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浅析电镀含铜和含镍污泥的资源化回收工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电镀污泥中含有大量重金属,属于危险废物,但经恰当处理,对金属进行回收,可产生一定的经济效益和环境效益,其中的铜和镍最具有回收价值。本文简述了电镀含铜和含镍污泥的资源化回收工艺,并对其中的物料平衡和金属平衡作了分析。  相似文献   

人类社会发展到今天,创造了前所未有的文明,同时也带来了一系列环境问题。诸如废电脑、废家电、废通讯工具等废弃“电子垃圾”以及制造这些电器过程中产生的各类废弃物占用着大量资源,对这些废旧电子器件和电子材料的不合理处置和回收会给环境造成极大污染。因此,广泛开展有关废旧电器和各类废旧电子材料回收利用方面的研究,使这些宝贵的二次资源得到科学合理的资源化和无害化处置,对保证人类所需生产和生活资源的永续利用,促进人类的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章结合废旧电器回收利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局(厅):随着我国经济的快速发展,社会消费水平的不断提高,电子电气设备废弃量迅速增长,已经成为不可忽视的环境污染源。近年来,个别地区使用简陋设备和落后工艺回收利用废弃电子电气设备(以下简称电子废物),对当地环境造成了严重污染。为加强电子废物的环境管理,防止污染环境,促进以环境无害化方式回收利用和处置电子废物,变废为宝,化害为利,根据《固体废物污染环境防治法》有关规定,现公告如下:一、产生电子废物的单位,包括电子电气设备制造企业、电子电气设备维修服务企业和大量使用电子电气设备的企事业单位…  相似文献   

对台州地区电子垃圾拆解回收过程中采用的工艺技术进行了分析,讨论重金属污染对环境的影响和人类健康的威胁。建议开发经济有效、环境友好的基于资源再利用的物理拆解回收方法,以解决电子垃圾拆解区重金属污染问题。  相似文献   

贺振  李光明  安莹  贺文智 《四川环境》2012,31(6):133-137
电子废弃物产量大、毒害重、资源性显著的特性已经引起人们广泛关注,电子废弃物的回收管理已成为研究热点,利用信息化技术管理电子废弃物回收工作将是未来发展的趋势。本文简要概述了无线射频识别技术(Radio Fre-quency Identification,RFID)及依赖其识别特性和准确定位追踪的技术优势在各领域的广泛应用,继而从提高电子废弃物回收效率、利于全程管理和记录电子产品信息3个方面,对无线射频识别技术在电子废弃物回收中的应用优势进行了重点评述,并分析了其在电子废弃物回收管理过程中的重要意义。同时,结合目前无线射频识别技术在城市生活垃圾收运管理中的研究成果,对今后电子废弃物信息化回收管理做出了展望。  相似文献   

人类社会发展到今天,创造了前所未有的文明,同时也带来了一系列环境问题。诸如废电脑、废家电、废通讯工具等废弃“电子垃圾”以及制造这砦电器过程中产生的各类废弃物占用着大量资源,对这蝼废旧电子器件和电子材料的不合理处置和回收会给环境造成极大污染。因此,广泛开展有关废旧电器和各类废旧电子材料回收利用方面的研究,使这些宝贵的二次资源得到科学合理的资源化和无害化处置,对保证人类所需生产和生活资源的永续利用,促进人类的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章结合废旧电器回收利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

本文围绕以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收环节,基于EPR电子生活垃圾回收实验及目前电子类生活垃圾的回收激励政策和效果,运用典型相关分析方法确定激励政策及政策效果的主要影响变量,研究以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收的激励政策与政策效果之间的关系,强化电子类生活垃圾回收的政策措施,扩大政策效果,促进资源的回收及再利用。本文设定的回收激励政策包括政府对废旧手机回收率的最低要求、优惠力度以及获得高优惠的最低回收率要求,政策效果包括废旧手机实际回收率、销售市场营业额以及生产者补贴总额等方面。研究结果表明,电子类生活垃圾回收激励政策与政策效果之间存在着显著的相关关系,其中,获得高优惠的最低回收率对废旧手机实际回收率有显著抑制作用,废旧手机回收率的最低要求对销售市场营业额有显著抑制作用。本文在此基础上给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

湖南省同力电子废弃物回收拆解利用有限公司成立于2010年7月,注册资本2000万元。公司为湖南汨罗再生资源回收利用市场和加工示范基地。国家“城市矿产”示范基地的骨干、规模企业;为中国再生资源回收利用协会电子废弃物回收处理分会理事会员单位、湖南省再生资源回收利用协会理事会员单位、湖南环境科学学会常务理事会员单位、中国环保产业协会会员单位。  相似文献   

信息时代的到来,使电子工业迅猛发展。伴随着电子工业的高速发展,电子废弃物污染不可避免地摆在了我们面前。为了规范废弃电器电子产品的回收处理活动,促进资源综合利用和循环经济发展,保护环境,保障人体健康,《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)将于2011年1月1日正式实施。  相似文献   

为提高中国肉类企业生产水平,促进中小企业采用环境友好技术,改善企业环境友好现状,本文基于回收的有效调研问卷,从当前企业生产的环境友好行为意向和企业采用的环境友好型技术着手,重点分析在加工过程中企业对环境的重视程度、资源回收利用情况以及资源环境培训情况;对企业的加工技术和废水处理技术等方面进行对比,并对企业环境友好状况做简单分析;最后对中国中小型肉类企业环境友好型发展提出改进措施及建议。  相似文献   

循环经济作为一种经济发展模式的革命,其发展水平的科学定量评价一直是循环经济基础理论问题之一。本文根据资源流转平衡原理,以企业资源的物质流转路线为基础,通过描绘和追踪其生产流程过程的资源投入、消耗、产出及废弃的价值信息,从投入、消耗与循环、输出三环节构建循环经济评价指标体系,采用AHP&MLR综合评价方法对电解铝企业循环经济的发展状况作了实证研究,从而为其及相关企业资源流转价值的时空转移、循环经济的发展提供一种有效的评价手段。  相似文献   

China is the largest steel producer and consumer around the world. Quantifying the Chinese steel flow from cradle to grave can assist this industry to fully understand its historical status and future options on production route transformation, capacity planning, scrap availability, resource and energy consumption. With the help of the systematic methods combined dynamic MFA (material flow analysis) with scenario analysis, the Chinese steel cycle during the first half of the 21st century was quantified and several thought-provoking conclusions were draw. In the past decade, lots of pig iron or molten iron was fed into EAF (electric arc furnace) and the scrap usage of EAF fluctuated slightly. Thus, the real scrap-EAF route share is much lower than the EAF production share. On the other hand, we reconfirmed that the scrap supply in China will rise significantly in the future. Meanwhile, the secondary production route share will grow sharply and exceed primary production share before or after 2050 depending on our options. The scrap recycling rate and construction's lifetime play a vital role in this trend. In the end, an intensive discussion on production capacities’ adjustment and energy and resource consumption was conducted and relative policy suggestions were given. It is worth noting that scrap usage is crucial to future energy saving and emissions reduction of Chinese steel sector and its energy consumption might peak as early as 2015.  相似文献   

选取川南页岩气区块为研究对象,运用过程生命周期评估和投入产出生命周期方法核算页岩气开采生命周期的直接和间接用水量,并与美国Marcellus页岩气区块用水量进行比较。川南区块总直接用水量为22 928 m^3/井,高于Marcellus区块的总直接用水量15 320 m^3/井。从生命周期阶段来看,川南页岩气开采钻井和压裂阶段的直接用水均远大于Marcellus区块。结合水环境管理指标,自然资源禀赋条件主要决定了直接用水量的差异。川南区块总间接用水量为25 098 m^3/井,超过总直接用水量,约为Marcellus区块总间接用水量的3倍。除井场准备阶段外,其余阶段的间接用水量均大于Marcellus区块,间接用水量的差异与钻井和压裂过程的添加剂、能源使用量和全行业用水效率有关。减少川南区块页岩气开发用水量的主要途径包括提高钻井液和压裂液回用率、改善钻井和压裂添加剂使用效率、提高柴油和电力等能源利用效率和全行业用水效率。  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate on the use of resource accounting tools in regional policy-making. The Northern Limits project applied material flow analysis (MFA) and ecological footprinting (EF) to regional policy-making in Northern Ireland over a number of years. The early phase of the research informed the regions first sustainable development strategy which was published in 2006 with key targets relating to the EF and improving the resource efficiency of the economy. Phase II identified the next steps required to address data availability and quality and the use of MFA and EF in providing a measurement and monitoring framework for the strategy and the development of the strategy implementation plan. The use of MFA and EF in sustainable regional policy-making and the monitoring of its implementation is an ongoing process which has raised a number of research issues which can inform the ongoing application and development of these and other resource accounting tools to within Northern Ireland, provide insights for their use in other regions, and help set out the priorities for research to support this important policy area.  相似文献   

EU's long-term objective is to become a recycling and resource effective society, where waste is utilized as a resource and waste generation is prevented. A system dynamics model was developed to analyze the policy mechanisms that promote packaging material efficiency in products through increased recycling rates. The model includes economic incentives such as packaging and landfill taxes combined with market mechanisms, behavioral aspects and ecological considerations in terms of material efficiency (the packaging material per product unit, recycled fraction in products). The paper presents the results of application of various policy instruments for increasing packaging material efficiency and recovery rate and reducing landfilled fraction. The results show that a packaging tax is an effective policy instrument for increasing the material efficiency. It ensures the decrease of the total consumption of materials and subsequent waste generation. The tax helps to counteract a rebound effect, which, as identified by the analysis, can be caused by reduced material costs due to eco-design. The model is applied to the case of Latvia. Yet, the elements and structure of the model developed are similar to waste management systems in many countries. By changing numeric values of certain parameters, the model can be applied to analyze policy mechanisms in other countries.  相似文献   

The material flow analysis method can be used to assess the impact of environmental sanitation systems on resource consumption and environmental pollution. However, given the limited access to reliable data, application of this data-intensive method in developing countries may be difficult. This paper presents an approach allowing to develop material flow models despite limited data availability. Application of an iterative procedure is of key importance: model parameter values should first be assessed on the basis of a literature review and by eliciting expert judgement. If model outputs are not plausible, sensitive input parameters should be reassessed more accurately. Moreover, model parameters can be expressed as probability distributions and variable uncertainty estimated by using Monte Carlo simulation. The impact of environmental sanitation systems on the phosphorus load discharged into surface water in Hanoi, Vietnam, is simulated by applying the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of phosphorus (P) use in farming has raised concerns regarding its conservation and environmental impact. Increasing the P use efficiency (PUE) is an approach to mitigating these adverse impacts. In this study, we applied substance flow analysis (SFA) to establish a life-cycle P use efficiency model to determine the life-cycle PUE of the farming system used in Anhui Province in 2011, which is typical of the agriculture practiced in central China. Based on this model, the P flows and PUEs of five subsystems were identified and quantified: crop farming, crop processing, livestock breeding, rural living, and urban living. The three largest P flows were found in the crop farming and livestock breeding subsystems; it can therefore be concluded that these subsystems have substantial impacts on the entire farming system. In contrast, the PUEs of crop farming, rural consumption, and livestock breeding subsystems presented the three lowest PUEs (58.79%, 71.75%, and 76.65%, respectively). These results were also consistent with the finding that the greatest P losses occurred in crop farming and livestock breeding. Consequently, the study proposes that great potential exists for increasing PUEs in the farming system of Anhui, and several of the most promising measures could be combined for improving PUEs. Finally, the study assesses data quality and presents a sensitivity analysis for use in interpreting the results. The study also shows that improving PUE and decreasing P losses in farming systems through improved nutrient management must be considered an important issue, and this study represents valuable experience in resource conservation and agricultural development in China.  相似文献   

An iron resource efficiency is proposed to define a measure of the natural iron resources saved in the steel manufacturing process. A simplified iron flow diagram is presented for the steel manufacturing process. The influences of various deviations in iron flow from the simplified iron flow diagram on iron resource efficiency are analyzed. The relationships between iron resource efficiency of unit processes and the final product are also discussed. As an example, data from a steel plant are used to analyze the influence of iron flow on its iron resource efficiency of finial product in the steel manufacturing process, the influence of iron resource efficiency of unit process on iron resource efficiency of the final product, and give some measures to improve the iron resource efficiency of the steel manufacturing process.  相似文献   

In our continued effort in reducing resource consumption, greener technologies such as rainwater harvesting could be very useful in diminishing our dependence on desalinated or treated water and the associated energy requirements. This paper applies exergy analysis and exergetic efficiency to evaluate the performance of eight different scenarios of urban rainwater harvesting systems in the Mediterranean-climate Metropolitan Area of Barcelona where water is a scarce resource. A life cycle approach is taken, where the production, use, and end-of-life stages of these rainwater harvesting systems are quantified in terms of energy and material requirements in order to produce 1 m3 of rainwater per year for laundry purposes. The results show that the highest exergy input is associated with the energy uses, namely the transport of the materials to construct the rainwater harvesting systems. The scenario with the highest exergetic efficiency considers a 24 household building with a 21 m3 rainwater storage tank installed below roof. Exergy requirements could be minimized by material substitution, minimizing weight or distance traveled.  相似文献   

An improved understanding of the cascading structure of recycling is important for increasing resource productivity. The cascading theory, developed to analyze resource cascading, has two major dimensions; resource quality and resource lifetime. The latter is the only dimension for which a quantitative evaluation has been carried out in the previous research. In this study, we propose new tools to quantify both dimensions. These tools enable statistical estimation of the times of utilization of the material cascaded. The pre-circulation index (pre-CI) counts how many times the material has been utilized before consumption. For material in which quality deterioration is measurable largely on the basis of the number of utilization times, pre-CI can be an index of resource quality. The post-circulation index (post-CI) counts how many times the material will be utilized after consumption. The higher the number of utilization times, the longer the lifetime of the material. Thus, post-CI can be an index of resource lifetime. Total-circulation index (TCI) is the sum of pre- and post-CIs. This can be an overall index of resource productivity. We apply the method presented herein to an analysis of the paper recycling system in Japan. Some important features of the CIs are demonstrated by the results; certain potential remains for further improvements in paper recycling in Japan. In the case that two products have the same utilization rates, their pre-CIs can still differ according to the positions they occupy in the cascade. In the case that two recycling policies achieve the same size of primary raw material reduction, they can still differ in their impact to the whole cascade. By the method described herein, the CIs can represent the structure of a material cascade quantitatively and offer important knowledge by which to increase resource productivity.  相似文献   

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