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Field manipulations in a Maine, USA intertidal mud flat showed that Nereis virens adults were an important factor in regulating the abundance of Corophium volutator, an amphipod which comprised 63% of the total number of individuals in the benthic community. Removal of N. virens adults resulted in an increase in C. volutator abundance, while addition of N. virens adults led to a decrease. There was a significant negative correlation between the abundance of N. virens adults and that of C. volutator. C. volutator was also negatively correlated with the density of all the other infaunal species combined. These results suggest that there is at least a 3-level interactive system (N. virens —C. volutator — other infaunal species) within the infauna in Maine; N. virens is a factor in controlling the abundance of C. volutator, and C. volutator may play a role in regulating the densities of other infaunal species. Models of generalized cropping in soft-bottom systems may be too simple if they ignore complex trophic relationships within the infauna.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton uptake and release rates for inorganic phosphate, dissolved organic phosphate and polyphosphate were estimated during 5 cruises on the Chesapeake Bay over a 9-month period. Phosphorus in all pools turned over in several minutes to 100 h, and each soluble pool appeared to contain fractions which were metabolically useful to the phytoplankton. Maximal uptake rates (V m ) for orthophosphate ranged from 0.02 to 2.95 μg-at P (1.h)-1 with half saturation constants (K s ) between 0.09 and 1.72 μg-at P l-1. At low soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations, the uptake rate of trace 32P orthophosphate was initially rapid, but declined after 15 to 60 min incubation. The data suggest that the initial uptake phase was dominated by exchange of 32PO4 for 31PO4 in the membrane transport systems whereas the subsequent phase represented the net incorporation of orthophosphate into phytoplankton cells.  相似文献   

R. J. Orth 《Marine Biology》1977,44(2):187-194
The addition of two commerical fertilizers, one 5% NH4NO3, 10% P2O5, 10% K2O, and the other 10% NH4NO3, 10% P2O5, 10% K2O, ahd a dramatic effect on the growth of Zostera marina in the Chesapeake Bay. There was a significant increase in the length, biomass and total number of turions of fertilized plots compared with controls during a 2 to 3 month period. Data from this short-term field experiment suggest that Z. marina beds in the Chesapeake Bay are nutrient-limited, that the grwoth form of Z. marina may be related to the sediment nutrient supply, and that Z. marina may competitively exclude Ruppia maritima by light-shading.  相似文献   

Seasonal abundance of planktonic larvae of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus was determined in Monterey Bay, California, USA. Larvae were counted from two offshore stations and also over a coastal sand dollar bed, and these data were compared with settlement in the sand dollar bed, with adult population structure and with adult reproductive condition. These measurements were made during the period July 1978 to October 1980 and in October 1981. Sand dollar larvae were most abundant in the plankton during the summer, a period when phytoplankton productivity tended to be high and currents were relatively slow and variable. In some years, small-scale current variations appeared to prevent many larvae in the open bay from reaching the nearshore sand dollar beds; however, in other years, massive shoreward transport of the larvae evidently did occur, since the adult population in the sand dollar bed exhibited a mode in size, indicating a large settlement. A comparison of settled individuals in 1980 and the adult size-frequency distribution in 1981 gives an estimated mortality rate of 88% yr-1 for early juveniles of D. excentricus.  相似文献   

Like many resources in the Chesapeake Bay region of the U.S., many waterbird nesting populations have suffered over the past three to four decades. In this study, historic information for the entire Bay and recent results from the Tangier Sound region were evaluated to illustrate patterns of island erosion and habitat loss for 19 breeding species of waterbirds. Aerial imagery and field data collected in the nesting season were the primary sources of data. From 1993/1994 to 2007/2008, a group of 15 islands in Tangier Sound, Virginia were reduced by 21% in area, as most of their small dunes and associated vegetation and forest cover were lost to increased washovers. Concurrently, nesting American black ducks (Anas rubripes) declined by 66% , wading birds (herons-egrets) by 51%, gulls by 72%, common terns (Sterna hirundo) by 96% and black skimmers (Rynchops niger) by about 70% in this complex. The declines noted at the larger Bay-wide scale suggest that this study area maybe symptomatic of a systemic limitation of nesting habitat for these species. The island losses noted in the Chesapeake have also been noted in other Atlantic U.S. coastal states. Stabilization and/or restoration of at least some of the rapidly eroding islands at key coastal areas are critical to help sustain waterbird communities.  相似文献   

We investigated feeding by the hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus (Bloch and Schneider), in freshwater, oligohaline, mesohaline, and polyhaline regions of Chesapeake Bay, USA, and examined prey selection in relation to food availability. Otter trawling for fish and Van Veen grab sampling for benthic macrofauna occurred in July and August 1992 and August and September 1993. Hogchokers exhibited both opportunistic and selective feeding patterns along the estuarine salinity gradient in four tributaries (Potomac, Rappahannock, York, and James Rivers) and in the mainstem Chesapeake Bay. Major prey taxa included annelids, arthropods, and tellinid siphons. In polyhaline habitat, polychaetes dominated both the benthos and gut contents numerically and gravimetrically. On the other hand, oligochaetes were numerically dominant in freshwater/oligohaline areas but were rarely eaten, perhaps because of their burial depth. Arthropods (mostly amphipods) occurred at most salinities, were common in gut contents in low-salinity areas, and were replaced as prey by larger proportions of polychaetes in polyhaline regimes. Although hogchokers ate tellinid siphons, they rarely consumed whole bivalves or gastropods. These diet patterns (and especially the importance of siphon nipping) are similar to those of juvenile or small flatfish elsewhere in Europe, Africa, and North America. A size–salinity relationship for hogchokers occurred along the summer salinity gradient, with smaller fish predominating upstream and larger fish downstream. It was not clear from our data if variation in diet composition reflected changes in prey composition along the salinity gradient rather than changes in fish size. Received: 14 June 1997 / Accepted: 27 June 1997  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal variation of resource limitation in Chesapeake Bay   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We report nutrient addition bioassays at 18 stations in Chesapeake Bay (USA) to assess resources limiting phytoplankton growth. Data were pooled from several sampling programs conducted from 1989 to 1994. Spatially, light and P limitation declined from low salinity regions to high salinity regions, as N limitation increased. This spatial pattern was driven primarily by freshwater inflows with high N/P and seawater inflows with low N/P. Seasonally, there was a marked progression of winter light limitation, spring P limitation, and summer N limitation at mesohaline and polyhaline stations. The seasonal pattern appeared to be caused by temperature, mixing, river discharge, and sediment P fluxes. At high salinity stations, we also observed winter N limitation (caused by DIN depletion prior to spring nitrate delivery), and at lower salinity stations there was fall P limitation (caused by reaeration of bottom sediments). At tidal fresh stations, turbidity and nutrient concentrations resulted in continuous light limitation, except at some stations in summer. Interannual decreases in light limitation and increases in N and P limitation appear to represent improvements in water quality. Received: 31 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 December 1998  相似文献   

Populations of the marine cladoceran Podon polyphemoides (Leuckart) in the Chesapeake Bay (USA) zooplankton typically occur in large patches, extending the length of the estuary. These patches are characterized by well defined maxima, which do not move seaward during a given season. During the day, the bulk of the population is situated in the upper part of the two-layered estuarine circulation, where it is subjected to transport by net non-tidal seaward current. One mechanism for maintaining the population within the estuary is provided by the diurnal behavior of the podonids, which migrate to deeper water during the night. The landward advection of the deeper currents, thus, helps to counterbalance seaward population loss during the day. The extent of the vertical movement of the population can be modified by various environmental factors, but a suggestive correlation with light was found. It is thought that the downward component of the migration is due to passive sinking.  相似文献   

Distribution of the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides in the Chesapeake Bay   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The distribution of the cladoceran Podon polyphemoides (Leuckart) in the Chesapeake Bay (USA) estuarine system was determined by a quantitative pump sampling method, and the patterns of abundance were correlated with temperature and salinity distributions. The species was seasonally recurrent, with distinct population maxima in the central portion of the bay. Population densities in excess of 60,000 podonids/m3 have been recorded. The podonids first appeared in the spring in the shallow tributaries, when water temperatures near the bottom reached 6°C. The vernal populations disappeared when summer temperatures exceeded 27°C, but reappeared in the fall as the water cooled. The species was euryhaline and eurythermal in its distribution, but the greatest concentrations were attained within relatively narrow zones of temperatures between 11o and 26°C, and salinities between 8 and 18. The production of males, sexual females and sexual eggs occurred both in the spring and the fall between the thermal limits of 11o and 17°C.  相似文献   

Influence of an artificial reef on the surrounding infaunal community   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Artificial reefs have been constructed throughout the world, but their effects on adjacent soft-bottom communities are largely unknown. In December 1986, we investigated the influence of Pendleton Artificial Reef (PAR) in Southern California on the abundance of infauna in the surrounding sand bottom. PAR was constructed in 1980 of quarry rock placed in eight piles, or modules. The artificial reef altered the grain-size distribution of sediments around the reef; sediments close to the modules were coarser than those 10 or 20 m away from the modules. Densities of one of the two most common species, the polychaetePrionospio pygmaeus, were lower near the reef, perhaps due to foraging by reef-associated predators or because the habitat near the reef was less suitable. We found no evidence that foraging by reef-associated fishes caused a widespread reduction in infaunal densities near the reef, and in fact the other most common taxon,Spiophanes spp., had higher densities near the reef. The most conspicuous effect of the artificial reef concerned the tube-dwelling wormDiopatra ornata, which only occurred in close association with the modules. In addition, total infaunal density and the densities of decapods, echinoderms and sipunculids were higher withinD. ornata beds than outside the beds. These results indicate that the densities of some species were enhanced, and others depressed, around the reef, but that the overall effect of the artificial reef on the surrounding infauna was limited to a small area near the modules.  相似文献   

The dominant phytoplankton taxa during seasonal periods of peak primary productivity were identified during a 4 yr study (July 1989 to June 1993) in Chesapeake Bay. Maximum phytoplankton abundance occurred from late winter to early spring, and was dominated by a few species of centric diatoms. This development was followed by more diversified assemblages of diatoms and phytoflagellates that produced additional concentration peaks in summer and fall; all these maxima were accompanied by concurrent productivity peaks. High summer productivity resulted when the phytoplankton concentrations of diatoms and phytoflagellates were augmented by an increased abundance of autotrophic picoplankton. There was variability in both the seasonal and annual growth maxima of these algal populations and in total productivity. Higher cell concentrations and productivity were associated with higher nutrient levels on the western side of the bay, at sites adjacent to major tributaries. Periods of highest productivity were in spring and summer, ranging from 176 to 346 g Cm-2yr-1 over the 4 yr period, with a mean annual productivity of 255 g Cm-2yr-1. The bay stations rates ranged from 82 to 538 g Cm-2yr-1.  相似文献   

Grain-size composition of the sea-bed and density of eggs of Labidocera aestiva in bottom sediments in Buzzards Bay were determined at approximately monthly intervals from March 1983 through April 1984. The results of this study, together with those of Marcus (1984), show that during the fall and winter periods of 1982–1984 the proportion of eggs of L. aestiva occurring in the surficial sea-bottom sediments declined and the proportion of eggs in the deeper sediment layers increased. High positive correlations (r 2=0.72 and 0.92) were observed during the early fall 1983 between egg abundance and the proportion of the total sediments represented by the mud fraction. During late fall, winter, and early spring 1983–1984, the coefficients of determination were much lower. Physical criteria (e.g. sedimentation and transport characteristics) can be used to accurately predict the distribution and abundance of recently spawned eggs on the sea-bottom.  相似文献   

Effects of the predatory naticid snail Polinices duplicatus (Say) on species composition, diversity and density, of the infauna of intertidal sand-flats at Barnstable Harbor, Massachusetts, USA, were studied using field experiments. Responses of molluscs (prey of P. duplicatus) and nonmolluscs (nonprey) were considered separately to distinguish between the effects of feeding and sediment disturbance during foraging. The fauna of 0.25 m2 predator-exclusion cages, coarse-mesh cages, sieved areas, and controls was followed for 1 yr. Species associations within cages from which predators were excluded were denser, more diverse, and richer in molluscs than those in other treatments. Larger areas (3×3 m) of natural bottom were fenced and maintained as snail exclosures and enclosures during two feeding seasons. For both molluscs and nonmolluscs, diversity (H'), number of species, evenness (SD), and density all decreased with increasing snail density. Intense predation pressure on molluscs and selective feeding on thin-shelled bivalves, which were rare, removed individuals and species of molluscs from the community. Comparison of samples taken inside and outside trails made by snails showed that disturbance of the surface sediment layers by snails decreased the abundance of spionid polychaetes and total nonmolluscs. The sipunculan Phascolopsis gouldi and the bivalve Gemma gemma dominated the community in all experimental treatments and were little affected by the activity of Polinices duplicatus. Predation and disturbance by snails lowered community diversity by removing individuals of the less abundant species, and generally maintained population densities below the level where strong competition would occur.  相似文献   

We determined feeding rates of the hydromedusan Nemopsis bachei L. Agassiz in the mesohaline region of Chesapeake Bay, USA during the spring of 1989 and 1990 from gut contents, digestion rates and abundances of medusae and zooplankton. The medusae consumed primarily copepodites of Acartia tonsa, selecting against naupliar stages. The peak abundance of N. bachei medusae was in April to May, when densities averaged more than 10 m-3. Medusa densities were similar in both years, but were greatest (maximum of 132 medusae m-3) along a southern transect sampled only in 1990. At peak densities, N. bachei medusae consumed 30% d-1 of the copepodite standing stocks, but they consumed <1% d-1 at the lower densities typical of late May or early June. The predation effects were generally greater than those reported for other hydromedusan species. But even at peak predation, N. bachei medusae could not have controlled or reduced A. tonsa copepod populations, which had a production rate of 85% d-1 at that time. Medusa feeding rates were highest at nighttime, and were correlated with prey density in the field, but not in the laboratory.Communicated by J. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Grazing by adult estuarine calanoid copepods of the Chesapeake Bay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Grazing by adult female Eurytemora affinis, Acartia tonsa and A. clausi on natural distributions of particles from the Chesapeake Bay has been investigated. During the course of a year's sampling, a wide variety of particle size-biomass distributions were observed as seasonal shifts in detritus, and over 150 algal species occurred. These distributions were grouped into 5 basic types in the analyses of feeding. All three species demonstrated similar capabilities for feeding over a broad range of particle size with selection (higher filtering rates) on larger particles and on biomass peaks. Feeding on multiple-peak distributions resulted in strong selection or tracking of each biomass peak with reduced filtering rates between peaks. Evidence is presented which suggests that the copepods first feed on large particles and then successively switch to biomass peaks of the smaller size categories. Comparisons of the feeding behavior of Eurytemora affinis and the Acartia species showing that the Acartia species have greater capabilities for taking large particles may be associated with modifications of their mouth parts for raptorial feeding. The results suggest considerable flexibility in copepod feeding behavior which cannot be explained solely by the mechanism of a fixed sieve.  相似文献   

M. J. Loeb 《Marine Biology》1973,20(2):144-147
Previous work (Loeb, 1972) showed that strobílation could be induced in Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor) by subjecting polyps to a period of chilling followed by warming. It is shown here, that the onset of strobilation and the rate at which this process occurs in a population of C. quinquecirrha polyps is positively related to the amount of light received during chilling and in the period following warming. The absence of light during either period delays the onset of strobilation. The intensity of coloration of C. quinquecirrha polyps before strobilation appears to be correlated with the amount of light to which they have been exposed during chilling.  相似文献   

In-situ manipulative experiments were conducted over a 3-month period (May–August 1980) to examine the rate at which meiobenthos colonizes oiled and untreated azoic fine sands at a shallow subtidal site in the lower York River, Virginia. Three concentrations of fresh Prudhoe Bay crude oil were added to sediments: 100, 2 500 and 10000 mg oil kg-1 dry wt sediment. Untreated azoic and natural sediments served as controls. Within 16 d, meiofauna densities in all treatments were comparable to natural populations in surface oxidized sediments, but densities fluctuated greatly during the remainder of the sampling period. Nematodes slowly colonized the subsurface anoxic sediments below the redox potential discontinuity (RPD); some less common species did not significantly recover below the RPD in the two more heavily oiled treatments. Analysis of nematode community composition by reciprocal averaging ordination and numerical classification revealed generally lower abundances, but no distinct differences, in species composition in the oiled substrates as compared to untreated and natural community controls. Ordination of sequential samples suggested that the nematode species assemblages in the untreated controls fully recovered from these small-scale disturbances by 90 d. Life history characteritics and frequent tidal transport combine to make estuarine meiobenthos highly resilient following disturbance. Contrary to prior recolonization studies, a successional sequence was found for the colonizing nematodes which may be analogous to models of macrobenthic colonization (e.g. McCall, 1975). The comesomatid nematode Sabatieria pulchra, which is frequently dominant in polluted sediments, colonized relatively late in the experiment. Consequently, stress resistance and resilience may not be as coincident in meiofauna as in macrofauna because of differences in factors affecting their dispersal.  相似文献   

In situ grazing rates for the mixotrophic dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sanguineum Hirasaka feeding on nanociliate populations of Chesapeake Bay were determined in June and October of 1990 using a gut clearance/gut fullness approach. Recently ingested prey were digested beyond the point of recognition at a rate of 23% h-1. Estimates of in situ ingestion and clearance ranged from 0 to 0.06 prey dinoflagellate-1 h-1 and 0 to 5.8 l dinoflagellate-1 h-1, respectively, with daily removal of ciliate biomass representing 6 to 67% of the 20-m oligotrich standing stock. Daily consumption of ciliate biomass by G. sanguineum averaged 2.5% of body carbon and 4.0% of body nitrogen with maximal values of 11.6 and 18.5%, respectively. Ingestion of ciliates may help balance nitrogen requirements for G. sanguineum and give this species an advantage over purely photosynthetic dinoflagellates in nitrogen limited environments. By preying on ciliates, these dinoflagellates reverse the normal flow of material from primary producer to consumer and thereby influence trophodynamics of the microbial food web in Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

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