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银行投资行为导致的环境破坏问题可能给银行带来环境风险。环境风险控制是实现我国金融可持续发展的必然选择。我国银行业环境风险控制体系由四部分组成,其中环境信息收集和传递是环境风险控制的基础,环境风险管理部门建设是环境风险控制业务的保障,环境风险动态评估和管理是环境风险控制的关键,借鉴国际经验和加入国际准则是提升环境风险控制水平的有效途径。本文通过对我国全国性商业银行在环境风险控制领域的举措进行分析,总结我国银行业环境风险控制体系构建的现状和问题。  相似文献   

煤炭的开采活动使得煤矿区生态系统发生了一系列的改变,尤其是与人类生活息息相关的土地资源,植被资源,水资源等遭到了严重的破坏,给当地的经济发展及人民的生产生活带来了巨大的环境风险。本文在模糊认知图理论的基础上,建立了基于单个agent认知的煤矿区生态系统的风险模型,通过融合相同认知单元,将各个agent的模糊认知图合成能清晰地表示各个认知单元间的整个因果关系的群体认知图。分析群体认知图可知,由煤炭开采所引发的各种风险因子中,地面塌陷所造成的危害最大,当地财政收入受到各种因素的制约影响最大,而由煤炭开采所带动的产业链发展、当地基础设施建设、财政收入、治安问题、恢复治理费用、生活水平提高等九个社会因素之间既互相促进又互相制约,通过建立群体认知图我们可以清楚的认识到影响煤炭生态系统各因子之间的关系。进一步探索了多agent对矿区环境风险的认知方式、联系程度及影响因素,从而为矿区环境规划和管理决策行为提供有力的技术支持。  相似文献   

以人类活动与地质条件反作用现象及结果的典型──黄龙滩水库库岸变形破坏对城镇居民点环境的影响为例,提出水库蓄水可能引起的环境地质问题以及对水库地质环境质量评价的有关方面。  相似文献   

外来入侵动物给我国的生物多样性、国民经济以及人类的健康带来了严重危害,正确分析外来入侵动物的扩散风险对控制其在国内的扩散有着极其重要的意义。采用层次分析法,建立了外来动物扩散的风险评估指标体系,并选取食人鲳〖WTBX〗(Pygocentrus nattereri)、桔小实蝇(Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel)〖WTBZ〗等几种典型的外来入侵动物作为评估对象,通过扩散风险计算模型评估出扩散风险的大小,设置阈值对不同入侵动物的扩散风险进行了分级,最终将外来入侵动物的风险分为4个等级:极高风险、高风险、中风险以及低风险,并针对不同风险等级不同扩散程度的外来动物提出了相应的分级管理对策,以期提高政府管理外来入侵动物扩散的效率  相似文献   

江苏省水资源短缺风险的相似云评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为有效的监测和评估水资源短缺风险的程度,实现水资源可持续开采和利用,提出水资源短缺风险的相似云综合评价模型。针对水资源短缺风险的影响因素同时具有模糊和随机性问题,建立基于熵权和相似云方法的综合评估模型。借鉴现有理论的基础上,综合考虑风险率、脆弱性、可恢复性等5个评价指标,采用熵权法确定各个指标的权重,利用正态云模型定量描述单指标条件下待评价城市水资源的短缺风险等级。给出一种新的计算正态云模型相似度方法——基于组合模糊贴近度的正态云相似度度量方法,通过比较待评价城市与风险等级之间的熵权正态云相似度值的大小,构建基于熵权相似云的水资源短缺风险评价模型。江苏省三大流域的实例表明,该方法简单可行,结果相对客观合理,能够克服现有方法的一些缺点。  相似文献   

本研究首先对城市土壤环境中重金属的污染现状进行了阐述,但仅通过评价污染现状是远远不够的,因此评价城市环境中重金属污染物对人类健康风险的影响是必要的。本文借鉴了两种国外比较成熟的健康风险评价模型并与国内比较常用的模型进行了分析,分别在参数、基本原理等方面进行了比较。以期通过比较可以做到根据实际情况选择合适的健康风险评价模型;并对以后在健康风险评价中应注意的污染物摄入问题提出了建议,以期对后来的研究提供参考价值。  相似文献   

基于纳污红线的河流排污权优化分配模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实行水功能区限制纳污红线的水资源管理制度,在理论和实践中必须要建立河流污染物总量控制管理制度,而实行污染物总量控制,首先要确定河流排污权的初始分配方案。结合我国现行流域水功能区划成果,以水功能区作为排污权初始分配主体开展排污权分配研究,提出由河流环境保护部门确定河流总体排污权,首先通过纵向配置将排污权分配给水功能区,然后通过横向配置将初始排污权分配给排污者的一种纵向加横向分配模式。以资源分配的公平性和效率为管理目标,并以污染物总量控制、浓度控制、企业生产连续性等为约束条件,建立了河流排污权多目标分配优化模型。最后利用多目标演化算法对算例进行了求解,验证了方法的可行性,且此分配方式所获得的环境节余容量最大  相似文献   

为研究济南市大杨庄地下水源对人体健康的影响,用改进的健康风险评价模型,对该地下水源地污染物通过饮水途径进入人体产生的危害进行了评价。结果表明:化学非致癌污染物所引起的健康风险很小,供水能够满足要求,非致癌污染物中健康风险最大的是氟化物、其次是硝酸盐、铁、氨氮、亚硝酸盐。氨氮、硝酸盐污染物3年来有较大增长,应该是大杨庄水源地的优先控制污染物。  相似文献   

198 5年国际社会在联合国环境规划署的号召和组织下进行了有关保护臭氧层的国际公约谈判。通过并签署了《保护臭氧层维也纳公约》。该公约在前言中指出了臭氧层破坏给人类带来的潜在影响 ,并根据《联合国人类环境宣言》中的原则 ,呼吁各国采取预防措施 ,使本国内开展的活动不要对全球环境造成破坏。同时呼吁各国加强该领域的研究。该公约在前言中指出 :在保护臭氧层中应考虑发展中国家的特殊情况和要求 ,这实际上暗示了发达和发展中国家在处理全球一半问题上的合作原则 ,即1992年联合国环发大会所确定的“共同但有区别的责任”原则。该公…  相似文献   

洪灾风险评价通用模型系统的研究   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
针对目前洪灾风险评价中存在的问题,建立了通用的洪灾风险评价模型系统,包括水文模型、水力模型及损失评估模型三部分。其中水文模型主要研究洪水的线发丰;水力模型主要研究河道及洪水风险区的洪水演进问题;损失评估模型主要对洪水灾害给人类生存和发展所造成的危害程度大上作出定量评估。该模型系统为洪灾风险评价提供了一个统一的标准,是一个综合性强、操作简单的实用模型。最后,通过实例研究,进一步证明通用系统的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

A systemic health risk assessment for the chromium cycle in Taiwan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Health risk assessment (HRA) has been recognized as a useful tool for identifying health risks of human activities. In particular, this method has been well applied to spatially defined units, such as a production plant, a treatment facility, and a contaminated site. However, the management strategies based on the risk information will be more efficient if the comprehensive picture of total risks from all kinds of sources is depicted. In principle, the total risks can be obtained when all risk sources are assessed individually. Apparently, this approach demands huge amount of efforts. This study develops a methodology that combines substance flow and risk estimation to facilitate examination of risk in a systemic way and provide comprehensive understanding of risk generation and distribution corresponding to flows of substances in the anthroposphere and the environment. Substance flow analysis (SFA) and HRA method is integrated to produce a systemic risk assessment method, from which substance management schemes can be derived. In this study, the chromium cycle in Taiwan is used as an example to demonstrate the method, by which the associated substance flow in the economy and the risk caused by the substance in the environmental system is determined. The concentrations of pollutants in the environmental media, the resultant risks and hazard quotients are calculated with the widely-used CalTOX multimedia model.  相似文献   

我国目前在区域环境质量评价方面存在一定缺陷,常规评价指标无法表征特征污染物对区域生态环境及人体健康造成的暴露风险。以环境暴露风险理论为基础,对大黄堡湿地自然保护区内的大气、水及土壤构建复合环境要素综合评价模型,评价结果显示保护区的综合判别值为12.68×10-5 a-1,高于国际辐射防护委员会(ICRP)推荐的最大可接受值1.0×10-5 a-1,且地域差异比较明显,其中保护区北部农药厂周边地区潜在健康风险最高、东八里庄附近次之、而后蒲棒村周边相对较小。最终根据评估区域内环境暴露风险评价结果提出具有针对性的防范和治理措施,为保护区环境暴露风险的预警和管理提供决策依据。  相似文献   

荆州市浅层地下水环境质量综合评价与分区   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过实地调查荆州市浅层地下水环境,合理选择评价指标集(16项),分别采用模糊数学综合评价法和F值法对该浅层地下水环境质量进行综合评价,分析对比两种方法的评价结果,对浅层地下水环境进行分区和污染分析。评价结果表明:浅层地下水环境质量不容乐观,整体状况较差。浅层地下水中主要超标组分为Fe、Mn、NO-3、NO-2、As、Ba等,对比分析荆州市2006~2011年主要超标组分的平均含量,可知6 a来,Fe、Mn、NO-2的平均含量均超过地下水Ⅲ类水质标准,NO-3、As、Ba的平均含量虽然均未超过地下水Ⅲ类水质标准,但其平均含量呈现随着年份递增的趋势。浅层地下水环境质量分区结果显示:严重区面积为2 623 km2约占305%,较严重面积为1 33128 km2约占1548%,合格区面积为3 07192 km2约占3572%,较好区面积为1 5738 km2仅占183%。浅层地下水环境质量在很大程度上不仅受当地特有的区域原生地质环境影响,还与人类活动有密切关系  相似文献   

Reuse of treated wastewater (TWW) for agriculture is in practice in many countries. TWW reuse requires wastewater collection, treatment and recycling, which is associated with cost as well as risk to human and ecological systems. In contrast, it can increase agricultural production and reduce environmental risks by reducing wastewater discharge into the natural environment. In Saudi Arabia, where available water resources are extremely limited, TWW reuse can save significant amount of non-renewable groundwater used in agricultural development, which is a strategic goal for the country. In this paper, a multicriteria decision-making approach was developed where cost, risk, benefits and social acceptance of TWW reuse were considered to be the main criteria. A multistage hierarchy risk management model was constructed for this evaluation. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation technique was incorporated where fuzzy triangular membership functions were developed to capture uncertainties of the basic criteria. The analytic hierarchy process was used to determine the relative importance of various criteria at different hierarchy levels. This study indicated that TWW reuse could have positive impact on agriculture, risk reduction and groundwater conservation.  相似文献   

Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) which contain diverse organic groups, such as antibiotics, hormones, antimicrobial agents, synthetic musks, etc., have raised significant concerns in recently years for their persistent input and potential threat to ecological environment and human health. China is a large country with high production and consumption of PPCPs for its economic development and population growth in recent years. This may result in PPCP contamination in different environmental media of China. This review summarizes the current contamination status of different environment media, including sewage, surface water, sludge, sediments, soil, and wild animals, in China by PPCPs. The human body burden and adverse effects derived from PPCPs are also evaluated. Based on this review, it has been concluded that more contamination information of aquatic environment and wildlife as well as human body burden of PPCPs in different areas of China is urgent. Studies about their environmental behavior and control technologies need to be conducted, and acute and chronic toxicities of different PPCP groups should be investigated for assessing their potential ecological and health risks.  相似文献   

以蒲河流域为例,以改善水环境为出发点,提出了一种以生态分区为前提,同时满足人类正常生产活动的生态环境需水估算模型。该模型从生态系统角度分析了蒲河流域现阶段存在的问题,比简单的水文模型更为符合蒲河流域的实际特点。在此基础上对蒲河流域进行生态分区,针对各生态分区对生态需水的需求不同,分别估算需水值。其中包括河道基本生态需水、河道蒸发需水,河道渗漏需水等。在考虑生态需求的同时,针对蒲河季节性河流且人工干扰严重的特点,对蒲河流域生态需水量值进行估算。计算结果表明,蒲河流域生态需水总量为4 53846万m3,并具有年内变化显著、受人类活动(污水排放量、人口密度等)影响各分区差距显著等特点,研究成果为今后季节性河流需水量的研究提供了依据  相似文献   

Consistent and relevant information on the status of water systems is indispensable for rational and cost-effective water management. This statement has general validity for all types of river basins, but is particularly relevant for transboundary water regions. Information is used to support decision-making and to evaluate the effects of water resources management decisions. Information production however lags behind developments in water management, which becomes clear from the fact that information still focuses on ecological components of water bodies and largely ignores the importance of socio-economic data stemming from human activities taking place in the river basin. Production of improved information is hindered by strong boundaries between different disciplines that are not easily overcome. Moreover, consideration of information needs and the goals of information dissemination prior to producing information is insufficient and the relevant actors are often reluctant to participate in these processes as they are time consuming. Differences in institutional behaviour also hinder cooperation between institutions, while organisational structures are insufficiently tuned to the needs of the external environment. All these issues hinder the use of information as the basis for decision-making. This paper provides an overview of relevant aspects of information from a broad range of perspectives and establishes the need for changes in the production and use of environmental information in support of water management. The paper is largely based on the outcomes of a closed multi-disciplinary specialist meeting on the role and use of environmental data and information in transboundary water contexts held in Arendal, Norway, September 2002.  相似文献   

Environmental management, for which environmental and human health risk assessment is the first stage, is a requirement for industries both before construction and during operation in order to sustain improved quality of life in the ecosystem. Therefore, the aim of this study is to propose an approach that integrates environmental and human health risk assessment for industries using hazardous materials in order to support environmental decision makers with quantitative and directive results. Analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy logic are used as tools to handle problems caused by complexity of environment and uncertain data. When the proposed approach is implemented to a scenario, it was concluded that it is possible to define risk sources with their risk classes and related membership degrees in that classes which enable the decision maker to decide which risk source has priority. In addition, they can easily point out and rank the factors contributing those risk sources owing to priority weights of them. As a result, environmental decision makers can use this approach while they are developing management alternatives for unfounded and on-going industrial plants using hazardous materials.  相似文献   

入世后.中国将根据WTO的要求对农业贸易相关政策进行调整和改革,这将改变国内农业生产,进而影响到农村生态环境。在此背景下.本文首先界定了种檀业产品贸易自由化的涵义.并对其环境影响途径进行分析.然后利用计量经济方法着重分析了贸易自由化对国内种植业生产中化肥、农药使用的影响。研究结果表明,在种植业产品的贸易自由化中,进口渗透作用对缓解国内化肥、农药污染影响显着.而出口导向作用影响不明显。文章最后给出了减缓农产品贸易自由化的不利影响,发挥其有利影响的政策建议。  相似文献   

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