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Summary Some species of fishes with exclusive male parental care exhibit the phenomenon of allopaternal care; that is, some males acquire and care for other males' eggs. We conducted a series of experiments to investigate the dynamics and evolution of allopaternal care in one such species, the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). In choosing a nest site, a newly reproductive male tended to take over the nest site of a parental male by evicting the resident male, rather than occupy a physically identical empty nest site. The new male generally cared for the old male's eggs, and in most cases, daily egg survival improved under the new male's care. When males were given a choice among unguarded nest sites, they preferred to occupy nest sites already containing eggs. When eggs were randomly assigned to nesting males, females preferred to spawn with males who had eggs in their nest sites. Thus, it appears that female preference for males with eggs led to the evolution of allopaternal care in the fathead minnow.  相似文献   

Summary In some species of fishes with paternal care, females prefer to spawn with males who are already defeding eggs; moreover, in many species, paternal care increases with the number of eggs that a male is defending. If egg survival depends on the level of paternal care, and is largely independent of egg number, then egg survival should increase with clutch size. This result would provide a potential adaptive mechanism for female preference for males with eggs. I examined the effects of clutch size on paternal care and egg survival in the fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas, and found that both increased with male clutch size.  相似文献   

Female cannibalism and male courtship tactics in threespine sticklebacks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Female threespine sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) frequently raid male nests and eat all the eggs therein. We tested the hypothesis of Vickery et al. (1988) that females prefer to raid nests containing large numbers of eggs than ones with smaller numbers of eggs. This hypothesis is based on the finding that females spawning in nests containing many eggs will have reduced hatching success because of egg crowding. By consuming the male's eggs and forcing him to rebuild his nest, raiding females might obtain a new opportunity to spawn under better conditions. Our results were consistent with the first prediction of this hypothesis that females were more likely to spawn in nests containing fewer eggs than in nests with many eggs. However, this may be the result of males becoming less receptive to females as the number of eggs in their nests increases. Prediction 2 was that females should raid those nests containing the most eggs. Contrary to this prediction, males defending only one clutch were as likely to have their nests raided by groups of females as males defending several clutches of eggs. Female cannibalism is therefore unlikely to have evolved as a means of gaining access to a male defending a small number of eggs. We also examined the tactics used by males to counter female raids. Most raids occur when the male is courting, and nests are more vulnerable to shoals of females than to single females. Therefore, we hypothesized that males with eggs preferentially court a single female rather than large groups of females, and that males without eggs court both groups indiscriminately. We also predicted that males restrict the number of females they mate with when risk of having their nest raided is high. Our results indicate that: (1) both males with eggs and those without eggs minimize the risk of female cannibalism by courting solitary females rather than groups of females and (2) males limit the number of females that lay eggs in their nest when several potentially raiding females are present. Offprint requests to: G.J. FitzGerald  相似文献   

Individuals of species that change sex from male to female may gain a “size advantage” from that sex change; that is, as males become larger, they become female, thus increasing their fecundity with their size. However, males could also gain an early and different reproductive size advantage by choosing large females as mates. While male preference for large females has been observed in many dioecious species, we know little about male size preference in sex-changing species. In choice experiments, we examined whether males of two congeneric species of marine sex-changing snails, Crepidula fornicata and C. convexa, chose large females over small ones as partners. We also used choice tests to see whether males of C. fornicata, a species whose members form long-term, multi-animal stacks, would choose two females in a stack over a single female. Surprisingly, males of neither species showed a preference for large females, in spite of the documented fecundity advantage associated with large female-size. Males of C. fornicata chose slightly, but not significantly, more single females than stacks, suggesting that neither number nor size drives mate choice in these animals. Key factors that may influence this lack of size preference include long association time, the likelihood of sperm competition, and the cost of extended mate search; it may also be that sex-change itself, the very factor that creates female-biased sexual size dimorphism in these species, prevents size preference, as males may gain sufficient reproductive advantage from eventually becoming large females themselves to offset any benefit of choosing large females.  相似文献   

In a variety of fish species with paternal care of offspring, females prefer to spawn in nests that already contain eggs. This female preference has been hypothesized to explain egg thievery in male sticklebacks, allopaternal care of eggs in minnows, and the evolution of egg-mimicking body features in male cichlids and darters. Here we employ microsatellite-based parentage analyses to evaluate the reproductive success of striped darter (Etheostoma virgatum) males that appear to utilize two of these functionally related tactics to entice females to spawn in their nests. In an isolated population (Clear Creek, Ky.), we observed that breeding males develop conspicuous white spots on their pectoral fins. If these spots are egg mimics, as we suspect, then this represents the fourth independent evolutionary origin of egg mimicry documented to date in darters, the first based on pigmentation (as opposed to physical structures), and the first in which the egg mimics vary greatly in number among males. From direct counts of microsatellite genotypes in clutches of embryos, at least 3.8 females contributed to the progeny within a typical nest, and females tended to spawn preferentially with males that were larger and displayed more egg-mimic spots. In another population (Hurricane Creek, Tenn.) without egg mimics, the multi-locus genetic data document that allopaternal care is common, especially among the smallest males who sometimes tend nests containing their own as well as an earlier sire's offspring. Thus, these foster males had adopted egg-containing nests and then successfully spawned with subsequent females. Overall, the genetic data on paternity and maternity, in conjunction with field observations, suggest that egg mimicry and allopaternal care are two mate-attracting reproductive tactics employed by striped darter males to exploit female preferences for spawning in nests with 'eggs'. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that male dominance is often at odds with female mate preference and that indirect (genetic) benefits of mate choice may not be related to male dominance. We tested whether female preference corresponded to male dominance and whether mating with dominant males conveyed benefits to offspring fitness in a small freshwater fish, the African annual killifish Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes), a species without parental care. The experimental design used controlled for the effect of male age, possibility of sperm and egg depletion, and accounted for a potential that females express their preference through maternal effects by manipulation of egg mass during ovulation. By sequentially mating females with males of known dominance, we found that female N. korthausae showed no mate preference in terms of egg numbers deposited with respect to male dominance or body size and no congruent mate preference to specific males was detected. However, males sired offspring with consistently higher hatching success and the effect was repeatable across individual females. Thus, some males provided females with indirect benefits related to additive genetic quality (“good genes”) and expressed via increased hatching rate, but this benefit was not related to male dominance status or body size.  相似文献   

Individuals may associate with each other due to a variety of selective forces, such as intra- and intersexual selection, and conspecific recognition. Previous studies have concluded that mate choice governs association behavior in polygynous species of fish. I examined whether mate choice underlies the preference for larger individuals by examining preference for association (time spent in proximity to a fish) not only between opposite-sex individuals but also between same-sex individuals of the live-bearing sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna). Males and females from three size classes were tested with a large and a small object fish of the same and opposite sex. Females preferred to associate with larger over smaller males. Males also preferred to associate with larger over smaller females, as expected. The same female and male test fish also preferred to associate with larger over smaller fish of the same sex. Moreover, females demonstrated no significant difference in their strength of preference (large–small) when offered males or females. The same held true for males. When males and females were subsequently tested with one large male and one large female, females tended to prefer large males while males showed no significant preference for association based on sex. In another experiment, females were tested with a large female and a small male, and significantly preferred the former. These findings suggest that association patterns may have arisen under a variety of conditions, such as predation pressures, shoaling behavior, and associative preference behavior. The assumption that association behavior is a uniformly sufficient predictor of mate choice in fish needs to be re-examined for P. latipinna and other species. Received: 6 November 1998 / Received in revised form: 12 May 1999 / Accepted: 12 May 1999  相似文献   

In some fish species with paternal care, females prefer to spawn with males whose nests already contain eggs. Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain this behaviour, such as reduced risk of predation or cannibalism (the dilution effect), increased parental investment, and mate copying. This experimental study focuses on female mate choice in the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus. Females were found to choose males with eggs in their nests. In addition, hatching success increased with clutch size, mainly because males with larger clutches showed less filial cannibalism. Increased egg survival in large clutches may thus be explained by a combination of the dilution effect and higher parental investment. In another experiment, females did not seem to copy the observed mate choice of other females. In conclusion, female preference for males with eggs in their nests is adaptive, and can be explained by direct benefits, as more surviving offspring are produced. Received: 23 December 1995/Accepted after revision: 11 May 1996  相似文献   

One possible mechanism for the (co-)evolution of seemingly novel male traits and female preferences for them is that males exploit pre-existing female biases, and livebearing fishes (Poeciliidae) have been at the forefront of this research for almost two decades. Here, using 13 poeciliid species from four different genera, we tested whether mustache-like rostral filaments found in males of some Mexican molly (Poecilia sphenops) populations could have evolved due to exploitation of a pre-existing female bias. While Mexican mollies were the only species with a significant female association preference for mustached males, we also did not find any species exhibiting significant aversion for mustached males; rather, variance in female preference scores was large throughout. For example, more than 25% of females spent twice as much time with the mustached male compared to the non-mustached male in most species, but even 31% of Mexican molly females spent more time near the non-mustached male. Hence, a comparison of the strength of preference was inconclusive. We discuss the possibility that the female preference of P. sphenops for mustached males could be due to a female pre-existing bias (sensu lato), even if population means were not significant for species other than P. sphenops. This highlights the importance of distinguishing between population means and individual preferences when interpreting mate choice, and thus, adds depth to the concept of mating preferences as a motor for evolutionary change.  相似文献   

Summary Protandry, or early male emergence, is prevalent in the majority of insects. There are several explanations, both adaptive and incidental for this widespread phenomenon. Here I report the occurrence of protandry in the wartbiter, Decticus verrucivorus, and argue that the explanation for the evolution of protandry in this species is the result of selection acting on males in relation to sperm competition. It has previously been shown that sperm mixing occurs in this species, leading to a reduction in confidence of paternity with number of matings. Emerging early and thereby having a higher probability of mating with virgin females benefits males in two ways: both through a 100% assurance of paternity and because female egglaying rate decreases over time. A singly mated female can lay up to 30% of her lifetime egg production during her first refractory period, during which time the eggs are exclusively fertilized by the first male. Wartbiter males seem also to be able to assess female mating status and transfer larger spermatophores when mating with virgin females than when mating with already mated females. This holds true both for previously mated and virgin males. Thus, it seems that male wartbiters allocate their resources differentially depending on female quality.  相似文献   

In many species, females prefer large males as mating partners. Male size can easily be determined visually. We examined how such mate choice evolves when individuals are deprived of sensory information previously used to determine male quality. Using a cave-dwelling population of Atlantic mollies, Poecilia mexicana, as a model, we asked whether the female mating preference for large male body size still occurs in this cave fish, or whether it is lacking due to the absence of visual communication in the cave environment. In simultaneous choice tests we compared the time females spent with a large or a small male. In the river-dwelling and cave-dwelling fish, as well as the population originating from the cave entrance, we found a significant preference for large males in light. Hence, the ancestral mating preference of surface-dwelling mollies has been maintained during the evolution of the cave form. However, only the cave population exhibited a mating preference in darkness. Determination of male body size appears to have been taken over by a non-visual sensory system, probably the lateral line.Communicated by K. Lindström  相似文献   

Male choice     
Summary Male preference for large females as mates was demonstrated in the wood-boring weevil, Brentus anchorago (Coleoptera: Brentidae) by observation and by mate choice experiments in which the complicating factor of male rivalry was eliminated. Adult weight varied at least 23-fold in a large breeding aggregation in Panama. Drilling females guarded by males were larger than unguarded drilling females, and the number of males attending a drilling female increased with length of the female. Thus despite a sex ratio of about 1:1, males were unevenly distributed among the females. A male attending a female had on average about 1 rival male in his vicinity (Lloyd's Index of Mean Crowding). Male preference for large females in the absence of rival males was directly tested in choice arenas on the surface of the host tree. When a large and a small female were simultaneously presented, large and small males alike mated first with the large female. Male choice of large females is probably adaptive in Brentus anchorago because larger females lay larger eggs, which produce larger offspring in a competitive larval environment. Male choice in this species is associated with high male mating investment and time commitment per female, and not with high male parental investment.  相似文献   

In a wide variety of species, male reproductive success is determined by contest for access to females. Among multi-male primate groups, however, factors in addition to male competitive ability may also influence paternity outcome, although their exact nature and force is still largely unclear. Here, we have investigated in a group of free-ranging Barbary macaques whether paternity is determined on the pre- or postcopulatory level and how male competitive ability and female direct mate choice during the female fertile phase are related to male reproductive success. Behavioural observations were combined with faecal hormone analysis for timing of the fertile phase (13 cycles, 8 females) and genetic paternity analysis (n = 12). During the fertile phase, complete monopolisation of females did not occur. Females were consorted for only 49% of observation time, and all females had ejaculatory copulations with several males. Thus, in all cases, paternity was determined on the postcopulatory level. More than 80% of infants were sired by high-ranking males, and this reproductive skew was related to both, male competitive ability and female direct mate choice as high-ranking males spent more time in consort with females than low-ranking males, and females solicited copulations mainly from dominant males. As most ejaculatory copulations were female-initiated, female direct mate choice appeared to have the highest impact on male reproductive success. However, female preference was not directly translated into paternity, as fathers were not preferred over non-fathers in terms of solicitation, consortship and mating behaviour. Collectively, our data show that in the Barbary macaque, both sexes significantly influence male mating success, but that sperm of several males generally compete within the female reproductive tract and that therefore paternity is determined by mechanisms operating at the postcopulatory level.  相似文献   

When two closely related species are sympatric the process of species recognition (identifying conspecifics) and mate-quality recognition (increased fitness benefits) can yield a conflict when heterospecifics resemble high-quality conspecifics. Conflict in species versus mate-quality recognition may serve as a possible mechanism for the persistence of unisexual, gynogenetic Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa). Amazon mollies require sperm from closely related species (e.g., sailfin mollies, P. latipinna) to start embryogenesis but inheritance is strictly maternal. When choosing mates, male sailfin mollies from populations sympatric with Amazon mollies may rely on traits indicating species identity rather than those indicating mate quality. Conversely, males from allopatric populations may rely more on traits indicating mate quality. Previous work has found that male sailfin mollies in sympatry exhibit a significantly greater mating preference for female sailfin mollies over Amazon mollies compared to males in allopatry. In addition, male sailfin mollies prefer to associate with and produce more sperm in the presence of larger conspecific females, which are more fecund. We hypothesized that male sailfin mollies experience a conflict in species recognition and mate-quality recognition in the presence of Amazon mollies that are relatively larger than female sailfin mollies. To test this hypothesis, we paired males from sympatric and allopatric populations with a larger Amazon molly and a smaller female sailfin molly. We scored the number of mating attempts that males directed to conspecific and heterospecific females. Males in most sympatric and allopatric populations demonstrate no clear preference for conspecifics. In addition, we found some evidence for a difference in mating preference between allopatric and sympatric populations with males from allopatry showing a greater heterospecific mate preference. These results indicate a conflict between species and mate-quality recognition. In sympatry this conflict may contribute to the persistence of gynogenetic Amazon mollies.  相似文献   

Male competition for mates and female mate choice are key mechanisms involved in sexual selection. Surprisingly, these mechanisms have often been investigated separately although they appear to interact in many species. Male–male competition for territories located at the best places or to establish dominance relationships often explain mating patterns. Such male behaviours may affect and sometimes even hinder female mate choice, as in the case of sexual coercion. While in many species females are able to exert cryptic control over paternity (i.e. a process allowing females to bias offspring production toward certain males after intromission), in other species external fertilisation prevents females from doing so. This is the case in the waterfrog hybridisation complex where the hybrid Pelophylax esculentus can only produce viable offspring by pairing with the parental species Pelophylax lessonae (hybridogenetic reproduction). We examined two potential processes that could enhance such mating combinations. Firstly, by monitoring male spatial distribution within six choruses, we showed that the proportion of P. lessonae males located at the edge (in the best position to grasp females arriving at the chorus) cannot explain the frequency of mating combinations observed. Secondly, an experimental approach emphasised a new way for anuran females to favour paternity of a particular male in a sexual coercion context. When females are forcefully paired with an incompatible male, they cannot remove the male grasped on their back by themselves. Nevertheless, by controlling the movement of the pair within the chorus, these females often change mates by enhancing male competition instead of laying eggs. In many species with externally fertilised eggs, it may be thus necessary to take into account this new possibility for females to control offspring paternity.  相似文献   

Summary Following bouts of courtship and copulation, female giant waterbugs (Belostoma flumineum Say) deposit eggs on the backs of their mates. Throughout a 6– to 12-day brooding period, males display several behaviors that are vital to egg-nymph survival. Consequently, females depend on male post-copulatory behaviors for successful reproduction and the possibility exists for male backspace availability to limit female reproduction in this species. I studied seasonal trends and factors that affect male backspace availability in populations of B. flumineum in east-central Illinois (USA). Early in the spring/summer, giant waterbug populations are relatively small and a large majority (188/205=91.7%) of the males are egg-laden; males experimentally added to the population during this period quickly became encumbered. In contrast, later in the summer after young-of-the-year emerge as adults, the waterbug population density increases dramatically and fewer (670/1274\2= 52.6%) of the males are encumbered (egg-laden). Of the males that are egg-laden both early and late in the season, significantly more are completely encumbered (i.e., 100% of the dorsum egg covered) early in the spring. The adult sex ratio is generally not biased and the number of eggs/pad that completely covers a male approximates a full ovarian complement. Therefore, these factors probably do not cause male backspace to become limited. The primary factor that appears to limit male backspace availability is the ability of females to synthesize a second partial clutch in a short time, often within 1 to 4 days. Females are capable of ovipositing partial clutches on 12 males within 30 days, whereas male brooding period is temperature dependent and ranges from 6 to 13 days. Newly emerged males are capable of breeding significantly sooner than can newly emerged females, thereby creating ample oviposition substrate for the females in the population after young-of-the-year adults appear. The evolution of sex-role reversal is not well understood; however it should not evolve in waterbugs unless male backspace limits female reproduction. Such a situation appears to exist in B. flumineum early in the season but not later in the summer.  相似文献   

Although the effects of male mating history on female reproductive output and longevity have been studied in insects, few such studies have been carried out in spiders. In a mating system in which females are monandrous while males are polygynous, females may incur the risk by mating with successful males that have experienced consecutive matings and suffer from the possible depletion of sperm and/or associated ejaculates. Here, we examine the effects of male mating history on male courtship and copulation duration, female reproductive fitness, and female adult longevity of the wolf spider, Pardosa astrigera. Results indicated that male mating frequency had little effect on their subsequent copulation success, and of 35 males tested, about half of the males were able to copulate with five virgin females successively at an interval of 24 h. Male mating history had little effect on their courtship duration. However, male mating history significantly affected male copulation duration, female adult longevity, and reproductive output. Males that mated more frequently copulated longer and more likely failed to cause their mates to produce a clutch, although there was no significant difference in the number of eggs laid and the number of eggs hatched regardless of the first clutch or the second one. Multiple mating of male P. astrigera resulted in significant reduction in female adult longevity. Our results indicate that monandrous females mating with multiple-mated males may incur substantial fitness costs.  相似文献   

In fish, fecundity correlates with female body size and egg-tending males often eat small broods. Therefore, small females may prefer to spawn in nests that already contain many eggs, to ensure the brood is as large as possible. In contrast, large females may prefer nests with few eggs, if high egg number or density has a negative effect on egg survival, or if there are drawbacks of spawning last in a nest. To test the hypothesis that female body size affects nest (and male mate) choice, using the sand goby (Pomatoschistus minutus), we allowed small and large females to choose between two males that were matched in size — one guarding a small clutch and the other a large clutch, respectively. We recorded where females spawned (measure of female preference), the combined brood size, male courtship, egg care and nest building. We also quantified the effect of brood size and egg density on egg survival in a separate data set. Although the combined broods did not exceed the small brood sizes that are at risk of being eaten, both small and large females preferred to spawn in nests with smaller clutch sizes. This preference could not be explained by more courtship or male parental effort, nor by reduced survival of larger or denser broods. Instead, our result might be explained by females avoiding the danger of cannibalism of young eggs by males or the risk of reduced egg health associated with being near the nest periphery.  相似文献   

Contrary to Bateman’s principle, polyandry appears to be a common female mating strategy. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain the evolution of polyandry. It is assumed that females gain either material or genetic benefits from multiple matings, or that they are coerced into mating by males. In water striders, mating is generally assumed to be costly to females, and they are thought to mate for reasons of convenience, adjusting their resistance to mating according to male harassment. Here, we tested the effect of number of matings (with the same male) and number of partners on female fitness in a water strider Aquarius paludum. In the first experiment, we regulated the time females spent with a male and found that females’ egg production increased with multiple matings up to a point. The result supports the existence of an optimal female mating frequency. In the second experiment, we tested how polyandry affects the number of eggs laid and egg hatching success. We conducted three different trials: females mated four times with either a single male, two different males, or with four different males. Females that mated with four different males laid the lowest number of eggs and had the lowest egg hatching success, suggesting that polyandry reduces females’ egg production and egg hatching success in A. paludum. We conclude that A. paludum females probably gain material benefits from mating but no genetic benefits were found in this study.  相似文献   

Summary Preference by females for choosing mates at male aggregations has been hypothesized as the primary selective pressure favoring the formation of leks, but alternative hypotheses account for lek formation without invoking female preference. Observational studies to determine whether male mating success increases with lek size, as predicted under the female preference hypothesis, have produced inconsistent results, possibly due to covariation of lek size with other variables or to male-male or intersexual conflict over lek size. We tested whether females prefer larger leks in a field experiment with ruffs (Philomachus pugnax), a lekking sandpiper, in which male group size, composition, and location were controlled. Wild females chose the larger of two adjacent groups often enough such that males in larger groups had significantly higher per capita rates of female visitation (Table 3). Such behavior would probably lead to higher per male mating rates at larger leks, which is generally considered a necessary condition for female choice to select for lek display (Fig. 2). Lek size in nature will reflect both female preference for larger leks and competition among males, which may favor smaller lek size. All else being equal, however, female ruffs preferred to visit larger groups strongly enough to maintain lekking by males.  相似文献   

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