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Swine manure was subjected to laboratory scale composting in order to quantify bioaerosols, i.e., airborne culturable bacteria and endotoxin, in the exhaust gas, which provided details on the effect of temperature on bacterial emissions. The concentration of airborne bacteria reached 31,250 colony-forming units (CFU)/m3 during the thermophilic stage of composting, and positively correlated with the temperature profile of the compost pile. Initially, the endotoxin concentration was 1820 endotoxin units (EU)/m3, but it decreased exponentially as the composting process proceeded. The temperature can be an excellent indicator of bacterial emissions during the composting process, indicating that the composting process requires a consistently high temperature to ensure sanitization of both compost and bacterial emissions. The cumulative emission data showed that emission factors was 11.2?13.5 CFU/g dry swine manure and that of endotoxin was 0.5?0.9 EU/g dry swine manure. The bacterial diversity in the bioaerosol was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, revealing the presence of various gram-negative bacterial consortia.  相似文献   

The effects of additives such as apple pomace, bentonite and calcium superphosphate on swine manure composting were investigated in a self-built aerated static box (90 L) by assessing their influences on the transformation of nitrogen, carbon, phosphorous and compost maturity. The results showed that additives all prolonged the thermophilic stage in composting compared to control. Nitrogen losses amounted to 34–58% of the initial nitrogen, in which ammonia volatilization accounted for 0.3–4.6%. Calcium superphosphate was helpful in facilitating composting process as it significantly reduced the ammonia volatilization during thermophilic stage and increased the contents of total nitrogen and phosphorous in compost, but bentonite increased the ammonia volatilization and reduced the total nitrogen concentration. It suggested that calcium superphosphate is an effective additive for keeping nitrogen during swine manure composting.  相似文献   

The concentration and bioavailability of heavy metals in composted organic wastes have negative environmental impacts following land application. Aerobic composting procedures were conducted to investigate the influences of selected parameters on heavy metal speciation and phytotoxicity. Results showed that both of sewage sludge (SSC) and swine manure (SMC) composting systems decreased the pH, the content of organic matter (OM) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and total amounts of Cu, Zn and Pb. Sequential extraction showed that readily extractible fractions of exchangeable and carbonate in Cu and Zn increased during SSC composting but decreased during SMC composting, thus their bioavailability factors (BF) enhanced in SSC but declined in SMC. The fraction of reducible iron and manganese (FeMnOX) of Cu and Zn in SSC and FeMnOX-Cu in SMC decreased, but FeMnOX-Zn in SMC gradually increased in the process of compost. In contrast, the changes of Pb distributions were similar in two organic wastes. Pb was preferentially bound to the residual fraction and its BF decreased. The evolution of heavy metal distributions and BF depended on not only total metal concentrations but also the other properties, such as pH, decomposition of OM and decline of DOC. The germination rate (RSG), root growth (RRG) and germination index (GI) of pakchoi (Brassica Chinensis L.) increased during the composting process. Linear regression analysis demonstrated that GI, which could represent phytotoxic behavior to the plants, could be poorly predicted by BF or total amount of metals, i.e., BF-Zn, T-Cu. However, the inclusion of other physicochemical parameters (pH, OM and DOC) could enhance the linear regression significances (R).  相似文献   

Effect of C/N on composting of pig manure with sawdust   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The aim of this composting trial was to evaluate the effect of C/N on the composting process of pig manure with the purpose of reducing the amount of sawdust normally used as co-composting materials. Two aerobic static piles were prepared consisting of pig manure mixed with sawdust at an initial C/N of 30 (pile A) and 15 (pile B), respectively. Pile B containing larger amount of pig manure showed a slower rise in temperature, lower maximum temperature, and shorter thermophilic phase than pile A. It also resulted in higher pH and electrical conductivity (EC) values, and even higher contents of soluble NH4-N and volatile solids throughout the composting period. Chemical and biological parameters including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (4932 mg kg(-1)), soluble NH4-N (371 mg kg(-1)), C/Nsolid (18.3), C/Naquoeus (5.8) and seed germination index (GI) (66.5%) indicated that pile A achieved maturity after 49 days of composting. After 63 days of composting, pile B contained 5352 and 912 mg kg(-1) of DOC and soluble NH4-N content, respectively, which was much higher than the criterion of 5% and 400 mg kg(-1), indicating its immature nature. Pile B showed a relatively low GI value of 46%, which may be due to its high indigenous EC value as a result of larger amount of pig manure. Therefore, co-composting of pig manure with sawdust at a low initial C/N would require a composting longer than 63 days, and, the high salinity due to the large amount of pig manure would pose a potential inhibition on plant growth.  相似文献   

Spread of manure pathogens is of considerable concern due to use of manure for land application. In this study, the effects of four static pile treatment options for bovine manure on die-off of a generic Escherichia coli, E. coli O157:H7 surrogate, Salmonella Senftenberg, Salm. Typhimurium, and Listeria monocytogenes were evaluated. Bovine manure spiked with these bacteria were placed in cassettes at the top, middle, and bottom sections of four static pile treatments that reflect minimal changes in pile construction with and without straw. Temperatures were monitored continuously during the 28 day self-heating period. E. coli and salmonellae were reduced from 8 to 9 log10 CFU g?1 to undetectable levels (<1.77 log10 MPN g?1) at 25–30 cm depths within 7 days in all pile sections except for the manure-only pile in which 3–4 logs of reduction were obtained. No L. monocytogenes initially present at 6.62 log10 CFU g?1 were recovered from straw-amended piles after 14 days, in contrast with manure-only treatment in which this pathogen was recovered even at 28 days. Decline of target bacterial populations corresponded to exposure to temperatures above 45 °C for more than 3 days and amendments of manure with straw to increase thermophilic zones. Use of straw to increase aeration, self-heating capacity, and heat retention in manure piles provides producers a minimal management option for composting that enhances pathogen die-off and thereby reduces risk of environmental spread when manure is applied to land.  相似文献   

The continuously increasing demand for renewable energy sources renders anaerobic digestion to one of the most promising technologies for renewable energy production. Twenty-two (22) large-scale biogas plants are currently under operation in Denmark. Most of these plants use manure as the primary feedstock but their economical profitable operation relies on the addition of other biomass products with a high biogas yield. Wheat straw is the major crop residue in Europe and the second largest agricultural residue in the world. So far it has been used in several applications, i.e. pulp and paper making, production of regenerated cellulose fibers as an alternative to wood for cellulose-based materials and ethanol production. The advantage of exploiting wheat straw for various applications is that it is available in considerable quantity and at low-cost. In the present study, the codigestion of swine manure with wheat straw in a continuous operated system was investigated, as a method to increase the efficiency of biogas plants that are based on anaerobic digestion of swine manure. Also, the pretreatment of wheat straw with the wet explosion method was studied and the efficiency of the wet explosion process was evaluated based on (a) the sugars release and (b) the methane potential of the pretreated wheat straw compared to that of the raw biomass. It was found that, although a high release of soluble sugars was observed after wet explosion, the methane obtained from the wet-exploded wheat straw was slightly lower compared to that from the raw biomas s. On the other hand, the results from the codigestion of raw (non-pretreated) wheat straw with swine manure were very promising, suggesting that 4.6 kg of straw added to 1 t of manure increase the methane production by 10%. Thus, wheat straw can be considered as a promising, low-cost biomass for increasing the methane productivity of biogas plants that are based mainly on swine manure.  相似文献   

Swine manure composting by means of experimental turning equipment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of research was to test the effectiveness of a prototype of a turning machine and to evaluate the feasability of a farm-scale composting process of the solid fraction of swine manure. A qualitative evaluation of the process and final product was made by monitoring the following parameters: process temperature, oxygen concentration inside the biomass, gaseous emissions (CH4, CO2, NH3, N2O), respiration index, humification index, total and volatile solids, carbon and nitrogen, pH and microbial load. The prototype proved to be very effective from a technical-operational point of view. The composting process exhibited a typical time-history, characterised by a thermophilic phase followed by a curing phase [Chiumenti, A., Chiumenti, R., Diaz, L.F., Savage, G.M., Eggerth, L.L., Goldstein, N., 2005. Modern Composting Technologies. BioCycle-JG Press, Emmaus, PA, USA]. Gas emissions from compost the windrow were more intense during the active phase of the process and showed a decreasing trend from the thermophilic to the curing phase. The final compost was characterized by good qualitative characteristics, a significant level of humification [Rossi, L., Piccinini, S., 1999. La qualità agronomica dei compost derivanti da liquami suinicoli. (Agronomic quality of swine manure compost). L'informatore Agrario 38, 29-31] and no odor emissions. This method of managing manure represents an effective, low cost approach that could be an interesting opportunity for swine farms.  相似文献   

Biodegradability under composting conditions is assessed by test methods, such as ASTM D 5338-92, based on the measurement of CO2 released by test materials when mixed with mature compost and maintained in a controlled composting environment. However, in real composting, biodegradation occurs in fresh waste. To clarify this point, the biodegradation of paper and of a starch-based biodegradable thermoplastic material, Mater-Bi ZI01U, was followed by measuring the weight loss of samples introduced either into a mature compost or into a synthetic waste. The weight loss in mature compost was higher at the beginning but tended to decrease; in synthetic waste a first lag phase was followed by an exponential phase. Complete degradation of paper was noticed simultaneously in the two substrates (after 25 days). The bulkier Mater-Bi samples were fully degraded after 20 days in fresh waste, but after 45 days in mature compost. Therefore, the test methods using mature compost as a substrate can possibly underestimate the biodegradation rate occurring in fresh waste, i.e., in real composting plants, and have to be considered as conservative test methods. The test procedure described in this paper seems very suitable as a screening method to verify the compostability of plastic materials in a composting environment.  相似文献   

A laboratory-scale bioreactor was used to investigate the influence of dairy manure addition (as an inoculum and a carbon source) on the biological and thermal kinetics of the composting process of tomato plant residues-wood shavings mixture. Urea was added (as a nitrogen source) to correct the initial C:N ratio to 30:1 and the initial moisture content was also adjusted to 60%. The result of this study indicated that manure addition to the tomato residues-wood shavings mixture is a good source of macro and micronutrients required for supporting the composting microorganisms. Manure addition increased the rate of temperature increase and the duration of maximum temperature and reduced the lag and the peak time, all of which resulted in a significant reduction in the retention time. However, thermophilic temperature (> or = 40 degrees Celsius) was only achieved with 30%, 40% and 50% manure addition for 3, 7 and 9h. Total carbon reductions were in the range of 9.4-10.8% and TKN reductions were in the range of 3.4-6.0%. Neither the nitrogen nor the moisture content were limiting factors as the C:N ratio remained in the range of 26:1 to 28:1 and the moisture content remained within the optimum range of 58-61%. The maximum temperature of each mixture correlated with the reduction of total carbon, but carbon availability was a limiting factor in these experiments. In order to attain and sustain a thermophilic phase during the composting process, the addition of a readily available carbon source to the tomato should be investigated and carbon type (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Pig manure usually contains a large amount of metals, especially Cu and Zn, which may limit its land application. Rock phosphate has been shown to be effective for immobilizing toxic metals in toxic metals contaminated soils. The aim of this study work was to investigate the effect of rock phosphate on the speciation of Cu and Zn during co-composting of pig manure with rice straw. The results showed that composting process and rock phosphate addition significantly affected the changes of metal species. During co-composting, the exchangeable and reducible fractions of Cu were transformed to organic and residue fractions, thus the bioavailable Cu fractions were decreased. The rock phosphate addition enhanced the metal transformation depending on the level of rock phosphate amendment. Zinc was found in the exchangeable and reducible fractions in the compost. The bioavailable Zn fraction changed a little during the composting process. The composting process converted the exchangeable Zn fraction into reducible fraction. Addition of an appropriate amount (5.0%) of rock phosphate could advance the conversion. Rock phosphate could reduce metal availability through adsorption and complexation of the metal ions on inorganic components. The increase in pH and organic matter degradation could be responsible for the reduction in exchangeable and bioavailable Cu fractions and exchangeable Zn fraction in rock phosphate amended compost.  相似文献   

The anaerobic digestion of municipal sewage sludge (SS) with swine manure (SM) and poultry manure (PM) was undertaken. It was found that a mixture of sewage sludge with a 30% addition of swine manure gave around 400 dm3/kgVS of biogas, whereas the maximal biogas yield from ternary mixture (SS:SM:PM = 70:20:10 by weight) was only 336 dm3/kgVS. An inhibition of methanogenesis by free ammonia was observed in poultry manure experiments. The anaerobic digestion was inefficient in pathogen inactivation as the reduction in the number of E. coli an Enterobacteriaceae was only by one logarithmic unit. A substantial portion of pathogens was also released into the supernatant.  相似文献   

Manure-derived biochar is the solid product resulting from pyrolysis of animal manures. It has considerable potential both to improve soil quality with high levels of nutrients and to reduce contaminants in water and soil. However, the combustible gas produced from manure pyrolysis generally does not provide enough energy to sustain the pyrolysis process. Supplementing this process may be achieved with spent agricultural plastic films; these feedstocks have large amounts of available energy. Plastic films are often used in soil fumigation. They are usually disposed in landfills, which is wasteful, expensive, and environmentally unsustainable. The objective of this work was to investigate both the energetics of co-pyrolyzing swine solids with spent plastic mulch films (SPM) and the characteristics of its gas, liquid, and solid byproducts. The heating value of the product gas from co-pyrolysis was found to be much higher than that of natural gas; furthermore, the gas had no detectable toxic fumigants. Energetically, sustaining pyrolysis of the swine solids through the energy of the product gas could be achieved by co-pyrolyzing dewatered swine solids (25% m/m) with just 10% SPM. If more than 10% SPM is used, the co-pyrolysis would generate surplus energy which could be used for power generation. Biochars produced from co-pyrolyzing SPM and swine solid were similar to swine solid alone based on the surface area and the 1H NMR spectra. The results of this study demonstrated the potential of using pyrolysis technology to manage two prominent agricultural waste streams (SPM and swine solids) while producing value-added biochar and a power source that could be used for local farm operations.  相似文献   

The addition of lipid wastes to the digestion of swine manure was studied as a means of increasing biogas production. Lipid waste was obtained from a biodiesel plant where used cooking oil is the feedstock. Digestion of this co-substrate was proposed as a way of valorising residual streams from the process of biodiesel production and to integrate the digestion process into the biorefinery concept.Batch digestion tests were performed at different co-digesting proportions obtaining as a result an increase in biogas production with the increase in the amount of co-substrate added to the mixture. Semi-continuous digestion was studied at a 7% (w/w) mass fraction of total solids. Co-digestion was successful at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 50 d but a decrease to 30 d resulted in a decrease in specific gas production and accumulation of volatile and long chain fatty acids. The CH4 yield obtained was 326 ± 46 l/kg VSfeed at an HRT of 50 d, while this value was reduced to 274 ± 43 l/kg VSfeed when evaluated at an HRT of 30 d. However these values were higher than the one obtained under batch conditions (266 ± 40 l/kg VSfeed), thus indicating the need of acclimation to the co-substrate. Despite of operating at low organic loading rate (OLR), measurements from respirometry assays of digestate samples (at an HRT of 50 d) suggested that the effluent could not be directly applied to the soil as fertiliser and might have a negative effect over soil or crops.  相似文献   

Due to the abundant supply and suitable physicochemical characteristics of livestock manure, it may be a useful biomass to produce biofuels, such as “bio-oil.” Hydrothermal liquefaction is a promising method for converting such wet biomasses into a liquid fuels and has attracted attention worldwide. In this review, the current state of research on the hydrothermal liquefaction of livestock manure biomasses is summarized. The effect of operating parameters on the yield of bio-oil is also reviewed. The fundamental characteristics of raw manure biomasses and converted oils are outlined and discussed in the paper. To reduce the use of fossil fuel and nuclear energy, the South Korean government has pledged to increase renewable energy. Based on findings from a literature review, it can be concluded that there is a chance for Korea to advance bio-oil production from the abundant and tremendous energy potential of swine manure by a hydrothermal liquefaction process.  相似文献   

Animal manure is waste that contains large amounts of fertilizer resources. Incineration technology is effective in decreasing the volume of animal manure and concentrating the nutrients. In this study, the nutrient concentration and chemical compounds of several types of animal manure ash were examined to promote their recycling for agriculture. The nutrient concentration of manure ash was dependent on the reduction rate of solid materials by incineration. The phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) of cattle and layer manure were not concentrated greatly because of high silicon (Si) and calcium (Ca) concentrations, respectively. On the other hand, the P concentration of swine manure and broiler litter was increased to 10.1–12.0 % (3.6–4.6 times compared with original materials), equivalent to that of phosphate rock used as fertilizer material. The K concentration of broiler litter ash (16.1 %) was highest of all. The phosphate compounds of cattle and swine manure ashes were determined as Ca9Fe(PO4)7 or Ca9MgK(PO4)7. Hydroxyapatite (Ca5(PO4)3(OH)) was detected in layer manure and broiler litter ashes. By acid treatment of ash, P and K availability of the fertilizer made from layer manure ash (33 % of materials) was equivalent to that of conventional chemical fertilizer.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - An environment-friendly treatment of organic waste like swine manure and food waste is considered to be big challenge, because the residue of...  相似文献   

Bioconversion of sugar and distillery industrial wastes with other biodegradables into enriched compost is an important possibility in need of research. In this paper, changes in temperature and physico-chemical (pH, NH4+-N, C/N ratio, CEC) parameters during windrow composting, related to biological stabilization of the compost, were studied. The rise in temperature, which occurred as composting progressed, was accompanied by an increase in NH4+-N and the passage of the thermophilic phase to mesophilic took place between 90 and 105 days. This overall pattern was observed in all composting mixes, whereby the concentrations of NH4+-N increased rapidly and then declined gradually over the course of monitoring pari passu with increase in NO3- -N. The C/N ratios of the composting mixes decreased substantially by the 90th day in full thermophilic phase and became comparatively stable later on. Addition of additives showed potential in improving the C/N ratios. Increases in cation exchange capacity (CEC) and the germination index value of a sensitive crop (Raphanus sativus) had value in establishing the optimum degree of maturity. The rise and fall of temperature and changes in NH4+-N concentrations, C/N ratios and CEC over time proved to be reliable indicators of the progress of the composting process for establishing biological stability and compost maturity.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two commercial additives meant to improve the composting process was studied in a laboratory-scale experiment. Improver A (sulphates and oxides of iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc mixed with clay) and B (mixture of calcium hydroxide, peroxide, and oxide) were added to source-separated biowaste:peat mixture (1:1, v/v) in proportions recommended by the producers. The composting process (T, emissions of CO2, NH3, and CH4) and the quality of the compost (pH, conductivity, C/N ratio, water-soluble NH4–N and NO3–N, water- and NaOH-soluble low-weight carboxylic acids, nutrients, heavy metals and phytotoxicity to Lepidium sarivum) were monitored during one year. Compared with the control, the addition of improver B increased pH by two units, led to an earlier elimination of water-soluble ammonia, an increase in nitrates, a 10-fold increase in concentrations of acetic acid, and shortened phytotoxicity period by half; as negative aspect it led to volatilization of ammonia. The addition of improver A led to a longer thermophilic stage by one week and lower concentrations of low-weight carboxylic acids (both water- and NaOH-extractable) with formic and acetic of similar amounts, however, most of the aspects claimed by the improver’s producer were not confirmed in this trial.  相似文献   

Stability is one of the most important properties of compost obtained from the organic fraction of municipal solid wastes. This property is essential for the application of compost to land to avoid further field degradation and emissions of odors, among others. In this study, a massive characterization of compost samples from both home producers and industrial facilities is presented. Results are analyzed in terms of chemical and respiration characterizations, the latter representing the stability of the compost. Results are also analyzed in terms of statistical validation. The main conclusion from this work is that home composting, when properly conducted, can achieve excellent levels of stability, whereas industrial compost produced in the studied facilities can also present a high stability, although an important dispersion is found in these composts. The study also highlights the importance of respiration techniques to have a reliable characterization of compost quality, while the chemical characterization does not provide enough information to have a complete picture of a compost sample.  相似文献   

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