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精选自Nicol Janecko, Lucie Pokludova, Jana Blahova, Zdenka Svobodova, Ivan Literak. Implications of fluoroquinolone contamination on the fresh water aquatic environment -A review. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 11, pages 2647–2656, November 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3552

作为一种新兴的纳米材料,羟基多壁碳纳米管(OH-MWCNTs)可能与其他污染物在水环境中共存,并进一步影响它们的毒性、输移和归趋。因此,评价碳纳米管存在下砷的毒性变化需要得到更多的关注。该试验探索了在不同pH值条件下,OH-MWCNTs诱导砷(As(III)和As(V))对水生生物大型蚤的毒性变化的潜在机制。发现了H2AsO3-和H2AsO4-是对大型蚤毒性最大的As(III)和As(V)。比较As(III)和As(V)的结果,发现pH值是影响砷毒性最重要的因素。此外,OH-MWCNTs影响砷对大型蚤毒性的结果表明,OH-MWCNTs的存在可以提高砷的毒性。通过吸附实验进一步研究了砷与OH-MWCNTs的相互作用。OH-MWCNTs 对As(V)吸附容量高于As(III)。总而言之, OH-MWCNTs对某些形态砷的吸附是解释砷毒性增强的可靠证据。
精选自Xinghao Wang, Ruijuan Qu, Ahmed A. Allam, Jamaan Ajarem, Zhongbo Wei, Zuoyao Wang. Impact of carbon nanotubes on the toxicity of inorganic arsenic [As(III) and As(V)] to Daphnia magna: the role of the certain arsenic species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1852–1859, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3340

化学物质水体归趋与影响 (简称CAFE)数据库是一个允许快速并无限制访问数据的集中式数据库。CAFE将现有的32 377种化学物质的归趋数据和4 498种化学物质的毒性效果数据整合至用户友好的工具中,以物种敏感度分布(SSD)的形式总结毒性数据,并提供了相关的1%和5%危害浓度(HC1和HC5)。为探究CAFE数据与报道的化学事故之间的联系,一项数据可用性评估显示,2000年至2014年间在美国国家应急中心呈报的55种化学物质中,32种物质的归趋和20种物质的毒性在CAFE中均有记录;2003年至2014年间由美国海洋及大气管理局呈报的205种化学物质中,86种物质的归趋和103种物质的毒性在CAFE中也均有记录。我们假设2种化学物质在环境中溢出(丙烯腈,溢出量为625桶 ;变性乙醇,溢出量为857桶),根据模型对其环境浓度进行模拟,进而说明CAFE在实际中的应用。在24 h时程的SSD中,大多数物种很可能分别在溢出后最初的35 min内和15 h内受到丙烯腈和变性酒精的影响。丙烯腈浓度在溢出后45 min已低于HC5(17 mg?LL-1),变性酒精浓度在溢出后60 h已低于HC5(2 676 mg?LL-1)。将100种化学物质以CAFE数据为基础得出的HC5与发表的HC5进行对比,我们发现超过一半的数值都在2倍差异以内,较少的一部分数值则超过了10倍差异。CAFE的发展提高了获取相关环境信息的能力,并可能应用于水体环境污染物溢出分析之外的更多领域。
精选自Adriana C. Bejarano, James K. Farr, Polly Jenne, Valerie Chu, Al Hielscher. The chemical aquatic fate and effects database (CAFE), a tool that supports assessments of chemical spills in aquatic environments. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 7, pages 1576–1586, July 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3289

考虑到人类社会中大量使用化学物质,想要准确有效地评估这些化学物质对人类和生态受体的潜在风险,研发有效的手段和方法是至关重要的。鱼胚胎急性毒性试验是其中一种工具,已表现出与幼鱼急性毒性标准试验的预测结果高度吻合,而幼鱼试验对资源消耗更多。然而,也有证据表明,对于某些类型的化学物质,包括神经毒素,鱼类胚胎的敏感性低于幼鱼。本文利用已发表的斑马鱼胚胎毒性数据,与3种常用检测用鱼幼鱼(虹鳟鱼、蓝鳃太阳鱼、羊鲷)的半致死浓度50%(LC50)数据进行比较,研究了鱼类胚胎对农药危害评估的效用。在将农药视为单因素的情况下,斑马鱼胚胎和幼鱼毒性数据相关性较差,差异显著(r2=0.28;p2=0.64;p 精选自Glaberman, S., Padilla, S. and Barron, M. G. (2017), Evaluating the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for pesticide hazard screening. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 36: 1221–1226. doi: 10.1002/etc.3641

精选自Howard C. Bailey, Catherine A. Curran, Peter Arth, Bonnie P. Lo, Rich Gossett. Application of Sediment Toxicity Identification Evaluation Techniques to a Site with Multiple-Contaminants. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 10, pages 2456–2465, October 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3488

由于毒性评估项目很难与日渐增长的需要测试的污染物保持同步,所以较难将关注点集中在影响水生生态系统的最为生物相关的污染物上。由于评估潜在毒性污染物所造成的生物影响已被证明是有效的,内生性代谢物的研究(代谢组学)对于剔除那些较低可能造成生物影响的污染物或许有一定帮助,从而找出生物重要性最高的污染物。本研究在北美五大湖流域的18个地点针对置于笼中的黑头软口鲦(Pimephales promelas)进行实验。我们测定了水体温度和水样中的污染物浓度(目标污染物132种,检出86种),并使用1H-NMR谱测量了肝极性提取物中的内生性代谢物。利用偏最小二乘法回归来比对内生性代谢物的相对丰度与污染物浓度和环境温度。结果表明内生性极性代谢物的指标与最多49种污染物存在共同变化。因此我们认为至多52%的检出污染物与内生性代谢物变化的共同变化不显著,表明这些污染物很可能不会在这些地点造成可以检测到的影响。这是通过缩短对于实验地点有着潜在影响的污染物列表从而扫描出检出污染物生物相关性的第一步。类似的信息有助于风险评估者区分不同污染物的重要性并将重点毒性测试放在最为生物相关的污染物上。
精选自Nicol Janecko, Lucie Pokludova, Jana Blahova, Zdenka Svobodova, Ivan Literak. Linking field-based metabolomics and chemical analyses to prioritize contaminants of emerging concern in the Great Lakes basin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 35, Issue 10, pages 2493–2502, October 2016. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3409

本文作者主要研究了腐殖酸对聚乙烯吡咯烷酮包覆的纳米银颗粒(polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated AgNPs)毒性的影响,受试生物涵盖了水生系统不同的营养级别,包括藻类(Raphidocelis subcapitata)、水蚤类(Chydorus sphaericus)以及淡水鱼类(Danio rerio)。结果显示,腐殖酸可降低AgNPs对本研究中所有水生生物的毒性,并具有明显的剂量效应关系。原因为:1)腐殖酸使AgNPs表面带有更多负电荷,这阻碍了AgNPs与藻细胞的接触,使毒性降低;2)腐殖酸抑制了AgNPs中Ag+的溶出,而本研究显示自由Ag+的毒性高于团聚的纳米银颗粒。
精选自Zhuang Wang, Joris T.K. Quik, Lan Song, Evert-Jan Van Den Brandhof, Marja Wouterse and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Humic substances alleviate the aquatic toxicity of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles to organisms of different trophic levels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 6, pages 1239–1245, June 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2936

纳米颗粒的种间毒性关系尚无明确结论,因此很难判断纳米颗粒对未进行毒性测试的物种的风险如何。本文作者将5种水蚤(Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, Daphnia galeata, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Chydorus sphaericus)暴露于4种不同粒径的纳米铜颗粒(CuNPs)和1种亚微米铜颗粒的悬浊液中,考察物种的形态特征与CuNPs急性毒性的关系。结果显示,杆状的CuNPs比球状的CuNPs毒性更低。纳米铜颗粒与溶出铜离子均对CuNPs的毒性有贡献,其中,当新生蚤的体长、体表面积和身体体积更小时,5种悬浊液中颗粒的毒性更大。5种蚤的身体体积与5种CuNPs的毒性显著相关(radj2>0.51, p < 0.001),78-nm CuNPs与蚤身体体积的相关性最好 (radj2?=?0.95, p < 0.001)。这个研究可以为纳米颗粒对有相似外形特征的物种进行毒性种间外推提供线索。
精选自Lan Song, Martina G. Vijver, Geert R. de Snoo and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Assessing toxicity of copper nanoparticles across five cladoceran species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 8, pages 1744–1750, August 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3000
详情请见http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.3000/full  相似文献   

纳米颗粒的种间毒性关系尚无明确结论,因此很难判断纳米颗粒对未进行毒性测试的物种的风险如何。本文作者将5种水蚤(Daphnia magna, Daphnia pulex, Daphnia galeata, Ceriodaphnia dubia, Chydorus sphaericus)暴露于4种不同粒径的纳米铜颗粒(CuNPs)和1种亚微米铜颗粒的悬浊液中,考察物种的形态特征与CuNPs急性毒性的关系。结果显示,杆状的CuNPs比球状的CuNPs毒性更低。纳米铜颗粒与溶出铜离子均对CuNPs的毒性有贡献,其中,当新生蚤的体长、体表面积和身体体积更小时,5种悬浊液中颗粒的毒性更大。5种蚤的身体体积与5种CuNPs的毒性显著相关(radj2>0.51, p < 0.001),78-nm CuNPs与蚤身体体积的相关性最好 (radj2?=?0.95, p < 0.001)。这个研究可以为纳米颗粒对有相似外形特征的物种进行毒性种间外推提供线索。
精选自Lan Song, Martina G. Vijver, Geert R. de Snoo and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Assessing toxicity of copper nanoparticles across five cladoceran species. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 8, pages 1744–1750, August 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3000
详情请见http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/etc.3000/full  相似文献   

本文作者主要研究了腐殖酸对聚乙烯吡咯烷酮包覆的纳米银颗粒(polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated AgNPs)毒性的影响,受试生物涵盖了水生系统不同的营养级别,包括藻类(Raphidocelis subcapitata)、水蚤类(Chydorus sphaericus)以及淡水鱼类(Danio rerio)。结果显示,腐殖酸可降低AgNPs对本研究中所有水生生物的毒性,并具有明显的剂量效应关系。原因为:1)腐殖酸使AgNPs表面带有更多负电荷,这阻碍了AgNPs与藻细胞的接触,使毒性降低;2)腐殖酸抑制了AgNPs中Ag+的溶出,而本研究显示自由Ag+的毒性高于团聚的纳米银颗粒。
精选自Zhuang Wang, Joris T.K. Quik, Lan Song, Evert-Jan Van Den Brandhof, Marja Wouterse and Willie J.G.M. Peijnenburg. Humic substances alleviate the aquatic toxicity of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silver nanoparticles to organisms of different trophic levels. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 34, Issue 6, pages 1239–1245, June 2015. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2936

Three cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) were widely used in various processes of production and industrials and frequently added to consumer products. cVMS are continuously released into the environment, causing increasing environmental and human exposing risks. cVMS were investigated in air, water, biogas, soil, sediment, biosolid and organism. Many scholars focused on the occurrence, behaviours, fate and effects of cVMS in environmental matrices all over the world. However, few studies paid attention to the environmental behaviour of cVMS in the solid phase. We assessed their environmental behaviour and fate in soil, biosolid and sediment. High concentrations of cVMS were detected in biosolids. Volatilisation, adsorption and degradation were the major environmental behaviours for cVMS in the solid phase. Although some aquatic organisms showed an appropriate level of bioaccumulation and bioconcentration, there were no obvious evidence of trophic biomagnification in aquatic food webs for octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4) and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5). In addition, cVMS in the environment have not impacted for natural organisms because the concentrations in soil and sediment have not exceeded the maximum no-observed-effect-concentration threshold. Finally, regarding the major environmental behaviour in soil and sediment, suggestions for further study are proposed.  相似文献   

• Micro-plastics (MPs) significantly increase Pb toxicity. • Algae reduce the combined toxicity of MP and Pb. • The toxicity increase comes from high soluble Pb and MP-Pb uptake. • The toxicity reduction might come from energy related pathway. Microplastics (MPs) have been recognized as a new class of emerging contaminants in recent years. They not only directly impact aquatic organisms, but also indirectly impact these organisms by interacting with background toxins in the environment. Moreover, under realistic environmental conditions, algae, a natural food for aquatic organisms, may alter the toxicity pattern related to MPs. In this research, we first examined the toxicity of MPs alone, and their effect on the toxicity of lead (Pb) on Ceriodaphnia dubia (C. dubia), a model aquatic organism for toxicity survey. Then, we investigated the effect of algae on the combined toxicity of MPs and Pb. We observed that, MPs significantly increased Pb toxicity, which was related to the increase in soluble Pb concentration and the intake of Pb-loaded MPs, both of which increased the accumulation of Pb in C. dubia. The presence of algae mitigated the combined toxicity of MPs and Pb, although algae alone increased Pb accumulation. Therefore, the toxicity mitigation through algae uptake came from mechanisms other than Pb accumulation, which will need further investigation.  相似文献   

● Data quality assessment criteria for MP/NPs in food products were developed. ● Data quality of 71 data records (69 of them only focused on MPs) was assessed. ● About 96% of the data records were considered unreliable in at least one criterion. ● Improvements need to be made regarding positive controls and polymer identification. ● A mismatch between MP/NPs used in toxicity studies and those in foods was recorded. Data on the occurrence of microplastics and nanoplastics (MP/NPs) in foods have been used to assess the human health risk caused by the consumption of MP/NPs. The reliability of the data, however, remains unclear because of the lack of international standards for the analysis of MP/NPs in foods. Therefore, the data quality needs to be assessed for accurate health risk assessment. This study developed 10 criteria applicable to the quality assessment of data on MP/NPs in foods. Accordingly, the reliability of 71 data records (69 of them only focused on MPs) was assessed by assigning a score of 2 (reliable without restrictions), 1 (reliable but with restrictions), or 0 (unreliable) on each criterion. The results showed that only three data records scored 2 or 1 on all criteria, and six data records scored 0 on as many as six criteria. A total of 58 data records did not include information on positive controls, and 12 data records did not conduct the polymer identification, which could result in the overestimation or underestimation of MP/NPs. Our results also indicated that the data quality of unprocessed foods was more reliable than that of processed foods. Furthermore, we proposed a quality assurance and quality control protocol to investigate MP/NPs in foods. Notably, the characteristics of MP/NPs used in toxicological studies and those existing in foods showed a remarkable discrepancy, causing the uncertainty of health risk assessment. Therefore, both the estimated exposure of MP/NPs and the claimed potential health risks should be treated with caution.  相似文献   

• Physical, chemical and biological methods are explored for MPs removal. • Physical methods based on adsorption/filtration are mostly used for MPs removal. • Chemical methods of MPs removal work on coagulation and flocculation mechanism. • MBR technology has also shown the removal of MPs from water. • Global policy on plastic control is lacking. Microplastics are an emerging threat and a big challenge for the environment. The presence of microplastics (MPs) in water is life-threatening to diverse organisms of aquatic ecosystems. Hence, the scientific community is exploring deeper to find treatment and removal options of MPs. Various physical, chemical and biological methods are researched for MPs removal, among which few have shown good efficiency in the laboratory. These methods also have a few limitations in environmental conditions. Other than finding a suitable method, the creation of legal restrictions at a governmental level by imposing policies against MPs is still a daunting task in many countries. This review is an effort to place all effectual MP removal methods in one document to compare the mechanisms, efficiency, advantages, and disadvantages and find the best solution. Further, it also discusses the policies and regulations available in different countries to design an effective global policy. Efforts are also made to discuss the research gaps, recent advancements, and insights in the field.  相似文献   

● Microplastic (MP) abundance in soil of China was highly heterogeneous. ● MP abundance was higher near large rivers and central land affected by monsoons. ● MP abundance was correlated with longitude, mulching film, and average temperature. ● Factors suitable for predicting MP pollution using models were discussed. Microplastics (MPs) are found worldwide in high abundance, posing a potential threat to ecosystems. Despite the ubiquity of MPs in the environment, very little is known about the regional distribution of MPs and underlying factors affecting this distribution in the field, which likely include human activity, but also features of the environment itself. Here, out of a total of 1157 datapoints investigated in 53 Chinese studies, 9.68% datapoints were removed as outliers in the heterogeneity analysis. This review revealed that the abundance of MPs was highly heterogeneous. In addition, microplastic (MP) distribution maps based on China demonstrated that the highest abundance of MPs tended to occur near large rivers and central land affected by the intersection of two monsoons. The model-fitting and previous studies showed that MP abundance in China was correlated with longitude, agricultural mulching film usage per capita, temperature, and precipitation. However, due to the heterogeneity of MPs and the low matching degree between the current environmental data and the sampling points, this pattern was not as evident as reported in any single study. Factors affecting the distribution of MPs can not be captured by linear relationships alone, and systematic selection of suitable environmental factors and further model optimization are needed to explore the cause of MP pollution in soil. Overall, this review revealed an uneven distribution of MPs and serves as a reference for model prediction to assess and control plastic pollution in natural soil environments.  相似文献   

Over the past decades, the plastic production has been dramatically increased. Indeed, a category of small plastic particles mainly with the shapes of fragments, fibers, or spheres, called microplastics (particles smaller than 5 mm) and nanoplastics (particles smaller than 1 μm) have attracted particular attention. Because of its wide distribution in the environment and potential adverse effects to animal and human, microplastic pollution has been reported as a serious environment problem receiving increased attention in recent years. As one of the commonly detected emerging contaminants in the environment, recent evidence indicates that the concentration of microplastics show an increasing trend, for the reason that up to 12.7 million metric tons of plastic litter is released into aquatic environment from land-based sources each year. Furthermore, microplastic exposure levels of model organisms in laboratory studies are usually several orders of magnitude higher than those found in environment, and the microplastics exposure conditions are also different with those observed in the environment. Additionally, the detection of microplastics in feces indicates that they can be excreted out of the bodies of animal and human. Hence, great uncertainties might exist in microplastics exposure and health risk assessment based on current studies, which might be exaggerated. Policies reduce microplastic emission sources and hence minimize their environmental risks are determined. To promote the above policies, we must first overcome the technical obstacles of detecting microplastics in various samples.  相似文献   

微塑料与污染物相互作用的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微塑料广泛存在于环境中,其比表面积大、吸附性强,可吸附环境中的重金属、有机物、微生物等污染物,并改变它们在环境中的归趋;同时,这些污染物也会影响微塑料的性质及其在环境中的吸附、迁移、降解等行为,进而对生态环境产生潜在风险.开展微塑料与污染物的相互作用研究是进行微塑料环境风险评价的基础.当前相关研究多集中于微塑料的分布及...  相似文献   

作为最主要的三大传统溴系阻燃剂(BFRs),多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)、六溴环十二烷(HBCD)、四溴双酚A(TBBPA)具有半挥发性、环境持久性和远距离传输性,目前在全球各种环境介质、生物体内广泛存在.毒理学研究表明,PBDEs、HBCD、TBBPA均具有明显的生物毒性和致癌性,对生态环境和人体健康存在潜在危害.本文简...  相似文献   

• Microplastics are widely found in both aquatic and terrestrial environments. • Cleaning products and discarded plastic waste are primary sources of microplastics. • Microplastics have apparent toxic effects on the growth of fish and soil plants. • Multiple strains of biodegradable microplastics have been isolated. Microplastics (MPs) are distributed in the oceans, freshwater, and soil environment and have become major pollutants. MPs are generally referred to as plastic particles less than 5 mm in diameter. They consist of primary microplastics synthesized in microscopic size manufactured production and secondary microplastics generated by physical and environmental degradation. Plastic particles are long-lived pollutants that are highly resistant to environmental degradation. In this review, the distribution and possible sources of MPs in aquatic and terrestrial environments are described. Moreover, the adverse effects of MPs on natural creatures due to ingestion have been discussed. We also have summarized identification methods based on MPs particle size and chemical bond. To control the pollution of MPs, the biodegradation of MPs under the action of different microbes has also been reviewed in this work. This review will contribute to a better understanding of MPs pollution in the environment, as well as their identification, toxicity, and biodegradation in the ocean, freshwater, and soil, and the assessment and control of microplastics exposure.  相似文献   

Chiral pharmaceuticals in the environment   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Many pharmaceutical pollutants are chiral, existing in the environment as a single enantiomer or as mixtures of the two enantiomers. In spite of their similar physical and chemical properties, the different spatial configurations lead the enantiomers to have different interactions with enzymes, receptors or other chiral molecules, which can give diverse biological response. Consequently, biodegradation process and ecotoxicity tend to be enantioselective. Despite numerous ongoing research regarding analysis and monitorization of pharmaceutical ingredients in the environment, the fate and effects of single enantiomers of chiral pharmaceuticals (CP) in the environment are still largely unknown. There are only few chiral analytical methods to accurately measure the enantiomeric fraction (EF) in environmental matrices and during biodegradation processes. Furthermore, the ecotoxicity studies usually consider the enantiomeric pair as unique compound. We reviewed the current knowledge about CP in the environment, as well as the chiral analytical methods to determine the EF in environmental matrices. The degradation and removal processes of CP of important therapeutic classes, usually detected in the environment, and their toxicity to aquatic organisms were also reviewed. On the other hand, this review demonstrate that despite the great importance of the stereochemistry in pharmaceutical science, pharmacology and organic chemistry, this is normally neglected in environmental studies. Therefore, CP in the environment need much more attention from the scientific community, and more research within this subject is required.  相似文献   

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