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吉林省经济增长和环境变化的动态关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以吉林省为例,采用无残差完全分解方法和柯布-道格拉斯生产函数,分别提取环境变化和经济增长的驱动因子,在分析共同影响因子对环境系统和经济系统作用差异的基础上,应用异速生长模型分析经济子系统和环境子系统的相对变化关系.结果表明:经济增长和环境变化具有不同的增长维度,环境变化中的规模效应依赖于经济系统中资源要素的投入水平,而驱动经济增长的技术变化因子仅仅是引起环境变化技术效应的一个方面,环境系统的技术变化具有一定的独立性;经济增长和环境变化既有关联性也有差异性,经济系统主导形成二者倒“U”型的数量关系,而环境系统影响因子进一步决定了在何种污染程度上穿越环境高山;环境变化和经济增长的相对速率具有广义分维性质,环境系统和经济系统的负异速生长是实现可持续发展环境目标的根本途径.   相似文献   

环保产业是我国七大战略性新兴产业之一,加快发展环保产业是促进发展方式转型、提高经济增长质量的重要举措.基于空间非均衡性理论与测算方法,通过构建环保产业投入与产出评价指标,计算了我国环保产业投入与产出的基尼系数,探究了东中西部环保产业投入与产出的空间差异.结果表明,在2000年、2004年和2011年3个时间点,我国环保产业投入水平的基尼系数处于0.3~0.4区间内,呈现出地区间均衡发展的趋势;环保产业产出水平的基尼系数分别为0.33、0.40和0.45,即我国环保产业产出水平的区域差异愈加明显,对经济增长的贡献逐渐呈现出不均衡态势;环保产业投资效率的空间非均衡性明显,2011年基尼系数甚至达到0.72,即投资效率的极不均衡状态.此外,我国东中西部地区在环保产业投入水平方面基本一致,东部和中部地区在环保产出水平方面明显优于西部地区,东部地区在投资效率方面遥遥领先其他区域.基于我国环保产业发展空间非均衡性的特点,提出了加快环保产业发展的政策建议:保持东部地区的环保投入力度,发掘中西部地区环保产业发展的新动力,充分利用产业发展的空间溢出效应等.   相似文献   

IntroductionNowweallconcernourselveswiththecontemporaryproblemsofoverpopulation,resourceexploitation,environmentalpollutionand...  相似文献   

将矿产资源和生态环境要素纳入常规的柯布-道格拉斯(C-D)生产函数,构建资源-环境-经济综合诊断方法,并应用于以煤炭经济为主的鄂尔多斯市.结果显示,2001~2015年该市综合产出弹性为0.8158,呈规模报酬递减趋势;全市工业路径依赖于2001~2007年处于综合边际收益(MRKLME)上升过程,2008~2015年进入MRKLME下降过程.工业增长的生态环境成本明显升高,对MRKLME起到显著减降作用,导致MRKLME曲线拐点较常规C-D函数法提前约2~4a.对此,建议加大生态环境保护与治理力度、实施煤炭资源开发总量和强度“双控”等路径依赖破解措施.该方法可纠正由于未考虑资源和环境效应所产生的诊断偏差,有助于更加合理、准确地诊断特定资源型城市工业发展路径依赖的演化特点,并可据此提出有针对性的破解对策.  相似文献   

刘平养  李东轩 《中国环境科学》2019,39(11):4921-4928
电子商务在农村农业领域的快速发展带动了农民收入的增加,但是其作用路径和环境效应有待检验.以上海市青浦区为典型案例,利用264份新型农业经营主体的问卷调查数据,采用IV-ordered Probit模型和夏普利值分解法,研究了"电子商务+农业"模式的经济效应和环境效应.结果表明:电子商务的引入具有显著的农民增收效应,但主要以产量扩大型传导机制为主,反而加剧了农业生产的环境负效应.电子商务并非农民增收的关键因素,其贡献率仅为12%;发挥决定性作用的是新技术、新方法的应用带来的效率提升,以及生产规模扩大带来的规模经济效应,相应的夏普利分解贡献了达到31%和25%.这表明当前的"电子商务+农业"模式仍处于初级发展阶段,需要加强相应的规制和引导,实现从产量驱动阶段向质量驱动阶段转型.  相似文献   

基于能值理论的农田—畜禽生产系统可持续动态   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解我国东南丘陵山区农业生产动态及其可持续性,以福建典型山区德化县为例,构建废弃物能值比例、环境污染能值负产出等指标,运用能值理论定量分析德化县2007—2016年农田—畜禽生产系统投入产出、环境负荷及可持续性的变化。结果表明:德化县农田—畜禽生产系统能值投入以购买能值为主,占能值总投入的68%~79%,水资源能值约占21%~31%;畜禽子系统能值产出占72%以上;能值密度在2.68×1012~3.33×1012 sej·m-2之间波动上升,净能值产出率下降40%,环境负荷明显加重,2015年以来有所减轻;可持续发展指数在2007—2010年短暂上升后快速下降,由1.14降至0.42。从构建的指标来看,系统废弃物能值比例有所下降,环境污染能值产出减少约22%,综合经济效益和废弃物利用情况,近年来可持续发展状况逐渐好转。德化县目前正处于农田—畜禽系统产出结构调整期,应增加系统内部反馈能值用量,控制化肥、饲料投入,提高废弃物利用率,以实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

转变增长方式,推行清洁生产   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从我国资源承载力,环境污染的变化趋势及国际政治和国际贸易等方面,论述了维持我国经济持续发展,必须加速传统工业发展战略转移,走低消耗、低污染、高效益的发展道路。提出了经济增长与工业化战略及环保政策的思考和建议:加快产业结构转换和技术改造,大幅度降低单位产值的能耗物耗和污染物的排放:加速技术改造,推行工业清洁生产;增加环保投入,开辟资金来源。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1349-1358
Manufacturing processes may be viewed as operational units in the overall manufacturing/production system. Changes in technology, production patterns, and process settings are typically made at the process (unit) level. Very often, environmental problems are apparent when the manufacturing/production system is viewed as a whole (many units joined together). However, with the units aggregated to form a system, it is often difficult to identify the source of an environmental problem or judge the singular effect of changes to a process unit; the changes become lost in the complexity of the system as a whole. Recent efforts have employed input–output modeling to describe the flow of materials and the environmental consequences associated with manufacturing processes. A method is introduced for aggregating process-level material input–output models to form a combined material input–output model for a manufacturing system. The resulting model serves as a bridge between unit-level changes and broader system behaviors. The model form permits identification of opportunities for reducing environmental impacts at the process level (e.g., reduction of emissions, waste generation, and material use) and driving the system toward zero emissions based on an examination of the aggregated manufacturing system level model. Case studies are used to illustrate the application of the aggregated material input–output model to minimize waste and resource consumptions.  相似文献   

利用云南省1995~2007年经济与环境数据,建立了人均GDP与典型环境指标关系计量模型,分析了各类典型环境指标与GDP增长的关系。研究发现,云南省经济发展与环境污染水平的关系基本符合库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)特征。并通过分析拟合曲线得出结论:云南省目前仍然处于工业发展期,环境污染物排放量EKC转折点尚未达到,因此有必要保持环境污染控制的较高水平。  相似文献   

The Expert Working Group on “Improving the Role of Government in the Promotion of Environmental Management Accounting (EMA)” was set up by the United Nations Division for Sustainable Development (UN DSD) in cooperation with a number of government agencies and non-governmental experts to promote Environmental Management Accounting (EMA) through publications, pilot projects and by establishing an international forum for discussion on the role of governments in the promotion of EMA.EMA, Environmental management accounting represents a combined approach that provides for the transition of data from financial accounting, cost accounting and mass balances to increase material efficiency, reduce environmental impacts and risks and reduce costs of environmental protection. EMA is performed by private or public corporations, but not by nations and has a financial as well as a physical component.The core focus of environmental management accounting and of the EMA UN DSD methodology is assessment of total annual environmental expenditure on emission treatment, disposal, environmental protection and management. In addition, and that is new and challenging for most companies, the material purchase value of all non-product output and its production costs are added. This total sum often provides a frightening picture of total annual costs of inefficiency and gets companies to improve their information systems and material efficiency options, which is the goal in the light of cleaner production.The first book published by the Expert Working Group, Environmental Management Accounting—Procedures and Principles (Jasch, C., United Nations, New York, 2001), defines principles and procedures for EMA, with a focus on techniques for quantifying environmental expenditures or costs, as a basis for better controlling and benchmarking purposes. The methodology excludes costs external to the company (so-called externalities, e.g. environmental and social effects that occur to the general public), but focuses on comprehensive assessment of direct annual expenditure on emission treatment, environmental protection and management as well as wasted material and energy input (efficiency losses in production). Firstly, total annual expenditure is assessed, then improvement options, savings and investment projects as well as product prices can be (re-)calculated. The method is currently applied in several case studies. The following summary provides some of the core definitions and generic assessment tables.  相似文献   

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