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中国碳排放强度的时空演进及跃迁机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
面对气候变化所带来的生存危机以及环境治理的复杂状况,对中国碳排放强度时空演进的动态监测与预警治理的研究是实现碳排放强度下降目标的关键。文章测算1997—2015年中国大陆30个省区碳排放强度的空间面板数据,采用探索性时空数据分析(ESTDA)方法对中国碳排放强度的空间相关性、集聚特征及其时空跃迁进行空间统计分析,借助分位数回归与时空跃迁嵌套模型,揭示在时间和空间推移的双重作用下中国各省区碳排放强度的时空跃迁机制。研究结果表明:(1)中国30个省区的碳排放强度在时空分布上并不是完全随机状态,各个省区碳排放强度之间具有显著的空间相关性特征,碳排放强度的变动趋势会受到其相临近省区碳排放强度的影响,省域间的碳排放强度在空间分布上呈现"集聚"与"分异"并存的时空演进特征。(2)中国碳排放强度空间集聚趋势增强,具有高度的凝固性和较低的流动性,10个高碳排放强度省区碳排放强度的稳定性将成为制约中国碳排放强度整体跃迁的重点省区,相关省区的跃迁性将成为驱动中国碳排放强度整体跃迁的关键省区。(3)各省区的碳排放强度空间集聚过程中存在时空跃迁的驱动模式和制约模式,分位数回归模型能够很好地解释各驱动因素对碳排放强度时空跃迁的驱动机制,不同响应阶段的驱动因素的分位数与碳排放强度时空跃迁类型之间具有很强的嵌套性。(4)根据各省区碳排放强度时空演进及其跃迁机制的分析结果,进一步提出加强对关键省区碳排放强度的有效监测与治理,加大碳排放的约束力度等差异化的碳减排调控措施。  相似文献   

畜牧业“碳排放”到“碳足迹”核算方法的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球变暖趋势日益加剧,不仅影响农业可持续发展,而且威胁到人类生存。畜牧业碳排放因其在农业碳排放中乃至全球碳排放中占比较大而日益备受关注。准确核算畜牧业碳排放是制定切实可行的碳减排政策的前提,也为我国在气候变化下承担共同但有差别的减排责任提供话语权。本文基于研究范式的演进,对畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹核算方法的研究发展进行了系统梳理,研究表明,在学者的不断研究与质疑下,畜牧业碳排放到碳足迹的核算方法经历了从OECD核算法、IPCC系数法到生命周期法与投入-产出法的演变与完善,学术界认为区域异质性、养殖规模与管理方式均影响碳足迹;散养比规模化养殖产生更多的碳排放,舍饲比户外放牧排放更多的碳。畜牧业碳足迹核算能够更加全面地反映畜牧业全生命周期的碳排放情况,但由于研究假设、研究方法及研究样本等差异导致不同区域、不同畜产品的碳排放核算结果存在不确定性。运用生命周期法和投入-产出法对欧盟成员国畜牧业碳排放的核算结果基本一致,但运用IPCC系数法和全生命周期法对中国畜牧业碳排放核算中,牛、猪和羊的碳排放量排序结果不尽一致。鉴于核算结果的差异性,本研究对不同核算方法的起源、最早采用时间、特点、局限性等方面进行了归纳总结,并建议后续研究探讨基于生命周期评价的畜牧业碳足迹研究边界的延伸性,标准化畜牧业碳排放或碳足迹核算,避免学者重复核算畜牧业碳排放,以便深入展开畜牧业碳排放其他方面的研究。  相似文献   

工业时代的经济增长是以大量消耗能源为代价的,直接导致环境污染和资源枯竭。将经济增速与环境压力脱钩的同时,实现将人类福祉与资源消耗的脱钩,是实现绿色可持续发展的焦点问题。采用Tapio基本模型构建中国能源消耗与经济增长的脱钩模型,将1979-2014年的脱钩指数划分为8种脱钩类型。结果说明,绝对而稳态的脱钩是不存在的。虽然大部分年份的中国处于弱脱钩状态,但长时间尺度上,经济增长与能源消耗存在"连接-脱钩-复钩-再脱钩"的动态反复过程。以中国东部地区10省份为例,研究脱钩指数变化的趋势和时间分异情况。结果显示,进入21世纪后该地区复钩的可能性不断增加,特别在经济增速趋缓的背景下,需要警惕以能源消耗驱动经济发展的模式重现。计算并比较脱钩指数的5年均值,研究中国东部地区脱钩的空间分异情况。结果表明,经济增长与能源消耗是否脱钩与宏观政策的调整密切相关。不断提高利用效率以减少能源消耗总量,保持弱脱钩是中国经济发展与能源消耗关系的常态。  相似文献   

供给侧改革和高质量发展的适时提出为中国低碳经济发展提供了新思路,调整以往过多的行政配置资源带来的要素扭曲,研究同一个国家不同省份之间资源要素协同问题的方法可以为提出有效的节能减排政策提供科学依据与决策参考。基于此,对我国碳排放强度空间面板数据进行测算,提出探索性时空数据分析框架,运用GeoDa软件刻画我国省际碳排放强度时空关联及其局部空间差异的波动性,将STIRPAT模型和EKC模型相结合检验我国碳排放强度影响因素的空间溢出特性,揭示我国碳排放强度时空演进的一般规律。研究结果表明:我国碳排放强度的局部空间自相关呈现集聚与分异并存的时空分布特征,碳排放强度水平相近的省区均呈现出先减弱后增强的空间集聚现象,我国省际碳排放强度存在俱乐部收敛的演进特征。我国省际碳排放强度存在空间溢出性特征,我国碳排放强度空间集聚、分异与跃迁的形成与演变是各地区资源禀赋以及经济发展水平等多种资源要素协同作用的结果。进一步提出分区域、有重点的区域协同减排措施,提升区域碳排放协同治理的效率。  相似文献   

中国工业的高能耗投入在带来经济快速增长的同时也导致碳排放的急剧增加,作为全球最大的碳排放国,中国肩负着巨大的减排责任。为了探索减排方式,中国自2013年先后在7个省市建立了碳排放交易市场。研究碳交易对工业碳排放的影响及作用机制,有助于科学评价政策,为全国工业碳交易市场的推行提供合理的建议。本文利用中国30个省份规模工业碳排放数据,首先分别采用DID和PSM-DID方法考察了碳排放交易对工业碳排放和碳强度的影响,其次在使用SFA测算出各省规模工业能源技术效率和能源配置效率的基础上探讨了碳交易发挥作用的机制和影响大小。结果发现:(1)碳交易对试点地区规模工业的碳排放量和碳强度有显著抑制作用,分别使二者下降4.8%和5.2%;(2)碳交易分别使试点地区的工业能源技术效率和配置效率显著提高0.03和0.08;(3)碳交易发挥作用的机制与规模工业的能源技术效率有关。能源技术效率的减排效应大于能源配置效率的增排效应,最终导致政策具有减排作用。这些结论说明,想要推进中国碳交易市场的发展并使其长期发挥减排作用,必须要加快碳交易市场相关配套制度的改革,包括碳价机制和配额分配机制等,使市场交易与政府调控有效结合;淘汰落后产能,增加研发投入,鼓励工业企业使用新技术;转变能源消费结构,倡导新能源和清洁能源的使用。  相似文献   


Monitoring data from ozone(O3 automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing, in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's 1h ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

Monitoring data from ozone(O3) automatic stations in three typical cities with different climatic areas in the southern and northern parts of eastern China are used to analyze temporal and spatial characteristics of ozone pollution at ground level. The results show that ozone pollution level has distinct regional differences and the concentration in the suburbs is higher than that in the urban areas. The seasonal variation of ozone concentration in different climatic areas is greatly affected by the variation of precipitation. Ozone concentration in Shenyang and Beijing , in the temperate zone, has one perennial peak concentration, occurring in early summer, May or June. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou, in sub-tropical zone, has two peak values year round. The highest values occur in October and the secondary high value in June. The ozone season in the south is longer than that in the north. The annual average daily peak value of ozone concentrations in different climates usually occur around 3 pm. The diurnal variation range of ozone concentration declines with the increase of latitude. Ozone concentration does not elevate with the increase of traffic flow. Ozone concentration in Guangzhou has a distinct reverse relation to CO and NOx. This complicated non-linearity indicates that the equilibrium of ozone photochemical reaction has regional differences. Exceeding the rate of Beijing's lh ozone concentration is higher than that of Guangzhou, whereas the average 8h ozone level is lower than that of Guangzhou, indicating that areas in low latitude are more easily affected by moderate ozone concentrations and longer exposure. Thus, China should work out standards for 8h ozone concentration.  相似文献   

城镇化与碳排放是当代中国经济社会发展的两大特征,中国的新型城镇化不仅要求实现人口、土地、经济城镇化的协调统一,还要求在城镇化的进程中注重生态环境的保护,实现绿色低碳发展。因此,从不同维度城镇化视角探讨碳排放的影响因素并对比其差异具有重要的理论与现实意义。本文根据2008—2014年中国30个省份的面板数据测算了各省的碳排放量,运用熵权法对表征土地城镇化、经济城镇化的相关指标进行了整组变量压缩,然后运用ESDA方法分析了省域间碳排放的空间相关性,基于STIRPAT模型分别构建了人口城镇化、土地城镇化、经济城镇化三个维度下的碳排放影响因子空间杜宾面板模型并进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,各省份的碳排放存在正的空间相关性,并且经济因素助长了这种空间相关性。在各城镇化维度下,人口规模、人均可支配收入、碳强度对本省份及相邻省份的碳排放均具有显著的影响,其中:人口规模是最主要的影响因素;人均可支配收入具有显著的正向作用,中国正处于环境库兹涅茨曲线的上升阶段;在经济水平相近的情况下,各省份间的碳排放具有"逐顶竞争"的特征。不同城镇化维度下,各因素对碳排放的影响存在明显的差异:从直接效应来看,经济城镇化维度下各影响因素的弹性系数最大,土地城镇化维度下的人口规模对碳排放的影响最小;从反馈效应来看,在人口城镇化维度下省份间碳排放的"逐顶竞争"特征最为明显;从间接效应来看,经济城镇化维度下的人均可支配收入对相邻省份的碳排放量存在显著的负向影响。  相似文献   

我国减缓碳排放的近期形势与远期趋势分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
近3年来我国面临GDP能源强度呈上升趋势,能源消费及相应CO2排放增长对世界减缓碳排放的形势产生了更大影响的新的形势,从长远发展趋势看,我国当前由于工业特别是重化工业在国民经济结构中急剧增加引起的GDP能源强度阶跃性增长将随产业结构的稳定两平缓,并且随产业结构的优化和产业技术升级及高附加值产品比例提高而再度呈持续稳定下降的趋势。我国在现代化道路中与发达国家的历程相比,可以走更为节约能源和减少CO2排放的道路。但由于中国人口众多,和平发展的规模大、速度快,而且时间比发达国家滞后半个世纪以上,我国为实现现代化所必需的能源消费和CO2排放的增长会对全球的碳排放增长产生重大影响。这将使我国未来经济发展面临极为不利的外部环境。  相似文献   

With the fast development of Qingdao’s economy, the energy consumption is increasing significantly. In this paper, based on the energy statistic data in Qingdao area from 2010 to 2015, energy consumption structure was analyzed, indicating the existence of single energy structure; that is, coal, petroleum, and natural gas are dominant in the area. Thus, some issues between energy supply and demand have been brought. To solve present problem, we put forward to formulate the development strategy of energy, including energy savings, the exploitation of petroleum and natural gas resources, the development and utilization of renewable energy sources, and energy policy. It is worthy of mentioning that, according to the geological investigation, the shale gas may be abundant in Qingdao area and the gas resource amount estimated is huge. This is our first finding, important for developing unconventional energy and adjusting the energy structure in Qingdao in the future. Therefore, we suggest that Qingdao government should take action to develop local new energy resources for satisfying the energy demand.  相似文献   

The transportation industry is an essential sector for carbon emissions mitigation.This paper firstly used the LMDI(Logarithmic Mean Divisia Index)decomposition method to establish factors decomposition model on China’s transportation carbon emission.Then,a quantitative analysis was performed to study the factors influencing China’s transportation carbon emissions from 1991 to 2008,which are identified as transportation energy efficiency,transportation structure and transportation development.The results showed that:(1)The impact of transportation development on transportation carbon emissions showed pulling function.Its contribution value to carbon emissions remained at high growth since 1991 and showed an exponential growth trend.(2)The impact of transportation structure on transportation carbon emissions showed promoting function in general,but its role in promoting carbon emissions decreased year by year.And with the continuous optimization of transportation structure,the promoting effect decreased gradually and showed the inversed"U"trend.(3)The impact of transportation energy efficiency on transportation carbon emissions showed a function of inhibition before pulling.In order to predict the potential of carbon emission reduction,three scenarios were set.Analysis of the scenarios showed that if greater intensity emission reduction measures are taken,the carbon emissions will reduce by 31.01 million tons by 2015 and by 48.81 million tons by 2020.  相似文献   

Foreign trade drives China’s growth,but as the trade scale continues to expand,the carbon emissions also increase quickly.Based on the industry panel data from 1996 to 2010,this paper calculates carbon emissions of 27manufacturing industries.According to the intensity of carbon emissions,this paper divides the manufacturing sectors into low carbon and high carbon manufacturing industry and then analyzes the carbon emission trends.Next,the paper uses the feasible generalized least square regression to verify the existence of environmental Kuznets curve(EKC)of the manufacturing industry’s carbon.In order to investigate the carbon leakage problem,the regression also includes the interaction term between trade and industrial value added.Our findings are as follows:the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry accord with the EKC curve,but have a linear relationship with the high carbon manufacturing industry;trade reduces the carbon emissions of the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,but it increases those of the high carbon manufacturing industry;for the whole manufacturing industry and low carbon manufacturing industry,there is no carbon leakage,but it exists in the high carbon manufacturing industry.On the whole,pollution haven hypothesis does not hold up in China,and China does not need to limit industry foreign trade to reduce the emission of CO2.But the manufacturing industry will still be the main engine of the economic growth,and therefore our country should make an effective low-carbon policy,introduce advanced technology,increase R&D investment into lowcarbon technologies,and upgrade and transform the original equipment to change the backward mode of production.  相似文献   

为了研究九龙江流域河流中溶解碳变化规律,分别于2017年7月与2018年1月对九龙江河水溶解无机碳(DIC)与溶解有机碳(DOC)进行了分析。丰水季河水DIC浓度为7.50~49.04 mg/L,平均值为22.12 mg/L,枯水季DIC浓度为8.84~84.91 mg/L,平均浓度41.17 mg/L,丰水季河水中的DOC浓度为0.54~2.89 mg/L,平均值为1.04 mg/L,枯水季河水中DOC浓度变化在1.34~3.56 mg/L之间,平均值为2.34 mg/L,据此计算了九龙江河水DOC、DIC的入海通量。研究结果表明九龙江河水中溶解碳具有显著的时空变化特征,通过与中国其他河流溶解碳数据对比,解释了碳酸盐岩的风化、气候变化、河流中浮游植物以及人类活动对九龙江河流溶解碳浓度的影响。  相似文献   

吉林省城市紧凑度与城市效率的时空演变及相关性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧凑城市理念被认为可以有效提高城市经济发展效率,减少城市在开发建设、资源配置等方面的低效率。为探究我国城市紧凑度和城市效率的时空演变及两者间的相关性,本研究以吉林省地级及以上城市为研究对象,研究时间段选择为2000—2013年。研究主要分为三个部分。第一部分,运用熵值法,对吉林省地级及以上城市的紧凑度时空演变特征进行研究,研究发现,吉林省城市紧凑度平均水平较低,并且空间分布极不均衡,受区位和经济发展水平影响较大,高紧凑度城市基本位于哈大城市走廊一线。第二部分运用DEA数据包络模型,对吉林省城市效率演变特征进行研究,结果显示,吉林省城市效率在经过了长期的反复波动后于2012年步入快速增长阶段,受多种因素影响,各城市全要素生产率增长节奏迥异,但都表现出与技术进步一致的变动性,城市经济发展对新技术、新的生产要素投入的依赖较大,资源利用效率整体较低。第三部分运用R语言对吉林省城市紧凑度与城市效率的相关性进行了研究,两者间存在极弱的相关性,接着借助象限图法得出两者在不同时间段内存在一定程度的同步性,紧凑度提升时大部分城市的城市效率会出现提升,紧凑度的下降不一定有效引起城市效率同步下降。  相似文献   

本文根据与青海省城乡居民生活能源消费相关的8个部门的能源消费数据,采用统计分析方法,从最终需求的角度评估了2000-2008年城乡居民生活能源消费及其碳排放。研究发现2000-2008年青海省城镇与农村居民生活用能在总量和人均水平上均相差很大,并且由此产生的碳排放是城镇居民远高于农村居民,其中,城镇居民生活用能主要集中在食品、娱乐教育文化服务、衣着3个部门,占总能源消费的61.02%,而农村居民生活用能主要集中在食品、居住和交通通讯3个部门,占总能源消费的71.77%。如果青海省农村居民能源消费水平达到青海省城镇居民能源消费的最低水平,会引起能源消费量及碳排量的急剧增加。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship among pollutant emissions,energy consumption and economic development in China during the period 1982-2007 by using a one-step GMM-system model under a multivariable panel VAR framework,controlling for capital stock and labor force.Regarding the data for all 28 provinces as a whole,we find that there is a unidirectional positive relationship running from pollutant emission to economic development and a unidirectional negative relationship between pollutant emission and energy consumption.Based on traditional economic planning,the panel data of28 provinces are divided into two cross-province groups.It is discovered that in the eastern coastal region of China,there is only a unidirectional positive causal relationship leading from economic development to pollutant emission;while in the central and western regions,there are the unidirectional Granger causal relationships between pollutant emission and energy consumption,as well as between pollutant emission and economic development.There is also a unique unidirectional causal relationship running from economic development to energy consumption,which does not appear in the eastem coastal region or in China as a whole.  相似文献   

基于空间计量经济学的碳排放与经济增长分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文采用空间计量经济学的方法对我国各省份的经济增长与碳排放之间的关系进行了实证分析,结果表明:我国各省份的碳排放在空间分布上表现出一定的空间正自相关性,碳排放量最高的省份多处于经济发达的沿海地区,如以北京为中心的环渤海地区,以上海为中心的长三角地区和以广东为核心的珠三角地区,而次之的是经济较为发达的地区,如中部的山西、湖北、湖南、江西、安徽和西南地区;我国各省份的碳排放在空间分布上存在一定的空间集群效应,如环渤海地区就表现出高碳排放的空间集群效应,而西部地区的西藏、新疆、甘肃、青海却表现出低碳排放的空间集群效应.经济增长与碳排放呈现出正相关关系,高碳排放的地区多处于经济发达的沿海地区,而低碳排放的地区多处于经济落后的内陆地区;我国目前的经济增长对碳排放的依赖性较强,经济增长对碳排放的弹性系数约为0.8左右,说明在未来的短时间内很难实行低碳经济的发展模式.  相似文献   

城镇居民生活能耗与碳排放动态特征分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
居民家庭生活能源消费与碳排放越来越不容忽视,开展这方面研究对于促进居民可持续消费、寻找新的节能减排途径都具有十分重要的意义.本文在考察量化1999-2007年中国城镇居民生活直接、间接能源消费及其碳排放连续变化的基础上,探究了这段时期生活能耗与碳排放的动态变化特征,并分析其潜在的影响因素.研究主要结论包括:1999-2007年,中国城镇居民人均生活总能耗和碳排总量都呈现出逐年增加趋势,其中间接能耗与碳排始终大于直接能耗与碳排,但二者的差异正在逐年缩小;对于人均直接能耗与碳排来说,二者总量都呈逐年增加趋势,其中电力和煤炭是最主要的直接能源消费品种,也是最主要的碳排来源;对于人均间接能耗与碳排来说,虽然居民生活消费开支逐年递增,但由于各类消费项的单位产值能源强度在逐年下降,因此总的间接能耗与碳排并没呈现出一定的递增或递减趋势,而是出现波动性变化.其中"食品"、"教育文化娱乐服务"和"居住"3项是居民生活间接能耗与碳排的主要来源;人均住宅建筑面积是居民生活碳排变化的主要影晌因子.研究结论为引导可持续的家庭消费模式和节能减排措施的制定提供管理启示与科学依据.  相似文献   

石化行业作为中国八大典型高碳排放产业之一,也是碳市场参与的重要行业.在国家2020年碳排放强度目标的约束下,客观评价其行业减碳的压力,对于政府部门科学制定各个行业碳排放配额的分配方案具有重要支撑作用.同时,亦对于通过低碳转型升级实现行业的可持续发展和支撑国家的工业减排目标具有理论和现实意义.本文针对石化行业9个子部门,结合我国经济发展的总体背景和趋势以及石化行业的相关数据,以2010年为基准情景,在2020年国家碳排放强度分别下降45%和50%的减排约束目标下,构建了一个动态CGE模型——PCCGE,借助GAMS软件模拟分析,预测了到2020年国家和石化行业经济总量、能源消费结构和碳排放量及碳强度等的变化趋势.研究结果表明,相比基准情景,在45%、50%的碳强度减排目标下,国家和石化行业的经济增长、能源消费结构和碳排放强度等指标分别受到一定程度影响,其中,50%的减排目标对国家整体经济增速影响更为明显;对煤炭、石油这两种高碳能源的需求产生了较显著的约束效应;相比国家45%-50%的低碳发展目标,石化行业减碳承受压力达到60.63%至64.78%,面临着艰巨的减排任务与挑战.最后,文章结合低碳市场化背景提出了如下建议:科学预测典型离碳行业的减碳潜力,谨慎应对石化等行业企业参与碳市场交易过程中碳配额指标的制定与分配;充分利用技术创新和能源结构调整等战略,提高可再生能源的使用规模,促进能源消耗结构的优化和调整;构建石化行业节能低碳技术产学研协同创新体系,解决共性节能技术瓶颈;实施石化行业企业低碳发展战略,建设完善碳排放管理体系是行业节能减碳的重要手段.  相似文献   

This paper constructs a 4-lier computable general equilibrium model which includes such modules as modeling carbon emission constraints and carbon trading(CT),and incorporates the cost of carbon emissions into constant elasticity of substitute production function.Under scenario settings under different carbon abatement targets,based on 2007 national social accounting matrix and related statistical data about energy consumption and carbon emission,effects on economic outputs,energy consumption,and carbon abatement are estimated and analyzed at both macro and sector level.By calculating selected novel indicators that compromise between macroeconomic opportunity cost and achievable carbon abatement,reasonable carbon price intervals are given for enhancing the robustness and liquidity of carbon market.Further,by decomposition and share-weighted methods,expected carbon abatement and energy price are measured and analyzed in details.Some results are meaningful for fundamental design of the future carbon market.Given constant energy utilization and carbon abatement technologies at the macro level,the higher the carbon price the more actual carbon abatement;the more gross domestic product loss,the less energy consumption.Accwding to the overall situation estimated for 2007 in China,the advice given is to introduce a carbon abatement target rate(R_c)of-10%,which is helpful to make carbon market stable against unexpected carbon price shocks between[6.9,35]/tC with less economic loss.According to Kaya decomposition,after introduction of carbon pricing,carbon abatement is mainly contributed by the effects of energy intensity(EI)and technical progress.Further,CT may help reduce energy consumption and induce transformation to a low-carbon energy structure.At the sector level,the introduction of CT could induce economic recession in all sectors,especially energy.However,the overall economic structure remains unchanged to some extent.CT will help reduce energy consumption in all sectors,especially energy.Overall utilization costs of the energy composite can be divided in two,market price and carbonrelated costs.Carbon-related costs mainly contribute to variation in the utilization cos of the energy composite;carbon pricing may help non-energy sectors achieve sufficient carbon abatement by pushing up energy utilization cost.However,despite achievable carbon abatement by the energy sector being relatively high,induced by carbon pricing,there is still significant potential for other incentive policies to stimulate further abatement,such as energy resources taxation and transportation fuel taxation,especially in the sectors of coal and transportation.Finally,some advice is proposed in regard to policy decisions and further research.  相似文献   

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