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研究了金鱼( Carassiusauratus L.) 在铅暴露实验中的铅吸收过程及鱼鳃分泌物的自身保护作用、水相Pb2+ 的鳃吸收机理以及分泌粘液对铅的络合作用.结果表明,金鱼因铅暴露导致粘液分泌量增加.结合到鳃上的铅与水相Pb2+ 活度关系可用Langmuir 吸附等温式表述.据此估算的最大结合量为0-9424 m mol/kg(干重) .非常接近1 的Hill 常数(1-012)说明金鱼鳃上仅有一种类型的Pb2+ 结合位点.平均每尾金鱼鳃上Pb2+ 的结合位点数达1-62 ×10- 5 m mol,结合的条件稳定常数(log KPb鳃) 为4-8 .血液铅含量与鳃铅含量间呈显著线性关系.金鱼吸收Pb2+ 的主要过程为:Pb2+ 结合到鳃上,其后被动扩散或载体转运穿过鳃上皮,进入血液循环.  相似文献   

金鱼(Carassius auratus)对颗粒态镉的鳃吸收   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
采用水相平衡态镉浓度不变(0.01mg/L),增加水铝矿颗粒吸附态镉暴露的实验方法,研究了金鱼(Carassius auratus)对颗粒态镉的鳃吸收,结果表明,鳃中镉含量均随态镉暴露浓度增加,且镉/铝含量比明显高于水相,从而证实了颗粒态镉的鲁鳃吸收有效性,金鱼鳃吸收态镉的主要过程是:随水流流经鳃表面的颗粒态匐会着在鳃表粘液上,在鳃部微环境下,吸附的镉发生解吸而被鳃部细胞吸收,颗粒物及未被吸收的镉在鳃丝表面短暂停留后与脱落粘液一起随水流从鳃部排出。  相似文献   

IntroductionThecontentofCuintheenvironmentisusually20to30ppminnoncontaminatedsoil(Nriagu,1979;Salomons,1984),butismorethan2000ppminminingareasandinthevicinityofsmelters(Freedman,1980;Humphreys,1984).IthasbeendemonstratedthatcoppersolubilitydependsonpHinsoils,anditisob…  相似文献   

Phytoremediation has long been recognized as a cost-effective method for the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from soil. A study was conducted to investigate the uptake and accumulation of PAHs in root and shoot of Lolium perenne L. Pot experiments were conducted with series of concentrations of 3.31-378.37 mg/kg for phenanthrene and those of 4.22-365.38 mg/kg for pyrene in a greenhouse. The results showed that both ryegrass roots and shoots did take up PAHs from spiked soils, and generally increased with increasing concentrations of PAH in soil. Bioconcentration factors(BCFs) of phenanthrene by shoots and roots were 0.24- 4.25 and 0.17-2.12 for the same treatment. BCFs of pyrene by shoots were 0.20-1.5, except for 4.06 in 4.32 mg/kg treatment, much lower than BCFs of pyrene by roots (0.58-2.28). BCFs of phenanthrene and pyrene tended to decrease with increasing concentrations of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil. Direct uptake and accumulation of these compounds by Lolium perenne L. was very low compared with the other loss pathways, which meant that plant-promoted microbial biodegradation might be the main contribution to plant-enhanced removal of phenanthrene and pyrene in soil. However, the presence of Lolium perenne L. significantly enhanced the removal of phenanthrene and pyrene in spiked soil. At the end of 60 d experiment, the extractable concentrations of phenanthrene and pyrene were lower in planted soil than in non-planted soil, about 83.24%-91.98% of phenanthrene and 68.53%-84.10% of pyrene were removed from soils, respectively. The results indicated that the removal of PAHs in contaminated soils was a feasible approach by using Lolium perenne L.  相似文献   

水分管理和外源硒对水稻吸收累积铅的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验,研究了不同水分管理和外源亚硒酸盐的添加对水稻根际铅的动态变化和水稻吸收累积铅的影响.结果表明,淹水显著增加了根表铁膜对铅的吸附和根系对铅的吸收,淹水下苗期和成熟期水稻根系铅含量分别是非淹水处理时的4.2~8.5和1.4~1.5倍;淹水降低了地上部的铅分配,在苗期和成熟期分别降低85.9%~86.7%和51.8%~74.0%.加硒降低了土壤溶液、苗期水稻根系和地上部的铅含量以及成熟期水稻根表铁膜、根系和茎中的铅含量.与对照相比,淹水和非淹水下加硒处理使苗期水稻根系铅含量分别降低了5.4%~24.3%和2.7%~61.7%,使成熟期水稻根系铅含量分别降低了56.1%~64.1%和53.8%~63.2%.水稻籽粒中的铅含量在不同处理间无显著差异.因此,水分管理和外源硒的添加显著影响了水稻根系对铅的吸收,而对水稻籽粒对铅的累积无显著影响.  相似文献   

大白菜对铅积累与转运的品种差异研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
采用盆栽试验,研究了15种大白菜对铅(Pb)积累与转运的品种差异,以期筛选具有Pb低积累潜力的大白菜品种.结果表明,15种大白菜地上部Pb含量存在显著品种差异(P0.05),表明大白菜对Pb毒害具有一定的耐受性.根据地上部Pb含量、转运系数和Pb耐性等指标评价,第一春宝可视为具有Pb低积累潜力的大白菜品种.  相似文献   

It is less known whether and how soil metal lead (Pb) impacts the invasion of exotic plants.A greenhouse experiment was conducted to estimate the effects of lead on the growth and mycorrhizae of an invasive species(Solidago canadensis L.)in a microcosm system. Each microcosm unit was separated into HOST and TEST compartments by a replaceable mesh screen that allowed arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal hyphae rather than plant roots to grow into the TEST compartments.Three Pb levels(control,300,and 600 mg/kg soil)were used in this study to simulate ambient soil and two pollution sites where S. canadensis grows.Mycorrhizal inoculum comprised five indigenous arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species (Glomus mosseae,Glomus versiform,Glomus diaphanum,Glomus geosporum,and Glomus etunicatum).The 15N isotope tracer was used to quantify the mycorrhizally mediated nitrogen acquisition of plants.The results showed that S. canadensis was highly dependent on mvcOrrhizae.The Pb additions significantly decreased biomass and arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization(root length colonized,RLC%) but did not affect spore numbers,N(including total N and 15N) and P uptake.The facilitating efficiency of mycorrhizae on nutrient acquisition was promoted by Pb treatments.The Pb was mostly sequestered in belowground of plant (root and rhizome).The results suggest that the high efficiency of mycorrhizae on nutrient uptake mightgive S. canadensis a great advantage over native species in Pb polluted softs.  相似文献   

Effects of river water from the Yangtze River (Nanjing section) on fish development, vitellogenin (VTG) induction, gonado-somatic index (GSI) and sex ratio were investigated by exposing goldfish (Carassius auratus) in the early life stage (from fertilization to 28 days post-hatch) to water samples (25%, 50% and 100%) collected from three representative sections. The results showed that there was no significant effect on hatching success for any of the exposure groups, but survival was significantly reduced when compared with the control (P < 0.05). Body lengths, weights of all treated fish did not differ significantly from those of the control. Condition factors (CF) of larval fish exposed to 50% and 100% river water from the Jiangxinzhou section and 100% river water from the Daqiao section were significantly lower than that of the control (P< 0.05). VTG inductions were significant in larval fish exposed to all the dilution series of river water. No significant difference in CF value was observed in any exposure group after 150 days of depuration. VTG was fully eliminated after 75 days of depuration. For both female and male, GSI did not significantly differ between exposure groups and the control after 150 days of convalescence. The highest female:male ratios were observed in response to the treatment with 50% or 100% river water from the Jiangxinzhou section and 100% river water from the Daqiao section (53:47, 56:44 and 54:46, respectively), but no significant difference in sex ratio was observed in any treated group when compared to the control. The results showed that early life stage exposure of river water from the Yangtze River (Nanjing section) had adverse effects on goldfish development and reproductive health, and the effects on CF and VTG were reversible after depuration in clean water.  相似文献   

铅低积累大豆的筛选及铅对其豆中矿物营养元素的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
筛选和培育铅低积累作物品种已被用来降低铅流入到人们的食物链中.本实验采用盆栽方法,研究了16个选定的大豆品种在两个铅处理(500和1500 mg·kg-1)下的生长反应,并评估其对铅的耐性.结果表明,在两个铅处理(500和1500 mg·kg-1)下,大豆中Pb含量有显著差异(p0.05),其平均值分别为0.19和0.27 mg·kg-1.在两种Pb梯度处理下富集系数的范围分别为0.003~0.014和0.002~0.012.16种大豆品种的富集系数在两种Pb梯度处理下均小于0.02,且存在显著差异(p0.05),表明大豆吸收的Pb主要积累在根部.大豆品种:垦丰16号、绥农28号、中黄35号和黑河35号被发现符合低铅积累大豆品种的标准.这4个品种的大豆被进一步用于评估Pb和其他矿质营养元素之间的相互作用,如Ca、Cu、Fe、Mg、Mn和Zn.土壤中Pb含量会影响大豆对微量矿物营养元素的吸收,表现为土壤中高剂量Pb能抑制大豆对Ca、Cu、Fe、Mg和Zn的吸收,同时增加其对Mn的吸收和积累.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of copper sulfate on rootand shoot growth of maize(Zea mays L.) and the uptake and accumulation of Cu2+ by its roots and shoots were investigated in the present study. The concentrations of opper sulfate (CuSO4.5H2O) used were in the range of 10-5-10-3mol/L. Root growth decreased progressively with increasing concentration of Cu2+ in solution. The seedlings exposed to 10-3 mol/L Cu exhibited substantial growth reduction, yielding only 68% of the root length of the control. The shoot growth of the seedlings grown at 10-5-10-4 mol/L Cu2+ were more or less than the same as the control seedlings. The leaves treated with 10-3 mol/L Cu2+ were obviously inhibited in shoot growth. The fresh and dry weights both in roots and shots decreased progressively with increasing Cu2+ concentration.This fits well with the above mentioned effects of copper sulfate on root growth. Zea mays has considerable ability to remove Cu from solutions and accumulate it. The Cu content in roots of Z. Mays increased with increasing solution concentration of Cu2+. The amount of Cu in roots of plants treated with 10-3, 10-4 and 10-5 mol/L Cu2+ were 10, 8 and 1.5 fold, respectively, greater than that of roots of control plant. However, the plants transported and concentrated only a small amount of Cu in their shoots.  相似文献   

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