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Floodplains of the European rivers Rhine and Meuse are heavily polluted. We investigated the risk of heavy metal pollution (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) for detritivores living in a floodplain area, the Biesbosch, the Netherlands, affected by these rivers. Total soil, pore water and 0.01 M CaCl(2) extractable concentrations and concentrations in plant leaves, earthworms, isopods and millipedes were measured in two sites and compared with literature data to assess possible risks. Based on total metal concentrations in soil, serious effects on detritivores were expected. However, 0.01 M CaCl(2) extractable, pore water and plant leaf concentrations were similar to metal concentrations found in unpolluted areas. Concentrations of Cu and Cd in earthworms and Cu in millipedes were higher in the Biesbosch than in animals from reference areas. All other measured concentrations of heavy metals in earthworms, isopods and millipedes were similar to the ones found in reference areas. Despite high total soil concentrations, effects of Zn, Cu, Pb and Cd pollution on isopods are therefore not expected, while millipedes may only be affected by Cu. Since Cu and Cd levels in earthworms were increased compared to animals in unpolluted soils, this faunal group seems to be most at risk. Given the engineering role of earthworms in ecosystems, effects on the ecological functioning of floodplain soils therefore cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Heavy metal concentrations in soil and earthworms in a floodplain grassland   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We determined accumulated heavy metal concentrations (Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn) of earthworms in moderately contaminated floodplain soils. Both soil and mature earthworms were sampled before and after flooding and earthworm species were identified to understand species specific differences in bioconcentration. Accumulated metal concentrations in floodplain earthworms differed before and after flooding. Differences in uptake and elimination mechanisms, in food choice and living habitat of the different earthworm species and changes in speciation of the heavy metals are possible causes for this observation. Regression equations taken from literature, that relate metal accumulation by earthworms in floodplains as a function of metal concentration in soil, performed well when all species specific data were combined in an average accumulation, but did not address differences in accumulation between earthworm species.  相似文献   

Soil amendments previously shown to be effective in reducing metal bioavailability and/or mobility in calcareous metal-polluted soils were tested on a calcareous dredged sediment-derived soil with 26 mg Cd/kg dry soil, 2200 mg Cr/kg dry soil, 220 mg Pb/kg dry soil, and 3000 mg Zn/kg dry soil. The amendments were 5% modified aluminosilicate (AS), 10% w/w lignin, 1% w/w diammonium phosphate (DAP, (NH4)2HPO4), 1% w/w MnO, and 5% w/w CaSO4. In an additional treatment, the contaminated soil was submerged. Endpoints were metal uptake in Salix cinerea and Lumbricus terrestris, and effect on oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) in submerged soils. Results illustrated that the selected soil amendments were not effective in reducing ecological risk to vegetation or soil inhabiting invertebrates, as metal uptake in willows and earthworms did not significantly decrease following their application. Flooding the polluted soil resulted in metal uptake in S. cinerea comparable with concentrations for an uncontaminated soil.  相似文献   

收集了研究区内2008年的历史数据和2018年采集的最新数据,共计278个样品,分析测试了土壤环境污染常提及的Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn共8类重金属元素,利用单因子指数评价法、内梅罗综合污染指数法以及土壤环境质量评估法评价研究区内西河和耒水2条河流周边的土壤环境质量类别,结合反距离空间插值法以及空间几何分析,直观地展示出研究区2008—2018年土壤重金属的时空变异特征。结果表明:采集的2期数据中除Cr外,Cd、Hg、As、Pb、Cu、Ni、Zn表层土壤重金属元素均存在点位超标的情况,说明该研究区中整体存在重金属污染;通过单因子指数评价可知,2期数据单因子指数平均值排前2位的均为Cd和Pb,Cr平均值最小,研究区内2期数据Cr超过98%点位均属于优先保护类点位,Cd、As、Pb均存在超过《土壤环境质量农用地土壤污染风险管控标准》(GB 15618-2018)管制值的点位;污染增强区主要分布于采矿及冶炼企业密度较大的西河中上游、耒水上游和耒水下游3个区。为防止今后土壤重金属污染进一步增强,建议对3个高值区采取恰当的管理措施。  相似文献   


A pot experiment and a leaching experiment were conducted to investigate the effects of earthworms and pig manure on heavy metals (Cd, Pb, and Zn) immobility, in vitro bioaccessibility and leachability under simulated acid rain (SAR). Results showed manure significantly increased soil organic carbon (SOC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), available phosphorus (AP), total N, total P and pH, and decreased CaCl2-extractable metals and total heavy metals in water and SAR leachate. The addition of earthworms significantly increased AP (from 0.38 to 1.7 mg kg?1), and a downward trend in CaCl2-extractable and total leaching loss of heavy metals were observed. The combined earthworm and manure treatment decreased CaCl2-extractable Zn, Cd, and Pb. For Na4P2O7-extractable metals, Cd and Pb were decreased with increasing manure application rate. Application of earthworm alone did not contribute to the remediation of heavy metal polluted soils. Considering the effects on heavy metal immobilization and cost, the application of 6% manure was an alternative approach for treating contaminated soils. These findings provide valuable information for risk management during immobilization of heavy metals in contaminated soils.


Seasonal variation of sediment toxicity in the Rivers Dommel and Elbe   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Contaminated sediment in the river basin has become a source of pollution with increasing importance to the aquatic ecosystem downstream. To monitor the temporal changes of the sediment bound contaminants in the River Elbe and the River Dommel monthly toxicity tests were applied to layered sediment and river water samples over the course of 10 months. There is an indication that contaminated sediments upstream adversely affected sediments downstream, but this process did not cause a continuous increase of sediment toxicity. A clear decrease of toxic effects in water and upper layer sediment was observed at the River Elbe station in spring related to high water discharge and algal blooms. The less obvious variation of sediment toxicity in the River Dommel could be explained by stable hydrological conditions. Future monitoring programmes should promote a more frequent and intensive sampling regime during these particular events for ecotoxicological evaluation.  相似文献   

Yang Y  Ligouis B  Pies C  Achten C  Hofmann T 《Chemosphere》2008,71(11):2158-2167
Organic petrographic analysis was applied to provide direct information on carbonaceous geosorbents for PAHs in river floodplain soils. The anthropogenic OM group (primarily coal and coal-derived particles) displayed large volume amounts for all the soil samples. Distinct PAH concentrations with similar PAH distribution patterns were determined in grain size and density fractions for each sample. Two-ring PAHs had stronger correlation to organic carbon (OC) than black carbon (BC) contents, while heavier PAHs showed correlation to BC, rather than OC. In this study, we combined grain size and density separation, PAH determinations, TOC and BC measurements, and organic petrographic identification, and concluded that two-ring PAHs in soils were associated to coal particles. Other heavier PAHs could be more controlled by black carbon (BC), which were mostly coal-derived particles from former coal mining and coal industrial activity.  相似文献   

Data from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Air Quality System, the Southeastern Aerosol Research and Characterization database, and the Assessment of Spatial Aerosol Composition in Atlanta database for 1999 through 2002 have been used to characterize error associated with instrument precision and spatial variability on the assessment of the temporal variation of ambient air pollution in Atlanta, GA. These data are being used in time series epidemiologic studies in which associations of acute respiratory and cardiovascular health outcomes and daily ambient air pollutant levels are assessed. Modified semivariograms are used to quantify the effects of instrument precision and spatial variability on the assessment of daily metrics of ambient gaseous pollutants (SO2, CO, NOx, and O3) and fine particulate matter ([PM2.5] PM2.5 mass, sulfate, nitrate, ammonium, elemental carbon [EC], and organic carbon [OC]). Variation because of instrument imprecision represented 7-40% of the temporal variation in the daily pollutant measures and was largest for the PM2.5 EC and OC. Spatial variability was greatest for primary pollutants (SO2, CO, NOx, and EC). Population-weighted variation in daily ambient air pollutant levels because of both instrument imprecision and spatial variability ranged from 20% of the temporal variation for O3 to 70% of the temporal variation for SO2 and EC. Wind  相似文献   

The acid volatile sulphide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SigmaSEM) method is increasingly used for risk assessment of toxic metals. In this study, we assessed spatial and temporal variations of AVS and SigmaSEM in river sediments and floodplain soils, addressing influence of flow regime and flooding. Slow-flowing sites contained high organic matter and clay content, leading to anoxic conditions, and subsequent AVS formation and binding of metals. Seasonality affected these processes through temperature and oxygen concentration, leading to increased levels of AVS in summer at slow-flowing sites (max. 37micromolg(-1)). In contrast, fast-flowing sites hardly contained AVS, so that seasonality had no influence on these sites. Floodplain soils showed an opposite AVS seasonality because of preferential inundation and concomitant AVS formation in winter (max. 3-30micromolg(-1)). We conclude that in dynamic river systems, flow velocity is the key to understanding variability of AVS and SigmaSEM.  相似文献   

The effect of heavy metal additions in past sewage sludge applications on soil metal availability and the growth and yield of crops was evaluated at two sites in the UK. At Gleadthorpe, sewage sludges enriched with salts of zinc (Zn), copper (Cu) and nickel (Ni) had been applied to a loamy sand in 1982 and additionally naturally contaminated Zn and Cu sludge cakes in 1986. At Rosemaund, sewage sludges naturally contaminated with Zn, Cu, Ni and chromium (Cr) had been applied in 1968-1971 to a sandy loam. From 1994 to 1997, the yields of both cereals and legumes at Gleadthorpe were up to 3 t/ha lower than the no-sludge control where total topsoil Zn and Cu concentrations exceeded 200 and 120 mg/kg, respectively, but only when topsoil ammonium nitrate extractable metal levels also exceeded 40 mg/kg Zn and 0.9 mg/kg Cu. At Rosemaund, yields were only decreased where total topsoil Cu concentrations exceeded 220 mg/kg or 0.7 mg/kg ammonium nitrate extractable Cu. These results demonstrate the importance of measuring extractable as well as total heavy metal concentrations in topsoils when assessing likely effects on plant yields and metal uptakes, and setting soil quality criteria.  相似文献   

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety - a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variability, in order to assess point and diffuse components of zinc pollution within the River West Allen catchment, which lies within the northern England lead-zinc Orefield. Zinc levels in the river are elevated under all flow regimes, and are of environmental concern. Diffuse components are of little importance at low flow, with point source mine water discharges dominating instream zinc concentration and load. During higher river flows 90% of the instream zinc load is attributed to diffuse sources, where inputs from resuspension of metal-rich sediments, and groundwater influx are likely to be more dominant. Remediating point mine water discharges should significantly improve water quality at lower flows, but contribution from diffuse sources will continue to elevate zinc flux at higher flows.  相似文献   

Sulfur dioxide concentration levels are investigated in Istanbul to assess air pollution during the heating seasons in which the concentration of air pollutants reach high levels due to the consumption of low-quality fossil fuels. Results reveal that in the 1985-91 period there is an increasing trend in the concentrations of air pollutants. One reason for this increase is found to be the switching to use of low-quality fossil fuels instead of cleaner ones; the consumption ratio of coal/fuel-oil increased drastically in the 1980s from the ratio of 0.62 during 1980 to 3.09 by 1990. Linear regression analysis also indicated the similar variability of sulfur dioxide and particulate matter curves with a correlation coefficient R2=0.87. An optimum interpolation technique, kriging, is used to obtain the spatial distribution of sulfur dioxide over the area. Results indicated that the maximum concentration regions over the European side, exceeding 300 microg/m(3) monthly averages, are found to be the Fatih-Gaziosmanpa?a-Bayrampa?a, Beyo?lu-Si?li, and Emin?nü areas. On the Asian side, the G?ztepe-Kadik?y area received a major threat from sulfur dioxide pollution. Results also indicated that there was a considerable decrease in air pollution levels over Istanbul in the 1995-96 season compared with the previous two seasons. This can be explained by (1) the increase in ventilation, (2) switching to natural gas as a home and business heating fuel, and (3) treatment of coal before its entrance to the city. The variability in weather conditions is explained by the adoption of a ventilation index, which is the product of wind speed and inversion height.  相似文献   

Climate change and land use may significantly influence metal cycling in dynamic river systems. We studied temporal variation of sediment characteristics in a floodplain lake, including concentrations of dissolved organic carbon, acid volatile sulfide and trace metals. The sampling period included a severe winter inundation and a dramatic water level drop during summer. Temporal changes were interpreted using multivariate analysis and chemical equilibrium calculations. Metal concentrations in sediment increased with depth, indicating a gradual improvement of sediment quality. In contrast, dissolved metal concentrations were highest in top layers due to mobilization from oxyhydroxides and precipitation with sulfides in deeper layers. Inundation had a mobilizing effect as it stimulated resuspension and oxygenation of sediment top layers. Water table lowering combined with organic matter decomposition led to immobilization due to sulfide formation. The chemistry of the sediments was consistent with model calculations, especially for macro-elements. The results illustrate the importance of seasonality for metal risk assessment.  相似文献   

Metal phytoextraction with hyperaccumulating plants could be a useful method to decontaminate soils, but it is not fully validated yet. In order to quantify the efficiency of Cd and Zn extraction from a calcareous soil with and without Fe amendment and an acidic soil, we performed a pot experiment with three successive croppings of Thlaspi caerulescens followed by 3 months without plant and 7 weeks with lettuce. We used a combined approach to assess total extraction efficiency (2 M HNO3-extractable metals), changes in metal bio/availability (0.1 M NaNO3-extractable metals and lettuce uptake) and toxicity (lettuce biomass and the BIOMET biosensor). The soil solution was monitored over the whole experiment. In the calcareous soil large Cu concentrations were probably responsible for chlorosis symptoms observed on T. caerulescens. When this soil was treated with Fe, the amount of extracted metal by T. caerulescens increased and metal availability and soil toxicity decreased when compared to the untreated soil. In the acidic soil, T. caerulescens was most efficient: Cd and Zn concentrations in plants were in the range of hyperaccumulation and HNO3-extractable Cd and Zn, metal bio/availability, soil toxicity, and Cd and Zn concentrations in the soil solution decreased significantly. However, a reduced Cd concentration measured in the third T. caerulescens cropping indicated a decrease in metal availability below a critical threshold, whereas the increase of dissolved Cd and Zn concentrations after the third cropping may be the early sign of soil re-equilibration. This indicates that phytoextraction efficiency must be assessed by different approaches in order not to overlook any potential hazard and that an efficient phytoextraction scheme will have to take into account the different dynamics of the soil-plant system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine important metal pools for bioaccumulation by the earthworms Lumbricus rubellus and Aporrectodea caliginosa in soils with high binding capacity. Cd, Cu and Zn concentrations in soil, pore water and CaCl(2) extracts of soil, in leaves of the plant species Urtica dioica and in earthworms were determined at 15 field sites constituting a gradient in metal pollution. Variations in the Cu and Cd concentrations in L. rubellus and Cu concentrations in A. caliginosa were best explained by total soil concentrations, while variation in Cd concentration in A. caliginosa was best explained by pore water concentrations. Zn concentrations in L. rubellus and A. caliginosa were not significantly correlated to any determined variable. It is concluded that despite low availability, earthworms in floodplain soils contain elevated concentrations of Cu and Cd, suggesting that uptake takes place not only from the soluble metal concentrations.  相似文献   

Effects on earthworms in the contaminated floodplain area the Biesbosch, the Netherlands, were determined at different levels of organization using a combination of field and laboratory tests. The species Lumbricus rubellus, collected from different polluted sites in the Biesbosch, showed reduced values for the biomarker neutral red retention time (NRRT), mainly explained by high metal concentrations in the soil and the resulting high internal copper concentrations in the earthworms. Organic pollutant levels in earthworms were low and did not explain reduced NRRTs. Earthworm abundance and biomass were not correlated with pollutant levels in the soil. Litterbag decomposition and bait-lamina feeding activity, measures of the functional role of earthworms, were not affected by metal pollution and did not show any correlation with metal concentrations in soil or earthworms nor with NRRT. Effects at the biochemical level therefore did not result in a reduced functioning of earthworm communities.  相似文献   

Bioaccumulation of Hg, Cd and Pb by eight ecophysiologically distinct earthworm species was studied in 27 polluted and uncontaminated forest soils. Lowest tissue concentrations of Hg and Cd occurred in epigeic Lumbricus rubellus and highest in endogeic Octolasion cyaneum. Soils dominated by Dendrodrilus rubidus possess a high potential of risk of Pb biomagnification for secondary predators. Bioconcentration factors (soil-earthworm) followed the sequence ranked Cd > Hg > Pb. Ordination plots of redundancy analysis were used to compare HM concentrations in earthworm tissues with soil, leaf litter and root concentrations and with soil pH and CEC. Different ecological categories of earthworms are exposed to Hg, Cd and Pb in the topsoil by atmospheric deposition and accumulate them in their bodies. Species differences in HM concentrations largely reflect differences in food selectivity and niche separation.  相似文献   

The goal of this research was to assess the potential of several industrial wastes to immobilise metals in two polluted soils deriving from an old Pb/Zn mine. Two different approaches were used to assess the performance of different amendments: a chemical one, using extraction by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), and a biological one, using Lupinus albus as a bio-indicator. Four amendments were used: inorganic sugar production waste (named ‘sugar foam’, SF), sludge from a drinking water treatment sludge (DWS), organic waste from olive mill waste (OMW) and paper mill sludge (PMS). Amendment to soil ratios ranged from 0.1 to 0.3 (w/w). All the amendments were capable of significantly decreasing (p?<?0.05) EDTA-extractable Pb, Zn and Cu concentrations in the two soils used, with decreases in ranges 21–100, 25–100 and 2–100 % for Pb, Zn and Cu, respectively. The amendments tested were also effective in reducing the bioavailability of Pb and Zn for L. albus, which gave rise to a decrease in shoot metal accumulation by the lupine plants compared to that found in the control soil. That decrease reached up to 5.6 and 2.8 times for Pb and Zn, respectively, being statistically significant in most cases. Moreover, application of the OMW, DWS and SF amendments led to higher average values of plant biomass (up to 71 %) than those obtained in the control soil. The results obtained showed the technology put forward to be a viable means of remediating mine soils as it led to a decrease in the availability and toxicity of metals and, thus, facilitated the growth of a vegetation layer.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope

The chemical substance 2,4,7,9-tetramethyl-5-decyne-4,7-diol (TMDD) is a non-ionic surfactant used as an industrial defoaming agent and in various other applications. Its commercial name is Surynol 104® and the related ethoxylates are also available as Surfynol® 420, 440, 465 and 485 which are characterized by different grades of ethoxylation of TMDD at both hydroxyl functional groups. TMDD and its ethoxylates offer several advantages in waterborne industrial applications in coatings, inks, adhesives as well as in paper industries. TMDD and its ethoxylates can be expected to reach the aquatic environment due its widespread use and its physico-chemical properties. TMDD has previously been detected in several rivers of Germany with concentrations up to 2.5?µg/L. In the United States, TMDD was also detected in drinking water. However, detailed studies about its presence and distribution in the aquatic environment have not been carried out so far. The aim of the present study was the analysis of the spatial and temporal concentration variations of TMDD in the river Rhine at the Rheingütestation Worms (443.3 km). Moreover, the transported load in the Rhine was investigated during two entire days and 7 weeks between November 2007 and January 2008.

Materials and methods

The sampling was carried out at three different sampling points across the river. Sampling point MWL1 is located in the left part of the river, MWL2 in the middle part, and MWL4 in the right part. One more sampling site (MWL3) was run by the monitoring station until the end of 2006, but was put out of service due to financial constrains. The water at the left side of the river Rhine (MWL1) is influenced by sewage from a big chemical plant in Ludwigshafen and by the sewage water from this city. The water at the right side of the river Rhine (MWL4) is largely composed of the water inflow from river Neckar, discharging into Rhine 14.9 km upstream from the sampling point and of communal and industrial wastewater from the city Mannheim. The water from the middle of the river (MWL2) is largely composed of water from the upper Rhine. Water samples were collected in 1-L bottles by an automatic sampler. The water samples were concentrated by use of solid-phase extraction (SPE) using Bond Elut PPL cartridges and quantified by use of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The quantification was carried out with the internal standard method. Based on these results, concentration variations were determined for the day profiles and week profiles. The total number of analyzed samples was 219.


The results of this study provide information on the temporal concentration variability of TMDD in river Rhine in a cross section at one particular sampling point (443.3 km). TMDD was detected in all analyzed water samples at high concentrations. The mean concentrations during the 2 days were 314 ng/L in MWL1, 246 ng/L in MWL2, and 286 ng/L in MWL4. The variation of concentrations was low in the day profiles. In the week profiles, a trend of increasing TMDD concentrations was detected particularly in January 2008, when TMDD concentrations reached values up to 1,330 ng/L in MWL1. The mean TMDD concentrations during the week profiles were 540 ng/L in MWL1, 484 ng/L in MWL2, and 576 ng/L in MWL4. The loads of TMDD were also determined and revealed to be comparable in all three sections of the river. The chemical plant located at the left side of the Rhine is not contributing additional TMDD to the river. The load of TMDD has been determined to be 62.8 kg/d on average during the entire period. By extrapolation of data obtained from seven week profiles the annual load was calculated to 23 t/a.


The permanent high TMDD concentrations during the investigation period indicate an almost constant discharge of TMDD into the river. This observation argues for effluents of municipal wastewater treatment plants as the most likely source of TMDD in the river. Another possible source might be the degradation of ethoxylates of TMDD (Surfynol® series 400), in the WWTPs under formation of TMDD followed by discharge into the river. TMDD has to be considered as a high-production-volume (HPV) chemical based on the high concentrations found in this study. In the United States, TMDD is already in the list of HPV chemicals from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). However, the amount of TMDD production in Europe is unknown so far and also the biodegradation rates of TMDD in WWTPs have not been investigated.


TMDD was found in high concentrations during the entire sampling period in the Rhine river at the three sampling points. During the sampling period, TMDD concentrations remained constant in each part of the river. These results show that TMDD is uniformly distributed in the water collected at three sampling points located across the river. ‘Waves’ of exceptionally high concentrations of TMDD could not be detected during the sampling period. These results indicate that the effluents of WWTPs have to be considered as the most important sources of TMDD in river Rhine.

Recommendations and perspectives

Based also on the occurrence of TMDD in different surface waters of Germany with concentrations up to 2,500 ng/L and its presence in drinking water in the USA, more detailed investigations regarding its sources and distribution in the aquatic environment are required. Moreover, the knowledge with respect to its ecotoxicity and its biodegradation pathway is scarce and has to be gained in more detail. Further research is necessary to investigate the rate of elimination of TMDD in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants in order to clarify the degradation rate of TMDD and to determine to which extent effluents of WWTPs contribute to the input of TMDD into surface waters. Supplementary studies are needed to clarify whether the ethoxylates of TMDD (known as Surfynol 400® series) are hydrolyzed in the aquatic environment resulting in formation of TMDD similar to the well known cleavage of nonylphenol ethoxylates into nonylphenols. The stability of TMDD under anaerobic conditions in groundwater is also unknown and should be studied.

Total lead (Pb) concentration and Pb isotopic ratio (206Pb/207Pb) were determined in 140 samples from the Seine River basin (France), covering a period of time from 1945 to 2011 and including bed sediments (bulk and size fractionated samples), suspended particulate matter (SPM), sediment cores, and combined sewer overflow (CSO) particulate matter to constrain the spatial and temporal variability of the lead sources at the scale of the contaminated Seine River basin. A focus on the Orge River subcatchment, which exhibits a contrasted land-use pattern, allows documenting the relation between hydrodynamics, urbanization, and contamination sources. The study reveals that the Pb contamination due to leaded gasoline that peaked in the 1980s has a very limited impact in the river nowadays. In the upstream Seine River, the isotopic ratio analysis suggests a pervasive contamination which origin (coal combustion and/or gasoline lead) should be clarified. The current SPM contamination trend follows the urbanization/industrialization spatial trend. Downstream of Paris, the lead from historical use originating from the Rio Tinto mine, Spain (206Pb/207Pb?=?1.1634?±?0.0001) is the major Pb source. The analysis of the bed sediments (bulk and grain size fractionated) highlights the diversity of the anthropogenic lead sources in relation with the diversity of the human activities that occurred in this basin over the years. The “urban” source, defined by waste waters including the CSO samples (206Pb/207Pb?=?1.157?±?0.003), results of a thorough mixing of leaded gasoline with “historical” lead over the years. Finally, a contamination mixing scheme related to hydrodynamics is proposed.  相似文献   

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