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In surface waters, phosphorus (P) concentrations exceeding 0.05 mg liter(-1) may cause eutrophic conditions. This study was undertaken to measure total P concentrations in runoff and tile drainage waters from land receiving either inorganic fertilizer or anaerobically digested sewage sludge. Total P was measured in runoff and tile drainage waters during 2 years of sample collections from instrumented, large-scale lysimeters planted to corn (Zea mays L.). During the 3 years prior to monitoring P concentrations, six of the lysimeter plots had been amended with anaerobically digested sewage sludge which supplied 5033 kg P per ha. Additional sludge applications supplied 1058 and 1989 kg P per ha during the first and second years of monitoring operations, respectively. Another six lysimeters were annually treated with fertilizer which included P applications amounting to 112 kg ha(-1). For years 1 and 2, respectively, annual losses from lysimeters treated with sewage sludge were 4.27 and 0.35 kg P per ha in runoff and 0.91 from 0.91 and 0.51 kg Per P per ha in drainage waters. Parallel annual losses of P from lysimeters treated with superphosphate were 2.15 and 0.17 kg ha(-1) in runoff and 0.53 and 0.35 kg ha(-1) in tile drainage waters. Sludge applications did not significantly change absolute soil contents of organic P, but did decrease the per cent of total P present in organic forms. Sludge and soil, respectively, contained 21 and 36% of their total P contents in organic forms. In sludge and soil about 85 and 64% of their respective total inorganic P contents were associated with the Al and Fe fractions. Sludge applications significantly increased soil contents of P in the saloid (water-soluble plus P extracted with 1 N NH(4)Cl), Al, Fe and reductant soluble P fractions, but contents of Ca-bound P were not changed. Total P contents of the soil below a depth of 30 cm were not affected by sludge incorporated to a depth of about 15 cm by plowing.  相似文献   

污泥屏障通过物理拦截以及化学作用可以有效控制重金属离子迁移,采用污泥屏障处理酸性矿山废水(AMD)已被证明具有可行性.作为尾矿渣处置场屏障的主体材料,研究污泥压缩特性很有必要.实验结果表明,对于含水率相同的压实污泥试样,孔隙比随干密度增大而减小,最终趋于1;干密度相同的试样,最优含水率的孔隙比随应力增大减小最快.试样压缩系数随干密度增大而减小,随含水率增大先增大后减小,最优含水率的压缩系数为0.8 MPa-1.AMD溶液作孔隙液能提高试样压缩系数.通过对比分析有机质土的压缩特性,为以后的深化研究提供相关参数支持.  相似文献   

不同改性剂改善污泥土工性质的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
选择了泥土、矿化垃圾、粉煤灰和建筑垃圾4种改性剂改性城市污水处理厂污泥(以下简称污泥)。结果表明:(1)随着4种改性剂与污泥的混合比增大,混合物含水率降低。(2)当混合比为0.7(质量比)时,各种混合物的抗压强度都达到50kPa的填埋要求;当混合比为0.3~1.0时,混合物的抗压强度随着混合比的增大呈指数形式增大;比较4种改性剂对抗压强度的增大能力,粉煤灰最强,建筑垃圾次之,泥土和矿化垃圾较弱。(3)在50kPa预压力下,混合物要达到不小于25kPa的抗剪强度,泥土与污泥最小混合比为1.0,矿化垃圾与污泥最小混合比为1.0,粉煤灰与污泥最小混合比为0.7,建筑垃圾与污泥最小混合比为0.7。(4)除加泥土的混合物外,混合物压缩系数随着混合比的增大呈总体下降趋势。(5)粉煤灰除臭效果最好,矿化垃圾次之,建筑垃圾较差,泥土最差。  相似文献   

利用白云石回收污泥厌氧消化液中的磷   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
梅翔  杨旭  张涛  王欣  严伟  何珣  张怡  周宇翔 《环境工程学报》2012,6(11):3809-3816
为经济有效地从污泥厌氧消化液中回收磷,构建了以白云石提供钙镁源的磷回收方法,探讨了磷回收的工艺条件与效果。通过盐酸酸化厌氧消化液以降低其碳酸盐含量,同时利用白云石溶于冷稀盐酸的特性使其钙镁缓慢释放到酸化的厌氧消化液中形成第一步磷回收体系,考察体系酸化pH、白云石与厌氧消化液的固液比以及反应pH对白云石的钙镁释放和磷回收效果的影响;第一步磷回收后的上清液为第二步厌氧消化液磷回收提供钙镁源,研究投加钙磷摩尔比对磷回收效果的影响。实验结果表明,当固液比为5.0时,在酸化pH为4.0~4.5且酸化溶出时间为10 h以及反应pH为9.0的条件下,第一步磷回收产物以磷酸钙盐沉淀为主,厌氧消化液磷回收率及回收产物含磷率(以P2O5计)分别达到99.43%和38.49%;第一步磷回收后的上清液按一定的钙磷摩尔比投加到酸化后的厌氧消化液中进行第二步磷回收,当投加钙磷摩尔比为0.20时,在反应pH为9.0的条件下,回收产物同时含有磷酸钙盐和磷酸铵镁,厌氧消化液中氮、磷回收率分别达到13.19%和90.90%,回收产物氮、磷含量(以P2O5计)分别为0.26%和39.58%;经XRD、XRF、ICP及SEM等分析表征,2步磷回收的产物以磷酸钙盐和磷酸铵镁为主要成分,杂质少。研究表明,利用白云石为钙镁源,通过分别构建不同的磷回收体系可以分步从污泥厌氧消化液中经济有效地回收磷,且磷回收率和回收产物含磷率高。  相似文献   

Pyrolytic characteristics of sewage sludge   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, a number of different sewage sludge including sludge samples from industrial and hospital wastewater treatment plants were characterized for pyrolysis behavior by means of thermogravimetric analysis up to 800 degrees C. According to the thermogravimetric results, five different types of mass loss behaviors were observed depending on the nature of the sludge used. Typical main decomposition steps occurred between 250 and 550 degrees C although some still decomposed at higher temperatures. The first group (Types I, II and III) was identified by main decomposition at approximately 300 degrees C and possible second reaction at higher temperature. Differences in the behavior may be due to different components in the sludge both quantitatively and qualitatively. The second group (Types IV and V), which rarely found, has unusual properties. DTG peaks were found at 293, 388 and 481 degrees C for Type IV and 255 and 397 degrees C for Type V. Kinetics of sludge decomposition can be described by either pseudo single or multicomponent overall models (PSOM or PMOM). The activation energy of the first reaction, corresponding to the main pyrolysis typically at 300 degrees C, was rather constant (between 68 and 77 kJ mol(-1)) while those of second and third reactions were varied in the range of 85-185 kJ mol(-1). The typical order of pyrolysis reaction was in the range of 1.1-2.1. The pyrolysis gases were composed of both saturated and unsaturated light hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, ethanol and chloromethane. Most products, however, evolve at a quite similar temperature regardless of the sludge type.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The production of sludge from the sewage treatment plants is increasing as a result of population increase and public policies to improve the...  相似文献   

Biodegradation of nonylphenol in sewage sludge   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Chang BV  Chiang F  Yuan SY 《Chemosphere》2005,60(11):1652-1659
We investigated the effects of various factors on the aerobic degradation of nonylphenol (NP) in sewage sludge. NP (5 mg/kg) degradation rate constants (k1) calculated were 0.148 and 0.224 day−1 for the batch experiment and the bioreactor experiment, respectively, and half-lives (t1/2) were 4.7 and 3.1 days, respectively. The optimal pH value for NP degradation in sludge was 7.0 and the degradation rate was enhanced when the temperature was increased and when yeast extract (5 mg/l) and surfactants such as brij 30 or brij 35 (55 or 91 μM) were added. The addition of aluminum sulfate (200 mg/l) and hydrogen peroxide (1 mg/l) inhibited NP degradation within 28 days of incubation. Of the microorganism strains isolated from the sludge samples, we found that strain CT7 (identified as Bacillus sphaericus) manifested the best degrading ability.  相似文献   

提出了一种利用餐厨废油为热交换介质,在常压下对城市污水厂污泥进行油炸干化制成固体燃料,以实现城镇两大废弃物一污泥和餐厨废油综合处置的方法。以大豆油模拟餐厨废油,研究了污泥油炸干燥特性及过程影响参数。实验结果表明,污泥经油炸干化后,干基含水率从初始的4.56kg/kg降低至0.05kg/kg,干基含油率升为0.37~0.47kg/kg,干污泥热值达到21.551~24.082MJ/kg,是一种高热值固体燃料。油温对污泥油炸干化过程影响显著,当油温从120℃升至180℃时,污泥干燥时间从28min缩短至4min。实验条件下,1t餐厨废油可处理约8.3t湿污泥。  相似文献   

赤子爱胜蚓处理污泥对其性质变化的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用赤子爱胜蚓(Eisenia foetida)直接处理脱水污泥,以不加蚯蚓为对照,研究了蚯蚓生物量、污泥理化性质(pH、电导、灰分、总有机碳)、营养物质(氮、磷、钾)以及重金属(铜、锌、铅、铬)的变化。结果表明:蚯蚓能很好地适应直接投加污泥的生存环境,蚯蚓平均增重0.7 g/d,产卵4.81个/d。随着时间的增加,接种蚯蚓的污泥理化性质和营养物质以及重金属含量均有显著的变化。蚯蚓处理后,污泥的pH由7.83显著降低至7.03;电导由0.46 S/m显著增至2.23 S/m;灰分从43.89%显著增至57.53%;TOC由32.32%显著降低至23.59%;污泥中的营养物质N、P、K含量显著增加,N、P、K分别提高了37.48%、19.96%和20.14%;同时蚯蚓活动显著降低了污泥中的重金属含量,降低次序为CuZnCrPb。蚯蚓处理后污泥小团粒性状明显,无臭味,不生蛆。  相似文献   

Zeng X  Sheng G  Xiong Y  Fu J 《Chemosphere》2005,60(6):817-823
Polycyclic musks [Cashmeran (DPMI), Celestolide (ADBI), Phantolide (AHMI), Traseolide (ATII), Tonalide (AHTN) and Galaxolide (HHCB)] were Soxhlet extracted, separated and analyzed in sewage sludge from six different wastewater treatment plants from Guangdong, China, using GC and GC-EI-MS. DPMI, ADBI, HHCB, AHTN were found in all samples, and ATII was not found in any sample. AHMI was detected in five out of six samples. HHCB and AHTN were the two major polycyclic musks found in highest concentrations in sludge. The sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants contained HHCB, AHTN and DPMI at concentrations between 5.416 and 21.214, 0.715 and 6.195 and 0.599 and 2.870 mg/kg (dry), respectively. The highest concentration was found in sludge from one cosmetic plant at 703.681 mg HHCB/kg (dry). The results indicate that there are two sources of polycyclic musks: domestic sewage and industrial wastewater.  相似文献   

The importance of pathogenic organisms in sewage and sewage sludge.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deficient sanitation poses a serious threat to human and animal health, involving complex relationships between environments, animals, refuse, food, pathogens, parasites, and man. However, by sanitizing and stabilizing the organic matter of sewage sludge, agriculture can utilize it to maintain soil, water, and air quality. As ingredients in soil amendments, such bioresidues are a source of nutrients for plants. Stabilization and sanitation of sewage sludge safely couple its recycling and disposal. This coupling becomes increasingly important as economic and environmental constraints make strategies for waste disposal more difficult to apply. The occurrence of viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and zooparasites in sewage sludge is reviewed in this article, and consequential epidemiologic concerns that arise from sewage sludge recycling is also addressed.  相似文献   

E.E. Kwon  H. Yi  H.H. Kwon 《Chemosphere》2013,90(4):1508-1513
This work showed that sewage sludge could be a strong candidate for biodiesel production. High lipid content (18–20%) with C16?18-carbon range was experimentally identified and measured. These lipids from sewage sludge were converted into biodiesel via the transesterification reaction with MgO–CaO/Al2O3 derived from magnesium slag, and biodiesel conversion was ~98%. The experimental work enabled explaining that temperature is the main driving force for the transesterification reaction, which can be enhanced in the presence of CO2. This also enables combination of esterification of free fatty acids and transesterification of triglycerides into a single process within 1 min in the temperature range of 350–500 °C. Sewage sludge residue after extracting lipids was also a good feedstock for recovering energy via thermo-chemical processes. The impact of CO2 co-feed on the pyrolysis/gasification process of SS residue was also investigated in this work. The CO2 injected into the thermo-chemical process remarkably increased the generation of CO by a factor of 2. Moreover, the introduction of CO2 into the pyrolysis/gasification process enabled reducing condensable hydrocarbons (tar) by expediting cracking; thus, utilizing CO2 as chemical feedstock for the gasification process not only leads to higher thermal efficiency but also has environmental benefits.  相似文献   

给水厂与污水厂污泥制陶粒技术研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
对天津凌庄自来水厂的给水厂污泥和天津东郊污水处理厂的污水厂污泥的成分进行了分析,在此基础上根据焙烧陶粒的原理,设计了以2种污泥为原料焙烧陶粒的工艺流程。通过实验,研究了其工艺过程中的影响因素并确定了工艺参数。性能检验结果表明,添加量为30%的混合污泥陶粒,在1 140℃焙烧5 min,可得到强度标号为40 MPa的高强陶粒。因此,以2种污泥为原料烧制陶粒的处置方法可行,并能带来一定的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。得到的产品符合国标中高强陶粒的要求,可广泛应用于建筑行业中的承重结构。  相似文献   

探讨了柠檬酸对污泥中重金属形态的影响,并以柠檬酸为络合剂、以杭州七格污水处理厂城市污泥为研究对象,在0.8 mA·cm-2恒定电流密度条件下运行120 h,在5组柠檬酸浓度分别为 0.00、0.05、0.10、0.20和0.30 mol·L-1的条件下,采用自行设计的双层双阳极反应器对污泥中重金属进行电动去除和回收实验。结果显示,柠檬酸能促使污泥中大量的Zn由可还原态转化为酸可提取态,但对Cu的形态影响不大。电动处理实验中,添加柠檬酸后Zn和Cu的去除率都有明显提高,当柠檬酸浓度为0.20 mol·L-1时,Zn的去除率最大达58.3%,Cu的去除率为42.4%;当柠檬酸浓度为0.10 mol·L-1时,Cu的去除率最大为51.7%,Zn的去除率为46.4%。柠檬酸的最佳添加浓度为0.10~0.20 mol·L-1,当柠檬酸添加量超过0.20 mol·L-1,Zn和Cu的去除率反而会因为络合物在阳极区的沉淀而降低。  相似文献   

This study focuses on artificial lightweight aggregates (ALWAs) formed from sewage sludge and ash at lowered co-melting temperatures using boric acid as the fluxing agent. The weight percentages of boric acid in the conditioned mixtures of sludge and ash were 13% and 22%, respectively. The ALWA derived from sewage sludge was synthesized under the following conditions: preheating at 400 degrees C 0.5 hr and a sintering temperature of 850 degrees C 1 hr. The analytical results of water adsorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, and compressive strength were 3.88%, 1.05 g/cm3, 3.93%, and 29.7 MPa, respectively. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the ALWA show that the trends in water adsorption and apparent porosity were opposite to those of bulk density. This was due to the inner pores being sealed off by lower-melting-point material at the aggregates'surface. In the case of ash-derived aggregates, water adsorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, and compressive strength were 0.82%, 0.91 g/cm3, 0.82%, and 28.0 MPa, respectively. Both the sludge- and ash-derived aggregates meet the legal standards for ignition loss and soundness in Taiwan for construction or heat insulation materials.  相似文献   

This study focuses on artificial lightweight aggregates (ALWAs) formed from sewage sludge and ash at lowered co-melting temperatures using boric acid as the fluxing agent. The weight percentages of boric acid in the conditioned mixtures of sludge and ash were 13% and 22%, respectively. The ALWA derived from sewage sludge was synthesized under the following conditions: preheating at 400 °C 0.5 hr and a sintering temperature of 850 °C 1 hr. The analytical results of water adsorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, and compressive strength were 3.88%, 1.05 g/cm3, 3.93%, and 29.7 MPa, respectively. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of the ALWA show that the trends in water adsorption and apparent porosity were opposite to those of bulk density. This was due to the inner pores being sealed off by lower-melting-point material at the aggregates' surface. In the case of ash-derived aggregates, water adsorption, bulk density, apparent porosity, and compressive strength were 0.82%, 0.91 g/cm3, 0.82%, and 28.0 MPa, respectively. Both the sludge- and ash-derived aggregates meet the legal standards for ignition loss and soundness in Taiwan for construction or heat insulation materials.

Implications Artificial lightweight aggregates (ALWAs) could be synthesized from sewage sludge and derived ash. In this study, co-melting technology of low temperature was applied with boric acid as a fluxing agent and the formation temperature of glass phase was decreased to 900 °C. Both aggregates derived from sludge and ash meet regulatory standards of ignition loss and soundness in Taiwan for construction or heat insulation material.  相似文献   

The sorption behaviour of three perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) (perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS)) was studied in sewage sludge samples. Sorption isotherms were obtained by varying initial concentrations of PFOS, PFOA and PFBS. The maximum values of the sorption solid–liquid distribution coefficients (Kd,max) varied by almost two orders of magnitude among the target PFASs: 140–281 mL g?1 for PFOS, 30–54 mL g?1 for PFOA and 9–18 mL g?1 for PFBS. Freundlich and linear fittings were appropriate for describing the sorption behaviour of PFASs in the sludge samples, and the derived KF and Kd,linear parameters correlated well. The hydrophobicity of the PFASs was the key parameter that influenced their sorption in sewage sludge. Sorption parameters and log(KOW) were correlated, and for PFOS (the most hydrophobic compound), pH and Ca?+?Mg status of the sludge controlled the variation in the sorption parameter values. Sorption reversibility was also tested from desorption isotherms, which were also linear. Desorption parameters were systematically higher than the corresponding sorption parameters (up to sixfold higher), thus indicating a significant degree of irreversible sorption, which decreased in the sequence PFOS?>?PFOA?>?PFBS.  相似文献   

污水处理过程中产生大量剩余污泥,使得污泥脱水逐渐成为污泥处理的关键环节。本研究采用生物淋滤方法处理城市污泥,改善污泥脱水性能。通过污泥比阻、滤饼含水率和离心脱水率的变化评价生物淋滤改善剩余污泥脱水性能的效能。综合考虑污泥脱水性能改善效果和运行成本,生物淋滤优化条件为:硫粉投加量3 g/L;Fe2+投加量4 g/L;接种物投加量(接种物与供试污泥的体积比,mL/mL)0.4。在优化条件下,污泥体系被酸化至pH为2.0左右需要36~48 h,淋滤污泥的比阻由1.26×1014 m/kg降至8.14×1012 m/kg,降低了93.54%,滤饼含水率从98.39%降至73.68%,同时污泥离心脱水率从72%提高到83%。回调淋滤污泥pH至6.0,污泥比阻继续降至8.27×1011 m/kg,污泥比阻降低99.34%,污泥从难脱水状态转化为易脱水状态。通过污泥体系中铁离子和污泥絮体特征的变化,分析生物淋滤改善污泥脱水性能的机理。作为底物投加的Fe2+在微生物氧化作用下快速转化为Fe3+。生物氧化产生的Fe3+的絮凝作用可能是生物淋滤改善污泥脱水性能的主要机理。  相似文献   

污泥生物炭的磷吸附特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用脱水污泥为原料在不同温度下热解制备污泥生物炭(sewage sludge biochar,SSBC),研究SSBC的磷吸附特征。700℃下制备的SSBC(B700)具有最好的磷吸附性能(5.93 mg·g-1,以P计),且效果优于其他类型的生物炭和活性炭,可以用作一种廉价的磷吸附剂。磷以稳定的形态吸附于SSBC上,SSBC吸附磷的机制主要是其表面的CaO和MgO与磷酸根结合形成稳定的磷酸盐沉淀。吸附条件优化表明,吸附温度升高促进SSBC对磷的吸附,SSBC吸附磷的适宜pH为6~8,共存离子CO32-对磷吸附具有明显的抑制。采用Langmuir方程、Freundlich方程及Langmuir-Freundlich方程均能较好地拟合B700对磷的吸附,表明磷在SSBC表面的吸附可能受多种机制影响。  相似文献   

以污水处理厂浓缩池污泥为研究对象,用污泥比阻、污泥含水率和污泥粘度评价污泥脱水性能,研究亚铁离子活化过硫酸盐氧化法对污泥脱水性能的影响。结果表明,单独投加过硫酸钾时,污泥比阻和含水率随过硫酸钾投加量的增加稍有下降。投加硫酸亚铁和过硫酸钾时,温度对污泥脱水性能影响不大。污泥脱水性能最佳的条件:在常温下,污泥pH为7,硫酸亚铁投加量为1.5 mmol/g VSS、过硫酸钾投加量为1.2 mmol/g VSS,亚铁离子和过硫酸根的摩尔比为1.25:1,污泥的比阻从5.36×1012 m/kg降低到1.9×1011 m/kg,含水率从97.0%降低到81.6%,粘度从178 mPa·s降低到102 mPa·s。  相似文献   

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