optimize waste disposal. A discretized form of the equation governing solute transport is included as a set of constraints in a linear program. Two problems are described. First, the management model is used to maximize ground water waste disposal. The model constrains disposal activities so that the quality of local ground water supplies is protected. Parametric programming is shown to be important in evaluating waste disposal tradeoffs at the various facilities. Changes in the velocity field induced by waste water injection cause a nonlinearity in the solute transport equation which is dealt with by employing an iterative procedure. The second problem is aimed at identifying all sites which are suitable for waste disposal in the subsurface. The management model is manipulated so that the optimal value of the dual variables are “unit source impact indicators.” This physical interpretation is valuable in identifying feasible disposal sites. The joint simulation and optimization approach permits the management of complex ground water systems where the aquifer is used simultaneously for waste disposal and water supply.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fecal contamination and organic pollution of an agricultural drainage in northeast Indiana was high. Bacterial counts (total coliform, TC; fecal coliform, FC; and fecal streptococcus, FS) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) were used to assess waste concentrations. Coliform counts indicated that sections of the drainage receiving septic effluent had waste concentrations far in excess of public health standards (mean FC = 550,000/100 ml). Areas of drainage remote from septic tank pollution were found to occasionally meet federal public health standards for whole body contact recreation but generally these areas had twice the allowable limit of 200 FC/100 ml. Bacterial contamination was highest during runoff events when the median values for TC, FC, and FS were 5, 3, and 17 times greater, respectively, than the median values during low stream discharge. Surface flows carried contaminants from unconfined livestock operations and fecally contaminated sediment was transported by high waters. During one runoff event a BOD loading of 36.7 kg/km2 was recorded and the peak BOD concentration observed was 16 mg/l. A discharge of liquid manure from a confined livestock operation caused a major fish kill. Pollution from septic tanks and unconfined livestock is greatest at high stream discharge when dilution reduces the impact on aquatic life.  相似文献   

通过对我国水资源状况及石化行业水消耗情况分析,找出我国石化企业新鲜水用量,污水排放在绝对量,吨原油、万元产值的单耗,单排等方面与国外相比较存在的差距。指出存在的主要问题是:清污分流不彻底;污污分流不健全;汽提后的净化水回用量小;新鲜水冲洗地面及作为机泵冷却水直排,导致新鲜水的浪费。同时针对以上问题提出相应的建议参考指标及对应措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Mathematical modeling techniques are used to develop predictive equations for cost of water and waste water treatment processes in developing countries utilizing socioeconomic, environmental, and technological indicators. Predictive equations are developed for each of the three regions (Africa, Asia, and Latin America) for construction, operation, and maintenance costs of slow sand filter, rapid sand filter, stabilization lagoon, aerated lagoon, activated sludge, and trickling filter. Data analysis indicated that cost of water treatment processes is a function of technological indicator (percentage of imported materials), population, and the design capacity. The variables which gave the best correlation for waste water treatment cost were population, design flow, and the percentage of imported waste water disposal materials.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Electric generation facility water requirement will increase substantially in the future in the Western United States because new power plants are to be constructed at inland sites rather than on the coast. At the inland locations, power plants will have to compete with agriculture and public users for fresh water supplies, and will be constrained by environmental legislation to dispose of cooling waste water in lined evaporation ponds. The various options for power plant cooling are analyzed in respect to cost, water consumption, and environmental hazard, and also in respect to their compatibility with existing state and federal regulations. Several proposals for balancing the water requirements of various users in water-scarce areas are reviewed and criticized.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in managing cold water streams in the Midwest is understanding how stream temperature is controlled by the complex interactions among meteorologic processes, channel geometry, and ground water inflow. Inflow of cold ground water, shade provided by riparian vegetation, and channel width are the most important factors controlling summer stream temperatures. A simple screening model was used to quantitatively evaluate the importance of these factors and guide management decisions. The model uses an analytical solution to the heat transport equation to predict steady‐state temperature throughout a stream reach. The model matches field data from four streams in southwestern Wisconsin quite well (typically within 1°C) and helps explain the observed warming and cooling trends along each stream reach. The distribution of ground water inflow throughout a stream reach has an important influence on stream temperature, and springs are especially effective at providing thermal refuge for fish. Although simple, this model provides insight into the importance of ground water and the impact different management strategies, such as planting trees to increase shade, may have on summer stream temperature.  相似文献   

中原油田天然气产销总厂精细化工一厂为了实施清洁化生产,对污水外排从控制污水产生入手,采取了改冷却水一次排放为循环利用、化学处理改善水质及提高水的循环利用率等一系列措施,投入改造资金5万余元,将污水日排放量由1200 m3降到50 m3 ,且实现达标排放,取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Driven by increasing concerns about bacterial pollution from agricultural sources, states such as Virginia have initiated cost sharing programs that encourage the use of animal waste best management practices (BMPs) to control this pollution. Although a few studies have shown that waste management BMPs are effective at the field scale, their effectiveness at the watershed scale and over the long term is unknown. The focus of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing bacterial pollution at the watershed scale and over the long term. To accomplish this goal, a 1,163 ha watershed located in the Piedmont region of Virginia was monitored over a ten‐year period. Fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) were measured as indicators of bacterial pollution. A pre‐BMP versus post‐BMP design was adopted. Major BMPs implemented were manure storage facilities, stream fencing, water troughs, and nutrient management. Seasonal Kendall trend analysis revealed a significant decreasing trend during the post‐BMP period for FC concentrations at the watershed outlet, but not at the subwatershed level. Implementation of BMPs also resulted in a significant reduction in the geometric mean of FS concentrations. FC concentrations in streamflow at the watershed outlet exceeded the Virginia primary standard 86 and 74 percent of the time during pre‐BMP and post‐BMP periods, respectively. Corresponding exceedances for the secondary standard were 50 and 41 percent. Violations decreased only slightly during the post‐BMP period. The findings of this study suggest that although BMP implementation can be expected to accomplish some improvement in water quality, BMP implementation alone may not ensure compliance with current water quality standards.  相似文献   

在燃煤锅炉运行期间,锅炉定期排污、水质处理罐反冲洗再生、除尘等工序产生大量污水。文章通过对污水处理系统工艺的改造,将燃煤锅炉的排污水回收后用于冷却炉渣,炉渣最终用来烧砖,而湿炉渣水分带走的少量污染物最终被固化在砖或砌块中,不会对周边水质或土壤造成污染,实现了节能减排,收到了较好的环境效益、经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Tucson area is totally dependent on ground water, which is in increasingly short supply due to excessive overdrafts. Tucson area waste water treatment plants discharge material quantities of secondary effluent downstream, which is lost to evapotranspiration and recharge of the ground water basin. The city and the four large mining companies who share the common Santa Cruz basin ground water, recognized the common water supply problem and agreed to fund a feasibility study for mining process use of the effluent to partly alleviate the overdraft of ground water. The study analyzed the projected waste water effluent resources, potential mining company demand for waste water effluent and possible interface of an effluent delivery facility with the proposed Central Arizona Project. The effluent resources were analyzed with respect to potential demand. An optimum alignment was selected. An optimum system was detailed through design schematics, amortized cost and finance requirements, and an implementation schedule. It was concluded that a waste water effluent delivery facility could be implemented which would utilize reclaimed effluent in quantities approximating 35 percent of basin overdraft and which would provide revenue for full cost recovery over a 20 year operation period. The mining companies are studying the internal economic impacts of the project.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ground water flow and supply at the Whiteshell Research Area (WRA) in southeastern Manitoba and the advective movement of contaminants from a hypothetical nuclear fuel waste disposal vault to the adjacent biosphere and a nearby ground water supply well are simulated using finite-element modeling and numerical particle-tracking technique. The hypothetical vault is located at a depth of 500 m, below the water table, in low-permeability plutonic rock of the Canadian Shield. The rock mass is intersected by high-permeability fracture zones (aquifers), which also act as conduits for vault contaminants to migrate to the ground surface. The ground water resource is, therefore, limited in quantity and quality and should be explored with care. A 30 m deep well, which pumps water at a rate of 120 m3/yr from a low-dipping fracture zone, LD1, reduces natural discharge from the system to augment natural recharge. At this pumping rate, a 100 m or 200 m deep well neither reduces discharge nor induces recharge into the system. Thus, at the WRA, a 30 m deep domestic water supply well best meets the water requirements of a one-person household at the rate of 120 m3/yr. The 100 m and 200 m wells best meet the requirements of a family of six and a family of six with light irrigation, respectively, without capturing contaminants’pathways from the vault to the ground surface. By virtue of the proximity of the 200 m well intake to the hypothetical vault, this well performs best as a purge well at pumping rates of 0,000 m3/yr and greater. Finite-element modeling is useful in evaluating the water supply potential of a fractured rock environment in which a nuclear waste disposal vault is proposed to be sited.  相似文献   

Abstract: There are four known geothermal resource areas in the Imperial Valley that have a combined potential of over 4,000 megawatts of electrical energy for 25 years. Water resources available to support geothermal enerfy development are imprted Colorado River water, agricultural waste waters, Salton Sea water, and groundwater. In addtion, geothermal power plants can produce their own cooling water from steam condensate. Nevertheless, the relatively high water requirements of geothermal facilities along with a series of real and potential constraints may cause water supply dilemmas involving both the acquistion and use of cooling water. Important constraints are institutional policies, water supply costs, technical problems, and impacts upon the Salton Sea. These constranits and related dilemmas are examined in light of relevanty information on the valley's water resources, geothermal resources and energy technologies, cooling water requrements, and water supply options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current water quality policies in California require disposal of saline blowdown waters from power plants in sealed evaporation ponds to avoid degradation of ground waters. This policy highlights the conflict between increased energy demands, increasing scarcity of water, and environmental priorities. Saline blowdown waters can be used for the irrigation of salt tolerant crops, albeit with some reduction in yields. The results of experiments intended to specify these yield reductions are reported. If such irrigation is carefully managed, the soil profile can be used to store residual salts and ground water degradation will be avoided, provided that irrigation ceases before the salts are leached to the ground water. An analysis of discharge below a carefully managed irrigation project shows that the downward movement of salts below the root zone is no worse than with conventional methods of disposal. Thus, irrigation reuse with blowdown water is shown to be a viable means of saline water disposal while maintaining existing standards of ground water quality protection. Further analysis demonstrates the economic feasibility of such irrigation reuse by showing that it is significantly less costly than the evaporation pond alternative.  相似文献   

高校实验室污染现状调查及排污管理方案研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对某高校各实验室污染现状进行调查分析。结果表明,在所调查的16个院系中,12个院系其下属实验室存在污染物的排放,比例为75%;污染物涉及废气、废液、固体废物、噪音,其中废液与固体废物的排放量合计约11.09t/a;危险废物占国家危险废物名录所认定的47大类中的28类,比例高达59、6%。针对实验室排污的基本情况及特点,提出了“源头控制、分类收集、定点贮存、合理处置”的实验室排污管理方案。  相似文献   

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