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随着化学品安全生产、职业与消费者健康和环境安全等相关问题的不断暴露,发达国家或地区近年来纷纷通过更新法规或出台新法规的形式强化了化学品管理力度。作为管理经验丰富和技术领先的代表,欧盟、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国和澳大利亚构建了涵盖多种化学品、全生命周期的化学品管理法规体系,确立了行之有效的管理制度——危害分类、标签及名录管理制度、暴露评估与风险评价制度、化学品优先测试评估制度、有害物质的职业卫生管理制度、污染物排放与转移登记制度、事故应急响应制度、公众知情和利益相关者参与制度。鉴于我国缺少化学品管理专项法规,化学品管理仍侧重末端污染控制,现有化学物质管理等法规不足或短缺,本文借鉴发达国家的先进经验,提出完善我国化学品管理法规体系的建议:①树立化学品风险源头管控理念,构建"无数据,无市场"的市场准入制度。②完善化学品管理上位法,明确化学品管理基本制度。③构建以环境和健康风险管理为导向的现有化学物质管理条例或规章。在此基础上,从5个方面深入分析我国具体化学品管理制度的不足并提出建议。  相似文献   

虚拟治理成本法在大气污染环境损害量化评估中应用较为广泛。以某化学品泄漏案为研究对象,采用《大气环境损害鉴定评估技术方法》对环境损害价值进行量化评估,以此提出该技术方法在实际案例应用中存在的不足及建议,为我国大气环境损害鉴定评估技术体系的完善提供参考。  相似文献   

我国土壤环境管理政策制度分析及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国土壤环境修复属于政策驱动型产业,完善政策制度和标准体系对推动我国土壤修复健康发展、保障土壤环境安全具有重要意义。本文从国家和地方两个层面,系统分析了我国当前已经发布的土壤污染防治相关环境管理政策法规和技术标准现状、内容特点及其在推进土壤环境管理过程中发挥的作用,总结归纳出国家层面环境管理文件和地方层面制度建设的不同特点。针对国家层面和地方层面环境管理文件的不同特点,结合"十三五"国家土壤污染防治行动计划体现的土壤环境管理总体思路和任务要求,借鉴国际土壤污染防治制度建设经验,提出"十三五"时期我国土壤污染防治政策制度和标准体系建设的主要方向,即"一中心、三方向",包括基于风险管理的分级分类核心思想,重点提高政策制度操作性、提高技术标准的精细化和针对性、提高关键环境管理的有效性三个主要方向。  相似文献   

环境损害鉴定评估领域难点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,随着原环境保护部《关于开展环境污染损害鉴定评估工作的若干意见》以及中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅《生态环境损害赔偿制度改革方案》的陆续发布,环境损害鉴定评估已经成为环境科学、技术经济、环境法、环境经济等相关学科领域的研究热点。本文对环境损害鉴定评估的环境损害调查、环境损害基线确定、环境损害因果关系判定、环境价值评估等所面临的难点进行了探讨,提出了初步解决思路,以期为环境损害鉴定评估的政策制定者和鉴定评估人员提供参考。  相似文献   

全国环境安全督察全面展开 为坚决遏制环境事件的高发态势,环保部近日召开全国环境安全督察行动动员会,对辽宁、浙江、福建、广西等省的督察组部署环境安全督察工作。要求各省督察组对各地环境安全大检查的组织部署情况、饮用水水源地和水厂、化工行业尤其是重金属生产经营企业、危险化学品生产经营、运输单位及尾矿库等重点行业和领域环境安全情况进行督察。  相似文献   

通过对环境保护部出台的《重点环境管理危险化学品环境风险评估报告编制指南(试行)》和《企业突发环境事件风险评估指南(试行)》中两种环境风险等级评估方法原理、评估程序、评估重点、指标设置、分级原则的比较,并结合案例,进一步分析了两套评估方法对企业日常环境风险分级管理的作用。经比较分析后,两套评估方法在石油石化行业应用时,方法原理和评估目的一致,但因指标侧重不同,导致评估结果有一定的差异,突发环境事件风险评估工作量大,却难以实现石油石化企业环境风险分级管理的目的,危化品环境风险评估过程更具指导性,但危化品名录的局限导致评估不能覆盖突发环境风险的物质,据此提出了两套方法融合后开展日常环境风险评估的建议。  相似文献   

环境影响评价(以下简称“环评”)制度作为生态环境源头预防的重要手段,有力支撑生态文明建设、推进生态环境治理能力现代化。当前,我国已建立了包括生态环境分区管控,项目环评、规划环评,以及区域发展战略(政策)评估的环评体系和排污许可管理制度体系,但是全链条环评管理在制度联动、衔接融合和管理闭环等方面仍存在薄弱环节。为进一步健全生态环境源头预防制度体系,须加快构建功能定位明确、责任边界清晰、衔接关系顺畅的全链条环评体系;建立生态环境分区管控与环评管理、排污许可等制度之间“四联动、三融合、两闭环”的基本模式。建议进一步完善全链条管理制度顶层设计,推动重点领域科技攻关,深化政策创新试点,强化能力建设,为推进美丽中国建设提供支撑保障。  相似文献   

国家“十四五”环境经济政策改革路线图   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
"十三五"时期环境经济政策对建立我国生态文明建设长效机制发挥了重要作用,"十四五"时期需要通过进一步深化环境经济政策改革与创新以适应新时代生态文明建设需要。本文研究提出了我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革思路、框架与重点,认为我国"十四五"时期环境经济政策改革要深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,系统考虑政策改革创新面临的新形势和新要求,推进建立"两山"转化和环境质量达标的长效激励机制,突出环境质量持续改善激励、突出经济过程全链条调控,突出政策手段的系统优化与协同增效,突出政策执行能力保障。继续推进生态环境财政制度改革,深化绿色价格税费机制创新,推进建立多元化、市场化生态补偿制度,健全生态环境权益交易机制,完善绿色金融体系,并同步推进完善生态环境价值核算、环境信息公开和信用体系、资源环境名录、政策绩效评估等政策实施配套能力建设,构建全面支撑生态文明建设的环境经济政策体系,推进环境治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的千年大计。近年来,为加强我国生态文明建设,国家层面制定了一系列生态文明建设试点政策,发挥了对全局性改革的示范、突破和带动作用,但也存在部分试点政策执行进展偏慢、效果不如预期等问题,亟待进行系统评估。本研究基于政策过程理论,从政策制定与政策执行两个维度遴选26项评估指标,通过定量分析与定性分析相结合,对我国的生态文明试点政策体系(共9大类、53项)进行系统评估。研究发现:(1)政策目标有待完善,考核机制尚需健全;(2)改革任务交叉重复且分工不明,存在部门利益导向;(3)试点的空间、类型分布不均衡,试点选择科学性不足;(4)立法、市场、社会参与等管理手段有待进一步完善。在此基础上,本研究从目标设置、任务优化、试点布局以及管理机制运用等四个方面提出了若干对策建议,以期对完善我国生态文明建设制度体系提供决策参考。  相似文献   

在我国可持续发展战略中,推进多元化的生态文明建设必不可少,浙江省开展的"五水共治"成为推进水生态文明建设的新模式。当前行政处罚为主、司法保护为辅的制度是我国落实环境保护的基调,但其缺乏前瞻性、科学性、长效性,并且打击力度不够,且此类弊端频发。因此,以司法手段介入加强环境保护尤其是落实推进浙江省的"五水共治"迫在眉睫。司法职能的提高、"五水共治"相关案件的审理、环境公益诉讼制度的作用、环境司法专门化试点的突破创新,从司法保障机制的角度解决了"五水共治"相关问题。  相似文献   

以中央在沪企业为例,基于危险化学品内河运输码头的调查,简要介绍了央企环境保护存在属地化管理的问题;通过中央企业环境规划和管理与属地政府环保政策和机制之间关系的分析,分别提出中央企业及属地政府应当采取的措施和建议,包括融入当地安全环保体系,参与属地的安全环境法规和应急预案编程,修改企业的相关安全环境应急预案等央企对策,以及推进危化品现代物流标准化建设,健全安全和环境主动协调机制和实施安全和生态沟通会商机制等政府建议。  相似文献   

近年来我国危险化学品环境污染事故频发,如何及时有效地对污染物进行应急控制及消除显得尤为重要。本文基于事件树分析法原理,根据危险化学品理化性质及其环境污染事故的特征,从污染物种类、污染介质和污染物性质三个方面归纳出危险化学品环境污染事故的42种事故情形,给出每种污染事故情形所对应的处理处置技术方案,构建危险化学品环境污染事故应急处理处置技术树。基于Web服务器Apache、PHP语言和MySQL数据库管理系统开发,建立了危险化学品环境污染事故应急处理处置技术库,实现对技术方案方便快速地查询。  相似文献   

The debate concerning the environmental effectiveness of environmental management systems (EMS) based on ISO 14001 is still open and scholars have called for further studies that can explain the contrasting evidence in previous research. As a response, this study aims to contribute knowledge about the effects of ISO 14001-based EMS by presenting fact-based environmental data. The study focuses on changes in performance over a period of 12 years and includes both firms with an EMS (66 firms) and firms without one (50 firms). Consideration is given to the improvement efforts in the firms before EMS adoption making it possible to neutralize any selection effects where better environmental performance precedes ISO 14001 adoption. Analysis has been carried out using statistical methods for six different environmental areas. No statistically significant differences between certified and non-certified firms concerning the change in the rate of improvement could be found in any of the six areas. However, it can be suspected that EMS adoption has positive effects on energy use and waste production whereas the non-adopting firms seem to perform better concerning air emissions. These mixed results mirrors previous research, which is rather worrying considering the worldwide popularity of EMS based on ISO 14001 in industry.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure limits (OELs) developed by authorities play a key role in the implementation of programs to protect workers against hazardous chemicals. Unfortunately, many hazardous substances do not have OELs or the OEL could be outdated. To assure the health of the workers, it is therefore useful for companies to develop corporate OELs. An inhouse strategy will be presented hereafter. Expertise in toxicology, industrial hygiene, and occupational health should be available within the company and clear selection criteria for substances are needed. A corporate OEL is only developed for hazardous substances (e.g., carcinogenic or reprotoxic) with a high potential for worker exposure when an appropriate national OEL or threshold limit value is not available. The methodology to calculate corporate OELs is based on the existing methods for national or community OELs and also on the guidance from the European Union's (EU) regulation on the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). For carcinogenic substances with a nonthreshold mode of action, there is always a residual chance that a cancer develops even when the exposure of workers is low. To establish an OEL for these substances, the “German traffic light model” is recommended. It is pragmatic, defines an unacceptable, tolerable, and acceptable risk level when workers are exposed to these substances, and determines risk management for exposure reduction. Overall, the professional practice to develop OELs is a good example of corporate leadership to proactively protect the health of workers.  相似文献   

Foreign-owned industry in the form of assembly plants, termed maquiladora, has become very important in Mexico to the extent that it represents the second largest source of foreign exchange and is a valuable source for employment and regional development. The economic prosperity gained from the rapid growth of the maquiladora industry has been accompanied by increased environmental and human health risks associated with generation of hazardous waste. Diversification of industry has resulted in the predomination of those sectors that likely use hazardous substances. The Mexicali-Calexico border region was selected to demonstrate the potential for environmental and health risks associated with the generation of hazardous waste. Estimates for the generation of hazardous waste were obtained from 34 maquiladora plants in Mexicali, represented by the electronic and electrical equipment and parts, mechanical and transportation equipment, and toys and sporting equipment sectors. Repeated detection of volatile organic compounds in the New River at the US-Mexico border suggests that hazardous waste from the printed circuit board industry in Mexicali is not being disposed of in a proper manner. Potential adverse health effects, such as carcinogenic and mutagenic responses associated with the detected volatiles, are discussed. US and Mexico national legislation and the Binational Environmental Agreement were examined for their adequacy to ensure proper management of hazardous waste generated by the maquiladora industry. Environmental policy options are presented that focus on: (1) increased environmental accountability of US parent companies for their maquiladora assembly plants in Mexico; and (2) more integration between US Customs and border states with the US Environmental Protection Agency to improve the binational management of hazardous waste generated by the maquiladora industry.  相似文献   

政府在环保产业发展中的地位和作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
环保产业是保护环境,实施可持续发展战略的重要物质基础和技术保障,是我国未来的投资重点以及最具潜力的经济增长点之一.根据目前我国环保产业发展的现状,深入剖析了我国环保产业发展中存在的问题及其影响因素,提出了政府作为环保市场的重要主体,应在加快环境法律制度创新、环境科技体制改革、促进产业管理的规范化和投资的多元化以及环保企业的集团化方面充分发挥其主导作用.  相似文献   

The ISO 14001 implementation process among certified firms in China was examined by conducting a questionnaire survey distributed to all certified firms as of December 1998. Results showed that the ISO 14001-based environmental management system (EMS) has a significant effect on firms' daily environmental activities and performance. Recycling, natural resource consumption and released pollutants have been managed in a better way and, in some cases, pollutants have been reduced. The study showed that firms' main targets for adopting the system were to: enhance the firm's public image; enhance employees' environmental awareness; improve the EMS inside the firm; improve the environmental aspects and performance inside the firm; and improve relations with government offices and local citizens. ISO 1400-based EMS implementation showed that it is a promising tool for helping build a better partnership between three main stakeholders, government, local citizens and enterprises. The system has enabled firms to consider the role of the local people in a more effective way. For example, special consideration is given to involving local citizens in health and emergency preparedness during firms' daily environmental activities. Moreover, enhancing environmental awareness among the local citizens and giving more consideration to co-operation with other firms from the same industrial groups are reported by certified firms. Finally, there are strong demands for government support to build more reliable information systems, ISO 14001-related research, more incentives for eco-labelling and tax exemptions.  相似文献   

化学危险品环境风险评价实例   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以某化学公司二期项目为例,对化学危险品环境风险评价的内容和方法进行了探讨.  相似文献   

欧盟环境产业起步较早,目前已经有较成熟的体系与统计方法。本文对比我国环境产业统计的现状,剖析了欧盟环境产业统计方法的优点。建议我国应迅速出台既满足国际化要求,又合乎我国环境产业实际情况的环境产业定义;完善统计法律规章实现统计问责;建立环境统计电子数据库;公开政府预算信息;并鼓励政府部门、产业协会、研究机构和企业多方合作进行统计以实现对我国环境产业的战略指导。  相似文献   

Environmental Information Services Inc. (EIS) publishes detailed reports and offers custom research related to the full spectrum of environmental issues facing corporations. This article highlights several key sections from EIS's new 1997 Chemical Industry Report. It details the environmental performance, policies, and expenditures of the largest companies in the chemical industry. EIS industry reports contain data on five key performance criteria—toxic waste management, hazardous waste generation, penalties, spills, and Superfund sites. Here we examine one of those—penalties—and the policies of three of the largest companies in the chemical industry. In the full report, which can be obtained from EIS, 15 corporations are analyzed based on all the performance criteria.  相似文献   

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