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The effects of exposing plants of Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott, Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) Newman and Polypodium vulgare L. to 60 nl litre(-1) (122 microg m(-3)) NO(2) for 37 weeks were investigated in a closed chamber fumigation system. There was no effect of NO(2) on the numbers of fronds produced for any species at any time during the exposure period. However, at the end of the study, there was a lower dry weight yield of green shoots of D. filix-mas and P. scolopendrium and a higher yield of green shoots of P. vulgare for plants in the NO(2) treatment as compared to control plants. These differences in shoot dry weights were not accompanied by an effect of NO(2) exposure on total plant dry weights.  相似文献   

The effects of joint action of SO(2) and HF on three Eucalyptus species were studied by exposing them to combinations of < 13, 122 or 271 microg m(-3) of SO(2) and 0.03, 0.39 or 1.05 microg m(-3) of HF in open top chambers for 120 days. HF and SO(2) reduced the area and weight of immature leaves in all three species, but there were few interactive effects on immature leaves. The response of mature leaves to exposure differed among the species, with the greatest effects on E. calophylla and least effects on E. marginata. The interaction of HF + SO2 had no effect on leaf S concentrations in any of the species, but it reduced leaf F concentrations in E. calophylla and E. gomphocephala. HF increased leaf injury in E. calophylla and E. gomphocephala when simultaneously exposed to 271 microg m(-3) of SO(2), but had no effect at 122 microg m(-3), or on E. marginata. The addition of 271 microg m(-3) of SO(2) increased leaf injury when E. gomphocephala was exposed to 0.39 microg m(-3) of HF and when E. calophylla was exposed to 1.05 microg m(-3) of HF, despite reducing the leaf F concentrations. In some cases the interaction of the pollutants may increase susceptibility to visible injury.  相似文献   

The washout coefficient of a gas in air is the fraction of it removed in unit time by rain below cloud base. The ‘apparent’ coefficients were estimated by statistically comparing hourly ground-level concentrations just before and at the onset of heavy, non-frontal rain. The concentrations were obtained from 5 y of continuous monitoring at a rural site.The coefficient (s−1) estimated for SO2 was (2.61 ± 0.14) × 10−5 times the rate of rainfall (mm h −1). This is completely consistent with a previously published value derived from the data from 10 rural sites for one year, and both estimates are consistent with published values of dissolved SO2 in rainwater at another rural site, giving some confidence in the technique.The values of the coefficients estimated for NO and NO2 were about 40 and 80%, respectively of that for SO2. Some nitrite is found in rainwater, but not enough to explain the washout found. However, the analysers used would measure HNO3 aerosols as NO2, and these are very soluble. In addition, fast reactions are known which can convert oxides of nitrogen into soluble nitrates, present in sufficient concentration in rainwater.The statistical process leads to the coefficient estimated for O3 being negative, implying that O3 is produced at the time of rain. This is most probably due to the strong winds and turbulence which accompany heavy rain, giving replenishment of low-level O3 from upper air levels where O3 is normally produced. No systematic changes in the other gas concentrations accompany the changes in O3 values.  相似文献   

Plants that were pretreated with 0.15 ppm SO2 for either 2 or 3 d before an intermittent O3 or SO2/O3 exposure exhibited differences in per cent visible foliar injury that often varied significantly from plants that received no SO2 pretreatment. Differences that were observed could not be explained on the basis of leaf diffusive resistance alone. The SO2 pretreatment for 2 d caused a decrease in visible O3 injury in white bean, an increase in visible O3 injury in cucumber and radish, and had no effect on soybean and tomato. The same pretreatment caused an increase in visible injury from the SO2/O3 mixture in white bean, a decrease in visible injury for cucumber and tomato, and had no effect on soybean and radish. However, these same trends did not occur when the SO2 pretreatment was increased to 3 d. Pretreatment with sub-acute levels of SO2 can significantly alter a plant's response to O3 or a mixture of SO2/O3, the change in response being sensitive to the pretreatment SO2 dosage. The nature of the visible injury symptoms from O3 or the pollutant mixture were not altered for any of the plant species regardless of the length of time of the SO2 pretreatment and, generally, the onset of visible injury was not greatly altered.  相似文献   

One-month-old soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill), cultivar 'Williams', plants were exposed to nitrogen dioxide (0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.5 ppm) and carbon filtered air (control), 7 h per day, for 5 days, under a controlled environment. Leaf chlorophyll content (Ch a, Ch b, and total Ch content) and foliar nitrogen content (%N) were determined before and after the exposure. The influence of NO(2) treatments up to 0.3 ppm on leaf chlorophyll content was negligible although a stimulatory effect was evident in Ch a and total Ch content with 0.2 ppm NO(2). Marked decline in Ch content was observed with 0.5 ppm treatment; the reductions in Ch a and total Ch were 45% and 47%, respectively. Foliar-N contents of plants treated with 0.2 and 0.3 ppm NO(2) were higher than the control; plants exposed to 0.5 ppm NO(2) showed a 41% reduction in foliar-N compared to pre-exposure values.  相似文献   

Measurements of 1-month concentrations of NO(2) and SO(2) were carried out in the period from May 1993 to April 1994 in 147 points in 30 major cities of Poland and in 31 points in rural areas. The measurement points were divided into five classes representing: centres of cities, residential areas, industrial areas, traffic locations and rural areas. Passive samplers were prepared in one laboratory, mailed to local laboratories for sampling and then returned for analysis. The same samplers were used for collecting both NO(2) and SO(2). Analyses for NO(2) absorbed as nitrite were made spectrophotometrically after reaction with Saltzman reagent. Sulphur dioxide was determined as sulphate with ion chromatography. The consistency of data allowed comparison of levels of air pollution in different cities and the production of maps of spatial distribution of NO(2) and SO(2) in rural areas of Poland.  相似文献   

To assess changes as a result of reduced acidifying deposition, water chemistry data from 68 Dutch moorland pools were collected during the periods 1983-1984 and 2000-2006. Partial recovery was observed: nitrate- and ammonium-N, sulphur and aluminium concentrations decreased, while pH and alkalinity increased. Calcium and magnesium concentrations decreased. These trends were supported by long term monitoring data (1978-2006) of four pools. Increased pH correlated with increases in ortho-phosphate and turbidity, the latter due to stronger coloration by organic acids. Increased ortho-phosphate and turbidity are probably the result of stronger decomposition of organic sediments due to decreased acidification and may hamper full recovery of moorland pool communities. In addition to meeting emission targets for NOx, NHx and SOx, restoration measures are still required to facilitate and accelerate recovery of acidified moorland pools.  相似文献   

Phytotoxic effects of sulphur dioxide emissions from an oil refinery (annual average of 0.09-0.17 ppm for a 25 year period) were studied near Santa Maria, on the rural central coast of California. Stands of coastal sage scrub along an SO(2) gradient downwind of the refinery were compared with stands in relatively pollution-free upwind sites. Physiological and growth changes in the dominant shrub, Salvia mellifera (black sage), were emphasised. Stomatal resistance of Salvia was found to be significantly lower on the polluted sites than on the pollution-free sites. Internodal stem length and heights of Salvia shrubs were also reduced. Significant reductions in photosynthetically active tissue of Salvia resulted from increased defoliation and decreased leaf size associated with SO(2) stress. Of particular ecological interest was the relative importance of species at different sites; abundance of perennial shrub species was significantly lower and abundance of annuals greater on the most polluted sites relative to the sites farthest from the SO(2) source. The influx of annuals and decrease in perennial cover resulted in greater species richness and reduced concentration of dominance similar to that observed in early post-fire sage scrub stands.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the growth and interaction of clipping and sulphur dioxide (SO(2)) exposure on SO(2)-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes of Phleum pratense at two field sites along an SO(2)-concentration gradient. Sulphur-dioxide-tolerant and non-tolerant genotypes of Phleum pratense were identified from indigenous populations that had been collected along the same SO(2)-concentration gradient in southern Alberta, Canada. Physiological differences between the two genotypes were confirmed by supplying leaves with (14)CO(2) and examining the assimilate partitioning between the genotypes. For the field experiment, clones of each genotype and seedlings grown from commercial seed were planted at two different field sites along an SO(2)-emission gradient. There were no differences in growth between the genotypes at the two field sites after the first year except that the SO(2)-tolerant clones had a greater percentage of root length colonised by vesicular-arbuscular (VA) mycorrhizal fungi. After the second growing season, there was a significant decrease in the number of inflorescences produced by plants exposed to SO(2), particularly by the non-tolerant genotype. The added stress of defoliation appeared to increase the sensitivity of flowering to SO(2), again particularly in the non-tolerant genotype. The results of the field study showed that flowering as opposed to vegetative plant growth was more sensitive to long-term low-concentration SO(2) exposure and that this sensitivity was compounded by the stress interaction of defoliation.  相似文献   

Studies of the growth and water relations of the grass Phleum pratense L. (Timothy) were made after simultaneous exposure to SO(2) and NO(2) at concentrations ranging from 80 + 57.4 microg m(-3) to 240 + 172.2 microg m(-3) (SO(2) + NO(2)). Decreased partitioning to the roots was evident during exposure to the pollutants, but when the plants were returned to clean air restrictions in root growth did not persist. Shoot to root partitioning was, however, complicated by the additional factor of changes in the nutritional status of the soil after additional columns of fresh soil were attached to the original tubes. The rate of use of soil water was nevertheless substantially increased by the pollution treatment and after a period of 23 days in which water was withheld, a clear pollution x water stress interaction was seen. The ability of polluted leaves to conserve water under severe water stress was tested by excising the leaves and measuring their water loss over time. The results from this second experiment showed that conservation of water by the leaves was appreciably affected after exposure to 80 + 57.4 microg m(-3) or 133.3 + 95.6 microg m(-3) SO(2) + NO(2). It seems likely that damage to the cells in the epidermal layer, leading to malfunctioning of stomata, is mainly responsible for the reduced ability to conserve water under conditions of extreme stress.  相似文献   

One month old soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) cv. 'Williams' plants were exposed to nitrogen dioxide (NO2 at 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, and 0.5 microl liter(-1) and carbon filtered air (control), 7 h per day for five days, under controlled environment. Data were collected on net photosynthetic rate (PN), stomatal resistance (SR), and dark respiration rate (DR), immediately following the fifth day of exposure and 24 h after termination of exposure. Chlorophyll a (Ch a), chlorophyll b (Ch b), total chlorophyll (tot Ch) and foliar nitrogen (N) were measured before and after exposures. Growth characteristics--relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR), and root shoot ratio (RSR) -- were computed for treated plants using standard growth equations. Increases of 18% and 23% in PN were observed immediately following exposure to 0.2 microl liter(-1) NO2 and after 24 h recovery period, respectively. With 0.5 microl liter(-1) NO2 treatment, reductions in PN of 23% and 50% were observed, immediately after exposure and following 24 h recovery, respectively. DR rates with 0.2 l liter(-1) treatment were higher than the control. Chlorophyll a and tot Ch showed significant reduction with 0.5 microl liter(-1) NO2 treatment. The percent reduction in Ch a and tot Ch with 0.5 microl liter(-1) NO2 were 45% and 47%, respectively. Increases in foliar nitrogen content after 0.2 and 0.3 microl liter(-1) NO2 treatments were 46% and 69%, respectively. Nitrogen dioxide at 0.5 microl liter(-1) reduced RGR and NAR by 47% and 51%, respectively. Leaf area ratio was 42% higher in 0.5 microl liter(-)1 NO2 treated plants, compared with the control; this increase was insufficient to compensate for the decrease in NAR resulting in a net decline in RGR. Nitrogen dioxide up to 0.2 microl liter(-1) increased PN and foliar-N content of soybean. With 0.5 microl liter(-1) NO2, significant decreases were observed in PN, leaf chlorophyll, foliar-N, NAR and RGR. Nitrogen dioxide up to 0.2 microl liter(-)1 has a favorable influence on overall growth characteristics of soybean; however, inhibitory effects were seen with NO2 treatment at 0.5 microl liter(-1).  相似文献   

Observations of mean daily concentrations of smoke and of sulphur dioxide, obtained from several National Survey sites in the Manchester area, have been correlated with meteorological data and with certain other variables. Two periods have been examined, one from May 1975 to March 1977, the other from October 1978 to April 1979; the second, shorter period was more closely analysed. The model adopted for analysis differed from the power-law form selected by most previous investigators; it appears physically more satisfactory and in practice gave better correlation with sulphur dioxide observations. For the long period, the relatively crude analysis explained about two-thirds of the variance: for the shorter period, using more detailed meteorological data, the proportion explained ranged from 72 to 93 %.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen on biomass production, shoot elongation and relative density of the mosses Pleurozium schreberi, Hylocomium splendens and Dicranum polysetum was studied in a chamber experiment. Monocultures were exposed to 10 N levels ranging from 0.02 to 7.35 g N m−2 during a 90-day period. All the growth responses were unimodal, but the species showed differences in the shape parameters of the curves. Hylocomium and Pleurozium achieved optimum biomass production at a lower N level than Dicranum. Pleurozium had the highest biomass production per tissue N concentration. Tolerance to N was the widest in Dicranum, whereas Hylocomium had the narrowest tolerance. Dicranum retained N less efficiently from precipitation than the other two species, which explained its deviating response. All species translocated some N from parent to new shoots. The results emphasize that the individual responses of bryophytes to N should be known when species are used as bioindicators.  相似文献   

Four-week-old paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings, inoculated or non-inoculated with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Pisolithus tinctorius (Pers.) Coker & Couch and grown in steamed or non-steamed soil, were exposed to ozone (O(3)) and/or simulated acid rain (SAR). Plants were exposed to O(3) for 7 h per day on 5 days per week for 12 weeks. O(3) concentrations were maintained between 0.06 and 0.08 ppm. SAR was applied 10 min per day on 2 days per week. O(3), SAR, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment did not significantly affect any of the measured variables. Interactions between O(3) and SAR, SAR and mycorrhizal treatment, soil regime and mycorrhizal treatment and ozone and soil regime had significant effects. Treatment of seedlings with pH 3.5 SAR caused increases in growth which were more apparent in birch exposed to O(3). Mucorrhizal treatment caused increased growth in non-steamed soil, while growth appeared to decrease in steamed soil. Birch seedlings grew much better in steamed soil. The implications of increased growth in steamed soil may demonstrate the importance of looking at the secondary effects of pollutants on soil-borne organisms.  相似文献   

Twenty-six-day-old black turtle bean cv. 'Domino' plants were exposed to nitrogen dioxide (0.0, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.10 microl liter(-1)), 7 h per day for 5 days per week for 3 weeks, under controlled environment. Data were collected on net photosynthesis rate (PN), stomatal resistance (SR), and dark respiration rate (DR), immediately after exposure, 24 h after the termination of exposure and at maturity (when the leaves had just started turning yellow), using a LICOR 6000 Portable Photosynthesis System. Chlorophyll-a (Ch-a), chlorophyll-b (Ch-b), total chlorophyll (tot-Ch) and leaf nitrogen were measured immediately after exposure and at maturity. Growth characteristics-relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), leaf area ratio (LAR) and root: shoot ratio (RSR)-were computed for treated plants. Net photosynthesis rate increased by 53% in 0.10 microl liter(-1) NO2 treated plants immediately after exposure compared to control plants. Dark respiration rates were also higher in treated plants. Ch-a, Ch-b and tot-Ch showed significant increases with 0.1 microl liter(-1) NO2 treatment immediately after exposure. Foliar nitrogen content showed an increase in treated plants both immediately after exposure and at maturity. Increases were also seen in RGR and NAR. Plant yield increased by 86% (number of pods), 29% (number of seeds) and 46% (weight of seeds), respectively. Nitrogen dioxide stimulated the overall plant growth and crop yield.  相似文献   

Sitka spruce trees, with and without the aphid Elatobium abietinum and/or drought treatment, were subjected to 25 nl litre(-1) of sulphur dioxide over a 2-month period. Aphids became three times as abundant on the fumigated trees if they were well watered and twice as abundant on trees from which water was withheld, compared with unfumigated controls. Growth parameters of the trees were little affected by pollution alone, but were substantially reduced by either aphids or drought. There was a significant interaction between SO(2) and aphids in a further reduction of both leader extension and root weight. Root weight was also reduced by 24% more than expected from the additive effects of the combined SO(2) and drought treatment.  相似文献   

A theoretical assessment of the effect of ionic strength on the thermodynamics and kinetics of sulphite ions in aqueous solution is made. It is concluded that in the range up to 0.1 M ionic strength substantial effects on the equilibria and reaction rates would be anticipated, especially at low pH, but the available experimental data are inadequate to confirm or to deny these possibilities.  相似文献   

Polytrichum formosum Hedw. was exposed to 60 nl litre(-1) (122.4 microm(-3)) NO2 for 37 weeks in a closed chamber fumigation system. This concentration was chosen to simulate roadside levels in rural areas. Over an initial winter period (October-January) growth of existing shoots was stimulated by NO2. When new growth was recorded in April and May, NO2 pollution over winter and spring had resulted in a 36% reduction in new (< 1 cm) shoot production, and a 46% reduction in old shoots showing new growth. It is concluded that plants of Polytrichum formosum Hedw. growing near to roads may be adversely affected by NO2 pollution. Adverse effects of NO2 on plants and possible synergistic effects with other pollutants could cause growth reductions in sensitive species, thus affecting species composition of roadside vegetation.  相似文献   

The Chinese Guger-Tree (Schima superba Gard et Champ var. superba) is an important harwood species in Taiwan where the ambient SO(2) concentration in some areas is high. Seedlings were raised in field chambers with and without SO(2) to determine whether this species is affected by this pollutant. After 4 weeks of exposure to 325 ppb of SO(2), the photosynthetic rate of seedlings decreased immediately. During the fumigation period, stem height growth was not inhibited, however, the stem diameter growth was reduced significantly. The dry weight of leaves was unchanged, while stem, root and total seedling weight were lower than those of control plants. Sulfhydryl groups in leaves increased by 75%, whereas they did not change in roots following SO(2) uptake. Superoxide dismutase in leaves did not change, however, peroxidase activity increased significantly. Results suggest that ambient SO(2) in some areas in Taiwan may affect the physiology and growth of the Chinese Guger-Tree.  相似文献   

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