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A series of studies was performed to develop an alternative to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's gold standard IM240 mass-based emission test. The new IM147 test was based on the second phase of the IM240 that consists of 147 sec of transient vehicle operation. Paired IM240/IM147 tests were conducted on vehicles ranging from 1981 to 1996 to determine IM147 cutpoints and excess emissions were identified. Additionally, an optimized test procedure was developed that combined possible triplicate IM147s with improved drive trace quality control, fast-pass, and retest methods. The optimized procedure was found to provide improved vehicle preconditioning with a relatively minor decrease in excess emissions identification. Resulting identification rates ranged from 96 to 100% for hydrocarbons (HC), 93-100% for CO, and 93-100% for NOx, depending on cutpoint selection, while false failures caused by lack of vehicle preconditioning were reduced to essentially zero. Significant vehicle throughput improvements were achieved through the development of software algorithms involving modal fast-pass and retest procedures. Modal drive trace variation limits also were developed to improve test accuracy. The combination of the algorithms reduced average IM147 test times by nearly 60%.  相似文献   


A study was performed at a Gordon-Darby centralized inspection and maintenance (I/M) test lane in Phoenix, AZ, in December 1999 for the purpose of evaluating the accuracy of production Vehicle Mass Analysis System (VMAS) equipment relative to standard IM240 equipment. Simultaneous transient mass measurements were made on random vehicles using VMAS and IM240 systems on two test lanes during regular I/M testing. Cumulative mass emissions for 846 valid tests were correlated using least-squares regression analysis. Correlation indices were >0.99 for both carbon monoxide (CO) and nitric oxide (NO) and 0.93 for hydrocarbon (HC), and the standard errors of regression were 1.38 g/mi, 0.123 g/mi, and 0.245 g/mi for CO, NO, and HC, respectively. These strong correlation results are reflected by high excess emission identification rates of 99.4% for CO, 99.3% for NO, and 94.5% for HC when applying final IM240 cut points with a <2% error of commission for all pollutants.  相似文献   

A method has been developed that allows reporting of the fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions for in-use vehicles from a fast-pass transient (IM240) inspection. The major technical obstacle to reporting CO2 emission rate and fuel consumption is that inspection and maintenance tests do not all use a standardized test duration or test method. The method is able to project full-duration fuel consumption from IM240 tests that actually fast-passed as early as just 30 sec from starting the test. It is based on basic considerations of the work done in driving the inspection cycle, with additional empirical adjustments. The initial application examined the differences between passing and failing inspections, and this did confirm that there are significant differences.  相似文献   

Evaluating inspection and maintenance programs: a policy-making framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article presents a new analysis approach to design and evaluate motor vehicle inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs. The new approach, called I/M-Design, uses real-world data to provide two resources not previously available: (1) a transparent framework to quantitatively illustrate the range of emission reductions available from I/M, and (2) a sensitivity analysis tool to evaluate how key variables affect I/M performance. In addition, the approach satisfies a policy-making information need--how to convey, in a logical and straightforward manner, the expected benefits from I/M without relying on modeling tools inaccessible to those outside the air quality field. The material presented in this article illustrates the new approach by estimating hydrocarbon (HC) emission reduction benefits available from enhanced I/M in southern California's South Coast Air Basin. I/M-Design estimates that enhanced I/M results in a 14-28% reduction in light-duty motor vehicle HC exhaust emissions; this estimate compares well to other California I/M program evaluations. Even more importantly, I/M-Design sensitivity analyses illustrate how I/M programs that implement stringent failure thresholds, motivate pre-test repair work, and improve repair effectiveness can provide emission reductions that substantially exceed the performance of existing programs.  相似文献   

A methodology for estimating vehicular emissions comprising a car simulator, a basic traffic model, and a geographical information system is capable of estimating vehicle emissions with high time and space resolution. Because of the extent of the work conducted, this article comprises two sections: In Part 1 of this work, we describe the system and its components and use examples for testing it. In Part 2 we will study in more detail the emissions of the sample fleet using the system and will make comparisons with another emission model. The experimental data for the car simulator is obtained using on-board measuring equipment and laboratory Fourier transform IR (FTIR) measurements with a dynamometer following typical driving cycles. The car simulator uses this data to generate emission factors every second. These emission factors, together with information on car activity and velocity profiles of highways and residential and arterial roads in Mexico City in conjunction with a basic traffic model, provide emissions per second of a sample fleet. A geographical information system is used to localize these road emissions.  相似文献   

Two-wheeler vehicles in Delhi, India--roughly 70% of the total vehicle fleet--are responsible for a significant portion of the city's vehicle emissions and petroleum consumption. An inspection and maintenance (I/M) program that ensures vehicle emission control systems are well maintained can complement other emission reduction strategies. This paper presents the initial findings of extensive data collected on vehicle characteristics and emissions for two-wheeler vehicles operating in Delhi in a series of I/M camps conducted by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers and various partners in late 1999. The analysis shows idle HC and CO emissions [measured in terms of parts per million (ppm) and volume % (vol %), respectively] in a slow declining trend with subsequent model years, reflecting tighter emission standards and more advanced emission technologies. The I/M benefits--3 vol % and 39% reduction in idle and mass CO, respectively; 40 vol % and 22% reduction in idle and mass HC, respectively; and a 10-20% increase in fuel efficiency--were higher than those reported in the literature. Although these benefits are substantial, any implementation strategy needs to consider cost-effectiveness. In the present study, only 10% of vehicles--contributing 22% of the total vehicle emissions--failed the idle CO standard. Fleet emissions data variability necessitates a large sample size to develop a baseline for the vehicle fleet, but a smaller, scientifically designed sample and better data collection quality could periodically track the benefits at future camps.  相似文献   

On-road comparisons were made between a mobile emissions laboratory (MEL) meeting federal standards and a portable emissions measurement system (PEMS). These comparisons were made over different conditions; including road grade, vibration, altitude, electric fields, and humidity with the PEMS mounted inside and outside of the tractor's cab. Brake-specific emissions were calculated to explore error differences between the MEL and PEMS during the Not-To-Exceed (NTE) engine operating zone. The PEMS brake-specific NOx (bsNOx) NTE emissions were biased high relative to the MEL and, in general, were about 8% of the 2007 in-use NTE NOx standard of 2.68 g kW?1 h?1 (2.0 g hp?1 h?1). The bsCO2 emissions for the PEMS were also consistently biased high relative to the MEL, with an average deviation of +4% ± 2%. NMHC and CO emissions were very low and typically less than 1% of the NTE threshold. This research was part of a comprehensive program to determine the “allowance” when PEMS are used for in-use compliance testing of heavy-duty diesel vehicles (HDDVs).  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview and the main results of a study aiming to evaluate current and alternative inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs to control emissions from in-use cars in Europe. For this purpose, a large number of passenger cars from five countries (France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom) were tested according to a common test protocol that included a variety of driving cycles and short tests, both legislative and specifically developed for this exercise. Evaluation of all test results was conducted with the objective of defining effective I/M test procedures and examining the potential of periodic I/M programs to reduce pollutant emissions and improve fuel economy of in-use cars. The results indicate that the current idle test used for catalyst-equipped cars in Europe is probably ineffective, while short transient loaded testing was found to offer higher potential in environmental terms. Regarding conventional gasoline cars, it is concluded that the idle test is sufficient, provided that the CO cut point is reduced and an HC test is added at high idle. Finally, the effectiveness of the free acceleration smoke test for diesels is questioned, while a transient cycle with continuous opacity measurement was found to be very promising. A companion paper further uses these results to analyze the likely cost-effectiveness on a per-country basis and discusses the possible effect of maintenance on emissions.  相似文献   

A pilot study was conducted to evaluate the performance and agreement of several commercially available black carbon (BC) measurement instruments, when applied to the quantification of BC in light-duty vehicle (LDV) exhaust. Samples from six vehicles, three fuels, and three driving cycles were used. The pilot study included determinations of the method detection limit (MDL) and repeatability. With respect to the MDL, the real-time instruments outperformed the time-integrated instruments, with MDL = 0.12 mg/mi for the AE51 Aethalometer, and 0.15 mg/mi for the Micro Soot Sensor (MSS), versus 0.38 mg/mi for the IMPROVE_A thermal/optical method, and 0.35 mg/mi for the OT21_T Optical Transmissometer. The real-time instruments had repeatability values ranging from 30% to 35%, which are somewhat better than those of the time-integrated instruments (40–41%). These results suggest that, despite being less resource intensive, real-time methods can be equivalent or superior to time-integrated methods in terms of sensitivity and repeatability. BC mass data, from the photoacoustic and light attenuation instruments, were compared against same-test EC data, determined using the IMPROVE_A method. The MSS BC data was well correlated with EC, with R 2 = 0.85 for the composite results and R2 = 0.86 for the phase-by-phase (PBP) results. The correlation of BC, by the AE51, AE22, and OT21_T, with EC was moderate to weak. The weaker correlation was driven by the inclusion of US06 test data in the linear regression analysis. We hypothesize that test-cycle-dependent BC:EC ratios are due to the different physicochemical properties of particulate matter (PM) in US06 and Federal Test Procedure (FTP) tests. Correlation amongst the real-time MSS, PASS-1, AE51, and AE22 instruments was excellent (R2 = 0.83–0.95), below 1 mg/mi levels. In the process of investigating these BC instruments, we learned that BC emissions at sub-1 mg/mi levels can be measured and are achievable by current-generation gasoline engines.

Implications: Most comparison studies of black carbon (BC) measurement methods were carried out in the ambient air. This study assesses the agreement among various BC measurement instrument in emissions from light-duty gasoline vehicles (LDGVs) on standard test cycles, and evaluates applicability of these methods under various fuel types, driving cycles, and engine combustion technologies. This research helps to fill in the knowledge gap of BC method standardization as stated in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 2011 Report to Congress on Black Carbon, and these results demonstrate the feasibility of quantification of BC at the 1 mg/mi PM standard in California Low Emission Vehicle III regulations.  相似文献   


An industrial-scale, profitable method for production of the most widely used bioinsecticide, Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), is challenging because of its widespread application. The aim of this study is to present a strategy to develop a low-cost, large-scale bioprocess to produce Bt H14.

This study was first focused on the design of a culture medium composed of economical and available components, such as glycerol and lysed Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The production goal of 1200 ITU was achieved using a medium composed of 20:20 g L?1of glycerol:lysed yeast in batch cultures. Efforts were subsequently focused on the design of an appropriate culture system, and an original two-stage culture system was proposed. First, yeast (the primary component of the culture medium) are cultivated using a minimal mineral medium and lysed, and in the second stage, Bt is cultivated in the same bioreactor using the lysed yeasts as culture medium (supplemented with a feeding pulse of 10 g L?1 glycerol). This system was called fed batch one pot (FOP). A new inoculation strategy is also presented in this study, since these Bt cultures were inoculated directly with heat pre-treated spores instead of vegetative bacteria to facilitate the bioprocess. This study was developed from the laboratory to production-scale bioreactors (measuring from 500 mL to 2500 L), and the efficiency of the proposed strategy was evident in LD50 tests results, achieving 1796 ITU in large-scale processes. Both the use of non-conventional sources and the process development for biomass production are important for cost-effective production of Bt-based insecticides in mosquito control projects.  相似文献   

A ring test by 19 labolatories in Japan was carried out in 1984 for the evaluation of the experimental manuals for the measurements of water solubility and partition coefficient (n-octanol/water). The experimental data obtained by the procedures in the manuals were collected by Environmental Agency, Japan. In the measurement of water solubility, this manual applies a modified batch method (the glass beads technique), whereas the OECD Test Guidelines suggests the use of the column elution method for chemicals having water solubility lower than 10 mg/L. Anthracene and flouranthene were used as test chemicals for the measurement of water solubility, and γ -hexachlorocyclohexane (γ -HCH) and 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene were used for partition coefficient. Good agreements were observed at a practical basis between the OECD methods and our methods for the results of mesurements of water solubility and partition coefficient. We concluded that the present ring test showed an advantage of the use of the glass beads method which requires only simple apparatus in water solubility measurement, and the HPLC method is very useful to measure partition coefficient because of the simplicity of procedure and the wide range of measurement, especially at higher values of partition coefficient.  相似文献   


This study has applied the concept of the hybrid PAC-UF process in the treatment of the final effluent of the palm oil industry for reuse as feedwater for low-pressure boilers. In a bench-scale set-up, a low-cost empty fruit bunch-based powdered activated carbon (PAC) was employed for upstream adsorption of biotreated palm oil mill effluent (BPOME) with the process conditions: 60 g/L dose of PAC, 68 min of mixing time and 200 rpm of mixing speed, to reduce the feedwater strength, alleviate probable fouling of the membranes and thus improve the process flux (productivity). Three polyethersulfone ultrafiltration membranes of molecular weight cut-off (MWCO) of 1, 5 and 10 kDa were investigated in a cross-flow filtration mode, and under constant transmembrane pressures of 40, 80, and 120 kPa. The permeate qualities of the hybrid processes were evaluated, and it was found that the integrated process with the 1 kDa MWCO UF membrane yielded the best water quality that falls within the US EPA reuse standard for boiler-feed and cooling water. It was also observed that the permeate quality is fit for extended reuse as process water in the cement, petroleum and coal industries. In addition, the hybrid system’s operation consumed 37.13 Wh m−3 of energy at the highest applied pressure of 120 kPa, which is far lesser than the typical energy requirement range (0.8–1.0 kWh m−3) for such wastewater reclamation.


Egypt is facing a major crisis due to the 1997's 40% increase in the price of imported newsprint. This price increase not only affected the press and publishers, but also placed a burden on the educational system, because most of the government textbooks depend on this type of imported paper. This crisis can be solved entirely by recycling waste paper and depending on recycled paper instead of imported paper. An experimental test facility for paper recycling was designed, manufactured and tested at the American University in Cairo (AUC). The system consists of a shredder, a beater to produce pulp, a flotation cell to remove the ink mechanically, a hand-sheet machine to produce test paper and a press/dryer to dry the paper. The paper produced was tested for physical (tear and tension) and optical (brightness and opacity) properties at different times and temperatures. The system proved to be very efficient.  相似文献   

Exposure to ambient particulate matter (PM) is known as a significant risk factor for mortality and morbidity due to cardiorespiratory causes. Owing to increased interest in assessing personal and community exposures to PM, we evaluated the feasibility of employing a low-cost portable direct-reading instrument for measurement of ambient air PM exposure. A Dylos DC 1700 PM sensor was collocated with a Grimm 11-R in an urban residential area of Houston Texas. The 1-min averages of particle number concentrations for sizes between 0.5 and 2.5 µm (small size) and sizes larger than 2.5 µm (large size) from a DC 1700 were compared with the 1-min averages of PM2.5 (aerodynamic size less than 2.5 µm) and coarse PM (aerodynamic size between 2.5 and 10 µm) concentrations from a Grimm 11-R. We used a linear regression equation to convert DC 1700 number concentrations to mass concentrations, utilizing measurements from the Grimm 11-R. The estimated average DC 1700 PM2.5 concentration (13.2 ± 13.7 µg/m3) was similar to the average measured Grimm 11-R PM2.5 concentration (11.3 ± 15.1 µg/m3). The overall correlation (r2) for PM2.5 between the DC 1700 and Grimm 11-R was 0.778. The estimated average coarse PM concentration from the DC 1700 (5.6 ± 12.1 µg/m3) was also similar to that measured with the Grimm 11-R (4.8 ± 16.5 µg/m3) with an r2 of 0.481. The effects of relative humidity and particle size on the association between the DC 1700 and the Grimm 11-R results were also examined. The calculated PM mass concentrations from the DC 1700 were close to those measured with the Grimm 11-R when relative humidity was less than 60% for both PM2.5 and coarse PM. Particle size distribution was more important for the association of coarse PM between the DC 1700 and Grimm 11-R than it was for PM2.5.

Implications: The performance of a low-cost particulate matter (PM) sensor was evaluated in an urban residential area. Both PM2.5 and coarse PM (PM10-2.5) mass concentrations were estimated using a DC1700 PM sensor. The calculated PM mass concentrations from the number concentrations of DC 1700 were close to those measured with the Grimm 11-R when relative humidity was less than 60% for both PM2.5 and coarse PM. Particle size distribution was more important for the association of coarse PM between the DC 1700 and Grimm 11-R than it was for PM2.5.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The subsurface leaching of soluble chemicals in a fractured porous medium poses long-term risk of groundwater contamination. Tracing the occurrence,...  相似文献   

In 1997, a measuring campaign was conducted in a street canyon (Runeberg St.) in Helsinki. Hourly mean concentrations of CO, NOx, NO2 and O3 were measured at street and roof levels, the latter in order to determine the urban background concentrations. The relevant hourly meteorological parameters were measured at roof level; these included wind speed and direction, temperature and solar radiation. Hourly street level measurements and on-site electronic traffic counts were conducted throughout the whole of 1997; roof level measurements were conducted for approximately two months, from 3 March to 30 April in 1997. CO and NOx emissions from traffic were computed using measured hourly traffic volumes and evaluated emission factors. The Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) was used to calculate the street concentrations and the results were compared with the measurements. The overall agreement between measured and predicted concentrations was good for CO and NOx (fractional bias were −4.2 and +4.5%, respectively), but the model overpredicted the measured NO2 concentrations (fractional bias was +22%). The agreement between the measured and predicted values was also analysed in terms of its dependence on wind speed and direction; the latter analysis was performed separately for two categories of wind velocity. The model qualitatively reproduces the observed behaviour very well. The database, which contains all measured and predicted data, is available for further testing of other street canyon dispersion models. The dataset contains a larger proportion of low wind speed cases, compared with other available street canyon measurement datasets.  相似文献   

The US Food and Drug Administration has simultaneously utilized both high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and quadrupole ion storage tandem mass spectrometry (QISTMS) in the measurement of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins/dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in 147 food samples collected in 1998 and 1999 in the US. In 1998, 20 egg samples, six scallop, 10 blue crab, eight American lobster, 10 pollack, 15 striped bass, five rockfish, 10 crawfish, seven aqua-cultured and 13 wild-caught salmon, along with 19 cream and 18 mozzarella cheese samples were measured for PCDD/Fs. QISTMS provided limits of detection (LODs) close to those produced using HRMS for many congeners in 56 samples analyzed by both techniques in 1998 and three salmon and three striped bass collected in 1999. The I-TEQs of the mean levels for measured congeners in 40 samples of fish and shellfish and 16 cheese and eggs from 1998 analyzed by HRMS and QISTMS were 0.99 and 1.1 ng/kg wet weight, respectively. The I-TEQ for mean congener levels in the 40 fish and shellfish measured by HRMS was 1.4 ng/kg wet weight. A higher sample throughput with greater data quality at a lower cost is achievable by using both QISTMS and HRMS.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation on waste combustion characteristics of a mass burn incinerator is conducted in this study. Three different charging modes, including operator manipulation, periodic feeding, and temperature control, are taken into consideration. The results indicate that the burning characteristics in the combustion chambers are closely related to the operating modes. For the operator manipulation where the wastes are sent into the incinerator in two short periods, the entire temperature distribution of the primary combustion chamber can be partitioned into two parts, thereby yielding waste group combustion. Temperature oscillations in both the primary and secondary combustion chambers are characterized for the periodic feeding. However, because of the shorter charging period and smaller amount of waste, the burning interaction between the two chambers is initially weak and becomes notable in the final stage. When temperature control is performed, the burning oscillation of the primary combustion chamber is further amplified so the combustion interaction is drastic. These exhibitions are mainly caused by the competition between endothermic and exothermic reactions. The instantaneous heat exchange efficiency of the cyclone heat recovery system (CHRS) installed in the incineration system is also evaluated to obtain details of energy recovery behaviors. As a result, the efficiency tends to decrease linearly with increasing temperature of hot flue gas. This arises from the fact that heat loss from the gas to the environment is increased when the temperature of the former is higher, even though the temperature gradient across the cyclone is enlarged.  相似文献   

In this field study, two approaches to assess contaminant mass discharge were compared: the sampling of multilevel wells (MLS) and the integral groundwater investigation (or integral pumping test, IPT) that makes use of the concentration-time series obtained from pumping wells. The MLS approached used concentrations, hydraulic conductivity and gradient rather than direct chemical flux measurements, while the IPT made use of a simplified analytical inversion. The two approaches were applied at a control plane located approximately 40m downgradient of a gasoline source at Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario, Canada. The methods yielded similar estimates of the mass discharging across the control plane. The sources of uncertainties in the mass discharge in each approach were evaluated, including the uncertainties inherent in the underlying assumptions and procedures. The maximum uncertainty of the MLS method was about 67%, and about 28% for the IPT method in this specific field situation. For the MLS method, the largest relative uncertainty (62%) was attributed to the limited sampling density (0.63 points/m(2)), through a novel comparison with a denser sampling grid nearby. A five-fold increase of the sampling grid density would have been required to reduce the overall relative uncertainty for the MLS method to about the same level as that for the IPT method. Uncertainty in the complete coverage of the control plane provided the largest relative uncertainty (37%) in the IPT method. While MLS or IPT methods to assess contaminant mass discharge are attractive assessment tools, the large relative uncertainty in either method found for this reasonable well monitored and simple aquifer suggests that results in more complex plumes in more heterogeneous aquifers should be viewed with caution.  相似文献   

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