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植物用“化学武器”自卫 千万别以为,化学武器只有“聪明的人”才能发明使用,植物,也有它们自身的化学武器,当它们受到外来侵犯时, 会动用这些武器进行自卫。比如龙舌兰、夹竹桃、南瓜、西红柿、马铃薯等都有自卫的能力。 南瓜植株在遭到昆虫危害时会立即产生一种毒素,使昆虫难以忍受而避开;龙舌兰含有能使动物红细胞破裂的植物醇;夹竹桃含有强心苷可以杀死昆虫,人畜吃多了也会中毒甚至死亡;  相似文献   

为合理开发利用九阜山省级自然保护区野生兰科植物资源,对该区野生兰科植物资源进行了调查。结果表明,该区共有野生兰科植物12属16种,列出了该区每种野生兰科植物的属名、学名、生活型、主要用途、生境及其分布海拔,对其种类组成、属的分布区类型、生活型、生态环境、开发利用价值、资源分布与贮量进行了分析,提出了保护与开发利用措施。  相似文献   

安徽省黄山市有野生兰科植物24属36种,是安徽省兰科植物的集中分布区,且多数种类都具有观赏和药用价值。分析了开发利用中存在的问题,并就其永续利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

殷玉婷 《环境教育》2009,(12):23-27
雅长兰科植物自治区级自然保护区是中国第一个以兰科植物命名并以其为重点保护对象的保护区,是中国众多保护区中最为独特的一个保护区。中国具有丰富多样的稀有物种和受威胁的物种,如具有丰富多样的世界上最奇特和最珍稀的兜兰和杓兰属植物。  相似文献   

云南兰花生物技术的商品化开发   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
云南是我国兰科植物资源最丰富的地区,云南兰花共100属472种,中国传统的观赏兰花-兰属植物和具开发潜力的热带兰种类多、分布广,使云南成为天然的兰花资源基因 。近年来,采挖性的商品开发导致云南丰富的兰花资源遭到严重破坏。  相似文献   

正象鼻兰(Nothodoritis zhejiangensis Z.H.Tsi),是兰科蝴蝶属中国特有种植物,是安徽近年发现的继银缕梅、大别山五针松、霍山石斛、毛柄小勾儿茶、长序榆之后,第六个国家级极小种群保护物种。象鼻兰问世多曲折,鉴定迟到16年当你走进浙江天目山禅源寺的山门,首先看到的是那株底下立有石碑、老枝苍劲、凝绿泛翠的古罗汉松。罗汉松是优良的庭院树种之一,更是寺庙栽培的首选  相似文献   

贤人们的这种以龙自喻,和人们的以龙喻美贤人,共同构成了我国古代龙文化中的进步面,是我国古代龙文化中最光辉灿烂的部分。  相似文献   

贤人们的这种以龙自喻,和人们的以龙喻美贤人,共同构成了我国古代龙文化中的进步面,是我国古代龙文化中最光辉灿烂的部分。  相似文献   

薄暮冥冥,宿鸟归飞。两位向导请我们到一个傣家村寨吃晚饭。勐腊县地处西双版纳腹地,热带雨林特征极为明显。县城里植物"肆虐",在别处挺小巧的花草到这里全生得巨大无比。楼旁竹子就有碗口粗细,十几棵聚集在一起,东一堆,西一簇的,当地人叫它们"龙竹"。我们乘车出城,在暮色中顺着香蕉林和高大的青竹丛,梦幻  相似文献   

蝴蝶兰的组织培养快速繁殖技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蝴蝶兰(Phalaenopsis)为单茎气生兰类,多为热带附生兰,产于亚洲热带地区,是兰科植物中栽培最广泛的种类之一。蝴蝶兰花丽叶大,一枝花序有数朵花,每朵花的直径约6crn,花期多集中在2~5月,有的品种花期长达数月,深受世界各国人民的喜爱。蝴蝶兰的市场前景广阔,但由于它是单茎气生兰,其无性繁殖比其它兰花更困难,因此建立商品化蝴蝶兰生产体系,选择繁殖方法是非常重要的。蝴蝶兰的快速繁殖主要通过种子无萌萌发和进行外植体组织培养方法。1种子无菌前发蝴蝶兰的果实为长形勒果。魏果经外表面消毒处理后,在无菌条件下特种子插入…  相似文献   

Urban ecological systems: scientific foundations and a decade of progress   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Urban ecological studies, including focus on cities, suburbs, and exurbs, while having deep roots in the early to mid 20th century, have burgeoned in the last several decades. We use the state factor approach to highlight the role of important aspects of climate, substrate, organisms, relief, and time in differentiating urban from non-urban areas, and for determining heterogeneity within spatially extensive metropolitan areas. In addition to reviewing key findings relevant to each state factor, we note the emergence of tentative "urban syndromes" concerning soils, streams, wildlife and plants, and homogenization of certain ecosystem functions, such as soil organic carbon dynamics. We note the utility of the ecosystem approach, the human ecosystem framework, and watersheds as integrative tools to tie information about multiple state factors together. The organismal component of urban complexes includes the social organization of the human population, and we review key modes by which human populations within urban areas are differentiated, and how such differentiation affects environmentally relevant actions. Emerging syntheses in land change science and ecological urban design are also summarized. The multifaceted frameworks and the growing urban knowledge base do however identify some pressing research needs.  相似文献   

党政办公室在高校的发展与建设中承担着组织、协调、服务、督办等重要的职能与作用.面对新形势、新任务、新要求,党政办公室要跟上时代的步伐,就必须不断开拓进取,建立一种新的、现代的、更加先进的工作理念、工作方式、工作机制,充分调动工作人员的创造性和积极性,提高高校党政办公室工作的效率,建设一流部门,争创一流业绩.  相似文献   

The interactions between humans, animals and the environment have shaped human values and ethics, not only the genes that we are made of. The animal rights movement challenges human beings to reconsider interactions between humans and other animals, and maybe connected to the environmental movement that begs us to recognize the fact that there are symbiotic relationships between humans and all other organisms. The first part of this paper looks at types of bioethics, the implications of autonomy and the value of being alive. Then the level of consciousness of these relationships are explored in survey results from Asia and the Pacific, especially in the 1993 International Bioethics Survey conducted in Australia, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, The Philippines, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. Very few mentioned animal consciousness in the survey, but there were more biocentric comments in Australia and Japan; and more comments with the idea of harmony including humans in Thailand. Comparisons between questions and surveys will also be made, in an attempt to describe what people imagine animal consciousness to be, and whether this relates to human ethics of the relationships. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The characterization of total and leachable metals in foundry molding sands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waste molding sands from the foundry industry have been successfully used as a component in manufactured soils, but concern over metal contamination must be addressed before many states will consider this beneficial use. Since there is little data available on this topic, the purpose of this study was to characterize total and leachable metals from waste molding sands. A total elemental analysis for Ag, Al, As, B, Ba, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, V, and Zn was conducted on 36 clay-bonded and seven chemically bonded molding sands. Total metal concentrations in the molding sands were similar to those found in agricultural soils. The leaching of metals (i.e. Ag, As, Ba, Be, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Zn) was assessed via the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP), synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP), and ASTM water leach test. Based on the TCLP data, none of the 43 molding sands would meet the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) characteristic for toxicity due to high Ag, As, Ba, Cd, Cr, and Pb. Compared to the TCLP results, the metal concentrations were generally lower in the SPLP and ASTM extracts, which is likely related to the buffering capacity of the extraction fluids.  相似文献   

The relationship between environmental protection (EP), the economy, and jobs has been an issue of harsh contention for decades. Does EP harm the economy and destroy jobs or facilitate economic growth and create jobs? We address this issue by summarizing the results of the Jobs and the Environment Initiative, research funded by nonprofit foundations to quantify the relationship between EP, the economy, and jobs. We estimate the size of the US environmental industry and the numbers of environment-related jobs at the national level and in the states of Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Ohio, and Wisconsin. This is the first time that such comprehensive, detailed estimates have been developed.  相似文献   

原料从开采、加工、再加工等生产过程到形成最终产品,又经过贮运、销售、消费、使用等过程,直至报废、回收和最终处置等生命周期带来不少环境问题。通过基于产品生命周期的设计、生产、流通、服役、退役等不同阶段,分别采用绿色设计、环境友好生产、生态标志认证、减少流通环节、绿色采购与消费、延伸生产者责任、建立回收与处置体系等环境管理模式,以减少甚至避免环境污染,为企业、管理部门、公众对产品全过程的环境管理提供系统认识和综合管理。  相似文献   

Best Available Techniques (BATs) contribute significantly to the reduction of industrial environmental burdens with respect to air pollution, wastewater, and solid wastes. In Europe, the application of BATs is prescribed by Directive 96/61/EC, which, however, leaves the selection of specific BATs to plant operators. In making their choices, installations have to consider not only the environmental benefits of BATs, but also all relevant cost components. In assessing the economic attractiveness of potential BATs and their combinations, as well as incentives and disincentives to be instituted, the cost of environmental externalities, usually not reflected in market prices, should be taken into account. In this paper, a decision-aid framework combining an assessment of environmental externalities and the utilization of multicriteria methods and, more specifically, Multiobjective Mathematical Programming, capable of addressing all these issues in a comprehensive and coherent manner, is presented. This is illustrated by its application for the region of Attica in Greece, where over 50% of the industrial basis and Athens, with its 4 million inhabitants, are located. The implementation of the framework and its associated tools to 800 installations led to the identification of the specific BATs, alone or in combination, that provide the most cost-effective reductions of four air pollutants (PM10, SO2, NOx, VOC) and CO2. The results also clearly demonstrate the increased pollution reductions that would result from the adoption of BATs made economically attractive by the inclusion of externalities. Estimates of investments and net present values with and without incentives/disincentives are also provided.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water-based outdoor recreation constitutes an important benefit in many multiple-use projects. One problem frequently encountered, however, is the fluctuation of the water-level in a reservoir, especially if draw-downs occur during the summer recreation season. The Trent Canal in Ontario, Canada, forms a unique recreation waterway of some 240 miles of canal and navigable lakes and rivers. For the control of the water in the canal, the Canadian Federal government manages 44 reservoir-lakes as water-storage sites to augment the flows in the canal. While most disputes in water allocation for recreation generally involve recreation uses versus other, non-recreation uses, in the case of the Trent Canal and its reservoir-lakes the dispute in water allocation exists between two competing recreation-uses: for recreation boating on the Canal and its waterway, and for recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Each use has its own duty-of-water in terms of requirements, or water conditions, for its optimum use. On the reservoir-lakes, by far the largest recreation user-group, is made up of the owners of private shoreline summer cottages (cabins). Draw-downs on the reservoir-lakes, in some cases as much as 13 feet, hence constitute a negative externality imposed by the canal, especially since water-level lowering takes place continuously throughout the summer. In-depth interviews conducted with over 100 cottage-owners indicate four main conclusions. First, the previous user assumptions of the extent of the negative effect of water-level fluctuation on recreation had been exaggerated. Only in extreme draw-downs during infrequent dry years would draw-down constitute a serious imposition. Second, water-level fluctuation does constitute a form of inconvenience to the private riparian recreation property owners, but it does not generally reduce the quantity of recreation use of the reservoir-lakes. Third, there is evidence that reservoir-lake users have learned to adapt successfully to water-level draw-downs. Fourth, the shoreline physiography of the location of a riparian owner strongly influences the way in which draw-down affects attitudes and opinions. The complex jurisdictional split of the land and water resources of the region points to the need to establish a Trent Canal Authority, to oversee the proper use and development of the canal, its waterway, and the reservoir-lakes.  相似文献   

The microbiological and physico-chemical characteristics of the drinking water supplied by the Central Borehole at the University of Benin, Ugbowo Campus were investigated. The investigation entailed assessment of the pH, turbidity, total suspended solids, total dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, temperature, salinity, conductivity, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate, sulphate, chloride, N-nitroso compounds, cadmium, chromium, nickel, lead, zinc, manganese, iron, coliform count, BOD5 and COD of the water at the Central Borehole and at ten residential quarters. The assessment indicated that the water was fit for drinking and other domestic applications. Results were also compared with WHO, EU and Nigeria FEPA standards. The results showed that the pH values of the water (5.01–5.86) and total coliform count (1–2/100 ml) expressed as MPN were outside the limits set by the WHO, EU and FEPA. The data also showed that the other water quality parameters assessed were within WHO, EU and FEPA permissible limits. The results of ANOVA showed that significant changes occurred during distribution.  相似文献   

介绍了污泥仓式堆肥工艺、进出仓系统的定义、分类与功能实现,分别阐述了进仓系统(装载机、容器式、螺旋式、皮带式)和出仓系统技术(装载机、刮板式、皮带式)的原理、主要优缺点、适用条件,以及进出仓系统存在的问题,并提出自动进出仓是该技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

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