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Patchiness of polychaetes at the micro-scale (i.e. proportional to the sphere of influence of an organism) and macro-scale was investigated in the Northwest Atlantic in 1977 and 1981. Seven box-core samples (each 2 500 cm2) from three sites off Nova Scotia, Canada were completely subsampled as 25 contiguous 100cm2 cores and analysed for their polychaete faunas. Dispersion chi-square and autocorrelation analyses were performed on the complete data set. The inshore fauna (St. Margaret's Bay) was strongly clumped with patchiness at several scales: <10cm in diameter, equal to 10 to 50cm (37% of the species), and>50cm. Polychaetes in samples from off-shore stations were much less aggregated, and discordantly dispersed to varying degrees. The results conform with the present understanding of infaunal spatial patterns and reject the hypothesis that a depth gradient in patchiness exists in addition to the well documented density and biomass gradients.  相似文献   

From 1980 through 1983 sea urchin mass mortalities were at least 245 000 t. The habitat released to seaweed is expected to support a standing crop of 1.8 million tons and an annual production of 7 million tons. An extensive survey of 2 900 km of Nova Scotia shoreline revealed that 511 km2 of habitat (rock bottom less than 15 m deep) was available to seaweeds. Areas most exposed to ocean swells bordered 26% of the shoreline length but included 82% of the seaweed habitat. Before mass mortalities, seaweed refuges from sea urchin grazing included very sheltered habitats, very exposed habitats, and boulders set among shifting sand; however, these were less than 10% of the total habitat. In the 1 to 2 years following mass mortalities seaweed cover and occurrence increased significantly for all of five categories of wave exposure and for six of seven algal taxa respectively. In at least three locations the sea urchin population began to recover as a result of larval recruitment but in 1983 was again reduced by disease. Sea urchins appear to lack natural resistance to disease, at least at warm temperatures. In the laboratory all sea urchins collected from the Bay of Fundy, southern Nova Scotia, eastern Newfoundland, and an area recovering from mass mortalities died following exposure to diseased animals. Also, field mortalities included a wide variety of habitats. Interviews of Nova Scotia lobster fishermen revealed that sea urchin mass mortalities have probably occurred before in this century, but infrequently.  相似文献   

Mass mortalities of sea urchins exceeding 84 000 t live weight or 2 900 t organic weight occurred during the autumns of 1980 and 1981 along the southern coast of Nova Scotia, Canada. The kill was nearly complete along 160 km of shoreline (straight-line distance) and was inter-mittent along another 280 km. Sea urchins in a variety of rocky habitats were affected, including areas exposed to and sheltered from ocean swell, with both dense and no macrophyte cover, and from 0–13 m depth. The cause of the mortalities was presumed to be a biological agent and was transferable in the laboratory. Colonization of the habitat by subtidal macroalgae and a subsequent large increase in benthic primary production is expected to follow.  相似文献   

Spring diatom flowerings in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, almost exhausted the available nitrogen supplies. The supply of nitrate appeared to regulate the magnitude of the bloom. Other nutrient supplies may also have been limiting. Certain alterations in quantities of major metabolites could be interpreted in terms of nitrogen limitation. Nitrate, (nitrite), and ammonium were generally utilized simultaneously by Thalassiosira nordenskioldii, the dominant bloom organism. This species did not effectively utilize urea in either laboratory culture or in the natural environment. T. fluviatilis simultaneously utilized all nitrogen sources provided in laboratory experiments simulating natural nutrient conditions.  相似文献   

Productivities of two cohorts of Chordaria flagelliformis (O. F. Müll.) C. Ag. were estimated from measured changes in biomass and survivorship over time. Maximum productivity during the summer growing season was 2.6 g C m-2 d-1. Although this figure is relatively high, the short growing season results in an annual production of only 89 g C m-2. The significance of primary production by C. flagelliformis lies in its seasonal timing. During the summer growth period, 50% of production was recycled directly by detrital material. During the same time period, productivity and biomass losses of other seaweeds are at their lowest.  相似文献   

A mass mortality of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis, attributed to disease, was monitored in an echinoiddominated barren ground at Eagle Head on the south-western coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, in 1982. Mortality was 70% in a shallow (3 m) nearshore area, resulting in a loss of echinoid biomass of 2 042 g fresh weight m-2, and 6% in deeper (7 m, 10 m) offshore areas. Echinoid density, size and nutritional condition (gonad index) were highest in the nearshore area. Survivorship was higher in juveniles (<15 mm diameter) than in adults resulting in the formation of a bimodal size distribution in the nearshore area. Mortality began around early October, near the peak of the annual cycle of seawater temperature (15°C), and was arrested by early December (seawater temperature 7°C) when morbid echinoids appeared to recover. In laboratory experiments, time to morbidity of S. droebachiensis exposed to morbid conspecifics increased exponentially with decreasing temperature (20° to 8°C). There was no survival at 20° and 16°C, 20% survival at 12°C and 100% survival at 8°C after 60 d; suggesting a lower temperature limit (between 12° and 8°C) for possible transmission of a pathogenic agent. Morbid laboratory echinoids from experiments at 16°C, and recovering echinoids collected in the nearshore area in early December, showed 100 and 85% survival respectively at <=8°C, and 0 and 15% survival respectively at 16°C, after 30 d. Time to morbidity was not affected significantly by nutritional condition and was similar for juvenile and adult echinoids. Time to morbidity was greater in echinoids exposed to one or three morbid individuals continuously, or seven morbid individuals for 1 h, relative to higher levels of exposure (up to seven morbid individuals continuously). Recent mass mortalities in S. droebachiensis have occurred in years of record high sea surface temperatures. The extent of mortality is correlated with the magnitude and duration of temperatures above a lower limit.  相似文献   

The autecology of Fucus distichus L. ssp. distichus was investigated at several sites on the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia, Canada, throughout a 2-year period. This species is confined to high-littoral rock pools at exposed sites, where there appears to be little competition from other organisms. Water temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and hydrogen-ion concentrations underwent both considerable seasonal and short-term variation. Pools with extremes of salinity did not contain F. distichus ssp. distichus. Receptacles are formed during winter, and by late spring they are cast. Sporelings were first visible during September; their development was slow, and these plants did not become reproductive until the second year. During the period February to May, rapid growth of new fronds occurred; an increase in both length and bulk of the plants resulted from this growth. Fronds of mature plants continued to elongate slowly throughout the summer and the early autumn with the formation of receptacles in winter. Plants were frequently damaged, which resulted in regeneration of new fronds from the wounded surface.Issued as NRCC No. 14510  相似文献   

Daytime observations on the isopods Idotea phosphorea and I. baltica and the amphipod Gammarus oceanicus held in laboratory microcosms showed that I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus spent 45% and 30% respectively, of their active time feeding on dead, intact eelgrass leaves which had been recently released from plants. I. baltica spent 41% of its active time consuming intact green leaves. The shredding of intact dead leaves by I. phosphorea and G. oceanicus resulted in production of small detrital particles which were liberated from the faeces of the invertebrates and this type of feeding led to the breakdown of whole leaves. Field experiments which separated the effects of shredding by invertebrates and grinding by waves and ice on the loss of weight from leaf packs showed that relative to controls isopods significantly increased weight loss from dead leaves. Loss of weight from leaf packs exposed to both biotic and physical shredding forces was not significantly different from that found on those exposed only to shredding by isopods. However, trends in the data indicated that fragmentation of whole, dead leaves in the field probably is a result of the synergistic effects of shredding by invertebrates and physical factors, particularly ice grinding. The role played by invertebrates in fragmenting intact, dead leaves is discussed in the light of energy flow and nutrient cycling within seagrass systems.  相似文献   

We monitored the reproductive cycle of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (OF Müller) between April 1993 and August 1995 in kelp beds, barren grounds and grazing fronts at both a wave-exposed and a sheltered site along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Gonad index and histological analyses showed that S. droebachiensis has an annual reproductive cycle that is synchronous across sites and habitats, and between females and males. Spawning occurs in March/April of each year but a small proportion of sea urchins in the study populations also spawned in fall 1995. During most of the year, sea urchins in kelp beds and grazing fronts have a higher gonad index than those in barren grounds. Gonad indices also tended to be higher at the wave-exposed than the sheltered site. Interannual variability in peak gonad index was significant in the barren grounds at the wave-exposed site and in the grazing front at the sheltered site. The gametogenic cycle is characterized by six stages based on the abundance of nutritive and germinal/gametic cells. Nutritive phagocytes are abundant after spawning and replaced by increasing numbers of germinal and gametic cells as the gametogenic cycle progresses. The temporal patterns of abundance of each cell type were similar among habitats indicating that the gonads were qualitatively similar despite large differences in gonadal mass. The quantity of gut contents (ratio of food volume to body volume) was similar among habitats, but the quality (percentage of organic material) tended to be higher in kelp beds and grazing fronts than in barren grounds suggesting that differences in gonad index of S. droebachiensis in different habitats are related to differences in diet. The high density of sea urchins in grazing fronts combined with their high fecundity suggests that they make the greatest contribution, per unit area, to the overall larval pool. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 21 January 1998  相似文献   

Two groupings of larval fish were repeatedly identified by principal component analyses of larval densities from four broad-scale surveys during the spring and summer of 1985–1987 off southwestern Nova Scotia, Canada. Larvae originating from pelagic eggs (four species within Gadidae and Pleuronectidae) constituted one group, which were uniformly distributed over the sampling area with densities not correlated with bathymetry, although nearly all spawning occurs on the shallow western cap of Browns Bank, 100 km offshore. Larvae from demersal eggs (five species within Pholidae, Stichaeidae, Cottidae, Agonidae) constituted the second group, which dominated the shallow-water environments both inshore and on Browns Bank. Lower patchiness indices were evident amongst larvae from pelagic eggs in small and large sampling-gear collections (average 3.4 and 3.1, respectively) compared to fish hatching from demersal eggs (average 5.1 and 4.6). Fine-scale nearshore surveys over a 5 wk period in 1987 also showed that larvae of demersal eggs had a less variable distribution along an inshoreoffshore transect. Larvae from demersal eggs appear spatially persistent through the release of well-developed larvae from non-drifting eggs. These conclusions are consistent with other studies over a range of spatial scales in temperate and tropical environments, demonstrating that single-species models of larval dispersal are inadequate to account for the distributional patterns of larval fish in general.  相似文献   

Nitrogen regeneration accompanying the bacterial degradation of a variety of amino acids supplied at 10.0 M to samples of coastal plankton communities collected near Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada was examined. A lag period characterized by a low rate of amino acid uptake and ammonia release was typically followed by a dramatic increase in the rates of uptake and ammonia release. The duration of the lag period varied with the amino acid tested. The ratio of the final ammonia concentration to the nitrogen supplied as amino acid was taken as the regeneration ratio. This value varied from 0.58 to 0.86 for L-arginine and 0.38 to 1.17 for the other amino acids tested, with an average value of 0.74. The presence of inorganic fixed nitrogen at 10.0 M had no effect on the degradation of L-arginine. Other organic compounds supplied at 10.0 M decreased the lag period for L-arginine uptake and degradation. Glucose supplied at 50.0 M decreased the nitrogen regeneration ratio, but did not further decrease the lag for L-arginine degradation. Carbon respiration ratios for L-arginine, L-glutamate, and L-lysine were 0.70, 0.68, and 0.65 when the nitrogen regeneration ratios were 0.86, 0.38, and 0.77, respectively.  相似文献   

T. Penczak 《Marine Biology》1985,89(3):235-243
The ontogenetic and seasonal dietary shifts of the mummichog Fundulus heteroclitus (L.), from eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) beds off the shore of Halifax County, Nova Scotia, Canada were examined over a 5 mo period in 1980. Switches to abundant, stationary, or high-calorie prey types were observed in the foraging period. Smaller fish generally took less diverse prey. The indices of foregut fullness varied according to body length and season. The successive 10 mm total-length classes of the mummichog (14 to 101 mm TL) consumed whole prey of increasing size. In comparison with populations living further south, the Nova Scotia fish had a shorter spawning period, lower fecundity, and smaller eggs.  相似文献   

Extensive ringing data from a coastal site (Falsterbo Bird Observatory) in southwesternmost Sweden were used to investigate the occurrence of reverse autumn migration among 20 passerine bird species of widely different migration categories. The data demonstrate that reverse migration is a widespread and regular phenomenon among nocturnal as well as diurnal migrants and among irruptive migrants, temperate zone migrants, and long-distance migrants destined for tropical winter quarters. The reoriented movements were directed approximately opposite to the normal migration direction, i.e. between NNW and ENE from the coast and towards inland. Median distances of reverse movements varied between 9 and 65 km. Some individuals of irruptive and partial migrants settled to winter in the reverse direction. Bird species with relatively small fat reserves at capture were more likely to perform reverse migratory movements than species with larger fat deposits. In two species birds performing forward migration were significantly heavier within 10 days after capture than individuals performing reverse movements. The reoriented movements probably are of adaptive significance for birds confronted with the sea and pre-disposed to refuelling during migration. A bimodal orientation mechanism will bring the birds from an area with high competition for food and high predation risk to more suitable resting and feeding grounds before resuming migration in the forward direction and crossing the barrier. Received: 11 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 19 November 1995  相似文献   

The national legislative and policy context for integrated ocean management in Canada is provided by the Oceans Act (1996) and the supporting policy statement, Canada’s Oceans Strategy. Under the Oceans Act, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is the lead federal authority for ocean affairs and is charged with leading and facilitating the development and implementation of integrated management plans for all marine waters. Integrated management efforts in Canada are being undertaken through an area-based approach that enables marine planning, management and decision making to occur at appropriate spatial scales, from regional to site-specific. This article focuses on the Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management (ESSIM) process, an offshore-focused effort to develop an integrated ocean management plan for a large portion of the Scotian Shelf, off Nova Scotia. The resulting Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Ocean Management Plan (the ESSIM plan) has been developed through a collaborative process involving all interested and affected government departments and ocean stakeholders, and provides an objectives-based approach to ocean management. The ESSIM plan contains a set of long-term, overarching goals for collaborative governance and integrated management, sustainable human use, and healthy ecosystems. These goals are supported by more specific objectives that express desired outcomes and conditions for the marine region. The objectives-based approach seeks to ensure that interrelationships among ecosystem and human use objectives are recognized and reflected in the identification of management strategies and supporting actions. This article considers the role of marine spatial planning within the context of the integrated ocean management process underway for the Scotian Shelf. The policy and management context for integrated ocean management in Canada is briefly described and a summary of the ESSIM plan is provided. The current and potential role for marine spatial planning in implementing the objectives and strategies of the ESSIM plan is highlighted using examples related to multiple ocean use and marine conservation and protected area planning. The article concludes by drawing out key lessons learned to date through the ESSIM process for marine spatial planning and looks to the future in terms of the development of tools and approaches for this integral aspect of integrated ocean management.  相似文献   

Mussels (Mytilus edulis) suspended in the water column in 1994 and 1995 for the monitoring of oil drilling operations off Sable Island, Nova Scotia were examined for hydrocarbon profiles, particularly aliphatic hydrocarbons. A spring bloom of phytoplankton occurred during the 90-d suspension period in 1995. Hydrocarbons isolated from the 1995 suspended mussels showed very high concentrations of both biogenic hydrocarbons and very long-chain n-alkanes from C20 to C32, initially thought to be petrogenic. Both types of hydrocarbons were either not detected or were only present in trace amounts in the mussels suspended in 1994 at similar sites. The biogenic hydrocarbons in the 1995 mussels were apparently of planktonic origin, from the spring bloom, and were dominated by heneicosahexaene (21:6), followed by pristance, heptadecane, and varions monounsaturated and polyunsaturated phytenes, heptadecenes, nonadecenes and heneicosenes. They could be readily hydrogenated to yield the basic alkanes. The 1995 mussels suspended within 1 km from the oil well platform were probably slightly tainted by petrogenic hydrocarbons, as evidenced by the detection of phytane and high concentrations of total aliphatic hydrocarbons, whereas the mussels suspended 10 km from the platform showed only high concentrations of biogenic hydrocarbons and the novel long-chain n-alkanes. The occurrence of an unusual phytoplankton bloom during the suspension period severely interfered with the petroleum monitoring role of mussels by altering the mussel hydrocrbon profiles through the accumulation into and probably selective depuration of xenobiotic hydrocarbons from the mussel, tissues.J. Parsons (deceased)  相似文献   

The stalked tunicate Boltenia ovifera is widely distributed in the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans on rocky substrata at 10–300 m depth, although its ecological role in benthic communities is poorly understood. The distribution and abundance of B. ovifera were recorded at 10–100 m depth in towed-video transects in November 2011 and in June, July, and November 2012 off a wave-exposed headland near Halifax, Nova Scotia. Specimens also were collected at 30 m depth using SCUBA (44°26.88′N, 63°31.59′W) in September 2012. Areas dominated by B. ovifera had densities of 10–100 individuals m?2 on rocky substrata at 30–60 m depth. These tunicate beds often were associated with sparse kelp (Agarum clathratum) and turf-forming red algae. A generalized additive model indicated that depth, substrate type, and benthic algal type were strong predictors of tunicate abundance. Twenty-two epibiotic species were found on specimens of B. ovifera, including juvenile conspecifics. Filter-feeding macroinvertebrates, including anemones and soft corals, were more abundant in areas with B. ovifera than in areas without these tunicates. Our findings suggest that beds of B. ovifera can act as biogenic habitat to enhance local species richness in the rocky subtidal zone of Nova Scotia.  相似文献   

Species of Calanus were sampled at stations off southwest Nova Scotia during an 8-d cruise in June, 1982. A simple model using shipboard measurement of molting rates of predominant copepodite stages accurately predicted the changes in cohort structure that occurred at stations along a transect at the beginning and end of the cruise. The combined durations of C. finmarchicus (Gunnerus) stages CIII and CIV, calculated from the inverses of molting rates corrected for presence of diapausing C. glacialis Jaschnov, corresponded well with development times based on laboratory rearing experiments. We conclude that our molting rate measurements accurately reflected processes in nature. This methodology is useful for analyzing the dynamics and production of copepod populations.  相似文献   

Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides from Caribou Harbour, an estuarine site in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, was extremely tolerant to stresses from desiccation and reduced salinity. Photosynthetic responses of both rhizomatous and erect growth forms were measured using pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorometry of chlorophyll a fluorescence to determine effective quantum yield (ΦPSII) and relative electron transport rate (rETR). After 5 h of desiccation, thalli lost 20% of their mass, but still showed high levels of ΦPSII. Thalli survived for at least 6 h in freshwater, and showed virtually complete recovery of photosynthetic capacity within a few hours of return to full seawater. Immersion in 8 psu showed virtually complete recovery until the 24 h treatment period. Combining desiccation and salinity stresses produced a synergistic effect, but plants still showed strong recovery even after 86% dehydration and reimmersion in 16 psu. These results suggest that the photosynthetic physiology of Codium fragile is highly adapted to growth in estuarine conditions.  相似文献   

In our study of the condition of larval cod (Gadus morhua) collected off southwest Nova Scotia in winter-spring, 1983, we (1) examined relationships between larval condition and ambient environmental conditions, and (2) compared the use of simple morphometric indices of larval condition and of multivariate statistics to obtain information relevant to larval condition. Twelve indices of relative condition were obtained, based upon seven measurements made on each larva, and a principal component (PC) analysis was performed on these condition indices. Most condition indices and the first PC were significantly correlated with numbers of nauplii and of zooplankters per m3 in the water column, which are direct measures of food available to the larvae, but not to less direct measures of environmental quality for the larvae, such as plankton displacement volume or chlorophyll concentration. Conventional indices based upon relations of dry weight or body height at the anus to length were most sensitive to environmental conditions. There was no apparent advantage in performing a multivariate analysis based upon a larger series of measurements.  相似文献   

In 2001–2002, there were severe declines of eelgrass (Zostera marina) in estuaries along the Nova Scotia coast of the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence. We examined the relationship between the recent invasion of European green crabs (Carcinus maenas) and the eelgrass decline in Benoit Cove in Tracadie Harbour. The abnormally abundant eelgrass wrack consisted mainly of entire shoots, not the usual blades. Three separate methods yielded similar estimates of the rate of shoot removal from the eelgrass beds (direct quadrat counts, “mark–recapture” of tagged shoots in the eelgrass bed, and rate of shoot appearance in the shore wrack). From 14 July to 8 September 2002, the shoot density in the bed fell by about 75 %. Similar rates of decline occurred in crab enclosures (4.4 crabs m?2) placed in the eelgrass bed. Green crab foraging, involving the tearing of shoots and the digging of large pits, was the reason for the drastic decline of the eelgrass bed in Benoit Cove. It is clear that an invasion of green crabs to a region where they had not previously existed can both destroy eelgrass beds and restrict their recovery.  相似文献   

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