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The metal removal capability of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) and natural zeolite is evaluated in this study using zinc as a model adsorbate. The equilibrium and kinetic characteristics of zinc adsorption on GAC and natural zeolite were studied in batch stirred tank experiments. The adsorption data for both systems were fitted by Langmuir, Freundlich, Langmuir-Freundlich, and Redlich-Peterson models. The parameters in the adsorption isotherms were estimated from the experimental equilibrium data using MATLAB. Using these data the best isotherm can be selected. The effect of initial concentration on the transient behaviour of zinc removal by GAC and natural zeolite was investigated. In this work two surface reaction models, namely a second order reversible reaction model and a second order irreversible reaction model for describing Zn(II) removal by GAC and natural zeolite, were employed. Modelling studies using two different second order surface reaction models demonstrated that it is very difficult to come to a general conclusion about which model has better ability. 相似文献
以絮状活性污泥为接种污泥,以甲基叔丁醚(MTBE)为唯一碳源,通过调控运行参数,在SBR反应器中可成功培养出降解MTBE的好氧颗粒污泥.成熟的好氧颗粒污泥平均粒径为202.7 μm,污泥容积指数(SVI)为75 mg/L,污泥混合液挥发性悬浮固体(MLVSS)为1 311 mg/L,污泥表面可观察到球菌、短杆菌和长杆菌等不同菌落.反应器进水MTBE高达650 mg/L时,出水可维持在10 mg/L以下,去除率达98%以上(其中挥发部分约占25%).变性梯度凝胶电泳(DGGE)指纹图表明,稳定阶段污泥内微生物种群丰富,且种类与数量基本保持稳定. 相似文献
采用微生物法处理低浓度甲醛废水达标排放是比较经济的方法之一.在研究中采用序批式活性污泥法(SBR)工艺,考察了曝气时间、进水甲醛浓度、进水 pH 和水温对微生物净化低浓度甲醛废水的影响.结果表明,随着曝气时间的延长,活性污泥对甲醛的去除率增大.进水甲醛浓度在 40~120 mg/L 范围内,随着浓度升高甲醛污泥负荷增加,微生物对甲醛的降解速率增加,但对甲醛的去除率降低.活性污泥在 pH 为 5~7 的中性和弱酸性环境中对甲醛的降解速率较高.在15~35℃范围内,污泥对废水中甲醛的去除率随温度升高而上升,微生物对甲醛的降解速率随温度升高呈指数递增趋势. 相似文献
Endosulfan is among the most widely used pesticides in developing countries and other parts of the world and has been found to contaminate various parts of the environment, including drinking water sources. In an earlier study to find a suitable adsorbent to remove endosulfan, wood charcoal was found to give promising results. In the present study, the process controlling the rate of endosulfan sorption onto wood charcoal and the mechanism of removal were examined using various methodologies. Both film and pore diffusion coefficients were determined, and the linearity of the rate constants of adsorption with initial endosulfan concentrations revealed the process to be controlled by film diffusion. This was supported by the linear fit of the rate constants with the inverse of the diameter of adsorbent particles and the change in adsorption rates with agitation speed. Multiple interruption tests also revealed that endosulfan sorption onto wood charcoal is controlled by film diffusion. The increase in reaction rate constant with temperature and isosteric heat of adsorption in the range of -2.655 to 5.185 kcal/mol implied that the endosulfan removal process was endothermic in nature. The activation energy of 2.33 kcal/mol, which was less than 12 kcal/mol, revealed that the removal mechanism could be attributed to physisorption with a major contribution of van der Waals and electrostatic forces. 相似文献
为提高反应器的稳定性,同时对硫循环协同反硝化生物除磷(DS-EBPR)颗粒污泥和絮体污泥的脱氮除磷效果以及物质转化规律进行对比研究,实验采用序批式活性污泥反应器(SBR)分别培养DS-EBPR絮体污泥和颗粒污泥。结果表明:GSBR(颗粒污泥SBR)乙酸根平均去除率和磷平均去除率均高于FSBR(絮体污泥SBR);且GSBR中PHA(聚羟基脂肪酸)的作用机制相比于FSBR明显优于glycogen(糖原),表明GSBR具有更好的功能微生物富集作用;反应器运行过程中poly-S(聚硫颗粒)储存形式的转变表明DS-EBPR系统中poly-S的转化形式并不是根据反应阶段固定的,而是根据系统能量供需状态变化的,且对比硫循环转化效果显示GSBR的能量利用效率高于FSBR。 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Elevated concentrations of heavy metals in water can be toxic to humans, animals, and aquatic organisms. A study was conducted on the removal of Cu,... 相似文献
通过静态吸附实验,比较了13种不同材质、粒径的颗粒活性炭(granular activated carbon,GAC)对抗生素废水生化出水的吸附效果,选择KC16活性炭作为处理该废水的活性炭。KC16活性炭的进一步静态实验结果表明,当KC16活性炭投加量为30 g/L,吸附时间为6 h时,处理效果较好,TOC、COD、UV254、色度的去除率分别达到了86.99%、88.43%、89.69%和94.08%,并且污染物质(COD、TOC)的吸附符合Langmuir吸附等温式,吸附动力学符合准二级吸附动力学模型(R2>0.99)。动态吸附结果表明,在滤速为1.0 m/h,柱高为1 200 mm时,出水可以达到GB21903-2008《发酵类工业废水污染物排放标准》,处理每吨抗生素废水的活性炭用量为2.45 kg。 相似文献
Elimination of alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEO) and their degradation products (alkylphenols and alkylphenoxy carboxylates), as well as linear alkylbenzene sulfonates (LAS) and coconut diethanol amides (CDEA), was studied in a pilot plant membrane bioreactor (MBR) working in parallel to a full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) using conventional activated sludge (CAS). In the CAS system 87% of parent long ethoxy chain NPEOs were eliminated, but their decomposition yielded persistent acidic and neutral metabolites which were poorly removed. The elimination of short ethoxy chain NPEOs (NP(1)EO and NP(2)EO) averaged 50%, whereas nonylphenoxy carboxylates (NPECs) showed an increase in concentrations with respect to the ones measured in influent samples. Nonylphenol (NP) was the only nonylphenolic compound efficiently removed (96%) in the CAS treatment. On the other hand, MBR showed good performance in removing nonylphenolic compounds with an overall elimination of 94% for the total pool of NPEO derived compounds (in comparison of 54%-overall elimination in the CAS). The elimination of individual compounds in the MBR was as follows: 97% for parent, long ethoxy chain NPEOs, 90% for short ethoxy chain NPEOs, 73% for NPECs, and 96% for NP. Consequently, the residual concentrations were in the low mug/l level or below it. LAS and CDEA showed similar elimination in the both wastewater treatment systems that were investigated, and no significant differences were observed between the two treatment processes. Nevertheless, for all studied compounds the MBR effluent concentrations were consistently lower and independent of the influent concentrations. Additionally, MBR effluent quality in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH(4)(+) concentration and total suspended solids (TSS) was always superior to the ones of the CAS and also independent of the influent quality, which demonstrates high potential of MBRs in the treatment of municipal wastewaters. 相似文献
以5种不同污水处理厂的污泥为原料,采用ZnCl2活化法(ZnCl2与污泥的投配质量比例为3∶5,活化24 h,炭化温度为550℃,炭化1 h)制备污泥活性炭。并对制得的污泥活性炭的比表面积、粒径分布、孔径分布、官能团及制备后浸出毒性等进行表征,初步判定来自不同污水厂、不同类型污泥化学改性后制得活性炭具有较好的吸附性能,从技术角度上看,作为废水的净水剂是可行的。 相似文献
Bioretention, also known as rain garden, allows stormwater to soak into the ground through a soil-based medium, leading to removal of particulate and dissolved pollutants and reduced peak flows. Although soil organic matter (SOM) is efficient at sorbing many pollutants, amending the bioretention medium with highly effective adsorbents has been proposed to optimize pollutant removal and extend bioretention lifetime. The aim of this research was to investigate whether soil amended with activated carbon produced from sewage sludge increases the efficiency to remove hydrophobic organic compounds frequently detected in stormwater, compared to non-amended soil. Three lab-scale columns (520 cm3) were packed with soil (bulk density 1.22 g/cm3); activated carbon (0.5% w/w) was added to two of the columns. During 28 days, synthetic stormwater—ultrapure water spiked with seven hydrophobic organic pollutants and dissolved organic matter in the form of humic acids—was passed through the column beds using upward flow (45 mm/h). Pollutant concentrations in effluent water (collected every 12 h) and polluted soils, as well as desorbed amounts of pollutants from soils were determined using GC-MS. Compared to SOM, the activated carbon exhibited a significantly higher adsorption capacity for tested pollutants. The amended soil was most efficient for removing moderately hydrophobic compounds (log K
ow 4.0–4.4): as little as 0.5% (w/w), carbon addition may extend bioretention medium lifetime by approximately 10–20 years before saturation of these pollutants occurs. The column tests also indicated that released SOM sorb onto activated carbon, which may lead to early saturation of sorption sites on the carbon surface. The desorption test revealed that the pollutants are generally strongly sorbed to the soil particles, indicating low bioavailability and limited biodegradation. 相似文献
An activated carbon bed adsorption process is influenced by the adsorbents' characteristics, volatile organic compound (VOC) characteristics, and process conditions. In the literatures, the adsorption processes of the adsorbents and VOCs were usually considered to be in equilibrium. In this study, the VOC adsorption processes by activated carbon were considered to be a kinetic process, i.e. they are not in equilibrium. Then, isothermal adsorption curves and a small column experiment were simulated. 相似文献
The goal of this study was to compare removal efficiencies of tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) using typical wastewater treatment technologies, and to identify the most significant mechanisms of removal. Two types of municipal wastewater reactors were studied: a full-scale conventional activated sludge (CAS) reactor with tertiary treatment; and three pilot-scale membrane bioreactors (MBRs) having different sludge retention times (SRTs). All four reactors were fed the same influent. A third reactor type, a membrane aerated biofilm reactor (MABR) was fed tap water, ammonia, and TBBPA. TBBPA in municipal influent ranged from 1 to 41 ng L −1 ( n = 10). The CAS effluent had an average TBBPA concentration of 0.7 ± 1.3 ng L −1 ( n = 3). Effluent concentrations from the MBRs were an average of 6 ± 6 ng L −1 TBBPA ( n = 26). Significant TBBPA removal was observed in the MABR throughout the 5 week of study ( p ? 0.05). Removal of TBBPA from wastewater treatment was found to be due to a combination of adsorption and biological degradation. Based on experimental results, nitrification is likely a key process therein. No significant relationship between removal of TBBPA and SRT was identified ( p ? 0.05). 相似文献
Pharmaceuticals are bioactive compounds generally resistant to biodegradation, which can make them problematic when they are released into nature. The use pattern for pharmaceuticals means that they are discharged into water via sewage treatment plants. Also surfactants are discharged through sewage treatment plants, primarily due to their use in detergents and shampoos and other cleaners. In this study the acute toxicity to Daphnia magna of four pharmaceuticals (ciprofloxacin, ibuprofen, paracetamol and zinc pyrithione) and seven surfactants (C8 alkyl glucoside, C6 alkyl glucoside, sodium caprylimidiopropionate, tallow-trimethyl-ammonium chloride, potassium decylphosphate, propylheptanol ethoxylate and alkylmonoethanolamide ethoxylate) was determined. Abiotic (without activated sludge bacteria) and biotic (with activated sludge bacteria) detoxification was also determined. The 24-h EC50s ranged from 2 μg L(-1) for the most toxic substance (zinc pyrithione) to 2 g L(-1) for the least toxic compound (C6 alkyl glucoside). Detoxification rates determined as the ratio between initial EC50 and EC50 after 1 week in water with activated sludge bacteria ranged from 0.4 (paracetamol) to 13 (zinc pyrithione). For most of these chemicals detoxification rate decreased after 1 week, but for one (alkylmonoethanolamide ethoxylate) it increased from about 2 to 30 times after 2 weeks. Many of these chemicals were "detoxified" also abiotically at about the same rate as biotically. Further studies are needed to determine the degradation products that were precipitated (aggregated) for some of the tested chemicals. Altogether, this study has shown that there are large differences in toxicity among chemicals entering sewage treatment plants, but also that the detoxification of them can differ. Therefore, the detoxification should receive more attention in the hazard and risk assessment of chemicals entering sewage treatment plants. 相似文献
Dimeric cationic surfactants with different lengths of carbon chains were synthesised, and then these surfactants were added to the activated sludge samples to evaluate the dewaterability and settleability. The adsorbability of cationic surfactants on activated sludge was also studied. By comparing the dewatering performances of different cationic surfactants, the effect mechanisms of cationic surfactant are elucidated. The dimeric cationic surfactants can not significantly improve the filtration performance of activated sludge, however, they can apparently decrease the moisture content in filtration cake and bound water content. 相似文献
采用微波加热法,以污水厂剩余污泥为原料,磷酸为污泥活化剂制备污泥活性炭.微波功率、辐照时间和磷酸浓度对污泥活性炭吸附性能具有显著影响,在最佳工艺条件微波功率480 W、辐照时间315 s和磷酸浓度40%条件下制得的活性炭碘值301 mg/g,比表面积168 m2/g,污泥中重金属绝大部分被固化.与传统商品炭相比,污泥炭孔隙结构以中孔为主.利用该活性炭处理城市生活污水处理厂出水,COD去除率可达87%以上,污泥炭的吸附等温线用Langmuir等温吸附模型进行描述. 相似文献
对沸石联合生物吸附再生工艺用于城市污水脱氮的可行性进行了系统的研究。研究结果表明,对于城市污水,在3h的水力停留时间下,当沸石投加量为120mg/L时,平均出水氨氮为3.18mg/L,总氮为16.3mg/L,COD为29.2mg/L。在硝化细菌的作用下沸石粉能够得到有效的生物再生,试验中再生率达到了80%。 相似文献
对沸石联合生物吸附再生工艺用于城市污水脱氮的可行性进行了系统的研究。研究结果表明,对于城市污水,在3h的水力停留时间下,当沸石投加量为120mg/L时,平均出水氨氮为3.18mg/L,总氮为16.3mg/L,COD为29.2mg/L。在硝化细菌的作用下沸石粉能够得到有效的生物再生,试验中再生率达到了80%。 相似文献
Sorptive uptake of lignin and tannin from an aqueous phase by activated charcoal was investigated in the laboratory. The sorption reaction was found to be of a first order. The influence on the rate of sorption of various factors, such as amount of sorbent and pH of the system, have been investigated. Sorption data fit well into the Langmuir adsorption isotherm, indicating formation of a monolayer over a homogeneous sorbent surface. Sorption capacity, rate constant, intraparticle diffusion coefficient, etc. were calculated from the sorption data. Desorption studies indicate the irreversible nature of the sorption reaction, whereas interruption studies suggest film diffusion to be rate limiting. 相似文献
立足于污泥的资源化,利用化学活化法制得的污泥基活性炭,处理次甲基蓝染料废水.考察了污泥活性炭的粒径以及染料废水的pH值对染料脱色效果以及活性炭的吸附量的影响,并对吸附过程进行等温吸附线和吸附动力学分析.结果表明,在本研究的范围内,污泥活性炭的粒径越小、染料废水的pH值越高,则污泥活性炭对染料废水的吸附效果越好.当粒径在200目以上时,去除率及吸附量分别为88.2%和136.7 mg/g;当pH值为11时,去除率和吸附量分别为90.4%和91.9 mg/g.污泥活性炭对次甲基蓝染料的吸附脱除符合Langmuir吸附等温线和Lagergren准二级动力学方程. 相似文献