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Aluminum and ferric salts are commonly used in municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWPTs) for phosphorus(P) removal. In this study, on-site jar tests were conducted to determine the removal of different P species from the fresh samples in the presence and absence of activated sludge(AS) with different doses of alum, poly-aluminum chloride,and ferric chloride at different p H. The soluble P(SP) concentration in the samples was about 0.63 mg/L. When the mixed liquor containing AS was treated with 8 mg/L of Al, SP could be reduced to 0.13 mg/L, while it was reduced to 0.16 mg/L with only 1 mg/L of Al after sedimentation removal of AS from sample. Chemical analysis determined that AS contained 59.8 mg-P/g-TSS and 43.8 mg-Al/g-TSS and most of the P was associated with the aluminum hydroxide. We discovered that the phosphate in the AS could readily be released from it, which was mainly responsible for ineffective removal of P to low levels in mixed liquor even with very high alum dose. This study provides new insight into the behavior and fate of P in the wastewater treatment plants that use alum to enhance P removal in the final effluent.  相似文献   

Microwave (MW) hybrid processes are able to disrupt the flocculent structure of complex waste activated sludge, and help promote the recovery of phosphorus as struvite. In this study, to optimize struvite yield, (1) the characteristics of matter released in MW-hybrid treatments were compared, including MW, MW-acid, MW-alkali, MW-H2O2, and MW-H2O2-alkali. The results showed that selective release of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, Ca2 +, and Mg2 + achieved by sludge pretreatment using MW-hybrid processes. MW-H2O2 is the recommended sludge pretreatment process for phosphorus recovery in the form of struvite. The ratio of Mg2 +:NH4+-N:PO43 −-P was 1.2:2.9:1 in the supernatant. (2) To clarify the effects of organic matter on struvite recovery, the composition and molecular weight distribution of organic matters were analyzed. Low molecular weight COD was found to facilitate the removal rate of NH4+-N and PO43-P via crystallization, and the amorphous struvite crystals (< 1 kDa) from the filtered solutions had high purity. Therefore, the present study reveals the necessity of taking into consideration the interference effect of high molecular weight organic matters during struvite crystallization from sewage sludge.  相似文献   

Declining worldwide phosphate rock reserves has driven a growing interest in exploration of alternative phosphate supplies. This study involved phosphorus recovery from swine wastewater through precipitation of struvite, a valuable slow-release fertiliser. The economic feasibility of this process is highly dependent on the cost of magnesium source. Two different magnesium sources were used for phosphorus recovery: pure magnesium chloride and nanofiltration(NF) saline water retentate. The paper f...  相似文献   

低负荷运行对城市污水生物除磷的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对目前国内较多的城市污水处理厂长期处于低负荷运转的状态,进行了现场生产性与静态模型的试验研究。结果表明,长期低负荷运行是导致生物除磷效率下降的主要原因。长期低负荷运行使聚磷菌微生物细胞内储存物质(PHB、Glycogen、poly-P等)含量下降,使生物除磷能力丧失。为了保证生物脱氮除磷处理系统的除磷效率,可通过调节生化反应容积、控制好氧区的曝气等手段,使处理系统的负荷控制在适合的范围内。  相似文献   

钱锋  宋永会  向连城  袁芳  葛杰 《环境科学学报》2014,34(12):2991-2997
研究了磷酸铵镁(MAP)结晶法晶体捕集反应器在曝气条件下回收猪场厌氧消化液中磷元素的能力.结果表明,利用曝气方式提高猪场厌氧消化液的p H值,进行MAP结晶回收磷完全可行.MAP的饱和度指数(SI)与废水p H值呈多项式函数关系,结晶反应的最佳p H值为8.5~9.0;随着曝气时间延长至180 min,反应器内废水p H值可提高至8.5;常温下(25℃),反应器内MAP回收磷的反应动力学的反应级数(n)为1.98,速率常数(K25)为7.04×10-4L·mg-1·min-1;反应器单个运行周期为270 min;磷的平均去除率为82%左右.MAP晶体捕集反应器上的晶体在一个反应周期内即可成形,随着反应周期的增加,晶体颗粒逐渐增大.利用扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪对捕集器所捕集的晶体进行了表征,证实晶体为高纯度的MAP.  相似文献   

Aperspectiveanalysisonmunicipalsolidwaste(MSW)energyrecoveryinChinaHePinjing,ShaoLimingNationalLaboratoryofPolutionControlan...  相似文献   

A weak-base adsorption fiber,acrylic amine fiber(AAF),was prepared for removal and recovery of phosphate from water.The adsorption properties of the AAF for phosphate and effects of co-existing ions were investigated using batch and column filtration experiments,scanning electron microscope,and Fourier transform infrared techniques.Experimental results showed that AAF had a high phosphate adsorption capacity of 119 mg/g at pH 7.0.The effects of calcium,sulfate,carbonate,nitrate,and fluoride show...  相似文献   

新型城市污水脱氮除磷工艺的试验研究与优化设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张冰  周雪飞  任南琪 《环境科学》2008,29(6):1518-1525
提出了一种改进型A2/O脱氮除磷工艺(MAAO),通过工艺试验和活性污泥2D模型对其进行运行和设计优化.结果表明,系统对COD、TN、NH 4-N和TP的平均去除率分别为85.7%、66.8%、97.35%和78.1%;当COD在300mg/L以上时,脱氮除磷效果均较好,可分别达到70%和90%以上.基于试验结果建立的MMAO工艺数学模型仿真效果良好,可对各单元组合进行优化,校核预测不利工况下的工艺运行效果,实现工艺不同工况下的运行参数优化,较好地实现新工艺的机理性优化设计和运行. MMAO稳定运行出水可达到<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB 18918-2002)一级B标准.由于工艺省去内回流,增加厌氧混合液部分超越提供反硝化碳源,使得运行费用明显降低;系统总停留时间比目前传统的以去除有机污染物为主的生物处理工艺略低,该工艺非常适用于对不具有脱氮除磷功能污水厂的改造.  相似文献   

为考察羟基磷酸钙(HAP)诱导结晶对低磷污水中PO43--P的回收效果,以污水厂尾水为研究对象,采用方解石为晶种,首先全面对比了HAP诱导结晶与均相结晶的PO43--P去除效果,然后通过改变晶种粒径和投加量,研究了晶种对PO43--P回收的影响,并探讨了结晶反应条件对PO43--P回收和产物晶型的影响.结果表明:HAP...  相似文献   

采用中空纤维超滤膜组件构建了高负荷生物絮凝-膜反应器(HLB-MR),对其直接处理城市污水及回收有机物进行了研究.结果表明:当水力停留时间(HRT)为1.0h,固体停留时间(SRT)为0.2d时,该工艺可回收进水总COD的60.8%,据估算约有39%的进水总COD可通过中温厌氧消化转化为甲烷能源回收,有机物的甲烷转化率为活性污泥法剩余污泥的2倍以上,能实现污水中有机物的高效回收和利用;经过有机物回收后膜出水的COD能稳定保持在30mg/L左右,且出水中氮、磷营养物保有值均较高又不含固体杂质和病原体,可将其用作灌溉用水,实现水资源回用;SRT分别为0.2,0.6,1.0d时,反应器对胶体COD絮凝效率分别为81.9%、95.1%、96.8%,絮凝效率越高,膜污染越轻,良好的生物絮凝效果可有效减轻膜污染,保证工艺的稳定运行.  相似文献   

同步脱氮除磷新工艺处理校园生活污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内现行工艺氮磷去除不能兼顾的现实,采用活性污泥、生物膜组合系统(活性污泥、生物膜培养采用原水→配水→待处理废水逐级诱导培养获得单池相对纯净的生物相.避免了硝化菌与聚磷菌的泥龄矛盾,利用反硝化聚磷"一碳两用"缓解了碳源竞争问题),并采用独特的聚磷污泥回流方式使全部聚磷菌污泥经历释磷、聚磷循环,克服了水体中氮磷去除不能兼顾的问题.运行结果表明,该工艺对校园生活污水有良好的处理效果.当进水的CODCr、NH 4-N、TN、PO3-4-P的平均浓度为349.84mg·L-1、32.28mg·L-1、35.76mg·L-1、6.45mg·L-1时,出水平均浓度为14.77mg·L-1、1.46mg·L-1、5.48mg·L-1、0.63mg·L-1,平均去除率分别为95.7%、95.12%、84.45%、92.01%.长期的运行表明此工艺对氮磷有稳定的去除效果,出水水质满足国家<城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准>(GB18918-2002一级B标准)要求.  相似文献   

To perform a systematic survey on the occurrence and removal of micropollutants during municipal wastewater treatment, 943 semi-volatile organic chemicals in 32 wastewater samples including influents of secondary treatments, secondary effluents and final effluents(effluents of advanced treatments), which were collected from seven full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plants(MWTPs) in China, were examined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(GC-MS) coupled with an automated identification and quantification system with a database(AIQS-DB). In total, 196 and 145 chemicals were detected in secondary and final effluents, respectively. The majority of the total concentrations(average removal efficiency, 87.0%±5.9%) of the micropollutants were removed during secondary treatments. However, advanced treatments achieved different micropollutant removal extents from secondary effluents depending on the different treatment processes employed. Highly variable removal efficiencies of total concentrations(32.7%–99.3%) were observed among the different advanced processes. Among them,ozonation-based processes could remove 70.0%–80.9% of the total concentrations of studied micropollutants. The potentially harmful micropollutants, based on their detection frequency and concentration in secondary and final effluents, were polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)(2-methylnaphthalene, fluoranthene, pyrene, naphthalene and phenanthrene), phosphorus flame retardants(tributyl phosphate(TBP), tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate(TCEP) and tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate(TDCP)), phthalates(bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate(DEHP)), benzothiazoles(benzothiazole,2-(methylthio)-benzothiazol, and 2(3H)-benzothiazolone) and phenol. This study indicated that the presence of considerable amounts of micropollutants in secondary effluent creates the need for suitable advanced treatment before their reuse.  相似文献   

分析了东北地区7个城市污水处理厂脱水污泥中Cu、Zn、Cr、Ni、Mn的含量,利用修正的BCR法研究了污泥中重金属的形态分布特征,并使用地累积指数(Igeo)法和内梅罗指数法(PI)评估了污泥在土地利用过程中重金属的潜在生态风险.结果表明,污水厂污泥中Zn含量超过了国家标准(GB4284—1984)限值,且污泥中Cu、Zn和Mn的含量远远超过东北耕地黑土中的背景含量.污泥中Cu和Cr的有机物结合态(即可氧化态)所占比例较大,可迁移形态含量最高的重金属是Zn,Ni广泛分布于可交换态、酸溶态、可还原态、可氧化态和残渣态中,Mn的残渣态在5种形态中所占比例最高.5种金属中迁移性最强的是Zn,其次为Mn,Cr的迁移性最差.内梅罗单项污染指数法和地累积指数法的评价结果表明,Cu、Zn和Mn是污泥土地利用过程中潜在的污染元素.内梅罗综合指数法的评价结果显示,种脱水污泥均对耕地黑土环境存在严重的潜7在生态风险.  相似文献   

Municipal sewage from an oxidation ditch was treated for reuse by nanofiltration (NF) in this study. The NF performance was optimized, and its fouling characteristics after different operational durations (i.e., 48 and 169 hr) were analyzed to investigate the applicability of nanofiltration for water reuse. The optimum performance was achieved when transmembrane pressure = 12 bar, pH = 4 and flow rate = 8 L/min using a GE membrane. The permeate water quality could satisfy the requirements of water reclamation for different uses and local standards for water reuse in Beijing. Flux decline in the fouling experiments could be divided into a rapid flux decline and a quasi-steady state. The boundary flux theory was used to predict the evolution of permeate flux. The expected operational duration based on the 169-hr experiment was 392.6 hr which is 175% longer than that of the 48-hr one. High molecular weight (MW) protein-like substances were suggested to be the dominant foulants after an extended period based on the MW distribution and the fluorescence characteristics. The analyses of infrared spectra and extracellular polymeric substances revealed that the roles of both humic- and polysaccharide-like substances were diminished, while that of protein-like substances were strengthened in the contribution of membrane fouling with time prolonged. Inorganic salts were found to have marginally influence on membrane fouling. Additionally, alkali washing was more efficient at removing organic foulants in the long term, and a combination of water flushing and alkali washing was appropriate for NF fouling control in municipal sewage treatment.  相似文献   

Millions of tons of waste activated sludge (WAS) produced from biological wastewater treatment processes cause severe adverse environmental consequences. A better understanding of WAS composition is thus very critical for sustainable sludge management. In this work, the occurrence and distribution of several fundamental sludge constituents were explored in WAS samples from nine full-scale wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of Beijing, China. Among all the components investigated, active heterotrophic biomass was dominant in the samples (up to 9478 mg/L), followed by endogenous residues (6736 mg/L), extracellular polymeric substances (2088 mg/L), and intracellular storage products (464 mg/L) among others. Moreover, significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in composition profiles of sludge samples among the studied WWTPs. To identify the potential parameters affecting the variable fractions of sludge components, wastewater source as well as design and operational parameters of WWTPs were studied using statistical methods. The findings indicated that the component fraction of sewage sludge depends more on wastewater treatment alternatives than on wastewater characteristics among other parameters. A principal component analysis was conducted, which further indicated that there was a greater proportion of residual inert biomass in the sludge produced by the combined system of the conventional anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process and a membrane bioreactor. Additionally, a much longer solids retention time was also found to influence the sludge composition and induce an increase in both endogenous inert residues and extracellular polymeric substances in the sludge.  相似文献   

Recovering energy from wastes is a useful strategy for integrated waste and energy management in an eco-industrial park (EIP) and gives promising reduction of wastes, total energy consumption and operation cost. In Jinqiao EIP, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, an industrial symbiosis, based on the energy recovery from municipal sewage sludge and re-refined oil, was proposed in the central heat-supplying company of Jinqiao EIP. It is expected that hot off-gas or part of the steam from the central heat-supplying company could be used for sludge drying and used oil re-refining while the dried sludge and refined oil can be partial substitution for fossil fuel. For the purpose of assessing the environmental performance of this industrial symbiosis, life cycle assessment (LCA) was used and different scenarios were set up in this study to evaluate the Global warming Potential (GWP), Acidification Potential (AP), Eutrophication Potential (EP), Human toxicity air (HTA) and Total Environmental Impact Potential (TEIP) of the system. Results indicate that when the substitute ratio of coal by sludge is 14%, the proposed industrial symbiosis has the least environmental impact. Compared with the current situation (sludge is landfilled), co-combustion of dried sludge and re-refined oil with coal at optimal scale will release less CO2, CH4, NOx, N2O and CO, but more SO2, H2S, NH3, HCl, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) and heavy metals.  相似文献   

鸟粪石法回收养猪废水中氮磷时产物的组分与性质研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究鸟粪石法回收养猪废水中氮磷时产物的组分与性质,利用傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)、X射线衍射(XRD)和物料衡算,分析了不同工艺条件下回收产物的化学组分,利用扫描电镜-能谱(SEM-EDS)和激光粒度仪表征了不同条件下回收产物的形貌、粒度和元素组成.结果表明:各条件下废水中PO3-4-P去除率均超过93%,而NH+4-N去除率在28%左右;回收产物中主要为棒状鸟粪石(MgNH4 PO4·6H2O)晶体,同时还存在少量磷酸钙(Ca3(PO4)2·xH2O,ACP)和氢氧化镁(Mg(OH)2)等无定形颗粒;回收的鸟粪石纯度最高为87.72%,颗粒体积平均粒径最大为110 μm;鸟粪石纯度和颗粒粒度与反应液pH和进水PO3-4-P浓度相关,反应液pH由8.5±0.2升至9.5±0.2,鸟粪石纯度降低,粒度减小;进水PO3-4-P浓度由55.29 mg·L-1升至81.98 mg·L-1,鸟粪石纯度增大,粒度减小.  相似文献   

以模拟养猪废水为处理对象,进行了磷酸铵镁结晶小试实验,考察了pH值、NH4 、Mg2 、Ca2 和CO23-浓度对磷酸铵镁结晶反应的影响;利用扫描电镜-能谱分析仪(SEM-EDX)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)对结晶产物进行了表征.结果表明,磷酸铵镁结晶反应的最佳pH值范围为9.5~10.5;随着NH4 与磷摩尔比的增加,磷的去除率增大;最佳的镁与磷的摩尔比为1.4:1,过高的镁盐投加量对提高反应效率作用不明显;Ca2 的存在对磷酸铵镁结晶产物的晶形、纯度均产生干扰,当Ca2 增至一定浓度时,反应将生成无定形的磷酸钙沉淀;CO2-3的存在会降低磷的去除率,但不影响磷酸铵镁的晶形与纯度.  相似文献   

酸浸焚烧污泥灰(ISSA)是一种湿化学法提取磷(P)的工艺,因其操作简单、损耗低而被广泛应用.以烘干污泥为对照,通过考察不同温度(600~900℃)下ISSA中的磷形态和矿物相转变,研究了H2SO4和HCl作为提取液的酸浓度、酸浸时间和液固比对ISSA样品释磷性能以及对Ca、Al、Mg、Fe等关键金属元素浸出行为的影响,最终通过酸浸、阳离子交换树脂(CER)纯化和沉淀三步反应得到磷回收产物.结果表明:ISSA样品磷的形态以非磷灰石态无机磷(NAIP)为主,且部分NAIP会随着焚烧温度的升高转变为磷灰石态无机磷(AP);同时,污泥样品经两种提取液酸浸后,金属元素Ca、Al、Mg释出量最多,其中Ca、Mg元素的浸出量随焚烧温度的升高变化不大,而Al的浸出量随焚烧温度的升高急剧降低;相比其他焚烧温度,800℃条件下ISSA释磷性能更好,且H2SO4酸浸释磷性能优于HCl酸浸,当H2SO4浓度为0.10mol/L、液固比为150mL/g、酸浸时间为150min时释...  相似文献   

Recently, the rarely reported tet(31) tetracycline resistance determinant was commonly found in Aeromonas salmonicida, Gallibacterium anatis, and Oblitimonas alkaliphila isolated from farming animals and related environment. However, its distribution in other bacteria and potential molecular dissemination mechanism in environment are still unknown. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential mechanism underlying dissemination of tet(31) by analysing the tet(31)-carrying fragments in A. caviae strains isolated from an aerobic biofilm reactor treating oxytetracycline bearing wastewater. Twenty-three A. caviae strains were screened for the tet(31) gene by polymerase chain reaction(PCR). Three strains(two harbouring tet(31), one not) were subjected to whole genome sequencing using the PacBio RSII platform. Seventeen A. caviae strains carried the tet(31) gene and exhibited high resistance levels to oxytetracycline with minimum inhibitory concentrations(MICs)ranging from 256 to 512 mg/L. tet(31) was comprised of the transposon Tn6432 on the chromosome of A. caviae, and Tn6432 was also found in 15 additional tet(31)-positive A. caviae isolates by PCR. More important, Tn6432 was located on an integrative conjugative element(ICE)-like element, which could mediate the dissemination of the tet(31)-carrying transposon Tn6432 between bacteria. Comparative analysis demonstrated that Tn6432 homologs with the structure ISCR2-ΔphzF-tetR(31)-tet(31)-ΔglmM-sul2 were also carried by A. salmonicida, G. anatis, and O. alkaliphila, suggesting that this transposon can be transferred between species and even genera. This work provides the first report on the identification of the tet(31) gene in A. caviae, and will be helpful in exploring the dissemination mechanisms of tet(31) in water environment.  相似文献   

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