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In China, coal mine waste rock (CMWR) produced during coal mining and processing is still increasing significantly as a result of coal production which has huge environmental impact. CMWR reduction and utilization is a major issue for coal enterprises and government to reduce the surface footprint and the public environmental impact. Tiefa coalfield, an old coalfield with 60 years of coal exploitation, was selected as a case to study the methods to minimize the environmental impacts of CMWR piles in a short period. We argue that a systematic design on CMWR utilization is needed on the basis of a usage evaluation which takes consideration of CMWR source, compositions, and proximate analysis. Mine design is crucial and the base for reducing the CMWR generation at the headstream. Placing roadway into coal seam rather than rock, panel optimization, and parametric analysis for mining technique were conducted in Tiefa coalfield. A promising technology of CMWR backfill under the ground was employed with a resultant increase of coal recovery rate. The surface CMWR recycling depends on brick making, electricity generating, and rehabilitation of subsided land. The practice of the presented methods indicates that the CMWR piles on Tiefa coalfield may disappear in 3 years, which could significantly reduce the environmental impacts of CMWR dumps. The technologies conducted in Tiefa coalfield developed a model of CMWR reduction and utilization for Chinese coal mines.  相似文献   

低碳经济背景下云南矿业可持续发展对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低碳经济是以"低能耗、低污染、低排放"为主要特征的一种经济发展模式。对矿业而论,低碳型矿业是今后发展的必然趋势,但目前云南矿业是"高消耗、高排放、低利用"的粗放型发展模式。基于云南矿业的特点及制约因素的分析,提出其可持续发展对策,包括寻求最优开采率、发展矿产资源的深加工、进行企业结构调整、增加集约程度和矿产资源多元化利用、促进废物资源化等。其中,特别要关注尾矿的资源化利用、矿山生态环境的植物修复和煤炭资源的清洁生产。  相似文献   

油田开发需要大量的化学助剂,由于昂贵的价格影响了成本。为减少耗资,吉林油田利用化工产品的下脚料和煤矸石等研制并合成了油田的化学助剂,例如增产剂、CEA解堵剂、吗啉驱油剂、PS增油剂,以及堵水剂HPAN等。将其应用于生产,保护了生态环境,减少了环境污染,节省了大量资金。为油田废物再利用打开了极其广阔的应用市场。  相似文献   

There is growing awareness of the positive impact of reducing the amount of wasted food on greenhouse gas emissions, energy use, food and water security, and land use. In developed nations, food waste generated in homes is a large contributor to the total amount of food waste. The behaviours and practices associated with this waste prevention (and waste generation) are complex for a number of reasons: food waste is the result of multiple, interacting activities and this leads to separation between the activity and their consequences. These behaviours are usually performed for reasons unrelated to waste prevention and have both a marked habitual element and a pronounced emotional component. Furthermore, the prevention of food waste has less ‘visibility’ to other people (e.g. neighbours) than many other pro-environmental behaviours (e.g. recycling), and therefore social norms around ‘waste’ play a reduced role compared to more ‘visible’ activities.This paper discusses insights into these behaviours from research funded by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and its partners in the UK. It discusses how these insights have been used in the development of a successful public-engagement campaign, which has been influential in the recent reduction in household food waste. These insights are also discussed in light of commonly used behavioural models, highlighting that many of these models are not designed for multiple, complex behaviours. However, considering the subject of food waste through the ‘lenses’ of different academic disciplines has helped the development of the public engagement on this issue.  相似文献   

The mining industry can be considered the backbone of the Indian economy as well as facilitating the power that drives most of the other industries in the company. The overburden and waste rocks produced during coal mining are major concerns in regard to the amount of land that is required for their disposal, as well as the stability of dumps for these materials, which are of increasing height. Land reclamation issues are also a concern. In this work the adverse impacts caused by the dumping of overburden on land and acidic mine water on water bodies is discussed. Remote sensing tools were used along with the laboratory experimentation to assess the various impacts. This study also shows that silt released from waste dumps, can affected the angle of repose of the overburden dump slope. The angle of repose of the overburden materials varies with particle size composition. Thus, use of in‐pit crushers in large opencast mining operations can effectively reduce the area locked under the waste dumps. The acid neutralization potential of fly ash and overburden for the treatment of acid water was tested in the laboratory by using fly ash and waste rock materials on acidic coalfield water. The results are encouraging, and fly ash may prove to be a good acid neutralizer when used in conjunction of coal overburden material.  相似文献   

Solid waste recycling and recovery approach can be a sustainable and effective waste management system in many growing cities of the least developed countries. In the course of achieving proper solid waste management, a lot of efforts in these countries have, however, been focused more on collection and disposal and ignored waste recycling which can result into income generation, employment creation and reduction of the waste quantities that will finally require disposal in the existing municipal landfills or disposal sites. This paper reports the findings of a study on solid waste recycling in a selected semi-planned settlement in Dar es Salaam City, Tanzania. The objective of the study was to describe the existing solid waste management in the study area with a view to identifying the waste generation rates, types of the wastes and determine the amount of waste from the settlement that can be recycled for the purpose of income generation and reduction of the total amount of waste to be disposed of. Findings from this study revealed that waste generation rate in the study area was 0.36 kg per person per day, and that out of the 14 600 kg of recyclable waste generated per year, 8030 kg or 55% can be recycled and generate a per capita income of Tsh 834 000 for waste recyclists which is more than twice the official minimum annual wage (Tsh 360 000) in Tanzania at the time of the study. The study also revealed that effective waste recycling in the study area would result in the reduction of the total waste that need to be transported for final disposal by 11%.  相似文献   

作为“城市矿产”的典型代表,废弃手机因其废弃数量大、稀贵金属品位高等特性而备受关注,但在推进废弃手机回收过程中存在诸多问题。本文以推动产业发展为立足点,梳理了影响废弃手机回收的两级制衡要素,通过构建GREY-DEMATEL模型,定量评估各要素对废弃手机回收的影响程度并确定优先等级。其中,完善废弃手机回收的管理制度及相应的经济扶持政策成为短期内应着力解决的核心问题,从长期发展来看,废弃手机的前端收集应成为产业关注的重点。基于此,本文立足于废弃手机回收的短期目标及长远发展,分别提出相应的管理策略,为再生资源产业的良性发展提供对策建议。  相似文献   

The rapid increase in population and economic growth have led to an increase in energy demand. Coal reserves are distributed worldwide, and coal is now known to be the most stable and available energy source. However, utilization of coal as an energy source involves the generation of a great amount of coal ash, and the recycling rate of the ash is rather low. Coal ash is mainly used in civil construction materials, and there is a limit to the demand for coal ash by construction industries: therefore, the increasing amount of coal ash will be a serious problem in the near future. Different applications should be considered. In this paper, three environmentally-friendly methods for coal ash recycling are described. Firstly, alkali treatment can transform coal ash to zeolite, which is used in deodorant and for wastewater treatment and soil improvement. Secondly, potassium silicate fertilizer is produced from coal ash and has a higher retentivity in the soil than that of conventional fertilizers. Thirdly, emission of sulfur dioxide is controlled by flue gas desulfurization using coal ash. It is considered that environmentally-friendly use of coal ash is important from the viewpoints of energy, economy, and environmental strategy in order to realize the concept of sustainable development.  相似文献   

在对国内兰炭生产工艺流程应用及现状介绍的基础上,概括总结了旧式低温干馏阶段和现阶段兰炭生产过程中固体废物的产生节点、种类、性质和主要处置方式。结果表明,旧式低温干馏阶段,兰炭生产过程中产生的固体废物主要包括煤筛分破碎工序产生的末煤和煤矸石、筛焦工序产生的焦粉、焦油冷却收集系统产生的焦油渣等;现阶段,兰炭生产过程中产生的固体废物主要包括煤筛分破碎工序产生的末煤和煤矸石以及破碎过程中经除尘器收集的煤尘、筛焦工序产生的焦粉、废水处理污泥、焦油冷却收集系统产生的焦油渣、脱硫工序产生的脱硫残液等。其中末煤、煤矸石、煤尘、焦粉作为一般工业固废全部综合利用,废水污泥、焦油渣、脱硫残液主要掺入原料煤中自行消化处置。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The abundant, high-quality waters of the Yellowstone River Basin have fostered a strong agricultural-based economy in eastern Montana. The region also contains the nation's largest strippable coal reserves. Numerous conflicts have developed around the mining of coal and in-state conversion of coal into electricity and synthetic fuels – processes that require large volumes of water. Competition for water among industrialists, agriculturalists, and others is a critical state issue. Probable effects of increased water diversions, the nature of water-energy conflicts, and state efforts to control development are discussed.  相似文献   

诸暨市山下湖镇通过建设循环经济工业园,合理规划剖蚌点,充分利用废弃的蚌壳和蚌肉,及时回收利用废料、废水、废液等措施,使珍珠循环块状经济得到迅速发展。发展循环经济是企业对环境、社会发展的责任和义务,要加快研究制定循环经济发展的规划和思路,努力将循环经济的发展理念贯穿在块状经济发展之中,培育新的产业形态,形成新的增长潜力。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,国民生活水平的提高,汽车行业飞速发展,我国汽车保有量大增,由废旧汽车带来的环境污染与安全压力也将会随之增大。目前,我国废旧汽车资源化关键技术落后,没有成套适用技术,维修方法粗糙,因此,造成的二次污染严重。综述了国内外废旧机动车回收产生的二次污染情况,总结国外的发展经验,提出适合我国国情的废旧机动车回收行业二次污染控制意见。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种通过以粉煤灰(或煤矸石)、石灰石、铬渣、A渣为原料煅烧新型低温水泥的方法去除铬渣毒性;进行了去除铬渣毒性稳定性试验;讨论了去除铭渣毒性的机理和影响去除铬渣毒性的因素;试验结果表明,该法去除铬渣毒性彻底,社会效益及经济效益显著,是处理铬渣的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Large areas of Latvia are contaminated with industrial waste: metallurgical slag, fly-ash, etching refuse, peat, and coal ash as well as glass waste which often contain dangerous substances. From the environmental point of view this waste should be neutralised. As this waste also contains valuable chemical compounds, it can be considered as a raw material for the generation of new materials. One method of utilisation is to produce recycled materials — street plates, decorative tiles, or floor tiles. Dense sintered glassceramics with a water uptake of 0.34–3.23 wt.%, a final density of 2.93–3.05 g/cm3, and a bending strength of 80–96 MPa have been created from industrial waste. The mast chemically durable glassceramics contained clay additions. Thus, the material containing only waste had a durability (mass loss) of 3.02% in 0.1 N HCl, while the composition containing 30% clay addition had a durability of 0.2% in 0.1 N HCl.  相似文献   

With the annual increase in waste generation and heavy reliance on landfilling as disposal, method in Malaysia, it is just a matter of time before significant problems of space limitations, health, and environmental issues hit the nation severely. This paper attempts to develop an overview on solid, waste recycling in Malaysia at the most basic level of a community or nation which is the household, unit. Households are the main primary source of municipal solid waste in Malaysia, consisting of, recyclable materials at most 70% to 80% of the total waste composition as found placed in the, landfills. Overview on the existing household solid waste recycling policy and program status in, Malaysia is relevant in enhancing solid waste management measure from recycling perspective. Despite the high potential and opportunities for solid waste recycling, wastes are still simply being, dumped in an open area of ground without any attempt for recovery and recycling. Comparing to, recycling rates of neighboring countries, Malaysia is falling back at merely 5% which proves how, uncommon recycling practice is. The government is committed to significantly improve the national's, solid waste management services especially in waste minimization. Fortunately the emphasis on, recycling as a sustainable waste management strategy has taken a shift in paradigm as wastes, separation and recycling are part of the major changes in the current policy implementation. With, issues and challenges in recycling practice that were highlighted in this context especially from the, aspects of information availability and other loopholes within solid waste management policies and, related recycling program within the community, the question on whether the goals in 2020 can be, met remains unsure of but there is a possibility for a successful implementation of sustainable solid, waste management particularly in recycling.  相似文献   

《Resources Policy》2002,28(1-2):39-47
Material flows of concrete from construction and demolition (C&D) waste in Taiwan have grown considerably over the last two decades, Hsiao et al. (2001). This increased flow puts pressure on limited national disposal capacity and has indirectly caused ecological damage to domestic riparian zones used as sources of natural aggregate. Using existing statistics and literature sources for C&D waste generation in Taiwan we have developed a dynamic model of domestic material flows of concrete waste and employ statistical analyses to obtain projections of future material flows. Our major findings are: (1) Taiwan’s rate of waste concrete generation in 2001 for the residential and commercial construction industry was approximately 2.4 Million Metric Tons (MMT) per year, averaging 0.11 metric tons of waste concrete generated annually by each Taiwanese; (2) Around the year 2009, the national rate will more than triple to exceed the spike in C&D concrete waste generation that occurred after the Chi Chi earthquake 9/21/99, 8.5 MMT. (3) Aside from pilot-scale development of waste concrete utilization technology, nationwide recycling rates remain negligible. Without resource recovery, the volume of C&D waste generation by 2009 is projected to occupy nearly 7% of all existing and planned domestic landfill capacity. A target is established to raise resource recovery rates for waste concrete to 50% by 2005 and a 100% nationwide recycling rate by 2009.  相似文献   

Sustainable development goals are achievable through the installation of Material Recovery Facilities (MRFs) in certain solid waste management systems, especially those in rapidly expanding multi-district urban areas. MRFs are a cost-effective alternative when curbside recycling does not demonstrate long-term success. Previous capacity planning uses mixed integer programming optimization for the urban center of the city of San Antonio, Texas to establish that a publicly owned material recovery facility is preferable to a privatized facility. As a companion study, this analysis demonstrates that a MRF alleviates economic, political, and social pressures facing solid waste management under uncertainty. It explores the impact of uncertainty in decision alternatives in an urban environmental system. From this unique angle, waste generation, incidence of recyclables in the waste stream, routing distances, recycling participation, and other planning components are taken as intervals to expand upon previous deterministic integer-programming models. The information incorporated into the optimization objectives includes economic impacts for recycling income and cost components in waste management. The constraint set consists of mass balance, capacity limitation, recycling limitation, scale economy, conditionality, and relevant screening restrictions. Due to the fragmented data set, a grey integer programming modeling approach quantifies the consequences of inexact information as it propagates through the final solutions in the optimization process. The grey algorithm screens optimal shipping patterns and an ideal MRF location and capacity. Two case settings compare MRF selection policies where optimal solutions exemplify the value of grey programming in the context of integrated solid waste management.  相似文献   

Sanitary landfilling is considered to be the most appropriate means of final disposal of solid wastes. Currently in Tanzania, the cheapest method of developing a landfill is by making use of natural depressions or former borrow pits and mine pits. This paper examines the impacts associated with the relocation of a waste disposal site from a crude disposal site at Vingunguti to a new landfill site at New MECCO quarry in Kunduchi area, both in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The paper focuses on the fate of scavenging and solid waste recycling which are currently taking place at Vingunguti site and mining as well as food vending activities at the proposed new landfill site. Scavenging and waste recycling were found to be important sources of income for some individuals in the city. Various items collected for recycling were found to be an important source of raw materials for some industries in Dar es Salaam. A total of 94% of all the miners were entirely dependent on stone mining and crushing as a sole means of income generation, and 68% of the miners had practised this activity for between 1 and 9 years. Finally the paper recommends that, selection of a waste disposal site should favour abandoned mines or borrow pits rather than operational ones. It also recommends that, waste recycling and scavenging be accommodated in other stages of the waste stream since they can not be practised at a sanitary landfill.  相似文献   

Decades of environmentally unregulated coal mining in the USA have resulted in thousands of polluted streams, contaminated groundwater aquifers, subsidence effects, scarred hill sides and massive waste dumps. Similar environmental damage due to coal mining has occurred in Eastern Europe. In the USA, to correct the environmental damage due to coal mining, the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act was passed in 1977. This paper examines the provisions of the Act in detail and ends with a warning to the Eastern European countries. 'The lessons to he learned from the US experience may be reduced to one essential observation: unregulated coal mining in a free market economy can cause extremely serious environmental harm with attendant adverse social and economic impacts which cannot be effectively resolved without comprehensive and strict governmental regulation' .  相似文献   

利用煤矸石制备低环境负荷型水泥的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
煤矸石是我国排放量最大的工业废渣之一,破坏生态环境,不利于可持续发展。本文分析与研究了煤矸石的综合利用现状,着重探讨了煤矸石在我国水泥工业中的应用,并从材料学、热学和环境学等交叉学科入手研究了利用煤矸石生产低环境负荷型水泥的控制理论与技术及其社会经济效益。  相似文献   

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