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Nitrogen fixation in the North Pacific Ocean   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nitrogen fixation in the euphotic zone of the ocean was measured by C2H2 reduction and 15N2 incorporation associated with Trichodesmium sp. and also with Richelia intracellularis occurring within the cells of Rhizosolenia styliformis var. longispina, and R. cylindrus. The vertical distribution of N2 fixation activity, N2-fixing species, particulate matter and dissolved nutrients was measured. The effects of light intensity, sample concentration, length of incubation, and nutrient enrichment on the rates of C2H2 reduction were determined. Estimates of the importance of N2 fixation in adding previously uncycled nitrogen to the euphotic zone are given.  相似文献   

The report includes quantitative and qualitative data on the phytoplankton from the First Canadian Transpacific Oceanographic Cruise from March to May 1969. Nanoplanktonic species (<20 m) were numerically dominant and, together with nertic diatoms, made up the larger portion of the biomass at all stations outside the Western Subarctic and Alaskan Gyres, where Denticulopsis seminae predominated. The nanoplankton consisted mainly of haptophycean, dinophycean and cryptophycean flagellates. Tropical oceanic dinoflagellates and diatoms were abundant in the net samples from Station 17 in the warm Kuroshio current but absent from Stations 24–27 in the Western Subarctic Gyre, Stations 2, 37–39 in the Alaskan Gyre, in which cold water oceanic species predominated, and Stations 31 and 33, south of the Aleutians. Subsurface maxima were common on the outward bound (westerly) leg in March.  相似文献   

P. J. Smith 《Marine Biology》1986,91(2):173-180
Gel electrophoresis was used to measure genetic variation in the orange roughyHoplostethus atlanticus. Samples were collected on the continental slope in the Tasman Sea, South-west Pacific Ocean and North-east Atlantic Ocean, at various periods from 1982 to 1984. Twenty-two enzymatic loci were resolved in seven samples to give observed heterozygosities between 0.104±0.037 and 0.125±0.044. There was little genetic differentiation between populations separated by a distance of approximately 21 000 km. Tasman-Pacific and Atlantic samples differed significantly in allele frequency at only two loci, while at a third locus a rare allele was found only in the Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

The number, size, and carbon and nitrogen contents of eggs in the pouches of a euphausiid crustacean, Nematoscelis difficilis Hansen, were examined. A clear linear relationship exists between the number of eggs in the pouch and the body weight of the maternal euphausiid. The eggs are not spherical in shape, and the size of eggs is greater in larger egg masses. The carbon content of the egg masses (50.2%) is higher than that of the bodies (40.7%). The carbon: nitrogen ratio (C/N) is also higher in the egg masses than in the bodies of euphausiids. The carbon content of the eggs is equivalent to 28.4% of the body carbon, the nitrogen content to 19.2% of the body nitrogen.  相似文献   

The growth of 24 species of demersal fish caught off the Sinaloa-Nayarit coast and in the Gulf of Tehuantepec (Mexican Pacific Ocean) was determined by means of length-frequency analysis. Fishes constitute an important bycatch of the penaeid shrimp fishery, and 235 species were identified in catches made on research cruises in both areas in 1989 to 1992. Growth rates (cm yr-1) ranged from 0.13 cm for lutjanids and serranids to 0.95 cm for the carangid Selene peruviana; the other species displayed growth rates within this range. Growth varied seasonally, with minimum growth in spring, and is probably related to seasonal changes in the waters of the area. By means of length-frequency analysis, we determined von Bertalanffy growth parameters for the primary species of this multispecies fishery. Such data is fundamental for the future commercial exploitation of these fishes.  相似文献   

Bailey DM  Ruhl HA  Smith KL 《Ecology》2006,87(3):549-555
Food web structure, particularly the relative importance of bottom-up and top-down control of animal abundances, is poorly known for the Earth's largest habitats: the abyssal plains. A unique 15-yr time series of climate, productivity, particulate flux, and abundance of primary consumers (primarily echinoderms) and secondary consumers (fish) was examined to elucidate the response of trophic levels to temporal variation in one another. Towed camera sled deployments in the abyssal northeast Pacific (4100 m water depth) showed that annual mean numbers of the dominant fish genus (Coryphaenoides spp.) more than doubled over the period 1989-2004. Coryphaenoides spp. abundance was significantly correlated with total abundance of mobile epibenthic megafauna (echinoderms), with changes in fish abundance lagging behind changes in the echinoderms. Direct correlations between surface climate and fish abundances, and particulate organic carbon (POC) flux and fish abundances, were insignificant, which may be related to the varied response of the potential prey taxa to climate and POC flux. This study provides a rare opportunity to study the long-term dynamics of an unexploited marine fish population and suggests a dominant role for bottom-up control in this system.  相似文献   

Chlordane compounds (CHLs) were quantitated in krill (Euphausia superba), benthic fish (Trematomus bernacchii) and Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddelli) collected around the Japanese Antarctic Research Station (Syowa Station: 69°00'S, 39°35'E). The concentrations of ZCHL (cis‐, trans‐chlordane+ cis‐, fraws‐nonachlor + oxych‐lordane) in krill was much lower than that of benthic fish. The ratio of SCHL to sum of SCHL, SDDT and PCBs decreased with the trophic levels. These results indicate that CHLs appear to be easily degraded in higher organisms.  相似文献   

The in situ decomposition rate of urea was measured using 14C-labelled urea at 3 areas in the North Pacific Ocean: Sagami Bay on the southern coast of central Japan, the northwestern Pacific central waters and the subarctic Pacific waters. The mean values of the decomposition rates of urea in surface waters of these areas were 44.5, 1.51 and 1.32 mol urea m-3 d-1, respectively. These rates decreased with depth. High rates of urea carbon incorporation into particulate matter and the CO2 liberation from urea carbon into seawater were obtained in light bottles in the euphotic zone, while low rates were found in dark bottles. The turnover rates of urea in the 3 areas were calculated respectively as 12, 113 and 110 d at the surface, and the values increased with depth.  相似文献   

The magnitude and physiological characteristics of biological nitrogen fixation have been studied in the oligotrophic waters of the North pacific gyre. The filamentous blue-green algae Trichodesmium spp. and Richelia intracellularis were the important nitrogen-fixing phytoplankton. Most of the nitrogen fixation occurs in the upper 40 m of the water column, with detectable fixation as deep as 90 m, which corresponds to about the 1 % light depth. There was no evidence of photoinhibition of nitrogen fixation, although CO2 reduction was depressed slightly at the highest light levels. The rate of nitrogen fixation in the water column varied throughout the day, being highest in mid-morning and in late afternoon. Relatively high fixation rates were also found during periods of darkness. Elevated oxygen concentrations had a marked inhibitory effect on rates of nitrogen fixation, a pO2 of 0.4 atm causing a 75% inhibition. Data from studies of nitrogen fixation and assimilation rates of 15N-labelled nitrate, ammonium, and urea indicate that nitrogen fixation furnished about 3% of the total daily fixed nitrogen requirement for phytoplankton growth. Studies with isolated colonies of Trichodesmium spp. indicated that 100% of their nitrogen requirement was met by nitrogen fixation. Chemical composition of the Trichodesmium colonies showed that the C:N ratio was 4.1 and that their phosphorus content relative to carbon or nitrogen was much lower than that of the total particulate material in the water column. Elevated ratios of carbon: adenosine triphosphate (ATP) also suggest that phosphorus deficiency may be limiting the growth of Trichodesmium. The magnitude of nitrogen fixation in the gyre is seasonally dependent, with high rates in late summer and autumn. At these times the water column is stratified, with phosphate and nitrate barely detectable in the upper 100 m. Our data suggest that during these months of stratification, biological fixation of nitrogen amounts to about 33 g-at N/m2/day.  相似文献   

A report of green algal pigments in the Central North Pacific Ocean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Thin-layer chromatography showed that chlorophyll b was present in acetone extracts of 6 samples of suspended matter collected in February 1973 from the Central North Pacific Ocean. Pigment patterns showed the presence of green algae and diatoms through most of the euphotic zone down to 200 m. Ratios of chlorophyll b:a ranged from 0.2 to 0.5 at 5 and 100 m depths, but were less than 0.05 at 200 m.  相似文献   

Wet and dry weight, total carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, and ash contents were determined on 33 species of zooplankton distributed predominantly in the open sea region of the North Pacific. Sampling covered the waters from 44°N to the equator. Average percentage of dry weight to wet weight was about 19% of all samples from the whole area. Percentage dry weight of carbon in copepods was on an average 51.5%. The highest value, 66.6%, was obtained in eggs of the copepod Pareuchaeta sarsi. Mixed zooplankton was assumed to contain carbon comprising about 35 to 45% of the dry weight. Carbon contained in the zooplankton biomass existing in the upper 200 m in the western parts of the northern North Pacific and Bering Sea during spring and summer was estimated to range from 20 to 85 mg C/m3. Nitrogen content varied considerably with localities. Average ratio of carbon to nitrogen was 8.5 in subarctic copepods, and 4.1 in subtropic-tropic copepods. This ratio also varied with season. In the copepod Calanus cristatus the ratio was highest (10.0) in May, immediately after the spring bloom of phytoplankton, when the animals contained much fat. The ratio fell to 5.1 in December. There seemed to be a large seasonal variation in boreal zooplankton due to great fluctuations of environmental conditions, especially the amount of food available; in tropical species the range was small because of environmental uniformity. Average hydrogen content was about 6 to 10%. The percentage of ash to dry weight amounted to 39.3% in pteropods and 3.4% in copepods.  相似文献   

H. Okada  S. Honjo 《Marine Biology》1975,31(3):271-285
The distribution of coccolithophores was studied in the neritic environment along the western margin of the Pacific Ocean: the Inland Sea of Seto, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, South China Sea, Java Sea, Timor Sea, Arafura Sea and Gulf of Carpentaria. The coccolithophore community in the Red Sea was also studied for comparison with the Pacific marginal seas. With minor exceptions, the coccolithophore communities were very similar throughout the neritic areas investigated, but differed completely from the pelagic community in three aspects. Firstly, almost all neritic coccolithophores, regardless of species, suffered various degrees and forms of malformation with relation to the morphology of their coccoliths, while such malformation was rare in the pelagic population. Nitrogen deficiency may cause such malformation. Secondly, the diversity of species in these marginal seas was much lower than in the pelagic environment, although no species was found to be exclusively neritic. Emiliania huxleyi, usually ubiquitous in oceanic areas and in various neritic environments of higher latitudes, was scarce, while Gephyrocapsa oceanica dominated the flora throughout the studied areas. Finally, the horizontal and vertical distributions of the neritic populations were sporadic compared to those of the rather uniform pelagic environments.  相似文献   

Yeasts were isolated from twelve established sites in the North Sea from 1964 to 1966. A percentage frequency of 99% with populations varying from <10 to >3000 viable cells/L was observed. This mycota was characterized by considerable spatial and temporal fluctuation, with the dominant yeast present being the ascosporogenous species, Debaryomyces hansenii. This taxon, as well as other common North Sea yeasts, e.g., Rhodotorula rubra and Candida diddensii, have been reported frequently from other marine locales. Noteworthy concentrations of yeasts, especially D. hansenii, were observed during summer months, often in association with various stages of development of the dinoflagellate, Noctiluca miliaris. The population dynamics of the North Sea yeasts are discussed in relation to similar studies of other marine environments.  相似文献   

Geographical variations in the numbers, biomass and production of euphausiids and the contribution of common species to the total are described from samples taken during 1966 and 1967 in the North Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea by the Continuous Plankton Recorder at 10 m depth. Euphausiids were most abundant in the central and western North Atlantic Ocean and the Norwegian Sea. Thysanoessa longicaudata (Krøyer) was numerically dominant. Biomass was greatest in the Norwegian Sea and the north-eastern North Sea where Meganyctiphanes norvegica (M. Sars) accounted for 81 and 59%, respectively, of the total biomass. Production was highest off Nova Scotia and in Iberian coastal waters; the dominant species were T. raschi (M. Sars) in the former area and Nyctiphanes couchi (Bell) in the latter. The mean P:B ratios were correlated with temperature.  相似文献   

The pelagic copepod Calanus pacificus ranges nearly continuously across temperate-boreal regions of the North Pacific Ocean and is currently divided into three subspecies—C. pacificus oceanicus, C. pacificus californicus, C. pacificus pacificus—based on subtle morphological differences and geographic location. The relation between geography and genetic differentiation was examined for 398 C. pacificus individuals sampled from six widely distributed locations across the North Pacific, including an open ocean site and coastal sites on both sides of the North Pacific basin. For each individual copepod, the DNA sequence was determined for a 421-bp region of the mitochondrial coxI gene (mtCOI). A total of sixty-three different mtCOI sequences, or haplotypes, were detected, with a sequence divergence between haplotypes of 0.2–3.1%. The number and distribution of haplotypes varied with sampling location; 12 haplotypes were distributed across multiple sampling locations, and 51 occurred at only one location. Five genetically distinct populations were detected based on F ST values. Haplotype minimum spanning networks, nucleotide divergence and F ST values indicated that individuals from coastal sites in the North Pacific Ocean were more closely related to each other than to individuals from the open ocean site at Station P. These results provide genetic support for the designation of two subspecies—a coastal subspecies that consists of what is currently referred to as C. p. pacificus and C. p. californicus and an open ocean subspecies C. p. oceanicus. This work also indicates that planktonic copepods with potentially high dispersal capacity can develop genetically structured populations in the absence of obvious geographic barriers between proximate locales within an ocean basin.  相似文献   

Fishing has wide-ranging impacts on marine ecosystems. One of the most pervasive signs of intensive fishing is "fishing down the food web", with landings increasingly dominated by smaller species from lower trophic levels. Decreases in the trophic level of landings are assumed to reflect those in fish communities, because size-selective mortality causes decreases in the relative abundance of larger species and in mean body size within species. However, existing analyses of fishing impacts on the trophic level of fish communities have focused on the role of changes in species composition rather than size composition. This will provide a biased assessment of the magnitude of fishing impacts, because fishes feed at different trophic levels as they grow. Here, we combine body size versus trophic level relationships for North Sea fishes (trophic level assessed using nitrogen stable-isotope analysis) with species-size-abundance data from two time-series of trawl-survey data (whole North Sea 1982-2000, central and northern North Sea 1925-1996) to predict long-term trends in the trophic structure of the North Sea fish community. Analyses of the 1982-2000 time-series showed that there was a slow but progressive decline in the trophic level of the demersal community, while there was no trend in the trophic level of the combined pelagic and demersal community. Analyses of the longer time-series suggested that there was no trend in the trophic level of the demersal community. We related temporal changes in trophic level to temporal changes in the slopes of normalised biomass size-spectra (which theoretically represent the trophic structure of the community), mean log2 body mass and mean log2 maximum body mass. While the size-based metrics of community structure showed long-term trends that were consistent with the effects of increased fishery exploitation, these trends were only correlated with trophic level for the demersal community. Our analysis suggests that the effects of fishing on the trophic structure of fish communities can be much more complex than previously assumed. This is a consequence of sampled communities not reflecting all the pathways of energy transfer in a marine ecosystem and of the absence of historical data on temporal and spatial changes in the trophic level of individuals. For the North Sea fish community, changes in size structure due to the differential effects of fishing on species and populations with different life histories are a stronger and more universal indicator of fishing effects than changes in mean trophic level.  相似文献   

Assimilation rates of 15N-labelled ammonium, urea, and nitrate by plankton in the upper euphotic zone were measured in 2 summer, 2 winter, and 1 spring cruise in the central North Pacific Ocean. Average rates of ammonium plus urea assimilation could not be determined precisely, but were estimated to be 7 to 25 g-at. N m-3 day-1. Indirect evidence suggested that non-photosynthetic microorganisms contributed to these rates. Nitrate assimilation was negligible in the upper waters considered in this report (above the chlorophyll maximum and the nutricline). Potential, nitrate-saturated rates were in the range 1 to 8 g-at. N m-3 day-1. Seasonal comparison showed lowest rates of both carbon and nitrogen assimilation rates per chlorophyll a in winter.  相似文献   

The distributional features and physical characteristics of 4830 krill (Euphausia superba Dana) aggregations detected acoustically in the Southwest Atlantic between 26 January and 21 February 1981 are described. Results are compared with aggregations detected in the Indian Ocean. Aggregations in the Atlantic were larger, closer to the surface and to each other than in the Indian Ocean. Similar patterns in the distribution of aggregation spacing along survey transects were found in the two areas, although the pattern of spacings in the Atlantic indicates differences in the scale of aggregation. Serial interdependence of aggregation variables was minimal in the Atlantic, with aggregation thickness, length and spacing showing weak inter-relationships. Weak functional association, between water depth and aggregation thickness was evident. Investigation of variability in aggregation structure in relation to prevailing environmental conditions gave equivocal results and no clear association between any aggregation variable and prevailing hydrography was observed. The implications of these results for future studies on krill aggregation are discussed in relation to a conceptual framework which was developed from the present results and aimed at linking krill aggregation characteristics to environmental features.  相似文献   

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