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U. Lie  R. A. Evans 《Marine Biology》1973,21(2):122-126
Data on benthic infauna from 4 permanent stations in Puget Sound off Seattle, USA, collected during 1963–1964, 1967, and 1969, revealed considerable stability in numbers of species and specimens and in diversity within stations among sampling dates. The species composition of the faunal assemblages also remained rather constant during the period of investigation, but the relative dominance among the numerically important species varied somewhat. Biomass data did not differ significantly in 1964 and 1969, but the 1967 data were considerably lower at all stations.  相似文献   

Patterns of habitat association and foraging were examined for a group of tropical goatfishes (family Mullidae) that feed on mobile benthic invertebrates at Lizard Island (Great Barrier Reef). All goatfish possess barbels that disturb the substratum during feeding. Foraging methods were examined for the six most common species and used in conjunction with data on habitat associations to estimate the distribution and potential impact on the benthic invertebrate assemblage of foraging-related disturbance. Particular species exhibited broad habitat associations which differed little over two surveys (January 1989, January 1990). All species showed different preferences for the substrata they foraged. Preferences for substrata exhibited by the most common reef-associated species, Parupeneus multifasciatus, differed among locations separated by 1 km, between sites 150 m apart, and between depths (shallow and deep). Habitat preferences changed with ontogeny. Based on their habitat associations and foraging preferences, species were divided into habitat generalists and specialists. Specialists associated primarily with soft sediments. Habitat generalists, such as P. multifasciatus and P. cyclostomus, are likely to have an impact on their mobile invertebrate prey that is localised, diffuse and transitory, making any experimental analysis difficult and expensive. Habitat specialists form a guild of fishes with complementary feeding modes that efficiently exploit soft sediments and are more amenable to experimental manipulation. Experiments designed to detect the impact of foraging by these fishes must be repeated at different locations and times and must account for depth differences in foraging pressure.  相似文献   

Deployment of artificial substrata is a common method of investigating early community development and recruitment, but rarely are such experiments of long enough duration to include even year time scales. We placed replicate, machined-slate panels (15×15 cm) in the intertidal and at depths of 6 and 12 m at two sites of differing flow rate at Lough Hyne, SW Ireland. These were serially replaced every 30–60 days for a period of 5 years (1997–2002), except in the intertidal (2000–2002). The number and identity of all recruits were recorded. Recruitment varied over several orders of magnitude both on temporal and spatial scales. The greatest source of variability was between the intertidal (with few species or recruit numbers) and the subtidal zones (many species, some with thousands of recruits per panel per 30 days). Highest levels of recruitment occurred at the low-flow site (Labhra Cliff). Here, recruitment was dominated by the serpulid polychaete, Pomatoceros sp., reaching ~4000 individuals per panel per 30 days. Highest species richness occurred, however, at the high flow site (Whirlpool Cliff). At this site more colonial forms (e.g. bryozoans) settled. Season was found to be the dominant pattern explaining subtidal recruit and species number variability. Year, however, was the dominant temporal pattern explaining change in diversity (Shannon–Wiener H). In space, depth explained most variability of recruit numbers, whereas site explained more variation in species richness. Both these spatial factors contributed similarly to variability of diversity (H). Recruitment has long been known to vary considerably over large spatial scales, such as with latitude and isolation, but we that show changes of a similar magnitude in recruitment can occur across small spatial scales. Individual taxa showed varied temporal patterns of recruitment including continuous, regular seasonal fluctuations and irregular pulses in particular years.  相似文献   

Matthews B  Mazumder A 《Ecology》2006,87(11):2800-2812
The significance of spatial subsidies depends on consumer resource interactions in the recipient habitat. Lakes are subsidized by terrestrial carbon sources, but the pathways of allochthonous carbon through lake food webs are complex and not well understood. Zooplankton vertically partition resources within stratified lakes in response to life history trade-offs that are governed by predators, the quantity and quality of food, and abiotic conditions (e.g., UV, temperature, and viscosity). We measured habitat specialization of zooplankton in an oligotrophic lake where allochthonous and autochthonous resources varied with depth. During stratification, the quantity and quality of zooplankton food was highest in the hypolimnion. We used a yearlong time series of the delta13C of zooplankton and particulate organic matter (POM) to determine which zooplankton species exploited hypolimnetic rather than epilimnetic resources. Because the delta13C of POM decreased with depth, we used the delta13C of zooplankton to detect inter- and intraspecific variation in habitat selection. We incubated Daphnia pulex at discrete depths in the water column to confirm that the delta13C of zooplankton can indicate habitat specialization. Zooplankton that specialized in the epilimnion relied more on allochthonous carbon sources than those that specialized in the hypolimnion. Therefore, the fate of allochthonous carbon subsidies to lakes depends on spatially explicit consumer-resource interactions.  相似文献   

The composition and seasonality of the benthic algae of the Florida Middle Ground, an offshore area of extensive reef outcroppings, 25 to 60 m deep in the eastern Gulf of Mexico, are described. Collections and observations were made by SCUBA diving during June, July, and September, 1971, and January 1972. Ninety-one algal species (92 taxa) were obtained, including 6 species newly reported for Florida and the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The flora is predominantly tropical, with Caribbean affinities. Marked seasonal differences in species diversity and abundance were present. An extensive or well-anchored holdfast system was a common feature of those species which appeared to be perennial.  相似文献   

The physiological condition, determined as the ammonia excretion rate (V NH 4 + ), total lipid level and lipid class composition, of two deposit-feeding benthic amphipods, Monoporeia (=Pontoporeia) affinis and Pontoporeia femorata, was studied from 12 opensea stations in the northern Baltic Sea between 24 May and 11 June 1993. The M. affinis populations can be geographically grouped according to their physiological condition: (1) eastern Gulf of Finland, with moderate lipid level (mean 24.4% of dry wt) and high V NH 4 + (45.2 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1); (2) Bothnian Sea, wigh high lipid level (34.5%) and low V NH 4 + (24.6 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1); and (3) Bothnian Bay, with low lipid level (15.2%) and high V NH 4 + (44.3 mol NH 4 + dry wt d-1). A similar pattern could be observed also in the level of triacylglycerols and the neutral-to-polar lipid ratio. P. femorata, the dominating species in the western Gulf of Finland, showed variable station-specific excretion rates (22.3 to 43.0 mol NH 4 + g-1 dry wt d-1) and lipid levels (23.4 to 30.4%). The spatial variability in the weight-specific V NH 4 + of M. affinis could not be explained by the differences in the size of individuals, lipid level or lipid class composition; this emphasizes the significance of the effects of spatially differing nutritional conditions, which manifest themselves as different modes of metabolic energy production and different intensities of energy storage. In addition, the potential contribution of the amphipod populations to benthic nitrogen mineralization was estimated; in May to June, the NH 4 + release of different populations ranged from 12 to 237 mol NH 4 + m-2d-1. In general, populations with high abundance and/or biomass release the greatest amounts of NH 4 + , but the values are modified by the physiological condition of the individuals.  相似文献   

Aquatic environments are often exposed to toxic heavy metals, which gain access to the food chain via microalgae and may cause severe problems at higher trophic levels. However, such a metabolic specificity can be taken advantage of in bioremediation strategies. The potential of a novel wild strain of Scenedesmus obliquus, previously isolated from a heavy metal-contaminated site in northern Portugal, to remove Zn from aqueous solutions was thus studied, using several initial concentrations. The removal extent reached its maximum by 1 day: 836.5 mg Zn/g biomass, at the initial concentration of 75 mg/L, mainly by adsorption onto the cell surface. Comparative studies encompassing a commercially available strain of the same microalgal species led to a maximum removal extent of only 429.6 mg Zn/g biomass, under identical conditions. Heat-inactivated cells permitted a maximum removal of 209.6 mg Zn/g biomass, at an initial concentration of 50 mg Zn/L. The maximum adsorption capacity of Zn, estimated via Langmuir’s isotherm, was 330 mg Zn/g biomass. Finally, Zn removal was highest at pH 6.0–7.0. It was proven, for the first time, that such a wild microalga can uptake and adsorb Zn very efficiently, which unfolds a particularly good potential for bioremediation. Its performance is far better than similar (reference) species, especially near neutrality, and even following heat-treatment.  相似文献   

A. Hatcher 《Marine Biology》1989,102(4):445-452
This study investigated an incubation method which employed simultaneous measurement of CO2 production and O2 consumption rates to calculate the RQ (respiratory quotient; CO2 production rate: O2 consumption rate) of individual benthic marine invertebrates. Carbon dioxide production rates were calculated from changes in CO2 concentration determined using seawater pH. O2 consumption rates were calculated from changes in O2 concentration with a correction applied for O2 flux across the air/water interface due to gaseous exchange. Species examined were Triphyllozoon sp. cf. moniliferum (MacGillivray 1860), a bryozoan; Herdmania momus (Savigny), a solitary ascidian; Poneroplax albida (Blainville 1825), a chiton; and Haliotis roei (Gray 1826), an abalone. Six individuals of each were collected on 14 November 1985 from the limestone walls of a cave in a nearshore reef off Marmion, Western Australia. After acclimation for 6 h in experimental conditions, rates of CO2 production and O2 consumption were measured. A minimum period of 4 h was required to obtain consistent RQ values for each species. The standard error (SE) of the (calculated) RQ ratio was 14 to 33% of the mean in incubations of 4 h, and less than 14% in incubations of 4 to 12 h. The RQ is commonly used as an indicator of unknown catabolic substrates by comparing it with biochemically determined limits for known substrates. This study provides a strong argument against using the RQ of individual animals to draw any conclusions about catabolic substrates. Unexplained variation in the components of the RQ of an individual, measured over short time periods, and the potential involvement of stored reserves in catabolism, over longer time periods, obscure the relationship between the RQ of individual animals and the ratio's biochemically determined limits.  相似文献   

M. Kempf 《Marine Biology》1970,5(3):213-224
This paper deals with the bionomy of the sea bottoms of the N-NE Brazilian continental shelf, between Cape Orange and the State of Sergipe, south of São. Francisco River. It is based on data collected by the Instituto Oceanográfico, Recife, Brazil, during several surveys conducted in that area. Special emphasis is placed on the characteristics of the bottom, chiefly surveyed by means of dredging, as well as on the biological populations living on the different substrata. The sector of Recife, investigated in more detail, provides a general scheme of population delimitation. The study is applicable to the rest of the N-NE Brazilian region. The great extent of the mud or muddy sand bottoms gives the Amazonian coasts a very typical aspect. The rest of the area is remarkable for the predominance of calcareous algae of the Melobesiae group. Some biogeographical considerations are presented regarding the northern and southern limits of the NE Brazilian region. Finally, it is attempted to define the bionomical significance of the bottoms studied, comparing them with similar and better knwon biotopes from the Mediterranean Sea and SW Indian Ocean.Based on recent data collected by the Instituto Oceanográfico, Recife, Brazil.  相似文献   

Within the framework of the 3-year project “Mapping the habitats of the Republic of Croatia” the marine benthic habitats of the entire Croatian maritory were mapped. The supralittoral and the mediolittoral were mapped as a function of the coastal lithology and the presumed levels of human impact (both in scale of 1:100,000). The infralittoral was mapped on the basis of spatial modelling (using neural networks as a modelling tool, data about habitats collected by fieldwork as the independent variable for training and testing the model, and the digital bathymetrical model, the distance from coast, the second spectral channel of Landsat ETM+ satellite image and the sea bottom sea temperature, salinity and current magnitude, as dependent variables). The circalittoral and the bathyal were mapped by overlapping and reinterpretation of the existing spatial databases (bathymetry and lithology) within the framework of the raster-GIS.  相似文献   

Chlorella autotrophica Shihira and Krauss (clone 580), a euryhaline microalga from the marine coastal environment is subject to large fluctuations in external salinity and nitrogen supply. The alga exhibits maximum growth at salinities lower than 100% ASW (artificial seawater). Cells divide faster and show higher cell yields when the supply of either NH 4 + or NO 3 - is increased above 0.2 mM. Cells growing on NH 4 + show high levels of NADPH-glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) activity, and the levels of glutamine synthetase (GS) are decreased to very low levels under these conditions. Methionine sulfoximine (MSX), an inhibitor of GS, has little effect on cell division and nitrogen assimilation of cells growing on NH 4 + . Cells growing on NO 3 - , however, show marked inhibition (65%) in nitrogen assimilation in the presence of 5 mM MSX. This MSX concentration also causes growth retardation and a progressive decrease in cell protein and nitrogen content. GS is almost completely inhibited by 5 mM MSX in both NH 4 + and NO 3 - -grown cells. Cells growing on NH 4 + maintain high levels of NADPH-GDH activity in the presence of MSX. NADPH-GDH activity in MSX-treated NO 3 - -grown cells increases, and, in the presence of 5 mM MSX, reaches 40% of the level found in NH 4 + -grown cells. These results are consistent with NADPH-GDH providing an alternate pathway for NH 4 + assimilation by this marine Chlorella species.  相似文献   

Thirty-six samples of benthic algae were collected from the continental shelf along the eastern Gulf of Mexico. The algae contain 82.8±143 ppm aliphatic hydrocarbons by dry weight and 11.8±22.7 ppm aromatic and polyolefinic hydrocarbons. The aliphatic constituents of red algae are composed almost entirely of n-C17 (70 to 95% of aliphatic weight); green algae have varying amounts of n-alkanes in the range of n-C15 to n-C19, with homologous series of odd carbon number n-alkenes. Phytadienes occur as high as 740 ppm dry weight in the green algae and do not appear to be related to time or place of collection or to presence of any petroleum pollutants. The single brown algal species contains predominantly n-C15. About 30% of the samples have hydrocarbons resembling degraded petroleum residues, but no petroleum pollution of recent origin was detected in any specimen.  相似文献   

Method for comparing the capture efficiency of benthic sampling devices   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Traditional comparisons between the capture efficiency of sampling devices have generally looked at the absolute differences between devices. We recommend that the signal-to-noise ratio be used when comparing the capture efficiency of benthic sampling devices. Using the signal-to-noise ratio rather than the absolute difference has the advantages that the variance is taken into account when determining how important the difference is, the hypothesis and minimum detectable difference can be made identical for all taxa, it is independent of the units used for measurement, and the sample-size calculation is independent of the variance. This new technique is illustrated by comparing the capture efficiency of a 0.05 m2 van Veen grab and an airlift suction device, using samples taken from Heron and One Tree lagoons, Australia.  相似文献   

Role of echinoderms in benthic remineralization in the Chukchi Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of large, epibenthic organisms in carbon cycling at high latitudes is difficult to assess using standard ship-board collection techniques. We used a remotely operated vehicle equipped with video imaging to examine the distribution and abundance of epibenthic organisms in the northeast Chukchi Sea during June 1998. At each of 11 sites, we collected between 25 and 50 images from a minimum of 20 min of video. We observed 15 different epibenthic taxa, with the echinoderms (Ophiura sarsia, O. maculata, Ophiopholis aculeata, Stegophiura nodosa, and Echinarachinus parma) overwhelmingly dominating the epibenthos. Echinoderm density was highly variable, ranging from 0.2 to 256.6 individuals m-2 (median=16.3), and echinoderm biomass varied between <0.5 and 4,988 mg C m-2 (median=737). The highest biomass of ophiuroids recorded (3,388 mg C m-2) is 30% higher than the highest previously reported from an Arctic shelf. Using a relationship between biomass and respiration developed for deep-sea organisms living at cold temperatures, we estimated respiration rates from <0.1 to 15.0 mg C m-2 day-1 (median=1.9). Respiration rates measured on board were several orders of magnitude higher than those obtained from the predictive equation. Further work is needed to assess echinoderm respiration rates accurately under in situ conditions. Even with calculated minimal values for respiration rates, a comparison of epifaunal and infaunal respiration at four stations revealed that echinoderm respiration accounted for as much as 25% of total respiration. High epifaunal respiration rates and biomass values are likely supported by high concentrations of particulate organic carbon carried by Bering Sea water flowing through the eastern Chukchi Sea. Our observations support observations from the Eurasian Arctic that echinoderms dominate the epibenthos of Arctic shelves and that the role of these organisms in carbon remineralization must be considered if we are to generate accurate models of carbon cycling in the Arctic.  相似文献   

Edwards KF  Stachowicz JJ 《Ecology》2011,92(5):1094-1103
For sessile organisms, dispersal and recruitment are typically spatially stochastic, but there is little understanding of how this variability scales up to influence processes such as competitive coexistence. Here we argue that coexistence of benthic marine animals is enhanced by stochastic differences between species in the spatial distribution of larval settlement. Differentiation of settlement distributions among competitors results in intraspecifically aggregated settlement, which can reduce overall interspecific competition and increase overall intraspecific competition. We test for the components of this mechanism using a pair of subtidal invertebrates, and we find that the mean interspecific effect of the dominant competitor is substantially reduced by natural settlement variability. Using a simulation parameterized with experimental data, we find that variable settlement could play an important role in long-term coexistence between these species. This mechanism may apply broadly to benthic marine communities, which can be highly diverse and typically exhibit large settlement fluctuation over a range of scales.  相似文献   

A method is described for studying the release of soluble organic material during photosynthesis by benthic algae. The method simulates presumed natural conditions in that the excreted matter is rapidly and continuously removed. This also facilitates analysis of the soluble compounds and the study of factors affecting excretion. Axenic cultures ofPhaeodactylum tricornutum (Bohlin) of good photosynthetic activity, as determined by measurement of oxygen output, were exposed as a surface layer to labelled carbon dioxide in a perspex fixation cell. Deep culture experiments also involved rapid separation of excreted solutes. Levels of excretion of 1 to 3% of total fixation were found. Some of the excreted material had been inside the cell for some hours. The proportion of fixed carbon excreted was similar in old and fresh media and was not affected by the presence of buffer. Co-precipitation with iron and copper was successful in extracting the labelled solutes from the filtrates, but the specific activity was too low to permit complete identification. There appeared to be differences between the materials excreted in surface and in deep culture. A discussion of related studies leads to a suggestion that it may be useful to consider the released solutes as falling into two categories; the first a low but constant level of excretion of more complex compounds, and the second a potentially much higher but variable level of excretion of simpler compounds.  相似文献   

Understanding the demography and function of biotope-forming seaweed species is of great importance for the conservation of the target species itself, as well as its associated organisms. The brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum is fundamental for the functioning of coastal marine ecosystems in the North Atlantic. In this study, we use a data-based size-classified matrix model to investigate the temporal and spatial variability in demography, and the environment-specific stochastic sensitivity and elasticity, of two A. nodosum populations, one in western Sweden and one on the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. A significant difference between the two populations was that the Swedish population had comparably low and more variable stochastic population growth rate (λ s). This pattern was partly explained by the relatively high and varying mortality rates during extreme ice-years in Sweden, and by the lower survival of small individuals during all years. There were also fewer large individuals in Sweden due to lower transitions to the larger size-classes and higher probability of shrinkage. Sensitivities were analogous in the two populations, and showed a high selection pressure for increased individual growth. Elasticities were also similar, with the exception that survival of the smallest individuals (i.e., transition a 1,1), had a higher elasticity on the Isle of Man. Overall, the stochastic growth rate (λ s) was most sensitive to proportional changes in loop- (i.e., survival within size-class) and, to some extent, growth-transitions in both study areas. These results show that structurally and demographically diverging A. nodosum populations may be similarly sensitive to changes in vital rates. This, in turn, indicates a plastic life history of A. nodosum that may cope with large environmental variability. The results further suggest that environmental change affecting the survival or growth of the larger, reproductive A. nodosum individuals could have severe and regional effects on the abundance and biomass of this species, with potential negative effects on the biodiversity of the associated communities.  相似文献   

Environmental effects of enlargement works in Puerto Calero (Lanzarote, Canary Islands) were analysed in the sediments using abiotic variables (total hydrocarbons, polyaromatic hydrocarbons, organic matter and granulometry) and three biotic indexes (AMBI, M-AMBI and BENTIX). A before–after/control–impact (BACI) design was developed with four sampling campaigns, before (November 2004), during (March and July 2005) and after (July 2006) works. Inner stations were characterised by high concentrations of pollutants (total hydrocarbons and polyaromatic hydrocarbons). A temporal trend (2004–2006) was observed in macrofaunal assemblage structure, and thus in AMBI, M-AMBI and BENTIX indexes. Macrobenthic assemblages also mirrored the pollution gradient, with bioindicator species in inner stations (the polychaete Pseudopolydora paucibranchiata and the mollusc Abra alba), sensitive species (the sipunculid Aspidosiphon muelleri, the crustacean Pariambus typicus and the polychaete Aponuphis bilineata) in outer stations and ubiquitous species (the polychaetes Aricidea assimilis and Armandia polyophthalma) in both stations (inner and outer).  相似文献   

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