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《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施二十年以来,生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评等制度共同筑牢了生态环境准入的防线,但也出现了管理边界不清晰、管理成效体现不足、制度联动机制保障不健全等问题,本文通过剖析典型规划中生态环境分区管控、规划环评、项目环评三项制度各自发挥的作用,调研部分地区管理实践,提出优化生态环境准入制度的对策建议:一是生态环境分区管控应发挥宏观引领和维护国家生态环境稳定的作用,与国民经济社会发展规划、生态环境保护规划等指导性规划同步研究、同期发布;二是规划环评应进一步筑牢“承上启下”的核心作用,上收部分规划环评的审查权限,提升规划环评文件质量,强化环评要求落实情况监督;三是项目环评应在生态环境准入制度体系中进一步优化简化,对环境影响可控、环保措施成熟的建设项目,可推动项目环评和排污许可两证合一,进一步强化建设主体的责任意识,通过制度整合发挥管理效能。  相似文献   

公路工程属易产生重大不良环境影响、易发生重大变动的建设项目,但由于重大变动判定标准不清晰、重新报批环评的时间节点不统一、变更环评文件形式和内容不规范等问题,导致环评违法违规现象频发,变更环评制度管理效能难以有效发挥。根据公路建设项目重大变动有关定义,结合环境影响评价技术导则、环境影响评价审批原则、公路建设项目工程特性,及调查和分析四川省公路建设项目环境影响重大变动重新报批情况,对公路建设项目环境影响重大变动环评要点进行归纳和总结,在一定程度上有利于环境影响评价制度的完善,可为公路建设项目重大变动环境影响评价文件的编制和审批提供思路。  相似文献   

政策环评对决策科学化和民主化具有重要意义,我国2014年修订的《环境保护法》也为开展政策环评提供了一定法律依据。然而,由于我国政治体制和决策模式与西方国家明显不同,政策环评不能照搬国外模式,必须基于自身国情探索中国模式。为此,本文对国际上比较有代表性的政策环评实践进行了总结,对我国开展政策环评的必要性进行了分析,并探讨了我国开展政策环评需要考虑的关键问题,包括政策环评的目的、对象、重点和程序等。具体而言,对于实施政策环评的目的,可表述为健全决策机制、促进环境公平和凝聚社会共识三个方面;对于评价对象,在广义上可包含目前环境影响评价法尚未覆盖的所有高层次决策,在狭义上可将政府部门制定的行政法规、规章和规范性文件等作为重点;对于评价重点,建议整合"以影响为核心"的战略环评和"以制度为核心"的战略环评两种类型的优点,兼顾影响评价和制度评价;对于评价程序,政策环评应基于完全理性决策模式,与政策过程充分融合,在不同阶段分别发挥不同作用。  相似文献   

正中国环境保护产业协会环境影响评价行业分会(以下简称中环评分会)2014年会员代表大会日前在西安隆重召开。环境保护部环评司、中国环境保护产业协会、中环评分会、陕西省环保厅相关负责人以及环评分会会员单位的代表出席了会议。大会以环评公众参与为主题,对美国、日韩、中国以及中国台湾地区、香港地区环评公众参与及信息公开制度情况及案例进行了研讨交流,通过案例交流我国环评公众参与实践经验,分析目前存在的问题和挑战,比  相似文献   

环境影响评价(以下简称“环评”)制度作为生态环境源头预防的重要手段,有力支撑生态文明建设、推进生态环境治理能力现代化。当前,我国已建立了包括生态环境分区管控,项目环评、规划环评,以及区域发展战略(政策)评估的环评体系和排污许可管理制度体系,但是全链条环评管理在制度联动、衔接融合和管理闭环等方面仍存在薄弱环节。为进一步健全生态环境源头预防制度体系,须加快构建功能定位明确、责任边界清晰、衔接关系顺畅的全链条环评体系;建立生态环境分区管控与环评管理、排污许可等制度之间“四联动、三融合、两闭环”的基本模式。建议进一步完善全链条管理制度顶层设计,推动重点领域科技攻关,深化政策创新试点,强化能力建设,为推进美丽中国建设提供支撑保障。  相似文献   

中国环评制度的发展历程及展望   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
环评制度作为中国知名度最高的环境管理手段之一,在环保工作中发挥了重要作用,但近年来也暴露出众多问题,广为社会关注。特别是十八大以来,关于环评改革的呼声日益高涨。本文系统回顾了环境影响评价制度在中国的发展历程,以环评重大事件为分水岭,首次将环评发展历程划分为成长期、发展期、壮大期和问题高发期。以此为基础,总结了当前环评制度的主要问题,并剖析了其深层次原因,包括制度设计失当、体系运行失效、公众意识觉醒等,最后针对这些问题为环评制度的优化与发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

《生态文明体制改革总体方案》提出要编制统一的空间规划,空间规划的提出是升级现行规划制度,用制度保护生态环境的体现。规划环评作为一项政策评价工具,可以引导和约束规划决策的生态性和可持续性。现行规划环评制度无论是在评价对象上,还是在功能、层次、内容、程序和强制性上,都已经无法满足规划制度的未来发展需求。因此,本文提出应同步升级规划环评制度,以响应规划制度改革的发展需求。在此基础上,本文重点分析了升级规划环评制度的六个要点:促进形成不同规划环评之间的制度合力,加强规划环评与项目环评的联动与互动,强调三级规划环评之间的衔接,落实规划环评制度与规划制度的协同,注重多元主体参与式的规划环评架构建设以及提升规划环评制度的严肃性和强制性。  相似文献   

环境影响评价制度改革应着力回归环评本质   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
环评倍受关注,主要因为其作为环保部门的最大权力,不仅没有起到预防污染发生的作用,反而成了一些不正当利益输送的通道。本文从回顾环评在中国的发展历程和剖析环保部门、建设单位或规划编制机关、环评机构在环评中的相互关系入手,试图回答“作为环保部门最大权力为什么预防不住环境污染”的问题。研究认为,应以促进环评回归其本质作为环评制度改革的目标,按“环评脱钩→环评审批→环境违法严惩→维护公众环境权益”优先顺序,全面推进环评制度改革;环评脱钩是环评制度改革的切入点或起点;环评制度改革须抓住“如何防止环评及干预环评的任性权力”这一关键点,即环评制度改革的“牛鼻子”应是环评审批;以信息公开、社会监督确保事中有效监督,确保公众环境权益、强化污染者的损害担责,倒逼环评回归其本质;以法治和社会监督防止环评及干预环评的权力任性。  相似文献   

我国行将制定的《环境影响评价法》将力图突破环境法的范畴,将其发展为实施可持续发展战略的基本制度,进一步推动我国立法和政府决策的民主化和科学化,这种对立法和政府决策进行环境影响评价的做法又称为“战略环评”,本文拟就战略环评的可行性,必要性和制度设计作出分析。  相似文献   

鉴于目前有的环评文件中施工期环保措施存在针对性不强的问题,将绿色施工中的环保措施引入环评文件,对于提高环评文件环保措施针对性与先进性有益。据此,整理了目前我国及北京市绿色施工相关技术规范,梳理得到99条环保措施,并从施工环境管理、大气、噪声、水、固体废物、土壤污染防治、生态环境保护等7个方面进行了总结,提炼出可供环评参考的环保措施。  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years, Environmental Assessment systems of transitional societies of Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia have undergone dramatic change from appraisals integrated into centrally planned economies to formal procedures aimed to ensure interdisciplinary analysis of environmental impacts and linked to publicly accountable decision-making. In most Central European nations, EA systems have been radically reformed to approximate the procedures used in developed countries, particularly in the European Union. In contrast, EA in most of the former Soviet republics has been reformed more gradually and is still based on the so-called State Environmental Review procedure inherited from the USSR and substantially different from 'Western' EA. About one-third of the transitional countries (in the Balkans, the Caucasus and Central Asia) have, so far, failed to establish functioning EA systems. Throughout the region, there has been a gap between EA legislation and practice, especially concerning interdisciplinary analysis of environmental impacts, public participation, and utilisation of EA findings in decision-making. A key driving force in the reform of EA systems has been the change in their societal context, the so-called 'process of transition'. Three main policy agendas--environmental protection, reforms of decision-making, and conforming to international requirements--along with the institutional context of EA regulations and practice have influenced both the change of EA systems over time and the regional variations in the patterns of their evolution. This study suggests that an effective reform of an EA system should be context-sensitive, or be 'in gear' with the political and economic transition. Future EA research should consider their changing societal contexts and focused on practical effects of applying EA procedures.  相似文献   

This paper examines how strategic environmental assessment has been practiced at the national level in China through 2005 and why it has been practiced in the manner observed. Based on literature reviews and interviews carried out in 2005 and 2006, we find that bureaucratic politics between environmental and nonenvironmental ministries has limited the legislation and implementation of strategic environmental assessment to environmental assessment (EA) for a set of government plans defined in the 2003 Environmental Impact Assessment Law. Interviewees from environmental and nonenvironmental ministries and key research institutes have reported that few planning EAs have been performed at the sectoral level. Nonenvironmental ministries have either evaded the 2003 Environmental Impact Assessment Law and have not undertaken required planning EA or have organized planning EA on their own without participation by the State Environmental Protection Administration. The rising tension between the environmental and nonenvironmental ministries has limited the role of planning EA as a participatory decision-making tool. In addition to bureaucratic politics, we find that weak public participation and underemphasis on social analysis in planning EA may have further compromised the utility of planning EA.  相似文献   

环境协议制度在我国的实施尚处于摸索阶段,作为先进环境管理方法试验田的工业园区,应率先在环境管理激励机制中采用这一制度并配合环境目标、制衡型环境管理形成制约体系,促进环境协议的践行。本文在探索基于环境协议的工业园区环境管理先进模式的研究中,引入了具有生态工业特点的"绿色星级企业"评价标准,与对企业的优惠措施挂钩,对环境协议制度有一定的实践意义。  相似文献   

Studies of two samples of 24 selected local planning authorities (LPAs) in the UK were undertaken to determine the effect of environmental assessment (EA) regulations on planning practice during their first 18 months of operation. EA has been integrated into the UK planning system without significant recourse to the courts and many LPAs regarded EA as a worthwhile and helpful procedure. However, several LPAs did not consider whether to request EA for projects that might be likely to have significant impacts and some LPAs did not follow statutory and recommended consultation procedures. LPAs did not evaluate environmental statements systematically and their quality was often unsatisfactory. However, mitigation of environmental impacts took place in many cases though two‐fifths of the 20 determined applications involving EA were refused. Half the decisions took longer than the 16‐week time limit. While practice is evolving as experience is gained, there is obvious scope for further improvement and suggestions are made to enhance the contribution of EA to the planning system.  相似文献   

中外资源税制比较及我国资源税制的完善   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨人卫 《四川环境》2005,24(5):100-103
资源税是环境税收体系的一个重要组成,本文较系统地比较了我国与西方主要矿业国家的资源税费制度区别,分析了我国现行资源税费制度存在的不足,并提出完善我国资源税费制度的设想.  相似文献   

Public access to information and public participation in the environmental assessment (EA) process are cornerstones of the Canadian EA system. The Government's commitment is stated in the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act which requires that federal departments establish and operate a public registry of information on the EAs they conduct to ensure convenient public access. The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has taken the lead to ensure this commitment is met through the development of an innovative electronic Public Registry System. The system allows all federal departments conducting EAs to meet their obligations in a consistent and cost-effective manner. The public can easily access information on the 'who, what, when, where and why' of all EAs carried out by the federal departments, as well as document listings and the actual EA documents. Access is through the Internet, CD ROM, and in hardcopy.  相似文献   

Local environmental assessment (EA), mandated by five US states, has introduced complex management issues for practitioners and policy makers. Based on a review of statutes, case law, and prior EA evaluations,this paper outlines three key issue areas for local EA: linking comprehensive planning and EA; making the threshold determination process more certain; and balancing mitigation with public participation. The paper argues that all the issues reflect a central tension in environmentalassessment between procedural consistency and the need for contingent responses to conditions that differ among the projects to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Environmental attitudes (EA), a crucial construct in environmental psychology, are a psychological tendency expressed by evaluating the natural environment with some degree of favour or disfavour. There are hundreds of EA measures available based on different conceptual and theoretical frameworks, and most researchers prefer to generate new measures rather than organize those already available. The present research provides a cumulative and theoretical approach to the measurement of EA, in which the multidimensional and hierarchical nature of EA is considered. Reported are findings from three studies on the development of a psychometrically sound, multidimensional inventory to assess EA cross-culturally, the Environmental Attitudes Inventory (EAI). The EAI has twelve specific scales that capture the main facets measured by previous research. The twelve factors were established through confirmatory factor analyses, and the EAI scales are shown to be unidimensional scales with high internal consistency, homogeneity and high test-retest reliability, and also to be largely free from social desirability.  相似文献   

The photosensitizing perylenequinone toxin elsinochrome A (EA) is produced in culture by the bindweed biocontrol fungus Stagonospora convolvuli LA39 where it apparently plays a pathogenicity related role. We investigated the fate of EA with reference to its stability under different temperature and light conditions. EA remained stable when boiled in water at 100C for 2 h. Similarly, exposing EA to 3–27C in the dark for up to 16 weeks did not affect its stability either in dry or in aqueous form. However, results from irradiation experiments indicate that direct photolysis may be a significant degradation pathway for EA in the environment. EA either in dry form or dissolved in water was degraded by different irradiation wavelengths and intensities, with degradation plots fitting a first order rate kinetics. EA degraded faster if exposed in aqueous form, and at higher quantum flux density (μmol s−1 m−2). Sunlight was more effective in degrading EA than artificial white light and ultraviolet radiations (UV-A or UV-B). Exposing EA to natural sunlight, particularly, during the intense sunshine (1,420– 1,640 μmol s−1 m−2) days of 30 July to 5 August 2004 in Zurich caused the substance to degrade rapidly with half-life under such condition only 14 h. This implies that should EA gets into the environment, particularly on exposed environmental niches, such as on plant surfaces through biocontrol product spray, or released from shed diseased leaves, it may have no chance of accumulating to ‘level of concern’. Furthermore, a toxicity assay using Trichoderma atroviride P1 as biosensor showed that photo-degraded EA was not toxic, indicating that no stable toxic by-products were left.  相似文献   

矿山开发建设项目环境影响评价的特点与方法探讨   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
本文通过对矿山开发建设项目的环境问题进行分析,结合《环境影响评价技术导则》,提出该类型项目环境影响评价的方法,对矿山开发建设项目环境影响评价工作具有参考价值。  相似文献   

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