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Ecotoxicity evaluation of selected sulfonamides   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Sulfonamides (SAs) are a group of antibiotic drugs widely used in veterinary medicine. The contamination of the environment by these pharmaceuticals has raised concern in recent years. However, knowledge of their (eco)toxicity is still very basic and is restricted to just a few of these substances. Even though their toxicological analysis has been thoroughly performed and ecotoxicological data are available in the literature, a systematic analysis of their ecotoxicological potential has yet to be carried out. To fill this gap, 12 different SAs were chosen for detailed analysis with the focus on different bacteria as well as non-target organisms (algae and plants). A flexible (eco)toxicological test battery was used, including enzymes (acetylcholinesterase and glutathione reductase), luminescent marine bacteria (Vibrio fischeri), soil bacteria (Arthrobacter globiformis), limnic unicellular green algae (Scenedesmus vacuolatus) and duckweed (Lemna minor), in order to take into account both the aquatic and terrestrial compartments of the environment, as well as different trophic levels. It was found that SAs are not only toxic towards green algae (EC50 = 1.54-32.25 mg L−1) but have even stronger adverse effect on duckweed (EC50 = 0.02-4.89 mg L−1) than atrazine - herbicide (EC50 = 2.59 mg L−1).  相似文献   

Tetracyclines and sulfonamides used in human and animal medicine are released to terrestrial ecosystems from wastewater treatment plants or by direct manure application. The interactions between plants and these antibiotics are numerous and complex, including uptake and accumulation, phytometabolism, toxicity responses, and degradation in the rhizosphere. Uptake and accumulation of antibiotics have been studied in plants such as wheat, maize, potato, vegetables, and ornamentals. Once accumulated in plant tissue, organic contaminants can be metabolized through a sequential process of transformation, conjugation through glycosylation and glutathione pathways, and ultimately sequestration into plant tissue. While studies have yet to fully elucidate the phytometabolism of tetracyclines and sulfonamides, an in-depth review of plant and mammalian studies suggest multiple potential transformation and conjugation pathways for tetracyclines and sulfonamides. The presence of contaminants in the vicinity or within the plants can elicit stress responses and defense mechanisms that can help tolerate the negative effects of contaminants. Antibiotics can change microbial communities and enzyme activity in the rhizosphere, potentially inducing microbial antibiotic resistance. On the other hand, the interaction of microbes and root exudates on pharmaceuticals in the rhizosphere can result in degradation of the parent molecule to less toxic compounds. To fully characterize the environmental impacts of increased antibiotic use in human medicine and animal production, further research is essential to understand the effects of different antibiotics on plant physiology and productivity, uptake, translocation, and phytometabolism of antibiotics, and the role of antibiotics in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

Fenton氧化法对磺胺类抗生素的降解动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用Fenton氧化法同时降解水溶液中磺胺吡啶(SPY)、磺胺二甲基嘧啶(SMZ)和磺胺甲噁唑(SMX)。系统考查了初始H2O2浓度、Fe2+浓度、pH对3种磺胺类抗生素降解性能的影响。结果表明,3种磺胺抗生素被完全降解的最佳Fenton氧化条件是:H2O2浓度为2.0 mmol/L,Fe2+浓度为0.10 mmol/L,pH为3.0~3.5,反应时间为20 min。Fenton试剂对3种磺胺类抗生素的降解符合一级反应动力学,速度常数为0.0318~0.2002 min-1。  相似文献   

The release of Aspergillus versicolor, Cladosporium cladosporioides, and Penicillium melinii spores from agar and ceiling tile surfaces was tested under different controlled environmental conditions using a newly designed and constructed aerosolization chamber. This study revealed that all the investigated parameters, such as fungal species, air velocity above the surface, texture of the surface, and vibration of contaminated material, affected the fungal spore release. It was found that typical indoor air currents can release up to 200 spores cm−2 from surfaces with fungal spores during 30-min experiments. The release of fungal spores from smooth agar surfaces was found to be inadequate for accurately predicting the emission from rough ceiling tile surfaces because the air turbulence increases the spore release from a rough surface. A vibration at a frequency of 1 Hz at a power level of 14 W resulted in a significant increase in the spore release rate. The release appears to depend on the morphology of the fungal colonies grown on ceiling tile surfaces including the thickness of conidiophores, the length of spore chains, and the shape of spores. The spores were found to be released continuously during each 30-min experiment. However, the release rate was usually highest during the first few minutes of exposure to air currents and mechanical vibration. About 71–88% of the spores released during a 30-min interval became airborne during the first 10 min.  相似文献   

Degradation of three sulfonamides (SAs), namely sulfamethoxazole (SMX), sulfamethazine (SMZ), and sulfadimethoxine (SDM) in surface water and sediments collected from Taihu Lake and Dianchi Lake, China was investigated in this study. The surface water (5–10 cm) was collected from the east region of Taihu Lake, China. Two sets of degradation experiments were conducted in 3-L glass bottles containing 2 L of fresh lake water and 100 μg/L of individual SAs aerated by bubbling air at a rate of approximately 1.2 L/min, one of which was sterilized by the addition of NaN3 (0.1 %). Sediment samples were taken from Taihu Lake and Dianchi Lake, China. For the sediment experiment, 5 g of sediment were weighed into a 50-mL glass tube, with 10 mg/kg of individual SAs. Different experimental conditions including the sediment types, sterilization, light exposure, and redox condition were also considered in the experiments. The three SAs degraded in lake water with half-lives (t 1/2) of 10.5–12.9 days, and the half-lives increased significantly to 31.9–49.8 days in the sterilized water. SMZ and SDM were degraded by abiotic processes in Taihu and Dianchi sediments, and the different experimental conditions and sediments characteristics had no significant effect on their declines. SMX, however, was mainly transformed by facultative anaerobes in Taihu and Dianchi sediments under anaerobic conditions, and the degradation rate of SMX in non-sterile sediment (t 1/2 of 9.6–16.7 days) were higher than in sterilized sediment (t 1/2 of 18.7–135.9 days). Under abiotic conditions, degradation of SMX in Dianchi sediment was faster than in Taihu sediment, probably due to the higher organic matter content and inorganic photosensitizers concentrations in Dianchi sediment. High initial SAs concentration inhibited the SAs degradation, which was likely related to the inhibition of microorganism activities by high SAs levels in sediments. Results from this study could provide information on the persistence of commonly used sulfanomides antibiotics in lake environment.  相似文献   

Group-selective magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers (MMIPs) that can extract four widely used sulfonamide antibiotics and their acetylated metabolites from environmental water were synthesized in this study. The MMIPs with saturation magnetization value of 16.7 emu g-1 could be separated from the environmental water samples easily by the application of an adscititious magnetic field, reducing the time consumption of pretreatment. The extraction conditions were evaluated, and optimal extraction conditions were as follows: extraction time, 25 min; amount of polymers, 90 mg; washing solvent, 30 % methanol aqueous solution; and elution solvent, methanol–acetic acid (95:5, v/v). The target analytes were detected by liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry, and the detection limits of the method are in the range of 0.38–1.32 ng L-1. The relative standard deviations of intra- and inter-day are in the range of 1.3–6.8 % and 1.7–9.1 %, respectively. The proposed method is suitable for the analysis of environmental water samples.  相似文献   

The uptake of sulfonamides into bacterial cells was simulated by a dynamic model to estimate bioavailability and steady-state accumulation of sulfonamides in the cells. Uptake of sulfonamides is modeled as diffusion-like transport of the neutral molecule and the ionic species. Speciation outside and inside the cell depends on the extra- and intracellular pH and the pK(a)-value of the antibiotic active SO(2)NH moiety. The ratio between intra- and extracellular sulfonamide concentration is used as a measure for potential sulfonamide accumulation in bacterial cells. Simulated ratios are in good agreement with experimental data for various sulfonamides with pK(a2) values ranging from 5.0 up to 11.8. Sensitivity analyses indicate that intracellular sulfonamide concentration depend significantly on the degree of ionization in the cytoplasm and the surrounding medium. No accumulation in the cell occurs, if the external pH exceeds the intracellular pH. For sulfonamides with large pK(a)-values the internal activity equals the activity in the extracellular solution. Highest accumulation is reached if the pH gradient from inside to outside the cell is large, which depends on the bacterial pH-regulation mechanisms. The pH-dependent intracellular accumulation of various sulfonamides correlates well with their observed antibiotic effect on selected bacteria.  相似文献   

生活垃圾堆肥浸提液组成及其演化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
堆肥浸提液与渗滤液组成相似,研究生活垃圾堆肥浸提液组成与演化特征可以为堆肥过程污染控制和堆肥质量改善提供科学依据。通过基本理化指标和三维荧光光谱分析,研究了生活垃圾堆肥浸提液的组成和转化特性。结果显示,在堆肥一次和二次发酵过程中,浸提液pH由5.43上升至9.24,无机阴离子无显著变化,电导率(EC)稳定在7.50 mS/cm上下波动,ORP为正值,总氮从611.08 mg/L下降至177.43 mg/L,NH4+-N和NO3--N浓度变化不明显,NO2--N从未检出到后期达10.28 mg/L,有机氮从246.64 mg/L下降至172.52 mg/L。溶解性有有机物含量(DOC)从7 419.00 mg/L降至5 569.00 mg/L,其中的有机物发生降解和转化,生成胡敏酸和富里酸等物质。浸提液中重金属Fe、Cd、Cu、Zn、Cr、Mn、Ni和 As浓度升高。通过研究发现,在堆肥中添加木屑等填料可以降低浸提液中NH4+-N的浓度,具有除臭作用,同时对pH值、EC和ORP均有调节作用,能提高堆肥的土地可利用性。  相似文献   

The occasional high ozone levels measured in Jerusalem could not be attributed solely to local sources such as vehicular traffic or industry. A satellite monitoring station was set up outside the city limits to explore the possibility of transport and transformation of air pollutants from the highly populated and industrialized coastal area of Israel to the inland hilly region. This study revealed that the high ozone levels were always associated with a parallel increase of SO2 and that power plants and/or vehicles operating in the coastal region are a major source for the nitrogen oxides which undergo photochemical transformation to form ozone during inland travel of the air parcel under conditions of intense sunlight.  相似文献   

废水处理工艺中抗生素类污染物的存在可能会对生物处理过程产生长期而深远的影响,为探明此类污染物对废水生物处理主体活性污泥性能等方面的影响,采用间歇培养法研究了活性污泥法处理污水时,抗生素类污染物的存在对活性污泥性能如胞外聚合物(EPS)、污染物处理能力、脱氢酶活性和群落结构的影响。结果表明,抗生素的存在会导致活性污泥的胞外聚合物总量及其主要组分蛋白质和多糖增加,以产生保护屏障;且由于污泥絮体解体,细胞破裂导致EPS中DNA和色氨酸含量增加。同时,由于蛋白质大量增加引起的表面负电荷的增加,使污泥疏水性增强,絮凝性能恶化;污泥絮体解体导致污泥颗粒变小,SVI也随之下降;在活性污泥脱氢酶活性急剧下降的同时,出水TOC迅速升高。此外,抗生素类污染物在抑制活性污泥中大部分细菌的同时,对部分菌群也有刺激生长作用,最终导致活性污泥生物群落结构的改变。四环素类抗生素对活性污泥的EPS和絮凝沉降性能的影响大于磺胺类,而对污水处理能力和群落结构的影响则不如磺胺类。抗生素类污染物的长期存在会对活性污泥沉降性能、絮凝性能、脱氢酶活性以及活性污泥群落结构等产生一系列负面影响,进而影响污染物去除效果,导致出水水质恶化。  相似文献   

废水处理工艺中抗生素类污染物的存在可能会对生物处理过程产生长期而深远的影响,为探明此类污染物对废水生物处理主体活性污泥性能等方面的影响,采用间歇培养法研究了活性污泥法处理污水时,抗生素类污染物的存在对活性污泥性能如胞外聚合物(EPS)、污染物处理能力、脱氢酶活性和群落结构的影响。结果表明,抗生素的存在会导致活性污泥的胞外聚合物总量及其主要组分蛋白质和多糖增加,以产生保护屏障;且由于污泥絮体解体,细胞破裂导致EPS中DNA和色氨酸含量增加。同时,由于蛋白质大量增加引起的表面负电荷的增加,使污泥疏水性增强,絮凝性能恶化;污泥絮体解体导致污泥颗粒变小,SVI也随之下降;在活性污泥脱氢酶活性急剧下降的同时,出水TOC迅速升高。此外,抗生素类污染物在抑制活性污泥中大部分细菌的同时,对部分菌群也有刺激生长作用,最终导致活性污泥生物群落结构的改变。四环素类抗生素对活性污泥的EPS和絮凝沉降性能的影响大于磺胺类,而对污水处理能力和群落结构的影响则不如磺胺类。抗生素类污染物的长期存在会对活性污泥沉降性能、絮凝性能、脱氢酶活性以及活性污泥群落结构等产生一系列负面影响,进而影响污染物去除效果,导致出水水质恶化。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Indigenous soil microorganisms are used for the biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in oily waste residues from the petroleum refining industry. The objective of this investigation was to determine the potential of indigenous strains of fungi in soil contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons to biodegrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty one fungal strains were isolated from a soil used for land-farming of oily waste residues from the petrochemical refining industry in Singapore and identified to genus level using laboratory culture and morphological techniques. Isolates were incubated in the presence of 30 mg/L of phenanthrene over a period of 28 days at 30 degrees C. The most effective strain was further evaluated to determine its ability to oxidise a wider range of PAH compounds of various molecular weight i.e acenaphthene, fluorene, fluoranthene, chrysene, benzo(a)pyrene and dibenz(ah)anthracene RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: After 28 days of incubation, 18 of the 21 fungal cultures were capable of oxidising over 50% of the phenanthrene present in culture medium, relative to abiotic controls. Fungal isolate, Penicillium sp. 06, was able to oxidise 89% of the phenanthrene present. This isolate could also oxidise more than 75% of the acenaphthene, fluorene and fluoranthene after 30 days of incubation. However, the oxidation of high molecular weight PAH i.e. chrysene, benzo(a)pyrene and dibenz(ah)anthracene by the Penicillium sp. 06 isolate was limited, where the extent of oxidation was inversely proportional to PAH molecular weight. CONCLUSIONS: Fungal isolate, Penicillium sp. 06, was effective at oxidising a range of PAH in petroleum contaminated soils, but higher molecular weight PAH were more recalcitrant. RECOMMENDATIONS AND OUTLOOK: There is potential for the re-application of this fungal strain to soil for bioremediation purposes.  相似文献   

Ground-level O3 formation is becoming a major concern in many cities due to recent tightening of O3 regulations. To control O3 formation, more efficient treatment processes for O3 precursors, such as NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are needed. One promising new technology for removing both NOx and VOCs from off-gas streams is biofiltration, a simple process whereby contaminated air is passed through a biologically active packed bed. In this study, a toluene-degrading fungal bioreactor was used to treat an aerobic gas stream contaminated with NO. The fungal bioreactor removed 93% of the inlet 250-ppmv NO at an empty bed contact time (EBCT) of 1 min when supplied with 90 g/m3/hr toluene. The presence of NH4+ concentrations greater than 0.4 mg NH3/g dry packing medium, however, resulted in poor NO removal. The bioreactor achieved a maximum toluene elimination capacity of 270 g/m3/hr and maintained greater than 95% toluene removal efficiencies over the 175-day study period.  相似文献   

Air-conditioners (AC) produce much dew and wet conditions inside their apparatus, when in operation. We studied the fungal contamination in AC and found that the average fungal contamination of AC filters was about 5-fold greater than that of a carpet, and Cladosporium and Penicillium were predominant in AC filters. The fungal contamination inside AC, which were used everyday, increased more markedly than those not used daily, e.g. a few days per week or rarely. Moreover, the airborne fungal contamination in rooms during air-conditioning was about 2-fold greater than one in rooms without AC, and was highest when air-conditioning started and decreased gradually with time. We recognized that the airborne fungal contamination was controlled by the environmental condition of the rooms, in which AC were used. It is suggested that AC might promote mold allergies in users via airborne fungal spores derived from the AC. On the other hand, AC was estimated to remove moisture in the room atmosphere and carpets, and reduce the relative humidity in rooms. It was found that the average fungal contamination in the house dust of carpets with AC was suppressed by two-third of that in rooms without AC. The use of AC for suppressing fungal hazards was discussed.  相似文献   

Baran W  Sochacka J  Wardas W 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1295-1299
The photocatalytic degradation of sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole and sulfadiazine in water solutions during their illumination of UV radiation (lambda(max) 366 nm) with TiO2 catalyst was examined. The growth-inhibition effect of sulfonamides and intermediate products theirs photodegradation was investigated in aqueous solution with the green alga Chlorella vulgaris. The biodegradability of the investigated compounds was determined in the illuminated solutions and is expressed as Biochemical Oxygen Demand. It was found that all of the investigated sulfonamides in the initial solutions were resistant to biodegradation and were toxic relative to C. vulgaris. The toxicity (EC50 values) relative to C. vulgaris increased in the following order sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, sulfamethoxazole, sulfadiazine. All of the investigated sulfonamides undergo photocatalytic degradation. The toxicity of intermediate products of the sulfonamides degradation was significantly lower than the toxicity of sulfonamides in the initial solutions and was dependent on illumination time and degradation rate. The intermediate products of photocatalysis in contrast to the initial sulfonamides, might be mineralized using biological methods.  相似文献   

Thiocyanate is present in appreciable concentration in coal carbonization wastewater along with other toxicants like phenols, cyanide, sulphide and ammonia. This paper encompasses studies on biodegradation of thiocyanate by a microbial consortium obtained from a biological treatment plant receiving coal carbonization wastewater. Effects of secondary toxicants and growth stimulants on thiocyanate oxidation by the consortium, and thiocyanate transformation in actual and partially treated coal carbonization waste, have also been studied. Results indicate that the consortium can degrade thiocyanate up to 1400 mg litre(-1) in batch culture with 10 mg litre(-1) of initial inoculum within a period of 6 days. Phenol above 500 mg litre(-1) and cyanide at 10 mg litre(-1) completely inhibits thiocyanate oxidation. Sulphide at 32 mg litre(-1) and ammonia at 4000 mg litre(-1) at neutral pH prolongs thiocyanate oxidation from 3 to 6 days and from 4 to 7.5 days, respectively. These studies reveal that elimination of phenolics, their oxidized products, ammonia, cyanides and sulphides is a pre-requisite for effective thiocyanate removal from the waste by the consortium. Bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus dominate the consortium.  相似文献   

The insecticide chlordecone is a contaminant found in most of the banana plantations in the French West Indies. This study aims to search for fungal populations able to grow on it. An Andosol heavily contaminated with chlordecone, perfused for 1 year in a soil–charcoal system, was used to conduct enrichment cultures. A total of 103 fungal strains able to grow on chlordecone-mineral salt medium were isolated, purified, and deposited in the MIAE collection (Microorganismes d'Intérêt Agro-Environnemental, UMR Agroécologie, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Dijon, France). Internal transcribed spacer sequencing revealed that all isolated strains belonged to the Ascomycota phylum and gathered in 11 genera: Metacordyceps, Cordyceps, Pochonia, Acremonium, Fusarium, Paecilomyces, Ophiocordyceps, Purpureocillium, Bionectria, Penicillium, and Aspergillus. Among predominant species, only one isolate, Fusarium oxysporum MIAE01197, was able to grow in a liquid culture medium that contained chlordecone as sole carbon source. Chlordecone increased F. oxysporum MIAE01197 growth rate, attesting for its tolerance to this organochlorine. Moreover, F. oxysporum MIAE01197 exhibited a higher EC50 value than the reference strain F. oxysporum MIAE00047. This further suggests its adaptation to chlordecone tolerance up to 29.2 mg l?1. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis revealed that 40 % of chlordecone was dissipated in F. oxysporum MIAE01197 suspension culture. No chlordecone metabolite was detected by GC-MS. However, weak amount of 14CO2 evolved from 14C10-chlordecone and 14C10-metabolites were observed. Sorption of 14C10-chlordecone onto fungal biomass followed a linear relationship (r 2?=?0.99) suggesting that it may also account for chlordecone dissipation in F. oxysporum MIAE01197 culture.  相似文献   

Interest in the role and contribution of fungi to atmospheric aerosols and processes grows in the past decade. Substantial data or information such as fungal mass or carbon loading to ambient aerosols is however still lacking. This study aimed to quantify the specific organic carbon content (OC per spore) of eleven fungal species commonly found airborne in the subtropics, and estimated their contribution to organic carbon in aerosols. The specific OC contents showed a size-dependent relationship (r = 0.64, p < 0.05) and ranged from 3.6 to 201.0 pg carbon per spore or yeast cell, giving an average of 6.0 pg carbon per spore (RSD 51%) for spore or cell size less than 10 μm. In accounting for natural variations in the composition and abundance of fungal population, weighted-average carbon content for field samples was adopted using the laboratory determined specific OC values. An average of 5.97 pg carbon per spore (RSD 3.8%) was enumerated from 28 field samples collected at the university campus. The mean fungal OC concentration was 3.7, 6.0 and 9.7 ng m?3 in PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM10, respectively. These corresponded to 0.1%, 1.2% and 0.2% of the total OC in PM2.5, PM2.5–10 and PM10, respectively. In the study period, rain provided periods with low total OC but high fungal prevalence and fungi contributed 7–32% OC in PM2.5–10 or 2.4–7.1% OC in PM10. More extensive studies are deserved to better understand the spatial-, temporal- and episodic dependency on the fungal OC contribution to the atmospheric aerosols.  相似文献   

建立了液液萃取—超高效液相色谱—三重四级杆质谱技术,测定地表水中19种磺胺类药物。通过乙酸乙酯超声萃取水样中的磺胺类药物,并用0.1%(体积分数)甲酸水溶液-甲醇作为流动相,C18色谱柱分离,在多反应监测(MRM)模式下测定。优化了萃取剂种类和用量、超声时间、流动相的组成等条件。在优化条件下,19种磺胺类药物在0.1~40.0μg/L范围内线性良好且相关系数均大于0.999 0,方法检出限为0.02~0.80ng/L,平均回收率为73.5%~92.8%,相对标准偏差为1.2%~8.7%。该方法操作简单、灵敏度高、所需样品及有机溶剂少,适用于实际的分析检验工作。  相似文献   

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