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This is the first comprehensive study of sources of variation in metal concentrations within the whole tissues of a shallow burrowing, filter-feeding intertidal clam, Austrovenus stutchburyi. Samples were collected from 12 sites in April, August, November and February in 1993–1994 in the vicinity of Otago Harbour and Peninsula, New Zealand. Total tissue trace metal concentrations (μg g−1 dry weight) were measured in individual animals for the essential metals : Mn, Cu, Zn, Ni and the non-essential Cr using trace-metal clean acid-digestion and ICP-OAES techniques. Average metal concentrations were 3–60 μg g−1 for Cu, 40–118 μg g−1 for Zn, 2–12 μg g−1 for Mn, 5–35 μg g−1 for Ni and 1–44 μg g−1 for Cr. These levels decreased with body weight and differed amongst sites except for Cr in February (mid-summer). Highest concentrations occurred at sites close to a city (Dunedin) and within the central harbour region although the Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr concentrations did not correlate with the environmental gradient or season. At one coastal site, samples of both the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis and cockles gave similar trends in trace metal levels. These results suggest that the cockle could be a useful trace metal biomonitor within NZ estuaries.  相似文献   

Chaohu Lake is one of the five largest fresh lakes in China. Now it is one of the three most eutrophic lakes of China attracting more and more attention in the world-wide-concern. From Zhongmiao Temple to Qitouzui Cape, the lake is divided into two parts. The eutrophication state of the lake western part is more serious than that of the eastern part, mainly because the former is the final place of industrial and municipal wastewater from Hefei City, the capital of Anhui Province. Through six routine national sampling sites of the Western Chaohu Lake, we analyzed the yearly variation of eutrophication from 1984 to 2004, the monthly variation from 2001 to 2004 and the spatial distribution and variation of the six sampling sites in the year 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004 with Trophic State Index (TSI). The main reasons for Chaohu Lake eutrophication and the spatial and temporal variations of eutrophication in Western Chaohu Lake were discussed.  相似文献   

以2020年1月—2021年9月对流层观测仪(TROPOMI)卫星观测资料反演获取的对流层甲醛(HCHO)、二氧化氮(NO2)柱浓度数据为依据,采用统计方法分析了扬州市HCHO和NO2柱浓度的时空分布特征。结果表明,扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2平均柱浓度分别为903.01×1013, 633.77×1013mole/cm2;受太阳紫外辐射影响,HCHO柱浓度变化特征表现为6月最高、1月最低;受气象条件和人为排放强度影响,NO2则表现为1月最高、8月最低。2021年1—9月扬州市对流层HCHO、NO2柱浓度月均值同比2020年分别增长4.0%,40.6%。空间分布特征显示,扬州市对流层HCHO和NO2浓度高值区主要分布在扬州市南部,且浓度高值区域与重点排污企业分布情况较为一致,多为电力供热、工业锅炉、冶金、石化与化工、表面涂层等行业。相关性分析显示,对流层HCHO与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著正相关,而NO2与气温、臭氧浓度呈显著负相关。  相似文献   

Groundwater and water resources management plays a key role in conserving the sustainable conditions in arid and semi-arid regions. Applying management tools which can reveal the critical and hot conditions seems necessary due to some limitations such as labor and funding. In this study, spatial and temporal analysis of monthly groundwater level fluctuations of 39 piezometric wells monitored during 12 years was carried out. Geostatistics which has been introduced as a management and decision tool by many researchers has been applied to reveal the spatial and temporal structure of groundwater level fluctuation. Results showed that a strong spatial and temporal structure existed for groundwater level fluctuations due to very low nugget effects. Spatial analysis showed a strong structure of groundwater level drop across the study area and temporal analysis showed that groundwater level fluctuations have temporal structure. On average, the range of variograms for spatial and temporal analysis was about 9.7 km and 7.2 months, respectively. Ordinary and universal kriging methods with cross-validation were applied to assess the accuracy of the chosen variograms in estimation of the groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations for spatial and temporal scales, respectively. Results of ordinary and universal krigings revealed that groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations were underestimated by 3% and 6% for spatial and temporal analysis, respectively, which are very low and acceptable errors and support the unbiasedness hypothesis of kriging. Although, our results demonstrated that spatial structure was a little bit stronger than temporal structure, however, estimation of groundwater level drop and groundwater level fluctuations could be performed with low uncertainty in both space and time scales. Moreover, the results showed that kriging is a beneficial and capable tool for detecting those critical regions where need more attentions for sustainable use of groundwater. Regions in which were detected as critical areas need to be much more managed for using the current water resources efficiently. Conducting water harvesting systems especially in critical and hot areas in order to recharge the groundwater, and altering the current cropping pattern to another one that need less water requirement and applying modern irrigation techniques are highly recommended; otherwise, it is most likely that in a few years no more crop would be cultivated.  相似文献   

A combination of multivariate statistical methods including factor analysis, principal component analysis, principal component regression, and multiple linear regression (MLR) were employed to evaluate the influence of seasons on the concentrations of ozone, sulfur (IV) oxide, and oxides of nitrogen in ambient air of Nigerian cities of Lagos and Ilorin. The former city is located in the coastal area, and it is highly congested with a high intensity of marine, vehicular, and industrial activities, and the latter city is a medium size town, located in the central guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. Samples were collected using a high-volume sampler from near the ground at various sites of diverse human and industrial activities, during wet and dry seasons from 2003 to 2006. The PCA reveals three distinct groupings during the day for all data, which is a reflection of different factors contributing to the atmospheric chemistry of these cities. The predicted ozone concentration values by MLR agree fairly well with the measured data. The dependence of ozone on meteorological parameters including relative humidity, air temperature, and sun exposure and the precursor pollutants depends on weather and the anthropogenic activities. The results for the two cities indicate that reduction in the level of NO2 is accompanied by an increase in the level of ozone, suggesting the interconversion between the two via photochemical activity.  相似文献   

丹江口水库流域氮素时空分布特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为全面了解丹江口水库流域氮素污染状况,对库区26个点位及10条主要入库河流入库口处的表层水样进行了丰水期、平水期、枯水期采样与监测,探讨了氮素时空分布特征。入库口总氮检出范围为1.31~10.96 mg/L,其中泗河和神定河入库口总氮最高。总氮为库区水质主要限制因子,年均总氮质量浓度为1.13~2.71 mg/L;汉江库区整体上总氮污染水平略高于丹江库区,且与丹江库区相比,汉江库区受点源排放的影响较大。10条入库河流总氮的总年均输入量为63 347.31 t/a,其中汉江的总氮输入量最大;入库河流总氮控制的关键在于溶解性有机氮和硝酸盐氮的控制。  相似文献   

The present study deals with the characterisation and interpretation of hourly taken maximum ozone concentrations of each day at various high altitude monitoring sites in Germany and contributes to the understanding of ozone transport processes. The relation between long range transport of ozone as well as its precursors and high ozone concentrations is of special interest. Aim of this paper is to investigate the influence and importance of large scale meteorological circulation and source regions of anthropogenic ozone precursors to local ozone concentrations using 2-dimensional backward trajectories. Further, reasons for the spatial and temporal variation of ozone concentration levels will be shown. Investigating numerous cases a similar origin of air masses causing high ozone concentrations in Germany and uniform patterns at various sites could be identified.  相似文献   

Measurement of nitrogen dioxide using passivediffusion tube over 22 months in Cambridge, U.K. areanalysed as a function of sampler exposure time, andcompared with NO2 concentrations obtained from aco-located chemiluminescence analyser. The averageratios of passive sampler to analyser NO2 at acity centre site (mean NO2 concentration 22 ppb)are 1.27 (n = 22), 1.16 (n = 34) and 1.11 (n = 7) forexposures of 1, 2 and 4-weeks, respectively. Modellingthe generation of extra NO2 arising from chemicalreaction between co-diffusing NO and O3 in thetube gave a ratio (modelled/measured) of 1.31 for1-week exposures. Such overestimation is greatest whenNO2 constitutes, on average, about half of totalNOx (= NO + NO2) at the monitoring locality.Although 4-week exposures gave concentrations whichwere not significantly different from analyserNO2, there was no correlation between thedatasets. At both the city-centre site and anothersemi-rural site (mean NO2 concentration 11 ppb)the average of the aggregate of four consecutive1-week sampler exposures or of two consecutive 2-weeksampler exposures was systematically greater than fora single 4-week exposure.The results indicate two independent and opposingsystematic biases in measurement of NO2 bypassive diffusion sampler: an exposure-timeindependent chemical overestimation with magnitudedetermined by local relative concentrations of NO andO3 to NO2, and an exposure-time dependentreduction in sampling efficiency. The impact of theseand other potential sources of systematic bias on theapplication of passive diffusion tubes for assessingambient concentrations of NO2 in short (1-week)or long (4-week) exposures are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

随着卫星遥感技术的发展,城市内部的二氧化碳柱浓度(XCO2)时空特征逐渐能够被识别。本研究基于轨道碳观测卫星(OCO-3)快拍(SAM)模式XCO2观测数据,探讨了上海市2020—2022年XCO2的时空分布特征以及该数据对于火电厂CO2烟羽信号来源识别的能力。结果表明,上海市XCO2呈现春季>冬季>夏季的特征,上海市XCO2年均值为418.3×10-6,高于华东地区的年平均值。从XCO2空间分布差异来看,中部和东北部是上海冬季XCO2的高值区域,这主要是由于城市中部人口密集,北部沿江区域大型电厂较为集中,在冬季盛行风西北风的作用下,CO2被传输至东部沿江多个行政区域。此外,结合近地面风场、CO2人为排放清单、电厂点源信息、对流层监测仪器(TROPOMI)卫星观测数据等,证实了OCO-3快拍模式具有探测到重点点源信号的能力。  相似文献   

通过对2014—2016年湖体水质中氮素质量浓度分析,结合出入湖总氮浓度、水量、湖体水生生态等影响因素,发现太湖水体中总氮浓度呈现逐年下降的趋势,各监测点位总氮为0.530 mg/L~5.51 mg/L,时空分布不均,差异明显。时间上,总氮浓度表现为春季最高,夏季和秋季最低,且月均值变化曲线呈现出规律的正弦函数波形。空间上,总氮浓度大致表现出由西部湖区向东部湖区递减的趋势,呈现西部湖区﹥北部湖区﹥南部湖区﹥湖心区﹥东部湖区。要改善湖体水质,不仅要切断污染源,而且要加强水生生态功能修复。  相似文献   

The variability of pollutants is an important factor in determining human exposure to the chemicals. This study presents the result of investigation of variability of Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in urban area of Delhi, capital of India. Fifteen locations, in five categories namely residential, commercial, industrial, traffic intersections and petrol pump were monitored for one year every month during peak hours in morning and evening. Measurement focused on target VOCs as defined by USEPA. Variability was divided into measurement, spatial, temporal and temporal–spatial interaction components. Temporal component along with temporal–spatial interaction were found to be the major contributors to the variability of measured VOC concentrations. Need of continuous monitoring to capture short–term peak concentration and averages is evident.  相似文献   

利用2000—2009乌鲁木齐市不同功能区域大气降尘通量数据,建立因子分析模型,研究了乌鲁木齐市冬季大气降尘的来源与时空变化特征。结果表明,乌鲁木齐市冬季大气降尘的主要来源为燃煤烟尘、工业粉尘、交通道路尘。工业区、交通干线和居住区为全市冬季大气降尘量较大的区域。主城区冬季大气降尘通量呈下降趋势,主要与工业排放和采暖燃煤对大气降尘的贡献减少及相关大气污染控制取得实效有关。交通道路区域的降尘通量呈波动状态,变化较小。清洁点降尘通量前5年保持稳定,而后5年受到人为活动的影响,呈显著增加趋势。  相似文献   

Mink (Mustela vison) carcasses were collected from local commercial trappers from fall 1998 to spring 2003 from tributaries and marshes within 4.8km from the shores of Lakes Erie and St. Clair, including the Wheatley Harbour and St. Clair River Areas of Concern (AOCs), as well as from inland sites (8 to 40km from shore). Liver concentrations, on a lipid weight basis, of chlorinated hydrocarbons were measured and compared among sites and to tissue concentrations of mink from two previous collections from similar sites over the past 25 years. Mink from the western Lake Erie sites, which included the Wheatley Harbour AOC, had significantly higher concentrations of sum PCBs and PCB Aroclors than those from the St. Clair corridor or inland sites, with concentrations from the rest of Lake Erie being intermediate. Dieldrin concentrations were also significantly higher in western Lake Erie than many other sites, and those of oxychlordane and mirex also tended to be higher (0.05 < p < 0.1). There were no differences in contaminant concentrations between the St. Clair River AOC and the downstream non-AOC Lake St. Clair site, with the exception of slightly higher levels of octachlorostyrene (OCS). Concentrations of PCBs and other chlorinated hydrocarbons in mink showed a general decrease over the past two decades. In contrast, PCBs and some organochlorine pesticides tended to increase, significantly so with oxychlordane, in western Lake Erie mink over the same time period. DDE declined at all sites. Currently, mink liver PCB concentrations are within the range associated with reproductive impairment, as determined from captive mink studies, in 11.7% of all animals collected from the Lakes Erie and St. Clair basin overall, but in almost 40% of individuals from western Lake Erie.  相似文献   

为了厘清改革开放以来忻州市各类生态系统及生态系统格局的时空特征,使用忻州全市1980、2000、2018年的土地利用和覆盖(LULC)二级分类数据,经过土地转移矩阵和景观格局指数计算,探讨分析了忻州市改革开放以来近40年的LULC及格局的长时间序列时空变化特征,以揭示忻州市的生态环境变化态势。研究区近40年来以城镇用地和其他建设用地增加为主,其他各类减少,城镇化和人口增长带来的土地和生态压力主要集中在草地、耕地以及湿地上;其中2000—2018年的变化更剧烈,人类活动对自然的干扰加剧,但同时在这一阶段已经开始了森林、湿地的保护,开展经济发展与生态文明同步建设。  相似文献   

于2018年冬季在广州城区磨碟沙站点开展细颗粒物(PM2.5)样品采集,并获得PM2.5中水溶性离子、含碳组分、稳定碳氮同位素的组成及时间变化特征,重点讨论了PM2.5浓度升高时段的化学组成特征变化,进而利用稳定碳氮同位素变化特征探究了主要污染来源。结果表明:采样期间,研究站点PM2.5平均质量浓度为22.1μg/m3,共出现两个PM2.5浓度水平升高时段,所对应的平均质量浓度分别达46.0μg/m3和63.0μg/m3。风速降低、温度升高等不利气象条件是导致上述时段PM2.5浓度上升的重要原因。在上述时段,伴随着PM2.5浓度的升高,NO-3和NH+4浓度均出现显著升高,NO-3与SO2-4的摩...  相似文献   

香溪河库湾氮的时空分布及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究解决香溪河库湾水体富营养化问题,需探明库湾水体氮的时空分布及影响因子。2010年12月—2011年11月对香溪河与水库干流交界处至香溪河库湾尾部共12个采样点进行连续监测,分析香溪河库湾氮的时空分布,结果表明,香溪河库湾氮存在明显的时空分布规律。空间上,回水末端处TN和NO3--N浓度低,河口处浓度高,随着与回水末端距离的增加,浓度逐渐升高。在时间上,香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度的变异系数随着与河口距离的增加总体上逐渐增大,研究时间内的变化程度逐渐变大;且香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度在三峡水库不同运行阶段的时间变化规律不同。  相似文献   

再生水补给下城市景观水体沉积物氮污染特征与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取昆明翠湖不同功能区表层沉积物,分析其氮的赋存形态与质量比分布特征,探讨上覆水、间隙水与沉积物各指标间的响应关系及污染现状分析评价。结果表明:翠湖表层沉积物总氮(TN)质量比为564 mg/kg~4 602 mg/kg,且沿水流方向增大;可转化态氮(TTN)含量变化差异性较小,以强氧化剂可提取态氮(SOEF-N)和强碱可提取态氮(SAEF-N)为主;上覆水溶解氧(DO)、氧化还原电位(ORP)、p H值、TN和间隙水p H值、氮盐、COD及沉积物氮赋存形态对翠湖表层沉积物中各形态氮的含量分布与变化存在响应关系。  相似文献   

在中国华北地区,二氧化氮污染仍旧不容忽视,尤其是在机动车辆密集和工业生产相对集中的京津冀城市群。运用小波分解(WD)和长短期记忆(LSTM)神经网络建立了W-LSTM组合模型,用于预测未来京津冀地区二氧化氮日均浓度和分指数。使用2014年1月—2018年5月主要大气污染物数据对组合预测模型进行训练试验,在获得最优模型参数后,使用2018年6月—2019年6月数据进行模型预测性能测试试验。结果表明,相较于传统的LSTM预测模型,W-LSTM组合预测模型具有更好的预测性能,预测结果的平均绝对百分误差为9.21%。在此基础上,使用最优预测模型对京津冀城市群2019年7月—2020年12月二氧化氮日均浓度进行了预测,并描绘了时空分布图用以表征其时空变化特征。  相似文献   

选取2014—2018年广东省21个城市的空气质量指数(AQI)以及PM2.5、PM10、CO、NO2、O3、SO2的浓度数据,利用重心模型和空间自相关模型,对广东省的空气质量和各污染物的浓度水平进行时空特征分析,同时,利用空间计量分析模型分析社会经济特征变量对环境空气质量空间特征的影响.结果表明:2014—2018年...  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to investigate seasonal and spatial variations of PM10 (particulate matter with aerodynamic diameter less than or equal to 10 μm) and TSP (total suspended particulate matter) of an Indian Metropolis with high pollution and population density from November 2003 to November 2004. Ambient concentration measurements of PM10 and TSP were carried out at two monitoring sites of an urban region of Kolkata. Monitoring sites have been selected based on the dominant activities of the area. Meteorological parameters such as wind speed, wind direction, rainfall, temperature and relative humidity were also collected simultaneously during the sampling period from Indian Meteorological Department, Kolkata. The 24 h average concentrations of PM10 and TSP were found in the range 68.2–280.6 μg/m3 and 139.3–580.3 μg/m3 for residential (Kasba) area, while 62.4–401.2 μg/m3 and 125.7–732.1 μg/m3 for industrial (Cossipore) area, respectively. Winter concentrations of particulate pollutants were higher than other seasons, irrespective of the monitoring sites. It indicates a longer residence time of particulates in the atmosphere during winter due to low winds and low mixing height. Spread of air pollution sources and non-uniform mixing conditions in an urban area often result in spatial variation of pollutant concentrations. The higher particulate pollution at industrial area may be attributed due to resuspension of road dust, soil dust, automobile traffic and nearby industrial emissions. Particle size analysis result shows that PM10 is about 52% of TSP at residential area and 54% at industrial area.  相似文献   

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